Every Tattoo Cover Up on Ink Master

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(Tommy) It's gonna be awesome, man. We're gonna do something really beautiful for you. The rules when I'm approaching a cover-up are, you are not covering a tattoo, what you're doing is you're actually camouflaging it. The dots are always gonna be there. The blacks, certainly, are always gonna be there. So what you're trying to do is work with what's there and make something brand-new for the person. (man) It's a good choice for a cover-up because it's light, there's no bold, dark outlines on it. (Jeremy) All ready. We will do something awesome to really make it... >>: I know. I'm so excited. >>: ...way different. Okay. See how these are, like, really rigid. >>: Yeah. >>: I think making the wings like that'll be really awesome. >>: Yes. >>: Why are you getting this covered-up, exactly? >>: Uh, my wedding is in September and I want to have something that I can be proud of. I'm kind of freaked out about how this elimination tattoo is gonna go. Covering-up giant wings like this is a difficult task. And I'm only gonna have six hours to do this tattoo? This just seems insane. (man) Here it is. (woman) That is sick! (Tommy) Are you happy with it? >>: Yeah. It looks awesome. >>: Awesome. >>: So, cover-up part will be right in here. >>: Think that'll work? >>: Ready? All right. >>: Let's go. (tattoo machine whirring) >>: You're doing great. >>: It's feels good to know that there's an artist who wants to help. My wedding is coming up and I have a beautiful wedding dress. And I don't know what I would do if I have this tattoo anymore. (crying) (bleep) (bleep) (groans) >>: What made you go to Koi fish? >>: I've always wanted one and it just never happened. >>: You know, I do realistic type stuff. The Koi fish itself, I'm competent with it. I traced the cover-up. The bulk of the body falls right over top it. The only challenge for me right now is to get it done in six hours, you know. >>: All right. There's five hours left. (tattoo machine whirring) >>: I lay down 90% of my clients just to make them comfortable. and feel at ease throughout the whole entire tattoo. And that helps so much. (groans) (screams) >>: Two lines in and this girl is already screamin'. >>: No! (screams) No, no, no, no! No, no, no. >>: She's moving all over the place. If she can't sit still she's gonna have a bad tattoo. (groans softly) You all right? >>: I really don't know what Jeremy is doing in there but whatever he is doing, it's wrong. He's screwing up somewhere. Nobody should be screaming. >>: All right, guys, four hours to go. The stakes are high for these people that come in to get tattoos because they're gonna be permanently marked forever. I mean, some of the greatest artists in the world have made mistakes on people. >>: I mean, it's very nervous. (Tommy) Don't worry... >>: I'm glad that I'm not freaking out. (chuckles) >>: B-Tat. >>: What's up, man? How's it looking? >>: It's comin' along good. Getting the cover-up on right there. I was gonna do it with this Foo dog. >>: Nice. You do a lot of Japanese? >>: No. I just do whatever the customer bring. >>: Oh, yeah? >>. Yeah. >>: An ink master is somebody that could actually take on any style. Anything that the client has in mind. They'll take that idea, adopt to their style and give it back to the client in the most beautiful, flawless way. That's an ink master. (Dave) Two hours left, everybody (Christine screams) >>: No! I can't. I can't! I can't. (crying) I can't... I can't do it anymore. I can't. (sobbing) >>: You okay? Wanna keep going? >>: (crying) I can't. (dramatic music) >>: This is absolutely the worst client that I have ever had sit for me. >>: I can't do it anymore. (sniffling) I can't. I dealt with the pain as much as I could (sniffling) so that I could show my family and friends this beautiful tattoo. But I had to stop. I couldn't do it anymore. So embarrassing. (Dave) All right, guys, 15 minutes left. (woman) Oh, my God. The clock is running down and I'm not done with Edward's tattoo. I just put all the fire around the skull and everything looks orange. I have to go back in there and put some contrast. I'm afraid I'm not gonna have the time to do that. (Dave) One minute warning, guys. Okay, in five, four, three, two, one. That's it, time is up. Machines down. >>: All right, John. Only took six hours. >>: Your assignment today was to fix the crooked angel wings. It's hard for me to comment because clearly you haven't finished here. (Jeremy) She had a tough time from the very beginning. (Christine screaming) (bleep) (bleep) (groans) (Jeremy) It would have been awesome in the end but we didn't get there. Josh, why don't you come upfront? You're the first pick. How do you think it went today? >>: Great. I feel like I did have the advantage from winning the flash challenge. I felt like I executed the tattoo the way I needed to. (Chris) You banged out a big tattoo. You banged out a bright tattoo. I would've definitely liked to have seen you hit raw talent by picking a tougher tattoo. I would like to see you push yourself. And I would really like to see other styles from you. >>: Heather. >>: Bring it on. I know you guys are gonna tear me up. Let's go. >>: Slow down. You got the old veteran. He had a military tattoo. (Chris) This tattoo, your drapery and your folds in the bottom of it, you lost 'em. >>: I feel like I did a pretty good tattoo considering the circumstance, considering the pressure applied to us. >>: But again, we're here in a competition, you're competing for $100,000. >>: Al Fliction. How'd it go today? >>: I had one of the tough ones. I was able to at least come up with something to incorporate what was there already. 'Cause if I had to cover the whole thing, wouldn't have had enough time. >>: Why wouldn't you really hit a nice, big, clean frontal dragon head instead of the mush?. You look like you're rushing. The quality of your line work, the quality of your shading, you're not hitting it clean. The cover-up attempt was sick, but did it work? I'm not sold. Shane. You got to cover-up a pretty faded tattoo to begin with. (Shane) Nah, it wasn't too bad. >>: The tattoo is solid. The cover-up works. But the actual artwork didn't lineup. The head is much bigger than the tail. The tail is not big enough to propel the head. You didn't hit the mark. >>: Bili. You know, that eye looks like it's wet. Really well done, man. >>: Thanks. (Dave) Lea. How'd it go for you today? >>: I could've used a little bit more time to push a little more contrast where the cover-up was. >>: The only comment I'd had is Edward himself... is a little on the orange side. And there was a lot of orange going on in this ink. So, color-wise, it was hard to... differentiate between Edward and the tat. (Chris) One thing you are lacking is a bolder outer outline. I feel like you're a little bit soft to be doing such a big, explosive color piece. These are my issues. >>: Tommy, come on upfront. (Tommy) It was definitely trick. And even in the parts where the former tattoo might show a little bit, you put wisty lines to help make it look like there's stuff going on there. >>: B-Tat. So you had to cover-up the Pegasus. >>: Yeah. (Dave) How'd it go for you? >>: It went good. Just tryin' to make it disappear. >>: You have to be able to align these things right. If you're gonna do the circles on the top of the hair of the