Every Hogwarts Headmaster in History (All 28) - Harry Potter Explained

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foreign welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory the Headmasters of Hogwarts were some of the most interesting Wizards and witches in the world some were expert potioneers some were Lightning Fast Duelists and some even were experts on dark magic who were they and what did they contribute to the Hogwarts Legacy we'll answer these questions and More in today's video number one first Headmaster of Hogwarts although Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded in 990 A.D it didn't start with a Headmaster at that time the four co-founders godra Gryffindor Rowena ravencore Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Southern oversawed the school's Administration but by the following Century that changed as well as us that they're in departed leaving the management of his house in disarray it was likely during the aftermath of Sutherland's untimely self-exile that the other aging co-founders hired someone to help run the school this was the first Headmaster of Hogwarts but unfortunately we don't know much about him All That Remains the golden brass statue that was molded in his honor 2. Brian gagwild the next Headmaster to show up in historical Records Was a professor by the name of Brian gagwild in his portrait which hangs inside Hogwarts headmaster's office shows that gag Wilde was a particularly unique looking wizard he wore a bright orange ConEd cap a bright green tunic and a maroon scarf he was likely born in England although Scotland and Ireland also produced many of the professors who would later work at Hogwarts gagwan's lasting contribution to the Wizarding World was a book published by Luca books called chicory pokery and Hocus Pocus a textbook that focused on mischievous spells 3. heliotrope Wilkins presumably the next Headmaster of Hogwart was a wedge named heliotrope Wilkins her impact on the Wizarding World was even less than Brian gagwilds as they had mistress heliotrope continued Hogwarts strong tradition of treating witches and wizards equally which contrasted quite a bit with the Muggle world of the time 4. philadelpore was a noble woman and had Mistress of Hogwarts sometime in the 1400s she wore a striking gold brooch with a dark purple stone gem nestled inside with her long black hair and iconic dark mole she bore a striking resemblance to a later Hogwarts and master Severus Snape ball was quite an active academic and produced a textbook for herbology class titled 1000 magical herbs and fungi 5. Odessa second Denberg the next Headmaster appears in the 1500s edessa second Denberg a headmistress of British Heritage served Hogwarts for a few decades during that Century According to some reports edessa contributed a great deal to textbooks on Michael history and if you take one look at her portrait you can see that she was quite an imposing witch and possibly a skilled potions Master 6. fiddly under Cliff fiddly Undercliff was another Headmaster of the 16th century with a massive Whitebeard a tool wizard's hat and a dark brown staff thitherly looks every bit the part of a medieval wizard during his time as Headmaster he often sported ornate rings on his hands and a golden chain that held a series of rings on its end we can't be sure if these were powerful magical relics or simple heirlooms but it's entirely possible that they possessed some intrinsic magical properties bitterly also had a strange connection with Christian angels on his portrait at Hogwarts the order of all eight Angels were written above His image 7. Antonia chrisworthy Antonia chrisworthy was a witch born in 1609 who lived for nearly 200 years at some point in her lengthy life Antonia became a professor and then had mistress at Hogwarts Antonia like edessa before her was also a noble woman she has no textbooks credited to her name but she often was a great source of ancient news and gossip when students sought old daily Prophet stories Antonia's portrait was able to recite the news as if it were only yesterday 8. Elizabeth Burke Elizabeth Burke is the next headmistress that appears in historical records even though her time as an administrator at Hogwarts wasn't particularly memorable Berks left quite a mark on Harry Potter's peers her portrait which rotated around the school each year often shouted about the superiority of pure Bloods and the Excellence of Slytherin students 9. Gifford Abbott Gifford Abbott was a British wizard former Hogwarts student and former Headmaster of the school sometime after Burke and chrisworthy's tenure in his portrait he's shown alongside a high-shouldered Hound which was strangely unique for Headmasters they were rarely depicted with pets so Abbott must have been a dog Enthusiast during his life when he was initially sorted by the Sorting Hat he was placed into Hufflepuff making him one of the rare Headmasters to graduate from that house 10. volpus volpus is the next Headmaster listed in historical records but just like so many others not much is known about the deceased Wizard and when we turn to his portraits we're left with even more questions than when we started as volpus's vampiric appearance makes us wonder if he was afflicted with any magical maladies 11. vindictus Viridian thankfully the next Headmaster our list vindictus Viridian achieved a great deal during his life so we'll have a lot to talk about according to historian's best guesses Viridian was born sometime in the 17th century and might have joined her Court staff during the 1800s as a teacher he became quite skilled at potion making and used that talent to instruct children at Hogwarts he was also quite the writer during his time in Academia he created an odd little book one that would have been more at home and Harpo The fowl's home rather than the headmaster's office the book was titled curses into counter curses bewitch your friends and befuddle your enemies with the latest revenges hair loss jelly legs tongue tying and much much more the text must have made him popular among students who never seemed to relent in teasing their peers 12. amro's SWAT sometime later amro's SWAT was listed as another Headmaster at Hogwarts unfortunately SWAT must have lived an uninteresting life because he barely fills a page in the histories but there is one interesting tidbit to take from Swant on his portrait the