Every Series 6 Elimination On Hell's Kitchen

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look at this hey thank you right Joseph look this Louie yes sir [ __ ] your back there yes get [ __ ] pilot shape Hey okay upstairs get your bags pack can I help can I help you can help me get out you want me out you want me to pack my [ __ ] bags I'm out my bags are packed Dickie kiss I've already lost and gained a teammate now it's the woman's turn to say goodbye to one of their own right ladies have you reached your decision good Tennille first nominee and why please the first nominee chef [Music] the first nominee was Melinda appetizers really really really struggled and overall the team did not fill Melinda had her head in the game the red team has nominated Melinda for elimination now a second nominee must face Chef Ramsay and second nominee the second nominee chef was Amanda Amanda do you agree with this I do not agree at all who should take your place probably Amanda you know the difference between a fridge yes chef and a freezer yes chef what is it freezer freezes that the French schools it goldstar Melinda step forward Amanda get your answer Melinda yes chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen chef I believe I should stay because I have passion for cooking I love being in the kitchen I've been working my ass off and I want to do it Amanda yes chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen because I'm I can do better than that I mean I didn't get a chance to cook let me cook on the line so you can see what I can do madam you can't do [ __ ] worse that's impossible okay my decision is do throws the [ __ ] salmon yeah you [ __ ] up big time [Music] [Applause] why'd you throw that away Melinda you're making me mad yes [ __ ] you man my decision is [Music] Malinda tell you jack off and leave Hell's Kitchen I expected more yes sir thank you thank you I am really disappointed I really was looking forward to spending more time with Chef Ramsay chef Gordon Ramsay I love to make you a four-course dinner and you can see exactly what kind of talent I have what a nice ladies area yes chef first nominee and why our first nominee tonight it's Neal today serving raw shrimp to a pregnant lady obviously is a big mistake yeah okay second nominee and why second nominee we nominated lovely it was based on overall performance and experience gentlemen Joseph let's be honest that's a pretty sorry battalion you got there isn't it right now it is who's the first nominee for the men they can speak with himself but they know where they are hey smash I asked you to tell me who's the first nominee and why LeBron Toni and Andy listen I know you may be slightly stupid first nominee and why first nominee and why Toni he knows why we sat down as a group they don't pick each other you know no peer pressure we're men just-just-just what do you want a [ __ ] medal what you want me to [ __ ] say what do you want me to say Dana were they [ __ ] off we chose as a group and they stood out and they said they belong there stand up they know where they are listen you chip idiot I asked for one nominee and why plain English and you're mouthing off and you can answer me now can just tell me in [ __ ] plain English the first nominee and why he's nominated is that [ __ ] clear that's clear thank you [Music] [Applause] unbelievable one simple request who and why and you make a big [ __ ] song and dance about it ain't no [ __ ] [ __ ] chef I don't give a [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] what I'm not no [ __ ] he's trying to bring the best out of you you gotta look that's out of me yeah show some respect shut your [ __ ] mouth what you just do right now come on man I'm talking yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about you and you come here for you you want to be an executive chef shut your [ __ ] mouth oh my god you signed up to [ __ ] learn in shuttle and your [ __ ] mouth okay I'm for the [ __ ] question we keep talking like this out in the [ __ ] parking lot I'm gonna [ __ ] what do you want me to say I ask the [ __ ] questions you give the [ __ ] answers [ __ ] that [ __ ] dawg mania fat you want a [ __ ] jacket we'll talk some [ __ ] let's go step outside I'm on the pocket I need for that dog let's go step outside [ __ ] Brown we will talk about [ __ ] fighting oh wow want to get [ __ ] rough do you think I'm scared huh look at you you just blow like in your owners yeah [ __ ] the cameras yeah yeah just oh yeah I ask you one simple question and you couldn't [ __ ] answer me and then you wanna get all tough an up-close-and-personal [ __ ] you there you go you ain't none but a [ __ ] you got no respect no respect now get out [ __ ] you your bun dish watch the step what an idiot total total shame I don't need this to that I don't need some limey [ __ ] prick talking me like that without skipping a beat go back home I'll work anybody would [ __ ] hire me to work in a kitchen and it'd be proud to have me there [ __ ] him [ __ ] him but he's not the only one going home tonight let's talk some sense shall we Red Team you've nominated lovely and Tennille Kevin yes chef first nominee and why Tony chef Tony's inability to keep up with the fish station second nominee Andy the beginning he was on meat station it took him a little while to catch up chef right well for we step forward let's go right lovely why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of that performance sea bass is raw I have the drive in the passions and I'm strong and I can only get stronger right today I really [ __ ] up with that one shrimp is that undercooked it's a little raw I have to be careful because I'm pregnant I'm a phenomenal chef and I just need an