One Piece Chapter 1107 Discussion

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H H low all right everyone can hear me okay we're keeping our streak going of not being that late not being that late it was what uh scheduled for 15 14 minutes ago and here we are 14 minutes later not too bad all right everybody who enjoyed the chapter who enjoyed the chapter I thought this was a great chapter and the best part okay who was a spoilers reader for this chapter who was reading spoilers before this K asks where can we scale morge to there is a series of videos uh live streams in fact that uh are about me versus the straw hats me versus the Admirals um so far I have a pretty clean record I beat most characters um you I'm not going to get into the details here but you can actually watch the streams I break down in depth how I would defeat most of the one piece top tiers uh no okay so all right so the fun thing about spoilers this week uh this this week I I was not safe from spoilers whatsoever it was just it was flooded it was everywhere um and I'm not one of those people that takes great length to try and avoid spoilers just because the I don't know and lots of people don't even do the tags and stuff like that like the um like tag it to make sure that people don't get get spoiled a lot of people don't even do that they don't have the courtesy so I just stopped trying at a point um but the fun I think the most fun thing about this week chapter-wise was before the chapter came out it was and I'll get i'll get supers in a second let's get the stream L up to 100 before the chapter came out it was an absolute I've never seen this before absolute roller coaster of agenda back and forth back and forth it was just I I had never seen with every new word that was dropped about the chapter every new little bit of dialogue every new tidbit of information every little bit of every little morsel of knowledge about any given interaction in the chapter you would see the pendulum swing back and forth back and forth for those of you who don't know let me fill you in basically like news news comes in that like um yeah the news comes in initially that like Zoro is still fighting Luchi this has Zoro haters zanji fans whatever going into an absolute frenzy that Zoro is still stalling Luchi and then people are making fun of him things going back and forth Etc um then you get this news that wait zorao revealed that he was he said something like I'm I'm Cho I'm deciding the duration of this battle I get to decide how long the fight is so then you get the pendulum swinging back the other way with everyone clowning on Zoro haters being like see Zoro he's just toying with Luchi he's just keeping him at Bay just to you know control the situation etc for whatever head Cannon reasons right he's just he's just [ __ ] around he's messing with Luchi and then we get news is Zoro using like is using Advanced conqueror hockey does he have the bandana on that was its own whole thing I swear there was like an 8 Hour stint where people were going back and forth power scaling bandanaz Zoro versus non bandanaz Zoro and then now we get to today when the chapter's actually out and it turns out that yeah Zoro does say the line about like I control the duration of the fight but he also says that he's in a hurry and he's also getting roasted by Luchi and it also very clearly looks like he is exerting effort at least with the blood and the the sweating and the panting and all that stuff it does not seem like Zoro is I think it would have to be a a deep Zoro Zoro like a deep deep Zoro Fanboy to go as far as to say that Zoro is toying with Luchi or that that this is a low diff fight at this point whatever let's pray for Zoro that he ends this next chapter let's just let's just [ __ ] leave it at that all right and then the flip side of things is like I I can if you're a Sanji fan you must feel like you're living in a dream right now it can't feel real you've been [ __ ] on for so long so many arcs when was the last time you guys Felt This Good I feel like it it like the Jin the moment that Sanji tanked a jinbe s shark fist I think that's the closest but even that's not even close to this cuz you get a chapter where Zoro is not not not struggling with a character who is clearly a lot weaker than kizaru who Sanji just clearly impressed with a feat that we were supposed to take as very very impressive right against a top tier right um this this must feel surreal I feel like a lot of you must be um thinking you're in like the upside down world or something like that I I don't I don't know how I mean how did Sanji fans even survive this long like it's been it's been such a desert a [ __ ] Sahara for you guys right must feel really good right now all right let's let's catch these uh let me catch the the the memberships first Thomas Davis thanks for being a ywn to your member for nine months I don't know man Luffy going googly ey at VAP Punk dying on the floor doesn't feel right he said he'd protect him can gear fifth not have anything serious I will direct everybody in the Stream to my latest video which I think is even more relevant than ever right now I should have waited one [ __ ] week before releasing this because this video I think it's I think it's so relevant like I feel like everything that I said in the video was essentially Prov in this chapter which is it is [ __ ] like just the way that gear fifth is written it is fundamentally difficult to have tension because the natural manners it's a it's a joke form it's a comedy form it's a gag form you cannot write gear fifth the way gear fifth is and still maintain a serious tone right like if Luffy if the if the writing for gear fifth is that Luffy his eyes will pop out when he's shocked that's what you're going going to get and that's a joke moment which means that it's undercutting the seriousness of the moment right now what's also funny is that Luffy did have one moment where he does get a little bit serious this chapter where he punch he puts on a serious face and he punches Saturn right what did I say in my video and I'm pasting the video right here what did I say in my video I said in the video the one serious moment in Luffy's fight against kaido was bajun gun and Oda was only able to make that moment somewhat serious because bajang gun is not like like normal gear fifth attacks it's not like some jokey cartoony zany um like Tom and Jerry type shenanigan thing it's like the only gear fifth attack that he did that was like a normal like classic Luffy attack like a gear third Punch or King Kong gun or something like that right same thing this chapter he's like Luffy has to do a serious move so he's not doing like you know the the like the silly stuff like he's doing against Luchi like putting out goggles or whatever he's just doing a [ __ ] Gatling attack like he used to like a jet Gatling or G storm or whatever so it's kind of like you have gear fifth it's for all these joke moves and stuff like that but then when it's time for actually serious moments you have to turn off that off and then just do normal [ __ ] like normal Luffy attacks and in that case what's even the point of the gear fifth form if anytime it actually matters you're just going to be riding Luffy like he would normally fight you get what I'm saying it's it's a sort of yeah it's just like this gear fifth Paradox but again in the video I outlined the reasons why I think it can work in the future cuz I don't think you know I I don't think the situation like I don't know it was weird seeing Luffy have that reaction like with the Vega Punk scene and everything like that and like he's literally laughing while while like he's he's laughing over the course of the scene right like I I can't imagine him doing that if it was like normal bass Luffy with Vega Punk bleeding out on the ground right I've seen people being like well he's not laughing at Vega Punk it it's it's not about if he's laughing at Vega Punk or not it's just if your friend is [ __ ] bleeding out on the floor you just wouldn't be laughing in general right but gear fifth Luffy is so again in the video I made a case for why this would be okay going forward in the scenarios going forward I think it's more of a hard sell now like that had this chapter has me even rethinking some things with the defense I put forward of gear 5ifth but um I still think most of the video still applies it's just the critiques now apply more than the defenses that I put up sorry let me let me keep catching these things I don't want to I don't want to um fall behind here um okay hold on hold on one second um stride shako thanks for being a member for 16 months could Blackbeard be a Buccaneer could explain weird body yes I definitely think Blackbeard's a Buccaneer it explains things like uh why he was able to eat the extra devil fruit it would explain it explains three things right why he was able to eat the extra devil fruit it explains the no sleeping thing because Buccaneers seem to have some sort of dual cont like extra level to their Consciousness or their body or something like that that seems to be also why Kuma is able to survive the um the experiment like his Consciousness is able to survive the experimentation by Vega Punk um and then lastly it would explain a lot of Blackbeard's goals in history because the buccaneer tribe is the one that is most closely tied to the the age of Joy boy it's possible Joy boy himself was a Buccaneer the legend of NAA Etc so Blackbeard's goals and dreams could very well fit um if he's a Buccaneer um Eric thanks for being a member a yonko toer member for 4 months sup morch had to stop reading as soon as I saw Sanji versus kizaru because I was too busy fangirling Around My Room embarrassing but true that's exactly what I'm saying like if you're a Sanji fan this just does it it it makes no sense right like what's even happening is this some sort of early April Fool's joke let's get the stream likes up to 100 real quick by the way we got 700 people in here let's get the stream likes up to 100 Timothy McQueen always good to see you man and thank you for instead of a pop quiz you're just gifting five memberships holy [ __ ] thank you so so much man I really really appreciate it as does everybody that was gifted beat gamer99 uh say thank you for to Timothy McQueen uh I can't say this name because it's in Japanese or some language I don't understand but say thank you to Timothy McQueen tandil NOA kerb uh everybody say thank you and tala tala yeah I'm surprised tala yeah tala say thank you all right let me past this video I I strongly encourage people go watch it after this chapter um just just think on it we've got some thinking on gear fifth to do I I should have waited till after this chapter to drop the video but it is what it is um should have waited then you have more stuff to talk about it does affect some of the defenses that I put up for gear fifth anyway Jordan Taylor thanks for being a Yono tier member for 17 months been busy lately finally back for a stream glad to see you're not dead LOL no um I am not dead I'm very much alive thanks for supporting for 17 months man holy [ __ ] um your support keeps me alive so um I'm joking don't take that seriously but I appreciate the support um yeah let me catch up on supers real quick and let's get the stream likes up to 200 sorry things are moving a little bit slow here K Kia says he said lineage though isn't that more tied to his family rather than his race uh let's wait for his um I think both could be I think both fly let's um unless the Marshall D line specifically is something special but yeah maybe let's wait for the official before I jump the gun on that but I felt like black per of Buccaneer