Every Tractor Owner Should Buy These Things

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oh hey friends i'm micah and  this is the homestead bandwagon is there a title screen here? so a tractor in its essence is a utility tool and  you attach other utility tools to it. Now, when you   buy a tractor- let's say it's your first one or maybe  it's your fifth one, maybe it's your 100th tractor  , oftentimes you have jobs in mind for that tractor.  But let's just say you just want to get a tractor   and figure out the jobs you're going to do  later and you want to figure out the three   most useful things you can buy right off the bat  that'll give you the most bang for your buck.    You know, maybe you're on a budget. We want to start  with a couple tools and add later. That's great   So maybe you don't want to Macgyver  everything. Maybe you don't don't have   a nice mullet like me, but you want to Macgyver  some stuff. These are tools that will help you   in that endeavor to get more utility out of your  utility machine. So that's we're going to do here. If you just bought a tractor and you could only  get three tools, what are the three tools you   should buy first? We'll go with something that goes  on the front, something that goes on the rear, and   then a big super surprise tool or attachment- i'm  not gonna not going to show my hand yet- that i   think everybody needs for their tractor. so let's  get with it starting with the front. Okay, so here we are on the front of the tractor. We've got our  loader. Everybody gets a bucket with their loader.   We're not going to take the easy way out and say,  "Oh you should get a bucket with your loader!"  Yeah, there's there's your click bait for the day. No. These are pallet forks on the front of the   tractor. i think they are, bar none, the most  useful tool. If you could only buy one tool   for the front of your tractor, this would be it.  I use my forks more than the bucket on the tractor   because they're so useful. Sometimes i  get new new tractor owners or buyers who   are asking me," well why are they so useful?"  It's because once you put them on your tractor   you'll start noticing that you put them on  more and more and more for more tasks. They're not just for lifting pallets, but it is  handy that you can palletize a lot of stuff.   I went down to the hardware store  and I bought 31 bags of concrete.   Instead of hand loading and unloading, i asked them. "can we  just palletize those put them in the back of the truck?" I got home slipped the forks under, lifted  those bags of concrete on the pallet drove them to where i was going to use them and i was done.  No backache. I can can keep being fat and happy  . so that's the one thing you could do with pallet  forks but there's more things you can do with them   um now these are a skid steer style pallet fork  so there is an opening here some have an enclosed   back i like having an opening because i can see  what i'm doing but i feel like it gives me more   attachment point options i can chain things  to here i can attach straps there's cleats on   the side i've seen people use these as working  platforms don't recommend that that's dangerous   but hey that's what happens when you get these  pallet forks you can start getting dumb ideas   i've used my forks there's another  video you can see on the channel   that i was using these as a post pounder you know  we're turning this into a multi-tool that does   lots of things um when i'm moving the implements  around out in the yard guess what i use the forks   lift my implements and move them so i  can mow where the implements are sitting   um you know piles of of of junk we found out  in the blackberries i use use the use the the   forks to extricate them you know um we use them  for for for moving brush piles when i don't feel   like putting the grapple on it's a poor man's  grapple you can use them to pick up and move logs   and when we do firewood we put the firewood and  ibc totes guess what dragging them around with   the forks so once you get yourself your set  of forks you're going to notice man i've got   so many options here now things you want to look  for on your forks make sure they're heavy-duty if   you have a loader that lifts two thousand pounds  get forks rated for more than two thousand pounds   okay we don't want to just go to the limit  you want to go a little a little bit beyond   because you're gonna do something dumb you're just  gonna you want to make sure these are adjustable   these can move side to side they're  not hydraulic it's just manual you   you lift a pin and lift these and move them that's  handy you know make sure maybe you have a couple   attachment points make sure the welds are strong  make sure the metal looks thick you know if you   grab these things and move them does the metal  feel like it's bending i hope not um and if you   get a chance get these skid steer style pallet  forks that go on the quick attach on the front   of your tractor i wouldn't really recommend the  pin on or or bolt-on or whatever you call them   pallet forks that just pin onto the bucket unless  you have a sub-compact tractor and in that case   you don't have that much power you're probably  