Every Time You Score, Kid Ronaldo Wins $100

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- For every goal or challenge, these two complete, they win a hundred dollars. (cash register pings) Are you both ready? - Yes. - Yeah! - Power mode! (Taylor roars) - Straight away. The first one hit the crossbar wins a hundred dollars right now. Go! (upbeat music) (ball thumps) (buzzer hums) (cash register pings) - Oh! (laughs) - No! - Yes! - Si! - Kaylen, right hand, take a bank roll. - (sighs) Which one is nice? This one. - Great. There you go. - Thanks man. - Onto the next challenge. (bubbles popping) So the boys will take part in a variety of challenges, and in each challenge they can win a big prize of money. (cash register pings) And I wanna give a big shout out to Sketchers for sending us our brand new football boots to use in this video. (ball thumping) How about this? Let's throw in a little extra thing. The loser of this has to give away their Sketchers. I bet... deal, deal, deal, deal, deal. - Yeah. - Everyone shake, everyone shake. Three way shake, three, two, one. First person to get the ball into this bin wins the next amount of prize money. - Surely I go first? - Look at this dude. - Bruh. - Rock, paper, scissors, how about that? Ready? - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - You're first. - Oh, alright. (claps hands) Kaylan is up first. You think he's gonna get it in the bin in a first attempt? - That's why I told him to go first. I'll just see what he's doing. - I Hear it, fair enough. All right, Kaylen, take it away when you're ready. All right, here we go. (upbeat music) Oh, he's, he's spicing up now. - He won't actually get it. He's spicing it up now. Around the world. (ball thumps) Oh, oh. (buzzer hums) Oh! That was so close. (ball thumps and whooshes) ♪ Oh my god ♪ - Here we go. This could be the one, this could be the one. (ball thumps) - No. - Oh my god. (buzzer hums) Oh, he's hit the bin. No! - [Kaylan] Is he gonna get it? Oh no, he's not. Okay. (ball thumps) (Taylor grunts) (cash register pings) - Oh! (explosion booms) - Oh. - Yeah! - There we go. - Yeah! - Taylor because you win that challenge there. Here you go, take a bank roll. One, please, one, I said one. (cash register pings) (note counter whirring) Okay. We are here at the corner flag. So boys, we have got five balls. Every single ball you get in (cash register pings) equals a hundred dollars. And you guys get- - A hundred dollars? - Yeah. A hundred dollars. My boy. Yes sir. Right, who's going first? - Me. - Me. - Hey, I won the last challenge. - Okay, no, no, no. Taylor won. - Alright. Taylor, take it away. Three, two, one. (whistles) - [Taylor] A hundred Dollar. (ball thumps) - Oh my gosh, - Good goal. it's actually gone (buzzer hums) and only hit my camera. - Good goal. - Horrible. Horrible. - That's what I need you to do. - Can I go again? - You hit my camera, bro. And go! Here we go. (upbeat music) (ball thumps) Oh? No. That's- - That didn't curl. - It's not curling, all right. He's not that guy yet. - On the line. (Windows error tone) - [Coach] okay now, that... - (laughing) Horror. (ball thumps) Va mos. (buzzer hums) (laughing) You're not meant to aim for the wheel, You're meant to aim for the goal bro. (ball thumps) - And he still missed. - Go, keep going. - You big, you are a ... (fun quirky music) - Woo hoo hoo. - I bet you don't get any as well. (dramatic music) - Ah shush. You shush, you- - Shush. - You got zero. - Zero. - That was just free money I was giving away and he's missed them all. All right, here we got my young G. My young G. Ready to get at least one please. Like, you got zero, bro. - All right listen. What you didn't do, you didn't project the equilibrium - Mm hm. of the height. - Yeah. - So therefore, it didn't have the curl. - Yeah. - You understand? - Yeah. - So