The SECRET Money Run For MILLIONS In .14 | Escape From Tarkov

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hello my friends welcome back to another video as you can see I am currently in Shoreline and we're going to make millions of rubles as you can see we are not going resort resort is over there we're going to go to the far Northeastern corner of the map uh the new camp area as you can see it's coming up right over there uh that's where the car extract is that's where the camp is and that is where we are going for tons and tons of loot I want to show you my load out really quickly we're in a live rate so hopefully I don't die uh bag is pretty decent just bring the biggest bag you can get your hands on and then two loadbearing chest Raks is or you can just use one or you can use none if you don't have the money uh these cost like 60 70k each but it's well worth it it's nine slots it takes nine Slots of space but it gives you 18 so you get nine extra slots um worth of space so basically it you survive one raate it's and it's paid for the whole rigs the rigs and the backpack basically uh bring a decent gun to protect yourself I try and go in as light as possible so I'm using kind of meh armor but um but we have a ride at the camp here's my full load out HBC rig kind of or HBC play carryer kind of me Black Rock bag or rig I'm just whiffing everything right now some sort of drink or food in case you get hungry obos 2 is good because you can um it increases your weight limit as you can see here for 30 minutes and then a propital to counter the negative Health effect from it uh it counters it for uh 5 minutes I believe here we go 5 minutes and the weight limit is 30 minutes and the health regeneration minus one is also 30 minutes so use oplos 2 only at the end like when you're very very slow and you're not regening but as you can see we're going to start from uh that's Resort over there uh road to customs is back there so and that's the uh radio tower so just to get your bearings we're going to start from this side you see this red container here run around it and on the ground here is loot right now with the snow it might be hard to see some of the items as you can see the some of the like the loot on the ground gets snow on it so you might blend in and there is a toolbox here or a technical crate whatever you want to call it always check technical crates and tool boxes and uh also sometimes it doesn't spawn here and then you can see like there's Loot on the ground like underneath it kind of so check the ground over there as well going to go through the container here and then on this uh little box here as you can see more loose loot some of the stuff might not be worth picking up but if you have a ton of space you can pretty much shove everything up your butt uh get rid of the scavs there are not your friends also on the floor here you can find stuff as well if you do Spawn from like road to custom side or like East Side in general you can come up there and you can loot the tent there is uh weapon attachments there they are so far I haven't really found anything too expensive uh so keep that in mind but once you get in here get around the corner check here on the uh counter and then check these tables here it's basically all just like industrial loots like or barter items whatever you want to call it and then you have a uh ration supply Crate here as well always worth checking never know what you can find like if you get if you find a ton of sugars I don't know if Salt's worth it honestly crackers are 14k if you find a ton of sugar I recommend keep the sugar for a late wipe cuz you can sell them for like 70k a piece later um these shelves I don't think spawn anything but here you can find more loose industrial loot that you can see another all uh go inside of here as well and on these tables here more industrial loots and apparently loot Lord I've never found a loot Lord here uh I don't I personally don't pick up the clust they don't really have a lot of value on them in my opinion pick up these things drop the hand drill don't really care about that just basically scan all the surfaces like there is just so much loot here like you're always going to miss something it is kind of inevitable to the amount of loot there is but as you can see medical supply Crate here I don't think soap is worth much uh also if you don't know the prices of things uh more loose loot here by the way if you don't know prices of things just pick it up you can sell it and you can get an idea of what they're worth now generally this area is pretty safe especially if you do night raids like night raids I very very rarely run into people here um run up the hill go around this little staircase here into this uh container and more loose loot here on the shelves and then you have a tool box on the bottom as well I mean we literally looted one building and we're look at all the loot we've gotten so far it is pretty crazy I nails are not worth much money right now but I I pick them up for the siase barter H but Nails would be like one of the first things I drop in case I find something more expensive of course uh weapon attachments here now if you do spawn like really far away and obviously it's going to take you a little longer to get here be cautious like check your Corners you never know where people are like I've run into many many people here I I say many many people I've run into two people here in like 10 raids but they like sit quietly sit in a corner somewhere so if they hear you coming so just be aware of the possibility that there are going to be people here and obviously if this video gets like 60 million views it's going to be very popular as well uh it won't get 60 million views FYI and I've been kind of yapping and just like ignoring the loot so jacket there if you come in here uh on the table here you can see loose loot nuts are kind of worthless as well but you know pick them up cuz I have the space uh that area over there the little let's call them ruins like there is loose Loot on the floor there as well there's loose Loot on this table there's loose Loot on the uh runes as well but like that's the area I never go to because I just I don't need to if I spawn from that side I check the tent and I go back down to where we started our loot run uh check the surfaces here sometimes stuff kind of spawns like right behind there as you can see it's like kind of annoying to get to but you're just going to have to deal with it it is what it is also you can double tap o and see if the car extract has been taken if it's if the road to North BX is red it means it's taken if it turns green that means