not going to bend your bucket with the pin on ones   getting getting that rocking action on them but  yeah get stronger ones than you think you need   so you never have to worry about putting them  in the ground and accidentally bending them   because your tractor weighs so much and it can  push with so much force uh be careful of course   you know understand the limits of your tractor  my tractor is rated at 2 600 pounds at the pin   for lifting so when i was lifting the concrete  i had 1 950 pounds of concrete including the   the big pallet this guy could lift them about  an inch off the back of the truck and that was   it and then i could drive to where i was going and  drop them so the farther you get from your pins   the less weight you can lift so yeah  when you get a big pallet out here   you're gonna lose a substantial amount of lift  because you're putting that weight so far out the   front so just be aware that if you're thinking of  using your tractor like a forklift maybe consider   consider um going for a larger tractor because  you're going to find heavy things to move and   be frustrated if you're not able to move them so  yeah that's what you can do you can use them to   replace your uh your grapple if you can't afford a  grapple get a get a set of forks you can use them   to move stuff around the property you can use them  to do t post pounding you can use them as a work   work platform we made our chicken coop there's a  video on that made our chicken coop so we can pick   them up with the forks and move the chicken coop  from place to place i just keep finding more and   more useful things to do with this thing even  just you know when we're out nailing boards up   or something you can lay the boards across here  and they're easy to access easier i think than   putting them in the bucket which has sides on  it so it limits this the size of your boards   so just as an overall utility um the forks are  probably my favorite tool my customers who buy   them tell me again and again and again boy that's  my favorite tool i've ever bought so there you go   forks on a tractor that's my first attachment i  think everybody should buy for their tractor let's   go to the rear we'll look at the next one on the  back of your tractor there are so many different   implements you can put on there but i think if  you could only buy one you should buy a box plate   um you know i love a brush cutter i love a tiller  i don't really like landscape rakes but some   people like them i like snow throwers you know i  love just about every implement you can put on the   back of a tractor but the box blade is the one i  have on the tractor the most bar none all the time   and there's a lot of reasons for that um we'll  start with these scarifiers these teeth right   so these things have so many uses you can dig  furrows in the ground i've used them when i didn't   feel like putting the tiller on to to break earth  right so we could till up the ground with them um   i've used them to pull stuff out of the ground  there's a video that early on on the channel where   we're pulling cement uh cement footings out of the  ground just using these scarifier teeth that's why   they're all bent yeah they're a tool though we'll  use them like a tool so i just find that even just   these scarifier teeth are extremely useful  extremely adaptable the box blade itself you   can use it to cut the earth and drag the earth to  another place with you you can use it to you know   spread material you know that's what people use  box blades for the back if you're gentle and going   in reverse you can use as like a bulldozer i've  seen people push snow with their box blades um and   then another great thing about these things is the  ballast they provide there's a lot of weight here   but it doesn't stick out very far so i am  always having this on the back of the tractor   because if we're using the loader i don't want  to be in danger of tipping so the more weight i   have on the back the better so we keep the box  plate on the back it acts like a ballast box   i don't really see a reason to buy a  ballast box if you have a box blade   you know if you've got a gravel  driveway great if you don't   i'm sure you're gonna go around your property  with your tractor anyway and go huh you know   that that lump over there bothers me i wish it was  gone guess what box blade knocked that lump out or   man i keep stepping through this deep hole i wish  i wasn't doing that you get yourself a this thing   on the back you go find a high spot move it to the  low spot and you have a nice smooth transition up   a hill without big potholes through it so this  really helps you shape the land the way you want   it um and it can again help a lot with other  other tasks i've seen people on the back here   put tow hitches so they can pull their boat around  um just a great adaptable adaptable tool um that   the more you use it the more uses you will find  for it if you have welding skills boy you can   weld tool holders on these all sorts of stuff  so it's just your all-around companion on the   back of the tractor most of the time and you know  this box blade has saved my butt before when i was   lifting concrete