Top 25 X-Men God Mode Scenes in Movies

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[Music] range as deep as you can let's do this for the age of Mega budget MCU flicks we had deep grounded superhero movies spearheaded by the likes of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man and the X-Men franchise it's actually been a while since I've shown my favorite mutants some love so today I'm presenting the top 25 X-Men god mode scenes in the movies please always gotta start strong and this is as strong as it can get when it comes to overpowered mutants dark Phoenix might not be remembered for the right reasons but it did give us a few sparkling moments and Michael fassbender's performance as Magneto stands tall as one of the highlights the train fight scene with the dabari aliens was a sight to behold in general but it was when Eric decided to go all out that things really got serious bro it was just plain in the beginning when he was controlling shards of metal as his weapons he saved the good stuff for when all the enemies were right where he wanted them to be I gotta say man I've seen this guy do some brutal stuff but to crush a train like that in the blink of an eye and not even look back now that's colder than a grade a giga Chad get electrons and your Taylor Joy has had an amazing rise to the top and I'm all for it I became a fan right from 2015's the witch so I was overjoyed to see her finally gain recognition from the Queen's Gambit of course everyone's talking about how she slayed it in the menu but I want to bring your attention to when she slayed a whole Army of smiley men in the New Mutants first of all why on Earth would you call such creepy ghouls Smiley men I couldn't use emojis for a whole week after I saw those freaks anyway Magic's confrontation against the smiley man was a top tier moment with her slicing through all of them in no time I really liked her sword design although I can't say the same about Charlie Heaton's reaction to getting saved bro might have actually just walked into the set thinking he was in one of those flashback scenes from stranger things do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning foreign Halle Berry was on a roll during the 90s and she took that energy with her into the 21st century through a gig as storm in the X-Men franchise looking back on that call I've got to say it was the perfect casting choice because I can't see anyone else playing that character as well as she did yes this includes Alexandra's ship as well when storm first made her appearance in the movie she didn't exactly come across as a Deadly Assassin or anything like that but then toad pissed her off and she Unleashed her powers as a literal weather goddess her attack on toad wasn't just a humiliating defeat bro actually got sent to me the amphibian Gods after that lightning blast wait a second doesn't that make her an anti-hero just like the Wolverine I mean I never thought about it like that storm [Music] all right no no go speaking of the Wolverine here's an entry from his movie but the focus is on his kid well she's technically like a clone kid but you get what I mean don't you x23 is a deadly weapon when set loose and she shows the receipts when she takes on Donald's men in absolutely Savage fashion if you ever wanted to see a kid go in god mode then this is it there's no mercy on display as Laura slashes through all of her attackers with aggressive Grunts and ferocious skills from her interviews Daphne Keane is actually a very sweet kid but I guess Logan isn't exactly meant to be a family-friendly film honestly speaking it just goes on to show how talented she is as an actress to be able to act with such intensity even though she's a child I really hope that the MCU uses her in their future plans x-23 can easily become the next big icon of the franchise thank you [Music] Last Ride foreign [Music] if you were born in the Gen Z era you might not recognize Famke Janssen but believe me she's a name you need to remember apart from a highly successful career including the James Bond and taken franchises she's the OG Jean Gray and also the first one to unleash the powers of the Phoenix on the big screen while she might have given into the dark side in X-Men the Last Stand it was in the finale of X2 where she first tapped into her Phoenix Powers the scene in itself shows us how capable genius as a mutant because she ends up saving her entire team from set and doom no seriously she stopped a freaking flood while also raising the extra at the same time of course there are better entries to come but this is by no means a puny godflex the professor can help thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] faster than a speeding bullet you'll probably think of someone like Superman or the flash however in this case it's none other than Ryan Reynolds in one of his most forgettable roles to date to be fair he is a fake Deadpool in this particular scene so he's off the hook for now I've become quite a big fan of this sequence because Wade Wilson steps up to the task and delivers with flawless execution I mean I hate to admit it but this guy might actually be more skilled as a swordsman if you were to compare him to the real Deadpool whether he's