opportunity to prove it I'm D now you cousin of like face the chicken nugget and frying them off yes chef you [ __ ] donkey dance performance was not indicative of what I can do and I can nail it I can do it Tony you didn't even seasoned the face I always season in I didn't season it though oh my I love to cook I love to wear to make things taste really good I want to learn a lot I wish I could have another chance Royce okay [Music] the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Tony tell your jacket off and leave Hell's Kitchen yes sure thank you thank you and good night I proved myself by being here you know I mean I didn't get a chance to shine so how do I go but I still think I have the palate of a god right Ariel yes sure if you were to lose two individuals from your team who would they be and why first one my first nominees tonight would be lovely lovely she is less experienced in the rest of the team's second person my my second nominee tonight would beats Neil why I know that she has potential but I'm looking for a strong team and I see her as a weakness at this point right lovely Tennille step forward please [Music] Tennille yes sir seriously why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen because I do believe I am one of the strongest people on the team I got a little demoralizing the service because I didn't feel as if my team believed in me you know I can do this chef I know you know I can do this lovely yes sir 45 minutes to get a ticket into the kitchen why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen even though the ticket was 45 minutes and all of my customers were satisfied under pressure in the kitchen and out here I maintain my composure but are you not in over your heads I don't have as much experience these ladies here but I know that I have the passion to be here thank you [Music] but honestly I don't think either view I'm gonna win my decision is lovely get back in line - Neil come here [Music] listen to me wake up big time back in line [Music] now listen up because Josie took himself out of a competition tonight you get a gift and I'm not starting anybody home last chance yes you understand yes sure and I've got one more thing to say to you in fact to you all I'm nobody's [ __ ] Sabrina yes Jeff have you made your decisions yes sure first nominee and why my first nominee is tech tech right why she lost momentum at the first ticket and then she sunk our team yeah it wasn't exactly a dazzling performance was it it was difficult to watch chef uh-huh second nominee and why my second nominee is lovey lovey she really failed at the garnish station tonight uh-huh okay lovely tech step forward please oh dear okay lovely this is your third time up here alarm bells are ringing tell me why you think you should continue cooking in Hell's Kitchen I'm not gonna sit here in [ __ ] and say that it was a good service it wasn't lovely you're more laid-back than a [ __ ] ironing board what was the last time you sweated on service you might not fear but is there I don't say I try to keep my composure but I'm moving as quickly as I can show you may not have seen it when you came over so you're moving so fast that I couldn't see you yes holy crap right take why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I should stay in Hell's Kitchen Chef because I am extremely passionate about food I have an excellent palate I just love food I'm creative I am a leader you sunk the kitchen tag let's be honest you both wash [ __ ] okay my decision is [Music] Suzanne [Music] yes chef you're not shy of an opinion no chef Joe can I get a clue I play on that take it on the [ __ ] chin with a little bit respect you lost who would you send huh [Music] lovely chef I completely agree with that lovely tell you jack off and leave Hell's Kitchen Thank You chef thank you good nights back in lime Adam IVA has to leave but I'm gonna take all these experience all this tough times and I'm gonna keep moving forward it's not too lovely leaving Hell's Kitchen okay ladies have you made your decisions good Tennille yeah sure first nominee and why please share the first nominee Tanisha the first nominee eat was tech tech yeah sure what was that 13 photos if tech has deflated the last several services rights second nominee unfortunately chef which is a load of [ __ ] I've been put up chef I'm not the [ __ ] weakest person on this team though who do you think should be the second nominee Amanda chef interesting god I see right take him today I'll step forward please [Music] let's cut the [ __ ] shall we Amanda get your arse up here today why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen every [ __ ] challenge every [ __ ] service I get better I'm better for the team I'm getting stronger I think it's [ __ ] that I'm up here how many times you've been up there I've been up here twice man you know I'm getting strong tonight scared have you got anything left in the tank yeah chef I've been busting my [ __ ] ass don't you see how pissed off I am that I'm even up here this is [ __ ] I shouldn't even be up here do me a favor yes sir back in line yes yeah [Music] thank why should you stay I know that I have it in me to have these successes I don't want to walk out of Hell's Kitchen as a failure seriously do you care there's no part of me that ever stops caring I'm so passionate about food chef Amanda yes chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen because I know I can get more vocal and stronger as I go and I haven't had a horrible services on the line I'm not convinced Amanda [Music] are you done I think you're beat I think you're toast no I'm not done shucks I know I can do it I'm looking right through your eyes and I think you're done I don't