Every *WRONG* Answer = $$$ to MY TWITCH SUBS!

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so I found this website it's called we're in fortnight and I've made a minigame with this what we're gonna be doing we're gonna click normal mode we drop into fortnight world we have to guess where we are just by our surroundings I'll go ahead and guess that right there mate guess and you see here round results your guess was six metres from the correct location if you look right here so how this works if I'm ever over 10 metres from the actual point I lose and what I have to do I have to find a victim you probably want to be my victim for this video I already got my first one his name is male uh mate mela if i lose i'm going to gift twenty subscriptions to 20 random people give twenty gifts and then after this I'll gift fifty subscriptions to somebody else and then after that a hundred subscriptions it's just gonna keep going up and tell until I'm fully broken I have no more money in my back so those are the rules if you look in the top right we have ten rounds per round we're gonna do two full rounds twenty rounds this could be a lot of money let's do this alright so let's do this normal mode okay here we go go okay oh I know where this is at this is risky reals inside of that little tent thingy or yeah okay there's chess there in the chest behind me there we go and then over to the left there that is where the UH the screen is the movie screen yeah well okay let's go up here to the top right okay yeah right there so there's the movie screen there's that back building all the cars and then we're dead center right there there we go I gotta be under 10 meters ten or below and I win ten at Earth eleven and above and I lose give up your guess was zero meters from the correct location it was perfect I don't have to give any way any of my money let's do this oh yeah dudes I every like on this video there's another dollar in my bank account just hit the like button Russell do the jeopardy music we're good you did it let's go to next round what up 10 we have 19 more rounds here we go okay where are we okay rathi oh wait that's the superhero house we're in lonely Lodge okay we're in the Tower of lonely Lodge there's that chest hold on okay let's go to the mini-map lonely lot over here yeah okay so there's this superhero house right there ah there's there's the the tower but where are we in the tower oh yeah we're in a quarter but which corner are we in I want to say this one yeah I think that is the quarter that we're in because we can see the superhero house and we can see another corner here and then when we turn over here we can see the log cabin and then we see another corner here okay I'm gonna make my guess next round this poor guys he's not gonna get any money hold on what's his name meet Mila met Matt my Lola sorry I'll donate to you soon okay now where is this okay Pleasant Park is that way hmm I think very stilted that way I think tilted is right over there and pleasant park is way back there I think oh okay let me look at the bat loo look at the map so there's tilted right there there's Pleasant Park if we go down this road right here Russell Russell dude do the mini-map zoom in effect what okay oh wait no is it here are we right below shifty chef they're shifty shafts right there there's tilted and here's the bridge okay that's the purple van right there so we're a little bit behind the purple van right there well there's the crack in the ground you see that little crack right there a little bit behind that make guess come up three meters I'm sorry Miami l'm sorry mayor still no money for you look I next right here we go okay we're in the sand oh is that a llama oh there's okay Paradise Palms now entering paradise neat thanks for the sign okay I think I know where I am in but yeah there's the carton back here there's usually a bunch of riffs back here okay this one should be easy hold on let's guess okay there's paradise there's the cart there's the cart right there we're a little bit in front of the cart right there I think right next to the road there's a where's the llama is there a llama hold on I'm gonna get a little bit closer to the road right there mate guess seven meters I'm sorry man I'm sorry you're not getting money okay next round here we go five out of ten there's the Paradise Hotel okay that's the Paradise Hotel okay there's the hotel right there the high part of the hotel so if I just go straight this way until I see a truck wow there's the truck is that the truck right behind the truck there's this truck right there oh yes for four meters I'm sorry mate you're not gonna get a gift from me homey next round let's keep going six out of ten oh this is easy this is the the burger place what's it called der burger this is like senator burger in a pleasant not pleasant greasy Grove right over here yeah here's a greasy Viking Bay's right up here and it's like yeah yeah here's their burger right there hold on hold on okay there's the front door right there so if you like here right there goodness come on two meters that's what I'm talking about okay next round let's keep going oh this is uh this is lazy links lazy links so the pools there okay okay there's the sign hold on let's go up to lazy link scope the lazy links okay okay okay so it's the golf house so I know like you see this box here that is outside I'm inside like if you look up right here it's like a three storey living room they live in rich here so I believe it's right there it's gotta be it's like favoring this corner it's like right there two meters I'll take it okay let's keep going next John eight