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[Music] hello and good morning everyone good morning everyone guys I'll give you one guess as to what's going down today obviously already know but the shirt tells you right away okay family vacation first time ever to Disneyworld is unreal you guys first vacation of 2020 so this is a big deal it's been far too long as we were getting our suitcases together gathering them up packing last night bringing them downstairs I was like we haven't done this this year I haven't done that since like late last year I need to make this more of a having you guys bags our packs you can see the right here I'm gonna load them up in the car kids are actually all the dressed guys it is 5:50 right now we went up since 5 o'clock this morning just getting everything ready kids sprung out of bed hey Z girl even got up last night in the middle of the night and came in and said it's time for Disney hey too tired to go but now are you all rested and ready yeah okay so if it is bright brighter in fact it's dark and early that's how early it is this not even bright yet we're gonna load up all this up in the car out for the airport Maddie's downstairs getting ready she's gonna join us and guys we're off to sunny sometimes rainy but warmer Florida today snowing outside here in Utah snow on the grass snow on the ground we were off for a few days of Fun in the Sun at Disney World and we're gonna be going on our cruise and it's all going down today finally happening here we do rock in his awesome new little swag that we got here this fun hoodie yeah he said it he came in this when he's like it's literally my favorite hoodie just away it feels and fits kind of cool you guys fun little target find the mom got then we had the immersed and low goats we can all identify and find each other yeah bags filed in here stacked high we've got spot for one more Maddy's big one hopefully can fit right there to be able to fit everything in the back at the band today look at this it is freezing cold out here there's snow the driveways iced over get out of here and go to Florida baby Haizi is so ready right now look at this watch it sparkles so cool in the camera yeah that sparkly mini sweatshirt on all the way down do these cute shoes look at these little mini bow boutiques polka dots did you show what are your nails yet I think we've shown anybody your nails yet check these out we've got minis Mickey's polka-dots sparkles and mom hazy and natty all have matching nails Mindy did all of these last night we are so Disney ready it's not even funny guys we got college girl in the house look at her rocking to her news courtesy of get in jump oh my gosh it looks and fits fantastic I love it looks so good we're loading up on emergency before hit the airplane here guys just kind of that last opportunity to fight any viruses by ride right college girl as I say just low enough wants emergency packing down some vitamins get her to head out the door and then I still get some breakfast to the airport that's kind of something we like to do pink berry Jamba Juice something like that a little smoothie to start the day you guys say [Music] [Applause] summated to the airport safely I don't know what it is but I feel like anywhere we travel and it's winter there's some kind of a backup or something on the freeway it was covered in ice I don't even know there's an accident they had closed down the freeway because of slick weather conditions white-knuckle driving but we freaking made it you guys we're here you got all our bags we're headed to the airport right now we're at the airport they're gonna hitch our flight maybe grab a little bit of breakfast yeah that's off to warm weather let's go [Music] one of our favorite first stops at the airport as always the Jamba Juice in Pinkberry got some oats we got some smoothies I got a Pattaya Bowl we're gonna go to Pinkberry get these guys they love their strawberry chocolate smoothie is that right she's very smart going to BYU and drinks greens I'm still not sure we're related I'm boarding the plane right now we are the literal last people to get on the plane there is no Omaha oh gosh I got that on camera hello this is Maddy our college girl no joke there's not a single person behind us we've arrived in the or and I don't need this I think it is safe to say we can ditch the jackets it's hot it's humid well it's just warm it's not hot it's kind of just very nice it's a little muggy you can just feel the wetness in the air and I love that I absolutely love that you guys so we're here now we're going to find our baggage claim so we can get our bags and then Disney has provided an arranged for a Disney magical Express take us to our hotels oh it will be you know it will be with Disney so we're gonna try and find that and then we will get to our hotel well show you guys what the hotel looks like next [Music] we just boarded the Disney magical Express to our riviera resort this is awesome loving it you can watch the Disney stuff it's our condition that feels great we're on our way we just walked into our villa here this is incredible guys this isn't even our room this is the kitchen the rooms over here are you kidding me right now Bros are you kidding me wait keep walking this bathroom walks around connects to the next area turn the life we've grown would you massive yeah okay huge another bathroom shower and then we're all the way back around to this again oh my gosh and then back through here again this is the front door we just came in someone else's room maybe here look at this are you kidding me guys all the way through here bedroom in through there as we saw we walk through here to the bathroom we've got two of these rooms Mady mom and hazy are in the other one right now we're just checking out these digs I wish we could be there longer this is incredible Disney hooking it up thank you so much breakfast checking out a book lounging on the couch chillin in the kitchen to watch some TV actually it's not watch any TV or Disneyworld let's set our bags down let's go to the park you want to yes so one of the things the kids are most excited about are these magic bands we all have our own Magic Man and literally our name is printed next to each band so we got Brandon Rex in crew and Riley all right here guys let's get our magic bands on drag I do tell us what's so cool about these bands first of all our names are actually printed on the bottom in as well we just saw that well what do they do what are they for oh we have a visitor come on you guys have a BA better anything in here or you guys don't even have enough room for everybody to sleep what the ball comes down this is magical don't break it with there's actually three of us in this room that's okay come in we can this is not a magic you kidding well maybe we don't Lisbon pull some levers in our room and I show us the feature we're about to show everybody boom wristband and here we go take a quick tour bar you're going out twenty minutes let's give them a quick tour keep walking mom come on through here come on hey come on through we just keep going down this hall come on here okay pretty cool right guys what the heck our walls come down into bed this is the coolest thing ever Disney you've outdone yourself Disney once again you have outdone yourself I mean it's a classic Disney fashion to go above and beyond but this is next level this is cool I love the little paintings behind them yeah I know it's like fake wall hangings right here you pull it down and then there is legit paintings behind it so it's like Neverland oh my gosh with more paintings behind it too so you keep the decor this is so cool Disney we love you [Music] so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna jump on the sky liner this is brand new it opened up in September of last year I started he'll open up like six weeks ago or something it is brand brand-new our room is literally right there that is one of our rooms you walk out your door down through this little covered walkway here and you get on these sky liners and these take you to every single Park all the different resorts are connects like a gondola system we're gonna go see what it's all about but this is also brand-new the way to get around from resort to resort and then all of the different parks connected through these tour getting on for the very first time using our magic bands this entire thing is glass all the way around this is how you get from Park to park and back your hotel and guys look what we're going into right now that sunset is where we were headed right now if you're just joining us we are on our way to Epcot weary decided we've had Epcot tonight for the very first resort you want to eat something [Music] first right on this trip rose and ride and it's gonna be off Disney hooking it up the only way Disney can these magic bands get us fast passes to every ride so it's a 95 minutes standby time we walked right up scanned our passes walked right onto the bow first ride of the night had a little bite of Mexican food a little body Mexican food to start quickly fed our tummy send that off to our first ride man I think we might call it quits after this guys cuz we got a big busy day tomorrow we got a long day trip so I think we're gonna call it quits after this one [Music] [Music] [Music] that was awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] what an amazing start to our trip here we got out of our hotel like close to six we didn't realize it was so late when we got out of our hotel in finally hit the park to be able to have some dinner tonight at Epcot we had some delicious Mexican food was fantastic really good and then we got front of the line on frozen adventure it was incredible so much fun we had to let it go and then we have the delicious gelato some ice cream that was awesome the way you go backwards on that thing I didn't treat so we're brainstorming our plan for tomorrow we're thinking maybe the animal kingdom all day we don't know there are a few things that we have to be at that we need to be too cuz we're gonna figure out those then I think animal kingdom tomorrow right now skyliner back to the hotel what a cool way to finish this night up in style and go to bed so we are winding down day one here get in the bed you can hear that right now Ruxin is named literal hot tub he's in like a Jacuzzi jacuzzi tub the bottom this is incredible Disney has hooked up the accommodations big time the magic bands the Fastpass is built-in we cannot wait for what lies ahead you guys this is amazing half of day one I don't even had day one tomorrow is the official kickoff we get together with all of our friends hold it up with Disney's give me a full day and it's Disney World Disney where there's enrolled Disney cruises new cruise it's gonna be incredible so guys come along for the ride get it right for the first day we're tired already though sweetie into bed some sleep sorry you do come back tomorrow turn on that Bell so you know when we upload and we'll see you all tomorrow guys you love you see you tomorrow good morning everyone guys good morning from the Riviera Resort in a Walt Disney World guys how often can we say that it is so much fun here is the best it is the seriously amazing I guess I was wondering as we walked through and saw the are are all over the place cuz it's Riviera Resort is that on purpose go get a little R&R little recipe lactation then you head to the riviera resort i can tell you we're not gonna doing any resting we're just gonna be killing it we're gonna be running it hard we're gonna run to the wheels fall off days a full day we were so pump we're gonna go to a little Welcome Reception right now we'll go get some cool stuff we're gonna head to Animal Kingdom the planet Animal Kingdom this morning we initially were like I don't know that we'll spend much time there and then we started having everyone tell us about all the amazing things there we can't wait there's a safari there avatar ride Pandora yes you are yes and we were honestly thinking like we would maybe skip that one we're like we got to Magic Kingdom we got to do Hollywood studios we got all these cameras like no you've gotta try Animal Kingdom so today we're hitting up animal kingdom first and then tonight we've got some really fun exclusive activities we get to be part of we're going to like a welcome dinner then like a fun firework show so anyways stick around you guys hang out with us today our first full day in Disney World and we're holding up Animal Kingdom first excited children here in the registration lounge of the suite here on the stone floor for trying on flip-flops everybody's getting a pair of flip-flops some delicious Brazilian treats some good yummy goodies kids have had a little bit of snacks hey Z just grabbing colorful wristbands like are you ready to rock round [Music] we just barely got to animal kingdom two views here the sights everything is so amazing we're gonna head on over to Pandora because ultimately we want to end up in the very very back we're gonna do the Kilimanjaro Safari I don't know pandora is the planet where the movie Avatar takes place in a jewelry like this I have this incredible ride here it's the Pandora adventures something anyways we have heard from our friends the Millers so I meet the Millers that it is the ride to do so we're doing it first for us you it we're so excited I don't know how long we're gonna be waiting in this Fast Pass plus line we just walked up scanned our magic bands and the wait time is an hour no 195 minutes one is that three hours three hours and 15 minutes you guys we're walking straight up to the front right now right who does this but Disney bro who we are literally walking straight to the ride it is a hundred ninety five minute wait my mind is blown right now Disney cannot thank you enough for these magic bands as Fast Pass Plus Express we have not stopped once we're still walking three hours and 15 minutes of our day was just saved oh my gosh you guys we don't even know if the rides they've been any good or any cool we're just stoked about me now let's skip that big line my five yeah I'm 67 so there we go I'm next to hate the enemy I'm flying on the back of this powerful animal called an e grande or as we call it a banshee by being managed to something