Foo dog, it's gotta be that smooth motion. You're bonked, you're lumped. You're not straight, you look nervous. You were off. It's my opinion. James, let's have you in the center? So, you had... What was it though, "Live, love... (James) Yeah, all those letters. I'm about passed out when he came into my room and said, "I want an armor." (Dave) I can still see a little bit of the cover-up poking out between the feathers here and there. >>: It was tough to get it all out. >>: I would've liked to seen you keep everything a little bit straighter. To me that was the part that you didn't push it home. >>: My job is obviously to give you what you want. But you're gonna have a cross going into your armpit. He has your everyday idea of a dragon wrapped around a Celtic cross which isn't exactly what I wanna do. You know, I wanted to have a cool transition but that's obviously not gonna work if we ever gonna have a cross. I just got dealt the stupidest damn tattoo on the planet. You're gonna do one of two things. just go ahead and screw me out of the competition and, uh, let me do the best I can with your Cross idea. >>: I'm gonna have this forever, so... >>: And you get it for free. I wanna show the judges ingenuity. But he wants certain elements and he's not gonna come off of that. Another guy, is just not (bleep) working with me. >>: What's gonna happen with this it's so black... The line are thick, they're not light at all. It is not possible. >>: Okay. >>; I'm telling you straight up, this can't be covered. I'm sorry. Believe me, you know, I got $100,000 on the line... >>: I know. I'm sorry for you. >>: And, um... >>: I am so screwed right now. I'm gonna have to live with this for the rest of my life. I get that you're competing but this is my life, too. >>: You ready for this? >>: Definitely. >>: Ingenuity is very necessary to be able to do a cover-up. There's a lot of different elements. Understanding the positioning of the tattoo and being able to disperse light and dark evenly so it's not so obvious where the cover-up is. (Clint) Let me see what they got. My canvas wants a Celtic cross with a dragon wrapped around it. And I took those key elements and kind of combined it into something that'd be little bit better. This is gonna start off black and gray but it has the favorite right here. It's gonna go into all of those red and everything like that. >>: Just amazing. >>: The judges wants you to think outside the box and come up with a creative way to get rid off a tattoo. Not only did I do that, but I've also created a better design than what the guy originally wanted. I have to win this one. I have to. (tattoo machine whirring) (Lalo) How're you feeling? Good? >>: I'm fine. >>: Samurais don't hurt. (laughs) (Lalo) I'm excited I get to do a samurai. I'm not so excited about the piece that I have to cover. What I'm worried is about the size. How the (bleep) am I gonna make this fast enough, smooth enough to finish on time? (Mike) It's gonna be a long... day. I don't wanna approach this tattoo using a lot of black I wanna get some opaque grays in there. I wanna use some kind of texture. I'm gonna be with them down for the wire I think. I'm sure these other guys are under-estimating me. It's my size, right off the bat. It's something I've dealt with all my life. That's what keeps me going. Sooner or later, they're gonna respect me for what I do. (Tray) My canvas wants a Japanese dragon to cover-up his tribal. Which is a awful big thing to ask for on a forearm. So I'm gonna have to draw this thing all twisted up. (Nick) Tray is definitely making some amateur mistakes. He put solid orange over the part of the cover-up. It's definitely gonna show, dude. There's no way that's gonna cover the black ink. >>: We could do some kind of bird of paradise. The wing, that's gonna cover most of it. On the body, they're gonna be darker colors. I'm still feeling this could really go either way. It's gonna be close. Ain't gonna lie. >>: Okay. >>: Either I'm (bleep), or I'm pulling this off. And I don't know really yet, which way this is gonna go. Compared to this, they're supposed to be good, right? >>: Yeah. Exactly. >>: We're gonna have to prove it today. (both laugh) >>: Steve is definitely tripping out with his cover-up tattoo. That bird looks horrible. Anytime you go into something uncomfortable, it's gonna show. That's part of my strategy. I'm feeling good about my bird. I'm just keeping everything the judges have ever told me and critique in mind. >>: I'm utilizing the old tattoo in the cover-up because sometimes if you just cover something up with a different design, the old tattoo will always show through. >>: I wasn't expecting to see this. Like, not done this way, you know. (Nick) Yeah. The tattoo is gonna look like an entirely different tattoo. I'm gonna add parts and I'm gonna change the look of the old one completely. >>: Nick's tattoo isn't really cover-up. Nick's tattoo is a re-work. >>: One hour to go. >>: Are you doing the wipe down? >>: Yeah. Right down this nose a little bit. The cover-up, it's not covering. My last option is black. You know, that's one of the only places I can put a light color. You know what I mean? 'Cause the cover-up is all, like, right in the middle. I've been backtracking a little bit, second-guessing myself, so I'm kind of running out of time. I gotta go with the black and I gotta get this tattoo covered. >>: Five minutes left. Time is killing me. I'm really stressed 'cause I don't want to compromise the quality of the tattoo. But I don't want to not finish the tattoo. >>: Kay-Kutta, you're up first. What was your strategy? >>: I wanted to do a peacock 'cause I wanted to show Chris some lines, since he said I absolutely can't do any lines. (Chris) I'm glad that you showed you can do a nice, thin outline. I think you're actually stepping up to the test. >>: Steve. It's a big tattoo to cover-up. (Steve) It was a nightmare. (Chris) There are so much cool, thought out detail in the head and everything else. The wings, I'm not crazy about. If you would've taken a cooler shaped wing and bring it down, it would've had a lot smoother flow on her arm. >>: You covered it. But if it came down to it, you and Kay-Kutta between the two birds, he probably got you on this one. >>: Well, I mean, his piece is this big. And his cover-up is this big. I mean, my cover-up is this big 'cause my piece was this big. I can't add that much detail. I'd love to. >>: Mark. How was this for you? (Mark) The blacks were light enough that I could get over it with the light color. >>: There's not a lot of flow. It's a big patch of cover kind of unfinished. No attachment or anything. I'm not feeling it. >>: Lalo. One of the most difficult things to cover-up is parallel lines. And they took over the whole calf. >>: I think it could have been better, had you added a little more flare. You got this big, dark, black ball down there. I think you were going to put something there didn't put something there. >>: This thing's lacking detail everywhere. I thought you were gonna murder this thing but it murdered you. >>: Sarah. >>: This guy didn't necessarily have a specific design in mind. >>: He really liked my paintings so that was the first thing I kind of focused on. >>: Her face is so realistic. And the detail in the eye leads me to believe that you could've detailed those fingers out. >>: Mike. >>: I think I covered it pretty well. My