ever since we got the bit about Kuma and his Consciousness um potentially being able to survive Vega Punk's experimentation cuz the only way that would really work is if it's something like Blackbeard where there's multiple bodies or multiple something you know toy 2000 thanks for being a Yono tier member for 15 months I do hope Blackbeard's goal is not something like I'm going to conquer the world I would hate if he follows the Tyrant villain role so one thing that has to be remembered is that what was reported and this is this goes to my video that's coming out next week cuz I think with this chapter a million things just came together for Blackbeard I'm not going to get get into detail about that because it's next week's video um but I had fun writing next week's video so It spoilers is going to be on Blackbeard uh and his total plan because I think his total plan is very interesting um so you it has to be remembered that rox's plan was to become king of the world at least that's what was told to us by sangoku sangoku might be under some misinformation he might not know might have fallen into some propaganda but that's at least what sangoku believes that rox's goal was that's what it was generally believed that rox's goal was right um Blackbeard follows in Rock's footsteps that doesn't necessarily mean they have the same goal but it could imply that and there's certain lines that Blackbeard has said in the past that suggest that that could very very much be the case Also let's get the stream likes up to 200 real quick um let me catch these supers um Batman for re thanks for the five let's start the stream nice and toxic wanie stocks up Zolo stocks plummeting I think we can all safely acknowledge that right that's just true um with this chapter it is the highest I've ever seen Sanji stocks Sanji stocks are also tend to in a in a long time since pre time skip let's say Sanji stocks also tend to be relative to Zoro stocks that's just the way it is like if Zoro has bad showings then that Sanji stocks are up if uh if Sanji has good showings and Zoro has bad showings it's like Sanji stocks are doubly up this is the highest Sanji stocks I've ever been I would just say cherish this hold this moment dear to your heart if you're a Sanji fan just like Revel in this week go outside like breathe in the air do whatever you got to do just let this sink in I don't think this will be the norm going forward maybe we get another couple weeks of this or something like that but I would say that in a few like at the end of the day you know it's Zoro Zoro is ultimately just going to look better at the end of the day in the long run it's just a losing game I think so if you're a Sanji fan um get your kicks in ETC maybe don't antagonize too much because you just know that things are going to be flipped around at some point but there's no way to spin it right now this is the worst Zoro has ever looked in comparison to Sanji in as long as I can ever remember uh like in post times skip at the very least relatively speaking right um and you know like let's put things in perspective zor's it's not even that bad uh he's he's just fighting Luchi who's an opponent that um um was able to hold out against a yonko for a couple chapters granted a yonko that wasn't going that hard and at the very least I think one thing is clear which is that Zoro is not using Advanced conqueror hockey um the simple panel of him and Luchi clashing like visibly clashing fist to sword that makes it very clear that zor is not using Advanced conqueror's hockey if you flip and go back to looking at Zoro versus King there's a panel where like once Zoro starts using Advanced conquer hocky there's a panel where uh zoro's sword is clashing with King sword and Zoro uses Advanced conquer hockey and their swords separate that's what it would look like if Zoro was using Advanced conqueror hockey so I think it's very clear unless Z is being wildly inconsistent which is also very possible um I do think that Zoro is not using Advanced conqueror hockey right now does not change the fact that is clearly not having the easiest time not not an easy like you can't spin this as like Zoro is easily handling Luchi it is easily like a a mid difficulty fight or or potentially depending on how much further things go higher than that I don't know storm fox thanks for the two how do you beat Saturn he just heals from everything um you could drop into the bottom of the ocean I feel like that's very very possibly where this ends up heading um yeah just Saturn being sent to the bottom of the ocean I think that's entirely plausible bort thank you my favorite scene this week the commanders of the two main villains of the story emu and Blackbeard talking lore piece and just interacting in general it is a really really cool little scene because it's the two big bads that we know are coming up right the Blackbeard Pirates and the the celestial dragons the goray right and so far it's really felt like the gor and the celestial dragons are the bigger of the two bads but the Blackbeard Parts really just flexed on them and it's it it really felt like yeah we're coming like you know you guys have the world right now but we're shooting for it it this was a this was a message moment it felt really big um I don't know I I felt confident for for the longest time I felt confident that Blackbeard's the final villain then I started shifting over and having more and more difficulty imagining that I started feeling like okay emu is probably the final villain even though I'm personally partial to the idea of Blackbeard is the villain but I I I got on board the Emu train I think there's now a window opening up to the possibility again of the Blackbeard Pirates being the final villains I think the possibility is now once again there and let's get the stream likes up to 200 real quick um uh brianfield thanks for the five Blackbeard is looking a lot more like the final villain after this chapter he's clearly planning something insane any ideas on what Blackbeard's ultimately plan is [Music] um um I don't want to share anything here that's all I'll say just because that's next week's video so I I can't say anything as for what whether I think Blackbeard's the final villain or not I would still bet more money on E I would still bet more money on E but I now think that like before I I had once upon a time I was like 100% it's going to be Blackbeard then as the story progressed I was just like it seems more likely that it's going to be IM and um maybe Blackbeard still got like a 10% shot now I think Blackbeard might be in it with like a 30 to 40% shot but I would still lean to team um Zen thanks for the two thanks Mor as a Sanji fan I feel seen uh yeah I I think that like Sanji fans have to feel good this chapter I've been saying that but it's just you know it's the way it is um Gunner 4555 thanks for being yon your member for nine months the world from VCA from Van auger was so great for some reason no idea how Luffy and Blackbeard will go as we go in the story and great content from morch like usual hey thank you very much I appreciate it um the world yeah I think that that was the coolest panel in a chapter filled with some actually I don't think this chapor had a ton of cool panels I think that was the coolest panel it had a lot of good moments and you know plot developments obviously Also let's get the stream likes up to 200 um tala thanks zor admits Sanji stronger I I don't think that's ever going to be the case that zor would admit that but let's see what you're sending me this is going to be a meme oh it's I I don't like sharing images on chapter discussions just cuz even if it's not from the recent chapter it's just it's just a dicey thing to do um so I don't like sharing it on chapter review streams but like Zoro did say during the King fight when King I assume this is the King fight when King launched his head at Zoro Zoro says how can you block that it's like a laser beam um I don't think it's exactly the same but yeah I mean Sanji fans just soak it in soak it in Rion isar thanks for the 10 Devon tapping Saturn confirms he'll dieet eggh head for me yeah um it's and Devon will infiltrate Maria what dis guys as him invest in blackb stocks now sell World Government stocks ASAP again just wait for next week's video I will elaborate on all of these ideas um I don't have a ton to say on that just because I have a full video coming out next week that will elaborate heavily on that so sorry I can't go in depth right here but let's just say that we're on the same page um Spade thanks for the five I like that Oda is giving some attention to van auger and treating him as one of the more serious black Pirates since he is a potential Usopp opponent yeah I got to say I feel like the the um the raid on haosu um Justin Holland says check my Milestone chat in the beginning what did I miss did I miss anything was it a was it a was it a uh dude was it a member comment because I think I might not be seeing that right now can you just repeat it don't super but just uh just repeat it I'll try and catch it um sorry was it a member m chat I don't know if it was a member chat check my Milestone chat in the beginning um Justin H just type in now I'll be looking as I as I read um what is that yeah van auger treating me as one of the more serious members yeah because one of the things is that like during the haosu raid I just don't think that um how do how do I say this I I don't think that the Blackbeard pirates look that good in the haosu raid because yeah they captured GARP but ultimately GARP looks a lot cooler than the Blackbeard Pirates there right because aliji had to do a lot of the heavy lifting and you know aalo pizaro gets suned twice and once was by Kobe like Vasco shots just getting tossed around um San Juan wolf getting tossed around sheru the first mate only gets in one cheap shot before then getting like taken out for the moment at the very least uh I don't know um it I I think that this was much needed like a hype moment for the Blackbeard Pirates this was really really cool just them getting one over the gor of fall people that was really cool Also let's get the stream likes up to 200 real quick see Justin Holland did you say anything I'm looking I don't see anything from you Justin Holland right now yeah don't see anything here right now um yeah Spade thanks for the five I like that no we covered this no yeah yeah we covered this um Welton hoder thanks for the 10 Sanji and kizaru is the perfect fight Sanji is driven by emotion the power of love and kizaru suppresses his emotion to obey orders that's a really really good way to put it K like kizaru is literally right now going against what he's actual true personal feelings are right where Sanji is giving into that 100% I'm also kind of curious how do people see this going do people think that let me do a poll real quick do people think that um is Luffy okay how do the matchups go Luffy versus Saturn Luffy and Sanji versus kizaru yeah is it Luffy versus Saturn Luffy and Sanji versus kizaru some other mix and match option I don't know this is a weird poll because I really don't know what the options are but it feels right now like Luffy is going to be like Luffy's directing his anger towards Saturn I don't really see Sanji versus Saturn it just doesn't feel like that's something that's really set up Karo versus SAT Karo versus Sanji feels right if Zoro fans are lucky and I still think if I'm being honest I still think this is a possibility I could definitely see Zoro versus Luchi rapping and Zoro coming back to help Sanji against kizaru because ultimately I don't think Sanji can solo kizaru right now I just don't think that's a thing um sorry