Every Character Who Will Die In The Final Saga

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Kuma is about to die and not just Kuma in the final Saga Oda has been much more comfortable killing off characters in general and in fact entire Islands the final Saga is shaping up to be the most dramatic and high stakes one piece has ever been and if Egghead island is just the start then things are only going to get more drastic from here on right now there are actually several characters who are extremely likely to die by the end of one piece I'm talking about Shanks Usopp law and even aokiji but before you start typing saying there's no way these characters will die just remember there's a common pattern in one piece for characters that end up being killed off that Ace Whitebeard Pedro ashra DOI and Cobra all follow if a character has been written to reach a point of closure in their life and is openly comfortable with dying having fulfilled their core desire then Oda is much more likely to kill them off Ace only ever wanted to know that he was loved Whitebeard was happy to have a family and be known as a good father Pedro specifically wanted to give the last years of his lifespan to help bring the dawn of the world ashra DOI specifically wanted to die an honorable death making a difference in battle and Cobra only ever wanted to unveil the truth about the past before he died meaning that for characters who end up being killed off Oda literally writes their story arcs specifically around them being okay with or even embracing death as kaido said death is what completes a man so let's look again at the characters who would be in a sense completed by death but first I want to say now that it's a new year why not get a fresh start to the year by eating healthier with zero effort using Factor the sponsor for this video look I know eating healthy is difficult it's hard to plan healthy meals because it takes time and it's hard to stick to a diet because the food usually tastes bad but Factor literally makes it so easy Factor does the planning for you since its meals 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head to factor75.com or click the link below and use code morge 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box Link in the description below so first let's get this out of the way it's very likely Kuma is going to die nothing much to talk about here as he is a character whose entire concept is built around self-sacrifice it feels almost necessary for Kuma to give his life to save others as well the entirety of Egghead island has shown us Kuma slowly breaking down further and further and these final moments for him are only truly meaningful if they are in fact his final moments barring some miraculous twist wherein Kuma's Consciousness can in fact be restored and he can be returned to normal and Liv a happy life with his daughter thereby undoing literally all of the dramatic weight of the finale of Kuma's backstory I think it's safe to assume that Kuma's death is around the corner now moving past Kuma the first interesting character on The Chopping Block is Shanks of all the characters in this video Even if you believe it would be too dark for Oda to kill all of them or even most of them there is one character who is Far and Away the safest bet to die in the final Saga and that is shanks that's because Shanks is essentially written by Oda to be a very safe choice for him to kill to give the story a bit of a dramatic push what do I mean by that well to begin with Shanks checks off two very important boxes he is very important to Luffy but at the same time he isn't that prominent of a character in the story itself Shanks doesn't really appear in one piece all that often he is a side character he essentially fills the exact same Niche that Ace did in Marine Ford where Ace was a fan favorite Ace was very important to Luffy but Ace was not really a main character meaning that killing ace off would be sad for the reader be sad for Luffy but simultaneously would not really change our reading experience or the tone for the story long term the impact of shank's death would be very similar if Ace was Luffy's brother figure then Shanks is Luffy's Father Figure and this raises another important point which is that it is by and large extremely common and practically expected throughout Fiction and Fantasy that the father or Mentor figure ultimately dies to create drama and to help the growth of the protagonist as now the full burden of facing the final Conflict of the story Falls solely upon them it is essentially the passing of the torch Moment The Coming of Age moment whatever you would like to call it but it's the same reason that jiah and Dumbledore and Obi-Wan and all these types of characters die shank's dying isn't just likely it's inherently good for Luffy's story and Luffy's growth as a character on top of this Shanks is specifically written by Oda to be Practically Perfect for death much like the other characters Oda has killed off in the past Shanks has seemingly no personal Ambitions of his own aside from helping the hero reach his full potential to bring the Dawn and Shanks is content simply playing the role of maintaining the world's balance till that time comes it really doesn't seem as though Shanks wants anything more than to see Luffy achieve what he is meant to achieve Shanks is also very clearly okay with being a SA sacrifice in the path of seeing Luffy bring about the new age and finally of course there is the shanks and Blackbeard setup a seemingly inevitable duel that Shanks of course won't win because the whole point of this classic setup seen throughout all fiction is for the mentor figure to be defeated by the villain therefore setting up the villain as the ultimate challenge for the hero to overcome so with Shanks I'd be more surprised if he actually lived to see the Final Chapter now Beyond Shanks we have the controversial picks Usopp and law now here's the situation there is good reason to believe that at least one of these two characters will die but not necessarily both one death might in fact be dependent on the other now you might be saying morge what the hell are you talking about why would either of these