Every death my MOUSE gets WORSE in Fortnite

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the rules are simple every single time I lose on fortnight I'm going to switch to a worse Mouse I went on Amazon and I purchased every single low rated computer mouse that they sell and I'm going to use them in order to try to win the game every Mouse I am using is not designed to be used for gaming but I'm going to ignore that and try to win myself to match on fortnight this is the most dangerous spider in the world if you don't go ahead and leave a like and subscribe to this video in the next 5 seconds it will be crawling into your ear while you're sleeping do not risk it so how about we go ahead and start off with the Mouse that I always go ahead and use which is this baby right here so I will be trying my very best to last as long as I possibly can of course I don't want to use the bad Mouse's that I bought so yeah we did land in tilted practically the safest place to actually plan on for tonight and if you didn't know that already that's because you're not a fortnight's for me but just like that and everyone else who doubted me in my life I make them disappear and make them regret the decision yep that's me you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation well it all started earlier today with Oh oh no no no no no no my friend I'm gonna force me to use old fat Malthus man come on still alive we're still kicking the boys still out here surviving in them streets [Music] [Music] so this device that we're using here is known as a mouse pen it's mostly used for sketching and drawing on tablets now there are a few buttons on me the one where my thumb is that is used to aim down the site the one on top is for shooting and they also have a scroll wheel which we can go ahead and use to switch our own weapons and it has like a red light to it which of course makes it able to actually move around the mouse like crazy and you can go ahead and build with it surprisingly not that easy it literally feels like I'm holding a pencil but for some reason it just has the ability to be using the mouse it literally feels like I'm drawing on my desk right now obviously this is by far the most uncomfortable Mouse I have ever used [Music] [Music] I'm literally drawing on my desk Oh No well actions arrive this will hi-hat they survive this one was there one was there bro I'm still kicking [Music] this is not right so I'm pretty sure you never seen this type of mouse before in the store it's quite big really pretty big you can move around the game using this the ball itself is my only way to actually move my character around now the building is extremely bad to actually go ahead and control and it also has these two buttons on the side you guys want to see me go up the stairs I just need to roll the ball a lot or if I want to turn around just just need to just keep rolling your fingers around now if I'm gonna be shooting someone I can't use my fingers like this cuz I can't even move around the camera but if we use our whole entire hand here and then kinda shoot like this we can't we can kind of do something I'm still gonna need my thumb tugs I kind of roll the ball a little bit okay you know I didn't mean to do that I'll god the controls on this I think it's all bad come on come on oh I got him oh my god that guy wasn't terrible this is so unfair I can't aim down the side oh snap I actually got them oh god what the ball oh my god I'm a god we're gonna freak is everyone hey boss look like Adam you guys owe me ten kisses ah see this guy right here he's just chilling you know doing his hand shoot the rocket launcher miss hit him with that toe piece oh so cheap shooty shooty boom did I get him did I get him then I get him doh then I get him dope come on bro this thing has a very unique and interesting design it has some buttons on the right side this one is too aimed on the side and this one is to actually go ahead and shoot he also has one on the left then you can go ahead and enable the building using this to actually edit and build around is very very weird cuz the mouse kind of looks like a cone so you gotta grab it like it it also has like this little clip on in the very bottom of it which you can go ahead and use the I guess give this a little bit more accuracy when you're actually moving it around I got you boy this mouse is so bad like I can't even turn all the way you just have to work on your wrist but with this yeah the freedom is not really there come on boy come on boy [Music] oh my where you going [Music] oh that I do that [Music] [Music] Oh oh my god bro so I will be given a basic review of all the Mouse's that I went ahead and used today the very first one I didn't really like that much it's a pen not a mouse I'm not too sure exactly what I was thinking when I went ahead and purchased it but I thought if it made my life miserable you guys will enjoy every single second of it and I gotta say I was this very close on smashing my computer second Mouse I didn't really like it either it's way too big I can't really go ahead and maneuver it quite good and I'm not too sure exactly what person will use this every single day when a basic Mouse can pretty much do every single thing that this does but a hundred times more easier and faster but hey there's crazy people out there and finally the last Mouse it wasn't so bad I just really didn't like the ice cream cone shape of the device itself this one I do see a lot of people actually use but again it's not for me and I did not enjoy using this but overall I really did not like this experience whatsoever and I will never be doing this again thank you so much for watching I love you guys see you later and peace out folks bye
Channel: Sernando
Views: 7,013,364
Rating: 4.8935709 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite gameplay, fortnite moments, fortnite new, fortnite trolling, mouse, fortnite best mouse, best mouse, best mouse for fortnite, fortnite mouse, fortnite cheat, hacks, cheating, fortnite hack pc, fortnite aimbot, fortnite hacks, fortnite cheats, fortnite free hack, fortnite aim, mouse fortnite, mouse cheat, banned, fortnite challenge, fortnite win, challenge, keyboard, fortnite challenges, best sensitivity, season 10, cheating fortnite, keyboards
Id: pd0g1E2P3Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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