FFXIV Raid History & Rankings - Stormblood Omega Raids

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foreign hey everyone Mr Happy here and welcome back to another raid ranking video for Final Fantasy 14. we've already covered A Realm Reborn and Heaven's word as part of our 10th anniversary celebration for Realm Reborn itself so now we move on into 4.0 with the omega raid series stormblood's raid series was pretty well enjoyed by most people while I have certain gripes about the actual story elements of it at least up until the final part there are a lot of notable encounters throughout all of stormblood's raid series though some notable for the right reasons and some notable for the wrong reasons it's worth remembering that this was the first full expansion after they kind of nailed the formula the one that they used in Alexander the Creator that would make things more accessible to people who weren't only hardcore Raiders as such a Delta Escape started off very interestingly but we'll get to cover that in a little bit so strap on in and after you watch the video share your rankings if you have them for the stormblood raid Series in the comments section of the video below alright well coming up at number 12 which in my list I wrote down is number 13. I guess I can't get coils off the mine number 12 is deltascape's first encounter alt Roy I don't think this even needs explaining to anyone who was around for storm blood if anything you would be surprised if it was anything else alt royt on Savage our very first Savage raid encounter in stormblood barely even counts as a Savage encounter it's almost completely identical to normal mode with a few small changes the damage is higher less AOE indicators and there's no rails on the side of the Arena it was so easy that some groups beat it in a single pull completely blind that's how easy it was if you did that nowadays it would you know I'm not saying it couldn't happen nowadays but it would be just as harped on I suppose it would be it would just be would be considered unacceptable and honestly most of us felt that way back then I actually didn't even have a static going into deltascape I party find her this fight and my results weren't too different from that I mean it wasn't a one shot but it certainly was way faster than what you'd expect for the party finder on day one honestly if this wasn't at the bottom it would be a problem but alt Roy your smack dab at number 12. now my number 11 is really on a personal note I definitely am not taking in community and how everyone felt with this one this is all me my number 11 is Guardian which is Sigma scape's third encounter this one's probably gonna surprise people because I know a lot of people who really liked Guardian but me I just think it was kind kind of slow and unfun I even did it again recently before the Omega protocol came out and I was kind of hoping I would feel different and that just really cemented it if anything at this number 11 spot now foregoing the fact that it looks like it's really random but there's actually only two rotations problem you know whatever that actually happens in a lot of encounters so I'm not even using that against it regardless of which path you get the fight just feels like it takes too long like it's two minutes too long of an encounter if the exact same fight were closer to 10 minutes it was more compact then I'd actually think it would probably stand at a much higher place here because it is the pacing of those mechanics that really takes away from them being that interesting or engaging even then I guess I don't think many of them are that noteworthy honestly the funniest thing about this encounter and the thing that I remember best is the super slow missiles because everyone saw those missiles like why are they so slow who would ever get hit by them everyone's been hit by them at least once it's just it's it's so slow you ever do like a really slow song in a rhythm game and it's way harder than the fast songs because it's just like you're waiting and waiting and waiting and it just kind of throws you off that's kind of what happened here and to me that's the most notable thing it's not the virus path or the monitor that changes the thing it's the slow missiles honestly the only other thing I really remember is the little bombs that need to be disarmed but it's such a quick thing and they just kind of show up at a couple points in the fight and then they're gone so they just have so little relevance that I can't really count them I really wish I liked this fight more but I don't so that's why it's here next up number 10 is Chatter nook one encounter before the guardian at 06 would have been this fight and it's another just simply boring encounter it's just this boss floats in and out of paintings and requires players to use their Duty action to both collect the paint colors and paint in specific things I mean it depends on which painting it is but it already loses points for having a duty action just the clunkiness of that made any stormblood Raider trial that used it much less desirable to me but the fight itself just also isn't very involved it was often considered to be a striking dummy encounter because you just sit there and beat on the boss because almost all the mechanics happen wherever you're dealing damage maybe one of them's like a step