Everything About Building Guns in EFT - Escape From Tarkov Guide

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one of the most important systems to learn in EFT is weapon modification but in order to understand how to build a weapon you need to learn all the associated stats and performance modifiers as well so today we'll be going over everything you need to know to become confident with weapon modification in Target before we get into it you can find me on Twitch at twitch.tvsoc or on Tick Tock under the same name I figured the best way to start this guide would be to introduce the primary gun stats you'll need to understand in EFT we'll start with the two most commonly discussed stats recoil and ergonomics ergonomics or Ergo for short affects a few different weapon handling mechanics and downside speed the volume of aiming down sights and the rate at which arm stamina drains while aiming down sights higher ergonomics means faster ads speed quieter weapon movement and slower arm stamina drain while adsing recoil is pretty self-explanatory and split up into vertical and horizontal stats the lower these recoil values the less bouncy a gun will feel when firing multiple shots when a weapons recoil is affected by parts or ammo both the vertical and horizontal stats are scaled at the same time most often you'll hear people refer to a weapons recoil by its vertical value since that's usually the lower of the two numbers it's also worth noting that two different types of weapons with the same recoil values does not mean they will feel the same for example a 50 recoil M4 will feel much different than a 50 recoil akm there are other stats which are not visible to us which dick take recoil patterns and overall weapon feel when firing there are also many less commonly discussed weapon stats weight for example affects ads speed and arm stamina drain but typically isn't considered too much when building a weapon as Ergo is the primary modifier effect in these stats accuracy which is measured in MOA determines how consistent shots will be if you were to aim and shoot at the exact same point a higher MOA means that there will be a greater variation in where shots will land when aimed at the same exact point an MOA of 1 means that at 100 yards is a one inch range in which a round will impact when shot this means that MOA is particularly important when shooting at greater distances muzzle velocity is one more stat worth mentioning as various components will affect it when modding a weapon it mainly helps determine how much a bullet will drop at significant distances but this can also be further affected by the type of round being used if you don't yet know how ammo stats work in EFT I highly recommend checking out my video on that topic as well now that we've gone over the basics of gun stats we should move on to the different methods the game has for modifying weapons the first you'll be introduced to is the inspect window in your stasher inventory you can double click on a gun or right click and hit inspect to open the inspect window you'll see all the stats we mentioned earlier as well as all the attachments and slots available on the gun in order to remove a part you can click and drag it off the gun slot or do the reverse to add a part certain components you will not be able to modify while in raid or while equipped you'll see this warning when hovering over such components while they're faded out you can also see if a part can be modified while in rate in its inspect screen the next screen you can use for modifying a weapon can be accessed by right-clicking the gun and selecting modded this screen is only available once you've unlocked the workbench in your hideout you'll see your weapon appear now at a much larger scale with all the available modifications expanded around it up top you'll see a few check boxes that let you enable or disable visibility of the different categories of Parts within each of these component drop downs you'll be able to instantly modify parts of your gun similar to how you would in the inspect window each drop down will only show compatible parts which you currently have loose somewhere in your stash the Third Way of modifying weapon also my preferred way is the edit preset screen this can also be accessed by right-clicking the weapon and selecting edit preset you'll be presented with a screen very similar to the modding screen we just looked at but with a few important differences in any of the component drop downs you'll no longer just see only compatible components that are in your stash you'll now see any compatible components that you've examined before if you select any of these components owned or not they won't automatically be attached to the gun after modifying your build you'll have to click the puzzle piece on the left side of the screen to confirm your choices and assemble to be presented with a list of any chosen components you don't currently own which you can ignore or proceed to a purchase screen by default you'll see only offers from Traders but you can disable this filter up top to view offers from players as well at the bottom of the screen you'll see the total price required to complete your purchase as well as the ability to purchase all listed Parts after purchasing you can return to the weapon modding screen and re-click the puzzle piece assemble button to build the gun I prefer this edit preset screen over the basic modding screen because I rarely have all the parts I need to complete my builds I also like that I can cycle through different parts while not actually confirming any choices until I'm ready you can also expand the stats window to check how different components will affect your build as you hover over them in order to dial in the exact stats you're shooting for while we're on the topic of the edit preset screen I should also mention that you have the ability to save presets you can do so in the top left corner of the screen and then access these presets later on by clicking the presets button in the bottom right corner of the screen while outside of raids next let's talk about the types of parts that guns are made up of to prefaces you do not need to have a deep understanding of real-life gum modification to make sense of tarkov's gum building well tarkov's gum building is more complex than any other game out there it does make it easy for you to understand compatibility and functionality let's start off simple