Every X-Man Ever

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[Music] it all began in 1963 when Marvel debuted Stanley and Jack Kirby's the x-men most of the original members of the team were all present and accounted for in that first issue but we would eventually learn how they joined xavier group in flashback stories that would come in the years to follow Cyclops Iceman the angel and the ever agile beast represented those first students this core group along with Jean Grae also known as Marvel Girl would remain at the center of the team for the next 12 years with only the occasional variation gene was actually the only member of Xavier first class to join an issue one though later continuity would tell us that she had actually known the professor and worked with him for years prior in 1966 the first new team member came and went pretty quickly mimic lasted all of three issues before losing his powers changeling soon followed disguised as Professor X only to die two issues later Polaris and her man havoc the brother of Cyclops would become on-again off-again members [Music] and in 1970 Marvel actually stopped printing new x-men stories for five years but don't worry in 1975 the team was rebooted with almost all new members by the late 70s all-new all-different x-men consisted of an international lineup the German Nightcrawler the Canadian Wolverine Sanchi from Ireland stormed from Kenya the Japanese Sunfire Colossus from Russia and the Native American Thunderbird their first mission was to save the original team from the living mutated island called krakoa at the end of that adventure only Cyclops stayed on from the first group he would lead these new x-men until storm took over in issue 1 39 years later a group of doomed x-men was retconned into this time period they attempted to save the original team from krikawa and failed only then was the international team that we know so well activated by Xavier this would soon become a golden age for the book as writer Chris Claremont came on board for his legendary 16 year run teaming with artist John Byrne in particular resulted in iconic storylines like the Dark Phoenix saga and Days of Future past by the early 80s the roster began to become more fluid with members coming and going a bit more often new teammates like Kitty Pryde the youngest x-men at the time Kitty's faithful dragon Lockheed and rogue a former villain would join the group and even the x-men's ultimate nemesis magneto saw the light and became the new headmaster at his old friend Xavier school for a time anyway during this period the first of what would eventually become many different x-men spin-off teams arrived the new mutants were a selection of students solely meant to be trained in their powers and not see combat as if that was ever going to happen another offshoot of the team came in 1986 called x-factor made up of the original five x-men including the recently resurrected Jean Grey this group was estranged from the current x-men team for several years and the x-men lineup became even more diverse with Time Traveller's interdimensional beings and even disco Queens joining up in 1989 when the x-men were believed dead after the fall of the mutants storyline a band of the team's allies called the Muir Island x-men joined together for a very brief stint by the early 1990s the x-men themselves were now popular enough to spawn a second comic featuring the core group artist Jim Lee a rising star at Marvel who today is one of the most popular comics creators ever worked on the main X book uncanny x-men before moving on to x-men vol 2 he provided the art and co-wrote the book the first issue of which is still the best-selling comic of all time with sales of over 8.1 million copies in this era fan favorites like gambit and Bishop debuted and became part of the team in fact there were so many x-men now that they had to divide into two separate groups the blue and gold teams the new Mutant cannonball finally graduated to full x-men status meanwhile his old team had morphed into a group called x-force a British team of mutants called Excalibur was also active now and the members of x-factor Cyclops Jean Grey Angel Iceman and beast finally rejoined their old teammates as well two different alternate reality versions of Cyclops and Jean Grey's son also reported for duty Cable and Nate gray by the time the early two-thousands rolled around the X books had fallen into something of a law but when writer Grant Morrison along with artist Frank Quitely took over x-men vol 2 in 2001 he also took the mutants to new storytelling Heights the book was renamed new x-men and it turned much of its drama inward to examine the struggles the teammates themselves faced in their personal lives the drama of being a mutant was after all what the x-men had been founded on it was also Morrison who made the former villain Emma Frost aka the White Queen into an x-men and she's been a major player on the team ever since Morrison also introduced the character Zorn a mutant who somehow had a star in his head he eventually revealed himself to be magneto in disguise destroying Xavier z-man's and overtaking New York in a devastating attack he was ultimately defeated by the x-men confusing matters even further though Zorn story would later be rewritten to say he wasn't actually magneto but had just impersonated him longtime writer Chris Claremont had by now moved over to a new x-men title called extreme x-men but the book only lasted until 2004 also in 2001 Marvel launched ultimate x-men which rebooted and reimagined many familiar characters like Wolverine and Cyclops this take on Xavier mutants existed outside of the regular series reality and was written by Mark Millar in the mid-2000s extreme x-men was replaced by another new book astonishing x-men that title was written by Joss Whedon best known at the time as a creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but meeting would eventually go on to direct the first Avengers movie as well as its sequel age of Ultron while fouling up Morrison's new x-men would be tough Whedon's time with the mutants proved to be a hit astonishing featured Whedon's trademark ability to meld great character work with cool action and of course plenty of humor by now the roster of x-men was frequently in flux with several teams operating in multiple books new members came and went more often and an array of former x-men foes like Sabretooth lady mastermind and Omega Sentinel would join the team many other mutants were also featured in the books now most of them students at the Xavier Institute for though not technically x-men these kids often found themselves in the heat of battle and some would eventually be recruited to full team status meanwhile the House of M storyline during this period saw an Avenger The Scarlet Witch use her abilities to take away the powers of some 90% of the mutant population of planet Earth including her father magneto and her brother Quicksilver but even with his cataclysmic event new members kept finding their way to the x-men all the same [Music] by the end of the 2000s the x-mansion had been destroyed again and the x-men were thrown into disarray but Cyclops led the charge in rebuilding the team with their new headquarters in San Francisco a storyline during this time called Dark Reign overtook the entire Marvel Universe including the x-men this tale led to Prince Namor finally joining the x-men which was appropriate since he's really the first Marvel mutant character ever he was actually created in 1939 before Marvel even existed as a company in Dark Reign longtime spider-man foe Norman Osborn rose to power after a scroll invasion of Earth Osborn that appointed Emma Frost and Namor as leaders of a group called the dark x-men which included cloak and dagger not officially sanctioned by the real x-men the dark x-men was made up of several characters who had soon turn on Osborn and joined the actual team eventually Cyclops and Wolverine had a falling-out with Wolverine returning to the x-men's original home in Westchester New York there he and several other x-men rebuilt Xavier school which was now called the Jean Grey school for higher learning this of course open up the doors to even more new mutants including some truly outlandish characters like dupe and krakoa this krakoa is actually a male spawn of the original whom the x-men had previously encountered he was used by the Hellfire Club to attack the Jean Grey school for higher learning but was fended off by new characters like war bird both characters would eventually join the x-men in 2013 fan favorite writer Brian Michael Bendis launched a book called all new x-men the concept behind this title featured the original team of five who traveled through time into the future to meet their older not always wiser cells Bendis also resurrected the uncanny x-men title here Cyclops set up a rival school named after his mentor Charles Xavier which was built on the site of Wolverines old Weapon X facility and perhaps our favorite x-man is one we never even knew about until 2014 forget-me-nots his mutant power is to be forgotten which means he's been on the team for years but no one really remembers it not even you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: IGN
Views: 3,913,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every X-Man Ever, movies, timeline, infographic, roster, team, Marvel, history, X-Men, X2, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse, ign, x-factor, x-force, Uncanny X-Men (Comic Book Series), Astonishing X-Men (Comic Book Series), mutants, x men characters, xmen, x men
Id: wqT4hXxnjYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 16 2015
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