characters die well let's start with Usopp individually I explained this topic in Greater detail in this video but in short everything goes back to two points first the foreshadowing that seems to have been planted in little garden and second the nature of usopp's dream in little garden Usopp very very clearly spells out that not only is he okay with death Usopp very literally wants to die proudly in a manner that he feels is befitting of a brave Warrior of the sea again this is very literally what the character wants this is what he dreams of that makes Usopp by Oda standards the perfect type of character to kill off a character that genuinely wants to die because they would be happiest going out in a certain specific way C Pedro C ashra DOI as we know Oda is a Sentimental writer he has tremendous difficulty killing off characters so it seems the only way he is actually comfortable doing it is when he can make death actually a happy ending for said characters it is extremely scary for Usopp that he is written with his self-proclaimed happiest ending imaginable being his own proud Final Stand now the second major factor supporting usopp's death is that usopp's broader dream that has been established is very very different from the rest of the straw hats usopp's dream is the only one without a concrete end it's not drawing a map of the world it's not becoming the world's strongest swordsman it's not finding the all blue it's not reuniting with a friend every other Straw Hat dream has some sort of point of achievement where objectively you can see that it has been accomplished but with Usopp it's simply becoming a brave Warrior of the sea that is entirely subjective and the problem with that is by most standards Usopp is already a brave Warrior of the sea Usopp was arguably a brave Warrior when he helped free East blue he was arguably a brave Warrior when he challenged the world government I think by the time of dress Rosa no one could argue against the notion that Usopp is a brave Warrior of the sea but still Usopp doesn't call himself a brave Warrior of the sea yet which means that something for him personally is missing this suggests that he needs to do something more than what he has already done on so many islands something that would make him truly feel that he has now become a brave Warrior of the Sea and the only Benchmark we got of that was Usopp talking about a proud death this strongly suggest to me that the most fitting end for usopp's story would be the one that he told us from the start being able to die in some major Act of Bravery wherein he could finally proudly Proclaim that he is a brave Warrior of the sea the wano Arc also adds more weight to this in that Usopp spends the entire Ark talking up how much he avoids death when we know for a fact that this is in stark contrast to what he truly desires to one day be able to embrace death as a brave Warrior suggesting that wano was a setup for a very important character moment of growth of Usopp actually facing death headon as a brave Warrior so all in all it's almost like Usopp was the one straw hat literally written to die from the beginning beginning the one with the most different Dream from the rest and the one who specifically desires a proud death as his version of a happy ending to his story but here's of course the big problem which is oda's own hesitance as a writer to make the tough decisions it seems Oda can't help himself but simply save some characters who are clearly better off dead and one of the most telling statements Oda has made is that he doesn't like killing characters because it would ruin the mood for the big party at the end and you know what ultimately I can appreciate that to some deg agree since one piece is at its core a feel-good story where we are all reading for the sense of Victory and joy of everyone celebrating together at the end while usopp's death may be a happy ending for his character it would be utterly tragic for the rest of the crew however on the other hand the situation is not so black and white there's clearly a middle ground Oda killed off Pedro and some of the scabbards and everyone in wano still had a good time at the feast and remember in alabasta Vivi literally thought pel was dead but that didn't stop her from celebrating without a care in the world the very next day and Viv was honestly probably closer to pel than any of the straw hats are even to each other so ultimately the longlasting effect of a character's death on the mood is entirely up to Oda meaning that with usopp's potential death well it would really depend on the timing if it's during the final battle itself the sense of loss would probably be too fresh for any sort of celebration after the battle but if Usopp died sometime before the final battle wherein there is more breathing room and time for the straw hats to mourn and dig themselves out of their low point and Rise back up to fight and win the final battle for the world then celebrating with a big Feast still would make sense in my opinion however there is one complication to usopp's death to consider and that is the growing role of another character Trafalgar law so I already explained the inst story reasons that Usopp might die but the out of story reasons are that the death of a main character like Usopp is the most powerful way to add significant drama to the climax of the story however what if it doesn't have to be Usopp what if Oda initially planned for Usopp to play this role but then realized that he could go with another easier option see troger law was supposedly never planned on being this important but over time he has undoubtedly turned into a main character of one piece with a more prominent role and greater screen time than even some of the straw hats so is it possible that as Law's character role developed at some point Oda realized that he could kill off law in the final Saga and thereby have a main character die without having to pull the trigger on actually killing one of the straw hats after all law is a main character now he is the only character in one piece who you could say is a main character who is not a member of the straw hat crew and that is a very dangerous position to be in because