Saturn Dies At Egghead: 3 Arcs Of Foreshadowing

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there have been three God antagonists in one piece anel the god of skypia doflamingo the god of Dres Rosa and emu the god of the world anel believed himself to be a Divine being doflamingo as a Celestial Dragon believed himself to be a Divine being and emu as the king of the celestial dragons certainly acts as a God as is reflected in the manner in which he passes down judgment on the citizens of the world below him and the most notable Common Thread between each of these three gods in one piece is their devoted group of core subordinates that carry out their commands anel had the priests dolingo had his seats and emu has the goros the visual parallels are clear and deliberate with each of the Gods presented to us with their core devout subordinates bowing before them in three nearly identical spreads so with this in mind we can actually look back at the stories of anel's priests and doflamingo seats to see a remarkable parallel in how their narratives play out that the goras are actually already mirroring to the point that we can actually predict not only when each of the goras will lose but who they will be defeated by and even a potential major betrayal by one of the members so strap in because this video will break down the future of the goras the most mysterious group in one piece using clear parallels to the past that are already beginning to repeat so the biggest commonality that NL doflamingo and emu share is that they all rely on one unique power up that power up is none other than Factor the sponsor for this video factor is introducing lunch to go these are wholesome lunches like grain bowls that are cooked by professional chefs sent directly to you I bet a lot of you don't even have time for lunch let alone making sure that you're eating healthy meals you could have nutritious lunches ready to go with Factor no more meal prep no more having to get takeout Factor will hand you ready to go lunches that taste really good and are legitimately good for you so you don't have to worry about calories or nutrition it's actually so easy for you all you have to do is go to their site select the meals you want and you're done fresh pre prepared meals will start being sent to your door however often you want I personally have a really hectic work life so for me taking all the thought out of what meals to eat and just being handed ready to go healthy food that tastes good has been a huge timesaver and general stress relief so if you want to just check out what meals you could be eating then head to or just click the link below if you like what you see then use code morge 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box that's or the link in the description below so that aside to begin with Let me give a quick refresher of how skypia dress Rosa and the final Saga are all connected and how NL doflamingo and emu are all evolutions of one another this is already explained in depth in this video but let me give a brief rundown here the skypia arc foreshadows the history of the one piece World centering around a will that has been passed down over centuries to relight the fire AKA bring the dawn that can only be accomplished by overthrowing the evil dictatorial God that rules the realm even concluding with a great treasure being found it is beat for beat foreshadowing the lore of the one piece World At Large now dress Rosa isn't even foreshadowing it is straight up spelled out for us that it is very explicitly meant to directly represent the state of the larger one piece World in general though flamingo's rule is explicitly meant to parallel the world government's rule where he makes most citizens believe that they live under a just government in a Utopia when in actuality the government erases all who disobey from history and masks the truth of the dystopia with do Flamingo himself representing how all Celestial dragons rule the world believing himself to be God who is destined to rule and manipulate mere mortals and finally in the final Saga that we are in we are no longer dealing with foreshadowing or metaphors we are are dealing with the truth of the broader World itself that the past arcs of skypia and Dr Rosa already represented in miniature we are dealing with emu the god of the world who makes those who disobey disappear from history and who rules over a dystopic world and there is a long running will that has been passed down through centuries to defeat the god emu and bring the dawn these are all the broad Strokes clear story parallels between the three story lines but what's crazy is that even if you get down to the nitty-gritty details of skypia dress Rosa and the final Saga you see that its remarkably similar beats and character archetypes playing out over and over both skypia and R Rosa concluded with NL and doflamingo respectively beginning a great cleansing with NL wiping out skypia itself and aiming to wipe out most of its inhabitants and doflamingo attempting to do the same with the bird cage and they both parallel each other to the point that they both literally go about it in the exact same way by launching a a great Survival game to see who is allowed to survive their cleansing in the final Saga the upcoming great cleansing has already been established and hinted at as coming around the corner Oda is really deliberately drawing on the same beats for all three storylines we also see the painfully specific similarity of the straw hats arriving at skypia the day that a Great Rebellion against God is about to take place to take back the land and the straw