off of melee Ranger there's like a really close Max melee range spot if you want to optimize but honestly just wasn't a whole lot going on you know I and I DPS this fight and I kind of liked doing it on content because it was a striking dummy I could just trying to focus on trying to get as big a number as possible and that had its own fun but I was basically just like not engaged in the encounter and it was like trying to have a perfect striking dummy run which is not great when you're doing that every week week after week after week for loot to get ready for the next ultimate so definitely not a favorite so number 10. number nine is the Phantom train I mean almost all Sigma escapes out of the way and honestly this this feels not wrong but like I guess I could have put it a little higher in in theory I love this fight you know the Phantom train I think was a really off the wall choice for a boss encounter and I love that they went with this as one of the bosses the problem is is that it's not a great fight overall outside of the spectacle of you fighting a train which is kind of what the Phantom train does in Final Fantasy 6 where it's pulling from in the first place at the very least it's a big step up over alt Roy but it's basically three ghost mechanics on rotation and then sometimes the boss does like proximity aoes or knockbacks or both and that's kind of the end of it for the entire encounter the ad phase is not super interesting and then it ranges from either mildly tedious to absolutely well tedious for one person I was gonna say absolutely I guess not even a thing because what we started doing very early on was sending like a Red Mage or a warrior to kill their ghost in like four or five gcds use all of their cooldowns to kill it so the rest of the party didn't have to do one of the ghost mechanics during the ad phase the problem is now the other seven people are lining up to do their their burst and that one person is completely screwed and that was all that accomplished I knew Warriors who hated this encounter for that reason but it was just like there was no in between with this encounter not to mention the biggest disappointment of it is the lack of suplexes you can't put the train in the game if there's no suplexes okay that's not an actual point off that's not why it's number nine but I had to bring it up at least the normal mode has a fun little Easter egg for those of you who played Final Fantasy 6 but whether or not you'll ever see it in the normal mode well I don't know I've never seen it so I just know it's there number eight is going to be catastrophe and this is the first part of the list where I actually struggled a bit to start ordering them catastrophe is going on number eight mostly because of the duty action involvement which I felt just dragged down almost any fight that it was actually in you know I look at this fight and outside of the duty action being clunky oh man it's so unfortunate because I actually think this is one of their more clever encounters I mean there's a lot of placement related stuff and a lot of stuff that we never see in any other encounter that's I guess some of it depended on the duty action but some of it just specific to this fight and it's rare that we have a fight that actually has mechanics that feel like they've never shown up again or didn't show up before like it's just it's just weird to have that kind of involvement in the first place so the big thing is using these aoes as Radars to locate Tremors that were under the ground and then splitting into floating and non-floating Stat groups and having floating people affected by somebody who is different than others it was really cool to play a fight on a z-axis and I've always been afraid of that they did it a little bit in 1.0 specifically with the very final encounter Riven road and it was kind of weird there but this is a much more modern take on it and it works really cool but it's just so clunky because of the duty action so I I almost feel sorry about this fight's placement because I honestly think catastrophe deserves better moving on to number seven with midgard sormer uh this one I think is gonna very heavily depend on what role you ask I actually really like this fight which I guess is a hot take thrown in the other video I put out a couple weeks ago it combines nidhog Grace felger and the original dungeon midgard Stormer with some new mechanics thrown in I think the stress on the tanks with the random flying versus ground mechanic was a bit ahead of its time design wise so in storm blood if you got selected as the main tank over and over again we didn't really have great tools of dealing with that so it became really stressful on the tank and potentially on the healers to deal with the tank Busters if you were just not allowed to swap but with shadowbringers and end Walker tank tools were far more fitted for that kind of design so I just don't want to knock it for that it was just kind of out of place for when it was added to the game the ad phase is a little bit underwhelming but I do like the debuff carrying from the ad phase into the first mechanic of the Final Phase and the frequent Dodges and stacks and spreads and of course the boss the boss actually doing the spins the vertical spins versus the horizontal spins even if we did eventually figure out a kind of pattern to