called an avatar attention drivers this is so cool because you're five and I'm sick so let's put your mini ears back there I love you you guys ready here we go hey you'll be stuck in his all times here okay look you're charging up your avatar is charging up here we go pretty are you ready for this bro oh here we go guys here we go this is freaking awesome Oh Oh Oh Oh can you feel it Raji okay all of you yeah your belongings and exit the link chamber what did you guys think just got off the Avatar ride bros marketing so there were like 18 drugs in there like water splashing in your face and air and all the sense you got like every sense was touched like it was so amazing I didn't even know it's like a motorcycle thing with the middle section breeze which when you're like oh they're supposed to be a banshee so it's like it's the neck of it hazy what did you think of that ride at one point I go Rex are you okay no there's like wait really so I went and held his hand and then he was like I was good after that kind of intense though I mean but the sights the smells the sounds with 3d you wear glasses and you ride on this bike thing but it's like you're on a banshee it's unreal absolutely so what's up next mom so I think right now we're gonna go try a new Safari expedition but first I think we need to get some liquid vibration a little bit of water get some after riding the banshees in Pandora we're feeling the love for avatar thank you for saying it I don't know if I could say the bioluminescent force of some kind it's totally lit literally I live with a funny joke right a little bit dark but it's a little bit awesome are you ready [Music] we have had a little bit of lunch we had yummy little pizza place at this pizza Safari joint and now hazy riding top a better wrap here half a dad we want to do this Safari so one of the epic things they have here is the African safari Kilimanjaro safari fast pass on that one up headed to go do that right now something easy on the time you before we tackle Everest because that's our next big ride we want to do here today might wrap up our time at animal kingdom but safari coming up next before we get on to tell us what animals you're hoping to see the most of all the safari animals polar bear was a common in Africa penguins doing so far we want to see a polar bear and a penguin on our African safari what are you hoping to see a penguin giraffe what do you want to see the most lion would be in Spain awesome gorilla do they have River Safari master says no gorillas no gorillas we got the food truck shoot this is only the animals Oh [Music] [Music] those cattle that they're feeding people to the caucus drop him off there what do you guys think of this Safari was a pretty cool oh my gosh it was so cool oh I loved that it was a real truck not like just actually like they drove but it's not like on the rails where you just go or you have to go it's literally like Oh actual Safari it was really long you actually got to see tons of animals yes like I was shocked too how many animals in the variety they had there but you think of the Safari did you love it see how super fun and scary scary picture of braixen with the giraffe behind him so you guys have to check out or it's a story except but it oh dude it okay now I know there was one moment that kind of scared me and crew dude on the safari what was it that was kind of there is walking right next literally to like this was us in the are sugars are great they're just walking on the side you could have reached out and touched and pet that ostrich easily what was your favorite part of the Safari so now we're going to venture off to Everest we want to go on the epic Everest mountain ride supposed to be insane supposed to be intense for head of there now [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone was closed shut down they do that sometimes you know maintenance or whatever so it's closed so in the meantime we're gonna go check out dinosaur land we don't even know this is about but it just looks awesome so we're gonna go check it out so the one fun ride that they had in the Dino Lambie went to originally was too tall for Maisie and it was shut down as well so we came to dinosaur ride that's how I do that is we don't even know what it might be a little bit like the Indiana Jones right okay thank you yeah I love that ride so we're out to find out if she's tall enough so we can all go dinosaur you guys happen to be in Disney World and you heard someone tried to sound like a dinosaur I pretty sure that's what they sound like every time he does it massive amounts of people turn and look and I'm like like it wasn't me they're speaking to us right now now the kid they're doing the tear duct [Music] [Applause] Stannis will ride just finished it up commuting what you think ride you like it it was gonna chill are you kidding me it was insane so it's like pitch black it's definitely very similar to Indiana Jones we were on like a it's not only like a Jeep even it's just like a big vehicle with a bunch of people on at the same time but it moves over and over back and forth up and down side to side anyways it's dark the entire time very very dark hazy came out of there crying and she did not really enjoy it but I do think that's a combination of being in the dark and not sitting with myself or Mindy and then also she's just very tired you guys have been going for a long time already today it's coming into the evening part we're gonna go meet up with Disney and some of the other creators here we're very excited about that it's kind of a welcome registration event welcoming ceremony looks like the first might be opening right now as we walk by it I just heard a train go right behind me might be opening right now is we're gonna go check it out they're finished with our last ride you walked over here and just by chance it is now open so we are in the Fast Pass Lane they're moving along very fast you're so humped for this ride it's gonna be awesome we've never been on it though we were told just to write it heard it's pretty awesome loading up here it is finally everest with the last night of the day left right animal kingdom we made it it opened literally as we rounded the corner grass was going to me I'm gonna pee my mom down there here you go here it is you guys here come well it's empty no one's in it everyone fell out of the last ride they had hopefully we stay in on ours here we go okay here goes my hazy girl in Everest are you ready hazy okay oh my gosh here we go I feel like we're stuck are we stuck what is that up there here [Music] you know proud of your eggs Ange what did you think that was intense Ruby who's that boss bro just barely got off that first ride and it was absolutely amazing to get that it on into the story check our answer stories because there's a part in the ride where I was videoing with my phone and I literally thought that the ride was broken down because it had just been opened up from breaking down and I thought crap it broke down again and then all of a sudden we started going backwards it's not even something I could describe it was so cool and then you ended up in a totally different spot on the right very cool totally unexpected I was probably the highlight of my day you're going to head off now at the Welcome Reception we're gonna head back to the hotel and get going with that for the evening super fun day here in Animal Kingdom yet oh my gosh yes so like it's a stop in the perfect amount of time here I've loved it and it is warm I say it is warm but you know what it's like the perfect kind of warm we're not like sweating through our clothes we are definitely hot but we'll take this any day one thing I have to tell you that's probably my favorite thing that we do here in the park that the kids do I should say is while we're waiting in line which we have not waited in very many lines we've been very lucky kids they play all these little finger games and hand slapping games and like I don't know I feel like those are the moments that their little relationships are strengthened then they're able to just bond with each other it's been kind of sweet just the little things that they're doing to play with each other for sure they're punching and kicking and hitting in line as well but it's those little moments that they're taking to just play with each other that I think is really sweet alright guys we just got back now we are heading back to our room and we're gonna get ready for tonight and then we're gonna go on and have a bunch of fun tonight yeah we're just gonna rest up a little and dad has to go do this class thing mr. vlog you're over here yeah [Music] so I just got to the event here at this Welcome Reception kind of just like a welcome orientation I guess if you can look across this scan across it there is not one other dude here besides Tyson Gardner who's right over there he pulled the short straw came here while actions with the kids Mindy's back at the room with the kids we're gonna be joining up together as a family for the dinner but for right now it's just like a welcome event where one creator from each family group comes and represents the family a lot of dudes here actually I just saw two more right behind me so now I look like a liar I think they're lost about to get started here a very cool event we came through this back door that you couldn't video and his back lot on the Disney parking lot and walking through this entrance they don't even realize they open these big gate they swing open and there's this huge building where they're doing this reception event and to see it's filling in with creators right now absolutely full instagramers bloggers other Disney lovers alike so about to get started about to go down and bring you what I can I'm just stoked to meet with the family again here in a few minutes for delicious dinner [Music] we're about to start so come on over as you can see behind me we just wrapped up the Welcome session it was totally rad and now the families are going to join us they're being taken on buses at the same place we came except they pulled back this curtain and open and revealed this huge dining hall this is legit this is unbelievable the shooting coming in those doors over there so I'm starting to keep an eye on that I've only been gone from them an hour you guys that I visit like crazy I can't wait to share this excitement share this experience with them should be here any minute now just waiting for their arrival yeah oh thank you [Music] we just wrapped up our dinner it was delish there was some fun entertainment as well now they have brought out all the princesses and set them up at different stations we got my wanna Belle Rapunzel all of them here Ariel somewhere Cinderella so we're going around hitting the shots pictures autographs with as many as we can and we're gonna go hit the park before they have a dessert party for us tonight with a special light show at Epcot that's we're gonna wrap up this night guys incredible day amazing first full day here at Disney World [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've come now to the final part of the evening they've done this fun cutoff area blocked off for a desert party like right in central location for the fireworks show that happens at Epcot at night about to go off we're sitting literally between two pillars of fire or the giant light set up in a stage up there they've got funfetti waffles with a full toppings bar including rainbow sprinkles caramel brown sugar I don't know if it gets more Bingham or more Disney than that I don't even know which one you would call that but it was amazing delicious I had one I want to have a second one but I don't think I'm going to keep yourself in check I got to pace myself I can feel you I'm so proud of you right now I did I am so proud Neverland I want I've never loved you more I'm gonna have a second one then just so that I can balance us out and we had one but I had the Apple crisping there's a lot of desserts for you guys so they're turning down the lights shows about to start fireworks show prime seating bizarre party this is amazing [Music] [Music] one of our favorite things to do is to take that Skyliner back to our hotel it is so pretty nice natural breeze that comes through it and it feels so good it's just like a little ride at the end of the day of Ryan's like perfect finish we're tired I have like sticky sweat that's been stuck in my face for hours so we're gonna go take a shower get into bed and wake up for another full day tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be a little bit different because I've got like six hours of meetings which is weird to do it Disney World but we are here for work as well as fun I got about six hours of meeting so mom's gonna be with the kids she's gonna take them out and do all the things with them we're gonna do all the fun stuff without dad what exactly are you guys doing I know you're gonna do cakes and sprinkles hi good night Magic Kingdom without me probably my favorite part but I'm gonna be up with them later and then I created a bunch of fun stuff so we gotta get the kids into bed gel off the sweat I got a good day today buddy should we do it again tomorrow yes and more love you so much thank you so much for hanging out with us we're speaking today's gonna be the pants hi hello and good morning everyone welcome to Magic Kingdom this is what we are doing today with everybody else in Florida it is starting out with a little bit of a drizzle today but that's not gonna stop us we're gonna get in here have some fun experience everything that does the Magic Kingdom has to offer us we've got our fast passes we're excited we have a stroller baby for two days straight and we are just going to have fun hey Z is going to have great day day being in the stroller come along with us you cannot wait to have you guys here today also Brandon is gone learning all about Disney so he's not with us the first outfit today so we'll miss him Theresa I'm having fun oh yeah you guys excited yeah breakfast wait wait wait Mickey's in your pocket [Music] all right you guys we just barely got it we are gonna hit the ground running going to Tomorrowland so far what we can tell this looks very similar to Disneyland California we're going to try it out if it has