Everyone Thinks He’s Useless But He Secretly Reincarnated With Overpowered Stats - Anime Recap

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the anime with the age-old notion that heroes are the guardians of goodness yet they often face betrayal or demise either at the hands of their allies or their enemies despite their sacrifices to safeguard Humanity some folks fear their unrivaled might choosing to slander or Overlook them this is the story of such a hero who sacrificed his life for peace only to pray for tranquility in his next life as he breathed his last in the next scene a boy named Brett approaches our main character Allan and urges him to go to their father who is waiting as they part ways Brett cruy mocks Allan remarking that their father is too kind to raise someone as worthless as him contrasting his feelings towards having Allan as an elder brother although he feels ashamed Brett believes it is time for a change in the following scene the father addresses Alan reminding him that he was born into their family 15 years ago and has remained at level one since then he expresses disappointment that Allan received no gift from God during the recent blessing cemon highlighting that everyone else receives one concluding that Alan has only brought disgrace to the family the father decides to cast him out Allan is ousted from his family but he doesn't dwell on the loss instead he Embraces his Newfound Freedom with a sense of relief liberated from the burdens of his Troublesome family Allan sets out in search of the peace he craves reflecting on his Restless past as a hero he yearns for a calmer existence Guided by a graceful butterfly Allan embarks on a journey that leads him to the outskirts of his family's estate opting to explore the Borderlands he Ventures into unknown ter territory eager for a fresh start along the way he pauses by a tranquil River hoping to sustain himself with a humble catch of fish and longing for a simpler life perched at top a modest Hill Allan glimpses A peculiar sight in the distance it's a young Knight named beatric locked in a Relentless battle with a resilient monster despite her Valiant efforts the creature repeatedly rises from defeat beatric recounts how she and Princess Reese were ambushed by these creatures while traveling driven by her nightly Duty beatric fights to protect others from the looming threat beatric takes a courageous stand to Shield princess ree urging her to flee for safety despite having the chance to escape herself beatric refuses to leave anyone behind in Peril however she reminds Reese of the vast difference between their status emphasizing her Duty as a mere Knight compared to the princess meanwhile from a distance Allan observes the intense battle unfolding upon closer examination he realizes that the Demonic beasts are targeting none other than the Kingdom's first princess princess Ree Allan empathizing with Reese's struggles draws parallels to his own mistreatment in this life Rees who has faced constant criticism has always shown kindness to Allan regarding him as an exceptional individual in appreciation for her kindness Allan decides to tap into his latent Powers inherited from his previous Life as a hero however before he can intervene one of the Demonic beasts lands a devastating blow on beatric incapacitating her instantly Allan harnesses his lightning speed agility and appears before Reese who resigns herself to her fate with a single powerful strike Allan vanquishes all the Demonic beasts targeting their vulnerabilities with Precision rescuing Reese from certain Peril not content with merely saving Reese Allan employs his Divine Healing light magic to swiftly mend Beatrice's severe wounds erasing her injuries in an instant when questioned about his extraordinary ability Allan attributes them to a recent divine blessing concealing the truth of his inherited powers from his past life accepting Allan's expl ation Reese and beatric proceed to elaborate on their mission in the Borderlands acting on a divine revelation Reese is journeying to Clum Village and Allan unencumbered by familial ties chooses to accompany them and offer his assistance during their Journey Allan shares his painful experiences of mistreatment by his father Craig earning sympathy from Reese upon reaching Clum Village they notice an unsettling silence enveloping the settlement Beatrice's Keen observation reveals that while the village appears inhabited not a single door stands open suggesting an abandoned State speculating on the cause beus suggests that marauding monsters from the Borderlands may have ravaged The Village however Allen's heightened senses augmented by his presence detection magic detect no signs of such threats their investigation leads them to a gathering of villagers where an elderly man forcibly expels a young girl named Akira despite her diminutive stature Reese recognizes Akira as the light prophecied in her divine revelation Akira initially fails to recognize lies prompting lies to recount their past Encounters in the Royal Capital where they shared meals together and formed a close Bond apologizing for her forgetfulness Akira promises not to overlook lies again reconciling with her curious about Li's earlier assertion regarding Akira's significance Allan inquires about it lies explains the concept of a special blessing called braver which endows its recipient with the strength of a thousand Warriors essentially making them a hero as Akira possesses this unique gift she is deemed the hero of their generation lies inspired by a divine revelation urging her to guide the light away from Darkness interprets this message as her duty to stand alongside the world's hero explaining her presence in the Borderlands gathering at a nearby bar for lunch Akira elaborates on her mission to slay a dragon she recounts encountering a frightened young girl on the nearby Road who pleaded for her assistance claiming the villagers intended to sacrifice her to the dragon determined to investigate the situation Akira embarked on her Quest furthermore when a Kira is expelled from the village Chief's house and encounters Allen's