out of ten where's this Oh soccer stadium yes I know where this is I know where this is right here so it's to the the west of tilted I think we're underneath the gas station overhang yeah so there's the there's the gas station right there there's the gas station overhang where about like we're favoring the right side a little bit right there we're favoring the left side looking down right there make s two meters why not attitude let's keep going oh wait hold on I know where this is I know what this is so risky rails is right here risky rails is this way tomato town is this way lazy links is this way there's the bridge hold on her okay let's go to lazy links the lazy links is here and the bridge yeah okay so lazy Lakes is your brain bridge is loading loading dang it this is this a lot of money online here so the bridge is there the fence you see the fence fare the fence fences right there and then I go up to the north load in dang it map stop it map yeah there's that 18-wheeler truck bed right there and then the fence goes out and then in and then there's the rock there's the truck so I'm a little bit behind the truck and to the right like right there you may mail my mail may guess come on four meters next round goes through this and out of ten final round and then we have ten more after this and I think I might change up the rules a little bit we'll see okay where are we oh this is easy Pleasant right back here lute Lakes back here tilt is over there alright right there lazy links over here oh my gosh this is so easy okay let's go up to pleasant yeah it's right there there's the there's the hamburger head right there I'm a little bit like right here a little bit closer right right right there I'm kind of hovering in the air a little bit may guess three meters there we go showresults neat fam lit neat family it submit score I don't know I do these things alright so 10 rounds down mate Mela doesn't get a dime from me not today okay let's do ten more what I'm gonna dome to change up the rules a little bit I have to be within 5 meters instead of 10 okay oh this is that three level house inside of uh what you call what's it called Oh salty springs but I don't know which house it is I don't lay in something springs often which house is the three-level house with the basement this is salty Springs right here okay here is the gas station right there that's the gas station yeah is it this house I know it's not this house I'm gonna do process of elimination I know it's not this house and I know it's not this house those houses are way too small it's either this one this one or this one really now this one you know my dead center of it I'm gonna guess this one I have the right house it was a little bit too far over all right Mae ela it is time all right homie let's do it give subscriptions give gift subscription that's steak let's start with 20 let's start with funny so this is actually pretty sick whatever you gift donate I would have done this on YouTube but YouTube doesn't have anything like this YouTube don't sue me for going to to which it's Pam's the chat with a bunch of subscriptions ok let's check this out it's actually pretty sick alright here we go go back oh I think I broke it straight in I probably should have taken it [Music] well some D games chat can we please raise our foggers chat do me a favor and raise your Potter's thank you raise your pockets much love much of truth is that the Parkers ammo hog responded to Parker's Parker's paddy buggers I love you too don't see me oh I didn't make him lose this game please don't lose the game over he's got really good stats he's like he's got a 27% win rate that's insane is that B Sunday what is what is what who's that that's crazy that's a lot of subs man that's that that's pretty why it's so good I'll try to all go back in time it seems like a genuinely good dude - I like that well we unlocked a new emote nice which means we have an emo slug what are his emo slow see let's that's cool I'm not even subbed dang I got a gift all these stuff writing some crap alright well back to the game I failed round 1 let's go to round 2 dang it here we go why were we at oh oh this is just a bridge I think yeah so right there but down here is tilted right there is shifty yeah yeah we are where d did this one but it was on top of the bridge yeah so here's shifty and here's that bridge right I believe yeah and if we and if you look yeah there's that hole the hole in the bridge right there and we're like right under the hole right there we're like dead center of the hole I think actually we're favoring the backside of the hole where's the truck okay the trucks above us so we're like right there I have to be within 5 meters one meter there we go okay okay all right let's keep going next round oh this is a superhero base is it the house or where the thingy launched no no I think this is the house pretty sure this is the house over here by um lonely Lodge yeah and I think it's Underground back here like at the back side of the house like here's the main house and then you go underground underneath the driveway right and under here maybe right there I have to be within 5 meters is it 43 what do you mean that was the center of the house it's not where I pointed the blue mark is where I appointed a green a red mark is where it is I think I am awful well let's go find another victim oh gosh Nico just linked me this guy he looks so young his name is ex legacy TV he's got eight viewers oh gosh if I subscribe to him gift subscriptions if I give him 50 subscriptions what does that even mean does it what does it do he's got a sub-goal on his screen right now