less than a 15-minute way we're gonna get in line if it doesn't then we'll use our bounce passes [Music] right out of the Cape flies are moving fast and that's awesome because then that just maximizes all the things we get to do here we've already been making a list of things we want to hit up for instance the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train that looks super exciting kids are doing awesome you know I'm one parent down and they were doing off good news folks is actually not a ride to show it's a movie yeah this is not only thoughts not something guys it was a show yes what's up a space bound was closed as we walked into the park it is now opening guess what and you actually hazy matter last time pazi's tall enough so we're all going on space now and are you excited yeah are you being brave [Music] he was so brave oh my god that was super fun a little stressful I was holding on to his hand and head because they jolt so much I don't know I was worried she was crying the whole time and I had the camera stuck underneath my leg hoping that I wouldn't fall out we did good we did good [Music] went on a little jaunt over to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train not so we're doing that can you guys it's a three-hour wait but these awesome toss passes are coming in handy once again by word so they need fireworks all day they do these amazing shows right in front of the castle and then like fireworks after every single one it's awesome to see they have yet to be out there for the beginning of them to watch the whole show but I'm determined we're gonna do it today [Music] we're gonna hydrate grab some lunch dad is eating lunch where he is at today so we're gonna have a little lunch break combo got here bright and early to Disney's Contemporary Resort but we're gonna be having some fun here learning some things meeting some cool peoples right here on the Disney property the family's gonna be at Magic Kingdom I'll be in here in meetings all day and then we'll get together later this afternoon [Music] you got kids pasta chicken parmesan chicken tenders turkey sandwich oh and Pangos ex-player now that our bellies are full we are going to head in and do it's a small world I have it on this right in probably eight years so I'm really excited I don't even know that the kids remember it do you remember it's a small world but never have I have I just don't think he remember so we just rarely parked the stroller and the only thing I can relate parking the stroller to is like parking your car Costco like the most difficult task ever now that our bellies are full small world's coming right up Maddie and the kids got in line over there so we're gonna go meet them it did me in you Haunted Mansion was awesome it's always a favorite of ours we are gonna move on next - Thunder Mountain is where we're heading next in the Sun is also hitting my face we are gonna put the camera away yeah it should be to us shortly it's gonna be fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we just barely stepped into the confectionery here feels like we're a little close and personal I've been looking on several different accounts one of them being Disney hungry if you guys follow her on Instagram several of you recommended to us that we follow her Oh dad's calling dad's calling where's the phone hello we're in the confectionery right as you walk into the right table decent dad is here been following Disney hungry she talked about this churro topping so I came in I'm all excited I was like hey do you have it and they're like no it's just in Disneyland okay fine me and dad love it we got it like every time we went to Disneyland like every single day oh so good I know they don't have it here so now we have to go to California no way you're freaking Weiser hello you guys oh my gosh of issue that's all you can these big giant screaming no oh can I I'm just cream for excitement [Music] [Applause] I've reunited with the family after a few hours of meetings this morning which by the way we're pretty cool heard a lot of awesome stuff that Disney's coming out with I met the actual voice of Mickey Mouse not the Disney voice he is the voice of Mickey Mouse but the last 10 years his story is incredible like I literally made me cry a little bit talk to you about that later that's pretty easy to do a little bit dark in the foreground here because I want you to see the cast like that the castle is so lit so we're here together as a family finally taking it on Main Street Disney World Magic Kingdom I'm gonna go do all the rides that I haven't a chance to do yet some of the ones the kids have already done we're gonna read neat I'm just excited to do that with you guys in back involved and we have to recreate because what I already did the picture with the family here seeing the castle for the first time I wasn't here we got to do it again take two coming up right now [Music] gathered here I just had to get a little bit closer because of how cool this looks now I'm actually very surprised at how much bigger this castle is and the Disneyland castle the Disneyworld castle guy I didn't even know was different but it is a big it's gorgeous so the first right we're gonna do because we wanted to do a couple of things they don't necessarily have at Disneyland because I've been to New Zealand a bunch but not Disney World so often so these guys recommend it because there's seven of us and we're kind of dorky they said the seven dorks ride is that what you says just the seven door Oh seven drawers oh I thought it was the seven dorks ride [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is definitely Ariel there's no way of mine Ariel there's Wendy Wendy I could save you I literally could save you we just had to do the Peter Pan's Wild Ride adventure let's mr. toad I don't know it's the Peter Pan adventure it's basically our one of the longest wait times in the park even the Fastpass line was like a good 20 minutes I think it has to be because it's just a classic like it's one of those ones that you have to do because it was fun we had to do that one absolute classic here at Disney World so we did that one and now we're off to do a couple repeat rides the kids have already done but a more adventurous we're gonna do Big Thunder Mountain and oh and then they say pirates the Caribbean for me now if you guys don't know kind of the history of Pirates of the Caribbean and myself my dad taking us to Disneyland every single time the very first ride we would do out of the gates was always higher to the Caribbean if it was close sometimes we would wait until it opened to even start our day that's how important it was to my dad he loved that ride so that's kind of carried on as a tradition we always do Pirates of the Caribbean so the kids waited until I got here to do that ride so we're gonna go do Thunder Mountain Big Thunder Mountain followed by Pirates of the Caribbean coming at ya next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we just came out of Pirates of the Caribbean pretty freakin rad pretty awesome and it turned into nighttime over gone it is completely night and it is not a lot of lighting around here so we grab a little bite to eat right now then we've got a fun dessert we get to pick up and then I donno maybe one more ride and back we're not really sure who want to get to bed a little bit earlier tonight though because tomorrow we have an exclusive experience where we get to go to Pandora back at the Animal Kingdom or they've shut down Pandora basically and the part where they have the avatar right they're doing a private sunrise breakfast so we got to be in the lobby at 6:30 tomorrow morning to head over and catch the sunrise at Animal Kingdom in Avatar world Pandora or whatever have a delicious breakfast Oh weed sounds what we're getting some treats tonight we have our badges we don't need no badges [Music] we're walking down Main Street saying goodbye and good night to the Magic Kingdom Disney for the most magical place on earth the answer that is 100% yes yes the fun does not stop because we have got a full day at the Hollywood Studios park tomorrow but we're starting off with a sunrise breakfast in Animal Kingdom at the avatar it's gonna be like next up would never see anything like this then I think it's like a full day of fun and crazy activities then we have like an amazing dessert party they rise into the resistance rides are gonna be doing all of that I actually want to custom-made roids today at the meeting it was like the one everybody wanted they pulled out a raffle they call it Brandon Bingham from this is how we begun so I won two droids we're gonna go make a couple droids so much going down to our guys do not miss it come back gonna go grab a bite to eat get into bed we'll see you tomorrow bright and early we love you guys see ya get out everybody good morning everyone it's a little bit dark outside that's gonna change cuz we are up for a sunrise breakfast at Animal Kingdom's is so cool it's 6:15 in the morning kids are completely up everyone's ready kids have hair done or watching Finding Nemo on the TV we are ready to go get on buses head over to Animal Kingdom and then it's like oh no I need to look it up it's called Pandora Pandora's ripe and or the area and or the whole area two different rides that were able to do and they have a special spot for us to have an amazing breakfast so I think it's before the park you've been opened so we get to go in and have breakfast watch the sunrise in Pandora right there guys I mean how magical then we're gonna spend the rest of the day Hollywood studios good part we haven't done today and there's another amazing dessert party tonight Star Wars land this is gonna be one of the best that we've had yet stick around hang out with us gonna be fun let's go the vibe is so rad right now because the park is not even open so you're walking through like just absolutely empty walkways and they've got people what I'm calling lightsabers but just slow rod tell you where to go I think it's appropriate maybe not an animal kingdom but here at Disney World it absolutely is guiding us towards a breakfast right now and after that we're gonna head over to the pandora area I think yeah stop it and taking some pics in some spots that were super crowded last time we were here and it was hard to line up so we got that awesome Tree of Life picture no problem at all and now they're guiding us towards Pandora for our breakfast oh my gosh you guys I'm so excited so we opted to wait on breakfast because we had the idea do we want to stuff our faces with a buffet breakfast and then jump on a banshee back and ride through Pandora maybe not the best idea we actually didn't witness that what this right she got off and I walked right I was like oh I think she spilled a drink then I was like nope that's that drink oh hi Mindy helped her by having some wipes in her backpack as you know she's always prepared if you haven't seen the vlog where we pack for these trips and come prepared go check that out anyway so because we were walking right on the pan door right now or I guess we're on Pandora I really got to learn the names of the rides here we're going on the Avatar ride but you ride the Banshee but no fast fast no line it's not even technically open it's just here for us walking through Pandora incredible incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience all thanks to incur tecee of Disney look it's looking to stop right here show you this we've got a waterfall back here you've got this come on guys this is how we're starting the day now I do have to say I don't think we're gonna catch any kind of an epic sunrise because it is a complete dense cloud cover but it actually adds to the vibe here in Pandora seems even cool or creepy or more jungle like more other planetary anyways we're gonna go on this ride our favorite one that we've done the entire come we've been here and then grab some breakfast after that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have any bacon after eating breakfast we jumped on Pandora the Avatar tried one more time and we're taking off now to go over to Hollywood Studios we're gonna tear it up over there for the rest of the day a lot of fun rides went over there we're gonna try a new first when the park opened was a 2-hour way so we'll see how that goes however if you can see people just rushing into the park right now it just opens so the animal kingdom just opened everyone runs immediately to that avatar ride once the park opened as soon as they open their gates the wait time was 60 minutes on that right so you guys are very popular very awesome ride epic experience is so grateful that we got a chance to do that actually I did it again one more time after breakfast before heading out because we know it's gonna be a while probably before we come back here we won't always get this kind of access so we want to take advantage of that today before we head off to the next park leave an animal kingdom headed over to Hollywood studios first ride we're hoping to do slinky dog [Music] first right out of the gates just got to these slinky alright we have heard from several people this is the one to do they like we did three fast passes on just this right alone oh my gosh and we may run a couple because I just saw it is my first time ever seeing this this ride is next level cool there are you stoked for this on bro I'm stoked out of my mind [Music] [Music] I thought this was the beginning I thought this was the beginning [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just finished on the slinky dog right it was as fun as anticipated with my boys these dudes have their own GoPro in their own car it was so rad one really you guys look like you're having a blast oh you're out of rest Oh slinky dog it's not like super thrilling it's just like very fun like it's go on a bunch of turns you stop at one point go backwards and go again we figured while we're here in Toy Story that already you want to go hit up some other stuff like Tower of Terror or the rock and roller coaster maybe smugglers run in Star Wars alright next twist Romanian that's one of our favorites the California Adventure in Disneyland so why not jump on here the fun 3d one where you shoot the balls and stuff it's a little