Which scav case is the best in Escape from Tarkov

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all right guys it's Jas here and uh I just wanted to put together a quick experiment for everybody um to see what exactly the best item to put in your scav case is as you can see you know everybody knows there's a bunch of different options here um you know there's 2500 rubles there's 15,000 rubles 95,000 rubles there's a bottle of moonshine and then there's an intelligence folder and I was looking at this you know the other day and I was thinking like which one's really the best I couldn't find a definitive answer on averages or anything like that so I wanted to put together a small experiment it definitely uh can be done at a much higher level but I didn't want this video to um take too long you know because if I did a 100 it would take a month to record everything and do things like that so I'm I'm going to do 10 of every single one in here including the 2500 and the 15,000 even though you you know nobody really runs those um we're just going to do 10 of each as you can see if I uh if I come over to my character here I have uh 10 intelligences up here in the top left these three are extra but we will not be using any of those we'll only be using the 10 and then I also have 10 moonan here and uh again all of this is going to be put into this experiment and I'm going to be recording every single item and pretty much the way we're going to do this is I'm going to keep all the items that I get so say I open this you know um whenever I open it I'm going to keep it in a special place and we're not going to touch anything in there until all 10 are done and say we're going to we're probably going to start with the 2500 or you know and work our way up but what we're going to do from there is at the end of all 10 we're going to sell everything to whichever sells the highest the trader or the flea market and then we're going to average it out between the 10 runs and see how much money we made or [Music] lost all right so as you guys saw this is all the items we got from the $2500 one all 10 we uh ended up getting a decent amount of items and we got this pistol case as well and I'm not going to lie the pistol case is a little bit of an outlier and uh I didn't really know if we were going to get anything like this but here's the plan if we get an outlier um something that is much much more we put 2500 in this will probably sell for almost 200k right or if we do intels and moonshines and we get Red Rebels or Seas or key cards something like that I'm going to factor into a different number so we're actually going to take the base number and we're going to have two numbers separate with and without outlying things so now what we're going to do is we're going to sell every single item we have in here uh for either what's highest on the market or what's highest at the flea market or U on the Traders and uh we're going to go ahead and see what it comes out to all right so this is the total of all the money we made right here uh in my inventory so we made 186,000 288 from1 $2500 scav case runs and so we put $25 in that means we got over seven times our money that's not including the pistol case if we Factor the pistol case in we're looking at over 400,000 which is over 16 times our money um so it's it's up to you guys to decide whether you know it's the seven times or the the 16 times if you want to factor in that that luck case but no matter what this was very successful hey people I just wanted to stop in and uh as all of these clips being shown right now are the $115,000 scav case opening and I just wanted to address that my voice is going to be very different speaking uh for the rest of the video as in my my previous video about fence rep I got multiple comments saying to move my mic away and to change it up a little bit so that's what I've done all right guys so this is what we ended up getting every everything out of uh the 15,000 scav case we did it a whole 10 times and we got these two bags with it and I just decided to kind of put stuff in them to save some space things like that but this is all the items we got from the 10 15,000 runs and I wanted to go over a couple of these items because a couple of them are pretty good um you know not not even just to sell as much as I am going to be selling all of them some of them uh it is going to go up and down in Price Plus the actual usability like this helmet right it's a level four helmet it's not anything special but it's a it's a good use helmet so you have to take that into account rather than just making money plus this MK five Vector rail is for a gunsmith Quest I don't know exactly which one whichever one deals with the vector and this one actually is harder to get so if we look at the market really quickly it's up to 100K and early wipe if you do this really early wi it I remember being like 3 400k because you need level level three mechanic and you don't get that for a while um but now we're going to go ahead and sell all of these same deal whether the trader or the flea market's we're going to go for whichever one the highest is and all right just finished up uh selling everything and this is what we ended up with we ended up with uh [Music] 378,000 our money but that vector rail ended up selling for 150k um so that's that's kind of like something that you know if you do this later on into the wipe something like that like it'll never be really a good idea to do the 15,000 case um just because the margins are not really there uh in terms of how much you actually make um I mean you know two and a half timesing our money with like a pretty low number of you know it takes 10 hours to run that scav case in total not even including you know anything else but 10 hours and you get like 200k right like that's not very uh that's not that's not very good I mean if you don't have any other options you don't want to do the other ones then it's fine but uh I don't really recommend this one to be honest all right now here's all the clips of all the $95,000 scap case runs all right guys so this is the result of all the 95,000 and I just wanted to drop in really quickly before we sell all this and say we got way more items out of this one than we did out of anything else even this rig is full and I'm really surprised I didn't know how many items we were going to get from this and to be honest looking at some of these items it looks like we're going to get a pretty decent amount so we'll go ahead and check that right now all right so as you guys can see up at the top here we made uh 674 th859 rubles and uh I'm actually very disappointed with that number um after everything I learned coming into this video and my friends telling me things and things like that they said this one might have been the best one for making money and we actually ended up coming out negative we lost you know a lot more money than we put in so at least so far I would never recommend doing the $95,000 one all right guys we just finished uh the Moonshine cases I got all 10 and this is what we ended up with we ended up getting so many items that I had to fill a one of these rigs that I got uh this whole up top area by the way is it besides the medicine case and then if we scroll down I also got this rig right here it's not full of stuff I just got it out of the last one but I had to take some of my Kappa items out and put more weapons and things like that in one of my items cases because I don't have a third one yet but this is what we got we got a ton of items and I'm thinking we're going to make some pretty good profit on this all right so we just finished selling every single item and again I am slowly getting even more disappointed over uh over these runs I was really expecting the Moonshine to do good things but with all 10 we ended up spending about 2.5 to 2.6 million uh at the time I bought them I think it's a little bit more now I think it'd be about 2.7 