law is a main character but he is not that close to Luffy which means that Law's death could be dramatic and it could mean a lot to the reader but simultaneously not mean so much to the straw hats that it ruins their end of story Feast like Oda worries about I mean just looking at law he's perfect for death he has a check off's gun ability that primes him to die it's an immortality surgery that kills the user which perfectly sets law up for going out in some sort of noble sacrifice law himself is also completely okay with death law didn't even plan on Surviving past doflamingo law was all in on killing himself just to take out doflamingo that was his actual plan the simple fact that law came out of dress Rosa having gotten what he wanted without even sacrificing himself like he planned basically means that he's living on house money at this point L didn't even intend on getting this far L doesn't care about the one piece he kind of cares about the wheel of D but for the most part Law's actual story is done it was done the moment doflamingo went down it's not like Law's living with some powerful childhood dream that he needs to live on to fulfill like the straw hats or anything so all all in all Law's immortality surgery is a death flag the completion of his story arc and his acceptance of death make him perfectly killable and he is at the moment far in away the most significant protagonist that Oda could kill in one piece who is not a straw hat so bottom line I do think a main character death is in the works the only question is if it's going to be law or Usopp or if oda's feeling insanely uncharacteristically bold then both and if you're enjoying this video so far make sure to to subscribe for more videos like this every week and make sure to get your one piece inspired clothing today in the morge store we have hoodies sweatshirts and t-shirts and get your oneof a-kind puzzle of all major one piece characters Link in the description below and finally maybe the most Dark Horse death pick of them all aokiji all right so this one likely sounds strange but I have been thinking on aokiji's story for a while now and it feels as though it may be heading for a tragic end to begin with aokiji is one of the most morally messy characters in one piece we have seen the good side of him lately with his approach to Robin and trying to stop ainu but at the same time nothing will ever erase the blood of genocide that aokiji has on his hands aokiji is almost as responsible for the death of the civilians of ohhara as ainu is that is never going away just because aokiji regrets it now doesn't change the fact that he helped execute the extermination of an entire civilization the story of aokiji since Ohara has been of a man who has done terrible things trying to make amends by walking A New Path and aiji seems to believe that he has found that better path despite seemingly joining the Blackbeard Pirates everything about aokiji's writing implies that there is a deeper more noble goal that aokiji is pursuing that simply happens to be easiest by working alongside the Blackbeard Pirates but the thing is I don't think that aokiji is necessarily going to get a happy ending a lot of the ideas of haosu seem to suggest that there are problems with the paths that both GARP and aokiji walk which is why Kobe's way is the true future of the Marines I can't imagine aokiji at this point having lived the life of a criminal going on to ever again be a part of the future reformed Marines I don't believe he will ever be accepted back as Admiral or Fleet Admiral so then what is the ending of aokiji's story I don't know if there's a place for aokiji at the end of all this the path that he has walked is too morally gray the sins he has committed require too much Redemption and the choices he has made Post Time skip are likely to have consequences to begin with I don't believe aiji will be able to freely play the Blackbeard Pirates and get away with it remember aiju is not truly a member of the crew he's kind of using them but at the same time many of them already mistrust him and Blackbeard is too devious of a character to be working so closely with remember Blackbeard's wholeo is simply using people till it's time to stab them in the back aiji is not going to get the better of Blackbeard we know that no matter what happens the Blackbeard Pirates are going to continue their Unstoppable rise and their successes till they are defeated by Luffy and the straw hats no one else whatever aokiji's plan is I don't think he's going to survive till the Blackbeard Pirates endgame at the same time I do believe that aiji will be able to achieve something of note otherwise his whole current character Arc is pointless he is a character who more than any other needs Redemption and is actively searching for it as such I do believe that aokiji will make a difference and that he's walking this path for a reason but I think the impact that he makes will have to come with some sacrifice therefore I think giving his life to make the world a better place would be the redeeming act that could in some way write the great wrongs that he has done in the past but at the same time with the situation he's put himself in the sins that he already carries and the heaviness of the burden he has chosen to take upon himself I don't imagine aiji will ever get to ride off into the sunset so let me know who you think is most likely to die in the comments below as well as anyone you think may die who I didn't end up listing if you enjoyed this video make sure to like And subscribe and if you want to hear my argument for one final most polarizing major character death that I believe will happen in the final Saga then you can listen to my weekly podcast by supporting me on patreon link in the description below
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 92,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kuma, Shanks, Usopp, Kuma Death, Kuma Die, Shanks Death, Shanks Die, Usopp Death, Usopp Die, Straw hat death, One Piece death, Characters who will die, One Piece character death, Character death
Id: cTcR7K3l7Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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