clients first option was to do his dog, which was pure white, and we all know that won't happen. My first intention with this piece was to do some more hair texture. But I decided to abandon that, lock in some solid color and get that cover-up done. >>: If you'd pull an American Pit Bull and referenced it, you'd saw that this part was lighter. You'd have been able to shade him like some grey, even opaque and kind of break up this darkness. And I think that's a big design flaw in your tattoo. >>: Jamie. >>: How'd you feel about the canvas you got? >>: Oh, I think there's no question that came (bleep) pretty good on this one right off the back. >>: Nick. >>: Because the wave was traditional and I wanted to utilize the wave, I just kind of stuck with that bold look. >>: As you know, the challenge was about ingenuity and cover-up. You can actually still see the first tattoo. >>: Clint. How do you feel about this? >>: It's a horse with wings and it was dumb, so I gave him something bad-ass. >>: You really stepped up to the plate of this challenge It went (bleep) yard. You totally blew our mind and made an idea ten times better. >>: Sebastian. >>: Oh, boy! >>: Tell me about this piece that you got. >>: She wanted a photo-realistic beach thing. I at least got her down to just a color-realistic, so I could actually put a little bit of blacks in it. >>: I'm not a fan of these things, man. I don't know what this thing is gonna look like in ten years. >>: It's going to end up touched up. >>: We're looking for longevity. I can't give you a win if your tattoo won't be around to be judged in ten years. >>: Ron. How did you feel about getting this canvas? >>: He wanted to get rid of the soon-to-be ex-wife's name so, I just tried to get (bleep) out of the tale. >>: Tray. How do you think you did with this? >>: I didn't think it would be that hard to cover-up at first and then when I started tattooing, I started worrying a little bit then. >>: Everything's off. The spine is completely out of whack. You weren't secure with how to position the body to cover that tattoo. You can't win this way. >>: Jessie, you're up. Were you happy to get this canvas? >>: I was happy with the fact that he was open to whatever. >>: I'm not typically a New School guy, but I like what you've done. Are you gonna do anything else for this ride? >>: Definitely. >>: And the person who is gonna cash the check is the person that can do anything that walks into the shop. You're going to have to show other stuff. >>: Baby. Did you feel like you almost got two cover-ups? >>: Well, like if I would've done just one cover-up that was just cheating on myself. >>: I want to do some type of dragon. I was even thinking the head down here and his body up here. >>: We have six hours to do a tattoo and he wants half of his arm done. >>: I was even thinking, throw some fire on this thing. >>: I'm worried (bleep) because I'm not going to be able to impress these judges. >>: Listen, my expectations, they weren't met. I'm really counting on you on this. I am livid. Mystical Mike (bleep) my flash tattoo, and I do not want him to do my elimination tattoo. I want a lion, but I want it, like, roaring. >>: I may not be able to do everything you ask for. The point is to cover-up that tattoo. >>: Actually, the point is for me to walk away with something that I'm happy with. If I don't get what I want, I'm going to be pissed. >>: My canvas, he wanted a dragon with a castle in the background, very plain looking. I convinced him to change the perspective. Really push this design to the next level. The Castles. Whoo-hoo! The more you look at it, the more (bleep) you know. >>: Definitely, definitely. >>: Boy, this is some serious work. I hate to be the one to call out the blatantly obvious but the perspective on that castle is way off compared to the perspective of the dragon. At least I know I'm not gonna be in the bottom of this competition. My client was very unmovable when it came to his tattoo design. And I recommended to use blues which were a more dominant and consistent pigment to push over the cover-up and have more of a successful result. >>: What did I get myself into? >>: Tattoo Baby is doing a nice tattoo other than the fact that the fingers are not attached to the hand and it has arthritis. >>: She spent the whole season caring that the fingers are one of the most important things. Don't (bleep) them up. She should know better. >>: Three more hours to go. >>: This is a $100,000 tattoo. >>: I sure (bleep) believe so. >>: I'm planning on showing flexibility in this tattoo by squeezing in pretty much an impossible area. We're just gonna go through in detail every single little piece and make this (bleep) sick. So, I've got to really pull it together and make this happen. >>: My canvas wants a realistic baboon to b****s looking design. But it's a lot of work to get done with all the texture and the detail in six hours. Why'd you have to pick someone with all that fur, man? I could be really shooting myself in the foot here. >>: Two minute warning. There's a lot that I want to do to this piece that I know that I don't have the time for it. >>: Ten, nine, eight, seven. six, five, four, three, two, one. That is it, people. Time's up. Machines down, no more ink. >>: We're done, dude. >>: This week, we tested your flexibility by asking you to cover prison tattoos. Joey, let's start with you. You won the tattoo of the day in the flash challenge. Do you think your canvas selection put you in the top? >>: I picked out a harder tattoo to do, actually. I'm not here to take the easy way out. >>: There's no definition to the tattoo. You have the same texture everywhere. >>: You don't see any texture in there? >>: I see the same texture from the horn to the claw to the belly. >>: I definitely think there's different texture between-- >>: Not really. Literally, it's all the same color. Everything is the same. It's one big red thing. >>: Kyle. >>: You did a good job covering the tattoo but your details aren't sharp, your lines are little weak. You felt short on those elements. >>: Craig. >>: My client wanted a b****s eagle-man. >>: What happens in this tattoo, for me, is that it's flat. These colors aren't popping as hard as they could, because there's no black. Had you've put black, it would look that much more dynamic. You have the ability to do a really tough looking tattoo and you obviously can draw. You have a winning combination. You got to put it to practice. >>: Jimmie. Were you happy with your cover-up? >>: Part of the challenge was being flexible. For what I had to do, I think I did good. >>: You did achieve the cover-up. The white, that was the thing that threw me for a loop. You pump this much white in there most of the time, this will turn into almost a keyword looking result. >>: I tried to get rid of all that heavy black area 'cause I didn't want it to look like a giant eight ball. >>: ES. >>: Talk to me. >>: The things that I think you lost somewhere in this tattoo are the fine details. I feel like you could have brought the details out in the mouth and eyes a little bit better. >>: Jackie. What's your confidence level? >>: I'm definitely confident. It's bright, it's colorful, covers it up. The tattoo isn't vibrant and dynamic like you're thinking it is. The tattoo looks like it healed ten years ago and this is what was left. (mimicks gunshot) >>: James Danger. >>: Very