group it becomes clear to Allen that the villagers intend to offer the young girl as a sacrifice to the dragon to gain its protection he recognizes the desperation of the villagers resorting to such a cruel act to fend off monsters despite this Allan intervenes to prevent Akira from slaying the dragon understanding that such an action would only exacerbate the villager's plight nevertheless Akira opts to Aid the young girl instead of appeasing the heartless villagers and both lias and beatric join her cause deciding to accompany them Allan acknowledges that he has nothing better to do with his mundane existence he expresses his belief that he cannot idly stand by while his dear friends are in danger as the group approaches the mountain where the dragon supposedly dwells Kira halts them to devise a strategic Plan before engaging in battle first Akira settles onto the ground encouraging the group to brainstorm ideas for defeating the dragon each person contributes their own plan with one suggesting they approach the mountain peak via the main road while the others flank from behind Allan volunteers to join Akira on the front lines offering his strength to assist her however Akira declines his offer suspecting that Allan would overshadow her efforts and monopolize the victory Allen is surprised by Akira's Keen insight into his character considering their brief acquaintance Akira explains that she can discern an unusual or emanating from Allan revealing his concealed power excited by this Revelation Akira proposes a sparring match with Allen after they deal with the dragon with the plan in place a K departs first with a confident smile exuding determination to confront the dragon alone meanwhile Allan lies and beatric chart their own course to the mountain peak scaling large boulders to avoid detection by the dragon as Akira faces off against the Towering red dragon Allan deduces that the villagers were coerced by his father Duke Craig of westfeld into offering their children as sacrifice Allan suspects that the Duke is leveraging the dragon's power through these sacrifice explaining why the Kingdom's Royal Knights haven't subdued the Beast Akira initiates the battle by unleashing a powerful lightning strike spell on the dragon but to her dismay it fails to inflict any harm she realizes that defeating the dragon will be no easy feat furthermore she spots the little girl she rescued earlier lying nearby understanding that the dragon lured her in his bait disappointed by aira's feeble attempt the dragon scoffs at the notion that such a weak hero could be revered in this world Akira faces the Grim reality of her impending demise recognizing the vast power Gap between her and the formidable Dragon however Alan refuses to stand idly by and watch her fall victim to the poorly rendered creature with a single Swift strike of his sword he effortlessly brings down the dragon showcasing the ease with which he wields his ultimate skill as the battle concludes and the dragon's Immortal Life is extinguished by Allen's decisive blow his sword shatters symbolizing the shattered dream of a peaceful existence yet he finds solace in the companionship of his Newfound friends realizing that their support transcends mere admiration for his strength upon waking up beside ree Allan apologizes for oversleeping attributing it to the exhaustion from their encounter with the dragon curious about the well-being of the other girls Allan learns that they are engaged in vigorous training brimming with energy and determination moved by Reese's selfless acts of healing Allan recalls the tales of a traveling healer renowned for her saintly Deeds realizing that the rumors surrounding her closely resemble Reese's own actions despite feeling remorse for not sharing this aspect of her life Reese is comforted by Allen's understanding and support reaffirming their bond regardless of her title or reputation touched by Allen's heartfelt words Reese's Spirits are lifted and she expresses her profound gratitude encouraged by the camaraderie and warmth among them one of the girls invites alen to spar with her prompting him to join them eagerly the scene transitions to Alan bidding farewell to Akira who requests to accompany them to the nearest Village Akira expresses her aversion to carriages preferring to walk while the little girl Embraces her tightly seeking reassurance from Reese if she's certain about taking care of her explaining her attachment to the girl and her desire to accompany her on the journey Akira reveals the girl's lack of family and reluctance to return to the Village apologizing for her sword Akira receives Assurance from Allan that its breakage wasn't her fault he acknowledges her vital role in defeating the dragon and emphasizes that her unique sword belongs with her Alan declares Akira as the true hero for the little girl and credits her indispensable contribution to their Vic accepting alen's words Akira departs with the little girl bidding farewell to Alan and His companion meanwhile at the palace Craig discusses the defeat of the red dragon king revealing their plan to lure and eliminate the heroin angered by the Saints interference Craig's assistant informs him of the Saints assistance to the girl further frustrating Craig Brett suggests deploying a massive herd of creatures for the next encounter but Craig cautions against risking more magical creatures Craig's father intervenes assuring that they're safe in The Border areas and will have ample opportunities to eliminate their targets he instructs the assistant to locate the elves vowing revenge on the kingdom once they're found back with Allen and the girls he inquires about finding a blacksmith to craft him a new sword ree suggests a nearby blacksmith named alir and gral while beatric mentions another skilled but eccentric blacksmith named. despite apologizing for involving him Allan expresses gratitude suggesting that he should be thankful in this instance regarding returning to the capital as a princess ree declines citing Beatrice's presence and their successful contact with her father later in a secluded part of the forest Allan uses his