see anything left I know I can do it are you sure yes no very sure boys bats there's [ __ ] wrong no we haven't sent a note yeah how can I serve them down the same table turn [ __ ] this is [ __ ] serious and your shades check give me a jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen [Music] thank you for you thank you back in Lyme Adam life is not over for me after Hell's Kitchen because I am a crazy badass girl and I'm a hell of a lot better cook than Chef Ramsay soft [Music] tonight was a [ __ ] embarrassment [Applause] arrow yeah sure whoo he put forward as your nomination and why we decided to put Sabrina up for elimination Sabrina yes Rob pork was served very dangerous yeah van you're sure who are the men nominated I'm trying to figure out where Robert said well clearly robbers not here it would be unfair to judge him on a performance having not stepped foot in the kitchen let me tell you something it robbers not back in the next service in Hell's Kitchen he's out I'll cross that bridge when I get there so setting Robert aside who do you think was the weakest performer in your kitchen tonight I have to go in handy tonight you got a little flustered under pressure right Thank You Sabrina Andy step forward Sabrina yes sir tell me straight up why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of your raw pork I believe I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I am a team player I would not walk off the line with my team still going I buckled down and keep pushing through no matter how many mistakes I've made in service tonight I kept going Andy Jeff yeah straight up yeah tell me I absolutely own the piece of crap I did tonight chef but I'm having trouble with these systems and I want to learn him and I know I can learn him when fortunately tonight was a real [ __ ] job just tell me say quickly what system you're used to working it's just a little bit different chef and you make me nervous that's all and so I need to get over that come on [Music] okay let's cut the [ __ ] shall we yes yes both of you I think back on every previous service in Hell's Kitchen and there's one person who's lacking the passion and doesn't care enough to continue working in Hell's Kitchen the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Jim Sabrina and II back in line Jim take your jacket off big man let me tell you something I can teach a chef how to cook but I can't give you a heart you're not the Tim man and I'm not the [ __ ] Wizard of Oz give me a jacket please just not fair you know I gave him my all every day but I guess it's not what he was looking for Chef Ramsay wanted to see me give them back some fire and that's just not me so at the end of the day when my head hits the pillow I know that I never wavered on Who I am Friday's first nominee and why my first nomination is Robert Robert because he had a week service tonight he's had some health problems and I'm concerned about him okay second nominee and why based on tonight's performance I'll be nominating damn pan right and Robert come forward please [Music] before you any further Andy come here you thank God was that Robert thank God he's up it Andy yes sir I can't feel that standing in front of me right now is whistlers head chef that's me being blunt now fan in chef plastic is no excuses chef no excuses have you paint no you got twenty something years in this business you can spot Talent do me a favor get back in line thank you sure right Robert tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of that performance my history here on Hell's Kitchen never been up on the block once and I'm disgusted that I even share the same [ __ ] stage with this guy right here right been there three times not therefore the team always [ __ ] around chef [ __ ] I addressed that for a second yeah if you ask my whole team though I'll tell you that he does nothing during the day he barely does anything he says reserves his energy which means he does [ __ ] and then y'all [ __ ] night you're on desserts [ __ ] hide from chef at least my what were you doing your [ __ ] like high note cleaning up your oil juicy lamb [ __ ] Oh fact is you don't like being told that you [ __ ] don't have it I don't need the [ __ ] have your respect dude you don't got it if you win Hell's Kitchen I [ __ ] hang up my [ __ ] chef clothes for life so do me a me [Music] okay my decision is and II get back in line Robert take your jacket off and the reason being the big point you've had more services in Hell's Kitchen than any of these and that last issue sent me this evening it was raw but you'll see me again as chef yo I can't wait to see you again I thank you for trying Thank You Andi your time is Tong guaranteed a left tales kitchen last time because of my health I have pericarditis which leads to heart disease it was an honor just to be invited to come back fat boy what a dream is back I felt like I was under a lot of pressure Robert and Jim you produced nothing I may have lost it a few times for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I fought back Robert well done Big Daddy's back I damn sure say that Gordon Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen changed my life for the better but I'm going home and just focusing on my career in my health and they better watch out but three times is the charm okay yes first on me and why the first nominee chef is Suzanne Suzanne I confirm today if a lack of teamwork over arrogance and I do believe she is the weakest cook chef okay second omean why [Music] Sabrina chef so we need a hasn't stepped into the role that she needs to to make the team successful okay Suzanne Sabrina step forward [Music] before we go any further there's one more person standing behind