little use of black in this tattoo. With my past experience of seeing tattoos heal, I feel like that's gonna show through. >>: Jason. >>: I'm just not a fan of the top-end. That whole bio-mechanical area, the texture and the things that make bio-mechanical cool, that's not in this. >>: Ally. >>: You've accomplished the deal of covering it up. But from across the room, it just looks like a really large orange football. >>: Chris. >>: The design, there's some wonky things about this thing. How many random people out of ten would say that's a Koala Bear? You could've done a drawing that captures the qualities of a Koala bear. You lost it on that. >>: Frank. >>: This is rough one, man. Tried to go little bit ballsy, but I knew there was gonna be a lot of detail. There's not one clean bit of outline anywhere. You showed me everything you can't do. Don't do things to point out your weaknesses. Do things to point out your strengths. >>: Maddy. How do you feel about what you did here? >>: Before doing a dragon, I thought I did pretty well. >>: The towers are way off. The right side of the castle is taking a left. >>: I did it on purpose. >>: If you put this stence on the skin and looked at those two towers and said let's do this, that's not right. >>: Joshua. >>: Part of the things that make it so hard is it's closeness to the other tattoos that he has. I mean, it is edge-to-edge. >>: Rich. >>: My big complaint on this tattoo is the teeth of the skull. They're just kind of non-existent. >>: Tattoo Baby. >>: You've got a lot to live up to in this competition but you're going to give a lot of people a hard time. So, let the battle begin. >>: Mike. >>: This guy doesn't even have whiskers on its right side of the face. It looks like somebody stole your liner. You have no outline in this thing. >>: We're going to work this out. >>: As long as it's covered. >>: Sea turtle? >>: Yes. Swimming this way. >>: You don't want him to go into your b******e. (chuckles) "I'm swimming in, Shawty." >>: We've been divorced for a long time. >>: That's a part of my past and I'd rather move on. >>: Double horse shoes and there were some other things. >>: Like a barb wire and ribbon coming down. >>: Flowers. Somewhere I'd like to put in a cross. But then I want my boy's name and my grandson's name. >>: Okay. All the things she want in this tattoo is killing me. >>: My canvas wants an engine. >>: It's called the intake. See how it comes out of either side of the head? >>: Yeah. >>: When you go in for a cover-up, the best idea to have is no idea. >>: I've been building motorcycles since I was three. We're having the cover-up your mistake. So coming with this very specific idea that might not work is just a bad idea. Do I know a lot about engines? No. But I know about tattoos. I feel like this canvas is really going to (bleep) me over. >>: Pretty much the same thing what I drew on you. >>: Is there anyway that you can move him over and take the Gavin here off and do like side ribbons? >>: I really don't like this. The last thing I need right now is a headache. >>: This is his son. I wonder where I can put the kid under him. >>: There's no way we can try and peg that in. Stop pandering me with your (bleep) ideas. I've been doing this for a while and I've to do this the way it actually works. I got a bad canvas, man. >>: Ready for this? (groans) >>: I got the ex-husband. While Ruck gets the ex-wife. We both have to cover-up a black drunken lion. I'm a firm believer that if there is a tattoo that you don't like you can always cover it up. I really don't have any problems trying to outdo Ruck. >>: You sure you finished the back side of that? >>: Yup. >>: Whoa! You're quick, bro. >>: You know when I saw that sketch I was like, "Oh, my God! This is going to be awesome." >>: Oh, yeah? >>: Yeah. >>: It's the type of effect I want to make. My goal today is definitely to outperform Scott and Matty. Yeah, boy! Now, when the competition is getting though, that's when I plan on shinning. I'm going to stomp this tattoo. Thanks, man. >>: Four hours left. >>: You okay? >>: All good. >>: $100,000 tattoo right here. Hell, yeah! >>: Ow. (bleep) >>: My canvas is cranky, she can't sit worth (bleep). >>: Is there anyway that you cannot rub it so hard? >>: I'll try to do it very minimally, okay? She cannot take the pain. She's kind of a puss. (bleep) I am worried that my canvas is gonna tap out, and I'm not even going to get to finish this stupid tattoo. (bleep) >>: I don't know how much more of this I can take. >>: It's finished. Right. >>: I think you've set the bar pretty high. This might be my favorite tattoo. >>: That's what I was going for. >>: You all right? >>: Mm-hmm. >>: I really love my tattoo. I think it looks great. I think it fits her leg very well. >>: I love it. It hurts so bad, but I love it. >>: I really want to prove that I belong in the top. >>: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Machines down, no more ink. (exhales deeply) >>: That's it. >>: Whao! That's b****s, dude. >>: Oh, my God! >>: B****s or what? >>: That is awesome. >>: Holy (bleep) (bleep). >>: Gentle Jay's tattoo suck. The design is crap, the skull is crap >>: I knew I was coming to get a tattoo today but I didn't think I was going to get anything close to this. >>: Once you go that dark, it's always going to be a big mass of dark (bleep). >>: It's that great, man. >>: Jim, let's start with you. >>: You know better. For a cover-up, it's a fail. King Rock. >>: I mean, how would you? There's a bunch of different ways you could've done that. A nice black and blue rose could've been the cover-up. The horse shoes could've been behind it and the banners under it. >>: I've had some bomb canvases. >>: There's 60-plus years of tattooing sitting at this table. You cannot tell me about a (bleep) canvas. Matty. You got the other drunken Lion. Yeah, I actually told Ruck if we could just get those two back together, it'd save us the trouble. >>: That's for sure. >>: But the cross is curved. If it wasn't for that, I'd love this tattoo. Straight lines and round objects are always gonna be tricky. If you're gonna try to pull 'em off, they gotta be dead on. >>: Hailo. >>: You did a great job applying this. There's a soft tissue. They can get over-work. They can look beat up. Yours looks healed. ♪ ♪ >>: Sausage. >>: The nose, the lips, spot on. I like the use of the black in the veil. I think that's what gives it a painterly look. Well done. >>: I don't see what he sees. I see that you put it every where but the place where it takes the most balls to put it, and that's in the face. The front hand, you went really heavy black. If you're gonna do it in the hand, you do it every where. This tattoo, I am not a fan of it. ♪ ♪ >>: Scott. ♪ ♪ >>: it was one of bigger tattoos to cover-up. I think you approached it the right way with a hot tones away from the where the cover-up is. If I looked at this tattoo, I wouldn't even think it was a cover-up. >>: People can shake their heads or do whatever they want behind you but the tattoo is damn good and a lot of people that are shaking their head aren't. ♪ ♪ >>: Gentle Jay. >>: I'm most confused over the hat. It's just screams "cover-up." There's so much room in that hat that you could have left highlights in. >>: Lydia. ♪ ♪ >>: You did show very good skills in adaptability to working with the existing tattoo. I think it's very creative. >>: I like that it's