Every Time You Score, The Ball Gets More DANGEROUS!

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every goal that I scor today means the next ball becomes more dangerous heavier and obscure we're starting off with the football and progressing onto more and more painful types of balls as the video progresses I've also got six challenges that have to tick off along the way I can forfeit the challenge at any point but that means that I get a mystery forfeit from the wheel of Doom but if I manage to get through it all and score with every ball I get off free oh my foot's bleeding okay so we're starting off with my bread and butter the football okay so obviously things are only going to get harder from here so I need to tick off the hardest challenge and get that out of the way so first up I've got to score a penalty with the Dizzy goggles [Music] on oh my God I don't like this I don't know if I'm speaking to the camera I don't even know where it is hey that's like your normal shots M you only have to put them on while you're taking penalties all right it might just be better to take no run up that could be the tactic here oh all right come on I think I got the hang them now come [Music] on oh I heard the that come on get these off B you're celebrating but you're forgetting the ball's going to get heavier oh yeah right up next we have the basketball oh I hate kicking these they sting my foot so bad you can forfeit now if you want forfeit on level two who do you think I am come on let's do this okay so I do need to save some of the closer up penalty shots for later when I'm assuming the balls get a lot heavier than this I don't want a volley though that's just going to sting my foot which I'm going to need to preserve so let's go with a rabana right so here's my tactic as well I'm going to try to do a lot of them weak foot to save my right foot from hurting all right shot one here we go oh oh I can work with this I can work with this so I was hitting some decent shots and felt the potential was definitely there I was just finding it hard because I was looping the shots up too much and the weight of the basket wall made it hard to get the power on so I try to adjust my technique to Arrow them straight a bit more oh ah it's starting to sting it's going to be sore in the morning hey how's it going to cope with the rest of the shots I've got inall yes how's your head hey I don't even know what just happened they all count basketball s the side of raana it's on the house today level two complete all right fair enough fair enough but it's time to switch things up a bit now this ball is a lot smaller but also a lot harder I present to you the cricket ball oh so things decided to get painful now so I need to select a technique to catch him out and score quickly with so I went with a volley all right honestly I reckon if I dip a few of these on the volley it's going to be hard for you to catch and slip in between your gloves you got to get on target first mate watch your mouth cuz there's nothing stopping me aiming this at your head I've Got The Power here right it's time for the first Innings I don't want to now I found the technique with this where instead of hitting it on the bone of my foot I could hit it just below the laces where there was a bit of padding on my boots I was also switching between my right and my left foot to minimize the paint in one area technical stuff I know that's quite scary my back firing on me a this is taking longer than I want it to I literally have to get this soon otherwise I just can't carry on the fs on the wheel aren't very nice by the way oh I your cut oh I want to say have you ever seen someone here screamer with a cricket ball probably not but you're about to what what a goal [Music] yes the power on that I've been having some different type of we toix level four I'm coming but my foot just needs a 5 minute rest so now we're on to level four after a quick break I pulled myself together to see what was in store for me next now this is where it starts to get interesting right so we're going back to a football what but this one's more of a dangerous shot than an actual ball you could call this one the Lego walk ball oh I don't like the sound of that so I think you worked it out now they've got to run through the Lego and then kick the ball into the goal oh also you're going to have to take your shoes and your socks off no otherwise it's 4ot time right now this is where I need to start getting really clever with a challenge that I'm choosing do I going for week foot it's up to you mate it's Food For Thought whil thinking about food I couldn't forget to tell you about today's sponsor hellofresh with my busy schedule filming videos for you guys when I get back I'm always tired and want to restore my energy with healthy nutritious food but I want it to be easy this is why I've been using hellofresh recently which has been perfect all right so today we're cooking the chicken fried rice this was delivered right to my door which is also perfect for these colder darker days where you're just not in the mood for chili grocery runs hellofresh have more than 44 recipes per week which is suitable for every taste and lifestyle from just £315 per portion and this is before the discount I've got for you guys all right so here it is healthy convenient and where it looks delicious let me confirm oh yeah turn out 10 so as promise I've got an amazing offer for you guys by using my code 60 BN which you can also access with this QR code on screen you can get 60% off your first hellofresh box then 25% off the next 2 months boxes and free desserts for life with every hellofresh box in the Black Friday offer until the end of November so be quick thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and now it's time to head back to the pitch to see what challenge I eventually chose okay so shot for the Lego walk ball I'm going to be completing the weak foot challenge this one a Lego get it Lego I'm loving this video right now before we get into this I just want to stress please do not try anything like this at home instead watch me because please remember that I am a professional idiot why did I put him in charge of this just have to go for it oh no it makes me lose my feet as well oh my Lord oh come on come on come on right it's just through the Lego and top bins this is what I do come on anyone with a foot fish is definitely clicked off by now all right someone on the side then coming right up ow ow oh yes I caught him off guard with the other side [Music] I called it side him I don't get if you ped it and it was side him he really thought he'd catch me out but if that one was bad I am dreading what's next and rightly so because up next you can keep them off mate what this time I put a Lego on the ball you instead oh my Lord I've had enough of Lego oh I mean at least I can do this from a penalty I'm going to go with the stuttered penalty challenge oh this is going to be horrific I hope you bought me foot insurance for this video right so I'm going to go with a georgino pop all I've got to do is focus on the stutter to send him the wrong way and then just slot it come on oh my days you can for it now if you want to mate at this point my foot was really hurting but I gave myself two more attempts to do it in otherwise I'll have to stop no well that's not going to work ah yes yes yes oh all right fair enough fair enough you sent me that was time for the last ball all right so the weight of this ball is 4 kg the average football weighs 0.4 kg so it's literally 10 times the weight of a normal football it is a medicine ball oh my Lord right now how is this even going to be possible I mean my strategy to leave the panenka to the end is kind of helped but this forfeit is basically just rigged I've come all this way through all these levels for something that's just basically impossible I should have just forfeited at the leg go levels imagine I'll do it [Music] though even from a penalty this is just too far out I've got to just give it everything I've got and try scoop it top [Music] bins right my foot is just in bits one last attempt it's all come down to [Music] this okay but for this one I've got a little trick up my sleeve let's see if it's going to [Music] work no that was so close to working I thought he was actually going to go in but then it just stops as soon as it bounces I came all this way but I'm going to have to Forfeit here to be fair the technique might have been this louded anyway as it wasn't even a proper Panka I'm getting no slack with this video do the honors no a ice bucket I mean they're all bad but is a very cold day today this video is a forfeit in itself you better like the video for this I hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you next time
Channel: Ben Nuttall
Views: 1,621,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben nuttall, sv2, football challenge, chrismd, football shooting challenge, every time you score, every time you score the keeper gets upgraded, every time you score the goal gets smaller, chrismd every time you score, chrismd shooting challenge, football goals, ronaldo goals, haaland goals, messi goals, I took 100 shots, I took 100 shots and scored, we recreated satisfying goals, satisfying goals, AI football, every time you score you get further away, every goal = $100
Id: twDJFxmnEj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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