it so we could just determine if it would be one or two things at any given point in the fight it never really took away from it it didn't add as much as I would have liked either but again that's why this is kind of like a number seven I do think that if you ask tanks who tanked it at the time they will rate it way lower than seven but you know that's just that's a role specific thing I'm just thinking it's a higher quality fight than some of the other stuff that we saw in storm blood now number six is going to be kefka and the god Kafka so I really struggled to decide whether I wanted to split up door bosses and their final boss forms for Delta Escape Sigma escape and alphascape in stormblood we were introduced to the concept of a true door boss while heavensward did have the fausts this had like full bosses with mechanics and checkpoints and it was way more of a thing than what we saw in the previous expansion so I thought maybe rate them differently but no I'm gonna package them all together and judge them based on how I feel about both encounters because essentially that's what I had to do every week I didn't just get to choose to do one or the other or one and then the other and get loot for both no they're both they're all kind of a package deal honestly I so first off I wasn't a huge fan of them using kefka they they created really superficial reasons to use old Final Fantasy bosses and these iconic bosses in these tiers and to me it's like the least creative way to do it compared to stuff like the Crystal Tower and a bunch of the other references we've seen throughout the game this was really ham fisted on top of that they made a cardinal mistake in normal mode of only including three-fourths of dancing mad and I don't normally use normal mode to judge this kind of stuff but that's harsh it's like a long time final fans fan you can't just cut parts of dancing mad out of the entire thing even if it's a completely logical reason why you're doing it with the Savage exclusive phase so that's something but in terms of the actual fight there's a lot of things I just didn't find fun and I think some of that's because I did it mostly as a DPS like the fake out aoes and the brief memorization mechanics I think they work well the high Auto attack damage something that Neo X death in the previous year didn't have at all definitely made it more engaging for tanks and healers as well which I think is a huge plus boss positioning being a thing again frequent healing checks sometimes too frequently given the time we're all a mix of you know mid to positive effects but unfortunately I just think the fight overall was kind of on the boring side very visual appealing I love the music and Savage especially and uh there's there are a lot of positives but I think that they don't make for a great experience equally across the roles and I think as a DPS it was just way way too boring it also does this storm blood thing of repeating the last mechanic over again and for some fights it's maybe two or three minutes like this one some of them it's like half the fight repeating itself and I'm gonna criticize all the stormblood fights that do that and you know that on top of the other things I didn't like about this just Nets it kind of in the middle here there's just other fights I like better number five is going to be chaos now in stark contrast to the other two first encounters and that of alt Roy and Phantom train and deltascape and sigma Escape chaos as a first fight in alphascape I feel sets the prime example for a well-balanced first fight experience even to this day The Mechanics for the first and second half of the fight are actually completely identical but every pull the order is random who either get two mechanics in the first phase and then the other two mechanics in the second phase or it reverses so you can basically prepare for the entire fight and learn the entire fight in the first fifty percent and then it becomes a purely execution based check now there are other aspects to those individually that may determine positioning but all the same I feel like that works really really well and something that almost to me feels more like it would be better placed as the first expansion as the first uh raid tier of an expansion but it works really well here especially after having the previous excuse me two fights um you can also identify the pattern really easily because there are attacks other than the major mechanics that let you kind of know once you know how to do some pattern recognition but a lot of the mechanics are also really free form like the game wants you to achieve a certain thing but we did see a decent Variety in strategies we saw people coming up with better strategies week after week and that was especially true with the ad phase where it just gives you a slew of debuffs and one ad to kill and you just know how to disarm those things so we saw people coming up with positioning for melee uptime Caster up Time full up time for everybody all sorts of different things and I think that's the sign of a good encounter when you're not forced to only do things a single way and you can continually learn and improve because it lets the players who are looking for that sort of experience get a little bit more mileage out of the encounter and to get that out of a first fight of a tear I mean it's