Every Elimination In Season 1 | Hell's Kitchen

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with the blue team looking on the red team enters the dining room knowing that one of them will be going home soon LC you have your two names yes I do tell me your first nominee for elimination and why my first nominee is Caroline Caroline and I are the least knowledgeable in a kitchen of this kind of setting and I thought is that if we're gonna be one man less maybe just one of us being unfamiliar with things is best served in the second nominee formulation and why second down the neat [Music] yes Dewberry you know if I get picked and chef decides it's time for me to go well you know what enough good wrong you're not going anywhere it's a Dewberry showed a lack of energy and interest in what was going on today and I think that lack of energy could probably hurt the team in the long run okay Jimmy and Jeff boy oh boy you dodged those bullets well tonight you know that big time I have respect for LC Carolyn Dewberry you to step forward please Carolyn tell me what you think this is the I don't think you should underestimate somebody who doesn't have any experience they may surprise you [Music] debrie give it to me I do feel that I have more of a base knowledge and that certainly does give me an advantage and that is probably the greatest thing that I had to offer we have a great base knowledge we're just in general thing ready [Music] it's a hard decision Carolyn always you come out somewhere you get on the stove and help right all you've done Pilar power please just stand there get other way like one big overgrown muffin so my decision is Kerala I told you never ever turn your back on the team and tonight you did just that then show any interest in the team - I told you this whole competition is about teams give me a jacket now Hell's Kitchen no longer need you wake up yes sir I am very angry because when you're presented with an opportunity to do something great and then you see that disappear that's very disappointing Chris yeah first person you nominated for elimination and why I have to say Dewberry the fact that he lets himself get I'm so upset about things he's gonna hurt the team in the long run second nominee Jeff he lets his own head get in the way I'm gonna hurt the team in the long run you see step 4 Chris yes sure that's the right choice I agree with that 110 percent you two so deserve to be here boo Bri yes why should you stay I think that I definitely had some decent work that went out tonight but the fact that I let everything get under my skin was inexcusable and the only thing I can say is I can promise you it would never happen again as long as I were in Hell's Kitchen yeah chef I feel on the team player I put the T before myself this entire day the last two days the dedication is there in the heart and the commitments there put your cook you really all so what a big decision to me that's nice that's very nice you useless you know that I am goodbye you're mixing away like a donkey Jeff why are you doing do Bree you're going tonight one very simple reason you're a coward and you turned your back on your team after you screwed them give me your jacket and get out of Hell's Kitchen [Music] well what happened happened I mean I can't say that I didn't deserve it I kind of felt like I was making a comeback but I was not justified in rocking out on my team Ralph first nominee and why well my first nominee is Wendy chef because the meat station gave us a lot of trouble tonight and it made it very difficult for service to go out without a hitch second nominee and why my second nominee is Andrew shaft the constant bickering with you created unnecessary stress on the rest of the team and for success we can't have that interested in Coleman's Ralph I think you hit a nail right in the head Wendy and Andrew step forward please Wendy tell me what you think you should stay well shaft I know I did a terrible job this evening and if I am given the opportunity to continue I would greatly appreciate it it's painful working with you know that very painful Andrew why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen well I know we had our disagreements this evening we had a disagreement this evening you cooked a salty risotto and sent it over the whole plate starts again why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I'm a team player I help out I run around I'm constantly driving to help the team this is a really tough decision did you both crap the person leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight is Wendy give me a jacket a new smile count your lucky stars you're standing [Music] but an absolutely horrible and I nothing went right I feel like I let myself down I let the team down and I let shut down I'm disappointed that I didn't get further I think that's really the biggest emotion I'm feeling right now Jessica yes chef have you decided on your nominees yes chef I have was it difficult it's extremely difficult chef these are not only our roommates but they've become our friends and more importantly our team and it's always terrible to let one of your team leave chef first nominee and why please my first nominee is Andrew he was on veg to night and seemed to have a bit of a hard time getting you know the final product out and on