I tested EVERY points system to find the ULTIMATE 2021 F1 CHAMPION

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no I've been thinking about Form 1 Point systems a lot recently in my last few videos I've been looking at proposed new systems for next year and I've been trolling through the history of F1 with all its weird and wonderful ways of crowning a champion so I decided it was about time to review every point system the only way I know how is it better to reward consistency or maybe we should be rewarding those with an All or Nothing attitude towards racing should we place more emphasis on qualifying less or maybe we should be aiming for something altogether more silly when I say every point system I'm of course talking about ones you've already heard of f1's current point system proposals for the Future Point systems from F1 Seasons gone past but I'm also talking about systems you might not have thought of Point systems from other forms of Motorsport or even things that have nothing to do with Motorsport at all what would F1 look like with the point system from Super Mario Brothers stay tuned to find out obviously if we're testing out loads of different systems we need a solid Baseline that's science baby so we need to apply them all to the same season we need something close at the top so we can see if there's any differences and so we're going to be applying all of these Point systems to the last season with a proper title battle 2021 a nice simple season with no controversies no one's going to get angry at me in the comments this time as the topic of the 2021 drivers Champion is one that people have strong opinions about this is experiment will also be interesting so it shows us if Max V stappen is still the champion all across the Multiverse or if Lewis Hamilton can take the title across different dimensions should help to ease some doubts in a few people's minds and so where do we start Formula 1 2021 for reference let's start with the obvious the 2021 point system you know the one that was used in 2021 is almost the same as the one we have now in 2024 it gives out these points to the top 10 finishers and one point for a fastest lap the only difference to 2024 is the sprint races give out less points three points for first then two then one algum gets half points even though they definitely did not do half a race and there you go as this was the point system used in 2021 it should come as no surprise to you that Max foren is the world champion with this system I know you know this but I thought for the sake of completeness we should have this one on the board just in case somehow you forgot the result of this season for those curious if reapply the updated 2024 regulations to 2021 Max V Sten is still the champion sprint races give out more points which is better for Max but under new regulations Belgium would score zero as it did not have two laps without a safety car therefore Lewis would have gone into Abu Dhabi not level but instead leading by three points but that doesn't change the fact that Max won that race and therefore still wins the championship by five so that's today's point system but is it as good as Formula 1 1950 50 we seen the systems in the 72nd and 75th season Formula 1 but how about the point system in the first season things were a little different back then eight points for the winner then 6 4 3 2 finished any lower than fifth that's a skill issue no points for you there was still a point for fastest lap in 1950 which is obviously worth more in proportion to how many points you get for first no mention a spin races pack then so we're just going to say they're worth nothing oh and one other thing only your four best results count to your Championship standing yes yes I know this system was designed when there were only seven races not 22 but it says four in the regulations and we use these systems exactly as they're written down therefore for best results only obviously when we apply these points to 2021 both Maxis stappen and Lewis Hamilton have at least four wins each but Lewis Hamilton only has a fastest lap in one of those races whereas for Sten has a fastest lap in three therefore 35 to 33 Max cappen is the champion I do quite like a system like this that doesn't use all of the races cuz it helps to balance out some of those dnfs that aren't necessarily your fault but obviously only four results is a little bit low in a season with 22 races in theory we could have had five different drivers with four wins each going into Abu Dhabi where we would have just had chaos actually no come to think of it that sounds pretty good the 1950 system therefore gives an interesting perspective but is it as good as Formula 1 1988 as we've done the first season and some of the latest seasons of Formula 1 I thought it' be good to look at the season right in the middle which puts us somewhere around 1987 or 1988 the point system stayed unchanged throughout the whole of the 80s so it doesn't really matter which nine points for the winner all the way down to sixth formula one was stingy with points back in the day Midfield teams count yourself lucky no points for fastest SLP this time and again nothing for the Sprints and only your 11 best result adults count War a championship a rule which helped to write a series of controversial title battles at the end of the'80s so what does this system do does Lewis pull the old Aon on Max and win the title despite having a less consistent season no Hamilton 90 points vapen 93 four different stops across the Multiverse already and vapen is champion in all of them I'm start to think this guy might be a decent driver all right all right actual point systems from 41's history they good all but are they as good as F1 medals all right our first stop into the reals of fiction the medal system was proposed by everyone's favorite rais and impersonator Bernie Eon basically you win a race you get a medal at the end of the season the driver with the most medals I.E the most wins is the champion this is the exact opposite of rewarding consistency as it encourages an All or Nothing Approach at the front of the field nowadays if you're running in second place you may as well just hold position and