All 25 Subjects Taught at Hogwarts - Harry Potter Explained

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hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing every single subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry I covered this topic a few years ago but then it occurred to me that with new Publications on as well as new game content the list probably needed updating which it did this also gives me an opportunity to expand on existing subjects further before we get going see if you can comment all of the subjects down below no cheating anyway I won't dawdle any longer here are the 25 subjects of Hogwarts core classes 1. astronomy astronomy classes take place in the astronomy Tower and are taught by Professor Aurora sinistra much like in the Muggle World these astronomy lessons surround the observations of the night sky via telescopes homework for this class involves learning the names of stars constellations and planets as well as the location movements and environments astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena it uses mathematics physics and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution objects of Interest include planets moons Stars nebula galaxies and comets as magical concepts are not necessarily applicable in this class the subject doesn't deviate much from the Muggle version of the subject astronomy is a required class for the first five years of study and is optional in the last two two charms charms are spells that add different properties to objects or individuals in this class students learn various incantations wand movements and the proper concentration needed to cast a wide range of spells these spells can include levitation summoning objects creating protective enchantments and more jumps classes are notoriously noisy and care chaotic and the lessons are very practical you may remember the it's Lefty Osa not Leviosa seen between Ron and Hermione which occurred in charm's class glasses are held in the Chum's Corridor and the subject is taught by the cheerful and talented Professor philius Flitwick 3. defense against the dark arts defense against the dark arts Dada is a class that teaches students techniques to defend themselves against dark creatures curses and other malicious magic the curriculum covers a wide range of topics including recognized and repelling dark creatures identifying and countering curses and learning new protective spells Dada is considered an essential subject for young witches and wizards due to the potential dangers they may face in the magical world the turnover for instructors in the subject is extremely high with no professors lasting more than one consecutive school year this is because Voldemort cursed the role after being rejected the position by Albus Dumbledore some notable professors of this subject include Snape Lockhart and Remus lupine 4. herbology apology is the study of magical plants and fungi including their care uses and properties students learn to identify various magical plants understand their growth in care requirements and recognize the potential dangers associated with some species they also studied the many applications of magical plants in potion making spell casting and other areas of magic herbology classes are held in the Hogwarts greenhouses and the subject is taught by the knowledgeable and nurturing Professor pomonas Sprout though herbology is a magical subject that deals with magical plants and materials it's also worth noting that the Hogwarts greenhouses also house muggle plants which makes this subject doubly useful 5. History of Magic the history of magic class involves the study of magical history including important events people and discoveries students learn about the founding of Hogwarts the history of the Wizarding World the evolution of magical goals and the lives of famous witches and wizards the subject provides a comprehensive understanding of the magical world's past which helps students appreciate the context for their magical education at least that is the desired outcome typically the professor for this class Cuthbert bins falls short on his delivery his lessons are described as being immensely boring involving only lectures given without pause about significant events in Wizarding history interestingly Professor Cuthbert bins is actually a ghost this is because when he died he simply got up and continued teaching as if nothing had changed reading materials include a history of magic written by Matilda bankshot 6. potions potions is the art of creating magical concoctions and elixirs by using various ingredients students learn to brew a wide range of potions from simple remedies like the cure for boils to more complex and Powerful mixtures like the Polyjuice Potion they also study the properties of various magical ingredients and learn the precise techniques required for successful potion making potion making is a very methodical process that requires the correct mixing and stirring of ingredients at the right times and temperatures potions classes are held in the Hogwarts dungeons notable professors include Severus Snape and later Horus Slughorn 7. Transfiguration Transfiguration is a very broad branch of magic that deals with the changing form and appearance of objects animals and people students learn a variety of spells and techniques to transform one thing into another as they progress students tackle more complex and challenging Transformations including human Transfiguration and conjuration it's worth noting that it's a heavily theory-based subject that involves a multitude of skill sets limitations on Transfiguration are outlined by gamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration notable professors include Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore who was an expert in the field as well as Professor Minerva McGonagall eight care of magical creatures and care of magical creatures is an elective subject that teaches students about various magical creatures their habits and how to care for them the curriculum covers a wide range of creatures from relatively harmless ones like Flubber worms and bowtractles two more dangerous species like hippogriffs and blast ended screws students learn to identify handle and care for these creatures as well as understand their roles in