Every F1 Driver's Weakness | PART 2

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I cannot believe it guys I am finally doing it part two of every F1 driver's weakness I have finally found time to work on this video and obviously if you haven't checked out part one look into the comment section as it covers Sid from Ice Age the surprise Pikachu Perez the soon to be professional tennis player the Viking The Incredible Hulk the guy who says nah I'd win but loses horribly the guy from Cars 2 George Washington the French guy some people don't like and the mentally ill but superbly loyal Ferrari driver [Applause] I I'm stupid I I'm stupid either they are ready to be uh into depressing music then I'm probably the one to go to but anyways let's get into some of your favorite F1 drivers and their biggest weaknesses today SL gently and a small kiss of the barrier very very fortunately final Podium place on the last lap and still pushing the wind off George Russell into the ball before he got to the curve there off the Apex curb and he hit the Apex curb a little bit as well which [Music] is in the long way round Norris goes the long way round Onis again no with Louis Hamilton Alex Alan is easily one of the nicest drivers on the grid and it's honestly very hard to not like the guy but despite his nice guy personality his main weakness is being in a Williams now no offense to the team at all they've been performing much better than they were before but Alex has developed his skills to such an impressive caliber that I think a Williams just isn't enough to display how fast he really is it's like with Nico hulkenberg all over again you know Alex can bring the car to positions that most drivers just cannot do but with what the car has to offer he can only go so far in terms of getting a good race result Alex has improved so much ever since his Red Bull days and he just deserves a car that is so much more powerful that it doesn't hold back his actual true skill we might see that in the future with him possibly going to Mercedes in 2025 it's so quick it can destroy your entire [Music] face but anyways Alex Alban has shown a lot of skill especially in the Canadian Grand Prix where he defended to the absolute brink of perfection like if Logan Sergeant tried that we would get this [Music] instead okay and that's a red flag red flag however Alex Alban isn't a perfect driver he still lacks experience with competing in the top step which is his other weakness when competing against the best of the best you know it can cause a lot of pressure and it could bring in new obstacles and ones that Alex may not be so familiar with since he got comfortable with running in a Williams just imagine if Williams suddenly has the second fastest car on the grid similar to how Aston Martin did at the start of 2023 and the reason why I'm saying second is because Red Bull would always build a literal rocket ship for each season I'm be butt ass naked so the wind could just be hitting my balls and hey bro watch your jet watch your jet bro watch your jet like have you not seen their 2024 car like the rest of the grid is literally cooked if William suddenly has the second fastest car on the grid it's obvious that Alex Albin and Logan Sergeant would be extremely pressured as it's finally their team's time to shine and this can cause a lot of room for driver errors Alex would also be the one feeling all the pressure since Logan can't drive even if he had an M16 caliber rifle screaming Freedom right against his skull I mean I don't know it's unfortunate vatri botas is another great driver that's hard not to like but he managed to land in probably the most mid team on the grid now don't get me wrong valy is a lot happier and Alpha Romeo definitely had their highs and lows but after the new team name was announced this this just doesn't work like even their racing suits look like they're coming straight out of Ben 10 but anyways the team's performance is honestly what's holding back he's capable of doing so much more for the team but once again this is a driver who doesn't have a proper car it might continue now in 2024 but this time the car isn't just slow it's slow but now it also looks like WhatsApp sponsored it but at the same time valri hasn't been performing as well as he was in Mercedes which I analyze as a cause of a lack of pressure back in Mercedes Val would always be pressured to perform as well as Lewis which actually made him perform a lot better in races valri seems like the type of guy to thrive under under pressure and looking back at the L stroll clip last video Under Pressure Diamonds Are Made Under Pressure yeah that doesn't apply to L stroll it applies to valri another weakness is that his team doesn't listen to his strategy calls valri is literally so good at predicting the best strategy option but his team just never listens in the Monaco Grand Prix and the Dutch GP of 2023 valri told his team to pit for inter which would have been the nuttiest call to ever make more right now it's not b he's definitely going to beer but his team screwed up so hard had his back bent over