phrase Aura elabora is inscribed that line taken from the Benedictine monks of the Middle Ages meant that simply sitting around and praying or studying could never replace good honest work with such a practical mindset it wouldn't surprise me if amro's SWAT was a popular Headmaster amongst the students of the era 13. Dillis Derwent Dillis Derwent was a powerful magical healer and an employee of Saint mungo's Hospital for Magical Melodies and injuries eventually she went on to become a headmistress at Hogwarts although her career path wasn't the most conventional one Derwent was quite a success her students and the other faculty members at the school were enamored with derwins so much so that even during Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts Derwent was fondly remembered as one of the greatest teachers the school had ever had and since Hogwarts didn't really provide the most accurate dates Dallas Derwent might have actually predated some of the other Wizards on this list According to some she died in the mid to late 18th century 14. everard had Master everard just like dilis was another much beloved Headmaster from Hogwarts history just like the other members of this list we're not really certain when he lived but if you take a look at his portrait the clothes that he wears give us a few hints based on his style of hat and coat he probably served as a Headmaster sometime in the late 1700s to mid-1800s 15. eupraxia mole eupraxia mole became the headmistress of Hogwarts sometime in the late 1800s as they had mistress during the mughals second era of industrialization eupraxia stood as a symbolic break against the storm of Technology although much of the Wizarding World remained oblivious it would only be a matter of time before the devices the Muggles created during this era would come to affect the World At Large 16. Quentin Trimble Quentin Trimble was the Headmaster of Hogwarts sometime after eupraxia mole as a member of Hogwarts faculty Quentin was renowned for his knowledge of dark magic and he even penned the text the dark Forces a guide to self-protection that book became the basis for all future defense against the dark arts classes 17. limbert another Headmaster of the era was simply known as Professor limbert unfortunately he doesn't have any textbooks credited to his name so we don't know much about him based on his portrait he might have actually been fairly Young when he took on the role of Headmaster but that is the only interesting tidbit that we could guess at 18. Dexter Fortescue Dexter Fortescue was a Headmaster during the same era and just like limbert his time at Hogwarts is a great mystery but luckily for us one of Dexter's ascendants lived during Harry's time at school his name was Florian Fortescue and he owned a famous ice cream shop alongside the other magical stores in Diagon Alley as a store owner Florian was a kind-hearted soul and even tended to Harry at times before Lord Voldemort had the shop owner killed 19. basil franzak basil franzak was a Headmaster at Hogwarts during the 19th century and interestingly there's a striking resemblance to Professor Dumbledore with half moon spectacles a long Gray beard and a tall black cat basil looks like a quintessential old kind wizard basil studied in Ravenclaw when he was a student at Hogwarts and as a Headmaster favored that house whenever an issue arose 20. Walter Aragon Walter Aragon was Headmaster of Hogwarts during the late 19th early 20th century but while becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts is an achievement of Epic Proportions that certainly wasn't all that arrogant a very driven wizard was able to achieve in his lifetime in fact Aragon a clear academic was also a published author and chess champion his interest in the care of magical creatures led him to authoring a book entitled newts of bognor and his love for chess meant that he would eventually have a chess competition named after him Walter died before 1943 but after his death his portrait was hung at the grand staircase as well as inside the headmaster's office 21 modicus Ang there is a portrait of a man named mordika headmaster's office but we don't know if it's the same mordecas AG we have information on from Canon it's entirely possible that Headmaster Monica zag was an entirely different mordec than the one I'm about to discuss Monica's egg as we know him was a wizard in Hogwarts resident muggle expert going on to author the philosophy of the mundane why the Muggles prefer not to know and cooking the Muggle way provided that this monarchist was at Hogwarts as late as 1993. it's unlikely that he is the same motocus who once acted as Headmaster but that's still unclear unless AG was exceptionally old I don't see how he could have served as Headmaster in a time period that isn't already spoken for my other Headmasters 22. Brutus scrimger Brutus scrimga who was more than likely a distant relative of Rufus scrimga served as Headmaster of Hogwarts during the 19th or 20th century dates are unclear scrim girl was known to have been a huge quidditch fan with quidditch even becoming a part of his legacy going on to write the beta's Bible it's likely that scrim girl was a beat himself at one point at least I'd hope so scrimgo was immortalized in the form of several portraits hung throughout Hogwarts Castle one portrait which was hung in the Hogwarts trophy room had a secret passage to the fourth floor opened by the password BT pacifici another of his portraits was hung in the headmaster's office 23. Phineas nigellous black Phineas nigellus black of the infamous House of black was born in 1847 and it became one of the most influential members of the family to ever live as most blacks would Phineas attended Hogwarts and once of course placed into house Slytherin Phineas was also very vocal in carrying on another family tradition his hatred for Muggle and mud Bloods after he graduated from Hogwarts around the year 1865 Phineas married Ursula Flint together they had five children when he wasn't conceiving children Phineas became a professional teacher passing on all that he had learned the next generation of wizards and witches his talent eventually pulled him to Hogwarts but it's hard to know how effective he was as a teacher when it comes to Black's teaching style the record books simply point out that he hated his job and he hated the children that didn't stop him from