you I need to hear from Amanda get your ass up here [Music] okay Suzanne tell me what you think is your stay in Hell's Kitchen I give my full every day and it pisses me off that my team doesn't believe in me I believe it's personal and I feel that that gets in the way inside of the kitchen why are you shaking your heads today I told her I'm not spiteful you are not up here based on our relationship you are based on your teamwork and your performance today and today only this is a prime example of what I'm talking about she was gonna lead you to believe and this was personal and that's what she does throw people under the bus chef [Music] right Sabrina yes sir tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I believe I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I am a team player I am a good cook I can do it and I can lead a team well I beg for consistency tonight you were not consistent with anything you consistently crap chef I kept having to cut new lamb to keep up with Suzanne is that right yes yes no no no us you guys I was trying to push push push chefs he keeps saying she had to push push push because she put us behind that's why we had to push push push are you done yes yeah Amanda seriously yes give it to me I can cook I'm not a bad cook at all tonight yes I sent you a small portion of tiger telly yes that was stupid but at least I could cook my stuff can you win Hell's Kitchen yes chef okay this is a tough one my decision is Suzanne back in line [Music] Amanda take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen thank you for everything chef this pleasure thank you good night good night guys I don't agree with Chef Ramsay's decision I really think Suzanne should have gone home tonight but I'm definitely gonna keep cooking for the rest of my life gonna be the best chef ever okay Ariel yes chef first nominee and why please our first nominee tonight is Suzanne why Suzanne brought the entire pace of the kitchen down and brought her team down tonight like your second omean one second nominee tonight [Music] Andy shut because of inconsistencies in service okay Andy Suzanne step forward [Music] Suzanne yes chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen you want a downward trend I understand that and that's big you know I do know how to cook I do know how to cook me I know how to cook every station how can you say that was small on your face I [Music] don't want anymore arrow Tinnell help me here while you better without her yes yes sure you are we know it's gonna put us down we know it's on you're gonna leave three girls in the kitchen and we'd rather work with these three than work with her you wanna out that bass Andi why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen my last three services have been better and better I thought I did a great job last time I had an injury and that really [ __ ] me up tonight he drained two sellers you killed the sellers having massive dexterity problems my left hand my cod my life ten that I use as a guy standing behind you it's been cooking for the last four services one hand severe pain the other guy is standing there with a sprained ankle I'm not trying to compare myself to them I don't even know what it's like for them chef I'm just telling you this is the hand I used this is the a my cut right the person leaving Hell's Kitchen Suzanne why are you sizing ahead of the time all the goodness running out of the land yes sir for God's sake woman get a grip look look at the [ __ ] dressing look you're killing the salad my decision is Andy give me a jacket please yeah thank you sir thank you very much we should tell you something you have a big heart yeah just stop panicking all right get better will you thank you thank you thank you hi guys fine I earned it [Music] it's unfortunate how I went out because I was getting stronger and stronger every day and I felt that I was making a comeback sorry I'm not done yet so bringing a step forward yeah I can't understand what's happened to you I want the old Sabrina back yes I don't want the old Suzanne back yes chef but I'm afraid it's probably too late Suzanne take your jacket off now listen to me yes chef let me listen to me properly you with the blue team yes chef Sabrina yes come back yes sir I'm come back quickly please Sabrina yes chef red team's nominee and why please the red team has decided to vote me chef you yes chef and why I think because of my previous services chef not based on tonight's service no sir Wright's blue team Dave Murray and white please our nominee tonight is been taste on tonight's performance only but the weakest chef on the blue team is Suzanne so why was van nominated as the weakest chef tonight yeah faltered with the halibut so it wasn't his best service tonight nominee Sabrina van step forward please both of you presented raw halibut tonight I can't go into the next service and talk about a raw halibut I don't want it van I don't think I can work with you much longer I get I get upset when I start messing up food rhymes better than that I'm gonna loser I'm not throwing in the towel you had one fish my man it's not with the type of fish I'm used to working with it so now you're blaming the fish no I'm not making excuses I'm just here tell you I'm not done here I'm not throwing in the towel I'm fighting it to the end Sabrina yes chef what have you got left that I haven't seen I think I have everything left chef I know that the raw halibut tonight was instrumental from you being up here but I work with my team very well I can mesh with any team and I can lead a team [Music] okay the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Sabrina [Applause] give me a jacket please thank you sir thank you hey big heart