not your standard big top-hat cover-up. You've shown some really smooth shading. I would like to see a lot richer black in the eye socket. Because that really rich-black will make that nice powdery shading look better. ♪ ♪ >>: Melissa. >>: How are you feeling, Melissa? >>: Terrible. I tried really hard. But she was very difficult to work with. >>: If it is an engine, it's all got to fit together. Any of the parts don't fit together, well, then parts don't work well. >>: She specifically wanted New School. She specifically wanted the bubbliness. >>: You do not let the client drive. The second you give up that seat, you give up your shot at winning $100,000. ♪ ♪ >>: Kyle. >>: I wanted to accentuate her hips and show some shape to her thigh. >>: Kyle, I'm really confused by this tattoo as well. It's a trunk with no branches, and way too little flowers. >>: You are not a versatile artist. You are a pigeonholed artist. Cherry blossoms, got it right out to a trunk. It's not real. >>: Whether or not I made right choices, I like the tattoo. >>: If you wanna do this stuff and you wanna experiment, don't do it here. I cannot stand this tattoo. ♪ ♪ >>: Wow. >>: All right, artists, you have six hours to do your tattoos. This is your last chance to prove that you deserve a spot in the live finale. Your time begins now. >>: Let's do it, man. >>: The biggest thing is gonna be working with the existing piece that you have. Trying to turn that circle into a real circle. I'm gonna re-touch this tattoo instead of covering it up. And then tattoo landmarks from around the world as a collage around his arm. Time permitting, if Berlin works, then we will do Central America. >>: Is that all right with you? >>: All right, sounds great. >>: Awesome. >>: Yeah. >>: I can nail every single skill in this one piece. All right, buddy. Are you ready? I'm here to win and somebody else is gonna home because that's spot in the finally is mine. >>: I can already see it now. Millions of people holding signs that says, "We want Sausage." >>: That would be pretty sweet. >>: Sausage's artwork looks generic and very clip-art, and cut and pasted to me. There is no way that Sausage's tattoo is gonna beat my tattoo today. It wouldn't be a tattoo if it didn't hurt like (bleep). (laughs) >>: I know right. (laughs) >>: I have been kicking (bleep) a** this whole time. I got to just keep doing what I'm doing. >>: No pain, no gain. >>: When I'm done with this tattoo, you are not gonna tell it's a cover-up, and it's gonna be screaming Scott Marshall all over it. >>: You have four hours remaining. ♪ ♪ >>: My strategy is not only to do a cover-up but to place a really nice tattoo right next to it and make them both work together. >>: I'm being more meticulous than I have ever been. These flowers are my ticket to the final three. >>: Two hours remain, everyone. (machine whirring) >>: I'm doing something bold by putting a lot of bright canary yellow into this piece to really just push it over the top. >>: Sausee. >>: Have seen Scott's piece? >>: Scott's, you can still see the cover-up right through it. >>: Oh, no! Using yellow as a cover-up is a huge no-no. Because you can still see the old piece underneath it. This might be enough to send his a** home. >>: Thirty minutes remaining, everyone. ♪ ♪ >>: This is the highest the stakes have ever been in this competition. If I'm gonna go down, I'm gonna go down fighting. >>: Five, four, three, two... (groans) one. Time is up. Machines down. No more ink. >>: (bleep) yeah. >>: Take a look. >>: Wow. >>: Oh, it is amazing. >>: Holy (bleep). >>: I love it. >>: Great. There are things going. >>: Completely. >>: Mattie's cover-up just looks like a big blue blob. Sometimes he does good, sometimes he does crap like this It's time to get rid of him. >>: Sausage. >>: You re-worked Melissa's tattoo? >>: To try to do a cover-up and dealt in a ton of black, didn't make sense. So I decided to add something that's a lot more bold and stylish to the airplane itself. And then build a sleeve that he can add on to it any time. >>: This is actually gonna be very hard for people to work-off. Because the quality is really high. This is showing versatility. To come out here, and show, I just did these big bright flowers, now I am gonna do this really fine line detail and really show some nice soft black and gray is top-notch. >>: Scott. >>: Over all, the color pallet is strong. Really solid, clean application. It has your signature all over it. >>: Mattie. >>: The same size roses, it's a bit much. Because everything the same size makes a mosaic look. If you stagger the sizes with bigger leaves, then they maybe little buds, you can get more bang for your buck and more dynamics. Looking at this, the eye is just totally drawn to the blue spot. >>: Hailo! This canvas was completely open. Brand-new tattoo. Yet, you just did this. >>: The tattoo over all is a beautiful tattoo. Water droplets on the peddles, super-glassy and HD. But then you have areas in the flowers that are very flat. Those pistols, there's no outline on one side of one, The outlines don't connect. There just kind of here and there. You didn't put in the same level of work throughout. You didn't make it is as interesting as you made it before. Today these artists are gonna be covering up hate tattoos. They really have to put everything aside and do the best cover-up they possibly can. >>: What's going on? What's the story behind that? >>: I was just brainwashed when I was younger. When I got old, and had kids, I realized, man, what the hell! Tryin' to do a 360. >>: I would love to help, man. >>: Yeah, I appreciate it. >>: Right on. >>: Ingenuity is always gonna play in to the cover-up. You should never be able to pick out a section where you know the cover-up is. That's the biggest fail. I wanted a cross with a helmet coming off of it. >>: Basically soldiers cross. >>: Exactly. >>: My biggest concern of this tattoo is that it's really large and some weird tattoo going right through the middle. She wants a Soldier's Cross but it's not big enough to cover this thing. Uh, anything else if this didn't work for you? >>: No way. >>: If this were in my shop, it would take me three days to come up with the design to cover it properly. I don't know what I am gonna do. >>: Color works great for cover-ups. >>: Anything that'll get rid of it. >>: Let's see here. There is no way I can do just the Confederate flag and leave the Grim Reaper. Because they are so close together. If I do one, the other one is gonna stick out like a sour thumb. Even if I did like a big skull up-top here, might have to get super-crazy because I gotta a dark streak going this way. That's a big arm, too. I'm gonna have to do half sleeve to cover-up these tattoos. You know how hard it is to do a half sleeve in six hours. It's tough. >>: Only got six hours to do it. So I don't wanna end up doing something that's not finished. (machine whirling) >>: We got a couple of different options for you. My canvas wants a Soldier's Cross. And six pointed star to cover this thing up. And pay homage to the people that she offended with the original tattoo. The Soldier's Cross is doable. However, I've got a do it at least that big. So I did one that I know will work. In World War Two, American Eagle peace. With the six pointed star, I know it's a totally different direction. >>: Hit it. >>: Really? >>: Yeah, bad a**. Hit it, man. Luckily, she