someone is taking it like as you're looking at it so keep that in mind that's good to know so basically here check the table here check the table weapon parts here get some cigarette stuff like that and then uh check these shelves as well all kinds of uh industrial spawns table here you can get industrial spawns you can also get food here and here in the fridge on top of this um pot here for some reason that thing is floating but you know you do you you can get a moonshine here basically and all kinds of food items including sugar whatas and so on and so forth uh on this side here on the Shelf you can find stuff and then we're pretty much done with this building and by the way if if you guys know like decent loot in here that I missed like let me know in the comments I am curious uh you can check these surfaces here as well and then inside of the uh minivan here on the side there's a industrial spawn and back here as well and then sometimes on the floor as well and then around the bus like AR drive here and then battery here and apparently there's a tool box here I've never noticed this before I learning things myself very good uh I like to keep eyes on the brunes there because I I got one tap there once when I was looting here so that's good to know uh run around the corner check the table for weapon parts and then go inside here in the corner there can be a weapon box and on the floor you can see weapon attachment spawns on the table on the um fireplace whatever you call it uh food spawns and on the floor as well quick peek around cuz we do not want to get one tapped we are doing this in a live raate I run into this wooden Shack here around the corner inside of this bed uh mattress thing can be industrial spawns and on the ground in front of it uh Sledgehammer I don't think is worth much these days uh on the floor here you can get a 2X two or 3x3 weapon box as well and then you have this uh technical crate here or medical supply Crate sorry this was more profitable when you got your hands on like blood sets and stuff like that when blood sets were like 40K but you know price is really Chang throughout the wipe uh once you're done with that area run around the corner here and down the shooting range at the end there you get a ton of weapon attachments you can get like decent weapon attachments there um some bullets as well I check this crate every single time I never found anything and apparently there's a weapon box there as well I guess I might as well loot it I've honestly never noticed this weapon box here as well and this is the weapon box I meant it's not 3x3 I don't know why I call it 3x3 but you know here we are and then get to the uh end here and you can start scouting the floor for Von parts and right there is a weapon spawn it doesn't really have any consistency to it I found like m4s MP9 like it's I don't know what kind of guns like it's limited to and pretty much just pick up anything that I know it's at least 10K that's definitely more than 10K per slot and then you have this uh fell here and you can find anything on these dead scavs like you can even find a LX on them if uh if you're lucky that is not a bad armor but I'm uh I'm not going to take it I don't have the space for it and uh check in the corner here as well and that's about it that's all the uh weapon attachments there but like I said like you can find decent ammo or attachments there but ammo wise it doesn't seem to be very good uh loose industrial loot around here can be a GPU as well and then a toolbox obviously and once again keep your eyes on the uh Camp itself and then on this wooden p here more industrial spawns can be a GPU I've heard of uh people finding gpus around here uh shout out to Clove uh thank you for showing me this loot run if it wasn't for clove I would not know about this uh loot run here so if you do see him in the this Camp make sure to put a 762 bullet in between his eyes for a good measure and just cross this Fields basic oh and we're getting absolutely shot at that is very bad you definitely do want to get shot at so what you do here is get in cover cuz you don't want die now that a little bit ruins my plans or ruins my plans a little bit so I'm going to pain you up cuz I want to get the uh loot run completed so in that little uh Shack here you can get a tool boox and and some loose loot two box spawns there it's not here right now unfortunate but check the ground for loose loot I'm not regening stamina for some reason I have no idea where I got shot from which is very annoying but you know it is what it is I run around the corner here to the left on the floor here on these boxes you can see here loose loot I'm just checking for uh see if I'm going to get pushed and like all around here on the floor you get a ton of loose Loot and then this tool box right here as well Lo L around here here as you can see I'm kind of paranoid that I'm going to get completely destroyed here I'm not going to run up here but if you do run up there there is a chance for a moonshine on the table I don't want to run up there cuz I'm going to get killed but it's impossible to miss an in there you get a couple of extra spawns as well for uh loose loot industrial Loot and you can loot that as well but obviously right now I'm not going to do it and here is the car you kind of pay for it on the side here and do not go in front of the car cuz the invisible sniper will absolutely destroy you so keep that in mind I'm going to call the video here I'm going to put on the screen right now how much we made how much I paid in fle Market fees uh keep in mind if you upgrade your Intel Center your fees are reduced so I believe if you get Intel level three your flea market fee is cut by 30% so if you can get to Intel level three that is huge I hope you guys enjoyed the loot run let me know how much money you make and I will catch you in the next video my friends thank you for watching and take care goodbye
Channel: FliNN
Views: 50,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EFT, Escape From Tarkov, Wipe, Money, Ruble, Millions, Profit, Playthrough, Kills, Lobby Wipe, High Kills, DMR, Sniper, Cultist, Reshala, Sanitar, Tagilla, Glukhar, Shturman, Zryachiy, Lightkeeper, How To, Factory, Labs, Customs, Woods, Reserve, Lighthouse, Streets Of Tarkov, Shoreline, Guards, Raider, Knight, Big Pipe, Birdeye, M4A1, Recoil, Keycard, Millionaire Guide, Get Rich, Early Wipe, Money Fast, FliNN, Livestream, Guide, eft solo, early, wipe, best, loot, run, solo, tarkov, easy, mode, lobby wipe, budget, build, 1 taps
Id: MWaIA9kJzV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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