slashing enemies deflecting bullets or even slicing them this moment is truly worthy of being god tier I'm sure the Wolverine himself would approve of this he was a first-hand witness after all okay people are dead you didn't have that mouth on you Wade you'll be the perfect Soldier you might have noticed that the first entry I covered was only one half of that whole scene well it's because Magneto Reigns Supreme only during that part of the sequence he actually unleashes more of his powers here when he launches a military-grade attack on Fook with an artillery of machine guns unfortunately for him though he's not the star of this entry in my personal opinion the writers kind of messed up the chance to make fuka menacing villain with a respectable fan following what they ended up giving us was a very bored Jessica Chastain having said that we shouldn't take anything away from vuk who totally owned this scene by taking in the Firepower and beating Magneto to a pulp right after yeah you're definitely worthy of God status if you can dominate Eric with that kind of ease because it's so much easier to understand your language when you're not screaming ah [Music] that dark Phoenix is really killing it with a number of entries here these are back-to-back mentions kind of makes you wonder how the film flops so hard if it had this many decent moments in it so the fight begins in the trains but Jean Gray wastes no time in changing the Battleground to a Barren Wasteland her fight against the remaining dabari aliens did feel as if the creators wanted to go for some fan service but that doesn't hinder the fact that the Phoenix totally owns everyone in the room or in this case the open field she even recovers from a stab through the chest and instantly evaporates her attacker as if nothing even happened what kind of cheat code did they exactly give you for this movie Sophie maybe Sansa was still upset with the way things ended in Game of Thrones eh all right [Music] sorry Charles please be the better man I don't trust him Eric there will be no turning back [Applause] [Music] remember when I said Sebastian Shaw could have become the toughest opponent ever in the X-Men Universe well the only reason that isn't a reality today is because of Mr Magneto himself and a little bit of support from Professor X okay maybe little is the wrong word to use here but because this entry is more of a Godly combo consisting of both Magneto and Charles Xavier fusing their powers to defeat a common enemy this is what we're going to do I'm going to count to three and I'm going to move the coin imagine a guy like Shaw would be able to survive a nuclear explosion however he's only effective when he's in control of his mind and that's where Professor X steps in to allow his buddy Eric to land the final blow what really stands out in this scene is that a dramatic aesthetic to it I mean it's just a coin sliding through a guy's skull but the editing and music had a lot of depth to this sequence it's just following orders I've been at the mercy of men just following orders never again you know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news I'm the worst one mutants with anger issues to this day I'm still a bit confused about how I should feel about pyro the man is definitely a capable fighter but his intentions aren't exactly the best placed amongst his peers I guess a lot of that has to do with this scene where he finally loses his call and unleashes his flames on those cops I've always been a sucker for people with firepowers so this scene does appeal to me more favorably than others come to think of it pyro did just witness Wolverine getting shot in the head so I guess his rage here is somewhat Justified of course there's also the fact that Logan eventually ejected the bullet out of his skull so it kind of made the whole thing feel redundant my brother asked you a simple question why are you being such a yeah because I can hey hey [Music] for musicians the biggest stage they can perform on are at stadiums Michael Jackson Beyonce another weekend have all showcased their dominance in the industry with sold out shows all over the world I guess that must have been what inspired Magneto in a way because bro literally lifted an entire stadium and took it to his audience on the one hand he saved everyone the cost of traveling to see him but then again the whole point of doing this was to trigger a mass killing like there's a limit to flexing your powers But Eric doesn't seem to understand that somebody did this back in the Stone Age they'd immediately be accepted as a God so this scene definitely belongs to him considering sir Ian McKellen's Magneto is also in this movie I'm sure he would have given the stamp of approval to Michael Fassbender oh [Music] so much for being a survivor don't let it control you in the world of X-Men the biggest possible achievement you can accomplish is defeating Charles Xavier AKA Professor X Jean Gray went a few steps further and completely annihilated him from the face of the Earth yeah I know he managed to survive by transferring his conscience but still that was one of the deadliest attacks I've ever seen in the series by now Gene's completely given into the power of the Phoenix and the way she