just wants get rid of this swastika. She hates it. She is willing to do what ever it takes. >>: Why did you get the Nazi tattoo to begin with? (groans) Is that a question you don't want to answer? >>: Trying to fit in. Got mixed up with the wrong people. And did a stupid move when I was 16. I've been carrying that around for 20 years. I don't think I truly understood what it meant. And it disgusts me that it's there. I want to turn negative into a positive. It's cost so much turmoil in my life. I have this thing, cover it up, man. It's almost surreal, you know? >>: Stoked completely. ♪ ♪ >>: When I saw it from across the room I was like, I see a flower right there. The canvas I gave myself was probably one of the hardest cover-ups in there. Because it is so big. But I know that I can cover anything with a flower. I do flowers all the time. So it wasn't far stretch. I've designed all the pedals to curl in right around that circular shape part of the anarchy symbol. I can just kind of keep all my darks on the tips. And I can use shadows that are already there. Let's get this over with, let me get to the damn finale. (exhales) >>: Oh, I ain't scared. >>: I like doing cover-ups. I do big tattoos. It is right in my alley. I'm doing a huge dual-arm cover-up. There is no room for lollygagging. It is balls to the wall from start to finish. So what's the deal with the Confederate flag? >>: Oh, man, 19 years old. I don't know if I really have a answer to why I did it. Just thought it was a cool tattoo. This is much appreciated. >>: I'm gonna take care you, man. >>: I'm a father of five kids. I wanna be better role model. It's time for the tattoo to go. >>: Yeah! >>: Three more hours to go. ♪ ♪ >>: Trying to get rid of it about 20 years, man. When I first got the tattoo, I was like, 13 or 14 years old. I'm like an idiot driving around the brotherhood. (bleep) cool. That's not what I want to be. I mean, it doesn't matter if you are red, black, brown, yellow, green. Whatever. >>: Unfortunately, I've been a victim of hate. When I wanting to get a apprenticeship to learn how to tattoo, I was told color of my skin was gonna hinder my chances. To be a minority, it's actually driving me even more to do a killer job. >>: So how you get rid of swastika? >>: I've put little chinger in the grave stone. Burying the past, so it's perfect. >>: You can't live for all this stress come go off my shoulders. >>: To be able to help this guy change his life is a complete honor. >>: Ain't nobody gonna to beat this one. >>: You let them know how it's done. (exhales) This tattoo isn't working out as good as I expected. Lot of wonky lines that are just popping up out of the blue. It is not covering the way I wanted to. I've never been to the bottom be and I'm not ready to go now. >>: Did you go to art school or anything? >>: Nah, I'm a high school dropout. >>: Did you have a formal apprenticeship? >>: No, I did not. >>: Mmm. >>: I got the easiest cover-up in the room. But I can't just do a little tiny zombie peeking out of the top of the this guy sock. So, I'm doing a giant photo realistic tattoo. And I screwed myself. >>: Go big or go home! There is not enough time in the world to do this tattoo. >>: Art something you have always been interested in? >>: Yeah! It's not helping at all, that my canvas was asking me about thousand-million questions per minutes. >>: What's the biggest thing that has improved your art work? >>: Just kept at it, honestly. Half of the battle is distractions. "Why is the sky blue? Why do I have a beard? Why are b* * * s good?" Shut up and let me tattoo. >>: Five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Time is up. Machine's down. No more ink. >>: Awesome. >>: I ain't ever got to look at that ugly a** thing again, man. >>: Good. Pretty tough looking tattoo. >>: Yeah, it is. >>:Wow, that is sick. >>: Mattie's tattoo has a lot of flaws. The hair looks like spaghetti. And he went so big, he is handing in a unfinished tattoo. He dropped the ball. And I couldn't care less. As long as I'm not the one going home. >>: Today, you had to show ingenuity by covering a hate tattoo. James, you are up first. You choose pretty large cover-up for yourself. >>: First thing I saw was a floral pattern that would fit her, and just get rid of that huge tattoo without being really dark. >>: You've given this woman something very feminine. Something very beautiful. Of the day, this woman's life is been transformed more dramatically then anybody else. And she has you to thank for it. >>: Feeling confident about putting this many lines into this type of skin in this area, knowing that you are up against six hours was a ballsy move. Just panned out for you in that sense. You definitely achieved the cover-up, the shading that you have going from dark to light, you disperse it throughout. And that way it's not an obvious cover-up. It's a strong tattoo and a lot of tattoo in short amount of time. >>: Cleen! You actually did two cover-ups. Did you feel that it was a disadvantage? >>: I mean, it wasn't easy. His arm is as big as my leg. And you know, the tattoos that he has, just the flag itself is pretty good size. >>: The upper jaw, you just draw those teeth and then cover it with the fabric. The fabric wouldn't pull directly back like that. It would stick out. But as for as cover goes, you did this client a service. You had to cover-up two tattoos and I think you achieved it strongly. >>: Matty. >>: You got one of the... >>: Easiest cover-ups. >>: One of the easier ones. What did you think when you got this one? >>: Well, I have to do another zombie. So I had to come up with something completely different and hopefully I gave you guys something we haven't seen yet. >>: The problem here is that it is massively unfinished. >>: Anthony! >>: You have so many nice details in the hair. You have really fine, fine lines. You create this kind of ratty feeling but it's still shows perfect line work in there. This thing really, really shows strong today. You did a great job. >>: Christian! ♪ ♪ You have some definite challenges in the eagle. >>: Things that really give the eagle the power are gonna be the talons and the head. You just did them too small. You wanna lock 'em in make it powerful and strong. It's gets more of a Turkey feel than it does an eagle feel. The other thing is, it's two different shaped wings completely. The one closest is a big fat square that doesn't have that strong taper. And then the back wing is right. It's got that long feel. >>: You've only got much time to make every line work and a lot of decisions I have to make on the fly. To cover the straight lines going out. It is what it is but that's why I did it. >>: But if you had the time to do the non-important flower, that time could've all gone into your main design of the cover-up. At this stage of the game, everything has to be tight. Because you guys aren't making big mistakes. So, it's the little ones that get hit. (Bone Face) You said you wanted to go with the surfer, right? (man) Yeah, a California sunset with the wave and a surfer, with a hang-ten. Water is something that I don't tattoo well. He said, "Are you cool with black and gray color? >>: I would prefer color. >>: On top of that, the old tattoo is extremely big, extremely black, and gonna be hard to cover. The biggest thing is that, doing all of that, I don't know if we would be able to squeeze color in. >>: My main thin was the sunset. >>: The sunset, right. You know, B, that's why I wanted color. >>: Last week, I barely made it by. This week, if I can't get my canvas to compromise, I could go home. If we do the shark, it will be just the shark. I want the surfer. >>: Cover-ups are great test of technical application because you are basically playing a trick on the eye, and you're camouflaging an area. And you have to disperse the dark as evenly as you disperse the light. So that, the cover-up is not obvious. ♪ ♪ >>: Nikki has given me the guy who wants the surfer. (Nikki) He looks like, serious. (laughing) >>: But my biggest issue is my design. I can't get this water right, and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna hide this old tattoo completely. The guys, we are already screwed. The girls keep gaining momentum and it's gonna be hard to stop them at this point. >>: All right, guys, five hours remaining. ♪ ♪ >>: Oh, your skin takes ink like butter. (woman) Oh, good. >>: I came into this competition needing to prove exactly who I am, and with every single day that I'm here, I get more and more comfortable in my own skin. ♪ ♪ >>: Are you coming (bleep) handcraft or what? >>: I hope so. >>: Oh! >>: (bleep), dude. >>: Now is my time to shine and prove that I can win time and time again. ♪ ♪ (Kevin) My canvas wanted a bunch of different elements but after the talking and consulting I'm gonna do two realistic three dimensional roses. And a nice little skull. >>: Trying to one-up me with some roses, huh? >>: You doing roses? >>: Yeah. Damn it. As a realism artist, I'm excited about this. If I were at home, this wouldn't right up my alley. ♪ ♪ >>: Two more hours, guys. ♪ ♪ >>: The tattoo is big and really dark. There is no way I can win tattoo of the day with this cover-up. >>: How are you guys doing? >>: Oh, getting there. >>: What was under there? >>: Big piece of tribal. >>: Oh, I see. >>: My biggest concern right now with this tattoo is to not make it so dark that it looks like another huge piece of tribal. ♪ ♪ >>: Done with these flowers. Going for the other side now. >>: What color are you doing them? >>: I'm going for red because that way I can do the butterfly blue and that blue little one that you've got here to match with the other one. (woman) Okay. >>: And then you got like hot and cold. This canvas is awesome. She's letting me do my thing and just we working this tattoo and adding to it. Looks beautiful, I got to say. Nikki is thinking that I'm gonna drop the ball with this tattoo. Her strategy is definitely not gonna work today. >>: This is lovely. ♪ ♪ >>: Gian is not even really doing a cover-up, he is just re-working what was already there. It definitely doesn't meet the challenge of a cover-up. >>: Final hour remaining, final hour. ♪ ♪ >>: This season girls are kicking ass. (man) That's great. >>: Stick together like girl-power. (Ryan) Nikki and Kelly are (bleep) crushing it. I can't wait to see how bad the guys are (bleep) up. >>: Five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Time is up. Machines down, no more ink. >>: Wow, holy cra... I wasn't expecting that at all. >>: Boneface's tattoo looks like crap. How could he stay here after this? >>: Nikki, let's start with you. ♪ ♪ In the sense of a cover-up, you nail it. You hit technical application here really well. You apply the ink to the skin in a way that gets rid of the underlying tattoo. That real deep, rich black you got down there put so much depth into the tattoo. And when you have those leaves, you can balance the black everywhere that will always camouflages nicely and somebody can't go, "Oh, there is the cover-up." >>: It is very beautiful and technically it is pretty perfect. >>: There is no trace of the existing tattoo and that was a massive tattoo. But you covered it up. Great job. >>: Thanks. ♪ ♪ >>: Ryan. ♪ ♪ >>: Beautiful design, beautiful tattoo I love to see this, really classic, iconic imagery. >>: I would have definitely done the flames in color. I feel like the shadows with the darkness at the top of the flames, It's a little less clear than it could have been. Kelly. ♪ ♪ This does not look like a cover-up on any level. This is my favorite tattoo, from you so far. >>: I think it's perfect. Your technical application is flawless in this. ♪ ♪ Gian. ♪ ♪ Instead of covering-up, you did a re-working. >>: I just tried to fix it and make it pretty tattoo. Tried to make the best of what I had. >>: Is it fair that everybody else covered-up an existing tattoo and you re-worked one? >>: I feel like this was the most responsible choice to make and it would have been a really, really hard one to cover. ♪ ♪ >>: Nate. ♪ ♪ >>: Nate, I definitely think you got a tough one, man. This was a legit cover-up. You do have a lot of dark in here making this tattoo really tunneled, but because this was the cover-up and you used that little glow behind the head and then the dark behind that, it does all kind of balance One thing that does bother me is that right wing, you didn't lift your design high enough so that the piece of the old tattoo wasn't poking out of your outline. >>: I tried to keep it real symmetrical. And I was afraid that that it'd wore off. >>: Boneface. ♪ ♪ >>: Your consistent with application is just here, you really challenged artistically. First thing is the fluidity of the water. It's very stagnant and stiff, it should flow. >>: The water that's flying to me they look a bit like teeth The hands are really funny to me. And this board, that doesn't really look like a surf board. ♪ ♪ >>: Kevin. ♪ ♪ >>: At first glance, the tattoo is nice. But why again no outlines today? >>: I'm a realism artist, so put lines in something realistic doesn't make sense to me. >>: I never do a tattoo without an outline. It looks great in the photo now but in one or two years, all those reds are gonna bleed together. And all that detail is gonna go away. >>: If you are not willing to do those outlines, you're gonna have a rough time. 'Cause the outline in here is always gonna win. ♪ ♪ (laughing) >>: Today we are testing detail. The way the detail works in cover-ups is understanding how to actually create a cover-up that doesn't look like one. (man) Ow. >>: I don't wanna see big, black or dark spots and they don't need to do a tattoo six times bigger than the cover-up to make it disappear. (man) Shrink it by 20%. You also see, because of the shape of your body your circle doesn't stay a circle. >>: My trouble was that if I shrunk it, the whole body will... >>: Is gonna get real-dark. >>: Would be black. >>: So then, what if you just literally move the whole thing down a bit? >>: I tried that before. >>: And it was just too much out of body? >>: Also, and yeah, it was too much out... >>: Okay. So let's straight up. Lose the circle. >>: Don't do the circle? >>: Just don't do the circle. >>: Okay. >>: All right, ready? (woman) Yep. ♪ ♪ (Jake) So, how bad you hate this? >>: Why do I have to hate it? >>: Do you think it's a good placement? >>: Yeah, it's where the dark is, right? Typically, when you are doing a tattoo you want the brightest most shining part of the tattoo in the center, not the darkest in the center. (Nikki) In the little spaces in between the kanji, let your skin ribs come through there. You have this is wider, use that to your advantage. >>: I kind of have to apply some tricks and see what can I do to make it work. So