with with the forks you know i  was a little overweight i'm overweight but the   tractor was a little over its weight capacity  you know it could barely lift those those sacks   and when i went to go lay them down at their  destination the hydraulics released faster than i   thought and the whole tractor tipped forward this  box blade gave me enough weight to bring me back   down to earth so you know i wasn't embarrassed  with the tractor tipped over on his front and i   also didn't get hurt so something to think about  um you know you're gonna use this thing on your   property anyway if you've got property um you know  neighbors love it if you can come over and help   them with their driveway or something you know  maybe your neighbor will make you dinner for going   out there and working for two hours nothing wrong  with being friendly to the neighbors um just seems   like a great overall tool if you were just gonna  have one tool on the back of the tractor i feel   like this is the one that can do the most i mean  you can even go out and do brush clearing with it   it takes time but using these teeth and the blade  you can go out there and and and bust blackberries   salmonberries kudzu whatever you can go out there  and bust it with this it's not going to be fast   but if you can only get one implement  here you go this is the one that can   take the place of a lot of other tools all  right so now we're going to look at my big   surprise for the third attachment i think every  tractor owner should get are you ready here we go okay so what's my big surprise for the third  attachment i think every tractor owner should buy   well that's this canopy um i think a tractor  owner should have protection for the elements   beyond a cap especially if you're bald like  me goodness gracious um and this provides it   we want a canopy that's long enough and wide  enough to cover the tractor and operator station   ideally everybody would buy a cab tractor but  they're expensive so if you can get a cab tractor   it's in your budget buy it don't hesitate you  will never regret having heat and air conditioning   so you can work year round and get the  jobs done when you have the time to do them   but if that's not in the cards the canopy's  the way to go i recommend something waterproof   okay because you want to work in the rain  something hard i've had one of these save my saved   my save my save my noggin i had a branch come  down hit hit the top of this thing saved me from   getting hit by a branch branch exploded everywhere  probably would have knocked me out or killed me   my canopy saved me you also want something  that the sun can't get through and cook you   i don't know what's worse being cold or hot but  i can say heat stroke is not something i want to   die of when i'm on the back of my tractor out in  the back 40 mo in the field if you got this little   canopy it makes a huge amount of difference  for a small amount of money this one cost me   something like 550 bucks plus there's utility  value there's bars here holding it up um i run   my lines for for some lights on these things um  i've got little magnetic mirrors hanging up here   so i can pay attention to my surroundings a  little better i've you know attached ropes around   here you can attach tools to these guys it just  gives you a little bit extra room to work with   and put on extra convenience options as you  go they make your life a lot easier and being   protected from the elements when you're out  working eight ten twelve hours even two hours   is really important there's nothing  tough about sitting under the the sun   for days and days and days getting skin cancer  nothing tough about that you're not john wayne   and there's no reason to be miserable in  the pacific northwest getting rained on   you know while you're trying to clear out a ditch  with your box blade that's backed up and flooding   out your front yard i've been there so there you  have it i think that of of of the three things   every every tractor owner should buy a canopy is  top of the list um if you disagree let me know i   i'm right but you can still let me know if  you disagree top three tools everybody needs   a good set of pallet forks a box blade one of  the most useful tools you put on the rear end   of a tractor of all times and in a canopy or or  a cab if you can afford it some sort of weather   shelter so feel free to tell me how wrong i am in  the comments or how right i am if somebody really   impressed me with how right i am maybe i'll send  you a hat or something in the mail i like hats   impress me with how much you're impressed by me   you know maybe i'll send you something cool okay  well i gotta go do a dump around i gotta i gotta   i gotta go do some grating i have to move uh  some chicken fence i got a lot of stuff to   do so why don't you guys get out of here go do  your own work um and uh we'll do another video   soon i hope you enjoyed this one um um thanks  thanks for thanks for watching we'll see ya
Channel: Homestead Bandwagon
Views: 10,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d2mxwxiIGG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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