I'm gonna show you how to do it. - Alright, let's go, lets go. - Yeah. - Hold up, yeah. (music thumps) All right. - Action. - Three, two, one, go. (ball thumps) - Ah, that's... He's missed. Post! (buzzer hums) No way, no way. - Bro, this is a... This is a joke. - No way! - This is a joke. You not, you know what, don't even count it. - All right, all right. (ball thumps) Oi, oi. (buzzer hums) - (both) Oh! - Unlucky bro. - (claps) Love it you. - [Coach] This is it, three, two, one. (ball thumps) Oh, oh. (buzzer hums) Oh, post again. (ball thumps) Oh, there we go, wait. Oh my god. - Oh! That's been two ball yeah? - No. - Go away. - Don't say that about my ball. 'Cause if I go right now, I'll minus all of of your points. - No. (ball thumps) - Oi, Oi. - Oh no. - Oi, that's one. - Oi. - No. - Oh my gosh. - That went in, that went in. - It didn't go in. - Don't gas it. Don't gas it. - Hey VAR. - It didn't go in. - VAR, Daniel come, Daniel come. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR. - VAR, oh my god. - That's not in. - Ladies and gentlemen. - The whole ball has to be in. - Hey man! - The whole ball did not cross the line. - Hay man, it hit the... It hit the triangle thing and then went right back here. - No, no, no, no. - It hit it right there. - It hit it... To wouldn't go in the goal and come back out. - It hit right there. - No, no. - Yeah. I don't feel it would go in the goal and come back out. (ball thumps) - No. No, he's cheating, he's cheating. - It hit right there. - You cheated. And you know what, I'll be real, I know it went over. It actually did, it went over. (bell chimes) - I know. (laughing) - Course it did though. (ball thumps) - Clean, clean, clean, clean, - Clean! All right. (score pings) He's like that. What's that? 200? (Kaylan blows air) Two! - [Coach] Bro just spamming all the celebrations. (upbeat music) That's a mizzle. (chuckles) ♪ Oh my god. ♪ - No, I'll take it. Better attempt. More goals. More money. - It's still up there, bro. (Kaylan thuds) You threw it and you... And it's on the floor. All right, this is gonna test both of your accuracy. Here's one ball. Here's one ball. The person who can get closest to the centre spot wins the challenge and... Gets $500 this time. - Oh wow. - Increased it. Increased it. - Dollars. All right, Taylor. - I'm calculating it, one sec. - You're? (exhales loudly) What's wrong with your brother? (ball thumps) (grass squeaks) (bubble pops) - [Taylor] Yeah. Yeah. 60 power. - All right, bro. - Chance number one, let's go. - Here he goes. - Not even bad. - That is not bad. - That's not even bad. - 'Cause it's gonna roll. Actually... - I told you- - No, that's bad. (vocalises) - Yeah. - It's alright. - All right, all right, decent attempt from you, but I have a feeling your brother, might, might, do better. Unlucky. (back thumps) (back thuds) - Class- (winces) (Coach laughs) - Class attempt from me. - There nah. (ball thumps) - He's over kicked it. - Overcooked it. - He- - Oh my god! - It's gone. It's gone. - Oh, no. Hold on. - Mine's way closer. - It's actually split. - I don't wanna hear it. - Mine closer. - Mine's closer. - Mine's closer. - Uh oh. Uh oh. - Mine's closer. - Uh oh. VAR. Hold on. You ready for this? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. - Mine's closer. - 12 steps. You move. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. - 10! Come on! - [Commentator] Belly goal. - [Taylor] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Ah! (ball thuds) - All right, here we go. Shooting is up next. (hands clapping) We have our special goalkeeper, Noah. Yay! So you guys have five close range shots to take. ♪ What's up my G ♪ ♪ You probably want a wham thing ♪ ♪ My people gonna get that thing ♪ ♪ Play a game of FIFA 20 ♪ ♪ Me and my brothers are only teams ♪ - All right. Here we go. (hands clapping) Get that money up. Three, two, one. - Too shy. Too shy. Go. Here we go. (score beeps) Oh, set him hundred. (score beeps) 200. (ball thumps) 300. (score beeps) 400. (ball thumps) - Perfect. - Five! (chuckles) - [Commentator] Belly goal. Oi, all right, cold, cold, cold, cold. He's like that, he's like that. That's 500 pounds he's taken from our bank account. - All right like, little five out of five. I don't think Taylor's gonna get more than one, personally. - Alright, let's see if Taylor can get 500 as well. Three, two, one. (whistles) - [Kaylan] Okay first shot. (score beeps) - Oh, one. Nice. (ball thumps) - No. Missed. (ball thumps) (score beeps) One. Let's go. (buzzer hums) Oh no, his first save. (score beeps) Uh oh. (clapping) All right, that was deep. What'd he get there? - Three. - Three. - Three out of five. - Three out of five. - Sad luck. (Taylor screams) I don't know why I didn't... (laughing) - playing for different team. Ah, you were mean, bro. Very good dancing though. - Yeah I'm gonna win. - This is it. - Big guy. Will Kaylen beat? The first person to get five out of five. Do you think he's got his lock on? - No. (head thuds) (Coach laughing) - Ready? Three, two, one, go. (ball thumps) (buzzer hums) That was so... (score beeps) - Ah, second though. (ball thumps) False start. Knew it. (score beeps) Oh, this is... Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. (cash register pings) Oh, where's he getting this then? What's that? Three. Eight out of 10 in total. - So if I get five, then we drew? - Yeah. - Dude, you won't get five. - One sec. (spits) Need to measure... Yeah, yeah, I'll get five. - That's a very big if. - [Coach] Three, two, one, go. (ball thumps) (buzzer hums) Oh, it was a great save. Great save. (buzzer beeps) Great save right there. - Yikes. - Oh, going for a little fake shot there. (ball thumps) (score beeps) Oh, finish. Finish. Oh, he's sending it right across the goal. Oh! He palmed it in. Three right there is what Taylor gets in total. That's 600. Right, now guys, I've got something to say. This round isn't finished. - Huh? However many goals I score, - Oh go away! deducts total tally right there. - Aim it at V2. You may begin. Look at that. (ball thumps) (buzzer hums) - (both) Ah! - [Taylor] Love that you. (ball thumps) - [Kaylan] Oh no, come on Noah. Come on Noah. - Noah! - Noah! Noah. - Noah! Noah. - Noah! - Noah! - Noah! - How did I miss the first one? - Noah? - How man? I shouldn't be missing that first one, but $400 is what I take. It's what you get. - Ah. - Gimme your money. Gimme your money. - You're stealing my Dollars. - Oh, no trick or treat for you, mate. Here we go. This is the Sketcher challenge. As you can see, our brand new boots, Sketcher sent to us. I'm gonna judge, the winner of this round gets 500 dollars. Whoever can do the best skill, in their new boots, wins. - Can I go first? - Kaylen, you'll go first. - Guys, here's my Sketcher skill. Here's how you do this. (claps hands) (lasers whirring) - [Commentator] Perfect. (air whooshing) (upbeat music) (air whooshing) - So kid Ronaldo skill is amazing for you guys to use, when you are dribbling up against a defender and you want to get into a one-on-one opportunity. Make sure you guys use this in your next game, and I want you to comment down below on my next video, if any of you guys use your Sketcher skill in your game. Let's go. - All right, that skill from Kaylen was decent, but here's the Taylor special. (air whooshing) (flames roaring)- So here we go, kid Jesus's Sketchers skill. This one is simple, but very effective. You guys definitely need to use this in one of your football matches to get past an opponent, or even just doing it to get into an opportunity to cross the ball in to one of you guys' striker. This skill is amazing, guys. Make sure