hats arrive in Dr Rosa the day that a Great Rebellion against God is about out to take place to take back the land with wiper leading the shandians in skypia against enel and kyos leading the tonadas in Dr Rosa against doflamingo and would you look at that in this final Saga that we have been building up to this entire time the conflict that is just now finally starting is Dragon leading the Revolutionary Army against emu and the celestial dragons to take back the world skypia Dres Rosa and the final Saga all kick off with a revolutionary figure leading a rebel Army against God with of of course the straw hats later on joining in to help win the war so with all of these clear recurring parallels that Oda is drawing on beat for beat between the stories of skypia dress Rosa and the final Saga with the stories of enl doflamingo and emu down to their very specific actions and the remarkably similar story lines of the side characters of each Arc we can now look back again at the obviously deliberate parallels between the priests the seats and the goros these three groups all play a clear nearly identical role with respect to their respective gods and there are some very specific similarities in how the story of the priests and the seats went that the goras already seemed to be playing out in the same manner to begin with skypia and Dr Rosa each feature a war a war that began when wiper and the shandians began their assault on God's Army and a war that began when Kiros and the tonadas began their assault on doflamingo's Empire in both of these wars God and His subordinates are defeated enel and the priests in skypia and doflamingo and the seats in Dres Rosa however in both of these cases with both groups there is one subordinate that is defeated prior to the war one subordinate who is tasked with dealing out punishment in some way at the beginning of the story line as the Hammer Of God one subordinate who fails to enact God's punishment at the start in skypia this was saturi who was meant to punish the straw hats for invading God's land but was defeated this was before the Rebellion against enl and the rest of the priests took place same thing with the dress Rosa storyline when it's time for Rebellion against doflamingo there are only three seats remaining why is that because Virgo was sent out in advance to punish law and the straw hats on behalf of doflamingo for causing trouble on Punk Hazard essentially messing with God's Turf but of course Virgo was also defeated same as Satori was in both story lines in the Prelude to the big war where the city citizens rebel against God one of God's subordinates is sent out early to punish the straw hats on God's behalf and is defeated and now here we are in the final Saga and we see the exact same thing again the straw hats are causing trouble on God's Turf as Egghead Island belongs to the world government and the Creations there are specifically for emu and the celestial dragons and so one of God's subordinates Saturn is being sent in to deal with the situation and punish the straw hats and once again we can expect that Saturn will be defeated just like sator just like Virgo one of God's subordinates will not make it to the big war just like Satur and Virgo I don't think Saturn will be part of U's Squad by the time the final battle begins you can especially see a sharp parallel between Saturn and Virgo storylines in particular as Punk Hazard and Egghead Island are remarkably similar setups in the first place both are these islands of science centered around a mad genius Caesar in Punk Hazard Vega punk in Egghead Island on these islands are all these Advanced secret developments taking place making special Creations the smile fruit on Punk Hazard the seraphim and mother flames on Egghead Island and these are being made for the god figures doflamingo and emu respectively I mean Punk Hazard itself literally set up Egghead island in the future as a lot of punk Hazard is building up Vega Punk the island is literally called punk Hazard after Vega Punk all along Punk Hazard was supposed to be the first science Island that we visit and Egghead Island was supposed to be the final more important science Island that we visit so in both cases who is the primary antagonist of each Arc a subordinate sent by God to fix the trouble being caused by the straw hats and to salvage the valuable scientific assets of the island doflamingo sends Virgo to punk Hazard to take it back from the straw hats to make sure that doflamingo can retain access to smile emu sends Saturn to egged Island to take it back back from the straw hats to make sure that emu can retain access to the mother flame and the seraphim I mean there's even an identical hostage situation in both where the straw hats capture Caesar in Punk Hazard who doflamingo needs to make smile and the straw hats capture York in Egghead Island who emu needs to make mother Flames Saturn is playing the exact same role as Virgo did in Punk Hazard so by the end of Egghead Island I wouldn't be surprised if we were looking at Jupiter Venus Juro Topman and Mars as emu's only remaining subordinates as I don't think Saturn makes it out alive from Egghead Island the same way that Virgo didn't make it out alive from dress Rosa and so if we continue down this train here's another little odity that may foreshadow a major plot development among the goras potentially a Betrayal on this specific point I have to acknowledge that I am not the first person to recognize this and I do not claim to be the first to recognize this but many people have discussed how the number of anel's priests is four sat AA gatu and om and the number