magic to start a fire much to the Delight of the girls they gather around the fire and Reese inadvertently falls asleep on Allen's leg quickly apologizing upon Awakening beatric Chuckles and suggests that since they're engaged there's no harm in her sharing a sleeping space with Alan ree becomes irritated and informs beatric that Alan is her ex- fiance Alan intervenes stating that there's no issue with Beatrice sleeping beside him which surprises reys who then expresses her objection catching Allan off guard as time passes both girls Drift Off to Sleep Alan reflects quietly finding solace in the moment noting that such Serene companionship is a novelty in his second chance at life in this world recollecting their first encounter under the Moonlight Allan Muses on the past while an apparition of his former self appears beside him admiring the beauty of the Moon introducing herself as rea distilla reys expresses her eagerness to become acquainted with Allan revealing her belief in their engagement Allan taken aback by this Revelation is brought back to reality pondering that perhaps this tranquil interlude resembles the piece he once yearned for the scene shifts to M in Grand Hometown bustling with activity in the Market Square Allan observes the liveliness of the town which surprises him given its border location beatric explains that adventur and Wanderers often converge their due to its strategic position arriving at the blacksmith's Abode Reese expresses confidence in the blacksmith's ability to forge a perfect sword for Allan beatric finds it peculiar that amidst the typically audible clanging of Swords this particular blacksmith remains secluded solely focused on her craft approaching the door Allan discovers it open and leads the group inside where they find an array of formidable weapons impressed Allan remarks on the superior quality of these weapons compared to his own Broken Sword suddenly they hear Reese scream and they rush to her side to find null collapsed on the ground beatric holds her explaining that this is a common occurrence NL often exhausts herself from overwork and falls asleep they watch as Reese employs her healing magic to Rouse her prompting Alan to inquire if she uses magic every time to alleviate her fatigue Reese confirms admitting that she had forgotten about it due to the long interval since she last used her magic beatric adds that when NL undertakes the creation of a new sword she becomes so absorbed in her work that she neglects eating and drinking until the task is complete once NL awakens and notices Reese and beatric whom she hasn't seen in a while she inquires about the boy Allan beatric elucidates that he serves as a personal guard for reama and is known as Allen NL then asks if they wish for her to craft a new sword for him she explains her current workload and the numerous orders she has received indicating her inability to accommodate new requests furthermore Allan already possesses a sword albeit a broken one Allan presents the Broken Sword to null for inspection who discerns that it has been utilized to its fullest capacity marveling at how someone could could achieve such Mastery she reverses her decision and resolves to forge him a new sword when beatric seeks clarification on whether she intends to craft a sword tailored for a hero one that only a true hero can wield nol affirms asserting that she will fashion a blade surpassing any in her collection albeit requiring tremendous effort unable to decline Alan agrees prompting NL to declare her immediate commencement of the task before ushering them out of her Abode and shutting the door reflecting on Vanessa a woman who once served as a blacksmith n resolved to spare no expense in fashioning a sword that surpasses even the most supernaturally potent blade next we find Alan traversing the forest with the girls Reese voices her concern about null undertaking anything Reckless Allan suggests finding an INT toin until the sword is completed suddenly Molina appears and insists that this should be reported subsequently she Converses with Horus expressing satisfaction with Reese's presence but raising questions about Allen's role as Reese's personal guard inquiring about Allan Horus determines they need to investigate further beatric advises him to rest then proposes to Reese that Allen visit the adventurers Guild during their downtime there he could potentially sell the materials procured from the Dragon for a substantial sum Allan agrees mentioning his financial strain since his expulsion from his family he bids farewell to the girls and departs theatric then confers with Reese expressing doubts about their PL feasibility with only the two of them while acknowledging this Reese insists on minimizing Allen's involvement the scene shift to the adventurer's guild where Allan is welcomed by the receptionist he expresses his intent to exchange materials for money the receptionist examines his items notably surprised by the dragon scales presence deeming it exceedingly valuable alongside the other assorted items she takes the items to inform the manager meanwhile Allan finds himself conversing with me and her assistant who Express curiosity about the dragon Horus introduces himself in mail noting her status as an Amazon a rarity in the om despite their imposing appearance they lack insight into adventuring and seek knowledge from experienced adventurers Horus queries Alan about his acquisition of the dragon scale wondering if he faced the dragon alone or with allies Allan admits to needing assistance prompting Horus to inquire if the heroin accompanied him presuming the battle was exhilarating as the receptionist concludes her evaluation Horus and Meine depart discussing their impressions of Allen Horus remarks on the necessity of assessing Allen's capability though though he didn't anticipate him being bereft of divine gifts rendering him inconsequential as an opponent nl's expression shifts to one of astonishment upon seeing Horus but she quickly returns her focus elsewhere meanwhile Horus instructs Meen to Shadow Allan discreetly emphasizing the importance of secrecy to avoid potential