Every Kayak Fisherman MUST HAVE these Kayak Upgrades - Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 - 6 Month Review

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[Music] good morning y'all welcome back to another episode of fishing this therapy boy get that therapy boy hey y'all i just want to come to y'all with a quick video all right quick but not so quick to give you all a six month update of my lifetime camera kayak i'll show you all that in a second i'm going to show you all what the things have changed things i've upgraded and adapted right to make life better last year i didn't get a chance to fish that much right it's only been about six months but this coming year spring is coming man y'all know what time it is it's crappie it's bluegill all right it's bass it's red ears you know what i mean that's that's my favorite taste of fish all right so especially bluegill number one pound for panel best fighting fish all right y'all i'm going to show you all the things i've upgraded and adapted so that you guys can maybe implement some of these things as well first off before i before i start y'all please do me a favor man like the video share it subscribe man grow to fish in this therapy family man y'all all right i appreciate all the love and all the support up until this point man we coming close on a thousand all right y'all all right man stay tuned all right y'all here we go man let's jump right into it i'm going to tell y'all one of my favorite my favorite upgrades man that i've done is buying this kayak um fishing it this is by a company named placino really good man it's very portable it floats y'all y'all know how hard it is to keep a you know your net fall overboard man thing i love about it you are i'm holding a mountain right now look boom look at that i can easily just open it just easily with one hand look at that and i got the one that extends so i'll have that linked in the description for y'all and right here on the screen look at that i love this thing floatable scoop to ky scoop the crappie scoop the bass anything of that nature really quick that's something you're gonna need guys that is something you're gonna need coming this spring especially when you're on the shallows don't miss your fish right but that's gonna hurt let's move on all right this is another one of my favorite upgrades i'm gonna just go ahead and say it all of these are my favorites right seven number one that made my life totally different you'll see that one in a second but this one here y'all this one is by yak gear it's called the brush gripper so it works like that right you take that thing and you clamp it around any brush right say for instance right here you clamp it boom and then man that keeps you in in place look how i have it hooked up on my kayak and it'll keep me in place right next to a downed tree you know limbs rocks anything like that so i don't have to always take out my my huge anchor but i can use that bad boy right there and to give you an upgrade man this seat still awesome okay no issues all right i do have my fish basket over there i put my pan fish in right still have my cooler right where i carry my drinks and put a couple of fish in when it's too hot outside what i did guys is i went ahead and i upgraded and i got me a light okay this is the atwood this is from academy sports okay this is so i can have light at nighttime you know early in the morning things like that at night if it's sunset it's gonna stay out there and all i did was add um a camping bulb here just for extra light but this extends to about that high i love it all right that's been one of my great uh things as well all right now what did i do to the kayak here so as you know lifetime comes with this mount here i enjoyed that it hasn't had any issues no no flaws that good job lifetime for that okay but what i did is i went to academy and i added another mount okay and uh this one is by yak gear uh rail zeala i mean real blazer sorry and this one here has been really good i've only had that one in there for a couple of weeks but i did that so i control on both ends with my with my fishing rods all right so i can target any species that nature and of course safety first i went ahead another academy sports pickup the magellan outdoors okay i love this thing because it has the high back right it has a high back for you so that you don't have any issues sitting comfortably for long periods of time so i go out on on the water prior from seven a.m to maybe sunset and i don't have any problem i've never complained about this and you add your sun shades there and i have my emergency whistle see i have emergency whistle here that's beautiful and also guys i recommend picking one of these up you can pick them up from walmart target or anything like that but this is a waterproof case for your cell phone you can hang it right off your life jacket and you can still receive calls you don't have to worry about your water taking a dunk because you know it's phones these days they're the gateway for a lot of things right all right another one i think everyone should have this is a kayak fisherman i bought this one online it's the march way uh forget exactly how many gallons this one holds um the capacity but this is a uh waterproof bag okay you can keep your keys your chargers anything underneath even if you have a firearm you can keep it in here guys attached to the front of kite that's what i do i just tuck it in right in the front up here underneath those straps boom and i'm on the water and i have a change of clothes here um some matches some lighter things like that if i take a spill i can warm up change my clothes anything of that nature so that's a must have guys to add there and of course you guys kind of see my thing right i'm working with the orange and green all right high visibility orange and the green i just because i like the color as you notice i'm wearing green as well all right so that's something that's been really good guys now let's back up a little bit here all right awesome so i went out and i returned my um garmin striker for why the reason being is because i wanted side imaging at the best budget price so i went out and got a garmin striker i mean garmin 7sv okay and this one has side view love this thing i've been using this one i haven't it was i haven't been able to use it a lot but i'm really enjoying it and i'm able to see in their docs i'm able to locate fish and man for this spring i've already located a ton of beds for where the bass and bluegill and everything will be better so that thing has been really helpful and i just have it in my um ammo can okay and you guys can check out the video on my channel for that as well you'll see a full review of everything like that how i have this actually set up and how i set it up all