the problem I've run into, it's like I can't pull it through like this to the centre of the tattoo, It's just the second way. >>: The ribs gonna have to be that long. >>: Little guys, little, little. >>: Okay. Skin-rip wouldn't be my first choice but I'm happy with it. If there were other ones, I wouldn't had one. (woman) Woo! Look at those crispy lines. Those lines are good. >>: I hope so. there's the (bleep). (Creepy) The most difficult aspect of this tattoo is just getting it done in six hours. Because the cover-up itself would be the body of the owl. And then proportionally, the wings are gonna have to be this (bleep) big. I'm taking a huge risk right now. And if it doesn't pay off, I'm gonna be (bleep). >>: There is one tattoo in the girls team that is (bleep). >>: Name? Name? >>: What is her name? (indistinct) girl. >>: Holly doing another owl? (blows raspberry) >>: Yeah, it's bad, bad, bad! >>: Really? >>: Holly's design is screwed from the beginning. The stick growing out of this woman's ass. Feels like, it's like right out of my b**t-crack. >>: It almost is. >>: Girl, I have no idea what you're going for. >>: Four hours remaining. Four hours remaining. ♪ ♪ (man) Yeah. (Jenelle) Did exactly what you told me to do. >>: You are just the most exquisite listener I've ever met in my life. You are... (chuckles) >>: I wanna prove myself that I can do this. That I can do a good tattoo, a solid tattoo. Throughout my career I've been told that I won't get that far, and all that stuff. (woman) Yeah. >>: So, am I brave enough to step forward and be vulnerable? And I think that is a huge thing for me... ♪ ♪ >>: Intruder alert. (bleep), boy? (laughing) >>: Oh, you are supposed to respect your elders. (Cam) I show respect to those who show me respect. Regardless of age. I am attempting to do a 12 hour half-sleeve. in six hours. if I don't have pedal to the medal the entire time there's not a chance in hell I'm gonna finish this thing. >>: They are not here for those (bleep) bullshit. All right, not today. I'm over it. >>: That's two hours, two hours left. ♪ ♪ >>: She looks (bleep) solid. There's a cover-up in there? What? (Pon) I think the girls underestimate my abilities as a tattoo artist. and gave me the "realistic skull." 'Cause they wanted to see if I could do it. I could do this with my eyes closed. Thanks, girls. Home Run. >>: My parents are off the boat, you know, I'm first generation American. I come from a long line of artist on my dad side. If you go back to Italy, everyone in my family is an artist, you know. They support me in everything I do. I feel blessed. >>: And I just hope I could do same for my kids. >>: This (bleep) tattoo is being done here. >>: Now, you got an eagle, that;s too big over here. that really an owl. You got a way too bigger face-line than-- >>: Oh, yeah, honey? You want me to-- >>: And you got... >>: "Oh, no. Don't hit me." >>: You got a tree branch growing out of (bleep). (man) Yeah. (woman) And you let her tattoo that. >>: Yeah. >>: You better be careful about your coach cause that's what he's all right with. >>: I'm just tattooing. >>: That owl is gonna be sitting on something. >>: My owl is flying. >>: Your owl is gonna fly right out of here with his luggage. >>: Oh! (laughing) ♪ ♪ >>: I'm gonna need six more hours, at least six more hours to finish this. >>: Five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Machines down. Time is up. No more ink. (laughing) >>: Jason. ♪ ♪ >>: You did a great job really punching in the black. A lot of detail, not only with line work but with your directional shading. >>: I think you gave this guy a reason to take his shirt off. Great job. >>: (bleep), yeah, thanks. >>: Jake. ♪ ♪ >>: The cover-up was in a very non-organic shape and you managed to create something organic here using that shape, which is really very cool. >>: I like the fact that you were able to work the skin rips in between kanji working the way that you did to camouflage it in really worked to your advantage. (indistinct chattering) >>: Pon. >>: What up? Hey, guys. >>: I love this thing for the simple fact that it looks like a straight up tattoo. You kill this thing with simplicity. I love the ghostly image in the mirror. And the way that the cameo looks. As far as hitting a cover-up, as far as making a sticker, as far as somebody not knowing what's there, you're able to really hit the soft-ball out of the park. >>: I hate him. I hope he was home. >>: Stop. >>: Cam. There is a lot of great work in this. But the longer hair on the chinny chin-chin, than the hairdo is a bummer. It needs the power of the mane, or it's a lioness. There is just this balance here that gives an unfinished feel to the overall look of the piece. >>: That was like a big thing with time-constraint. >>: Woman's team, you are next. >>: Dani. >>: The approach that you take towards doing the cover-up, creating stone to use the texture for cracking is great. The power of the unicorn is going to have that strength of the horn because that it's magic.This guy is only a little magical. >>: It looks like an ice cream... >>: Barely or was there an horn? >>: Smashed on that horse head. >>: Was there a horn? >>: There was an ice cream cone. >>: Laura. >>: It's a really clean sticker tattoo for me as far as serving for cover-up. It definitely does it's job. As impressive as the tattoo is, I have it a bunch of times. But soon enough you're gonna have to... >>: I'll give you something else. Trust me. >>: I'll send you a letter from finale. Probably it'd be pretty cool there. >>: Good job, Laura. >>: Holly. >>: You've achieved the cover-up fine. It's the rest of the tattoo that fall short. >>: I (bleep) this tattoo. There is a tree branch growing out of this woman's a*s. Also, there is a back that is creasing. >>: That is swelling. >>: No. What is swelling is the surrounding area with some-- >>: What is swelling is your head right now. Thinking you got us when you're gonna go home. >>: Really? Are you talking about big heads, right now, (bleep)? Sorry, girl, but if I had that tattoo, I would have to cover-up, another cover-up. >>: My canvas loved it, so... I'm gonna stick behind it. >>: Do it. >>: I'm behind with you it, too. >>: Somebody has gotta... >>: Janele. >>: You did a very flat, non-detailed image. Your outlines are pretty shaky in here. >>: The outline on the top of the head, the outline around the bottom of that black hook on the leaf on the bottom. There is challenges left and right on this bad boy. >>: We both could have banged that thing with that much detail in two hours. >>: I think that you trying to save some people. I'm not trying to save anybody because I'm not blind right here, man. ♪ ♪
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 5,071,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Cover Up Tattoos, Top Cover Up Tattoos, Cover Up Tattoos, Compilation, All top cover up tattoos, ink master, tattoo, tattoo artist, reality tv, judges, artist, ink, inked, drama, needle, canvas, ink master tv, paramount network, ink colors, ink cover ups, Ink Master: Redemption, brothers, face-off, Ink Master, spin of, competition, Dave Navarro, Chris Núñez, Oliver Peck, Judges, challenges, tattoo artists, tv, reality, series, master shop, redemption, pressure, coverup, tattoo cover up
Id: Hlmi33Q3HJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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