and he took back shot after back shot of bad team decisions and ended up with another mediocre race result it's going to be this negative this rain will stop it this will stop in two minutes like if his team just listened to him and pitted for inters before the start of the race V would have had multiple points finishes throughout the season another instance was his request for a two- stop back in Mercedes but to be expected they didn't even listen to him why the I listen to me when I said it's going to be a two- stopper no question about it I am ready to get hurt again is faster than you as someone who identifies as Fernando's son to come up with a weakness for El Padre is hard not to be biased towards but there's no denying that Fernando's weakness is his career moves this 102-year-old rookie would have been a driver with more than two World Championships but because of McLaren Honda Ferrari and Alpine bro lost all opportunities to win Fernando could have cooked up multiple World titles but because of these teams he's forced to deal with one disappointment after the other don't forget that Fernando is deeply attracted to bad engines as well making every opportunity to win even more minuscule and when it comes to engines big emphasis on gp2 the engine was going much lower than before amazing but a weakness Fernando genuinely has which is in his control is his patience Fernando lacks some patience such as Max when he's behind the wheel I'm not exactly complaining about it because we get iconic radio messages like [Applause] this but it does hold Fernando back from focusing on just locking in on the race and it also makes it more difficult for him to build strong relations with his team because the moment something goes wrong in his race he is super vocal about it race with alpine I will miss being with them but yeah hopefully we can have a a competition he said he was happy to go I'm happy to go now this weakness has some pros and cons like critique for the team to improve but sometimes it can really lower morale and overall affect the team's performance throughout the season but it seems that Fernando's impatience has been dialed back with his run at Aston Martin even if the team had the most atrocious downfall that I've ever seen halfway through 2023 Fernando still kept his cool instead of completely going ham at [Music] them I mean to be fair he wasn't running at like P20 in every single race like he was during the atrocious times of his McLaren Honda days however with Aston Martin switching to a Honda engine for 2026 well there's really no telling what kinds of Flash flashbacks he's going to be experiencing can I get you to tell me who you are and what you do for a job I'm Daniel Ricardo and I'm a car mechanic as much as we all love Daniel and his smile the guy suffers a lot through adaptability Daniel struggles through the same issues as czecho as he prefers a specific driving style which doesn't exactly match with most of the cars that he gets for example the ing of him with his McLaren car in 2022 was so mismatched that Daniel got lapped by Lando in Monaco which obviously had him feeling like this Max for stappen and there was absolutely nothing he could do today he struggles a lot with adaptability which is very visible during his McLaren days and it just shows how much he really has to work on it despite already being you know a high performance athlete sweat baby sweat sweat the final weakness that Danny has is that he has passed his Prime now before you guys say anything just hear me out all right just just please do hear me out let's let's let me tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you something I know a lot of you guys might want to crash into me for saying this like the drivers wanting to hit the just stop oil protesters in Silverstone but please do hear me out that Daniel Ricardo as much as I love his bubbly personality just hasn't been the same as the old Danny in Red Bull where he was paired with Sebastian vetal and Max ven when I do this you start talking allos hello everyone one my guy used to pull off dive bombs from further back than Nikita maip in's hairline but now he's no longer in a competitive car and is in an alphat tari which is now called the give us all your money F1 team overall Daniel hasn't been performing as well as his Red Bull days but that's definitely debatable considering he's been in different cars with different performances throughout the years I still think he's a great driver but I'm leaning more to the fact that he doesn't have the same spark that he used to have in his first years in Formula 1 I do hope that he's got it back though since he did manage to pull off such an amazing qualifying session in an absolute dumpster fire of a car that simply had fans exploding with excitement about Daniel Ricardo the Australian driver does exactly the same thing and remains in fourth [Applause] place Oscar piastri is one of the best rookies to ever be in Formula 1 he's not just talented but he also made a huge fool out of alp in making them more of a mess than they already are but despite that he's