right this has been beautiful you just flip that arm over like that see drop it into the water pull it back up when you're done and also added a measuring tape right making sure i have all my limits all right the correct limits when i go different places in georgia you don't have to worry about that too much but on occasion and this year i'll be going over to wise lake which they have a 10 inch um crappie limit all right so be safe guys to get something like that all right and then i'm gonna do a full breakdown of this but this is one of my favorite things i got the werner skagit hooked kayak battle i think this is about the 150 or 160. all right i love this thing everyone has always said ditch the kayak paddle that comes with lifetime ditch the kayak paddle that comes with a lifetime camera i was like yeah all right we'll see man i tried to upgrade that thing and do all that no this is number one by far my best investment all right it was about i think it was a 110 got a local kayak shop guys i've been able to go miles and miles on that thing like no i can't lie to you guys i i mean i was getting tired with the other one i didn't feel like it would be a big difference right but really guys it really is no no seriously um i will kayak around lake alatumna for those who know from kellogg creek and man i get tired because i'm paddling pat especially on a little windy day a little bit but guys i upgraded to that i went out the other day i'm talking about two three four miles easy and i was actually like having fun like rolling it around on my lap you know it was beautiful so that is definitely an upgrade that you must have okay get an upgraded paddle this one is the werner series skagit hook series they got all colors right they got the green all that the camo i got the orange because i'm going with the orange and green thing and that's for high visibility for me all right so go with what works for you okay but upgrade the kayak pallet it will make a world of difference and like many people say when you review on youtube it is like yo it's like your vehicles like your wheels you want to make sure you got the best wheels to get you around it is your motor okay so make that investment it may sting at first but truly it's so light it's so easy i'll go over that on my next video all right in depth so you guys can understand what i'm talking about and does it even matter to you all right i'm not forcing you to do anything but i understand it's going to matter all right i know y'all i know y'all like all right chris i got all that i understand i showed y'all links show you where you can buy these things but what are you using like what rod are you using i upgraded too all right i haven't went that long i got 10 foot poles yet right but i got me a 8 foot and everything like that shout out to them boys crappie fishing right db outdoors thank you man i looked at your video i was able to see that you got a great fishing rod that you use this is the rod i got the eight foot because they didn't have every uh the ten foot online but i will be getting it i wanted to try this one out guys so what did i get the whopping stick all right yes sir yes sir and i went ahead and uh on this stick man this thing is limited man look at that look this look it is man it's so strong man it is so strong all right look and i got i got some red rooster custom jigs on there right got the red roosters so guys get one of these this is the eight foot model it fits right on my i mean it gives me a lot of space i have no issues with this thing so i would upgrade get you one of these whooping sticks great price 25 bucks i couldn't believe it and my my and my family gave me a 25 bass pro shots gift card so it was free for me free free god then i just added some uh some uh four pound mr crappie on here hi viz y'all see that so this one i'm gonna be running one of my favorite rods to get long casts you know me get right up on brush piles and things of that nature you get right up in the in the sticks down trees this would be that one all right and now for my doc shooting set up all right for my doc shooting what did i do wasn't playing i got a mr crappie slap shaker all right this model right here is uh um five foot this is a five foot a rod look once again really limber look at that the bend on that look at that okay this one i'm gonna use for doc shooting all right this one has a trilene this one has started strength mono on here this is four point a four pound line as well so i'll be using this for my doc shoot upgraded that as well because right now in the next week or two i want to get on lake lanier and find some dots that's holding crappie so you'll be seeing me using this with an upcoming future videos all right last thing guys for safety all right i'm big on safety i went ahead and i went to academy sports y'all can pick these up the bell these are famous all right the bell visibility flag see look and all i did was add a little pool little foam right there and stick it right into the back of my kayak cart boom right in one of the pole holders look at that i even had a little camouflage tape on there but this thing is so visible so easy it's cheap look and it's limber as well maybe i can use that as a fishing rod maybe but uh guys those are some of my upgrades i just want to let y'all know what i'm doing this year i went away from the big old green fishing net because when i would cast over my head man like i would that you know i would get hooks in here especially when i was going for bluegill or trying to you know you you know you go you pull the hook out of the water and bam and then those have just the regular uh threading um on the net this has the plastic coated one so i can get hooks out really easy man i just love how i can just push this down so easy you know i mean look at that just just bam like look look at that look oh man i'm gonna put this to you this thing gonna be this thing gonna be rugged when i finish with it so all right guys thanks for staying tuned all right i hope i see you guys out there on the water right until that time get that therapy boy fishing is there
Channel: Fishing Is Therapy
Views: 9,722
Rating: 4.9170985 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing Acworth & Allatoona, crappie fishing, crappie, big crappie, bass fishing, big bass, giant bass, outdoors, fishing, lake allatoona, fishing is therapy, lake lanier, delta fishing, catfishing, bluegill, redear sunfish, rockfishing, bay area fishing, Georgia fishing, lake acworth, catch and cook, therapy, entertainment, lake fishing, diy, kayak mods, lifetime tamarack 100 kayak, freshwater fishing, kayak fishing, kayak fishing for beginners, kayak fishing setup
Id: 0jfbGr09zBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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