Sanji fans I don't think that's an absurd thing to say um but at the same time yeah I I don't know um yeah at the same time I think that Zoro and Sanji together could probably take kizaru and I feel like Luffy versus Saturn seems like what it's shaping up to be all right I might have ended the poll too early but I was just kind of quickly curious uh Keenan thanks for being a Yono tier member for 17 months man morge who will be the pirate with the eye patch have they already been introduced or will it be a new character I think the pirate with the eye patch and I I might have mentioned this before I think it's very possible it will end up being Luffy by the end of the story I think it'll either be Luffy or Blackbeard I think it'll be a character that we already know who goes through something and ends up with an eye patch so I think it'll either be Luffy or Blackbeard I could see Blackbeard losing an eye to Shanks or something like that um Blackbeard give Shanks the scar Shanks might be able to return one on the way out um but I could also see it being for Luffy if certain things happen but uh actually I I think Luffy with an i patch becomes less and less likely now that gear fifth is a thing because it's hard to imagine gear fifth Luffy with an eye patch it just is um you know the the Luffy with the Roger code and everything on and the straw hat that Luffy with an i patch I could see but Luffy with uh gear fifth I don't know if that fits an eye patch too well you know we'll we'll see we'll see what design oo wants to go with minu Wong says have you heard about uh look back getting an anime adaptation I have not read that one I've not read that one that's the Fujimoto one shot right I read the other one and I thought the other one was phenomenal so now I'm caught between like should I read look back or should I just wait for the anime adaptation of it um I don't know also by the way I fin really quick I finally caught up with the uh the chainsaw Man manga like I I and I really wasn't thinking that they were like it it's been that good um as of late but then I caught up on the last like five chapters chainsaw man is back for me I think that the last five chapters were [ __ ] phenomenal took me back to the highs of part one for sure last several chapters were were just it's so good I so good I I think I've just learned my lesson with chainsaw man I need to let it build up I can't be weak to we um but like even the like the latest chapter was so [ __ ] good for for chainsaw man because when Fujimoto is doing stuff that only Fujimoto does his writing style his presentation style his uh his his really like the way that he frames things the way that he Paces things the way that he uses silence and minimalism it is it is it stands like 50 feet apart from any of the other manga that I personally read so when he's going off and like he lets off the character work that he's been kind of building up finally uh come to a head and yeah just like allow everything to have a payoff and construct certain scenes and certain uh sequences you like there's nothing like chainsaw man so yeah I'm back on the chainsaw man train I just got to let the chapters pile up um sorry still catching supers let me catch these Members First sorry guys unell good to see you again man y tier member for 17 months always appreciated Devon asking out loud what delicious power Saturn has after touching him can she emulate devil fruit abilities too battle with Strat where she's changing devil fruits if she can emulate devil fruits I think that's just the strongest power period right that's because we're all freaking out that Blackbeard can eat multiple fruits period if Katarina Devon can eat like he he can eat two and that alone is broken if Kina Devon can eat essentially use infinite devil fruit abilities she's simply got the most powerful devil fruit ability there is I don't think that's the case I think she just like she can transform into people's forms right so if she can take Saturn's form that in itself like the physical toughness the the size the the appendages what whatever you want to say I think if she can copy that then you know that's like copying the physical appearance right that that seems very valuable to her so I don't think necessarily that she's got his abilities like I don't think she can do whatever he's doing with his eyes or necessarily his regeneration but she could probably capture um uh his yeah the appearance that he takes it's also interesting because uh I've said before I we've gone back and forth on who Katarina Devon is going to fight is it going to be Nami is it going to be Robin I advocated for Robin in the past then in a stream you guys switched me over to to Nami but think about this um Robin what's her biggest fight in the series before this right black Maria right um the form that uh Karina Deon is going to be able to transform into with Saturn's devil fruit is going to be very spider esque right uh Saturn's form so I just think I don't know that could be kind of interesting that Robin fought like this giant black spider once and then in the final battle she's again fighting this giant like against the Blackbeard P she's again fighting a giant black spider I don't know just maybe a little bit of a a little bit of a parallel or throwback there we know [ __ ] like that happens like um Zoro versus King like a lot of the um a lot of zoro's challenges in that fight were similar to Zoro versus Mr one Rayo chiad thanks for being a yonko tier member for 16 months hey Mo haven't been as active in a while but we have a new supervisor who is cracking down on the use of phones I'll be a vaud viewer for a while hey I hope that you're I don't know if you're okay I hope you enjoy the vods I hope you enjoy the vods I hope you're able to enjoy this as a VOD um on the way to work or something like that and um or no don't be maybe just the Audio I don't know um hey but I'm sorry that you got to [ __ ] in your supervisor though cracking down on the use of phones what is this high school it's ridiculous ridiculous if you ask me all right let me catch supers now hold on hold on uh where we at where we at where we at where we at did I covered this no no we covered no bord bord asked as of now how strong do you think the gor are on one hand Saturn made Luffy bleed with a regular attack on the other hand he kind of feels like a sandbag but also he didn't use any named moves yet yeah that's my feel so my I'm with you so far right now Saturn does feel like a bit of a sandbag in the sense that he's been used in the last several chapter so the flow of Saturn right Saturn revealed for the first time that the gors have abilities very hype moment right we knew that back at the r scene but but getting to see his actual form and just how powerful and menacing it is that was huge everyone was going crazy over the gors gor stocks were through the roof I feel like it was one of the most powerful and memorable chapter character ability reveals in in one piece history the chapter that Saturn transformed into his demon form right everyone remembers that that was really cool at that point in time and especially because the framing was that Saturn now seems like the bigger threat than kizaru also even just the effect sorry there's a truck going outside don't know if you guys can hear that even just the effect that we'd never had in one piece before that people pointed out which is that everyone across the island Zoro Luchi Luffy kizaru everyone's observation hockey like their spider senses are tingling and they're like wait [ __ ] what just happened who the [ __ ] just arrived right the moment Saturn transformed in that moment it felt like the gor Saturn gor Saturn was probably the bigger threat than kizaru as strong or stronger right that was kind of where um I'm not just making this up we did polls at this point in time I'm just recapping you know I'm just recapping Community opinion right we did polls I pulled everybody after that stream opinion was gor greater than kizaru right gor Saturn greater than kizaru he's the biggest threat so that's where opinions were right now in the run of the last few chapters what we had was basically a very sad backstory where Saturn was framed as this really really douchy dude who did a bunch of terrible things and everyone hates Saturn so now we get this run of chapters where Oda is kind of giving readers a sense of catharsis of getting to see Saturn get [ __ ] up right I mean we saw Bonnie get to stab Saturn that was earlier that was minor but then Kuma shows up and he gives Saturn one punch and sends Saturn flying across Egghead Island bloodies him up really really badly and then Saturn gets back up and now Luffy is giving him an ass kicking too um and then on top of that like the Blackbeard Pirates are they got the they got the drop on him so the last everything since Saturn's reveal like in his reveal moment it was huge cuz he like just his presence alone he had Sanji Frankie stunned right um just a wink could deal significant damage like it did it to Luffy too it's not just to Sanji um yeah in his initial reveal it definitely felt like he's being portrayed way up here now just because of the flow of the story OD has given us a a set of chapters recently where Saturn is kind of like like the the pendulum swings back and he gets [ __ ] up a bit right so now the question is is that simply because Oda kind of needed to give readers a sense of catharus for a little bit and just we needed to get to see Saturn get [ __ ] up for a little bit just for our own emotional state after seeing everything that happened in Kuma's backstory or is it more so that yeah Saturn's genuinely not quite as strong as we initially felt right the next couple chapters are going to tell us everything if it Segways into Luffy fighting Saturn maybe cuz Sanji holding off kizaru or something like that then yeah Saturn is probably still going to be the reality is he's probably going to be about as strong as we initially thought which is above kizaru because Saturn would then be the final boss of the Ark right if it's going to be something more like I don't know like Luffy is more focused on kizaru and Saturn's just in the fight as well then I think most people would swing back to saying yeah Saturn's probably not like not as strong as we initially thought so it's it's something that remains to be seen basically there's there's two ways to view the the recent events for Saturn is that one either like like it's just story storywise Oda needed to show Saturn getting [ __ ] up for for reader own emotional sense of catharsis and just to feel good um and then oda's way of writing that off is that well Saturn can just heal from everything and recover from everything therefore it doesn't matter um or Saturn's maybe not quite as good of a combatant and um he can get [ __ ] up by a lot of things um and he's really riant on the Regeneration just to stay in the fight I don't know um or maybe like that even that could be an exaggeration but uh you get what I'm saying like we we need to we need to find out in the next couple chapters kind of like what oda's angle is with um with Saturn and Saturn reflects the Gores strength in general quite a bit I think right here so I hope that he doesn't disappoint but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being weaker than kizaru or sorry yeah surprised if he ends up being weaker than kizaru yil Diaz um oh wait what did I miss yeah yil Diaz thanks for being a Yono tier member for a month I hope you're enjoying it so far I hope you're enjoying the weekly podcasts probably not infinite more like one for each tail so Kat Devon might get nine Powers even then nine Powers is a crazy amount