achieving success though as he eventually Rose to the position of Headmaster Phineas nigellus black went down in history as the least liked master that Hogwarts ever had at least according to his great-great-grandson Sirius 24. Armando dipit Armando dipit Dumbledore's predecessor as Headmaster was born in the year 1637 and lived to the Staggering age of 355 making him one of the oldest Wizards in Wizarding history according to Dumbledore when dippit left the position between 1965 and 1971 he was nearly bald and somewhat feeble for 355 I'd certainly hope so dippit served as Headmaster for a few decades starting somewhere between 1940 and remaining in the position until possibly the early 70s dipit can be easily remembered as the serving and master during Tom Riddle's time at the school the same time that the Chamber of Secrets was being opened and students were being attacked dipit was also infamously responsible for the expulsion of rubius Hagrid after his death dip it much like other Headmasters was immortalized in a portrait hung inside the headmaster's office 25. Albus Dumbledore the man that needs no introduction Dumbledore was in my opinion the greatest Headmaster to you ever hold the title he served with distinction from 1971 to 1997 with a few little hiccups and suspensions along the way but during those years he made a considerable impact on some of the most important students and staff that would ever exist in the Wizarding World El fias Doge put it best Albus Dumbledore was ever proud or vain he could find something to value in anyone however apparently insignificant or wretched and I believe that his early losses endowed him with great humanity and sympathy 26. Dolores Umbridge in 1995 disaster struck Hogwarts before you see it was this year that Umbridge was appointed as the new defense against the dark arts Professor Umbridge was a poor teacher mainly because she taught her own biased and ineffective curriculum however she didn't act in this role alone for long as she was eventually appointed as Hogwarts first ever high Inquisitor a position that she used to harass students and peers however this power still wasn't enough for Umbridge as Dumbledore was still technically in charge he was Headmaster during this time the ministry namely fudge and Dumbledore were continually butting hands the fight was lashing out he was blinded by fear and in utter denial that the Dark Lord Voldemort had returned Dumbledore continually tried to convince verge of the truth but his efforts were futile and fudge continued to punish Dumbledore in whatever way he could eventually Dolores Umbridge and her inquisitorial Squad discovered the headquarters of Dumbledore's Army in the room of requirement Dumbledore's Army was of course formed by Harry and had nothing to do with Dumbledore but with Dumbledore's name in the group's name fingers started to get pointed at him Dumbledore happily took responsibility for the formation of the group claiming that it was all his idea and that no student should be punished in his place after a minor scuffle with Umbridge some auras and find Dumbledore eventually left her Goods this left the school without a Headmaster at this point Umbridge passed educational decree number 28 which effectively replaced Dumbledore with umbrage Umbridge was headmistress of Hogwarts however when irrefutable evidence came to light pointing to Voldemort's return Dumbledore was reappointed as Headmaster and much to the joy of the Hogwarts population Umbridge no longer had anything to do with the school 27. Severus Snape Severus Snape served as Headmaster during the 97-98 school year it was a dark time Dumbledore had just died Voldemort and his Death Eaters had taken over Hogwarts and the ministry muggleborns weren't allowed to attend Hogwarts and students were being punished with unforgivable curses what a Time Snape's brawler said Master ended when Harry Hermione and Ron who would return to the school rallied the students and staff against Snape and his new cohort a jewel then erupted between Snape and McGonagall with Snape eventually jumping out of a classroom window Snape was still acting as a double agent at this time and I don't expect that he would have wanted to hurt anyone so fleeing was probably the best option 28 Minerva McGonagall Minerva McGonagall served as the Transfiguration professor of Hogwarts for many years also acting as stand-in Headmaster during Dumbledore's um suspensions after Dumbledore's death McGonagall served had Master Severus Snape who had been appointed by Voldemort and the Death Eaters however after Snape had been effectively ousted from the school McGonagall took over the position after the war had ended McGonagall was offered the order of Merlin First Class by the new Minister for magic Kingsley shacklebold and just four short months after that McGonagall who was more suitable for the role than anyone was properly appointed as the new Hogwarts admistress McGonagall presided over Court students beginning with the 1998 to 1999 school year and after her promotion moved into Dumbledore's old quarters as she had given up her Transfiguration posting she was now responsible for among other things finding her replacement you might also remember that McGonagall served as a special messenger for Hogwarts and would travel to the homes of prospective muggle-born students and inform their families of their child's magical abilities this task was eventually handed off to rubius Hagrid which is questionable given his immense size and initial shock value and that's it for this video did you know about all of these Headmasters which were new names for you leave a comment down below until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forgets and to live [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, lord voldemort, harry potter spells, top 5, hermione granger, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter folkore, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, every hogwarts headmaster, hogwarts, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts founders, salazar slytherin, chamber of secrets, headmasters portraits, deleted scene, easter egg, dumbledore, umbridge, snape, sirius black, battle of hogwarts, mcgonagall
Id: rLqQQ84YN8Y
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Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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