plate on time it affects the entire team and that's why I nominate Andrew chef second nominee and why my second nominee is Mary Ellen um you know today in the kitchen she had a bad bout with the risotto and she wasn't able to bounce back as hard as we would have liked Marylyn under step four please Andrew tell me why you think you should stay I kept my mouth shut to make sure and it chosen on the learning machine a learning machine I've got no one D yes I got no spinach gonna put that squash and now the fish is overcooked so listen young man start the table again I think being here twice in the row clearly indicates the blue team don't like you Mary Ellen tell me why you think you should stay well chef this evening I felt like I was doing a very good performance and starters until I let myself down my team down and you down tonight you shut the kitchen down tonight we have to stop cooking on the back of those risottos and it was pretty damn disgusting nothing's coming out to the table gets served yeah but I want three beautiful risottos yeah can you know how that they're beautiful risotto sorry sir disappointing you both the person leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight is Mary Ellen take off your jacket you're leaving Hell's Kitchen I think that Chef Ramsay's decision tonight was the wrong decision I don't believe I was the weak link on the team tonight I think as shown in the past it was Andrew that was the weak link I think that Andrew will be joining me shortly Michael yes yeah do you have your two nominees for elimination yes yep I do first nominee and why please my first nominee is LC during the service tonight she was really flustered she's one person that really stuck out to me so my decisions were based upon that else he's really evolved and I hate to have to nominate her but I do second nominee and why my second nominee is Chris [Music] Chris yes Wow Jimmy had such a wonderful night and he's working so hard and he plows through and you know I just couldn't put him in that position tonight so you chose Chris for his performance tonight yeah you know well I chose Chris you know yesterday he said he was the strongest week on our team who's your strongest link I believe I'm the strongest chef if he really is he'll be up there tomorrow to kick ass Jimmy yeah chef you'd be the bullet-dodger a bullet swallower well done thank you sure LC and Chris there forward please I'll see ya just tell me why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I've come here with little knowledge of what it is to run an establishment like this but through it all I've learned a great deal and I've put my best foot forward and have not stopped working hard for my team thank you Chris Jeff tell me where you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen well chef I just think that than my work ethic and my devotion to my team and my hard work will prove to pay off for Hell's Kitchen along tough decision LC yes anything moving yeah cuz all I can see is just prepping here you're like a little maid just prepping it but nothing's actually happening on the stove - totally away reach out cut the top pop oui chef yes chef Chris give me a jacket leaving Hell's Kitchen [Music] [Music] thank you I was an executive chef I worked real hard to get it I am not ashamed of it I belong there I belong to be the last one standing so Michael took the easy way out red team nice of you sitting down Jessica you're in a tough spot it's a very tough spot have you your nominee for elimination I have who is it and why so my nominee for tonight is Andrew he does seem to get in line of fire quite a bit and there just seems to be something slightly missing at this point in the game chef's we're a team but we need to stand on our own two feet Jessie thank you Andrew step forward please Jessica yeah whilst it respects your choice the decision is mine Ralph yes sure step 2 [Music] [Music] Andrew yes sir why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I don't take responsibility for that dish I can't walk out of here for the wrong reasons you know what Andrew is responsible for preparing a dish that albert required three ingredients to be spot-on but I would think that he would have cared more about the dish previous to service than to figure it out well I think it's really important that you both are honest because I'm standing here confused just brought up a good point of being a team player having a team and working within that team and I have to tell you the honest truth that right now I feel like I'm on the Ralphs team and that's not a good feeling cuz I don't feel like I'm able to put myself in there and show myself and prove it because that dish wasn't me it wasn't mine it wasn't what I wanted that if I had served what I wanted you know what Jessica may not have had to make that decision whatsoever tonight Jeff I never asked her to become as Andrew says Ralph's team however a team but a burden of work to be put on my shoulders I prepared the dishes that I had to prepare today two of the appetizers to desserts I executed 23 the entrees I did my job no shortcuts no crying just doing it like a pro I am strong in the kitchen stronger than Andrew and from there you make your call for the first day I met you Andrew not the kind of big-headed arrogant little trap that