just a great way to start every week and it's also a great thing to have once you know the raids have been out for a while and you want to teach people stuff I just think it's a great first fight and I hope you all get to experience that experience it at some point or another synced now number four is going to be Omega m f and final Omega you know while Kafka and God Kafka made me have to ponder if I should separate them this one was more difficult because I have wildly different feelings about Omega mnf and final Omega and they would be in very different places individually in this Omega mnf would be closer to this number four spot and final Omega probably would have gone back a few spots so how did it get to number four um honestly Omega m f carry it to the spot the first phase against m f in my opinion fantastic boss it is some of those repeating elements in stormblood that I don't like but it's really fast paced there's a ton of raid damage and while the mechanics repeat honestly you're just so focused on doing them right and the movement of the bosses and making sure that one is slightly further out and that the party's in the right spot that there's looking around there's environmental stuff with the eye moving around and needing to keep track of that and the way people interpret it's just there's a lot of things to say about that first phase that keep it engaging despite having some of those storm blood isms a lot of spreading and stacking and doing everything very quickly and identifying the spots and every there's it's you know what when you look at top and you look at how Omega m f was done you kind of see how we got that more true random-esque feel from the top mechanics as well I wouldn't call Mega m f mechanics true random necessarily there is a lot of that kind of everyone's just like moving out to a spot and moving back in and then it just kind of mixes that up a little bit for top it's it's pretty easy to see where they got the inspiration for some of that stuff now moving on to final Omega there's individual elements I really like about it patch which destroyed groups despite just being a tether mechanic let's be honest and destroyed them because it was a tether mechanic hello world awesome the tank Buster mechanics really engaging very surprising and also this visceral feel with that boom laser every time it hits the bass in it is just so satisfying the problem is that everything other than those three things are really not too impressive not to mention the fact that after hello world 2 which is probably the Pinnacle of the fight the fight just repeats itself in the second half yeah it's got the enraged sequence where he just does a bunch of raid damage he has become a lot more standard nowadays but it's way less impressive than M and fr in my opinion but that being said the transition super cool the overall quality of the fight is quite High the music is top tier the atmosphere is top tier so it's got a lot going for it it definitely deserves this number four spot even when I combine both M and F and final Omega number three is going to be helicar nasus some people would rank this as number one and quite frankly I wouldn't blame them this is one of our best third fights in a tier ever even to this day and it's just this transcends the previous Encounters in terms of the ranking between three and four so so much um it's right up there with the Phoenix encounter and final coils and some of the other ones but it has it all it is a mix of fast and frantic mechanics position in DPS checks and lots of little reactionary movements based on what the boss is doing the entire Final Phase gives you an arena with a bunch of different panels and the boss can jump to any of them and do a mechanic from it and depending on where the boss lands what panel it's on it just changes the what you have to do the last phase is really Dynamic and fun and that is something we just don't see every day the tank Buster hits hard as heck some of the mechanics are really fast again there's so much Variety in the early phases in the ads and the little DPS checks you have to do I just it shows it's a master class on raid fight design I don't know why they can't replicate it like I actually think some people harp on some third tier fights too much I actually love Phoenix from pandemonium which will eventually have to do a video on but this is like the primest of examples it's very similar to how I feel about chaos for first encounters and it's it's crazy to see that we've got these all the way back in storm blood the only thing that was a disappointment here is that the desert from normal mode was missing and we all theorized what would happen what if we were like going through it and like there were ant lions and we had to time going through the the little desert trap thing and you know that was cool it's still and it was also a really nice reference to the game this is from Final Fantasy V that being said I'm not knocking points off for that for real everything the fight delivers I think is fantastic in its own right now that description tells you why that could be some people's number one but for me I gotta go off fights that I enjoyed and how I enjoyed them the most and for me I enjoyed two encounters more number two on my list is Omega from o11s in a similar vein to the third fight of halocarnassus