''Every Year on My Birthday I Receive a Weird Letter'' | AFTERLIFE CREEPYPASTA [EXCLUSIVE STORY]

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now here's a question and a halfie what happens after we die where do we go do we have a salt is it retained somewhere or do we just drift off into the stars as dust where we came from well I'd like to take a scientific approach to all this which means I have absolutely no answer for you I don't have a single point to plot on a graph call me powerfully skeptical if you wish well this is the subject that tonight's story explores another fantastic one from Richard Saxon so my dear friends it's time once again to sit back relax with your favorite drink and Aliss [Music] today marks the 20th anniversary of my father's death taken away by a single senseless act it just so happens that today is also my birthday he'd been working late as he often did regardless of birthdays or holidays I understood it was a painful memory for him and our relationship had always been a bit strained I never blamed him from making a living because as a single father he had a lot on his mind and I respected that that night on my 18th birthday my father was hit by a drunk driver on his way home he never even made it to the hospital his insides were so utterly torn to pieces by the impact that he simply died before the paramedics could even show up a few weeks after the funeral I was trying to piece together legal mess that comes following someone's death inheritance and so on certainly wasn't anything a teenager should have to deal with but I was alone no close family no one to guide me through the world ironically he's a lawyer seemed to know more about my father than I did after dealing with whatever assets left behind he'd been given a set of instructions all prepared by my father should he meet an untimely demise I signed all the necessary documents I was given some advice on how to survive the loss of a loved one and then I received a letter it was wrapped in a beautiful silver envelope only decorated with my name I opened it careful not to rip it apart and started it reading dear Richard I started this letter by admitting to one undeniable truth I'm not a good man and I've been and even shittier father I've made plenty of mistakes they have too many things unsaid I can make up the excuse that I'm simply a product of my time and the people that raised me but I'll cut through the and just apologize your mother died while giving birth it's a hard fact to live with and though I've seemed cold at times and need you to know that I never blamed you for any of it how could I you came to this world as a beautiful little creature never asking for life yet appreciating every moment of it and writing this on your birthday you've just turned 18 I'm staying behind at work to finish this up I don't think I'll hand it to you yet I'm still not done dealing with my own issues but I promise that as soon as I'm able to man up I'll tell you all the things I should have as you grew up I'm proud of you that I love you I wish I could say this to your face but I'm a coward to all myself that emotions are for the weak so for now I'll put this on paper be waiting among my other things my last will and testament should anything ever happen to me but that will hopefully be many years from now and by then you won't even need this letter to remind you you are a better man than me Rick I hope you know that I'm sorry I haven't been a better father but I promise I'll change I love you dad my father had died the same day that he wrote that letter he probably instructed the secretary to send the letter to his lawyer in the morning I really don't know how else they would have gotten hold of it I read the letter a couple of more times before folding it neatly back up and I just sat down on the floor and crying I kept it together for so long never shed a tear as the police officer handed me the news and I continued my cold appearance throughout the funeral proceedings because he was right we've never been close I never thought that he loved me but hearing those simple words though only from a piece of paper was far more and I could handle my got some old photo albums from my childhoods sifting through them and realizing he always seemed happy smiling wide in each photo as I turned the pages seeing those memories in a new light truly broke my heart we'd left so much unsaid but all the emotions were there showing through the smiles on our faces and the moments we shared that's what truly mattered not the words that could have been said but the time spent together and that would have been it my father had passed and life moved on I kept the small house myself it was already bought and paid for and I kept on with my studies and then one year later on my birthday I received another letter as a beautiful silver envelope just like the last one encased in a pattern of vines and bizarre looking symbols just small enough to remain hidden at first glass in the center it simply said my name written crudely but not without charm his handwriting was unmistakable the letter without a doubt came from my father but how had he sent it one year past his demise I thought about it briefly and figured he must have instructed his lawyer to send a letter on my birthday each year it sounded like something he would have done but I'd already been surprised the last year so I just opened it and started reading dear Richard I had to I'm again I'm not even sure if this letter will reach you considering where I am but I'm giving it a shot anyway it's been exactly one year since my death now I have to admit time works a bit differently here it feels like a hundred years of passed since you turned eighteen yet I know that for you only one year has gone by I'm not much of a poet I'm sure not even Helga Allan Poe could have found the worse to describe the beauty of this place it is simply put unbelievable you need to know that I never suffered the girl hit me at such a speed that it killed me instantly no pain nor any memory from the incident my world just disappeared and a moment later I woke up surrounded by the most beautiful lines where here is I'm not exactly sure I suppose it's heaven though I can't say exactly what I did to deserve such a gift it's like a city stretching endlessly as far as I can possibly see buildings spires covered in silver that stretch up into the sky hiding among the clouds above perfectly constructed and each magnificent in their own way there were no horizon see the world only ends when it's too far away to comprehend just tiny figures dancing in a distance but it's beautiful nonetheless enveloped in colors I never knew existed it's perfect without feel hungry first more tiredness yet the food is bountiful