slower speed for crew who's falling asleep right now [Music] Hey ladies hey Z are you ready for that [Music] don't have a hundred thousand more our [Music] torture man it was a blast as usual absolutely love the taxi and ride his California venture but we have left Toy Story land which by the way I have to say is probably the busiest land ever been in my life and we have left there and come to Star Wars land there are stormtroopers on approach right now this place it's pretty heavily guarded see if they let us in for trying out the blue and green milk here we've seen Instagram blue milk definitely is going to draw some attention of course you gotta take a picture of it first - we'll have that in the background gonna try some blue and green milk it's fruit flavored I don't know the history behind it I'm not a Star Wars buff but I'm excited to give it a try good try to the blue milk what do you think well one good or bad I guess fluctuate I know it's not I thought it was like straight-up milk it's definitely more like a slushie how's the green no green rice your green which are green I definitely like green better blue I like the blue better [Music] we want to do more here we want to spend some more time here and show you some more stuff here but they're actually shutting down the entire Star Wars part of the park tonight for us to have for two hours I think it's actually after hours so it's not really putting too many people out but we're doing a dessert party at the end of the night here two hours the entire place to ourselves we're gonna go wander off and do some other things right now and I come back and experience this tonight so I gotta say one of the most authentic real looking lands I mean you feel like you actually leave Florida and come to I can't even make up a name to the Star Force please Rex you mind if I have a piece yeah the big piece did it's been far too long without a churro snack break [Music] so as you know Maddie and I have been in roller coasters for literally almost two decades I mean it's been a very long time you're like 100 years old now that you're going to college you've done everything seen everything anyways so we've been doing roller coaster since the beginning of time together we have not done a single roller coaster together on this trip so we have reserved one a rockin good roller coaster for her and I to go on we're gonna go on the Aerosmith rockin roller coaster it's right behind us that's we're doing next no special part about this is not the music Vera Smith which is amazing but it's gonna get to Maddie and I'll reap creating our first roller coaster ride together okay we're not doing that which is going on roller coaster pretty well we know how it starts now all right it's gonna launches are you ready reactions is the fast part then again spawn ready I don't really know if it's gonna give us any warning keep your head back Chrissy keep your head back here we go what do you think good we made it to the concert was amazing upside down Troy I was so sick three times I musta lost track of which way was up oh my gosh so guys as we approach the ride we start to take off really fast and brexit aside he wanted to go with me so I did not get to go with Matty on that one but it was that big and we were together way faster way cooler and so many turns and upside down it was amazing we decided we're gonna go out with a bang the last one we're gonna do tower tour right there do you guys know who we do is gonna savage his entire life in the first developer roller coasters the first to go one big rise Brixton follows in his footsteps brexit has been on the guardians of the galaxy breakout which is although a Tower of Terror California Adventure version but we're super stoked because we've never done the Tower of Terror says these kids been alive been converted to the Guardians right being creepy dude gonna go hit up tower terror it's very [Music] something is about to happen that will change oh I kind of here okay hey you're already gonna have some fun here what you good sweetie I got you I got you I got you here we go oh are you ready to princess here we go I love you I love you we're going up a few times we're gonna have some fun [Music] they're surrounded by bubbles which means you know we're having a good time we're taking off for a moment you guys we're gonna be back here a little bit later to build some droids okay I like that dude I did build some droids and to have the Star Wars park all to ourselves gonna be able to do the smugglers run the other one hero is called rise of the resistance we keep forgetting all the things fun desert party Tower of Terror amazing rock and roller coaster amazing these guys got to go actually yeah that was really good meeting Rex and Riley wins hey buddy me and Riley would had such a good time was so fast so I took hazy Matty and crew on Tower of Terror totally awesome hazy loved it absolutely loved it totally different experience from Guardians by the way when you get on the elevator you actually go through the hotel you go up a level through the hotel before you start dropping didn't know that didn't expect that very very rad plans we're gonna take a quick break I have some snacks grab some food and we'll be back Star Wars line to build some droids [Music] what are you doing like that here we go lock onto that data do you remember last night I actually won a raffle with two droids in it so we get to make two droids you're gonna have rock I make one Kirby's gonna make one we thought as long as we're here and we had the appointments enabled us to skip like an 80-minute why not throw in the third for bricks doodles so they're all three gonna make their own droids dude this is gonna be amazing fully custom you can make their own rex new palm did ya guys you can get so custom with these there are so many parts to choose from different kinds of droids and I ran into some of our friends out front and they were like everybody wants to make the bb-8 drone which i think is the more cool phone personally the ball one but the heads fall off a lot is what they had told us so we're gonna do a mixture of bb-8 drones the ball ones and then like the r2 ones to have the arms to get remote control and to get backpacks they have these little chips in them to make it so they can talk to each other we're gonna go fully upgraded we're going to get the best up they've got for you guys and we're gonna have a most fun time ever building out these custom droids [Music] okay you guys we just picked out our droids so they pick out guys so as the pieces come through oh my gosh so this is fully customizing your own droid the parts come through they pick up parts there are blueprints in the bottom two - to tell your body I got I got I got I got here you blue Bonnie get over here for my prexy doodle so all three of them building a droid right now look at this comparing all the parts they've got their eye on the colors that they want got some fun custom chips okay Joe you don't like it you put it back in the while oh that's pretty sick as I go of your nose all right guys ready to assemble his he went fully black out I'm so glad you got the orange trim yes what do you need current fully blacked out Gretchen's got blue let's go build these droids you're gonna start at one and you're gonna go all the way to five we need help it on your birthday yellow button I can we do is your guy bill oh my gosh so then we put it we're like waking up or something [Music] Oh just outside where you build these they have a testing ground basically a big pad you can play with them for the first time so the kids are all gonna get it out play with them make sure they all work how they like get used to this is so cool each one of them their own custom droid everybody chose their own different colors different style and type they can like make them their own because even the two boys that made the exact same on made them an entirely different so it's like their own personality coming through in their toys I love it this made the trip a million times better you go thank you Sun is setting it's getting darker they're about to close down the Star Wars land for us here in just a little bit so gonna tear this place off get ready for some epic start with one literally the very first thing we did they pull back the gates they close down Star Wars land they let us in and they lock the entire group right onto rise of the resistance this ride is so incredibly impossible to get on to that we should have a nine o'clock this morning and you could not get on through the rest of the day he was maxed out John I was 9 o'clock this morning you guys shut it down and take our full group onto the ride I don't even know what it is but I cannot believe we get this opportunity so excited we're getting on right now [Music] join the resistance oh my gosh get out immediately oh my gosh we are somewhere else you guys oh I just want to witness that I was here I'm gonna go ahead and get myself in the shot let everybody know I boarded this ship I hung out with the first order you get in on this everybody proof we were here free and then look at that it's freaking space out there really out of space out there [Music] this is the craziest thing I've ever seen that entire thing that we just went through is just part of the line yeah we haven't even on the ride yet maybe when we arrive that's what we came for but the right and sorry am i interrupting you don't want to bore I'm ooh three unread now now now see if you haven't picked up what's going on here we just got abducted by the other big bad guy ship I wish I knew more about this anyway we're about to be interrogated so we had to memorize our interrogation colors red and blue we're gonna go into an interrogation room I don't know what happens next but I love that I have no idea what this ride is all about because everything is a surprise I include us for the interrogation room Oh stormtrooper stormtrooper at least we're in this together at least we are in this together you guys we can resist oh shoot the secret base in Christmas here our maternal finish this personally he just boarded our escape pod we've got a droid in charge we're gonna get my gosh this is awesome transfer how they made this is beyond me you guys you've never seen anything like this [Music] [Music] ultimately hopeless be the location of the secret base target how did that thing even exist more like how do we just do that we've just literally went into space we join the resistance we took on the first order we escaped we were flying through space that was unbelievable oh absolutely indescribable that was unreal we were like okay I get it I would wait days I would wait months for a chance to do this that was next-level amazing literally life-changing guys gonna throw it out there's a life-changing ride they just had to desert right over here we had some of that now it is time to go on the smugglers run this insane journey on the Millennium Falcon which as you can see is lit right behind us this whole night is lit you guys this is incredible I think after this we got to get back to the room cos we still have the pack we gotta edit this blog and then we have to be in the lobby at 6:30 in the morning for transport to our cruise ship did you remember we're going on a cruise tomorrow did you set up a cruise to go at the end of this trip it the fun does not stop this is going to be insane I just hope we can keep up with it we got to get some sleep we gotta get homie a pack but first smugglers Ron Glenn in Falcon and then back our hotel let's go [Music] it's our job to Sharon stop are you ready are you transmitting to the resistance you know I want every channel monitored no unauthorized transmissions there's an encryption matrix now why would that be enough you may go I love you can imagine you should pay your best respect to the supreme leader absolutely absolutely a huge collar and fan [Music] [Music] we are saying goodbye officially to the riviera resort we've got the art are down there was amazing incredible our last day at Disney World absolutely next level that's the best one we've had so far so cool this is so late right out is 11 o'clock at night and we still have to pack up and be in the lobby at 6:00 a.m. so we've got to go to bed we gotta say goodnight but tomorrow you guys we're going on a Disney cruise sorry first family make sure you come back to see the whole experience with us it's gonna be a fun couple of days we love you guys so so much thanks for hanging with us here at Disney World we will see you guys all tomorrow good night everybody I didn't start this as you can hear from the screaming sounds of kids people chatting it is 6:30 in the morning we just woke up first of all we need something me mom good morning every good morning everyone for shouting directions you've gotta listen to we're about to board a cruise ship right now getting on to a series of buses so we're handing out disney characters depending on your character that's when you get on your bus we could barely even see straight your second panel I want like two and a half hours leave minis on three but with hack or ready to go and getting on a cruise ship today can't really complain the temperature has dropped about thirty degrees it's freezing we all have our jackets on they're having a stay inside until they call our character to get on the bus because of the ceiling I think maybe would be better the Bahamas and that's what we're headed so we're gonna do all right yeah can you just start off by watching in two minutes I've been out in theatres yet long work I'm not even out we're gonna be at an early screening of it so we can start off by doing that and then on the bus off the port canaveral and onto our very first ever Disney Bruce the slight miss a little bit of rain breaking this up into Donald and Daisy Donald's getting on this bus Daisy's getting on that bus Mickey and Minnie just loaded got this thing down to a science it's also might imagines we've got seven Donald passes that are gonna get us on this Cruise Line bus to take us to the next stop I almost don't know where that is so the very first thing they did is they brought us in buses and drop this off at the AMC Theaters here in Orlando and we were going to see a movie that's not even coming out for a few