complication with a nod Meen vanishes from sight the scene returns to Alan who vigorously tests the sword's capabilities by dispatching numerous monsters expressing his satisfaction Alan praises the sword's quality to null taking the sword in hand null channels her magical prowess augmenting its strength and sharpness beyond the ordinary eyes perception she discerns the sword's condition intricately and enhances its speed and precision through her magic impressed by Alan's skill in wielding The Sword without a scratch she suggest challenging stronger adversary leading Allen deeper into the forest as night descends they find their campfire still Burning Brightly n remarks on the unusual absence of monsters speculating that they might fled in fear of confronting Alan however n's anxiety surfaces as she recalls her Mentor Vanessa's advice to flee upon encountering formidable adversary encouraging Allan she urges him to awaken a slumbering monster and engage it with his sword her voice resounding in the forest now we go back to nl's past where she attempts to get Vanessa's attention while the blacksmith is engrossed in her Work N expresses her hunger which visibly annoys Vanessa who hopes her frown will deter the elf however hours pass and Vanessa continues working diligently while NL manages to find something to eat NL approaches Vanessa curious about how she uses various tools but Vanessa remains silent feeling ignored NL misbehaves by attempting to lift a heavy sword causing her to lose balance and knock over items on a nearby shelf despite the commotion NL still fails to capture Vanessa's attention and decides to retreat returning to sit near the door expressing her frustration null questions the appeal of hammering on a sword all day especially when it leads to feeling sick from from lack of food and water realizing she won't get a response from a distance NL repeatedly approaches Vanessa calling her names for not responding but even this approach proves ineffective the following day NL finds herself Sleeping anywhere in the house while Vanessa continues hammering away at her work suddenly Vanessa pauses her work and proudly showcases the sword she has forged lifting it with a smile while NL observes with curiosity returning to the present moment NL insists that Alan should slay the beast but he argues he lacks a reason to do so since the wolf is peacefully sleeping in its Corner away from humans Alan refuses to take on nl's Quest for vengeance prompting her to take the boy sword to seek Justice herself however Allan cautions her against it explaining that the creature fenry possesses a barrier that nullifies any attack below a certain level he points out that her current sword wouldn't even scratch the monster reminding null that she knows this as she has yet to create a weapon stronger than the sacred sword with that Allen leaves the decision in nl's hands Upon returning to the lodic Allan informs the rest of the group about the giant beast in the Border region he suspects someone brought fener to this territory as the animal was concealed by some kind of magic Allan has a hunch about the reason behind this development before proceeding Allan inquires whether Li and beatric have disclosed their true Mission making the girls realize they can't keep anything from him staly explains that approximately 3 months ago General seir a renowned figure in the kingdom was murdered with the perpetrator taking the general head despite numerous attempts using spells to uncover the motive it remains a mystery to this day there are suspicions that the culprit may be a demon given their use of magic unfamiliar to humans however demons are not known for targeting humans or being involved in political matters directly suggesting they might be acting under someone else's command due to these circumstances lies and beatric were investigating this case in the city after contemplating the situation Allan believes he has a suspect in mind meanwhile at the border Miley P who could have undone the camouflage on femur realizing it's not a simple task this leads her to conclude that she might be facing a more formidable adversary than Horus realizes when she returns to report to her boss Horus informs her that he will soon take action since his time in the city is limited instructing myen to bring the heads of the Elves and the Saints seeing my's apparent fear Horus questions how someone as feared as her can be so sensitive when a magical subordination caller appears on Miley Horus makes it clear that he won't accept after refusal meanwhile null is busy crafting new weapons and recalls Allan mentioning that depending on how his sword is refined it might one day be able to harm a fener NL asks Alan to share all he knows about it with Alan agreeing and Advising her not to act recklessly with the information he's about to provide determined to surpass the sacred sword someday nl's exhaustion causes her to drift into sleep once again in Her Dream she relives the horrifying moment when the fenir attacked her home trapping her under falling debris as Vanessa tries to Bend off the fener Horus acknowledges her skill as a blacksmith but expresses concern over anyone being able to craft weapons superior to the sacred sword Vanessa boldly confronts the wolf but its magical Shield shatters her sword leaving her vulnerable as the fenri turns its attention to null Akira intervenes launching a lightning bolt at the creature however the magic proves ineffective prompting Akira to engage in direct combat managing to wound the fener and drive it away with the Enemy gone n Mourns Vanessa's sacrifice while Akira urges her to tend to her wounds null questions why Akira's sword could harm the wolf while Vanessa's couldn't overwhelmed with grief NL clings to the sword her master painstakingly crafted grieving her loss at dawn NL awakens feeling oddly light and Hears A noise outside initially mistaking it for Lee's presence however it's Alan checking on Vanessa ensuring she didn't overexert herself with work as promised later after completing another sword Vanessa Ventures into the forest where the fener was last seen