and always tastes exquisite I don't need it but it's a joy to feast on the list never feeling truthful never gaining no losing weight there are some things like counting the guards angels I'm not sure what to call them but they're telling me I have to follow the rules upon asking they simply scoffed and told me to figure it out on my own there's certainly not the beautiful creatures I expected them to be but that doesn't really matter what matters is that I'm looking for your mother but in an endless City that's easier said than done there's really no register here so no one can actually tell me where to find anyone well I suppose really eternity ahead of me I'll just have to keep looking the population is strangely scattered here and no one I spoke to has been here for more than a few years I suspect there's some kind of hierarchy in place or maybe we have to wander further into the city to find our loved ones it's a lot to take in and I wish I could tell you more but I need to go in any case I love you Rick I wish I'd said that while he was still alive but at the very least this is better than nothing love dad I wasn't sure how to react sure it was his handwriting but it had to be some kind of a joke I called up his old lawyer and asked if he'd sent the letter on behalf of my father he denied it saying his job ended the moment I signed over my father's remaining assets here on earth next I turned to the few friends I had interrogated them about the letter without revealing its content they acted innocent which made me feel guilty they've been great as long as I'd known them always there for me without them I couldn't have survived the passing of my father so without any further solutions I let it go I put the letter alongside the rest of my father's belongings forced myself to move on I almost forgot I truly did and then the third letter arrived yet again on my birthday exactly one year later dear Richard I found her after an impossibly long search I finally found her your mother Helen the love of my life I knew she had to be here she's always been one of the best people I knew well I guess I should explain as I said in my last letter doesn't flow as you'd expect at least not here despite that we keep track of it just like we do back on earth I suppose it makes it easier to look out for our loved ones it just feels longer your mother she's some not exactly herself a fatter on top of one of the spies Rick I've never seen her like this she looks nothing like the woman I knew in love before and yet I know it's her I can feel it in my heart she's so skinny emaciated on the brink of starvation I didn't even realize that could happen I haven't eaten myself in weeks I feel completely fine she just keeps repeating the same sentences over and over I don't understand I tried to be good what did I do wrong I tried to convince her to leave with me but she doesn't even recognize Who I am anymore and I can't simply force her believe me I've tried up here it's impossible to do anything to anyone against their will I realized that when I tried to write about what I'd seen on the first day but found that I couldn't form the words it's hard to describe but we have free will here as long as we follow the rules anything else is literally impossible the Angels turn their attention to me after I hung around your mother for more than a few days they told me to leave her alone I tried to explain what they wouldn't listen I had to leave her Rick I couldn't stand to see her like that but I'll keep checking up on her I promise once I tried the few ideas I could think of as some other people here for help but most of them are like myself new and clueless a few veterans I found only tell me to let it be then I'll get in trouble if I keep messing around I've got to go now they're looking at me I love you Rick I hope we don't see each other too soon just have a good life it's far too sure his handwriting seemed rushed towards the end I must have read that letter through a dozen times try my best to figure out what was going on since I had no means of tracking the letter I couldn't do much other than listen to my gut now as strange as it might sound I believed every word I read I decided I would respond I would write to my dad and see what happened honestly I felt kind of stupid as I put the letter down at my doorstep expecting it magically vanished during the night but even the smallest chance of contacting the afterlife was one worth taking of course when I opened the door the following day it was still there mushy with smudged ink from a small storm that had passed during nights defeated I could do nothing but wait for another year to pass as my birthday rolled round I hatched a plan to catch whoever delivered the letters I camped outside in my gun waiting for the culprit hours passed I waited from the early hours and his midday arrived I decided to call it quits and head back inside there it lay on the other side of my front door on top of my slippers a perfect silver envelope with my name written on it dear Richard I found someone willing to answer my questions they claimed they've kept an eye on me for some time but I wasn't ready to see them and so they kept me waiting hoping I'd one day come around I'm not exactly sure what they meant by already but they say that until I see what this place truly is I won't understand I'd like my other companions these people weren't smiling I didn't seem healthy but appeared as sickly twisted human beings that have long since forgotten who they once were they gave me a heads up though the time only passes as fast as we need it to that a year can feel like a century or it can pass by in a week whatever that means they mentioned something they simply refer to as the dog they say it's in the center of the city and almost impossible distance away they offered to take me there once I'm ready but I can't I need to stay home to take care of your mother of course the Silver City still stands tall and magnificent but the food is lost his taste drinks just feel unnecessary I've indulged on occasion tried to recreate the feelings I once had when I first arrived here but to no avail my only purpose now is to find a way of reconnecting with your mother I know I can get through to her I just need to find a way when I search for answers I still visit her from time to time just to sit by her side as she stares off into the distance maybe I'll one day get a glimpse of what occupies her mind and hopefully she knows that she's not alone I know she's heartily broken but as long as I'm able to protect her I promise you that happy birthday ring I'm happy I have the opportunity to stay in touch even if it's impossible for you to respond I love you dad that's how my life went on from it each