to 2.8 million at the moment but I only ended up getting uh like uh 1.87 million and that's you know I lost 750k and over 20 hours of a scav case so right now it's slowly even just going down like this is not worth it you know at at this point I'd say stick with a $15,000 case all right guys so we're finally done with the intelligence folder it took a while and now we're done with all the runs and now we're going to sell for the final time you guys already know the drill this is all the stuff we got up here plus we had to put some down in the thick case two weapons and I also had to buy an items case solely for this so if we look at everything here we're looking at these two weapons down here this whole items case and every single item on screen now besides the medicine case and I don't really know if we're going to make the money back to buy all of these folders it was about 2 and a half mil when I did it but right now it's about 3 to three and a half mil if you were to buy all 10 intelligences and I really don't know how much that is I was really uh looking forward to this because the very first one I did I got a key with tape but this price has as you can see gone down so much it's under 400k now when it used to be over a million dollar at the beginning of the wipe so we're see but I don't really think we're going to make profit off this all right so we uh we finished selling everything and again the scav case pulls out uh another disappointment here and we lose money again so as I said before I spent about $2 and a. half million dollar on the intels but it'd be 3 to 3 and a half mil now and I ended up getting um 2 15 million uh which isn't bad obviously that's that's a good amount of money but it was still negative we still lost money on the intelligence folders but we did get a couple items to mention that could be useful or you could use for Quest like key with tape is a quest key and also has a ton of let X Bond and it's it's a good key for Resort and also we got a m Donan for samples so that could be useful if you needed that stimulant and um yeah I mean overall the intelligence folder didn't really hold up as I thought it would all so as we can see here I've got a chart up of a couple different things um that we're going to be going over for the end of the video and to get my final thoughts on everything and tell you which case specifically you should be doing and this is it right here you can make your own decision on which of these is most valuable to you which one do you want to do the most but there's a lot of things you have to take into account with this specifically the time you know I didn't go over it too much in that this video but what you have to realize is the 2500 makes you a ton of profit as you can see here this is by far the biggest percentage difference between how much you put in and how much you got out the profit is Extreme you are getting 10 times your money back usually if not more sometimes less obviously but a lot of the times more and it's 20 minutes of scaff case which is a good and bad thing where you know you have to do it after every raid every other raid if it's a short one so it's kind of annoying but it's good profit and if you're really broke it can give you get you some easy money 15K I have money here not profit because 2500 is a lot better for Pure you know put the money you put in to the money you put you bring out but 15K ends up giving you more money it just you put in way more money right even though you don't put in a lot 15K is nothing but it it also takes three times as long it takes an hour to do that this right um so it's like you know 2500 if you're only looking for money that's the only thing you want I say 2500 is the best for just money but 15K is a good option if you don't want to have to refresh the sca case every single time so now let's go up to 95k and we got weapon mods you know I went through everything I did weapon mods were more commonly found in 95k than all of the other ones combined it was the bulk of the money uh profits from the 95k it was like 75% of all the items I got in the 95k case was weapon mods you know suppressors um charging handles stocks things like that that sell for a decent amount it depends on which ones you get obviously but a ton of weapons mods so if you're really looking for those go for 95k and then the moonshine and this is the one to be honest I think it might be the best one I don't know for sure this one and the intelligence are kind of iffy whether you know they're my two favorites for sure even though neither of these make you money at least unless you get lucky if you're not lucky neither intelligence or moonshine will make you any money you will be a little bit negative not a lot but a little bit but moonshine if you need Quest items or you need Kappa items this is really good I got like a tank battery out of moonshine and something like that is incredibly valuable more than you know a few 100K I can get off the 15K or the 2500 that's more valuable because I get to progress and I get to get further in the game same thing with cap items the worst thing in the world you never want to get stuck on a cap item it it it sucks run moonshine if you need something and you'll get it you know more than likely eventually but intelligence probably is my favorite I'm probably going to keep running intelligences if I can get them for a decent price but I was looking at them earlier and we can go check them out right now if we go in here and we go to intelligence when I did this it was about 250 to 300K each so now they're at 365 and they were at 380 earlier that is absolutely ridiculous I'm probably not going to be doing these unless I can find them for under 350,000 because it's just not worth it being so much more expensive than the Moonshine because the Moonshine is 291 um so that's 80k more than the Moonshine I just don't think it it's worth it it's not that much better if it's a little bit more it's better in my opinion but not this much more plus the Moonshine is 20 minutes faster something like that but the intelligence and from what I found you get a ton of high tier weapons absolutely uh the best weapons in the game you know snipers ARS SMGs they all come out of the intelligence folder more than anything else the Moonshine you get decent decent weapons but not the top tier weapons like you do out of intelligence you also in my tests find more stems out of the intelligence especially the quest stems if you're stuck on specific Quest stems for samples intellig is the way to go and the most fun one and the whole point of scav case in my opinion is gambling of it's not over gambling but it's a a perfect amount where you putting money in and you're getting a little bit less than you put in out but you're getting a bunch of stuff and you have the potential to get things like key cards and things like that and Red Rebels and seas that are incredibly valuable and you'll make a ton of money you'll make 20 times the amount of an intelligence folder if you get one of these items let alone a red card if you get that that'll pay for intelligence as for the rest of the white completely and that's why in in the end intelligence folder is the one that I say is the best thing to put in your scaff case all right I want to thank you guys all for sticking to the end of this video and watching and I really hope you uh learned some something and I appreciate all the support I've been getting on my shorts on my Tik Tok and on my previous YouTube videos I really appreciate it and again twitch that's where I stream I stream every other day um it'll be the first link in the description and I really ask you guys to come over drop a follow on there and drop a subscription on YouTube while you're at it
Channel: Jaskbull563
Views: 18,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WrV1rmhHrEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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