dominates her Mentor is captivating as well as terrifying it didn't even feel like a matchup because Charles has no leeway to do anything even with Magneto by his side side note though I really like the makeup effects on her face because it separates Gene from the Phoenix as a distinct character but man if this is what happens when you anger a God we all better start praying every single day Jin enough enough remember the point between rage and serenity [Music] okay now I know what you're thinking a stadium is a lot heavier than a submarine yeah I mean I agree with that logic but look at it this way Magneto was already an experienced Fighter by the time he did his thing in Days of Future Past here in first class though he hasn't even come up with his alter ego's name as a matter of fact this was Eric's first proper test to push himself to the next level it took a lot of training and support from his buddy Charles to be able to achieve this and the way the senior shot also adds a lot of weight to the overall Act is dramatic the stakes are high and most importantly this scene reignites Eric's belief that he is powerful enough to Take On The World unfortunately though he went on to become a villain with that mentality I prefer the real raven I said the real raven perfection [Music] you can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel but you can never strike gold how can this be a god mode video if it doesn't have an actual God in it apocalypse was a welcome addition to the X-Men franchise although I would have loved it if he carried on as a villain similar to how Thanos was there for the Avengers he's got everything you need to be a top tier final boss but I guess the studio execs had other things in mind no more normal no more apart from a thrilling performance by Oscar Isaac the reason why apocalypse works as a threat is his attachment to mutants sure he's using them for his own plans but he also takes time to understand them it's like he's got all this empathy and suddenly bro's threatening to detonate the world with his own nuclear artillery that's pretty Grand statement if you ask me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] territory now and I'm kicking things off with a legendary kitchen seed executed by the tricky quickie himself Quicksilver immediately walked into our hearts with this sequence because it does two things first we get a good idea of how capable the man is and second he makes it known that he's a man of culture which is always welcome in the superhero genre bro violated an entire security team within a second and had the three greatest X-Men just standing there in disbelief Evan Peters has the weird habit of either playing psychotic Killers or comic relief characters personally I prefer him as a quick-witted Rascal with a keen sense of humor because that's what gets the crowd rooting for you the only thing I'm guilty of is fighting for people like us Jay karate you know karate man also if Quicksilver is that good around a kitchen shouldn't that mean he can cook a full course meal in an instant thank you [Music] childhood trauma can be a messed up thing to deal with and we all know that Eric has a lot of it poor guys never been able to catch a break throughout his entire life which is why his villain Arc is so easy to understand of course guys like apocalypse know how to exploit these feelings and that brings us to the deadly power bursting at Auschwitz it's a bad enough scene that Magneto is at the place where it all began for him especially having just lost his wife and daughter then he gets boosted by a literal muted God what follows is nothing short of extraordinary as he controls even the tiniest of metals inside rocks and unleashes a magnetic tornado Heroes to Mr Fassbender once again for conveying such intense emotions during this Flex he really sells the fact that he's reached a whole nother power level [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I did mention pyro earlier in this list but Iceman definitely deserves to be placed higher than him probably because he kicks his butt in this fight normally nobody would ever bet on an ice guy defeating a fire guy I mean pretty much all of us have played Pokemon while growing up haven't we so it's most definitely a bit of a shock to see Bobby suddenly transforming into the Iceman in the middle of pyro unleashing his flames on him it's as Godly as one can get with that kind of power because he's defeating someone who's supposed to have a blatant advantage against him and if that wasn't enough bro even violates his opponent with a one-liner after that it kind of reminds me of one of those Michael Hearn memes maybe you should go back to school [Music] you never should have left [Music] [Music] [Applause] the apocalypse entry narrowly missed out on making it to the top ten but Jean Gray easily finds her way here because she's the only one who burns him to a crisp I'm a bit bothered by the fact that she needs to rely on her Phoenix powers to make it to my list but in this case she does look like she's in control of the situation what makes her display stand out is the fact that she quickly defeats an opponent the entire X-Men Army was struggling against it's a Savage sequence that gives us a good