Everyone Has A Tom Penny Story... Arto Tells One Of His

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skated with Tom Penney a lot I mean and you know what's so funny about Tom Penney not only is he just this Legend in skateboarding that you know uh just impacted so many people but everybody has a magical Tom Penney story that's what I find really fascinating about that guy is everybody's like oh I got a Tom peny story you got to hear man and it's like this magical thing well like when just encountering him is a magical story straight I agree for sure yeah I mean do you have something that's like I know this is like I hate these kind of questions but is there something that just sticks out to you where you're like dude that was such a moment with Tom that like I can't believe I experienced that with him or something yeah I mean I think that the the latest Tom story that comes to mind just like and kind of puts it in perspective how incredible a skateboarder he is is is that photo I brought over for you guys oh yes is that online anywhere by the way we see so I mean we we can break it out again and show the people is it you know it's not online break it out will you hand it to me not in black and white not in black and white they might be in color some this is because this is a great story it really is bro I think I think this I mean this is like the you know kind of the latest I mean there's so many great Tom stories but sure sure the original sad shun and color by my buddy Anton um in like two yeah filming for sorry 2000 probably um kickflip Shifty over bestos bum parela just like I don't know kind of became a classic mhm and uh maybe we could pull that up here's this here's the ad you're speaking up that was what year you say that's got to be 2000 or 2000 cuz that was in sorry that was in right maybe even 99 it might have been that session where 2000 the whole skit is like hey wake up wake up let's go skate comes along which is like that's what that's what I get yelled at out of the car I was going to ask you that's like most comments on Instagram Auto wake up man let's go skate that's like do a kickflip it's like that but wake up wake up let's just skate is like obviously you know but people I don't know how that kind of became the thing but right but uh no I know how it became a thing cuz yeah legendary Legend so so you know for me it's obviously skating with Tom seeing him do this and then whatever 15 18 years later we randomly end up at a flip tour in in Barcelona and he's just cruising around whatever and he's just like he just kick flip shifties it for for the fun of it 20 years later yeah like 20 years later whatever and you took this photo yeah and it's still sick yeah and now I got to shoot the photo and not anx it's Inc I always love that picture so much so yeah that's great I mean look at that I didn't it is classic Tom peny right there yeah dude it's in I love it man thank you for this by the way we're get I figured you guys get a kick out of it Go picture you know how did how did that when they were talking about Tom's part how when they how did they present this to like Hey we're going to like have this idea for opening Tom's part did did they tell you anything about what was going like what was going into that cuz you're you're filming that skit you're probably like why are we filming this little thing right now yeah I mean there's a little explanation or whatever there's like an idea but I didn't really know the extent of it or whatever and and Fred Fred kind of kept a lot of that stuff under wraps like it he kind of liked to surprise the the riters in the premiere too like I I don't I don't think I never saw the whole video before the premiere or anything did you see your part before the premiere I maybe saw rough cuts of it but never I don't know I don't even know if I saw the full video I don't remember being like Oh yeah this is cute they're just kind of like film my tricks this is what we got and then just kind of let Fred do the rest you know this is I love I mean I I you know I had a little say I'm like oh hey is this in there is that in there whatever but it's like I I tried not to get like too involved with it you know you got to leave leave the magic sh oh whoops I me let me rewind that wow that is so dope that fit too for the record that is a make we filmed it maybe someone has phone footage of it but the C got damaged oh the what photo you took no yeah so the photo I took that also got filmed but somehow the footage got lost the car card corrupted or something happened wow was Winkle there no was uh I think stake filmed it but there's some other cats like some homies hanging out so I don't know if anyone has like foam footage of it or something oh but um God the new shift the new Shifty got lost if anyone's got it that's a shame but this man BOS bump also for people that haven't been there it is very it's difficult to skate cuz it's just the bump just rounds off there's no actually like I need to click my tail here there's no takeoff point it's all just kind of a yeah it's a f game game for sure it's a mountain 100% yeah nollie fakey stuff over it whatever good luck fakey on that dude what did someone cavalary will flip it or something I'm sure I'm sure it's done I mean be surprised if B did it for sure oh yeah I think apples did some Nolly stuff over it too spin y but um yeah I mean I I just love a Tom Penny is just he's a legend man style from miles dude it's C it's it's harder to watch this than like do an interview fusing on it and then you start oh there you are in the excels yeah there's some excels right there yeah Great Soul well actually I want to ask a question though cuz we kind of joked about it earlier about oh yeah all I need is 32 like to ride for them get it like
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 22,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, tricktips, podcast, highlights, skateboarding, jeron wilson, the nine club with chris roberts, tom penny, arto saari, flip skateboards, menikmati, sorry, really sorry, thrasher magazine, thrasher, kickflip, skate, tom penny 2023, tom penny etnies, tom penny 90s, tom penny flip sorry, tom penny flip, arto saari flip sorry, arto saari part, arto saari sorry, arto saari photography, arto saari interview
Id: tAUgAjdAvI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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