keep hold of those 8 18 points it could come in handy later in the medal system second place is worth nothing well almost nothing it's quite easy to work out the 2021 champion in this system Max ven has the most wins 10 therefore he's a champion this proposal made sense back in the days of unlimited engines refueling push laps every lap realistically you could pull out some crazy Sprint where you overtake first right at the line and then your engine just explodes nowadays though with a budget cap only three engines for the season engine mode limitations no refueling tires which on some tracks can't even do one lap at a full push teams are forced to be a little bit more conservative what they have their drivers do yes in a mod phone one car you can turn the settings up to 11 and do some crazy push where you might take first place but then you might be left with no more engines halfway through the season and a cost cap penalty for the next year not really worth it all in all not ideal but an interesting proposal cheers Bernie but is it as good as Formula 1 2025 potentially or formula 2 all right let's just rattle off a couple more Formula 1 related ideas real quick as I described in my video about this proposal Formula 1 might be getting a new point system as early as next year with points all the way down to p12 if we apply that system to 2021 Max withen is the champion Formula 2 is the main feeder series to get into Formula 1 your success with that may vary so they have a system very similar to F1 the only difference is they have a a Sprint weekend every weekend and therefore they have a few more points on offer for it points down to p8 in the Sprint with 10 points for the winner and you can get a faster lap point on Saturday as well as Sunday there's also a bonus two points if you qualify on Poll for the feature race on Sunday which brings the maximum possible points in a weekend to 39 apply that all to Formula 1 2021 and it looks something like this again Max wins by a greater margin he has better Sprint race results and also has more pole positions picking up loads of those juicy juicy bonus points okay okay that's all well and good but I think I've had enough of Open Wheel racing for now two points for a PO position is a nice little idea maybe we could push that even further this is a nice system but is it as good as the international Motorsports Association Sports Car Championship is a us-based multiclass semi Endurance Championship that's a mouthful and I've chosen it to go on this list because it gives out tons of points 3 50 points for the win all the way down to 110 for P20 oh and also qualifying points for the entire grid you got to be good on both Saturday and Sunday here baby if we apply this to the 2021 season we get wait what the hell Lewis Hamilton world champion for the first time in this experiment we have a change at the top basically the imza point system when applied to a 20 car grid emphasizes reliability above anything else you still get 110 points even if you you finish right at the back so the main thing is you've got to finish in 2021 Max had two non-classified races to Lewis's one and funnily enough he finishes about One race worth of points behind if Max had been classified in either Britain or Italy even as low as 12th he would have won the championship I think this is a nice example to show us some of the issues with a system that gives up points for every finishing position and so many points at that it can turn a series into a don't dnf championship which doesn't always make for the best racing plus something like this can encourage teams to fix their cars and send them back out on track even if they're not necessarily safe to drive this is an issue in Formula 1 more so than maybe any other Motorsport these cars are not just a sheet of aluminum wrapped around an engine block they're a little bit more complicated than that oh and also they're quite fast so it can be pretty bad if your front suspension Wishbone snaps in half around a highspeed corner because it's held together with duct tape imza then is a system that shows us some of the issues we need to avoid when designing a point system for Formula 1 I also like seeing a driver score thousands of points over a season just very satisfying it's nice but is it as nice as indie car is an Open Wheel racing series based in the US which probably gets the most direct comparisons to Formula 1 but would its point system be any good with larger grids indie car has points going the whole way down but still with nice separation at the top to encourage you to push for P1 one point for pull position one point if you lead at least one lap and two points for the person who leads the most laps we then have the special case of the Indie 500 the race after which this entire series gets its name this one gets special treatment with qualifying points all the way down to 12th Formula 1 doesn't race Indianapolis anymore thank God so we're going to have our qualifying bonus points at f1's favorite child instead The Monaco Grand Prix when we apply this system again with points all the way down to P20 Max's 2 dnfs hurt him but he picks up an absolute buttload of bonus points from laps LED and 11 points in the Monaco Grand Prix qualifying compared to Hamilton 6 all in all Max wins comfortably on 9917 points a hefty 24 Point Gap to Lewis indie car is a nice system and it's the one that you guys suggest the most in the comments by far I do like the bonus points for lap sled and stuff like that gives us an idea of who's the most well-rounded competitor indie car has a few bonus points but does it have as many as the National Association for stock car auto racing has bu far the most messed up point system we've seen so far from time to time you'll hear a NASCAR commentator or even a fan try and tell you that the point system is not that bad they are lying the Nascar race is divided into three stages are each of those stages exactly 1/3 of the race no don't be silly stage one is the first 25% of the race and stage two takes us up to halfway at the end of each of those two stages these points are handed out stage three is then the rest of the race I.E the second half and when you reach a check a