idea of how capable she is as a fighter as long as she doesn't go rage mode I wonder if she tapped into her inner Hulk and sort of Apocalypse as a puny God foreign [Music] storm gets another feature it's one of my favorite scenes of all time I've actually given the top spot to this sequence in some of my other lists but it's important to be fair and neutral as per the topic fighting off a bunch of jets is no easy feat and neither is summoning an army of tornadoes so storm gets herself a double whammy here what I like the most about this scene is the fact that she's not struggling with anything it's just another day at the office for her I don't think people realize how strong she really is because the movies haven't really given her a lot to work with given the popularity of guys like Wolverine and Magneto but having said that I'm sure storm could put up just as much of a fight as any of the other top-rated mutants thank you [Music] now I'm sure you might be thinking where the heck is Wolverine well here he is in my top five where he rightly belongs Logan has some intense powers and skills the most prominent of Witcher is adamantium claws of course we've all seen him Flex those weapons across his entire existence in the X-Men universe but it's his healing ability that really sets him apart from other mutants yep he can take a bullet to the head or restore to the heart but more importantly broken absorb the impact of a freaking atomic bomb the Nagasaki scene from 2013's The Wolverine is a highlight not just for Logan but also Hugh Jackman as an actor the visual of him looking all burnt up after the explosion was a powerful statement of his abilities and even though Ichiro turned out to be the most ungrateful friend in the world it was nice to see a man recovering at God level speed foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] magnito loves lifting doesn't he also a huge shout out to Sir Ian McKellen for setting such a strong base for the younger Eric to build on I've always maintained that I slightly prefer the OG Magneto to the younger one and this scene is one of my many reasons why I feel that way bro felt so insecure around Gene that he lifted an entire Bridge just to remind everyone who he is make no mistake though this is a man who doesn't just have magnetic powers his mind is just as useful that's kind of why he had someone with Phoenix powers on his side well for the most part anyway it's time to end this war [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you might have memorized this scene by heart judging from the number of times I featured it on my channel but what can I do it keeps calling me back every time I look at stuff to cover apart from showcasing his impeccable range of skills what Nightcrawler does really well over here is this General sense of awareness bro's got everyone on high alert because he knows the layout of the White House better than the president himself I wouldn't be surprised if the action choreography was actually inspired from real life Hitmen because some of his attacks looked way too realistic once again we need a solo Nightcrawler movie I hope you're listening Disney oh [Music] [Music] well if the kitchen scene made it to the top 10 it's only fair for the Mansion scene to be in the top two Quicksilver makes everything look like he's playing some kind of video game which kind of makes sense because he was introduced as a gamer nerd in the first place of course the man has a lot of noble intentions which is why he's here saving so many mutants in the first place but sometimes I think Bros way too fast for his own liking the only instance of speed I've seen which is more intense than the Mansion rescue is probably when flash reverses time in the Snyder [Music] oh shoot it's a little ironic that the weakest installment of the OG X-Men Trilogy claims the top spot in today's video but how could I not include this this literally spells out God level disaster in mutant language once again it's the Phoenix who comes out to play but the devastation she calls is simply can't be put into mere words she went in so hard Only The Wolverine could go up to her because of his rapid healing powers and come to think of it Logan's had quite a few guest appearances on this list today but yeah to see such a merciless Onslaught speak volumes about the deadliness of the mutant that we all know as Jean Gray save me [Music] hope you liked the video so please subscribe to the channel and check the description for links to my socials in the meantime here's another video that you're going to enjoy [Music]
Channel: The TV Regent
Views: 1,600,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the tv regent, top 10, top 10 movies, movie scenes, movies, movie tops, movie, Top 25 X-Men God Mode Scenes in Movies, when xmen went god mode in movies, xmen god mode, god mode, xmen, when superheroes went god mode in movies, best movie scenes, fims, x men, quicksilver scene, wolverine nagasaki scene, quicksilver kitchen scene, magneto lifts submarine, magneto lifts stadium, jean grey last stand, deadpool deflecting bullets, top 10 superhero, superhero
Id: LUpMUotqnQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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