the magical world classes are held Outdoors often in the Hogwarts grounds or the Forbidden Forest and the subject is taught by the enthusiastic and passionate Professor rubius hangrid other notable professors include Wilhelmina grubbly Plank and Sylvanas kettleburn 9. divination divination is an elective subject that introduces students to the practice of predicting the future using various magical methods the subject covers a range of divination techniques including Tea Leaf reading fire Omens crystal balls palmistry cartomancy astrology and dream interpretations students also learn about the history and theory of divination as well as limitations and controversies surrounding its practice divination receives considerable scrutiny from other professors and its legitimacy is constantly in question it is described by Professor McGonagall as one of the most imprecise branches of magic glasses are held in a classroom at the top of the North Tower filled with mystical and Atmospheric decorations notable professors include The Eccentric and dramatic Professor Sybil trolloni as well as the centaur forenze 10. Muckle studies Muckle studies is an elective subject that teaches students about the non-magical world its culture and its technology students learn to understand and appreciate the differences between the magical and non-magical worlds as well as the importance of maintaining the international statute of Wizarding secrecy the class was taught by Professor charity Burbidge and a very different version of it was later taught by electrocaro this overarching subject can be sub-categorized in 2 11 muggle art muggle art is an extracurricular subject at Hogwarts that teaches students about the various forms of non-magical art such as painting drawing sculpture and photography the curriculum covers a wide range of topics including art history artistic techniques and the exploration of different mediums and styles students learn to appreciate the creativity and skill involved in muggle Arts as well as how it differs from magical art which often includes enchantments and moving elements 12. muggle music muggle music is another extracurricular subject at Hogwarts that focuses on the study and practice of non-magical Music students learn about various genres Styles and eras of muggle music as well as the instruments and techniques used to create it the curriculum covers topics such as music theory composition and performance allowing students to develop their musical abilities and appreciation for muggle music 13. study of ancient runes a study for ancient runes is an elective subject that focuses on the study of ancient magical scripts and languages students learn to read translate and interpret various runic texts as well as understand the magical properties and uses of runes in spell casting and enchantments the subject provides a deeper understanding of the magical world's history and the development of magical knowledge study of ancient runes classes are held in a classroom in the ancient runes Corridor and the subject is taught by babbling 14. arithmancy arithmancy is an elective subject at Hogwarts that teaches students about the magical properties of numbers and the use of numerology in spellcasting and divination the curriculum covers topics such as number symbolism mathematical equations and the relationships between numbers and magical phenomena it's Hermione's favorite subject and there is an advanced offering for the class the class is taught by Septima vector and is held in classroom 7A on the Hogwarts Castle's seventh floor 15. Alchemy Alchemy is an advanced and sort of composite subject which mixes Transfiguration potions and muggle chemistry it teaches students about the disciplines of an ancient magic the study of the four basic elements via earth water air and how to manipulate them for the purpose of transmuting substances students also learn about the history of alchemy its influence on magical knowledge and the techniques require mind to perform successful transmutations it's worth mentioning that Alchemy isn't taught to everyone with stating that only some students are allowed to study Alchemy and receive special instruction other classes 16. dark arts not to be confused with defense against the dark arts dark arts was a rather taboo subject which was mandatory for all students during the 1997 to 1998 school year it replaced defense against the dark arts that year the subject focuses on the study and practice of Dark Magic including the use of cursors hexes and jinxers as well as the control and manipulation of dark creatures students are taught to embrace the power of dark magic often using it to inflict harm and control others Amicus Caro is the professor 17. flying flying teaches students the basics of broomstick flying and control the curriculum covers topics such as proper mounting techniques about balance steering and speed control as well as the rules and regulations surrounding broomstick use in the Wizarding World students learn to master their flying skills which are essential for various magical activities such as playing quidditch or traveling by broomstick flying classes are held outdoors in the Hogwarts grounds and the subject is taught by Madame Rolanda huge who is also the referee for Hogwarts quidditch matches it's worth noting that this class does not teach unsupported flight AKA flight without the use of a broomstick extracurricular subjects 18 ancient studies ancient studies is an elective subject to Hogwarts that focuses on the history culture and magical practices of ancient civilizations the curriculum covers topics such as ancient Egyptian Greek and Roman magic as well as the study of historical artifacts magical customs and early forms of spellcasting students gain a deeper understanding of the roots of modern magical knowledge and the development of magical societies 19. art art is an extracurricular subject at Hogwarts that allows students to explore their creativity through various forms of visual expression including painting drawing and sculpture a distinction should be made between art and muggle art as the ordinary art class bears magical undertones remember magical portraits they use magical paint in this class students learn to develop their artistic abilities and appreciate the role of Art in magical