weeks we've got a Power cameras down I didn't want to say that you guys it is crazy how the weather has shifted on this it is a 30 degree temperature drop it's raining it's the first day at all there's even been a little bit remotely chilly it's a cold one doing jumping on a boat here soon but first we're having breakfast watching a movie on Ord you guys and that's what we're doing is we're going on with it the movie is called onward [Music] this theater has three levels got a lower level main level and like a mezzanine upper level this is crazy the movie just wrapped up what did you think of it it wasn't really good it wasn't very good now I'm super tired by even got a little emotional at the end it's a great movie you guys should check it out onward coming out like March 6 march 6 you guys now with that done and out of the way you can see people gathering here in the lobby oh this AMC theater we're getting back on those buses and headed out to our cruise ship donnelly park [Music] just got off the bus it is breezy it's cold oh we don't care we're about to board our first ever Disney cruise ship the Disney Dream going to check in right now it's going to be absolutely incredible you guys come along with us one of the cool things I'm like I mentioned this is they took the bags directly from our hotel room right to the cruise ship we haven't seen them since we left the hotel room use left them in your room somehow they ended up in our room carry on the cruise ship let's see if that actually works all right guys hey goodbye to the drone no drone on the cruise twice two cruises and also they can't take their droids on the cruise playing with those the Droid listened dramas Disney Cruise just checking in right now as you saw my first fail was bringing the drone on now some of you will say didn't you learn your lesson from last time there was no issue with me bringing the drone on the ship last time it was just flying it around the ship while in port so on a Disney cruise you can't even have it on the ship that was the new lesson learned and then second fail of the day but I put Madison's birthday is hey Z's birthday got too confused anyways so they have to correct that at like headquarters or something so we're standing here waiting for them to fix that don't ask him our anniversary we are boarding group two they are now boarding groups 13 way behind but we're gonna get on this thing we're going on this ship very soon we should be getting a phone call on mom's phone where they say they fixed the error and we can get on board just boarded the cruise in mom what is the first thing you do when you get on a cruise yep you guys like a five-year-old how do I guess I can tell you right now this food is really really good I know I don't want to I don't do duty comparisons but this one phenomenal food is started but I was telling Maddie I was like I do remember also when we first on the cruise ship before we thought that was really good you got I got tired of it but we don't have three days on this one but I don't think we're gonna get to higher to this I mean we're gonna want more and more and more of it so the kids are saying standing room only in here you guys literally everybody boarding right now getting a chance to eat so they're hitting the buffet it goes around the full end of the ship here comes the food options all delicious I've been having crab claws and shrimp Mongolian pour about to go have an apple streusel there's so many good things get someone to get those rule number one when you get onto a cruise ship [Music] it's cold it's raining but it's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow in the Bahamas we're gonna set sail get out of here normally we'd be out here on the deck for sure to go up another pool maybe go down some water slides just tearing the whole place up but for right now I think we're gonna try and take it inside give you maybe a quick little tour of the inside the ship we're still waiting for a room to get ready to do some rooms are ready we give you a tour of those as well today is just a ship day where we're boarding and setting sail because the rest of the cruise goes very quickly we have one day in the Bahamas one day I need these private island the castaway key and then we are back here so it is gonna go fast I don't know what I'll be able to do a full ship for like we've done before which is a bar because this one is definitely worth doing a full tour we'll try and go around it today so most the time indoors today we're putting front room to be ready right now oh you guys just found one of our rooms we actually have side-by-side rooms this time so this one is gonna be for the follows let's come on in oh my gosh look at this okay guys here it is oh my gosh check out our room wait hold on no no joining they were joining are you kidding me it's one gigantic bingham room this is so awesome I love it I love the adjoining so that's the bed or else oh maybe we're gonna pull it out from the ceiling maybe I don't know I don't know this is where I do that one comes from the ceiling balcony let's go check out the balcony I call ceiling Breton says Brandon and welcome aboard Disney Cruise Line VIP what oh my gosh you guys body wash infused buffer ooh Deborah now to our balcony you guys Oh for wet painters painted it Wow this gives my stomach the willies look at this so guys we're at the top top I forgot about that the last top deck of actual like rooms so above us is the pool and the partying the restaurants things like that so that's why this is directly above our head versus down here you look up and you just see additional room so look at this we've got a carnival cruise this is a real Caribbean I'll take it off today out into that white cap see we'll see how that goes here these guys are fun balcony their bathroom got a fun bathrobe hanging here guys I love this bed it just seems so inviting because I'm so dang tired okay fun living area here you guys have the same room in here right look at you guys little team balconies out there okay so then brexit they'll show me okay oh it even has a tub with like a little shower that's awesome that's awesome I love those towels what's in this one no no so we don't even realize that there's a bathroom in there oh my gosh it doesn't even register it's totally separate so then this is separate two separate doors that is crazy and then we got a closet in here let's see yep nice little closet always a little stepladder for the bunk bed when we get that pulled out otherwise say hi buddy you're gonna use the bathroom hey go for it super thrilled with the accommodations here we've got the two rooms adjoining we didn't think we're gonna get that we thought we're gonna have two rooms umbrella joining just seems like it's kind of hard to do we don't see that too often on a cruise ship so we're thrilled about that we are midship 10th floor loving the positioning just right underneath the pool for restaurants all the fun all the action I've gotta head off to some meetings really quick here they're gonna do a little launch party let us know what we need to expect as we go into this cruise but it is new creators group then I'll rejoin the family again in a little bit and we should be setting sail soon dad is at the meeting it's for creators only so he's there I've got all the kids and you guys I can't even tell you how nice it is to have adjoining rooms we are here together and we kind of want to relax Oh Maddie I'm going to transform this room once again did you know that tall there it is yeah this is amazing it just plops out of bed but you don't I thought that was I thought that was toilet paper I was like why did a toilet paper next to the bed to cry yourself to sleep because you love your life so much this one also comes down but you know what they have a special key for this and hazy he really wants to see you up there so we'll see what that's like that could be really fun for you and the mom sleep here we're just gonna relax it feels super weird to be like on a cruise ship you're so excited but you don't want to go outside hoping as we move closer to the Bahamas getting a little bit warmer sunnier just get a kick back and relax for a minute I feel really bad for dad of you guys he got a total of like 2 hours and 45 minutes of sleep last night he's running on like next to nothing he's at a meeting and then we have the muster station coughing and so he's not gonna get any rest we're gonna try our hardest to get him a little bit of sleep have a lot in store for you guys so make sure turn it on those bells so you know whenever we upload that way you guys won't miss a beat with our vacation it's still coming up [Music] it came out to the top deck Dec 11 with a sail off send-off party of the century as you can see we're the only idiots that did it there is nobody out here it's cold it's windy you got a spectacular view of Port Canaveral as we said sail out to the Bahamas you guys were hoping fingers crossed admit it's a little bit better weather a little bit warmer all of a sudden you're there in the Bahamas feel like it always is it's gotta be we've got our hot chocolate not your typical send-off beverage we got a little hot chocolate but I think we gonna go back to her room and enjoy the sail away from our balcony we do have two balconies we can go in and out of the warmer room still witnesses there we had to come over to show you guys that we ever did it we tried we came up here right guys still eat ice cream on it is good you guys let's go back to our room [Music] take a picture here look at this this is pretty cool the Walt Disney theatre or the big old Mickey Oscar right there look at this oh it's the golden Mickey's they have set sail we are in the open water headed to the Bahamas we decided but even though there's not a big party going on on the top deck we can at least wander to the ship check out some stuff you got some fun shops they were open yeah I know thank goodness they're closed you gotta have a lot of fun jobs and a cool feeder back there we can see some plays we're gonna go wander around a show tonight are you really you can do that tonight I think I might take him we're gonna walk around right now explore the ship a little and then dinner is in approximately 25 minutes this is our table for the remainder of this cruise look at this I love it right now if a boat is rocking quite a bit so I can't stand still but we've got this cool animator vibe going on in our dining hall this is where we're going to be sitting this is the coolest table it's our family perfectly tucked back away so we can be us is like a paintbrush or something yes the dining service just started we've heard about this the screens behind us are bubbling up the entire mood of the restaurant has changed oh my gosh this is incredible I think we're about to have a visit Oh [Applause] [Music] as you know everything Disney does is next level for this dining experience no exception they actually have a turtle from Nemo and other sea life creatures for swimming between screens through the entire dining hall so when they come through here to go over to that screen that screen that screen they make their way around the entire place and it's interactive so like they make up shapes you have to guess what they are and come by they come by and say hi to you yeah and you gotta say hi back or else they move along with you say hi they stand tall these people is my family whose to do that looks like she's taking a photo Roy next you wait how do you know my dude over here I'm married no good all right do do you know the low strobe you're gonna say to your righteous wife maybe you're gonna say all right [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now it's your turn we're gonna try and stand still for two seconds to close this vlog out we've had the most incredible first start tour cruise that dinner was fantastic it tasted good as well as the entertainment blue entertaining okay I think you nailed it - that was a phenomenal job we were both challenged to talk like whales tell each other we love each other and we just went with it you know what they applauded it so I think they enjoyed the entertainment as well so everyone had a good laugh at our expense we're gonna wrap this thing up we're gonna get the kids into bed and a little bit probably a minute we're gonna go explore a little bit more we didn't get up early early today to get here to the cruise ship and tomorrow we're gonna be in the Bahamas when we port when we dock we cannot wait to get off go find a fun adventure we're gonna try and swim with dolphins we don't know how where when or why you haven't planned anything we're kind of flying by the seat of our pants here we're trying to do a little bit different uh does the hope for tomorrow man I'm just doing something different we don't know we're just gonna figure it out it's gonna be beautiful to be great hoping for some Sun to blue honors here we are aboard the Disney Dream and it is a dream guys come back tomorrow we love you guys so much tomorrow everybody hello and good morning everyone we are starting this morning out earlier than everyone else because everyone else is still sleeping but we decided to start our morning and come out and do special time with the characters so hazy and I came out woke up early and we're gonna go see Mickey and I cannot wait for you excited all we want to do is swim it's been so cold but you know what we are about to get to the Bahamas so we can still see a lot of water around us with land in the far distance we're almost there were almost about to get to the Bahamas we're gonna have a fantastic day we can't wait and Mickey and they both kissed you and Minnie they were so sweet they gave they what they did kiss you know it was so special and so fun this ship is absolutely amazing a rainbow came out just right before we got our pictures taken I haven't even taken a look at them yet yeah well my hair incredible way to start the day a little bit sad for anyone else that they didn't get to come up here and get pictures but I think they needed the rest more than they needed the pictures hello I'm good morning from our cruise ship balcony oh my gosh you guys we just woke up we were looking over the edge at the blue blue ocean and we are sailing into Nassau Bahamas check it