Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak - Basic Upgrades & Mods

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on that link my name is Nick with NorCal round rail as you can see behind me we have our lifetime Tamarack angler 100 and I've owned this kayak now for about I think probably close to nine months I'm still really enjoying it but I'll be looking to upgrade hopefully soon but that being said out the box this is probably one of the best kayaks that you can get for the money I'll just argue that I mean especially if you're looking if your budgets not huge and you can only pay between you know 200 300 you can probably find some use it for even less than that this comes with a lot of functionality already in it to just get you in the water and bring a couple rods and be able to fish pretty nicely and comfortably out of it straight out of the box but that being said there's definitely some things that you should do to make your life much nicer on the water in this boat and I wanted to walk you through what I've done I took a lot of inspiration from other youtubers out there too who had done their specific upgrades to their boat and I also added some of mine the nice thing about this back here is you can probably get away with with purchasing the upgrades that I put on the boat for probably just at or slightly above a hundred bucks that's all that you need so I'll leave a link down the description below of everything that we go over in case you wanted to go ahead and and implement this on your lifetime Tamarack and yeah without further ado let's go ahead let's jump into these upgrades ok guys let's go ahead and let's talk from the bow to stern alright so obviously you have your you pull handle and your bungees I use this part up here as the paddle park there's also another paddle park over here that you can use but it's not necessary I don't think it really works well with the boat since the paddle it does come it does kind of hit the back where I got the wheels and the cart but anyways really nothing nothing too crazy up here other than the that we have the GoPro mount as you can see went ahead and installed this here in hindsight it probably would have been better to go ahead and install over here but you know this works out fine just given the field of view of the GoPro the reason being is because you get a Scottie mount rod holder here as you can see with the boat itself and when I first put this on I was like well here goes nothing because this is definitely stuck to the boat now and I didn't want this to block the field of view for the seat right so I want to be able to capture all the action so first thing that I did was I added on a little GoPro mount you can do it on either side no holes no anything super easy I'll leave a link up in the description here of the last kayak video that I did you can see that field of view with position the camera right here right by the bungees so as mentioned you get a Scottie mount rod holder comes standard with the boat okay this has been a great great piece of equipment to include with the purchase of the boat you get this this is already rigged so all you have to do is just install the the the mount and it just comes right off just put it in the cart whenever I'm going to go travel and then put it back on the boat whenever I'm about to get back on the water here is kind of where I went ahead and actually did the majority of my most substantial upgrades I'll say so first being the seat you have to do this on this boat when you buy this boat you get a seat already in this which is awesome right most boats with this price price range you just going to get plastic but you get some padding there with a high back but you should pick up a stadium seat it really has made all the difference I got this idea from one of the local youtubers actually around me who started with the Tamarack mom and outdoors I'll leave a link for him in the description below you can go check him out because his Tamarack that he when he was fishing out of this boat it was pretty impressive he had a fish finder on it and everything really awesome stuff not gonna do that on mine oops don't want to knock over well that just happened is she should stop right behind here we'll go ahead and we'll show it but these skipper plugs all right DIY skipper plugs all you need is just a foam golf ball all right drill and some paracord and you're set to go these things fit perfectly in the holes they do just fine don't spend any extra money on skipper plugs at any of the stores if you don't have to the next big upgrade that I did was actually adding this tray here there's not enough space up front in the boat for you to start working on on certain things so like when you need to change out lers when you need to go ahead and and you want to keep your phone up there anything else you know snacks whatever it's just nice to have a tray to keep everything together because if not you're stuck with your cup holder and it's just kind of some I feel like it's just it was a poorly designed use of the space probably the biggest I don't want to say the biggest but the best upgrade that I've made is adding this little utility pouch that's just velcroed right here to the boat so literally I'll transport you know everything through the back over here all right the tray this the Scottie mount etc all castes in the tray whenever I transport everything but when I'm on the water I don't want to have to keep reaching around behind the seat to grab everything I mean the boats stable but it's not it's not the most stable boat right you're gonna find so me being a bigger dude and turning around in the boat isn't too bad but it's not it's not the most advantageous we'll just let's just say that you're gonna rock on this boat a little bit and so you have to be