culture 20. field studies field studies is an extracurricular subject at Hogwarts that encourages students to explore the magical world through Hands-On experiences and outdoor activities the curriculum covers topics such as magical creatures magical plants and various magical locations students learn to apply their magical knowledge in real world situations and gain a better understanding of the magical world through direct Ops observation and interaction field Studies classes are held outdoors and may be led by various Hogwarts professors depending on the specific area of focus this is a relatively new subject introduced in 2010 21 ghoul studies ghoul studies is an elective subject at Hogwarts that teaches students about ghouls a category of magical creature that includes vampires and poltergeists the curriculum covers topics such as ghoul biology behavior and habitat as well as methods for dealing with ghouls and understanding their role in magical folklore students learn to identify interact with and manage goals in a safe and responsible manner the class is taught in the serpentine Corridor located in the Hogwarts Terrace Magnus 22. magical Theory magical theory is a subject of Hogwarts that provides students with a foundational understanding of the principles and mechanics of magic taking a look at Magic from a theoretical standpoint the curriculum covers topics such as the nature of magical power the laws governing magical energy and the theoretical basis for spell casting and potion making with this class students learn the underlying Concepts that inform their practical magical education and develop a deeper appreciation for the complexity of magic reading materials for this class include the book magical Theory 23 music not to be confused with muggle music music is an extracurricular subject at Hogwarts that teaches students the fundamentals of magical music including the study of magical instruments Enchanted compositions and the role of Music in magical culture the curriculum covers topics such as music theory composition and performance allowing students to develop their musical abilities and appreciation for magical music 24. xylomancy xylomancy is an elective subject at Hogwarts that teaches students the art of divination using twigs and wooden objects it is considered to be often overlooked the curriculum covers topics such as the symbolism of different types of wood the interpretation of twig formations and the application of xylomancy in predicting future events or understanding the present 25 Apparition operation is an optional 12-week specialized class at Hogwarts that teaches students the magical skill of teleportation allowing them to instantly transport themselves from one location to another the class is only available to students who are 17 years old or older the curriculum covers topics such as the 3DS of apparition destination determination and deliberation which are essential for successful Apparition students learn to visualize their design destination Focus their determination on reaching that location and deliberately execute the necessary magical steps to achieve Apparition a Apparition classes are typically held in a large open space within Hogwarts such as the Great Hall to provide ample room for students to practice their skills the class is taught by Ministry of magic Apparition instructor who is specially trained and certified to teach this Advanced magical skill in the series Wilkie twycross is The Apparition instructor who comes to Hogwarts to teach the students and that concludes all of the classes taught at Hogwarts however what's also worth diving into is the education that students receive prior to attending hog courts without a proper academic base some of these classes simply wouldn't be accessible by the time most students have started at the magical school odds are they've already received some level of Education either through homeschooling or attending muggle primary school and it's through this introduction to schooling and the establishment of their foundational knowledge that students are able to find increased value in magical subjects using English as an example we can link lots of magical careers that would rely heavily on this subject journalists for the daily Prophet head of the aura office politicians like the minister of magic all of these professions would seemingly require a higher than Primary School knowledge of English the skill of writing is reinforced at Hogwarts through essay writing but it's important to note that most of this subject matter is magical not muggle so my thought is that these foundational subjects are mixed into the curriculum wherever possible or applicable I'd imagine that maybe they just aren't discussed because they're not particularly exciting whichever way you look at it some professions are going to require maths English and or science whether they're magical in nature or not so it makes no sense that students would grow into adulthood with no knowledge of these subjects Ganon never actually dictates how a magical child would receive Advanced instruction in maths or science at Hogwarts and while I don't feel that there's necessarily A huge emphasis on these topics in the curriculum I think that there is perhaps more happening behind the scenes than we are aware of additionally I would expect that those who desire to learn more about these subjects would have the opportunity to do so through apprenticeships or perhaps in some instances through tailored instruction hopefully that clears up the entire education of a Hogwarts graduate and gives you some improved insights into the Hogwarts curriculum if you think I missed something please let me know down below until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live [Music] foreign
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 167,487
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, hogwarts, chamber of secrets, voldemort, godric, rowena, helga, salazar, tom riddle, death eaters, history, folklore, hidden details, easter egg, theory, behind the scenes, dumbledore, snape, spells, magic schools, rooms, secret, classroom, subjects, legacy, deathly hallows, grindelwald, all subjects
Id: 516kF32Z9vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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