o11s was another great example of a third fight and against the beetle bot I it's it's high on my list for a different reasons holican asses was high on my list for it being excellent all around this is up there for How thematically Sound and fun it is combined omega as an encounter breaks some of those stormblood traditions of repeating the same mechanic over and over while still technically doing it basically Omega being a learning and adapting machine who's trying to improve and get stronger when he hits you with a mechanic and learns that it didn't work because you survived and did it correctly the next time that he does it he does like a souped-up version he changes something about it he evolves something about it and the fact that that continues throughout the entire encounter all the way through to the final Panter crater before he just does a few more things and then enrages it's just it works so well and on top of that all of the individual mechanics are all very threatening very engaging and not very cheeseable there's like one thing with the giant fists that was kind of really cheesable because we figured out that you could identify who would be targeted by them and when every single time as soon as you entered the instance and did the mechanic for the first time but it that's just like a weird like server programming thing that just like I don't know just made it happen that way the way it selects the targets but it's just it's another one of those like oh look they can do third tier fights and it's just it makes me so mad when I see stuff like p7s and e7s and then we get stuff like this and we get stuff like hello carnassus and honestly even Guardian I don't like it but there are a lot of decent qualities about it that it just comes down to my personal like feelings about it I don't know maybe one day we'll get more good third fights but storm blood you you treated us really well and I appreciate it and finally that leaves my number one which is d4s o4s whatever you'd like to call it X death and Neo X death this probably isn't that much a surprise if you watched my top five raid fight video of all time but it's just this fight to this day gets me amped X death is I think hands down the best door boss we've ever had and is the stuff style of door boss I wish they would do more often they completely abandoned this type of door boss after X death and I think they were wildly successful at it so I don't get it it's like a four minute-ish non-stop DPS check with tank and heel mechanics that push everything to the edge it's tight on execution tight on scaling and is followed by one of my favorite transitions to a final boss in the end the entire game in that of Neo X death now on top of that Neo XF is one of the better truly stationary bosses and you know what I say truly stationary he's not and that's kind of what makes him better while he as a boss cannot be moved or positioned by the party his mechanics teleport him all around the outside of the arena and forces the players to constantly readjust as to where he is and do mechanics based on where he teleports so again I feel like when they do stationary bosses and they just leave them North the whole time that's when they fail the Neo X that just isn't one of them there's very few cases of ones that work sephiroth from my trial video but again very few that actually work now I will say this Neil ax death does have some weaknesses as an encounter overall his lack of tank Autos makes mitigation a bit of a snoozefest healers also only really have one major mechanic to deal with and you know what I think healers are okay with telling you how much they put into all majests or all my guests however it's pronounced but even still and then on top of that he does the thing where he repeats the mechanics in the second half of the fight but all the mechanics are fun and involved a little tiny bit random so it's never too much of a slog honestly I just hope they one day do the short door boss and the long final boss again and no DSR does not count I mean in a Savage encounter the four minute and 12 minute encounter versus the what is it like seven and a half minute and eight minutes or like eight and a half an eight I don't know it's just like two equal length encounters that I just have to double up on which I just haven't been as big a fan on as stuff like X death and Neo X death and that's going to be around for my storm blood raid rank Series this is so difficult to say uh let me know again what your thoughts are in the comment section of the video below if you were around for stormblood and you have personal rankings throw them down there I'm really interested to see who throws things like Guardian further up and how many people end up throwing halicarnassus at number one I'm willing to bet that it's more than one I'll say that at least anyway thanks for watching be sure to keep an eye out for more of these ranking Style videos for Final Fantasy 14 and with that I'll see you all in the next one until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 12,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play, Omega, TOP, The Omega Protocol, Omega Protocol, Raid, Trial, Fight, Mechanics, Strategy, Stormblood, SB, Series
Id: RvLgqkufG_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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