flag these points are handed out therefore if you lead a race start to finish you will in fact score 60 regular season points wait regular season points that implies there's a postseason yes NASCAR which may I remind you is a motorsport has a postseason why America so during the regular season you score regular season points but also you can score post season bonus points one bonus point for winning either stage one or stage two and five bonus points for winning stage three then at the end of the regular season the drivers with the most regular season points get even more bonus points based on this distribution so then what is the postseason well the actual NASCAR one consists of three rounds of three races each before a championship race therefore 10 races in total that's a bit much for Formula 1 as if we do that that would mean the postseason start Us in the Netherlands almost halfway through the season so we're going to do one round of three races starting on the Sunday race in Brazil before a championship race in Abu Dhabi that means drivers get one last Stitch attempt to qualify for the postseason at the Sprint race in Brazil qualify you say two things I'm counting sprint races as a special one-stage exhibition race you can still get one bonus postseason point but it does not count as a race win then the second thing not everyone qualifies for the postseason real Nascar has 16 drivers qualify with four getting knocked out after each round as we only have one round we're going to take eight drivers to then leave four for the champion ship Race So how do you qualify you may think that it's the top eight point scorers from the regular season you would be wrong qualifications are first determined on number of wins which is why Nascar has the saying you win you're in once you run out of drivers with wins then it's the winless drivers with the most points therefore applying all of this to Formula 1 in 2021 our eight qualifiers are v stappen Hamilton botas and Perez obviously but then also Ricardo and Aon with one win each with SS and Norris rounding alar winless drivers with the most points when the postseason starts at the main race in Brazil these eight drivers have their points reset to 2,000 plus their postseason bonus points we then have our next three races as normal no more bonus points but we still have the rule where if you win you automatically qualify Hamilton wins all three of Brazil Qatar and Saudi so he gets through and then everyone else is just on points going into our final race our postseason race our top four with the highest points from the postseason and therefore a chance of taking the title are for saen Hamilton botas and okon I'm not going to question it these four then have their points reset to 5,000 no bonus points this time and Abu Dhabi is a straight shootout to the flag no more stage points just the first person to finish I'm not going to Hype it up you know what happens vapen wins the race and therefore he is the champion we get a final standing with the NASCAR point system that looks like this that's a lot to comprehend I'm going to take a second to breathe if someone ever tells you that the NASCAR point system is not complicated C that person out of your life they are a filthy liar that was fun but is it as fun as Formula 1 2021 points awarded every lap now this may sound silly and that's because it is basically every time you cross the line you could be up for 25 points we might see some big numbers with this one I'm still going to give a point for the f lap in this system not the fastest lap every lap that would be ludicrous no just one for the entire race it's not worth as as much considering the points on offer but you never know this was a bit of a weird one to calculate as I had to get the standing order from every lap of every race thankfully though I'm a very sad very nerdy man and so I do have that exact data not for sprint races though so I'm just going to cut those out the 20201 season had a total of 1,239 laps so that was a little bit of adding up to do but at the end of the season these are the points it basically looks the same again what's going on well I mean the numbers don't Max Sten takes the title with 24,6 points nice but the order of the drivers basically doesn't change for me also the craziest part about this is that one Max for stappen ends the season with a Five digigit Points tally Nikita maspin still has zero zero he didn't drive in the top 10 once once let alone finish there I did not know that until I did this that is mad again big fan of any point system that gives us thousands and thousands of points Formula 1 take note but this system is a little silly however is it as silly as e yeah you heard me E I had this idea for a championship system a while ago basically it's like winner stays on that doesn't really work in Form 1 cuz then we'd need 19 new drivers every single race so instead we do the inverse of that and after every race we kick out the person in last place everyone except last or as I like to call it the eel championship this system works as long as you have more Racers and drivers obviously Formula 1 drivers can turn up mid-season and actually Mr kitza did do that to replace an unwell rikan for two races but I'm going to say you have to be there from the start to be eligible I will allow a maximum of two races out on S leave so in theory renan could to win the championship but any more than two and you automatically get disqualified so applying this to 2021 we first lose Nikita maerin on turn three of lap one in the first race we then lose latifi in IMA rakan in Portugal etc etc Mick schumacker is the first person to actually finish a race and still get knocked out then we obviously lose for stappen at the British Grand Prix on lap one Hamilton 2 gets knocked out in Monza after crashing with no one and so by the end of the season we are left with our final two Carlos sints Jr and Daniel Ricardo our title deci will be Brazil it's a close race science leads most of it but these two do change the lead a couple times due to pit strategy they are seconds apart until on lap 49 no they aren't because Daniel Ricardo's engine gives up he's knocked out of contention crowning caros SS