out in the distance you guys there it is that's the Atlantis Hotel here's where we're gonna go dock and there are like four other cruise ships there already did you guys go do pictures with characters today Vicky's you okay well mom we weren't sure what to do because you run everything and so I got everything out and we're looking for swimming suits and underwear but Dad I already took care of all this I already put everything in the drawer so you don't need to get out the suit every single thing you wear but this is like when I'd open my laundry way and I live out of a suitcase this is my traveling life yeah okay be like mom don't be like that let's go okay guys switch cameras with mom we're pulling into the Bahamas right now NASA I think the coolest feeling in the world is waking up I want to show you this waking up you get out of bed and you look out to this like you this is your view out your window you walk out onto the balcony you are literally over the ocean this is fun real that's why the cruise life is so incredible Atlantis Hotel on the distance all these cruise ships look at all those cruise ships in their walk in the camera now you can see them look like a little lighthouse on the edge of that reef right there it's gonna be interesting now we know from our last cruise that the cruise ship captains on Disney are probably some of the greatest in the world because if you haven't seen that go back and watch our cruise of the Southern Caribbean island there's a Disney Fantasy ship that comes by I'm not kidding you I feel like I could reach out and touch people in the other balcony and he just does this maneuver that I couldn't do in a car out and around our cruise ship out into the ocean so you know there's some of the best out there we know we're gonna get in here safely that's probably why they have him coming laughs so I can get in among all these other big guys but let's watch this holding in the dock now we're gonna go out and have some fun the Bahamas baby look at that a lighthouse a reef hotels the Atlantis Hotel cruise ships her whole family on the balcony I would say this is the cruise life this is living this is Disney cruise life baby he's gonna back it into this little slip right there I hope he's got that smile [Music] guys the Atlantis Hotel is so legit they have waterfalls in the lobby but I don't think they're supposed to coming out of the can light down to the ceiling fan exactly like that and they're trying to mop it up like what a nightmare we're fresh off the ship we are in the Bahamas Nassau Bahamas we've done so we've determined what we're gonna do we decided we are going to swim with dolphins you guys and we're not just getting in splashing around waving out I'm taking pictures we are swimming with the dolphins which hold pull you around they'll push you up out of the water this should be a dolphin experience unlike any other here at the Atlantis Hotel we're about to walk up inside right now we actually hope that they are supposed to be able don't even know we're getting pretty high working pretty stoked we don't even know so what kind of right now to sign up at sea oh gosh a few moments later we just signed out now we've found out a few things first of all we're super stoked we're still very tense we're gonna be doing the swim with dolphins like ultimate magical discovery I'm making up all these names it was like a massive thing where you go swim with them they literally hold you pull you push you out of the water it's going to be next double nuts then we also decided we're gonna do a second round for the littler kids a little discover and dip different discover my camera video to your way so here is the downside you guys now we're getting to the downs a bummer part we're all on a high we're up here right now take it down a notch they will not let us video under any circumstances The Adventures of underwater we asked them if we could buy a video package through them if we could maybe just think a GoPro in we didn't pull the do you know who we are card but we did say we do vlogs on YouTube we'd love to feature your resort so that it has to be handled through public relations and in advance and there's no way we can bring a GoPro in so I am so bummed that our very first ever swimming with dolphins adventure our very first ever opportunity to get in the water be pulled by a dolphin will not be documented on the sacred GoPro don't stand on the side see if I can grab some footage that way and somehow bring you this experience just know that we're having a ton of fun we're thinking to you guys we love you guys and we wish we could share every intimate moment of it but they will not let us bring a camera in the water alright guys the suit not bro you know without hearing up this it's so sick all wet suit dude is going to be so legit are you ready really this problem shower you gotta feel that dolphin to send you in the air dude and then I get a shot of it from out here [Music] so what we did is we decided to divide them up in the group so that I can video them in the water from the side as much as possible and another was the same for us when we go in we got these three going right now then me and crew we're gonna go tear to put the Dolphins next and then Breck's hazy and mom we're gonna do a fun little dip and discover where they get to splash and hang out with the dolphins everybody's getting to do something with dolphins today for finding away as best we can to document this as well because this is just so magical someone get a bomb and look at this the backdrop the Atlantis Hotel on the back as you enter the waters with the dolphins this is amazing you guys [Music] at this point how many will get great video they've been out there a little bit but they moved in and they are now doing this boogie board push where they lay on the boogie board these guys send a dolphin out comes back and with its head nose pushes them across the water so we got Riley Mattie and mom moms going first here we go oh yeah mom reigai are you ready brah mom what are you guys doing now hey guys so next up they're going to grab the dorsal fin I might be saying that wrong with the fin of the dolphin catch a ride from there back over to here first up is mom here she goes to went out there literally going to be pulled by a dolphin they literally a lot but it's actually happening so it is literally Oh [Music] let's jump in date oh my god coming for you go Manny [Music] oh my gosh guys how was it skin feels so daddy's gonna feel like what a wetsuit seriously guys I am dying to get in there you held onto a dorsal fin you got pushed on a boogie board and then they put on that massive show doing flips and backflips this show was like the treat at the end but we got to be on a boogie board and they push on their nose push on her foot we just went through the water he also pulled on to them we got to just pet them oh my gosh it was doing so good and look at this backdrop as you're watching backflips look what's behind you like are you kidding me this is very nice you guys paradise cami and crew are up next on this adventure well mom does a little dip and discover with hazy and Breck's so more fun to come you guys can't wait you got to keep this move are you gonna keep this purple set good it said Atlantis on the side of it we can use that in castaway key tomorrow my gosh yes true to tell me all about it what was your favorite book so cool my favorite part was either it pushing me on the boogie board or the show at the end show at the end I honestly don't icing on the cake for me because I don't know like feeling their skin and like like I don't know just their skin is soft it moves and oh my god I like want to take a dolphin home souvenir game daddy favorite part was your bear fire oh my gosh they make like really cute little sound yes maddie was loving that pg-13 time it's I pull my finger he said that to the dollop it was like their blowholes so we were doing we did this now it is mining crews turns we're gonna go swim with some dolphins right now right behind us they've got the shallow like dive and discover things that's why hold on that's what mom hazy and Breck seeing me doing I'm actually gonna get the camera to Riga he's gonna try and document the whole thing for everybody right now with me and crew swimming with dolphins get me push getting pulled just playing with my new buddies under the sea huh Steve Sarris a Disney Cruise and then hazy ember X Kissin Hannah high-five and dolphins the adventure continues dad and career getting suited up for theirs I'm gonna go over and get suited up with hazy and bricks in just a minute they're gonna be just mostly on the shoreline just petting feeding playing with the dolphins a little bit I think that'll be really fun for them easy he's gone back and forth all morning I don't want to be what's often I do want to so much often I don't I do so she's been very conflicted but I think she's gonna love it all these foods are putting on there wants to go out and swim with the dolphins we're jumping in right now as a dolphin Scooby and I are gonna go swim I know we got mom this Mother's stuff to suraĆ­h guy is on the camera with Maddie they're gonna try and bring you everything so we're gonna miss dolphins go see your mom and he's your doing right now [Music] guys he just started falling rain oh my god it is a freezing rain story is so bad [Music] that one away bro and then which the GoPro it correct all right guys switching over to the hero it because the other camera just so rainy okay guys we gonna do the snorkeling portion of this although it's raining we can go underwater and then maybe they're gonna do like the kick and the dolphin grab and grab when those storm passes through your graphics on the dolphins with no tow I switched back to the normal camera because the brain kind of stopped but still kind of gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think they just like flashing out in the water with or without dolphin Rex you do though is your favorite part of it you got to petted the whole thing if you've seen the weather change pretty significantly we lost a little bit we had that pouring pouring heavy rainstorm dark thick clouds and now look I can barely even see cuz I'm squinting from the bright Sun the weather is all over the place here it's unreal we just wrapped up mom's different discover he and crib we just finished up swimming with the dolphins you guys we had so much fun here it's such a great definitely the perfect shore excursion to do for today greatest possible use of our time we're gonna grab a couple souvenir and they pick up some of the photos and the photo package and I gotta head back to the cruise ship and if we can I would like to try while we're in our swimsuits already I would love to go get on the waterslide that goes around the cruise ship and if we can do that one time before pirate night tonight because you got pirate night coming up tonight IRA shiver me timbers stick around we're gonna have a great evening [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm I didn't know if you didn't know his pirate night here on the Disney Dream [Applause] okay guys fearfully pirate it out we're about to go to dinner right now everyone looks amazing thanks to mom she hooked it up with all of his outfits I mean look at this these are incredible you guys so gonna go into a full pirate themed dinner right now and they've got a bunch of other fun pirate themed stuff throughout the night so come with us first up [Music] [Music] once again I'm seating it's like our own little cutout over here just perfect I think that's one of the benefits of having a big group I've got to fit you at one big table so it's naturally gonna be in its own little spot but this is fun actually you guys it's kind of cool for tonight they have switched up dining halls and so we're in a completely different place you get a whole new vibe a whole new feel and different experience Oh last night as you know we had the fun with crush from Finding Nemo and tonight we are in the enchanted garden completely different vibe new feel for dinner tonight that was a very good mom is posting Jorian stories right now he was just talking about how they thought of everything here we've got the Pirates of the Caribbean bandanas the kids menus they actually fold up into hats so what we just noticed is that it's actually pirate because we're in it right now how clever how fun we had dinner it was an amazing fun pirate night and the kids actually were asking me begging begging to go to the kids club so we let him go to the kids he dropped him off they've had a ton of fun and we went to a show we went saw beauty in the Beauty and the Beast he was incredible it was probably better than Broadway glowing absolutely mind-blowing any guys the thing that blows your mind the most is when you take a step back and you're wowed by the show and then you realize you are floating in the ocean on a ship and they're pulling us off it was incredible so soon as that wrapped up we are now picking up the kids because this is the only crew ship that I know of in the world has a firework show on the top deck on pirate night so guys we're gonna go to a firework extravaganza in the middle of the ocean top deck of the ship pick it off the kids and we're headed there now yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but an incredible fireworks spectacular that was like unreal like seeing fireworks launched out over the ocean on the side of a cruise ship you can't do that that was real we were so stoked in fact we got like this very little-known perfect spot where they blasted right over your head right of your face thanks to our new friends cell right on there you guys tomorrow we're gonna be a castaway key you're trying to zoom snorkeling with some Disney characters it's gonna be a lot of fun so make sure you guys do come back tomorrow hey I mentioned we're finishing her on up and vanilla peas candy shop pick out some candy here to finish off the night we're gonna get the kids into bed we're gonna get into bed we're gonna see you guys tomorrow that's right good morning friends you're just getting off of the boat and all of its grand glory I am going to run the cash wakey 5k this morning gonna be a ton of fun I'm getting off without Brandon and