like to be steamrolled now you're telling me that Ralph's a manipulative your dish is becoming a poached halibut chef it's like I said Andrew give me a jacket [Music] maybe I wasn't a successful in the kitchen but I gotta tell you I think I had the more integrity night I spoke for myself I stood up for myself you know and I said what needed to be said Ralph yes chef have you decided on your two nominees yes I have chef first nominee and why my first nominee is Jimmy tonight through service at the point where the pressure was on and he had to be putting the dishes and the food for the hot plate and the momentary distraction of him balking back at you caused us to lose valuable time during service and then whenever you lose time and service you can't recreate it at that point second nominee and why my second nominee is Jessica Jessie tonight during service there was a point where it became a hindrance to the team as far as being able to execute tables and plates Jimmy and Jessica step forward please one of you they're gonna be leaving Hell's Kitchen shortly Jimmy tell me why you think you should stay I believe over the past couple of weeks I've been a team player busting my hump but uh tonight when I had my scuffle with you that was just don't call for and I apologize for that less than 24 hours ago you were flying high yes ever I was thank you for your honesty Thank You chef Jessica yes sure just tell me why you think we should stay in Hell's Kitchen well chef yeah I think I've been an amazing team player since we've been here you know in terms of tonight it was definitely a rough night and you know I was extremely disappointed with myself but you know I'm gonna try hard putting my best foot forward and learning how to do this so I have to eliminate someone from the health kitchen now can I just send this food here get back on your section and talk to me my decision is Jessica you fought back Jimmy you didn't you're out give me a jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen please I remember one thing be extremely proud how far you got yes you don't bloody well thank you for everything appreciate that and I mean that Thank You chef keep your head up high it deserves a stab hi Jimmy I had no regrets about come to Hell's Kitchen if anything that's broaden my horizons it looks like a dehydrated camel's turd yes sir that looks like a dog's dinner yeah get in the bin oh no no no dirty Bowl Jimmy you know delicious is a prom Jimmy start dancing like a ballerina whoo give the man Jimmy man it was a clean plate I'm definitely not giving up on my dream of restaurant turn the Chef Ramsay said to keep on moving forward and it really meant a lot to me coming from him because this is what I really want to do in my life that's a tough one tonight I've made my decision Michael yeah you look distraught yeah Pam it's frustrating you cannot carry a whole kitchen on your back you did a lot of good things tonight clearly not enough Jessica step forward please performance was terrible tell me why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen you know I started off a little iffy with the starters but I did pull it together and then it was rapid changing stations was rough I think on the line I'm getting stronger but it has been getting harder and the pressures been getting harder if I'm ready to work extremely hard to you know stand up with you know with the big boys on the line Elsie step forward please you feel he's got the right kind of support from the team tonight because this is important for me now I felt extremely disoriented in the kitchen I was not prepared I can't blame anyone else but myself for it a lot of dishes I wasn't aware how to put together and you know maybe I should have taken the time to study that did you feel you got the support from three of your colleagues yes I did tell me why you just tighten Hell's Kitchen been a great experience I mean it's a lot more than I expected I mean I've worked really hard it's all I've ever promised getting here I mean I don't have any magic potions and there's a lot that I just don't know but I am a hard worker and I am definitely a team player I've given it my best since day one thank you that was time for me to decide who's leaving Hell's Kitchen oh you're shouting out of there is I need more time for Lobster young lady yeah hello I need a time standing here but didn't believe in you okay you've got to get it together the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is l see you've made a lot of people happy and very proud you come a long way and for a woman that has never spent an hour in a professional kitchen you impressed me and behind that you touch my heart okay sure give me your jacket thank you keep smiling well you light up the place when you smile LC I'm proud of you thank you we all are I have no regrets this has been the most exciting hellish experience of my life you just explain to me what it is tacos with turkey meat we won because why because we know what you didn't he was gone goodbye congratulations red team I'm gonna kick some ass if it's the last thing I do interesting good [Music] coming into this it was a long shot and then I got as far as I did I didn't win the restaurant but I want nonetheless you're probably aware all your families have been eating tonight and they'll be