again with Blackbeard it's like Ju Just him getting two powers granted they're two of the most powerful abilities in existence but just the ability to like having any devil fruit ability is a threat getting nine devil fruit abilities I don't care who you are like your hockey could be ass like if you have nine devil fruit abilities like you're a threat like you're a serious [ __ ] problem you know what I mean like um I don't know nine is a lot like like just any individual devil fruit ability tends to have a lot of depth as to what it can do so nine would be crazy I think I still think she can only copy appearances but you know let's wait and see A3 thanks for being a pirate king to your member for 11 months do you think Saturn's attack is Rio Sanji and gear fif Luffy have bled from it ah [ __ ] that is a good question cuz cuz Luffy like sanji's one thing right um Luffy should be made of rubber so no but you know what rubber just means like blunt force type attacks don't work I feel like whatever telekinesis type I still feel like it's a product of Saturn's devil fruit ability it just seems that way I think we got to wait and see because again he also has the ability to kind of freeze people in place I feel like that is I feel like that's devil fruit ability stuff I don't know um so Saturn being able to damage Luffy with telekinesis I think still makes sense it's hard to say hard to say nerve AMV maker thanks for the 10 when Zoro was fighting the yonos Sanji was captured by fodder when Sanji fights an admiral Zoro is going high diff with fodder can odor not write a moment where the crew is firing on all cylinders I mean he did like very like you're forgetting I think the moment where Zoro and Sanji both took took the stage to fight king and queen at the same time that was the big big moment that kicked off the final section of the Oni gushima battle where it's Zoro versus King Sanji versus queen uh e like law and kid versus big mom obviously and Luffy versus kaido was already going on um but that was you know that was um that was pretty big I think that I okay so let me give my prediction right now and you guys let me give quick quick prediction right now all right um and you guys let me know if you think this makes sense um uh Luffy fights I think Luffy fights Saturn Zoro finishes Luchi and then Zoro and Sanji fight kizaru Zoro and Sanji fight kizaru yes no I think that makes sense to me because I I think it perfectly fits the idea of like the two wings of the pirate king Etc that everyone loves um I think that uh like Sanji has gotten his shine right um Luffy versus Saturn just seems it feels like Saturn's being still portrayed as the big boss of the Ark and just symbolically the one that Luffy needs to defeat more so than kizaru I think um if you don't have it that way like let's say you have Luffy fighting kizaru is Sanji fighting Saturn I don't know about that so I just feel like the way things are framed right now Luffy versus Saturn makes sense to me and then you're like well then does Sanji just fight kizaru solo I don't know if Sanji can fight kizaru solo for that long he can't beat him solo I I think even the most hardcore Sanji fan would acknowledge that Sanji can't beat kizaru solo so I feel like Zoro and Sanji versus kizaru would feel very fitting right now I don't know um so that's my little prediction Luffy fight Saturn zor and Sanji fight kizaru I'm just throwing that poll out there let's see what you guys think Ander anami thanks for being a pirate king tier member for 17 months man it's always good to see you in streams by the way really appreciate it monthly reminder to read Fire Punch if you want possible insight to how chainsaw man might turn out read Yogen no nauta one shot if you haven't read wait is it about nauta that's interesting okay I got to read that um the latest chapter was very interesting with regards to that character also Blackbeard mentioned taking over the world versus Ace yeah I mean there's a few Blackbeard quotes that we can go through in the series um that I'm not going to delve into right now but there are there is p presidence for the idea that Blackbeard wants to like take over the world or at least like shape the world in a certain image oh man you guys don't understand like so with the new hairstyle that I've had lately it's very hard to the the drying stage is very important the drying stage is very important um otherwise it just does not look good at the end um I think I've missed the window on the drawing stage ah [ __ ] all it is what what it is yeah it is what it is nah no [ __ ] yeah whatever we'll live with it K Maya thanks for being a yon C tier member for six months I bet Oda has wanted to draw that double page giant viiking attack for years it was glorious Oda as a famous Vicky the Viking fan is very likely I think you're on the nose with that um yeah Oda just likes Vikings that's that's a big inspiration for one piece so dude the giant p it's coming back I it's the most random thing for this Arc I would not have predicted it for this Arc whatsoever I don't I don't think anyone [ __ ] predicted it for this Arc but um I don't know it's sick that it's happening um yeah let's get the by the way let's get the stre legs up to three out real quick uh Kenny says why doesn't Zoro kill Luchi I mean I think he would if it was easy um I I imagine I like to believe that Zoro will try like try hard I'm not saying that zor is not trying but I like to believe that he will end the fight on his own terms soon enough he just has to put out he just has to put out more exertion than he's been doing um maybe it takes ashra or something at the end of the day I hope it doesn't [ __ ] take ashra but at the very least like some higher level Advanced conqueror hockey attack probably K Maya thanks for being no no we covered this we we just covered this sorry autopilot right there John 678 welcome to pirate king tier you now have access to the um to the pirate king podcasts that have come out uh lately and uh one came out just a week and a half like a weekish ago a little bit over a week ago check that out obviously several other PIR King podcasts that you can check out as well and look out to for uh this week's No this month's pirate king podcast at the end of the month flame thanks for being a pirate king to your member for 16 months flame can tell you all about it speaking of Sanji the last op episode made me think katakuri might Jo join cross Guild and be sanji's opponent for the arc due to their connections to pudding pure speculation but a fun speculation yeah I don't know if K well no cuz katakuri's katakuri could fit cross Guild I the tricky thing is that katakuri would never leave the bigm Pirates because I mean I don't even know if they're called the big mom Pirates anymore but kadak would never leave his family that's his whole thing so he wouldn't just leave to join cross Guild so it would be like cross Guild has to take in all of the former big mom Pirates which I don't know if it's if that's what's going to happen but you know anything's possible um so many things have so many pieces have moved around that you know most of us wouldn't have expected before that anything's possible at this point all right I'm catching up on supers give me give me a sec I'm catching up on supers um did Justin Holland ever come in if anyone sees Justin Holland's comment just let me know if Justin Holland comes in and makes a comment um Mara thanks for the two hi just wanted you to know you make my commute easier hey that's good to know I feel bad for people that have like really really rough commutes I'm I'm lucky blessed Etc that I guess get to work from home pretty much entirely um yeah but the like I I remember I used to have to do commutes and like it was the amount that it mentally drains you doing 40 minutes one way and then sometimes longer back after a long day of work it just drains you so bad and you don't want to do anything afterwards so glad to make your commute a little bit easier Billy bitchcakes thanks for the two morge morge morge what will caribo joining Blackbeard lead to uh caribo the main thing is that he knows about the um he knows about the ancient weapons he knows about pluton he knows about Poseidon I have a big Theory as to what it leads to um regarding pluton that I'm not going to share right here unfortunately but um yeah I think Blackbeard definitely it's super important that he learns about the ancient weapons um Samuel Hart do you think strats will go to haosu if so when I never thought the straw hats would go to haosu that is an interesting little idea the straw hats at ha I I don't think the straw hats go to haosu Just because um that's like it's it's just the I can't imagine the story ever taking them there because it wouldn't be for an adventure it wouldn't be to save GARP um it wouldn't be um like to fight the Blackbeard Pirates if they go to hin like if they fight the Blackbeard Pirates I feel like somewhere more bolic like like laugh tale itself or or even marijua would make more sense right so um I feel like if they ever went to haosu it would be to lose or something like that but I can't imagine their final battle being at haosu just symbolically Str shako thanks for the five do you think Blackbeard knows about emu will Blackbeard use gurur to Fleet to free pluton oh [ __ ] that is actually like I said before this like um like a couple comments ago that I I don't want to share what my theory is but I do think that Blackbeard does uh ultimately free pluton using the gurug gomi um for certain reasons that I I won't get into the reasons here do I think there's anything special about lafit he's very mysterious so let's start with Blackbeard knowing about emu I do think that Blackbeard I think there's a very good shot that Blackbeard knows about emu I think there's a very good shot I wouldn't know how he would know about emu unless it's something that maybe maybe it's something unless it's something that Ro discovered and rocks was able to pass down because even the Revolutionary Army doesn't know about emu right um the Revolutionary Army doesn't know about Eman they've been [ __ ] studying the world government for for decades so I don't I think it's possible Blackbeard might know about em that's possible do I think anything there's anything special about lafi so people have gone back and forth on who sanji's opponent would be in the Blackbeard Pirates I don't know if there's anything necessarily special about lafi but he could be the the third strongest member of the Blackbeard Pirates after sheru right Blackbeard sheru then lafed um he's very fast we know he's very stealthy I think he could fit as an opponent for Sanji not a pro 64 thanks to the five jinbe takes zor spot and fights Luchi zor plus Sanji versus kizaru Luffy versus Saturn um jinbe versus Luchi once we get to jinbe versus Luchi feels weird because it's like I don't think that jinbe can handle an opponent that has lasted this long against Zoro that that's lasted this long against Zoro and has clearly pushed Zoro to exert himself to this degree you know like zoro's like there's like let me look at the chapter again Zoro is bleeding and stuff right there's blood here's sweating he's panting like I don't think maybe I'm I don't know I also think it be it would feel really weird if Zoro literally has to hand like zor the first M has to actually like hand the opponent off to jinbe rather than finishing Luchi himself I don't know I I think that that would like call me too much of like maybe I'm fanboying Zoro too much here but I feel like that would just look really [ __ ] bad like like yeah like zoro's like he's struggling he taking a while it's it's embarrassing right it's