sweet girl telling cases beyond belief but for me not the head chef yes sir at the rack see thank you thank you good luck good night Sabrina thank you thank you chef I came in red lipstick makeup on hair did big [ __ ] on the blog but much chef like brings you off your pedestal the chicken is Pinker than your [ __ ] lipstick yes chef it is really hard I expected it to be easy dry lamb on the outside raw in the center beneath it I was wrong it's very difficult but I am so proud that I got this far I am really looking forward to getting back to my own kitchen seeing my own staff and getting pretty again right kevin:today Oh Dave have you made your decisions yes yes yes Dave first nominee and why please first nominee is Suzann we needed somebody to help us push things out and she flat-out refused to do it right second nominee second nominee is REO [Music] why she had the lettuce burning incident hello do you agree Ariel and Suzanne are the weakest two cooks in the kitchen in my honest opinion chef I do not believe REO is the weakest chef in the kitchen susannah van should be up there chef thank you personally I have mixed feelings about all further area Suzanne van step forward okay and Ariel yeah tell me what you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen chef I have not been this disappointed myself ever in my entire life and I want so badly to stay here and prove to you that I can do this for sure I have a great palate and my only real downfall right now is letting my nerves get to me know exactly how many services do you think you need in Whistler before you get rid of those nerves certainly not 11 you're out your depth and you're heading straight for the bottom okay van tell me I'm getting sick and [ __ ] tired of being up here chef I hate this I hate it I'm doing my best My Mind's [ __ ] right now I'm tired I'm not looking good I'm not cooking good I hate being kicked out of the kitchen that's the worst thing you can do to me and I'm so tired of being right here I know I can do this this is what I was born to do I just came here to cook I come here to be [ __ ] up on them chopping block 24/7 better than that thank you okay my decision is [Music] Arielle [Music] back in line [Music] van suzanne both of you I've been up here three times one of you is not gonna make it a fourth because I'm gonna be here my decision is give me Jackie big boy this year hey listen your chef you can't cook okay I still got a few more years I could be like you one day keep it cool and that you food do the talking yes chef thanks chef when I came into the Hell's Kitchen I came in guns blazing kicked ass on the signature dish something quite intriguing about that congratulations well done but there's a lot more to it than the Hales kid's hand is cooking you [ __ ] donkey listen [Music] when you get down don't stay down I want to go out of here with my head up I'm gonna be the man one day band is gonna be the man okay have you come to a decision yes okay good Kevin yes chef first nominee and why please first nominee is erielle because of inconsistencies raw chicken and lamb that wasn't quite up to par second choice the second choice tonight is Suzanne raw fish overcooked scallops and she thought she had a good service tonight okay let's go hurry up Suzanne step forward please [Music] okay Suzanne fourth time here why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen tonight I was focused on solid techniques and standard of food and cooking things to perfection you focus on a lot of good things but you accomplish nothing I believe I'm a better chef than arial [Music] 'arial yes chef you've actually got worse madam tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I know I made mistakes but I do believe that I'm a better chef I want this very badly and I just hope you give me one more chance to show you that [Music] okay honestly truthfully you both should go my decision is Suzanne I've given you so many chances to fight back but last three or four services you haven't been at your best and it's only gonna get harder thank you thank you so much good night good night this experience has been very enlightening and I learned a lot about you know my strengths nice color on the scallops sir yes chef my weaknesses try back take it [ __ ] back I didn't have many personal relationships with many people I really threw everybody under the bus tonight it's not about that about the [ __ ] pain and I realized that my major flaw was creating this distance with my teammates I'm sure everybody's happiness that I'm gone I bet they're over there like giggling and laughing like schoolgirls okay now oh yes straight to the point yes one thing that did make me happy tonight was the fact that we did work as a team we started off talking communicating and it was a bit of a dream come true even we made mistakes we still had that bond of a team yes I've never ever ever seen a chef suffer with that amount of pain going to the window Dave I'm deeply concerned that you may not be able to continue in this competition chef I can pull through this I feel fine now I would not lie to you chef I respect you too much to lie to you I feel fine this this hand is fine I'm fine I'm fine I feel good I feel strong please don't take me out of this unless you think I'm not a good enough chef then take me out but not because of my wrist I hear you but I'm watching you carefully oh okay - Neil yeah you had a bad service look at that it breaks my heart - Neil they're not even seared properly and I'm gonna be really honest now I don't want any nomination [Applause] [Music] and want to prolong your agony come here madam take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen listen to me I am so proud of you