also one of the nicest and most relaxed drivers on the grid so obviously it's going to be very difficult to try to come up with a weakness for the guy except for one being his lack of experience obviously Oscar already performed well in 2023 and he could have performed even better if McLaren didn't decide to make a car less aerodynamic than a paper airplane my baby cousin would make me no on no on got to give one but the point is regardless of Oscar past's amazing performance in 20123 he's still a rookie just like Fernando Alonzo and he might be prone to make rookie mistakes hopefully that doesn't happen though since Oscar has amazing talent and hard work theide and want move to the inside forap [Music] a stre who's just he's 12 strong pre get P asri Tor R to the field the next weakness Oscar might have is being the second driver for McLaren now I know even if McLaren says that their team doesn't have a number one driver with Lando Norris's contract extension it kind of leans to the fact that Oscar is not the main priority in the team I do want to clarify that this may not be true you guys might disagree with me I completely understand but who knows you know maybe Oscar would be told to swap positions with Lando a couple couple times if they ever compete for a championship it might be butas and Hamilton all over again doing this James please abort the fastest lap attempt for the James it's V [ __ ] you now since these two weaknesses are merely predictions for the future a main visible weakness that Oscar pastri has right now is that he is too harsh on himself there have been multiple times in post-race interviews where Oscar would just beat himself up too much for making such a simple mistake and this can cause confidence drop and can really affect his morale and performance in a race weekend I understand that he's probably being very critical of himself but damn Oscar like give yourself more credit it's your first season in F1 you ditched the French team Fernando would be really proud you went to McLaren and if you make a couple of mistakes it's literally fine like even formula 1's greatest driver of all time Nicholas latifi crashes under the safety car will they will we get any more racing laps or not what Jeopardy at the end of this gr pre so Oscar pastry you're fine push flat out I am shut up all right so now we have the future restaurant owner Yuki sonoda Yuki's main weak point is his temperament very similar to Max ver steppen but it stands out way more for him he is very explosive on the radio and if we're comparing F1 drivers and their anger issues to explosives then Yuki and Max would probably be the two atomic bombs that got sent flying to Japan 75 years ago they anger issues are unparalleled and it just costs them to make mistakes especially for Yuki where his rage just straight up consumes him in the middle of a race and it creates moments like this breaking you can do it trying to crush me aot do your best I know it's difficult I don't but this B sucks pastri improves to the points paying positions it would be his second Point score another weakness Yuki has is his impatience which I don't blame him for since he drove for alphari which was the biggest box in 2023 apart from h of course but still similar to his temperament Yuki being impatient in races causes him to make mistakes that cost him positions that are very crucial Yuki can really be fast he has talent and skill but his impatience makes him lose his cool and pull off moves that are not fully fleshed out and trust me when I say this because I literally have the same issue when I play any racing game like Yuki's temperament and his impatience might even cause him to straight up just pull out a gun in the middle of a goddamn race now with all of these weaknesses being called out for Yuki there can only be one final weakness for him and that is him being a risky driver anger plus a car that isn't competitive can only cause Yuki to pull off desperate moves on track sometimes he Nails them amazingly but sometimes he fumbles the bag completely him being a risky driver is a bit of a hit or a Miss if I'm being honest but most of the time well that's more of a miss and as a bonus weakness for Yuki which a lot of people actually missed to point out and this is just extremely devastating I mean this weakness that Yuki has is just straight up deadly and a lot of people missed out on it and of course you might be wondering what exactly is it well it's his stomach problems oh no no you didn't he just fully turned into me George Russell is a driver that can be really talented on track but the thing is he can be just as dangerous I swear there isn't a single season where this guy is just running things smoothly there always has to be an incident that happens throughout his seasons in Formula 1 whether it ranges from sending a very positive message to valter botas after turning right into him the was he doing honestly see for what or fist bumping every driver he sees but instead of his hands he uses his tires touch and George they're trying to find the dry line uh driving into into m point is George