the kids they're gonna run this telling three miles it's a 5k and it's gonna be super awesome so I'm gonna take you guys along with me everyone's here we've got our bibs we're all ready to start and I did bring my headphones to give me a little bit focus while I run because if I talk I get out of breath and then I get sightings [Music] almost there hot very hot listen into my music helps me say going so excited thank you just finished up got my Disney medal the whole reason I did this it's for the medal how finished up but less my group of friends is super fun to run it with people I met all of those girls here on the cruise boat so that was really fun except for one girl I knew her before and that was really fun I'm gonna go back get the family they're probably getting birth this and get ready right now and then we'll head out to the beach should be super fun hello good morning from another Caribbean island this one is Disney it's Mickey's private island called castaway Key mom has been up this morning before she wanted to go a fun little castaway 5k didn't her Wiggles out getting her run and mom was incredible up early out there run and documenting it for you guys and we are so stoked to be back together as a family now she has just finished up her run and we're gonna go down and join her on this gorgeous private Disney Island today what we have in store you guys soon are clean bring our snowballs we can even use the ones we got yesterday when we shine with dolphins you have in that video yeah guys go check that out we swam with dolphins we got a snorkel set we're gonna go take the storm without here and go out into this beautiful beautiful blue water supposedly there's some buried something treasure we're gonna go huntin for some treasure and then on top of that I'll Breck see you've already got a sailboat right on your face there when you're ready to rock do you're ready to sail then there's also like characters from the Disney Universe that have been sunk and buried out there so we're gonna go and see if we can find them snorkel buy them this is our last all day on the cruise is our last day on the cruise we get off tomorrow so we're gonna go tear it up as long as the can out there in the Sun before we head back to Utah snow you guys ready to have some fun oh yeah let's go mom just got back her five kids look at you she got a castaway key five case was just a castaway oh the cash Mikey Mikey 5k man this is really hard to say because that looks like a K I just roamed again anyways I'm gonna Catholic a 5k because it sounds a lot cooler she's back with that pool giant metal and then this awesome huge thick lanyard I know he's in this Colo could you've got a race number and everything how was it it was awesome it was really awesome it's really warm out there so you guys today's gonna be awesome but there was a little bit breeze and like just the palm trees around you if there was actually a portion two or three times where we ran on like the runway for the airport what so that was cool so I got to run the airway yeah what jet wait look everyone on the jetway runway I just ran ran it with four other girls and it was really fun a great time that is amazing I just love this thing this one's hanging up with some pride in the house and it's also unique pretty rare not everybody neat people we just arrived at Pelican point this is we're gonna be doing our snorkeling hanging out all day the water is beautiful but look what a fun little water park right there was like a slide and a bucket that dumps water they've got a Madi Oh police literally has everything so we're trying to grab some chairs right now I'm trying to grab a little spot of sand a little slice of paradise right here oh look at this beautiful blue water we've got this fun little area to play in you've got just shoreline four days of this beautiful white sand and then it's gonna go out we're gonna snorkel and we're gonna try and find some sunken treasure the kids that got the snorkel gear we've got all of our stuff they've got sunscreen because it is hot it's sunny we're ready for it if you remember we went to the Disney Store ahead of time and we load it up with some Disney swag check out these swimming suits perfect to break out on Nicky's own private island and Mickey his pointing to the Fond bro he's ready for you to go out there and have some fun are you ready to have some fun oh yeah to get in the water and they told that you absolutely have to have these inflatable vests I was gonna go like free solo diving like no big deal I did not want a floatation device of any kind I was not worried at all about getting tired insert sarcasm they told you good we have to get these cells like off you they won't think that I got one because I was nervous to swim everyone has to have one so everyone out here is snorkeling right now has got this on so we're gonna go out into this area right here we're told this is where you can find some of the sunken treasure the characters things like that and we just found out we were just told that actually the ones like the best stuff this of the you wanna see is clear out by those lifeguard towers and you probably can't even see those in here so we're going on for a little swim okay now we've been told there by the buoys we go to the buoy I can't be anything like Java sea fog not gonna lie this is pretty awesome as you go and venture out this way it becomes just walk right through it we're gonna walk out I think the buoys are looking for our even further other than we thought before lifeboat hours out there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dad and the older kids are over on the other side of this little Bay they are snorkeling looking for Mickey and I have hazy and Breck's we're just hanging out by the water you've got lots of buckets and toys with you guys my gosh that's so awesome [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we just got back fresh off of our snorkeling excursion we found a sunken treasure we found a submarine and we found literally crushed his can that was fun it was a much bigger swim than anticipated I got very tired I forgot about like the whole mustache and snorkeling thing I should have learned my lesson on that one from our cruise but we took last year because the water just comes right in if you don't have that jelly stuff so anyways I ended up just treating like a swimming pool I just held my breath and swam as much as I could and that come back to himself incredible so fun to go out and find those things we're back now with the family I think we're gonna go tear up this little mini waterpark and then grab some lunch Thanks are you guys now we're gonna go on to this floating little island of fun hazy are you ready for this you're gonna go it yeah baby yes go with me we'll go both sides we'll do one and then we'll come back and we'll do the other and they got this bucket dump nice let's drop a comparator he's got the cruise ship right over there you got this right here next up we're gonna the sandbar but first we have to eat guys I'm getting way ahead of myself it's slipping slide time be ready for a little waterslide action I'm gonna go down first and then I'll catch you at the bottom okay on Disney's private island they bring in all their chefs and you will not believe the variety of food here I just looked over we have burgers we have smoked ribs we have chicken sandwiches we have hot dogs for the kids we've got boiled chicken we've got corn on the cob everything you can imagine then just behind me we've got all the sodas drinks and then the greatest part of all you guys here on an island they have soft-serve ice cream so the kids are still getting their soft-serve cones on the ship off the ship doesn't matter nobody doesn't like Disney you guys this lunch is incredible hey do what are you gonna get for lunch first thing on Maddy's plate couscous and Riley on the other hand has awesome ice cream get everything you want it ribs hotdogs cookie chips and fruit just like you wanted yeah just finished up that delicious dinner that was awesome and we had a ton of ice creams you enjoy I really really really really really enjoyed it thank you and she just also did correct me that it was lunch I don't know I called the dinner I don't know it's a food it's meal v8 we're just finished up a delicious whole putting that whole thing in anyways now is the time one of the activity they want to do is wander out to the sandbar over there you can just walk right out there for some reason that just feels cool and a the 360 camera with me I'm gonna walk out there on that sandbar gonna bask in this glorious Sun we're gonna suck up some heat we're gonna get some warmth some vitalizing Sun vitamin D and it's gonna be epic [Music] okay you guys so sandbar is for Cabana guests only so don't even try it because we got the Smackdown pretty fast there is a line here that divides the Cabana users from the non Cabana users and you must not pass it so instead have to settle for lucky are there I do feel like we got a run for it though because I don't think she's catching if I go to the end I'm doing [Music] Sammy Hagar cabanas but they'll never freedom covers you know this hey so I just don't break this camera just walking around the beach no big deal Jed yeah Hera digs I said I look for this big - stick [Music] we have had an incredible day on the island Castaway key memories were made we played in the Sun kids just loved every second of it we had to like hold them off of the beach or heading back to the boat day and saying farewell to Disney's private island Castaway key you're gonna also go in and get cleaned up get our bags packed and get ready for dinner [Music] did I get any Sun today a little Sun so you guys aren't discrete we're back on the ship now about to grab dinner I love how this switch of the dining halls were on our third dining hall opera crews completely new vibe is called a royal let's go see what it's all about [Music] hazel tonight is dressed up as Queen Elsa he's got her Elsa break can I show them their shoes real quick hazy look at these amazing princess shoes oh my goodness they sparkle they look like they have rainbow glitter all over them hazel you look amazing look at that on what the napkins are folded and like loyalist shirts and now it's just a napkin welcome to the Royal Palace dining hall our final meal on the cruise ship I am very excited exotic things on the menu tonight mom what are you gonna go with there's not anything she's gonna like well they have a steak okay guys the choices are lamb duck apple hopster I'm like salmon I'm like what does Mindy going to order can I have a steak that's what mom's gonna get is the steak [Music] you've got a tired princess at dinner here we know so it's taking a little nap on my lap during the main course we just finished up dinner delicious the best part of all though I also slept on my lap the entire time we're hazy means are hazy it's absolutely adorable so now we just dropped off the other boys at the kids club Daisy was saying she is still a little too tired to go there we've got some packing to do I'm serious packing too mom's gonna jump on the packing I'm gonna start pre editing as much as I can so I don't the up til 3 o'clock in the morning tonight hopefully and when Hayes's feel a little more up to it we'll take her the kids club we're gonna go catch the last show the shows have been a maze of the crews the shows have been unreal like absolutely unreal now we pack you got to get everything out the doors in the hallway now something that's cool that the Disney Cruise Line offers actually have our bags taken care of and checked all the way through to the airport in Salt Lake City so once we put it out in the hallway we don't see or touch them again until they're at our home on the baggage belt hopefully that works we don't know if it ever heard that before get everything packed up you guys but we have had the most spectacular believable time the entire experience start to finish Disney World Disney Cruise we've just been taken care of we've been doing Disney thank you so much there's a huge amount of work that goes into putting an event like this together I don't even know how they do it but it goes like clockwork is smooth it is seamless it's just enjoyable ever once does it feel like work or effort it's just fun so Disney thank you so much for this opportunity we have absolutely loved it kids we know have loved it made a ton of friends we've made some friends it's just been unforgettable truly and regal it has been magical like I know that word but it's magic that is the real thing though here yes is real we've been feeling the magic so you guys we're gonna wrap up this vlog so we can get packed up and get these bags out in the hallway and we will see you guys tomorrow as we head back home back to real life Mattie goes back as well join us for that it's traveling the flight home find out what we do it will cream Avenger get off the ship when we get on the plane cuz we got to kill some time they're walking back to Disney World we love you guys tomorrow bye [Music] hello and good now you do hello and good morning everyone guys good morning from can you read it Disney Cruise Line port of entry whatever it is this we just got off we just went through Eddie made this joke so I gotta give her credit on this one the longest time we waited in our entire trip the customs line I was a pretty long line we were back now in Florida back in the United States and ready to go back home we're not we are ready I'm ready mom's ready I think we're just tired this is probably one of the most fun but one of the most exhausting and enters we've ever had because of the way that we had beforehand that that's what this trip would be it lived up I would say though that it's a kind of exhaustion that you just come home fulfilled because we ran it hard we had sunrise events we had After Hours events and they were back to back to back to back and it was just nothing but fun the entire time we're back now we're trying to find something to do because we need some time to kill because we don't have a flight until 4 o'clock 9 o'clock in the morning you guys we don't have a flight until 4:00 they wouldn't let his book a flight home and the cruise until like after 2:00 or something