you guys use it. (ball thumps) So I need you guys to comment down below who won the Sketchers skills challenge? Here we go. The final challenge. Our one V one competition. - And I'm gonna show him how to win it. - Oh. - Since he didn't. Since he didn't. I'm gonna show him - Right, so it's- how to win it. - Hold me back, hold me back! - You're holding me, bro. - Come on. - So these guys are gonna do one V one. First person to five points wins. So- - I'll defend first. - All right. - Go DJ, go DJ. - All right, first round. We got Kaylen's attacking. If Taylor can tackle him, that's one point. In fact, you know what? Each point is a hundred dollars. How about that? Yeah? (Kaylen whoops) Yeah? Let's go. And go. Let's go. Here we go. Boom. Here we go. Oh. Oh. Oh. (shrieks) Oh my god! No! Oh! Oh! Oh! - Save it! Oh! Oh! (air whooshes) Goal! (cash register pings) - Ice. That was hard. (claps hands) Kaylen blazing. Ready? Three, two, one, go. Your brother knows all of your techniques, bro. He knows every... Let's go, let's go. - [Commentator] Get over here. - Oh my god. (laughing) - Get up, get up, get up. - I can't lie. That's a foul. So that's a rerun. That's a foul, bro. Look, you, you got none of the ball. - Yeah, no, stop, stop, it wasn't a foul. - You didn't... - It's a foul! get any of the ball. - I didn't touch him. - That was a foul. I didn't get the ball. I didn't get the ball. - He didn't touch the ball. - Did I touch you? No. - Ah, you're smiling. You're a little liar, bro! - You did. Get back. - Now I'm camping you again. What? - Get that on camera. He started going... (Coach laughing) - He is lying. (upbeat music) (ball thuds) - Touch. Touched some of the earth. (whoops and laughs) No way! No way! - No! - He's gone right off the pitch. This idiot ran off the pitch. Why didn't you put in the back of the net? you scaredy cat. - I wanted... I wanted to finish it hot. - No, you got scared of Noah. - Oh no. - All right. He set Kaylen, he broke his ankle and he ran off the pitch. (ball thumps) Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. (feet thudding) (upbeat music) - Bye. Have a great time. - Oh that, ah... (ball bongs) - Oh! Oh my. Yo. Yo. Yo. (score beeps) - Film it. - Yeah. Yeah. (ball thumps) (Kaylen thuds) - Oh! Go on, finish it. Surely? Surely? Surely he scores? (ball thumps) - Yes. - Thank you. - [Taylor] Yes. - Ere, ere. Oh, oh, oh, oh, he's tripping. (upbeat music) (feet thumping) No! - Nope. - Oh my god, he's still got it. (ball thuds) No wait. (chuckles) (Taylor groans) (hands clapping) Yo! All right. He's like that. He's like that. I like that. I like that one. I like that one. Let's do it. Let's do it. Wait. Ready? - [Commentator] Belly goal. Belly goal. - [Coach] Go.(ball thumps) Here he goes. Here he goes. Here he goes. Here he goes. Oh my god. He stepped wide. Shoot it, shoot it, shoot it. (ball thumps) (score beeps) Hey, all too decent. I want to beat the keeper, but fair enough, I'll take it. - [Coach] It's four, two for the final round and we're spicing it up. This is double point. Whoever wins this round takes it all. Let's go. Go. Here he goes. Here he goes. - Perfect. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. That's nice. Chops. Lift up. (score beeps) Oh! No way. Four four. (hands clapping) There's no way. Will Taylor end, or sorry, will Kaylen end it? Will Kaylen, will Kay.... Oh no. - No! - Will he finish it? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. - Yoo! - No, no, locked him out. (bal thuds) - How's that! - And there we go. - No! - Kaylen takes the money. (cash register dings) - Yes! Come on! Oh come off it. (Taylor laughing) Kaylen look! (Taylor whoops) (money whacking) Come on. Yeah!
Channel: SV2
Views: 2,142,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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