four out of ten I think I'm gonna tweet this guy stream out let's get more people in here there we go let's see so he's got eleven viewers right now let's get it let's get him some viewers a few moments lay down gosh [Music] No No thank you for the I have found my finger target acquired subscribe gift n get 50 subscriptions his sub goal is 4 out of 10 oh gosh we're about to demolish let's do this alright complete purchase edit that out and out my email address please thank you bye ok here we go get ready for the chat to get spam team it's got G legacy lesson 3 oh my god he's got 325 thank you so much flat rate and stiggy's flowing look look at his look at his sub goal it's 54 out of 10 [Laughter] well there goes $250 thank you so much for that raid wait wait what is he doing he said is this son oh no please don't look me up I'm fake I'm a faker I'm a liar I'm a family hack sir oh wait oh hey I think you figured it out we've been calling alright second victim has been victimized alright let's go back to the game we have six more round seven I don't know man okay what is this oh we just did this one oh this is easy oh okay I gotta get this again I gotta get this again this is over here right underneath this like rate favoring the right side right there make guess two meters there we go all right let's keep going next round if I get another one wrong oh gosh I got a subscribe with oh no I can do 100 yeah gosh 100 gifts up for $500 let's do it next round okay oh I know where we are I know where we are this is the trailer park of the trailer park behind ya retail row so here's a retail row right there if we go back get in right here there's the trailer park but where are we there's the big red barn or underneath a tree oh we're right behind the second trailer park so one two right there right there come on make us three meters there we go okay let's keep going six out of ten oh this is the UH the junkyard the Train thingy junkyard oh but where are we in it oh no that's north here's retail that's north of retail so somewhere in here oh but where we gotta be within five meters hold on I gotta figure this out so if we look this way there's the stairs so the stairs are here and then there's two sticking out there which are right there and then right there we're out a little bit oh right about right right right there right there five meters Vader's okay let's do this let's do this next round seven out of ten um-um-um this is the movie scene full house this is full house I know this is up in the top left corner somewhere up here near junk Junction but where I think it's here I think it's this warehouse right here somewhere in the center of this warehouse like right there we're like dead center right there five meters come on Oh anything below and I win I don't find another victim let's keep going eight out of ten oh no oh no all right so that's the crashed bus right there yeah right there there's the crashed bus so if we go this way hold on we're under a giant tree oh is that it that's the Johnny tree but where are we oh gosh you've got to be within five meters so this is the center of the tree right here where the where the trunk is we're up a little bit and this way because if we go this way we can see the bus so there's the bus 42 meters buddy you've gotta be kidding me all right well let's find her next victim you know what I think my last victim I've been watching this dude for a long time he's a pretty big streamer his name is a cipher PK he's really good at this game i'm watching him for a while what i'm gonna do for this dude let's drop him gift subscription give gift subscription 100 gifts $500 all right let's do it I related that out and all the people see my email just look at the chat a hundred gifts gifting a hundred look at the chat Sundy gifted a hundred Tier one subs watch cypher all the time I love this dude is such a good guy what if he knows in a YouTube video yet okay he's probably gonna say this YouTube video I was just thinking feel better about that loss oh it's 17 cases subscriber Sunday remember like I don't know if you remember but like eight months ago we had a fight and you came in here afterwards I think I think I want to say or maybe not I'm not sure but remember that but oh you were in here like eight months ago I only have like a couple hundred viewers but you were here for a little bit thank you so much for the hundred insane no problem dancing it's cuz I'm stupid it's coming in it I don't know what for 90,000 subscribers thank you so much man that's awesome he hit over 17,000 jayjay big it's the real Sunday you guys might know I'm on YouTube thank you so much no problem yeah you know what I think I'm done I just spent five six seven eight nine like a thousand dollars wrong with my last my last dude here my last one here is in yeah this one right here it's in a retail row right there at the the shop right there next to the water tower make yes yeah five meters kill rate game sucks listen for now hope you guys have enjoyed don't go sit and hate any of these guys they're really great dudes it was a lot of fun hopefully if they enjoy the subscriptions hopeful they gain new fans from the subscriptions and yes if you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button we'll see a news next time [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,692,987
Rating: 4.9190145 out of 5
Keywords: donation reaction, big donation, fortnite funny, fortnite new, donations on livestreams, streamers react, fortnite, fortnite: Battle Royale, ssundee, sypherpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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