or noon or something I hate whatever it was earliest flight was 4 so that's when we're on one till then we don't know what to do I will say we did get our droids back we got our drone back we have those we could play with those we can apply the drill and drive some droids around we could do that we could go back to Disney World about our magic bands we could write a couple rides yeah we can go back to the resort where we stayed originally we can go do some swimming because I may be going to Disney springs that could be a fun idea no I think ultimately that's gonna be the decision Disney Springs is the Disney World Florida version of Downtown Disney in California plunge of shopping centers a lot of fun places to get souvenirs you can go see a movie the ton of stuff to do that those restaurants if we felt like eating any more which I don't know if we really feel like that is I think our plan for today ultimately we're gonna go to Disney springs are trying to figure out the logistics of that how we get out of here transfer over to there because we're about an hour away from the Disney property right now we're a little ways away once you figure that out think the day's gonna turn at Disney springs and over the airport in that back home to Utah which by the way still sounds at 25 degrees today [Music] we have the Disney cruise transportation drop us off at Saratoga Springs we are catching a ferry boat ride so we just got off of a cruise ship we're getting back onto another boat we can take a ferry boat ride over to Disney springs which is like I said before the Florida equivalent of Downtown Disney so it's much bigger and grander but a lot of shops thought of in places to eat so our Borden another boat after getting off of a big giant cruise ship putting a little more time here in Disney or we get on our plate and head home [Music] so the very first thing that I'm noticing is the Disney Springs is huge we're talking massive like I expected like the Downtown Disney area is like a street with some shops and restaurants this is like its own full-blown Island we just got off the ferry we're looking for a place to eat we're kind of feeling maybe the rainforest cafe and I wonder I feel like it's an all time like Disney classic I know it's not even like a Disney restaurant but it used to be a Disneyland who loved going there something else we're gonna end up but I do just want to kind of walk around see what there is here because there is so much more than I thought there would be great way to kill some time before our flight I think we chose right yeah and I love Madison [Music] we have come to the rainforest cafe trying to do this without dropping hazel hazel we're gonna go eat here where you want to go eat you look so cool decide we're going to the rainforest cafe right now it is going to be mostly fun and entertaining kids as we love this the environment entertainment the ambience at the rainforest cafe is pretty next level they have you got waterfalls I got volcanoes I've got animals I think they have like dancing gorillas in a jungle everything you can want entertain kids coming off of a Disney cruise entertainment level is up here right now got to keep it up there a few more hours before we go back to reality are you excited to either the rain force campaign yes I'm excited it's a lava volcano volcano you guys more excited for the food or kind of like the whole vibe in there all right a vibe for sure vibe hopefully they have some soda it is decent I mean the food's okay I've had the food it's pretty good crocodile [Music] without a doubt one of my favorite things about this place is that at some point there's going to be some kind of a rain storm and this place is going to come to life the elephants will start doing rare that's the official sound eventually he's going to come to life the jungle is going to come to life monkeys swinging from trees Birds flapping their wings and squawk and for I'm standing here by the Atlas statue that's pretty dope [Music] wrapped up our dinner at the rain or not dinner I keep saying dinner every meal to me as a dinner we wrapped up our lunch at the rainforest cafe took much longer than anticipated we had hoped to walk around Disney springs here for a little bit but we are going to be in a rush to get to her flight right now conditioned to take a ferry back to the hotel where they dropped us off pick up our carry-on bags they've been holding for us and then take a taxi and uber something over to the airport from there another twenty thirty minutes anyway as we were getting down to crunch time flight time so I don't think gonna be able to experience Disney springs like we wanted to unfortunate but all that means another returns you're back coming your way soon it's gone from fun and silly to we're in a really big hurry our our plane actually is two hours from right now and normally we're at the airport already but we have to get a lift to the airport good news is yes there is some positives our bags are checked all the way through to our final destination no that's the jacket TSA PreCheck walk right through so I'll go to show the airport walk in or the plane I think we're gonna make it fall along should be fun to be interesting [Music] alright guys so we just got dropped off at the airport our kind live driver super nice guy he was driving 20 under the speed limit the whole way here getting passed by everything you could imagine and then he drove the opposite end of the terminal that we need to be for drop-off so we're now taking a little jog here through the airport looking for a gate 72 check-in again 72 hopefully I don't take a little shuttle to get there then we're gonna be fine reinforced cafe lunch comes with a lot of extra time hey Z how you feeling we're gonna make it okay tsa PreCheck saving the day once again forty-five to sixty minute wait and the different lines there and over there we get to walk right in so grateful we did this this has been a huge benefit to us in all of our travels you guys ready let's go a few things have to come into play today for this to happen for us to make it on time like it's on people if you count backwards kind of don't realize the steps that took like so clear back when we got on our cruise Disney offered us the option to have our bags all the way through to our home destination we mentioned that's you guys we thought well that's a nice convenient super grateful for that then the next thing that had to happen TSA PreCheck you guys know we got that last year as we decided more got to the airport you guys because of a long lunch and a slow uber driver we got here with just enough time to get to the gate now we had an hour wait in the regular TSA line and a huge wait to check in back so if you had to check in our bag and we normal line the flight would be in the air and we would have missed it because of those things here and set in motion we were like 15 minutes is more chill and we're chilling the flight doesn't leave for like an hour they board in about 15 minutes yeah our blessings today because I was really stressed like Brandon's like it's gonna be fine I was like no it's not I usually like to work two hours early the way we flew when I worked at my last company was so last minute I just got a habit of dealing like it's gonna be fine any time there's stress around like last-minute travel and getting onto your plane I feel like it's okay we're I just did that to was walk get out of the bathroom and I did like a stutter step and I'm like wait nothing's moving but me anyways you guys we're gonna get on the plane get on solid ground to be back in our house tonight white home [Music] I'm not sure how this happened not sure if we got an upgraded status because of our SkyMiles or if I accidentally book the Delta thumper Plus watch out you don't you're right there well we just checked our boarding passes and we're comfort Plus which is like in the first you know 15 16 rows which is pretty exciting because you little more space in the flight home which is gonna be nice I just don't remember if I booked it at work we got upgrade it's either way we're grateful for the extra room on the way home he's are you ready to go home [Music] just touched down in Salt Lake City picking up our bags right now I gotta tell you I told the kids prior to getting onto the plane they asked why we boarded like kind of towards the middle I said that's because everybody who goes to the left is going into first class that way once they gets at everybody walks by they don't have to have a bunch people who rushing through and they can do their service to have a pre-flight service that they get so when we got onto the plane we had to turn to the left the kids were freaking out that was kind of fun we were only in comfort applause but it happened to be the row right behind first class stuff when I told the kids our seats are to the left they started getting giddy freaking out and I gotta say this was pretty cool right like a bunch of room tons of space he could even fit on my lap it was kind of fun I could get used to that for home now in solid city almost completely spaced it we've got another flight to catch because Matty is taking off he's going home to San Diego I don't really like space that I thought we was gonna come home get on the bus though offer house you're not yes we are but you are about to get on another flight right now finish off the San Diego's we're gonna go say our goodbyes upstairs right now yeah at our back check there's a little Fiasco there finding out if we actually had booked the flight or not turns out we did thank goodness so he's all I've got a flight home and then when she gets home she'll only be there for a few more months guys before she's moving out here to Utah let that sink in that is insanity we just found that out like a week ago standing right here like there where that guy is but over there anyway it's all this is fresh all this is new all is excited sending her off for one of the last few times before this becomes her permanent home so guys let's go upstairs and say goodbye to Maddy should we I'm really proud of you time has officially come we've given our hugs Maddy has gone off the San Diego but not for long you guys we have oh wow she's gone an insane Spring Break coming up that we have not told you about forty days out till our next incredible adventure and Maddy the other day nobody knows where we're going yet I can tell you this on many lists many many lists it is rated as the number one most beautiful beach in the world google it google it and start the guessing let the guessing begin where we going for spring break well you guys not pretty soon Maddy's out here love you and we're proud of you [Music] it does feel good there's something good about being home your home base your home state place you call home I will say though I already missed the warm weather it is cold it is cold I mean it's not as bad as it could be about 32 degrees that's pretty cold that's a big drop for me and in the 80s on our vacation just swimming in the Caribbean yesterday coming home to 32 degrees at night here you can see your breath ears are getting a little tingly so it'll load the kids up get home go back to a little lousy make sure our house is still there and get a good night of rest hallelujah we are home we did it we survived I say that was probably one of the most fulfilling and exciting and just adventure filled once-in-a-lifetime vacations but also easily the most exhausting there were just events at like 6:00 in the morning so you had to be up like before 5:00 there were events at like 10:30 at night so you had to be here super late and then so amazing when you went to go check catch a break there was like enough like a meet-up in the middle of the day for him mostly and then of course the editing of the vlogs but honestly like it was the most magical week I could possibly imagine is the right kind of exhaustion coming hall just completely fulfilled from having just run it so hard and done so many incredible unique no other way you could possibly do it experience yes so thank you Disney for the greatest week or lives I was incredible now it's back to life reality bunch of bags ton pack this is the hard part coming home not only just getting back into a routine and getting back into life but just all of the coming back from vacation unpacking laundry tomorrow we kinda have a big day guys were thrown right back into a ride guys got a field trip kids have got to go to school everywhere the Donna's hazing has music the boys have piano I have to do nails so we were jumping right back into it it was kind of nice then we walk in and kind of forgot about our awesome kitchen I know I came home and I'm like I'm just kind of like a little hungry and my sweet mom comes and take off of our house every single day my favorite thing that she does she puts brand new milk and the milk in the fridge for us a brand-new gallon of milk in the fridge for a week so we can I was cereal when we walk in the doors so there's nothing better than that we were gonna get into bed Maddie is safely on her way to San Diego I'm so excited that she can go and get back into school she said I have a test in the morning and I'm like boy you're getting right back into it too I'm gonna get into bed get a little sleep do you feel a slight sickness coming on for almost everyone in the family because have colds coming but I awesome you made it through the entire trip I think we love you love you we'll see you tomorrow everybody [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: This Is How We Bingham
Views: 2,776,336
Rating: 4.797965 out of 5
Keywords: Family, Fun, Happy, VLOG, This Is How We Bingham, How We Bingham, Bingham Family, Bingham, Binghams, The Binghams, Big Family, TIHWB, Disney dream come true, disney dream, disney world, disney world rides, disney world vlog, disney cruise, disney cruise vlog, first time to disney world, flying with kids, first disney cruise, disney world 2020, disney cruise 2020, family travel, family vacation, traveling with kids, family cruise, going to disney world, disney world with kids
Id: EDp0jB7xA54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 50sec (7970 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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