the 2021 F1 eel Champion what an honor okay okay I will admit these Point systems are getting a bit out of hand now speaking of hands though batro is a video game where you make pokker hands to score chips your score for each hand is worked out as a number of chips times a multiplier cards add chips based on their face value and then better hands give bigger multipliers oh and then the game also has these Joker cards which each have an interesting effect the game starts out simple enough but by late game less simple for this we can use formula 1's normal points as an equivalent to chips but I have to take some creative license with the multiplier system I think it makes sense you get plus one multiplier for each race finishing the points which does not reset over the season and also you get a times 0.5 multiplier for each consecutive Podium finish so your first Podium is Time 1 then time 1.5 time 2 etc etc this does reset if you finish off the podium so you better stay consistent 10 bonus chips for the fastest lap and 10 bonus chips for poor position why because I said so ignoring sprint races we apply this system to 2021 and the graph starts out normal enough until we get oh you can see here that before the final race Hamilton is actually leading but bapan then has a monstrous time in Abu Dhabi 25 points for the win 10 for fter lap and 10 for po position all of that times 20 for points finishes times another 4.5 for consecutive podiums meaning in this weekend he scores 4,050 points in a single race I may have um this system might be a little bit broken I do think it's good to reward consistency but uh yeah okay okay this system is a little farfetched but is it as farfetched as Super Mario Brothers is a classic platform of game that I don't feel like I have to explain please don't tell me you haven't heard of this anyway even though has no bearing whatsoever on your ability to progress through the game Super Mario Brothers does have a point system there it is obviously one of the main ways you can score points in Mario is by stomping enemies but sadly Formula 1 does not have any Goombas or other Mis roaming around a form R track for our drivers to smash their butts into however there is one other key way that you can score points in Mario games the flag pole as soon as you touch the flag pole in a Mario level you score points in three different ways one you score points depending on how quickly you finish the level with 50 points for each second left on the clock we can do the exact same thing in Formula 1 basically we give 3,000 points for the winner then these tick down by 50 every second finish 10 seconds behind the winner you get 2 and 1 12,000 points finish 1 minute or more behind the winner you get zero two you score depending on how high up you catch the flag the most you can score for this is 5,000 if you catch the thing at the very top of the pole then 4,000 2,000 800 400 and 100 in Formula 1 we can quite easily simulate this by just assuming that the flag Cycles down once every second drivers total race time is measured to the 1,000th of a second so we can just use this decimal to work out how high they catch the flag between .9 and .999 you score 5,000 points between 7 and 899 4,000 points etc etc and then third and finally you can score bonus firework points depending on how much time you have left on your clock now to add an extra element of Randomness and also cuz I misunderstood it while I was programming this I didn't use the time difference between you and the leader i instead used the same fraction of a second that we use for the flag pole you can get either one three or six fireworks worth 500 points each depending on the numbers that are in your time reading from right to left if any of these three numbers show up in your time you get these points if your time is something like 845 you get nothing using all of this the maximum points available in a race is 11,000 assuming that you win the race and get a fraction of a second something like 996 sprint races are treated exactly the same as normal races after all they're just short levels oh and also if you get lapped you score zero if you don't finish on the final lap of a race you haven't got to the end and therefore didn't reach the flag pole now for anyone wondering no one ever managed to get 11,000 points in a race the most was actually 10,550 scored by Kimmy renan in aaban he finished 9 seconds behind the leader with a total race time of 2 hours 13 minutes and 4.98 6 seconds so I coded all of this up and applied it to 2021 I was expecting this season to look a lot more random with all kinds of Midfield drivers scoring enormous points on the flag pole but actually for stappen and Hamilton come out as clear immediate favorites what the hell I suppose these two are picking up the most points on the Gap to leader and also there's lots of races where they basically lapped everyone and so didn't let anyone else scoble however as the season progresses Max V stappen who has been so strong across the rest of the Multiverse starts to fall behind Harton's Pole game is just too strong Max does have a late season charge but he cannot overcome Hamilton who finishes the season 129,50 points the Formula 1 Mario system Champion to all the Hamilton fans out there take solace in this it is possible it took a complete reality shift and a point system with very little if not nothing to do with what happens on track but there is a universe out there where Lewis Hamilton is the 2021 Champion if you've got any suggestions for other point systems Formula 1 should use to make things even sillier than this let me know down below like this video if you liked it and subscribe so you don't miss the next one until that time though I've been Mr V and I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Mr V's Garage
Views: 136,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, f1 2021, f1 champion, points system, f1 1950, f1 1988, f1 2025, f2, IMSA, NASCAR, Indycar, Balatro, Mario, F1 Points every lap, F1 winner stays on, f1 theory, f1 history, ad21, max verstappen, lewis hamilton, wdc
Id: 5u08c8_WxSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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