is dangerous ous and cannot stay out of trouble like this guy is attracted to incidents on track whether it's caused by him or someone else or the car the next weakness George Russell has is a lack of pressure during the Qatar Grand Prix when someone finally decided to turn into him George was so pressured to regain all of the positions he lost and this led to him performing really well during the race from being kissed at the start of the first lap he then recovered to P4 by the end of the race but essentially George is very similar to valter when under sure he performs really well and again as we look into the land stroll clip Under Pressure Diamonds Are Made Under Pressure nope that's still not the troll that's George and valri and finally George Russell's last weakness which is just a pure game Cher is rear tires why well it's because this man is incapable of overtaking people without ramming right into their asses little bit to the outside to cover off Carlos sints trying to go wide we're about to have a look might see it a bit better from this s go nothing I could do he just turned into me or in other words you cannot put George Russell in a car and expect him not to crash into people do guu all right love him or hate him well I mean the first option really cuz I don't really know how you could ever really hate the guy but a Strong Weakness for him is his experience literally in any team interview or activity that Alpha Romeo does or should I say the stake F1 team Jo guu and valri botas always seem to have a student and Mentor Bond and it's for good reason Val is pretty much master ugu and Joe guu is po but anyways this Dynamic just really shows that Joe's got a long way to go and he really needs to further develop his game and skill to accomplish a lot of things in Formula 1 and one way is through adding on his experience with time we could easily see him being a better driver and as long as stake develops a good car for him to use then he'll be able ble to achieve a lot of things but the problem is stake finally developing a good car is like waiting for the next Super Blue Moon it ain't happening any time [Music] soon Joe's last weakness is that he doesn't stand out his personality isn't as strong as other F1 drivers which makes it hard for us to connect to him I mean I'd personally say that Logan sergeant and Oscar piastri have suit out a lot more despite them only being in Formula 1 for about a year compared to these two Joe is a very quiet guy so far and it just makes him not as special as the rest I'm not saying that he isn't a special driver it's just well I mean you got to admit it the guy just doesn't stand out it's kind of similar to Pierre gazley but at least you know at least Joe is in French it's unacceptable tell them it is unacceptable they need to wait until the race is finished and discuss with me and finally we have the Smooth Operator Carlos SS his first weakness is obviously going to be the same as Charles and it's mainly for Ferrari the team that is just physically and mentally unable to support any of their drivers after 2007 Ferrari is a show whether it comes from pit stops where you can finish a full course meal while watching it P stop where they weren't ready look they're not even there there's not a single intermediate Tire in sight they came in whether that was the driver who called it or the team who called it but the crew weren't ready with the tires we don't know strategies made by some dude with only two brain cells stay out stay stay out stay out to Engineers that are so unresponsive and don't know what's going on half of the time hey guys do I push this lap and then pit what do I do now come on guys is it is it time to be a Smooth Operator as we are checking uh slow button on slow button [Applause] on what anyways Ferrari is what's holding Carlos back he can keep up with Charles's Pace in the team and isn't a problem when it comes to SK skill or Talent he is perfectly fine as a driver even if he likes to do a little you know gravel rallying like his dad sometimes but finally the last weakness for Carlos signs is something that has just come up very recently and it's the fact that he's going to be jobless this man is going to be replaced by Louis Hamilton in 2025 and probably looks like this after he heard the news Carlos was the smoothest operator in 2023 but Ferrari still sacked him I don't know if the team notices this but Ferrari even if you have Lou Hamilton driving for you in 2025 doesn't mean that you'd win the championship like the problem isn't in your driver lineup it's literally everything else but that like you know the team is [ __ ] in the ass when they literally used a 4C pit stop in their promo video but hats off to being slow on the front left tire you know at least it's accurate to real life events [Music] he
Channel: Rick'sF1Addiction
Views: 439,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, George Russell, Fernando Alonso, Carlos Sainz, Ferrari, F1, F1 World Champion
Id: Kxswq7QTTD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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