embarrassing it's fun let's get the jokes out but if it's to the point that he literally can't actually just efficiently finish off Luchi and jinbe has to come in and just take care of the fight for him that's a different like I think at that point it's just kind of it's just like it's basically if that's happening it's it's like how's this dude ever going to [ __ ] beat mihawk it's not [ __ ] happening right like just throw away the world's strongest swordsman dream it's it's a joke you know if it's literally like you can't like if if he leg if he legitimately needs jinbe to swap in for him because Zoro legitimately can't just turn on the Jets and actually finish Luchi off the dream's over no one's going to believe this guy beating mihawk within within the next couple arcs like that's just [ __ ] not happening right um like it's not even like at that point it's not even being like a Zoro Fanboy it's just like dude like hang it up like you're not beating mihawk it's over it just it would be nonsensical for him to defeat mihawk in the next few arcs if he needs to hand this fight off to to jinbe you know it's just nonsensical it's just against basically the entire story it's like what the [ __ ] was all that training for in like like what the [ __ ] was mastering enma and like cutting kaido and like defeating King and all of that about huh if you need jinbe to basically take your fights for you I don't know um it would also essentially prove what Luchi is telling Zoro which is like you're holding the crew back and being dead weight if you can't get past me like it actually is a throwback so this is actually very inar for Luchi which I like which is that Luchi used to say the same [ __ ] to Luffy during Luffy's fight um in in any Lobby if I recall correctly I might be misremembering maybe it's even anime only dialogue I don't remember exactly but I remember it was something along the lines of like um like you need to be able to beat me to protect your crew and stuff like that or like your crew's lives are hanging in bounds because of because of you like Luchi likes to do that type of taunting um I'm fairly certain that there was dialogue like that in the manga as well um he just likes to get into that type of thing right so what Luffy obviously did was prove Luchi wrong and defeat him it would be really [ __ ] bad if like Luchi actually is taunting Zoro about being dead weight and not being able to accomplish what he needs to accomplish and it's holding back the crew and then Zoro actually doesn't succeed in taking care of Luchi and it's like all right I can't do it jinbe jinbe takeover I I think it would just it would uh it would be very bad for the character I think um I don't know um also I think black re Parts took the seraphim is why they need a gor ooh that could be juicy the Blackbeard Parts taking the seraphim that could be amazing I love that uh I really really like that the Blackbeard Parts taking the seraphim conveniently bubble gunned up in everything for them cuz I figured that the seraphim the world government would get their hands on the seraphim in this Arc but if the Blackbeard CS got the sarap him holy [ __ ] that could be good I love that idea okay here's the thing if the Blackbeard Pirates got their hands on the seraphim I now believe in the possibility that black like stronger than ever here's the thing if the Blackbeard Pirates got the seraphim I believe stronger than ever that Blackbeard could be the final villain over emu not stronger than because I used to believe 100% Blackbeard I guess if right now I'm at like 30 to 40% chance that Blackbeard could be the final villain went up from 10% Like I thought like a year ago if I'm now at 30 to 40% if they have the seraphim I'm up to like 50 to 60% reason being my one of my biggest holdups to the idea of Blackbeard potentially being the final villain especially in in recent times is that the world government has been being built up more and more and more with more and more threats right emu gor um holy Knights and even the seraphim were a part of that that whole picture right it just seems like they're they're getting more and more stacked and I felt like the Blackbeard parts were too weak I felt like the haosu raid like they just don't seem like final villain material even if they managed to get stronger just doesn't seem like they're going to be close to what the world government's going to have at the end of the day if they get the seraphim that's very very different because the seraphim have unlimited potential in terms of how strong Oda wants to make them Oda can write the seraphim to be whatever at this point because they're pitched by Vega Punk like VAP Punk um explains that I created them to be the ultimate beings like the strongest form of humanity everything we've seen of the seraphim so far and by the way no one has been able to beat a seraphim obviously we can assume that they can be beaten right like I believe that Luffy Zoro uh Blackbeard Luchi if they went all out they could probably beat those seraphim but Oda very carefully said like yeah no one's easily beating these guys they have to be bubble gunned away these are the seraphim in child form right these are the baby [ __ ] versions of the seraphim they're nowhere close to what they could be Oda could say that the adult forms are like literally the strongest characters or something like that right maybe not literally stronger than [ __ ] Roger or whatever but I'm saying like he has the he has the freedom the leeway to make the seraphim in the future however the [ __ ] strong he wants so it could easily be a thing where the seraphim if Oda ultimately if he makes Blackbeard get the seraphim and it's like mission accomplished right and I'm sorry I'm going off on this tangent but it's just an interesting tangent to throw around if Blackbeard gets the seraphim because it's like mission accomplished is what they said was their plan to get the gor's ability I don't know about that maybe their plan was to get the seraphim because Blackbeard saw the seraphim in Amazon Lily and realized that that's what vegab Punk had been working on right so if they get the seraphim and they're able to like the seraphim mature or whatever by the time of the final or again if they're on Blackbeard's side Blackbeard can literally write the seraphim to be however strong like Oda can literally write the seraphin to be however strong he wants he could say that Blackbeard now has the strongest subordinates stronger than the goray stronger than Admirals or something like that because again the seraphim like that might be highballing the seraphim I'm just saying that Oda has the leniency the leeway to write them like he can say whatever about the seraphim the adult version of the seraphim because um they were technically designed to be the most powerful beings right so uh the possibility is there like he has the door open to make them to scale them however he likes which is a very very dangerous thing if you're considering how strong he could make Blackbeard U Blackbeard's forces anyway let's move it along um did I miss any member chats in that point uh Mr mmf2 thanks for being a Yonka to your member for 16 months man hey more Chessy don't know how I feel about that name great chapter ala van a is the only serious black part member also predictions on lf's location um black bar is so the fact that we don't know lafit location could mean that lafi is off stealing the [ __ ] seraphim it's entirely [ __ ] possible um the only serious Blackbeard part member I don't get how this works timing wise cuz at the same time as this was going on like at at the same time as we saw the Blackbeard Pirate Ship approaching Egghead Island weren't we also shown that van augur is with Blackbeard at um at uh uh the island with law so I guess that was taking place in a different time frame I'm not sure um and yeah van auger I think infused a heavy dose of of hype for the Blackbeard Pirates because again the haosu raid didn't make them look that hot I think van auger really really like just it it feels so much for boing like the potential and as the kids say the aura around the Blackbeard Pirates shot up I don't know 50% with Van auger's Line right there line of the chapter for sure also let's get the stream likes up to 300 Justin Holland says what what's Justin Holland saying he says hey Justin saying hey Justin heated right now what's Justin saying Justin saying hey I see you man what are you saying what are you saying you got to say the line I just see you saying hey all right um Adam CR says gear fifth get new form like gear fourth serious mode new design no I I don't think it needs a new form I think that it just depends on how oo writes it in the future like I like the idea that gear fif is the final form that Luffy needs it's Luffy's most true to himself form I suppose it just is him at his freest right power of imagination Endless Possibilities I love the idea of it I would not like it if we need another transformation to just go back to serious Luffy can it just be worked into whatever we already have I don't know the Outback pandas says Mor I missed aasha super it said Blackbeard is not a Buccaneer Saturn knows about his lineage and yet called him the last surviving Buccaneer in chapter 1095 I'm sorry akos panda it's possible I haven't gotten to you yet I don't know if I missed uh I'm still just catching up um but maybe I already missed you I'm sorry about that um yeah uh shoot that is very very possible then that is very very possible [ __ ] yeah I I forgot unless Blackbeard is unless Saturn is misspeaking but no he wouldn't be misspeaking you're right you're right so so [ __ ] so Blackbeard's not a Buccaneer then so Blackbeard's not a Buccaneer so then what does he mean by that that's interesting I don't know what to say about that that's a good point thank you for bringing that up so [ __ ] okay what's Justin say I I don't see the Justin you got to you got to post it one more time I promise I'll catch it this time I just see you saying Hey Okay um where we at where we at pass this pass this pass this okay beho says this chapter also made me think that Bonnie doing a gear fifth also joining is more likely I need two Nikas side by side in the final war please Oda I don't know if Bonnie's gonna be side by side fighting with Luffy in the final war like that let's get the stream likes to 300 by the way but I do think that like okay let's do this poll real quick he's talking about lineage not race yeah I figur that that might be a translation thing but if we're getting into um like he can't like Blackbeard can't be a Buccaneer right so maybe he means the lineage being like maybe descendant of rocks or something like that H okay yeah Blackbeard being uh like like hman is saying Shanks probably told the gore say about um Blackbeard being zbec son Justin holl saying thanks Panda what's the what's the actual line wait what the outpack panda oh he caught the line from Justin Justin says Zoro okay Justin Holland says Zoro and Sanji showing why they pired King Luffy's Wings cleaning up foes not worth his time Luffy and Saturn match up Good Start PS Luffy mentoring Bonnie and the Giants mentoring Bonnie and the Giants I don't know if he's mentoring the Giants but definitely mentoring Bonnie right um I think Luffy and sanj yeah zor and Sanji showing why they're yeah this is a unique case you know why this is really unique it's just I think this is the first time I can recall in the series where Zoro is handling the clearly weaker opponent while Sanji is handling the clearly stronger opponent the last time I could think of this happening was arlong park where you could make the argument that kirubi scale like