you fought bass like I've never ever seen anybody in Hell's Kitchen fight back and you are an amazing competitor and you have got a massive heart you're young now use that experience and do some good with it thank you together awesome yes thank you so much hey kiddo thank you [Music] thank you the greatest comeback you never forget that no wait head up high always yeah [Music] when I first came to Hell's Kitchen I knew absolutely nothing about fine dining that's seafront fun to sculpt it's hard not to let your nerves get to you can you do it well so I do it when I got into it with Sam really get the [ __ ] out of there [ __ ] you cuz you're crap get back in that please what somebody kicks you saw shoot throws you down and said you're not good enough I'm not the [ __ ] weakest person on this team interesting never give up never give up still kickin still here so now that's the best I've ever seen anybody cook meat well done everybody comes across people left or right for him to take the time to say hey you you're a great chef keep going that's all you mean in the same Kevin arrow and Dave I can see each one of you at the Iraq sea [Music] Kevin who should not advance the final I feel that Ariel should not marry the journey yes why she has been at the chopping block a few times I don't feel she's quite there yet yes who should not advance the final and why there was one person tonight when I was at the past that I didn't quite feel fully had my back and I I believe that was Kevin tonight chef Dave who should not advance for the final why tonight during service I felt most lost when Arielle was up at the pass I believe it should be Arielle each and every one of your answers hasn't helped me this is a very tough call guys I wanna ask you one more question Kevin why do you belong in the final of Hell's Kitchen I belong in the final because I am a very strong person and everything I do and when I set my mind to it there's nothing I can't accomplish can you run the Iraqi restaurant or will the Iraqi Russian run you I can run the orexi restaurant chef for certain Ariel I have grown so much I know I have the qualities that it takes to lead a kitchen I'm young creative and I have a lot of potential and I will run the erech C restaurant chef Dave I think I deserve to be in the final because I've led myself throughout this competition in Hell's Kitchen I've grown tenfold and I can run a kitchen the kitchen won't run me okay it's now time to find out who is advancing to the final this has been a very tough decision [Music] the first person advancing to the final is day congratulations the second person advancing to the final is Kevin congratulations Thank You chef thank you very much job well done it was a pleasure guys madam two seconds please yes chef the level of ambition and drive and passion you showed since your time in Hell's Kitchen has been extraordinary Thank You chef keep your jacket as a simple reminder of everything you've accomplished inside Hell's Kitchen Thank You chef I really really wanted to win this lady's good job learning from Chef Ramsay is such an amazing experience I mean he seems like he's just this crazy mean guy he's on the line would you send that lamb if you're standing and the Rexy restaurant tell me no chef but all he wants to do is make you better she's cooked perfectly well-done I feel that I did prove myself I just wanted to blossom from here and I know I will be successful I know it in my heart and I might owe it all to Chef Ramsay vice Kevin Dave this is the moment you've both been waiting for right absolutely yes chef one of you is about to realize your dream of a lifetime personally I am so proud you guys have done so well and more importantly reading through the common cards and looking at the feedback from the customers this has been the closest final ever of house kitchen be my eyes you're both winners Thank You chef now after much thought and a lot of careful studying I reached a decision both now step up to your doors please this is a big moment it's a big life-changing moment [Music] my heart is jumping out of my chest I'm freaking out on the inside the chef is door opens will become the winner of Hell's Kitchen and will be the head chef at a Rexy restaurant and bar in Whistler British Columbia Kevin day place your hand want that handle [Music] Kevin Dave are you ready I am ready I'm ready chef on the count of three turn the handle one two three [Music] [Applause] I can't believe I won and it's a dream come true I'm totally in a state of shock [Applause] [Music] [Applause] although there was a moment of defeat and defeat tastes bad but took a deep breath put my head back up and the first thing I thought about is I'm gonna show my kid it's okay never stop dreaming hold your head up high and know that you did your best I've been in so much pain for so many weeks the fights are to stay in the competition but I wouldn't change any of it [Music] thing that's ever happened to me in my life and I'm just so grateful to have earned Chef Ramsay's respect that means more to me than anything else [Applause] [Music] Dave is a very natural ability and a very sophisticated palate he fought through excruciating pain and excelled and went on to win Hell's Kitchen is gonna be an amazing asset they're actually resting and buying Whistler I'd like to wish him the best of luck but honestly I don't think you'll need it [Applause]
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 2,093,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, hells kitchen season 6
Id: Be8jJoR9VmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 58sec (3238 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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