if a gun's icon has a red overlay it's not currently functional and you may not be able to equip it it may have incompatible ammo in its magazine or more related to the focus of this video it may be missing an essential component every gun in EFT has a set of Parts which must be assembled to the gun in order for it to be functional examples of these on an M4 will be a barrel pistol grip or a handguard if one of these parts is missing you will not be able to equip the gun you can easily identify which part is missing in the modification or edit preset screen by looking for which drop down is highlighted in red you also May occasionally see that you'll be unable to attach a certain part because it conflicts with another part already attached to the gun if a part is faded out on the modding screen hover over it and the pop-up won't formula which part is conflicting you'll also see similar pop-ups whenever you try to just drag and drop a part onto a gun in your stash with any given part you can view what guns you have that it's compatible with by opening its inspect window and hovering over the arrow next to compatible with available this will open up a small drop down listing every gun you currently have which this part has the potential to be added to if you don't have any compatible guns available you can use linked search on the part to find what Gunner part it's directly compatible with moving on from compatibility we can talk about how different components affect stats as well as other factors worth considering stated earlier the two most primary stats that are considered when building a gun are ergonomics and recoil typically the lower recoil that you shoot for the lower your ergonomics are going to get longer builds will usually have lower recoil but low ergonomics while shorter more compact builds will have very high ergonomics but less desirable recoil for any given part you can view how it affects different stats on its inspect screen pistol grips will affect purely ergonomics the more you spend the more of an ergo boost you get four grips stocks and hand guards affect both recoil and ergonomics handguards will also determine if and what four grips or tactical devices can mount on your weapon muzzle devices such as compensators or suppressors have an effect on recoil and Ergo as well suppressors will prevent muzzle flash and reduce weapon sound as well as usually provide a solid reduction in Recoil but almost always come with a hefty reduction in ergonomics tactical devices such as lasers or flashlights come with a very slight Urban economics reduction but have a heavy effect on recoil reduction when Point firing despite it not being listed in their stats barrels will affect weapons based on length as stated earlier longer Barrels have greater recoil reduction but more of an ergonomics reduction gas blocks also affect recoil and Ergo charge handles will purely affect ergonomics and iron sights will also have a slight effect on Ergo magazines will obviously affect how many rounds your weapon can hold at a time but will also have an effect on Ergo for any other components always use the inspect screen or look at the stats window on the modding screen to see how it'll affect your build lastly I'd like to talk about types of builds you'll often hear the terms meta and budget thrown around pretty frequently when talking about builds but at what point is a gun considered metal and wouldn't one player's budget be different from the next in tarkov terms meta is usually reserved for guns that have best in slot parts to get the lowest possible recoil or retaining as much Ergo as possible for Budget builds thirty thousand rubles may be budget for some and 130 000 maybe budget for someone else for me personally budget really depends on the gun a budget M4 may be anything under 200k or the budget MP7 maybe 70k but just because you spend an extra hundred thousand on a gun doesn't mean you'll get the same jump in performance that you did from the first hundred thousand you spent on it many best in slot parts are purely priced at the high price they are because of Rarity as well as simply their status of being the best for example the basic strike industry's Advanced buffer tube provides a plus two ergonomics boost minus four percent recoil and minus two percent durability burn while the red variant has the same exact stats but with plus 5 accuracy and plus 2 to muzzle velocity added the basic version is sold for 11k from mechanic while the red version is sold for nearly 100K typically all the guns that you can use these tubes on already have extremely high accuracy and bullet speed so is it really worth an extra 90k for such a subtle stat change but that's for you to decide I highly recommend unlocking at least level 1 shooting range in your hideout so you can test out your builds figure out what guns you're comfortable with are you more of a long range player than maybe a semi-auto gun such as an sr-25 would fit you well if you'd like close range maybe you'd want to run a P90 once you figure out what gun you like try to see how its stats are affected and edit preset screen by testing out different parts then check the price and repeat until you find a balance between stats and budget I also want to very quickly mention the topic of durability the lower durability of a weapon the less accurate it will be and the higher chance it will have a malfunctioning certain gun parts such as suppressors will cause a higher durability burn to a gun when being used durability will also be drained more quickly when multiple rounds are fired in Rapid succession as the muzzle will quickly overheat keep this in mind when you run a gun for multiple rates I highly recommend always repairing your gun between every raid in order to keep it as functional as possible personally I avoid running guns once their durability is below the high 80s as malfunction chants continuously increases the lower the durability gets and that's going to be it for this video I tried to hit everything you need to know when building guns in EFT since it is pretty complex but without going so deep that it becomes confusing hopefully I did well and you learned a few things along the way but thank you very much for watching this video and I hope to see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: JonnyBooSock
Views: 59,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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