apologizing izing to Allan for using his sword upon encountering her arch rival null prepares to strike the Beast with the new blade but before she can she is struck by an unexpected attack from the fener after null struggles to her feet Horus appears and is impressed that she wasn't incapacitated by ephemer swiat finally he reveals that he was seeking the elf NL Le inart NL asks if Horus intends to kill her like he did with Vanessa upon hearing Vanessa's name Horus scratches his chin recalling that this elf was associated with the dwarf blacksmith believing the deaths of the master and Apprentice by ephemera to be a twist of fate Horus suggests that such extraordinary Talent as nolles would be wasted in fener stomach he mentions the Grom Vision an innate gift known as The Eyes Of The Sovereign fairy of which there are only five known in the world despite nl's efforts to prevent her fate when she charges at the wolf he leaps over her and Strikes her back with his hind paw before the elf is devoured Horus asks one last thing if she would serve him he promises to reward her similar to how he does with his subordinate at Amazon who he took away to serve him after destroying her Homeland confronted with this situation NL firmly declares that she would rather die than serve Horus displeased with her decision Horus orders the giant wolf to attack her but before the final blow Allan arrives and saves n's life witnessing Allen's capability Horus admits underestimating him but criticizes Allen for leaving his main post as it could endanger princess lies meanwhile mileen is already inside lies in Beatrice's room but as she approaches Li's bed she finds only a tied mattress lies and beatric were prepared for M's arrival and are waiting hidden Allan mocks the enemy's arrogance for not considering M's Discovery as he had placed a barrier around lies to nullify invisibility Horus finds Allen's mention of his supposed past life amusing but knows that even with myene exposed it doesn't guarantee Beatrice's victory over her in the in room the two Warriors fight fiercely over the princess's life just as Beatrice is about to unleash her full strength against her opponent lies intervenes and implores her to stop immediately this distraction allows the Amazon to seize the opportunity and strike her opponent with her elbow knocking her unconscious with her adversary incapacitated Marlene sees an opportunity to eliminate the princess but hesitates giving beatric enough time to rescue her friend observing the battle from a distance Allan realizes that the two Warriors don't need assistance and informs Horus that his attempt to execute the princess has failed despite this setback Horus remains confident knowing that fener cannot be harmed without his sacred sword He commands the wolf to attack the defiant boy but Allen effortlessly creates an opening in the monster's body causing Horus to retreat in fear Allan then carries the unconscious null back home taking advantage of her state after being healed and exhausted from forging all night lies rushes to check on her friend's well-being relieved to find that everyone is safe however NL is displeased upon waking up and discovering that Allan had carried her without her consent the following day they confirmed that m is no longer under horus's control so she should be able to speak freely theatric suggests taking her to an official trial in the capital but lies disagree believing that mileen isn't inherently evil and prefers to find a peaceful resolution despite objections that mileen attempted to harm a princess lies argues it wasn't her intention she also speculates that mileen may have someone waiting for her among her people but the Amazon reveals her Homeland was destroyed leaving her with nowhere to go and no one to turn to this triggers nl's memory of being rescued by Vanessa and prompts the dwarf blacksmith to offer myen shelter in her home in a gesture of empathy NL Cuts my's bonds and invites her to stay with her beatric expresses concern that mileen may pose a threat to lies but null trusts her instincts and believes mileen won't harm them mileen is deeply moved by this unexpected kindness and begins to cry beatric realizes she may have been too harsh on Mile but seeing her Cry tears of joy she understands that everything is okay now Allan recognizing that today's problem is resolved Ventures alone into the forest in the middle of the night and casts a powerful spell meanwhile Horus is relieved to be far away from any danger pondering over the identity of the exceptionally skilled boy unbeknownst to him Allan targets him with a Spell creating a rift that summons a ghastly creature to his location just as Allen arrives to inquire about certain matters the creature claims to have eliminated Horus to prevent any information leakage the Duke of westfelt agrees with the creature's actions attributing the blame to the demon and expressing disdain for their deceptive tactics his son Echoes this sentiment suggesting that the demons staged the ordeal to avoid harming the saint or the elf revealing their true nature in response the demon intimidates the boy who asserts his capability to handle the princess and the elf despite the Demon's insistence on taking care of the archbishop's hero his son insists on accompanying his father confident in his abilities unlike his brother we flash back to a moment from Lisa's childhood when she was being escorted in her carriage along a treacherous path suddenly The Carriage shakes violently causing Lisa's Uncle to grasp onto her tightly to protect her from harm outside the soldiers shout warnings of monster attacks prompting the protective Knight to ask Lisa to stay inside while he joins the Allies in battle to Lisa's dismay the Warriors are losing against the wing creatures and one of them manages to reach her carriage thankfully her uncle intervenes just in time to prevent a disaster however the monster retaliates and seriously injures the Knight lifting him into the air to despite being injured the Knight manages to impale the monster with his sword and they both fall into a ravine returning to the present the