karubi is stronger than Hai because karubi if you go back and read arlong Park karubi is framed as the Vice Captain more than Hai like arlong's right-hand man karubi also turned out to have a higher Bounty um but Zoro was highly injured that Arc right he was highly highly injured that Arc I wouldn't I also don't know if I would say karubi was stronger than Hai it's like splitting hairs when you're getting to East blue level characters but um you could make the argument right um and also karubi like karubi Was Defeated after Hai you know Zoro had his fight first although Usopp fought last so I guess that's not necessarily indicative of anything but um that's the only time you could make the case that Sanji gets a stronger opponent for the arc than Zoro this is the first time like we've seen many many times before that Zoro will handle one guy while Sanji handles the other guy this is the first time that Sanji is being given the big gun right like sanji's handling the big dog and Zoro is handling the little cat I don't know if that's going to be a permanent situation I do personally think that just the way that Oda tends to write things I think it's more likely that Zoro I doubt that Zoro will look bad for that much longer I could easily imagine Zoro jumping in and being a part of the kizaru fight soon enough but just the fact alone that Sanji is getting this by himself while zor is still handling Luchi that's huge that is very very rare has not happened in one piece it was a long overdue for Sanji um yeah let me ask this do you think Bonnie joins yes no where we at in this opinion at this this point how how are we feeling on this okay um yeah I don't know if uh yeah like I'll I did the pole banor let's see what people say Kelvin thanks for the five out of all these War arcs which one you prefer oh this is a this is a spicy one fourth great ninja war Arc Thousand-Year blood War Arc or wano it depend like h I just okay so Thousand-Year blood War the jury's out cuz once upon a time I would have just said that's like so bad it's just not even worth a conversation like it's just it's a joke of an arc um originally in the manga it is basically it's it it's all of bleach's worst writing qual like literally it's an arc it's not fair to compare to the other two because it is very literally an arc that the author himself said he did not get time to properly complete not cuz he was was like uh canceled or anything like that like the rumors were once upon a time but I think it was like hell to burnout reasons or something like that like very literally it was just it was rushed Beyond imagination okay so Thousand-Year blood War it doesn't even it doesn't even fall into the same scope as the other two the other two are just like big ambitious arcs that had in my opinion a lot of flaws Thousand-Year blood War is just like a story that never even got to be properly told however it's being redone in the anime and I [ __ ] love watching Thousand-Year blood War Arc in the anime however a lot of that is just cuz the animation production is so good and it's just so artistically and stylistically done um it is like genuinely it is beautiful and surreal watching some scenes from thousand year blood War like watch the latest episode The bonai that was revealed in the latest episode it is [ __ ] awesome you like I I um I cannot praise that enough so it's hard to say like if you're comparing manga wise it's not even in the same category so until until it's done I'm not going to talk about it cuz we don't know how he improves the story as Thousand-Year blood War AR goes goes on cuz Cubo is getting to to rewrite it essentially with the anime team so we'll set that aside cuz it's just too bad initially to be debated between fourth gr ninja war and wano I don't know I'm just not that big of like a Naruto fan so like I'm going to prefer wano because I'm a one piece fan so even if I don't like it by the standards of One Piece arcs um if I take like a one piece like a big ambitious one piece War Arch that I didn't enjoy versus like a big ambitious Naruto War Arc that I didn't enjoy I just have so little personal it's not even it's not even critiquing the two arcs it's just my personal attachment to to to Naruto is so much less than one piece that like I just tend to care less about a lot of what happened in the fourth gr ninja war that's not critiquing The Arc even it's just I I like one piece better that that's literally all it is so um the good moment moments in wano that I enjoy like like some of the fights like um gear 5ifth um some of the lore stuff that just means more to me than anything that's happening in the fourth gr ninja war so yeah um yeah I'd say wano fourth great ninja war Thousand-Year blood War um that's my original ranking maybe that changes as thousand year blood War is Rewritten in the anime saan Rob thanks for the five what happens to caribo here do you think he tells the Blackbeard Pirates the straws are heading to elbaff um what happens to caribo here do I think he tells the black Parts the St ring LF I don't know if that would even yeah maybe he does maybe he does cuz people have talked about like that turning into a big ass DAV like multi Yono daav back fight or something I think that could be really really cool um it's also one small thing to note which is that like the if you want to draw parallels the original little garden Arc it featured like two groups Dory and broggy like two two parties Dory and broggy who were trying to have an honorable battle that was was being sabotaged by a third party that was mischievous and conniving which was Mr 3 I wonder if we get something like the straw hats and the red red haired pirats trying to have like an honorable maybe Dave back fight or something and the Blackbeard Pirates are there kind of throwing a wrench in the works with like some sort of scheme I don't know um that's an interesting possibility I think more importantly caribo will definitely tell Blackbeard about the ancient weapons okay so Bonnie joining the crew teams about 50/50 uh yeah I could go either way on it right now I do think it's more likely she joins than not but um you know uh it's entirely possible either way matchie thanks for the five how do you feel about Blackbeard being a set of triplets it would explain his design inconsistencies in the manga and how he seemingly doesn't sleep I don't think the design inconsist inconsistencies are anything to think about I think Oda just likes to he likes to [ __ ] around with designs and just unrealistic ways that characters change over time it it's just part of the one piece World in style um seemingly doesn't sleep I think that fits more as well as potentially why he's able to eat multiple fruits potentially up to up to three fruits um it was noted that Blackbeard has three has two sisters which could be significant in in that regard um dick so small I piss on my balls thanks for the five no way lafi isn't Brook's opponent when they're both stealthy skinny cane wielding black and white themed hyp hypnotists so I did for a long time think that lafed versus Brooke was like guaranteed it just seemed perfect uh matchup wise it did it did just seem perfect matchup wise but over time I've kind of been like um laf feels almost too important to be fought by Brooke so I don't know if that'll be the case um but like there's two ways lafed can go which is either he really is just like a stealthy sneaky guy not great of a combatant um in which case yeah I could see him fighting Brooke or it's like yeah lafi e is being hyped up and given so much um so much mystery and Aura around him because he's meant to fight someone like Sanji or someone significant JP thanks for the five I like how some of jinbe's best Feats in is pushing around big mom when Oda needed to move SL stall her for plot um yeah jinbe got some good Feats against big mom both in Hulk Island although granted she was like very shriveled up and skinny right then um and sup like flipping her not suplexing her but flipping her in um in wano towards the beginning um yeah jinbe's always had like good like low-key pretty good Feats against like strong characters it's just that you know when you're in wano and the fight that you're getting is who's who it feels like a like I I never got the sense in wano that oda's trying to build up jinbe to be Zoro or sanji's equivalent you know um although jinbe obviously handled huzu very very easily right so I could have seen um uh I could have seen Jin Bay ending up being matched up against uh Jack for example but that ended up being you know rashi's match so you know Grizzly Adams thanks for being a pirate king toer member for six months morch perhaps if Luffy fights aanu his negative emotions will make him unable to use gear fifth but in order to defeat a kanu he has to work through Ace's death and bring a smile to his own face there we go that's some that's some interesting writing I like that I like those ideas that's a great idea how do people feel about that I like that sort of idea if it's something like like if it can bring out some character writing for Luffy that would be great cuz that's what I've always wanted for gear fifth like rather than just wake up with a big old smile on his face and he's just happy and that's just the way he is um cuz like even looking at um the transition from gear fourth like Luffy versus kaido in chapter 1042 to Luffy waking up with gear 5ifth in 1044 um Luffy is really serious in 1042 it's actually the only time in the kaido the kaido fight that he suddenly becomes really really serious and really angry then he wakes makes up really happy and I'm just like the writing I would have loved some sort of character writing to get him from here to here rather than I just wake up totally different I don't know um so I would love to see that for the aanu fight that's a brilliant idea Japanese gym thanks for the five what are the chances that by the end of the series The STS have to stop to train either training Arc or mini time skip I I would not like that just because I feel like we're past that point I feel like we're I personally feel like we're at the point where every Power up that the straw hats could feasibly get from that the straws would need from now to the end of the story is something that could organically be worked into the battles that they get right because they've got a a Litany of significant fights left right so many chances to get stronger that's how it used to be pre-time skip right like you get stronger through the fights um I mean it still is post-time Skip obviously we saw that over wano we've seen that for Luffy manyan Arc Post Time skip but that's really what I'm I'm hoping is the trend from here on because cuz to me the the the purpose of the the time skip right the purpose of the time skip for me was basically like the straw hats from start of the story to to the time skip all pre-time skip their method of getting stronger was primarily through the fights right they experience hardships they overcome them over the process they get stronger they keep doing that they keep doing that they keep doing that then the idea is that they hit a wall they hit a wall where uh it's even a line in Marine Ford it's like willpower alone isn't enough like you need to get stronger um they hit a wall where basically it's just like okay from here to like the next big challenges they need to overcome the Gap is just too big for them to throw themselves into the next fight like New World level fights and just hope that they get stronger over the course of those fights they need to get time to get their base like to get their training like to get their level back up right so that was the time skip they get their base