helping me to decide on who has had the best dish in Hell's Kitchen tonight at the end of dinner service the families were asked to choose their favorite dish unaware that their selection would impact their loved ones stay in Hell's Kitchen Ralph yes yeah your family first remember Ralph made the filet mignon Duffy what was your favorite main course was it the filet mignon was it the chicken or was it the tuna it was the tuna the first vote goes to Michael's tuna house mom my favorite course was the tuna uncle Richard I enjoyed the tuna vest as well Patrick everybody loves but doing it maybe you want to help me get the knife out of my back Jessica yes chef let's ask your girlfriend Courtney which does she prefers remember Jessica made the chicken tuna the tuna interesting Bonnie which Dish did you prefer my fear was the chicken your favorite was the chicken nice interesting very interesting indeed after two families that's four tuna one chicken and one beef one family left Michael chef let's talk to your dear wife NOLA remember Michael made the tuna which Dish did you prefer tonight it was the beef Wow Jay hmm which Dish did you prefer tonight the filet the beef lastly Christina what did you prefer this evening what's the tuna thank you that's the final countdown that's five votes for Michaels tuna one for Jessica's chicken three four rouse beef Jessica yes deep down inside you know you weren't as good as Michael Ralph darling please give me your jacket it's time to leave Hell's Kitchen got every reason to smile you've been amazing and I mean that strong clever feisty and never short of a word I like that in a woman yeah Thank You Chef Ramsay was amazing I mean it was such an honor to work under him I like hot things some people might not and I guess you're one of them it's burning my mouth off my own little Cinderella back on your section I'm here Jessica let's go I'm eight years in Kent I'm doing scream that the blue team has a new talented cook Jessica and the cooking was spot-on yes you're right through the front door you deserve to go through the front door with your finger I worked hard and you know smart and I think that's what helped me get this far so no regrets at all this was such a great experience and something I'll hold with me for the rest of my life congratulations to you both for being here tonight I witnessed two very outstanding performances and it has been a very close call so I'm depending on the customers comments more than I've ever had to do before they loved your food they loved your restaurants and they loved the experience but tonight I asked them all one critical question would you return to this restaurant and one of you received an amazing 90 percent a return business but that wasn't good enough in the other restaurant 94 percent of the diner said they would come back amazing any new restaurant would be highly successful with both those figures but only one of you can be the winner of Hell's Kitchen each stand in front of a door only the winners door will open and with that the start of your dream come true Michael yeah Ralph yes chef are you both ready yes turn around and face the doors please [Music] okay gentlemen on my count of three open your door [Music] one two [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Michael you've won your dream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've said it before when there's a draw you know I've got no reservations about how I performed and what I did here I did exactly what I said I was gonna do I did the best I could there's no loser you know Michael just happened a week I feel the first time I feel like I'm in control of my own future I've proven myself to myself and that's important I think that I really earned the right to be the head chef then I know that I am and then I am now that's for sure [Applause] as Michael was celebrating the winner of a restaurant I realized that an individual that Mike was talent I didn't want to let him get away in seconds thank you Michael you have a very special talent and and you've impressed me so much that I now want to make you an offer I personally would like to invite you to come back with me to London to be part of one of the most famous Russians in the world and work alongside me to become a top world-class chef so Michael what do you say you know I was blown away by Chef Ramsay's offered to either own my own restaurant or to move to London to train to become a world-class chef you know either way I choose it's definitely a dream come true is that a yes or not yes [Applause] working with Chef Ramsay is an opportunity of a lifetime you know she's gonna enhance my credibility and reputation as a chef so when I do open my own restaurant I'm gonna have a much better chance of success ralph was great tonight but Michael deserve to win because his creativity and standards are simply on a higher level and I accomplished my goal of turning an unknown into a master chef and that has to be the perfect way to close Hell's Kitchen tonight and I'm out of here
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 703,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, hells kitchen eliminations, hells kitchen elimination
Id: ze_6cXtrMhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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