heroes stroll through a peaceful village where they pause their investigation to inquire about an upcoming Festival from some men assembling a structure one of the workers informs them that the spirit's Festival is approaching an annual event where they honor their ancestors Spirit as The Outsiders appear apprehensive another local man clarifies that it's a customary practice in their Village he explains that it's simply a festive occasion where they dress up as spirits and engage in Lively dancing Liz then inquires if anyone has seen a person clad in silver armor but none of the villagers seem familiar with such a figure leading beatric to accept that it might have been just a rumor surprisingly even the local guild doesn't have any information leaving the group feeling like they're going in circles during their investigation however n recalls a story from an adventurous client who mentioned a ghost residing in a nearby Village possibly a member of the royal family driven by resentment for the oppression faced by his lineage this ghost allegedly wears silver armor stained with blood and wanders among the graves at night while recounting this tale NL tries to Spook her companions causing beatric to startle at the sound of a falling soar despite her friends teasing her beatric insists she's not afraid of ghosts they decide to continue their investigation in the village with Alan considering the notion of spirits akin to summoning the dead which only adds to Beatrice's unease as they resume their search focusing on the cemetery mentioned by null beatric struggles to contain her nerves in the Eerie atmosphere Fe suddenly they encounter the same man they saw the previous day but this time he appears peculiar nevertheless he guides them to the Village leaders residence claiming that the leader will have more information about The Village's Affairs Allan questions the man's presence in the cemetery to which he responds that he was simply wandering and happened upon the group by chance before taking his leave shortly afterward inside the house the village leader assures them that it's typically a peaceful place and he himself has never heard any rumors about spirits or the light he then kindly offers his home for everyone to spend the night mentioning that the festival will commence the next day and they are welcome to join Allan promptly accepts the offer and the man heads off to prepare the sleeping Arrangements once settled in bed Lisa drifts off into a dream where she finds herself in a beautiful palace garden with her Uncle adorned in his customary armor and cloak in Her Dream she mistakenly addresses him as Dad but he gently corrects her though she secretly enjoys the thought of having two fathers the Knight sadly informs her that he'll be embarking on a long Expedition and won't be able to give her a kiss goodbye but he promises to return as soon as he can Lisa Harbors doubts about his promise but her uncle teaches her the importance of believing in people emphasizing that trust forms bonds and defines our Humanity Awakening from her dream Lisa Hears A noise outside and peers through the window to spot her uncle walking away from the house without hesitation she rushes after him into the cemetery where she finds herself surrounded by Undead rising from their graves however it all turns out to be another Vivid dream and Allan hearing her screams rushes to her side to check on her within moments Lisa catches her breath and Embraces her friend tightly grateful for his comforting presence the following day as the sun begins to set the spirit's festival commences and beatric can't help but find the celebration somewhat peculiar considering that treating the deceased in such a manner is a major Taboo in her Homeland Allan proposes that the Royal Knight should utilize her authority to put an end to the festivity but the apprehensive Warrior counters stating that no harm has been inflicted thus far as time elapses everything appears ordinary yet Allan remains unsettled by a lingering sense of unease in the village suddenly the enigmatic macac man reappears encouraging the visitors to immerse themselves in the festivities and even suggesting that Allan and beatric join the dance using his unique Vision to assess the situation Allan agrees to the suggestion and departs with The Bodyguard close behind left alone Lisa notices an eerie Purple Haze hanging in the air and hears someone calling her name recognizing The Voice she spots her uncle amidst the jubilant crowd of villagers determined to reach him Lisa Ventures into the depths of the Dark Forest upon finally encountering her uncle she is reprimanded for venturing into such perilous territory alone Lisa contends that she's with her dad and had been searching for him all along following his fall an extensive search was conducted but his body was never recovered leading Lisa to believe he was still alive curious about his whereabouts during this time Lisa's Uncle reveals that he harbored resentment toward the royal family and went into hiding to seek revenge he explains that Lisa's father the king sought IND idual with extraordinary abilities such as the power to slay dragons Forge unparalleled weapons enhance solders strength and bring glory to the nation along with Lisa's saintly power these abilities referred to as gifts from the gods possess the potential to either Safeguard or jeopardize the kingdom rendering their bearers as Pawns in the king's quest for Supremacy Lisa remarks on the absurdity of the situation and her uncle concurs cautioning that the king holds a different perspective in the king's eyes those endowed with natural gifts are perceived as Rebels intent on wreaking havoc in the name of the Gods this belief led the king to decree their demise and Lisa's uncle is determined to protect her despite this reality Lisa wishes to attempt to resolve the situation through dialogue as her uncle once emphasized the importance of trusting people initially acknowledging his previous sentiment her uncle ultimately realizes he has no choice but to violently confront Lisa drawing his sword against her however just as he is poised