very careful when you do that yet again we're gonna drop the rods so this utility pouch has been the biggest lifesaver because I got everything in here as you can see I have cutters that are attached and it's on a little retractable little guy so I can move it around wherever I need to on the right hand side left hand side without taking this pouch off to go ahead cut the line change out the lures fish rippers pliers some sent and you can go ahead with this you can mount it vertical if you wanted or Matt I like that that thing's not moving at all when you're on the water which is great so it's nice having something easily accessible just directly to the left of my leg so I can grab all my tools right so let's let's go ahead let's move around this way but I also went ahead and I added a decal ruler to be honest I'm currently use this this much but it's nice to have you know you want to be able to measure the fish and yeah it's just good I feel like the catch boards I have one over here you can see down there it's a little bit too big for me I don't want to keep it in the back of the boat and risk losing it even though I know you can make them floatable but yeah that's just my personal preference I'd rather less just more especially in this boat because it's not you have to maximize however much space you got and you're gonna use and it's pretty limited but you can definitely definitely get a lot out of it so going back here into the crate this is just your simple crate right in it I normally just travel with two tackle boxes I keep a backpack that's actually carabiner you can't see it on this side but it's attached to the crate so I'm not gonna lose it and in here I also just keep you know a whole bag of soft plastics which I fish with a lot so it's easy from just turn around just grab the bag all right and I got this up here and then I can keep a couple bags in the tray then I'm gonna be using and I'm good to go you know and then additionally you have this connection point here this anchor point on the back so I just string two bungees through the crate all right and as you can see through here I just attach them to the back bungee underneath these top ones so the top bungee just kind of cradles the bottom of the crate and the bungees they keep it pretty secure and then lastly of course you got the cart and the cart fits perfectly this is just straight off of Amazon I just keep it attached straight to the crate with two bungee cords it's a little loose but that thing's not going anywhere I've never had any problems with that at all whatsoever I'll pretty much rig this all at the car exactly as is just put the rods horizontally on the boat and grab the handle and I'm good to go so overall I mean as I mentioned you can get all of all of this for probably just a little north of 100 you can probably do even better right this here is just Tupperware I literally just took a Tupperware with a gasket seal on it so actually if I wanted to put the top on have a watertight seal that'd be fine I didn't go over this but this is just velcroed on right super easy super easy velcro is gonna be your best friend with this so you don't need to drill any holes this utility pouch just probably like anywhere between seven to ten maybe maximum twelve bucks just at Home Depot right local hardware store easy to get decal here was probably five bucks the seats probably gonna be the most expensive item that you are going to purchase this you can find them on sale you know for twenty bucks I picked mine up for about 3035 I think on Amazon and then the milk crate just for Mamta's I mean sorry not Amazon from Home Depot and the bungees Home Depot then the cart can also be a little pricey but you can find them on Amazon for like you know 30 40 bucks you're going to become well with the seat yeah you can make additions to give you access to the items you need the tools you need right measure the fish you can record everything so you can share it with all your friends and be the coolest fisherman ever and yeah and you got enough storage in the tank well to fit a milk crate and also a cart nothing too crazy on this boat but this here is definitely going to give you you know some some good functionality on the water and give you a little bit of extra time especially with the comfortability with the seat and also to having some of the stuff up front that are easily accessible it's gonna make your time on the water much more enjoyable I think the top three items that you do to your boat is the utility tray up front just velcro that the utility pouch right to the left or right whichever you prefer and then additionally to the sea everything else is pretty standard you see on another kayak but those especially just from my experience are gonna really make your life that which one do I have on the water so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you also have a tam rack and you've done some similar upgrades or you've done some different things to that you think would be helpful leave them in the comments below and that we can get the discussion going so thanks again for tuning in I'll see you guys on the next video you
Channel: Nor Cal Rod & Reel
Views: 114,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime tamarack basic upgrades, lifetime tamarack basic mods, lifetime kayak mods, lifetime tamarack mods, tamarack 100 angler mods, lifetime tamarack angler 100 upgrades, lifetime tamarack upgrades, tamarack angler kayak mods, lifetime tamarack angler upgrades, lifetime kayak upgrades, tamarack angler kayak, lifetime tamarack 10' angler kayak mods, lifetime tamarack 10' angler kayak, lifetime tamarack, lifetime tamarack angler 100 fishing kayak, tamarack 100 angler
Id: 1xd5s1HZzU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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