of doflamingo seats is four Virgo damante treble and Pika but the number of Imus gor is five Jupiter Venus Juro Topman Mars and Saturn the three groups parallel each other in so many other ways but in this one specific regard they differ or do they could it be that the story of emu and the gor is actually going to parallel the story of doflamingo and his seats even more specifically than we thought because doflamingo actually did originally have five seats in total the original five were Virgo Diamante treble Pika and corazone corazone was originally the heart seat but the entire dress Rosa Arc the heart seat is missing why because corazone rebelled corazone betrayed doflamingo doflamingo the god of dress Rosa was supposed to have five trusted subordinates he was supposed to have five Elder Stars just like emu the god of the world the parallel was originally exact but one of doflamingo's subordinates betrayed him is it possible that so too could we see a betrayal among the remaining gor many have suggested that if one of them does betray IMU it would be Jupiter as he is the youngest of the group and seems the most different from the rest of the old men in my own observation that may be similar to how corazone was the one who betrayed doflamingo as corazone was the youngest of the group in the gor's case the youngest being the traitor would be fitting as Jupiter arguably could be from a different generation and may have grown up with a different outlook on things as is often written with generational gaps now you might be asking why was this traitor situation not the case in skypia with nl's priests shouldn't NL also have had five priests one of whom betrays him well the thing is a lot of oda's earlier story lines were simpler and it's only as he repeats similar narrative Frameworks that he adds more elements to make them more complex at skypia there likely wasn't room to fit a whole traitor priest storyline in as it was a shorter tighter story in general so perhaps that's why NL was just given for actual loyal subordinates and if we want to continue down this road of using the past to predict the future of the goray then we can actually potentially even guess at some of the key final matchups for the remaining goray if we say that Saturn is defeated here at Egghead Island before the final battle in the same way that satri and Virgo were and if we take a guess that say Jupiter may be a traitor just like corazone was then we are looking at three remaining gor for the final battle that's the same number of priests that enl had in the war for skypia and the same number of seats that doflamingo had in the war for dress Rosa and in both cases one member of the remaining Trio was defeated by Zoro Omen skypia and Pika INR Rosa with regards to the goras many already believe that Venus Juro is perfect for zoro's matchup in the Final War as he wields what seems to be the final kitetsu blade blade marking him as not only a swordsman but one who Zoro is potentially destined to defeat as another chosen wielder of a kitetsu blade along those lines who else tends to get a matchup against God subordinates in the past arcs of skypia and R Rosa the leader of the Rebellion wiper and Kos are the analogous figures of skypia and Russ Rosa the head of the Rebel forces in each Ark respectively who for decades have been planning in preparation for a Great Rebellion against God why ER gets to defeat the priest shur and Kiros gets to defeat one of the seats Diamante so in that regard I Look to dragon as the clear analog in the modern day the head of the great Rebel Army of the modern world the Revolutionary Army and for decades dragon has been planning in preparation for a Great Rebellion against heaven and he literally just declared the start of that Rebellion to kick off this Saga as such I think there is a very strong chance that Dragon Gets one of the final two goras which would be fitting as we all expect dragon to get some sort of a big win before the end of the story if we really want to get speculative then my feeling is that the gor member Dragon would defeat might be Topman simply because first of all he is the war God of Justice and that seems like perhaps the most thematically fitting one for Dragon to fight not to mention Topman is often portrayed as being in the center of the goray and if you go back through and look at all of the gor's appearances Topman tends to get slightly more individual panels and dialogue than the rest though this may be reading too much into it as for the final matchup for the goray that's anyone's guess there is no Common Thread across past arcs for who defeats God's fourth subordinate the only commonality that I can see is that among both nl's priests and doflamingo seats there was one member that was clearly a bit weaker than the rest with gatu having a literal 50% survival rate for his trial and treble being generally a bit of a joke so I could see the final goray going to anyone really but let me me know below who you think each of the Gori are going to fight and if you enjoyed this video then definitely like And subscribe and if you want to get my thoughts on some deeper parallels between the three groups then you can listen to this Friday's podcast by supporting me on patreon just hit the link in the description below
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 320,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saturn, Gorosei Saturn, Saturn Devil Fruit, Gorosei, Egghead, Imu, Doflamingo, Enel, Saturn defeat, Saturn death
Id: P_ErVA2gbcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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