to strike Allen intervenes just in time recognizing Allen as the individual previously engaged to Lisa her uncle doesn't engage in Idol conversation but rather demands Alfred's return immediately casting a magic spell to break the curse upon being freed from the curse Alfred expresses gratitude to Allan he then reveals to his niece that he has already deceased and his attack wasn't of his own Val furthermore he discloses that the king's previous sentiments were not his own but the minations of demons nevertheless it's true that he Harbors animosity toward the Royal lineage as the second in line for succession he faced numerous challenges including attempts to sabotage his relationship with his brother for these and various other reasons Alfred grew to resent the treacherous environment of royalty and opted to forge a new path in life despite achieving success such as attaining the position of Vice Captain of the first order of knights he found true peace only in Lisa's presence having revealed the entire truth Alfred acknowledges that his time is running short he entrusts Allan with the care of his beloved niece noting her occasional recklessness despite her goodness additionally Alfred expresses his desire to challenge Allan to a duel recognizing that Allan will soon become the guardian of his most cherished treasure and wanting to ascertain the young man's worthiness thus Alfred initiates the Duel not as a mere corpse but as a man a knight and a father although Allan does not hold back the duel appears evenly matched from the outset Alfred highlights the significance of the day being the spirits Festival where the boundaries between the living and the dead blur making their Clash a poignant example of this phenomenon this duel akin to a fleeting dream of a single night offers the only opportunity to dance with those who have departed despite the amicable nature of the duel Lisa becomes visibly anxious especially as she recalls a past event where she implored Alfred to protect her from menacing monsters in response Alfred assured her of his protection albeit with a Gest about his commitment lasting only until someone stronger came along returning to the present Lisa finally bids farewell to her uncle who takes the opportunity to apologize for leaving her in such a manner he assures her of his well-being finding solace in knowing that she was a true daughter to him the joy he felt when she called him father was difficult for him to conceal a testament to the depth of their bond at last Lisa grasps her stepfather's hand tightly and expresses her love for him as Alfred bids his final farewell with the conclusion of the festival Allan quietly surveys The Village surroundings when the local leader queries when Allan became aware of the truth Allan reveals that he had long known that the town harbored many deceased Souls under the leader control yet Allan chose not to intervene recognizing that despite the coexistence of the living and the the Dead The Village remained tranquil the Elder presses whether peace can truly exist under the governance of a demon but Allan refuses to oversimplify by categorizing all demons as inherently malevolent nevertheless the elders actions align closely with the stereotype prompting Allan to hope that the human Knight will become a valuable asset in his collection as the demon pits his Undead minions against Allan the young man severs the threads binding the zombies to the Village Leader's control with a Swift and decisive strike Allan dispatches all adversaries before him and retrieves the blue stone dropped by the Elder this forces the demon who serves the dukal family of westfeld to acknowledge another failure much to Brett's frustration Brett's father admonishes him asserting that allowing a young girl to escape won't impede their plans Brett concurs having fulfilled his role by procuring the archbishop's head the following day as Lisa appears shaken beatric reassures her of her unwavering support examining the blue stone Allan discerns his brother Brett's influence within it interestingly the only remaining part of Al was his head while the head of the slain General vanished connecting the pieces Allan unravels the truth behind the mystery suddenly Lisa receives word of General cel's return leaving the trio astonished by the news Brett remembers how his father treated him poorly after their mother passed away and how others praised his older brother fueling his resentment towards Allen he even pushed Allen's hand away when he tried to comfort him Brett wakes up abruptly recalling his father calling him a failure when he was young after preparing himself he approaches his father but is met with a chilling laugh from the Duke who is burning a report his father reveals their plan for revenge against the kingdom and the gods believing himself to be the rightful ruler meanwhile Captain Edward and vice Clark Patrol the capital noticing rumors of cel's return spreading they suspect it's being used to incite unrest Clark wonders if the general might be an impostor but Edward reminds him of their duty to protect the kingdom regardless despite uncertainties they remain committed to Sill's Legacy and vow to thwart any threats to the Kingdom even confronting a hooded figure in an Alleyway Clark prepares for action and demands to know who is there he and Edward are surprised to see the Archbishop Edward questions why the clergyman is in such a shady place without an escort the Archbishop cryptically states that he has something to tell only Edward and asks him to follow Edward's attitude shifts as he agrees to follow the Archbishop Clark is puzzled and tries to object but Edward believes gathering information is crucial despite the risks he assures Clark that he'll return soon and leaves him in charge during his absence Clark watches helplessly as Edward walks into potential danger the Archbishop leads Edward to the old training grounds leaving him puzzled the clergyman then abruptly departs leaving Edward alone suddenly a figure emerges behind Edward and attacks Edward reacts swiftly drawing his blade to block the attack and realizes that it's the Duke