floor like they get their base back up to an to a level where they can now feasibly go back to their old adventuring just take each challenge as it comes sort of ways and have the foundation necessary like once like Zoro Sanji and Luffy have learned hockey right you've now got the foundation that you should be able to take on challenges over and over and through hockey blooms Etc be able to keep building yourself up right that's the idea and that's what we see in hake Island that's what we see in wano I believe that that's a trend that could definitely continue from here on um and I I would prefer it that way personally um not a pro 64 thanks for the five the utility of the warp fruit he said he still has to master it is building van auger up as the sugar or perona of Blackbeard pirates for Usopp you're saying that like he's the only one that's going to be able to to take van auger down yeah I could definitely see that um I definitely think that USA like sniping will be the only way to to C to hit van auger at a certain point because he's going to be too like if you're able to warp everywhere you're not like characters that are physical melee based are not actually going to be able to hit him it would require someone like Usopp who's able to actually um hit van auger right to be able to like from a distance and that's the only way you're going to be able to defeat an opponent like that and I think that that could be why Usopp could be a really good matchup against van auger especially if usopp's able to tap into future sight because something like future sight plus really good longdistance moves that would be the perfect counter to to B auger Obi-Wan Kenobi thanks for the two could caribo steal the ancient robot for teach ah I don't know if caribo can like fit a robot that size into him if that's what you're implying I don't know if that that works Rock Nation brunch thanks for the five maybe [ __ ] I forgot that we still need the ancient robot worked into the story of this Arc there's still so much to go man also let's get this stream LX up to 400 real quick the Outback pandas is saying I missed a Super by the way the Outback pandas thank you so much for catching these guihan super um I don't really get upset at Luffy laughing because I know the fruit is influencing him it kind of reminds me of the people in abiso town the difference is that the people in aisu town weren't actually like they were legitimately sad and like like crying internally while they're laughing whereas like Luffy legitimately seems to be in a good mood here like if you see the panel like after um like Luffy's doing the relaxing pose like he's relaxing on his back floating in the air like genuinely laugh like I don't get the sense that he's like like crying like he would be crying tears or something like I it seems as though it actually puts him so the difference is that the smile fruit didn't influence their actual emotions it influenced how the it influenced the Expressions that they could put out right with gear fifth it's more like like from everything Luffy said so far I'm having fun I'm feeling good this is fun right it influences how he actually feels in the moment which is very different from the Smile fruits in aisu town with those it's like they could still feel like they were feeling lots of pain pain sorrow Etc but the only thing they're allowed to express is laughter and smiles with Luffy it's like it's changed how he's feeling and like you can go back to gear Fifth's debut you can go back to all of the lines that he says when he expresses his emotional state in gear fifth it's always like I'm feeling good I'm feeling so light I'm having so much fun it's legitimately Luffy's um Luffy's mood is influenced by that which is very different um it is true that the fruit is influencing him but not in the way that the smile fruits in aizu town did um what is this okay Rock Nation brunch says no we covered this no no Rock Nation brunch we didn't cover this thanks for the five maybe Blackbeard's father's rocks but he adopts his mother's name like Marshall like Ace adopted portgas that's interesting like for for Blackbeard he might only have done that for if he did that that would just have been for survival because Ace didn't like Ace rejected what Roger was whereas Blackbeard seems to embrace what rock was so Blackbeard might have just like not taken rox's name just to just to survive whereas for Ace was like he hat hated Roger's name so he didn't keep it Broly power maximum thanks for the two caros info buff for Blackbeard uh annoyed with straw hats ah dude yeah like the car that is a so it's one thing like like we talked about before they're sharing poneglyph information with their Rivals right or people rejected that that happened last stream I forget but like the STS are you know very helpful to their opponents in many ways right but this is like another level where it's just like you're letting carabo go free here's the thing here's the thing I don't think the straw hats knew that caribo correct me if I'm wrong people correct me if I'm wrong I don't think the STS knew that caribo heard the Poseidon conversation or the pluton conversation I don't think the STS knew about that can somebody correct me if I'm wrong um but I think that that is a big deal because I don't know if they would have been as Cavalier with letting caribo go if they knew that he knew ancient weapon information then again the strats are kind of like oblivious to the significance a lot of that no but I think characters like Robin and Frankie would have cut in cuz like like they their whole lives were dictated by like the importance of ancient weapons like pluton right and Frankie burning pluton and understanding the significance of that I think that that's very very important right so I think it would be very very yeah it would just be a little too too ridiculous if they're just like okay this character that knows how to unearth one of these ancient weapons is just walking around who's clearly a bad guy can anyone connect me I don't I don't think they know about that yeah so I don't think it's bad like I think them letting caribo go is fine because they didn't know that he knows what he knows if they let him go with him just knowing what pluton is ETC it kind of where pluton where pluton is I think it kind of shits all over the writing of any Lobby because it was really really beaten into like just the the weight and gravity and responsibility of that sort of knowledge you know yeah okay so I think that's fine um I don't think the strats [ __ ] up there they were just their usual selves you can be annoyed with them I understand that too but it's like they they didn't know um uh it's one of those things where it's like being so like you can think about it like this right think about it like this I'd say yes being and this is not for one piece right this is just generally for life being too kind or too good of a person right it can come back to to bite you in many ways right the STS let caribo go that is going to come back to bite them right they could have kept him in prison in wano they could have killed him right um he's tried to kill them but they're kind good people they let him go and that is going to come back to bite them in some way but at the same time by living life with that mentality of of being a kind good-hearted person think about all the other times that the straw hats have had um that paid back to them in some way in a good way right like I would say them being kind good-hearted people has paid dividends for them throughout the series and with most people they meet and most interactions that they have like 95% of the time you know so ultimately it can feel like them just being good people almost to to a fault can lead them into trouble and make them make mistakes and be too trusting or you know lead to certain consequences but then at the same time think about all the times of the story where they they didn't do something bad or they did let someone go Etc like you you can view the Luchi situation in the same way like they let Luchi go and now it's a problem right but it's just like you just got to look at the big picture how many times have they done things that are too good too kind Etc and it's actually been for the best or it's been something something that karmically pays off for them down the road right so you take the like that's just the trouble of being a good-natured person you take the you get the good but you also get the bad once in a while as well but that doesn't mean that you should just be um just switch over to being really cold-hearted and calculated the entire time because you got to think about all the other times that it pays you know it comes back around to you you know so I think that's important to think about um Bonnie versus caribo later na versus Blackbeard worshipper Bonnie oh that's a fun little idea says not a pro this from not not a pro 64 yeah I saw a lot of people also drawing parallels between caribo and bartal but I think Bonnie versus Carib like Bonnie is a bit more meaningful as a ni versus Blackbeard worshipper but caribo really is the the Blackbeard version of btoo I wonder if we get to see btoo versus caribo that would be cool that'd be funny Patty G thanks for the 10 where the [ __ ] has lafi been at so somebody suggested earlier that like the seraphim could be being captured right now they're all [ __ ] conveniently bubble gunned up for for the taking um but uh yeah lafi might be there or or he might be stealing some other technology or he might be trying to [ __ ] steal York where when did we last see York did we see York this chapter can anyone tell me or he might be trying to steal a mother flame I don't know also why does it even matter if Devon could copy Saturn surely the genius scientist didn't just make the seraphim command chip face/ voice recognition I feel like it is cuz like the pacifista seems to be like that like they just recognize Bonnie as their their Master CU she looks like Bonnie and sounds like Bonnie you know um the reason that I think it matters that Devon can copy Saturn again wait for next Tuesday's video Yeah JP says them being kind probably motivates Dorian broggy just as much as the sun god stuff I mean just all of the friends and connections the STS have made over the course of the story just being good people and generally good people in one piece that'll pay off more often often than not that's the idea and sometimes it [ __ ] you over but um in the long run the idea is that it's it's the right thing to do excellent point M midical you can you can come up with a million examples but like just right off the that midical Marise says imagine if they killed the two whel Hunters on reverse Island you know um Nami um betrays Luffy in her first encounter with him and pretty much sentences him to death to be killed off by buggy you know um but Luffy was never going to kill Nami or anything like that over that and look at how that's paid off down the line they could have just killed Vivie the first time they met her because she tried to uh yeah she tried to kill them in the first place you know they could have killed viie VI was going to kill them viie and all the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak they were going to kill them basically or at least turn them into the Marines uh and then be executed or something um but yeah everything pays off in theory um Angel re thanks again for the 10 Lu Zoro helping Luffy again the pirate world's best in wano against the pirate world's best okay Luffy helping Luffy Zoro helping Luffy words Zoro helping Luffy against the pirate world's best in wano that's an island about OS swordsman Sanji helping