Keeping Up With the World's MOST PRODUCTIVE Mini Painter

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in the middle of Ohio exists a basement not a nasty dirty wet basement filled with cobwebs or a million insect corpses in the corners nor a dry bear unfinished basement with nothing to sit on or to eat this was a hobby basement and that means mini painting I drove all the way from Minnesota to Ohio to visit a hobbyist who has absolutely insane levels of productivity to figure out what the secret was to truly paint more Miniatures who is this mystery miniature painter though I am Vincent venturella hobbyist miniature painter YouTuber and human being Vince ventarella or Vinci v as others lovingly call him you may or may not have heard of him before and if you have you likely don't know exactly how prolific of a hobbyist he is I paint Miniatures about 40 to 60 hours every week my goal is always at least 40 hours I feel bad if I don't put in at least 40 hours I have 17 painted armies for age your Sigmar and one painted army for Warhammer 40K I will say recently I've been having less time to paint because I've had other junk to work on boo some of you may be inclined to think that Vince paints a large volume of models but not to a high quality right surely this is the case I've won two golden demons I have two Crystal brushes I have two Gen Con best in shows four Nova Master category first in place and then like just other stuff but those are the ones that stand out let me briefly remind you that the hobby of Mantra painting is not Vince's job he has a full-time job on the side how much content do I make in a week for miniature painting the easy answer is always at minimum one hobby cheating video a week then there's also spiced in things like the reviews where I review other people's stuff and then of course wherever weekly which isn't directly hobby related but it's you know it's the broader playing of the hobby all All In All Event spends around 60 hours a week doing hobby related activities and that doesn't count his full-time job spending time with his loving wife Kathy or their three beautiful dogs his weekly DND Meetup developing rules for a new miniature war game once a year and his workout regime every other day we start with push-ups it's usually at least 75 we try to do 100 some days then you've got 50 normal sit-ups uh 25 crunches 25 leg lifts you've got three wall sits and you've got 50 squats so I want to see those exact numbers this is not what I signed up for when I decided to be a miniature painter what did I sign up for though I want a hobby like Vince for a week not for any particular reason I just want to see what I learned by the end of the process sure sure before I do that though let's hear a brief word from our sponsor Dragon Topper's Lodge is creating Miniatures to use in DND from characters to monsters and terrain this month they're releasing over 75 stls for 15 bucks the theme is a fusion between fantasy and World War II called the children of the flame the set includes Dragon soldiers and War beasts and is designed to be used in both age and fantasy and Grim dark future games designed by one page rules the rules for these factions are fully complete and ready to be used this Army focuses on smaller units of elite troops that can pack a punch every month Dragon Topper's lot releases a new set of models around a particular theme voted on by patrons each month if you missed a particular release you can browse from their collection of over 400 models on their my mini factory store if you don't have a 3D printer you can also buy physical Minis and have them shipped straight to your door this service is provided by only minis a subsidiary of my mini Factory as if 75 stls was it enough 15 bucks there is even an added bonus channeling their inner holiday spirit dragon Trapper's Lodge is running an advent calendar event where they release a bonus Christmas themed miniature every day leading up to Christmas you can find links to their patreon and their my mini Factory in the description below not back to living like Vince the first three days of my hobby Marathon started out at Vince's house it's in the belly of the Beast I put up some serious numbers in these first three days but it was kind of easy Vince has carefully cultivated the Ultimate Painting Dojo surrounded by his completed works his tools his games and more when you're in that basement all there is to think about is Miniatures it's a pretty inspiring place six years ago now I walked by the cabinets at Gen Con when I was just really starting to get into the idea of competitive miniature painting and I saw Marika Reimer win Best in Show and actually Sam got second place that year I believe and I said I want to win one of those like I want that I set that as a personal goal for myself I was so inspired and 2018 was the year I took Best in Show so three years later I got best in show there which was like that was just one of the happier moments of all time I was not there to get the award because they told me the wrong time for the award ceremony and those first three caramel and cheesy popcorn fueled days I managed to finish a squad of 10 skeletons finish a vampire lord on zombie dragon and start a third unit of blood Knights fully completing one of them I'm not totally sold on this paint scheme for my blood nights but I wanted my third unit to look unique compared to the other 10. like this one was an especially Elite unit miniature painting to me represents a lot I've always liked creating things well this is creative and you get to make things I've always liked to be artistic even if I wasn't very good at it this is something you can be artistic with I get to teach others and share with others I like educating people like I like to feel like I can share something with people that's valuable to them that's really rewarding just to know that you have something that you can tell somebody else and it'll help improve their life in some way that's pretty cool ultimately it makes you part of a pretty awesome Community it's small it's niche but we all know each other and a lot of the best friends I have and the best people I know are people I've met through this Hobby and through miniature painting one of them is sitting across from me right now eventually I had to go back home with my own wife and dogs but hopping like Vince continued in earnest I wanted to cast some more bases for my great joy Army so I could finally base all these models that I've been painting one at a time and then this happened as if Vince himself was cursing me for paying something other than