Every Time Spencer Started a Fire Ever on iCarly ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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perfect timing I think my loaf of bread is just about done I'm just gonna give it a few more minutes [Music] [Music] get fire [Music] [Music] sweet check this out her nose lights up yeah just tightened the toe bearings and lubed up the wheel something [Music] now if you hit that button you'll hear a real car horn okay electrical wiring just isn't your thing no it is not No smell something burning No this is so bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah pretty much so if you're upset shocked or nauseated by what you saw last night blame us or more specifically blame yeah yeah and now little Spencer says I'm going with them so it's not like they won't have a responsible adult making sure everything goes smooth so I'll make sure everything goes smooth in Japan did you sure did and you can print wirelessly now really yeah try it out okay man watch this yeah pull this thingy point the nozzle suchly and calmly squeeze this metal [Music] and then you just put the extinguisher back in its wall bracket okay how could you start a fire in the shower you tell me so listen I need a favor sure would you let me borrow your video camera I can't why not I said I made it into a squirrel [Music]
Channel: NickRewind
Views: 2,629,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every time spencer started a fire ever on icarly, spencer fire, spencer fire compilation, icarly compilation, spencer shay fire, icarly fire, spencer shay, spencer icarly, freddie benson, carly shay, sam puckett, sam and freddie, freddie and sam, seddie, fram, icarly, nathan kress, miranda cosgrove, jennette mccurdy, teennick, teen nick, nick, nickelodeon, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon tv, 00's nick, ytao_ic
Id: xkCw2jDajmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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