he acknowledges the Duke's skill but points out that his aggressive demeanor gave away his identity Edward recalls their last encounter at his late wife's funeral curious about the Duke's intention ions Edward questions him the Duke however insults him and declares that the Archbishop is now under their control before launching another attack Edward defends himself and demands clarification ignoring the question the Duke reminisces about their past sparring sessions and reflects on his own grief after his wife's death expressing a desire to leave this world meanwhile Brett Journeys to the capital and recalls a childhood moment where he questioned Allen about being a failure despite Allen's reassurance Brett couldn't believe it and ran away in tears over time Brett's progress earns his father's favor while Allen is seen as the failure for his lack of advancement Brett feels frustrated by Allen's indifference to being labeled a failure Berke confidently asserted to his older brother that he was the rightful heir to lead their family but Allan remained unmoved by his words Bert became irritated that such thoughts were occupying his mind at the moment a demon appeared to assure him that their part of the plan was proceeding smoothly however they expressed concern about The westfeld house's ability to overcome Edward given his power to neutralize any other ability within a 1 M radius Bert reassured them that his father would handle Edward without any difficulty but if necessary Berke could use his own ability to set their plan in motion turning to the demon Bert began berating them for their frequent mistakes he was startled when another demon appeared to inform their leader that the hero had arrived the devil reminded Brett that they were providing support to his family so errors on their part would not be tolerated Brett remained confident that he was not a failure like Allan meanwhile Akira arrives at the capital feeling anxious about getting lost in the bustling crowds the hero senses her unease and tightly grips her hand to reassure her Akira becomes aware that they are being followed so she decides to lead them to a quieter part of the city to confront their pursuers the demons soon reveal themselves surrounding Akira and expressing their intent to harm her despite their threats Akira remains undaunted surprised by their belief that they can defeat her the demons unveil their plan to exploit her connection to her village where everyone Bears a magic sigil that can be used to trigger a deadly explosion facing the imminent danger the demons speculate whether Akira will sacrifice herself to save the village or abandon the child to save her own life despite Akira's attempts to push her away the hero stands steadfast declaring that a true hero never flees from danger in a critical moment a protective barrier materializes shielding them from the incoming Fireball Akira recalls Allan mentioning that he replaced the sigil on the girl with his own now she comprehends his words and is astonished that he could detect it elsewhere in the city meanwhile Clark has organized a unit to search for the captain their efforts are interrupted by a demon who tries to persuade them that their gifts are being used to control them however Clark remains focused on their duty to safeguard the kingdom he rejects the Demon's words and draws his sword in Defiance the demon attacks injuring some of the knights and delivering a significant blow to the Vice Captain just as the situation seems dire beatric arrives to offer assistance meanwhile the battle between the captain and the Duke continues with the noble gaining the upper hand and delivering a fatal blow Edward realizes that the Duke's high level compensates for his nullified gift the Duke reveals his belief that true Ascension requires attaining the strength to challenge even Gods as the Duke prepares to strike the final blow the hero intervenes disguised as a demon much to his surprise during that time bird arrives at the capital manipulating the Archbishop and sirel with his puppet style gift they aim to convince the people that the gods have deceived them portraying gifts as more of a curse than a blessing instead of empowering individuals to follow their dreams and shape their own destiny they argue that the gifts constrain them they propose a solution where Bert uses his marionet ability to awaken people's latent talents allowing them to seize control of their lives however the crowd is skeptical about the sustainability of this plan without Bert's presence Bert reveals the demons instilling fear in the crowd but assures them that these entities will help fill the void left by the loss of their gift in an impassioned speech Bert urges the crowd to unite and pursue their desires freely however internally he Harbors the desire to create a situation where he becomes indispensable to the masses sirel introduces a powerful sorceress life form claiming it to be a valuable asset with the strength of 10,000 men Bert succeeds in winning over the crowd who cheer for the promising future he paints unaware of his true intentions to control the world however the situation takes a turn when Allen unexpectedly appears and addresses his younger brother leaving Bert shocked and pondering the reason for Allen's presence in the capital and with that the episode comes to a close thank you for watching and we look forward to bringing you more legendary Recaps in the future
Channel: Ani-Explainer
Views: 2,217
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Keywords: recap, anime plot, anicap, animecaps, anicaps, anime movie recaps, anime climax, anime reaction, ani recap isekai, anicapped, ani recap, how to win anime, anirecap, anime part 1, anime recap, anime recap today, anime in minutes, fox anime recaps, best anime, anime to watch, anime summary, ani recaps, horror anime recaps, how to beat animes, best anime recaps, anime recap reincarnation, anime recap demon, anime recaps, ani, ani explainer, anirecaps, action toon, mr recap, aniplot
Id: 5-gaSBWry9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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