GW models I knew the moment I had showered ate if my painted Greyjoy characters in white opaque fast caring resin that my fate was pretty much sealed I hopelessly try to rinse off the resin with isopropyl and a soft brush thinking that the paint was strong enough to withstand some light brushing hoping that maybe the resin would rinse away but that just seemed to make everything worse chipping the cured resin off afterwards seemed to take the paint with it as well I think this particular day wasn't bad enough I also spilled my water cup all over my floor when I look around at other people I I really feel like I've accomplished almost nothing I always feel like the Horizon is so far away where they are versus where I am I think that's just because I'm never happy with what I accomplished I always read my failures stronger than my successes thousand people celebrate your work one person tells you it's junk you don't remember for the Thousand you remember the one right that started negativity bias there's still so much more to learn there's still so much more to do there's still so much more I want to accomplish and sometimes that can be a little demoralizing but most of the time it's not most of the time it's inspiring because I think awesome there's still a million miles ahead of me of road to explore this isn't going to run out I'm not going to get bored with it as we've all probably cycled through hobbies in our lives all miniature painters all of us are doing this I bet you had other Hobbies at some point and the road ran out on them you were done they were able to be done I don't know what done looks like here I want to keep going until I feel like until I feel like I understand where the magic is despite our failings and mistakes as hobbyists like dousing your painted models you spent two to four hours on each and smooth on liquid plastic it's important to relentlessly search for that magic with Vince's motivating words echoing in my head The Hobby and continued I finished up those cursed bases painted a unit of silenced men and drowned men but didn't finish them before my week was over because my painting setup isn't super great at my home at the moment I instead spent my time adding my own 3D supports to these models that came pre-supported the supports were trash I also did some experiments to see what size of the model would work best in my Army and I printed off a unit of 10. if you're curious what I'll be using these models for they'll be grave guard proxies in My Soul by graveyard Army for ages Sigmar all in all I hobbied for 60 hours over the course of a week and this is what I finished in that week it might feel really easy to be disheartened by this video you might compare yourself to Vince and think you don't have the tenacity to pursue the hobby like him you might think that because you don't paint Miniatures as a full-time job like I do you can never make progress on your armies in some cases it's true you're time to work on your creative projects for 60 hours in any given week but luckily for you and me this hobby doesn't exist in the Sprints I don't think you need to spend the amount of time I do to paint like I do what I do or whatever I think that it's just about deliberate practice using whatever time you have wisely painting can just be relaxing and you cannot be working on anything or learning anything that's fine there's nothing wrong with that but if advancement is the goal then use your time to the best of your ability even if you're just painting a bunch of dudes in a unit that's just some boring unit of 40 dudes then practice your blending on each one of those dudes or you're highlighting or set your level of contrast or practice your NMM or whatever I don't care what it is paying a little every day 30 minutes an hour something like that find the time set it aside and you'll Advance that's it if I were to spread out my 60 hours over the course of a month that's two hours of hopping a day which is more manageable would you be happy with this progress for two hours a day over the course of a month what if I painted one hour a day and accomplished less one of the things I hate about YouTube's effect on the hobby is that because us creators are focused on entertaining we frame The Hobby in intentionally ridiculous ways like for the purposes of spectacle in videos where I paint 38 hours straight or try to paint an Army in a weekend the problem with that is it doesn't represent the normal hobbyist it can make one feel like in order to make significant progress you must put in 20 hours over the weekend or 40 hours over the course of a week but that is patently false not only does it discourage people by putting a massive barrier in between us and our end goals but it teaches people the value the end result more than the process which makes the painting insufferable what else in your life are you more concerned with the outcome than the process maybe your job I don't know about you but I want to enjoy painting more and more focusing on what I'm able to accomplish in any given time frame or on my failures and inabilities as a hobbyist really sucks the life out of it this may seem obvious to you but sometimes I need to stare my painting demons in the face in order to realign with my actual goals living like Vince for a week taught me to enjoy the ride the road is as long as you want it to be may as well drive at whatever speed you want in whatever vehicle you desire thank you so much to Vince for inviting me into your home allowing me to film your space and your answers to my questions and for helping me to make this video if you want to support Vince and I'd really appreciate it if you did please check out his YouTube channel or pick up a copy of rain in Hell or space station zero a lot of both those things linked down in the description below that's gonna do it for this video guys hopefully you have a fantastic holiday season if you like my channel and you want to support it there are many ways to do that all things linked down in the description below don't forget to check out this week's sponsor Dragon Trappers Lodge yeah that'll do it subscribe or die and most importantly 204 kids [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Miniac
Views: 251,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniac, sdub, miniature, painting, miniature painting 101, miniature painting tutorials, vince, venturella, Keeping Up With the World's MOST PRODUCTIVE Mini Painter, vincey v, vincey con, productivity hack
Id: 1gnUruWX-GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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