year on my birthday my father sent me a silver letter just updates from the afterlife and as bizarre as it felt I felt happy to have a connection with my dad though it had been partially tainted by the image of my sickly mother standing atop of the spine on the 15th anniversary of my father's death my life had taken a drastic turn for the better and just gotten engaged to the love of my life after five years this all came on top of a promotion at work all in all life seemed to be going my way my birthday was just around the corner and as always my evilly awaited myself a letter there it was lying on the doorstep except rather than a perfectly smooth envelope with vines and symbols engraved onto the surface I've had a crumpled piece of paper uncovered in erratic handwriting incomprehensible phrases and drawings Richard she's got your mother Helen I went back to the spire I had an idea but she'd simply vanished leaving nothing behind no trace that she'd ever existed I knew something was wrong even before getting there buildings have always seemed him possibly tall but that time I just couldn't get up the stairs I kept going for days weeks of climbing once I finally reached the top I was alone I've searched this entire section of the city climbed each building to the top ask whatever person was willing to talk to me I don't know what to do I haven't eat anything since we last spoke a year ago nor have I had a drink I don't sleep I don't do anything other than search for her I wanted to send you a letter earlier I needed to tell you what happened but I had to wait because of the rules I was damn wrong a few weeks ago I approached one of the guards I don't know why I'm thought of it before but if Heaven was real and God had to be somewhere up here I asked the guard about it he laughed at me he touched me on my shoulder and whispered a few incomprehensive words into my ear it was like a veil was lifted from me I could truly see this place for what it was a concrete jungle with the sky so dark I don't know how I didn't notice it before the buildings around me once I would have considered works of art so perfect a creation that simply couldn't be built by man oh I finally see them for what they are Oh rundown concrete prisons on the brink of collapse they should have fallen long long ago and yet there they stand defying all logic a pitiful sight to behold the people I came here with long since gone all of them are heading towards the dog in that place I'm fighting more and more people who've been here for an eternity hundreds thousands of years and they all seem the same they're all diseased whatever features they once had whoever they once were doesn't matter anymore they've simply existed for far too long an eternity of time to wash away what once made them human I think it's time for me to wander through the Silver City maybe I just need to reach the dome maybe I can find your mother there maybe I can finally get some answers whatever the cost I can't go on like this I'm not sure how long it'll be until I send another letter the road towards the dome is different and this is something I have to do I hope you understand dad five years passed without another silver let the first year I was worried the second I felt scared but as the third and fourth rolled around I felt relieved It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders I'd never been much of a religious person before my father dies and yet I've never feared death but now knowing what awaited me on the other side wasn't the perfect heaven we'd all been taught about I felt horrified as guilty as it makes me feel I never wanted to receive another letter from my father then we arrived at today my birthday it's the 20th anniversary of my father's death as a habit the first thing I did in the morning was check the front door there on the ground lay a silver envelope I picked it up in uncomfortable anticipation my heart raced as I held it with trembling hands crudely drawn pictures covered the front symbols I couldn't decipher a drawing of a dome-like structure surrounded by bizarre shapes that I assumed to be twisted spires on the inside I found another letter it was filled with meaningless phrases jumbled words and sentences I couldn't understand it was a mess of erratic handwriting nonsensical and horrifying from the several pages filled to the brim with texts of varying sizes all I could make out was the following May gave us everything we wanted all the imaginable pleasures of the world and more only to take it away piece by piece so there was nothing left but the memory of better times a cruel joke played on us by whatever creature rules this place I thought this was heaven but it's not I'm in hell we're all in hell but it's not a punishment it never was it's just all there its death is the beginning of a nightmare that never ends and there's no way out no alternative I'm going to enter the dome now I don't know what I'll find on the other side but I feel this will be the last letter I ever send you enjoy what you have left of life Richard because once it's over we'll be right here by my side there's a bit of a depressing way to end the story isn't it nothing out there but how gradually things get worse and worse forever do you agree let me know what you think in the comment section below the video huh this officially is the last story I will never be telling you from Istanbul on my way to Holland and we'll be there by Friday night what I do hope to join you again but not promising anything we'll see what happens lots of things happening between them now and then but you know I tried to get the story at you as always but if I don't stay safe remember these are just stories and with that in mind I wish you all sweet dreams and bye bye [Music] [Music] thank you so much for choosing to spend your time listening to me now if you enjoyed the doctor creeping experience and come find me on Facebook come chat with me on Twitter listen to the background music and download it if you like on soundcloud drop by the store pick up a t-shirt and importantly if you've got a story you'd like me to read send it to dr. creepiness Vox subreddit I set up so that I could read your stories looking forward to seeing you all again real soon so come check me out okay
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 17,097
Rating: 4.8808703 out of 5
Keywords: dr creepens vault, dr creepen, dr. creepen, nosleep stories, creepypasta, scary stories, asmr stories, best horror stories, deep web horror stories, nosleep horror, creepypasta horror, scary story, creepy story, creepy pasta, Every Year on My Birthday I Receive a Weird Letter, richard saxon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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