8 things the World didn't know about Germany l The only Things That Germans can Understand!

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another fun fact is that Germany has the narrowest street in the world in ringan actually I don't know where I want to go wouldn't you feel so upset if you couldn't fit yeah I think so yeah the best thing about Germany in my opinion hello um my first thought is beer yeah October Fest and all this kind of things yeah and potatoes for some reason and sausages all I have in my mind in Germany I also think about the foods first schniter Bost um my family hamb like the weather the bad weather yeah I don't know maybe it's a misconception but we think that they are cold and not very happy and positive and there is a very famous meme that it's a guy that goes walking like with this face and suddenly he's like hello and then he gets angry again and then didn't you see I did a video on this before no you don't pay for the gas right you you pay after for the gas yeah I thought that was shocking if I imagine a German person I really imagine it with like with serious face yeah I you eat a lot of bread yeah I I think so yeah I've never been to Germany but I think you really eat a lot of bread ien Port it's like All About The Bread so ooh oh okay so as you guys all said the beer culture is pretty big in Germany we have about like 7,000 kinds of beer different kinds we we love the beer there's a word p beer it means like every day after work you drink one beer after you finish work we can start drinking beer at 16 legally yeah also in ital oh really yeah beer yeah beer and wine do you still have it in Spain actually I'm not sure I don't think I I have seen it recently I think you cannot have it anymore I'm not sure I think we have like the bottle but oh really yeah like little bottle but I'm not sure about this JY is also famous for their Castle there's about 20,000 castles in Germany and the most famous one is schar schwanstein it's in Bavaria I think it's like looks like the Disney castle and I think it's been on a lot of M like movies and stuff like that I saw that some maybe the castle in Frozen was inspired yeah right right I think it was inspired by that yeah I think it was that one I'm actually very familiar to castles because we have some in Spain too yeah even in my hometown there's like two really all right yeah maybe in Spain they are not very well conserved oh yeah do you know how old oldin I don't know I don't know either but I'm sure it's older than like most of our like American for sure I think so buildings because we don't really have many castle like not at all in America cuz like there's no Medieval ages but I love that about Germany so I love that we kept those cuz they're really pretty to look at so another fun fact is most taxes in Germany are mercedesbenz actually cuz you know it's a German and Germany's famous for cars I guess it's very reliable I I like it I think it's cool that we use like German car brands for taxes that's a cool car actually kind of fancy too I think you're supporting your countes yeah automobilistico the taxis in your countries it's been a while since I took a taxi in America I usually use like uber oh same yeah like in Italy texes are so expensive like either you're reach or I don't know like is a super emergency but usually we do not take it because it's crazy expensive you don't have one brand of cars that's all like all the taxis I don't even remember last time I saw a taxi and I don't remember the car brand they all look the same orangey yellow that's all I know we are really ugly orangey in Spain we have like a mixture of Brands not only one brand like these days I see more Tesla oh as a taxi yeah Tesla taxi yes and as you guys said Germany's famous for its sausages and there's over 1,000 different kinds of sausages and we eat them like in a bun or curry with curry sauce there's so many ways to eat them and they're every festival or party usually so it's pretty very much a German thing they look like the Spanish Cho oh yeah they look like yeah there there's the ones you grill and there's the ones you just like eat on bread oh yeah I I I don't remember the name but I like the white one how oh it's just like white yeah I know which one it is yeah that one is really good actually my grandma loves the lios oh yeah I know I had it as a child they in Germany they say if you eat a lot of sausages you will grow very tall so I guess it work way that America took a German sausage and made it into like a hot dog which is kind of a disgrace to a German sausage but it tastes good it's salty and yummy and good for barbecues but every now and again you want a German sausage like a real sausage very different yeah I feel like the biggest difference like if I compare to Hot Dogs uh the the meat inside is very different like I don't know if I doesn't seem like real meat I don't know it's just like some mixture or something I don't know but like there you can actually see and taste the meat and the way we grill it and with the curry sauce as well is really good in Spain we have milk sausages milk sausages we have blood sausages like milk milk sausages it's not made of milk but in the package it says milk sausages so I guess it's like a mixture a mix of meat and milk I don't know com make a comment yeah make a comment down below Nar Street oh H another fun fact is that Germany has the narrowest street in the world in ringan can you walk there I've never been there but I don't know where I want to go wouldn't you feel so upset if you couldn't fit yeah I think so I mean if you fit only only a select you that seems to be the space between two buildings right yeah I guess so I'm so surprised because I kind of thought it was in Venice maybe because some Street are so narrow like you cannot as you have to like yeah the best thing about Germany in my opinion there's no speed limit on most autoban on most highways you can drive as fast as you want as long as you have to space space that's why we have the if you drive in the left lane you should make space for the car to come after you so they can like go quickly yeah how about the accidents I mean I don't think it's much higher than in other countries I I don't know the fact but yeah we have to go to driving school for a long time we have to take like like I know at least 20 driving lessons 30 driving L lessons same in Spain but we do have speed limit if you don't know how to drive I don't think you should drive that fast but not many people actually go that fast I mean what's fast for you guys I don't know for me in Spain speed limit is 120 km per hour not everywhere so yeah like that's the maximum only you know in the highway what do you do with the sports cars 120 120 km per hour too yeah that's what do you do with the sports cars then yeah I guess they have to go to Germany for me the normal speed is like 150 170 wow that's if I want to get there like at night people who want to drive fast just go out at like 2: a.m. and hope that there's no police on the road we don't have that much police like checking for that speed sometimes people race in the broad daylight too and then they get usually arrested how about races are they fine there like kind of no you're not supposed to race it happens but you get like a really like you can go to jail for that like it's the auto B just be responsible you know Drive responsibly that one's so fun I love that tradition yeah it's really cute so when you start school as a first grader your parents give you a schol t on the first day of school and you they put in like suets and school supplies and everything to get you like started for school and to make the start easier to not so you're not that nervous I guess it's really cute I still remember mine you don't have that no not in the shape of a cone and it's not like a traditional thing either we definitely got like goodies on the first day of school or no there's no tradition like that I remember when I was little I my mom asked me like what design I wanted and everything it's like a really really big thing do you know why it's in the shape of a cone I don't know probably like a big bag of sweets I may be supposed to look like that I'm not sure why it's really full it's like a big thing so everybody comes to school with this yeah on the first day like they take pictures of you with your shoer like okay byebye I like it good memories um Germany has a law where they can deny certain baby names for example if you want to name your baby after a brand or some character they can say no to that yeah I think it's valid honestly in Spain we have the same law yeah I need to too also like some historical yeah I think it makes sense for the child's future you never know we do too in America but I think that the rules are different for celebrities because some of the names some of the names of the celebrity children are questionable but they can they can deny a name if it means like if the child grows up they might get bullied for or like makes sense what do do you guys think I'm very surprised with the speed limit I'm still trying to understand the reason why they give that such a respon that responsibility which is a very big responsibility to the drivers maybe someone crazy I don't know or he can cause an accident and kill someone it's very very bad scene in Spain going a little bit faster I was also surprised oh yeah I mean it's on 65% of the autobound so I feel like these days they're putting more speed limits to certain spots and different streets but I heard that many people are against speed limit actually so but there are some speed limits somewhere you cannot go as fast as you want everywhere I likeed the tradition for the how is it called SCH I like that I think I would like to do something like that for my kids too and it's something that she remembered till today I liked how you your face lit up when you saw yeah it was such a good memory really important to ger today I talked about fun facts about German culture if you like the video please like And subscribe we'll see you next time bye [Music] bye
Channel: World Friends
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Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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