Luffy against the world government's best as a cyborg in a future Island yeah I agree with that I mean like that you're you're 100% right on that I think maybe we should have all secretly known that Sanji is going to be important in egad Island because it's an arc about science and Sanji is a cyborg um still hoping that we get some good Franky moments in this as well we've already AR arguably gotten some um the thing is I still just don't [ __ ] am I crazy am I the only one I still just don't subconsciously associate Sanji with science at least not intuitively I know he is when I think about it but I've just spent the entire like 90% of the story that's been running for decades that I've been following for 20 years of my life for the vast majority of it Sanji had nothing to [ __ ] do with science there was no correlation nothing even related he was uh you know this romantic cook guy you know food associated with food cooking women not like stealth Espionage being a [ __ ] Cyborg and the warrior of science is brand [ __ ] new it's just like a a new character practically you know um not a new character but it's just it's an association that I I just don't automatically have I'm not I'm not like when Egghead was starting I wasn't like oh boy an arc about science and Vega punkin [ __ ] this is sanji's Arc you know I was just like maybe it'll be Frankie's Arc but yeah uh he's not a cyborg he's an I don't know what the word is augmented human I don't [ __ ] know um let's get the likes up to 400 real quick uh let's see okay where we at okay JP thanks thanks for the 10 thousand year blood War minimizes a lot of the pacing issues but also just moves along so fast to hide some cheap unchanged writing like yamam fighting a clone all along yeah cuz here's the thing like I wasn't watching Thousand-Year blood War weekly I caught up to it um and so I was kind of like just so surprised that all these new anime viewers were experiencing Thousand-Year blood War um for the first time having not read in the manga and just gushing over and talking about how great it was I was like okay but the other shoe is going to drop soon like people will start talking about how dumb it is like the yamam fight was approaching uh and I was just like okay so once this fight drops I'm going to see it all over Twitter everyone making fun of how dumb it is but no everyone was gassing it I was like why is everyone talking this fight up so much right so then I eventually catch up on Thousand-Year blood War I watch it I think the yamam fight is amazing beautifully done and I'm like why did I think this was so dumb in the manga like it wasn't that bad like like I mean not even not bad I was I was like this was great so then I go back and read it in the manga and then I remember the stupidity I'm not going to spoil it for people but just like it's it's a It's Perfectly symbolic of Representative of just what Thousand-Year blood War was like in the manga which is just dumbass made up [ __ ] after dumbass made of [ __ ] like shoehorned in fights not making any like fights having the dumbest reasons for being won um super specific ability being countered by super random specific ability being invented seemingly on the spot um that it's just what thousand year blood War was uh and as you're saying but it's still there even with the new stuff so a lot of it is toned down from what I can see and what I can remember and it it's just it's smoothed smoothed over smoothed over sorry with just better Direction atmosphere um tone presentation a lot of that that goes a long way when you're presenting everything else so artistically and your your I would say it's it's not fundament mentally changing the writing that much but it is smoothing the edges it's definitely smoothing the edges so you can still still see the core writing problems and bits of stupidity but it doesn't feel as intrusive and abrasive and you can give yourself in more just to the to the the visual Beauty The Cinematic Beauty uh the Artistry Etc right you can just give yourself in more to that right and and some of the changes they made have been fund like huge like what they did with the last couple episodes of of the season of the latest season right like they they took some of the absolute worst writing decisions and just nixed them and gave us something much better um you know I definitely think it's it's still got you're right writing issues for sure but it's just been it's been shaved down and smoothed over a lot enough so that it can be a really really enjoyable story with the uh yeah just with all of the animation and production that we're getting around it kind of like Demon Slayer Demon Slayer I know they didn't change the writing much but um demon slayer's just the the whole production of Demon Slayer it's just it's so much [ __ ] I don't know demon St is [ __ ] beautiful to watch um J pris B thanks for the five who's more likely to gain control over an ancient weapon revs cross Guild or Blackbeard Pirates um I don't think the revs I don't think C I think the Blackbeard Pirates I think the Blackbeard Pirates I've hinted at it I mean I even said it earlier in this stream um what I think which ancient weapon I think they're they're going to get but I'm saving the full discussion for a video down the line um Amaria Sinha thanks for the two blackbeards versus straw hats to fill power vacuum after World Government taken down so it's funny because we're going full circle so I dropped a video anal like one of the earliest video analysis I did on black the the first I've done a couple Blackbeard analysis but the first big one I did the first big Blackbeard analysis video I did um I went in depth into why I think that the direction that the story is headed is basically the world government sorry man the world government being taken down and then Luffy and Blackbeard being the final battle um to basically determine what the new what the dawn of the world actually looks like like in the rubble of the world government is it going to be is the new era the new dawn the new age going to be defined by Blackbeard or by Luffy like are we going to get the Sun or are we going to enter in even deeper Darkness than the world government right I go into a lot of reasons there that was the first Blackbeard analysis video I did since then a lot of changed and I've begun to feel like okay Blackbeard gets defeated first then emu and the celestial dragons they're the final villains now I'm kind of circling back around to like [ __ ] maybe I was on it the first time maybe it is ultimately going to be like emu Celestial dragons Etc they're torn down but then the question the final question is like ultimately it's a story about Pirates is it a story that's going to come down to two Pirates fighting to determine the future of the world I think that's very possible still would lean towards emu but just a few more things few more dominoes fall in a certain way and I might start swinging over to Blackbeard being the final villain as possibility um Rion isara thanks for the five how does the Blackbeard triplets theory explain Blackbeard using multiple fruits in the same scene um the idea that Blackbeard might have multiple consciousnesses conscious consciousnesses multiple consciousnesses within his body which would allow him multiple consciousnesses multiple Souls if you would if you would like to say we know souls are a thing in one piece based on Brook fruit uh and based on big mom and her fruit uh he might have multiple souls in his body if he has multiple souls in his body then maybe he's able to um take in multiple devil fruits so it's not just that he's a triplet it's the idea that he might have two other souls and based on the history of him that we know of the two Souls of his sisters maybe in his body I 96 thanks for the five stealing the seraphim was a good idea so kudos to that person but what about Punk records as if you wouldn't want the smartest man's knowledge that's entirely possible as well I still feel like Punk records plays a role in this Arc before all of said and done I just don't know what that role is I for a while I thought it would be destroyed maybe even by Luffy in a big fight and that would leak information to the outside world but I I don't know yeah punk records being destroyed it feels feels like it fits or something has to happen with it right otherwise what's the point Outback Panda says morge people are asking for post ege head bounties I okay let me put out next video and then next stream I will talk about post Egghead bounties because a lot of what I want to say regarding next video and how I think like you'll understand there's there's one thing I want to talk about next video and um once I get that idea out there then I can talk about post eged bounties because things could go two wildly different ways depending on what people believed happened at the aftermath of this battle it's not like next video is about that but uh there's a a part of next video that is relevant to that discussion if that makes sense Jaren ramble thanks for the two give us a redhead video Theory how they get to Marine Ford redhair Pirates how' they get to Marine Ford uh simple kaido saw a stronger pirate stronger pirate crew and he left that's it that's that's all I got um old green knees thanks for the five how much would I have to tip for the rest of this to we had wuchi and Loro Luchi is legit top 50 on the planet at this point i' it's not even to I mean like I literally in the in the top 30 the last top 30 stream I did one of the most controversial picks I had for some reason was people upset that I had Luchi higher than like um like I think I Luchi above katakuri or something like that simply because I think that based on the gear fifth fight lcci did better against Luffy than katakuri currently would I don't think katakuri would last like even like Luchi at least clashed with Luffy with Luffy like like in hockey right was Luffy trying that hard no but kakuri is not even gonna clash with Luffy using hcky it's just it's not even happening um it's a it's a joke to think that K like katakuri's the the amount of G like like Kakui didn't even Advance have advanced armament hockey right like we gas up kaku's observation like his future site but um Luchi can very clearly use the second level of Rio as shown by like his Roku gun abilities those are very clearly hockey abilities at this point he used it to take out Atlas um Luchi is extremely fast he's an awaken Zen like katakuri literally can't put Luchi down I don't think um like in terms of damage output whatever uh I had katakuri below uh Luchi back then people called me crazy and the only reason being that people were like look how easily Luchi lost to Luffy it's like dude Luffy is a yonko he would beat katakuri even like the simple fact that Luchi like Luffy was goofing around but the simple fact that Luchi lasted two chapters and took some hits and like clashed a bit that alone scales him above katakuri it just does like katakuri cannot do that against aono he would not be able to do that against Luffy just think about the if you stack up all the improvements Luffy has had through since hul Island even Luffy barely trying should just take care of katakuri in a couple panels which he didn't do against Luchi I think that that's being proven further with the zor situation which is that zor is going to need to use Advanced conqueror hockey or some of his big guns maybe even as far as asra who knows to take out to take out Luchi um yeah tal says more you had Luchi above Sanji that was uh that was too well I had Luchi buff Sanji because I think a lot of people in that stream like it's hard to explain but at that point in the we were at a certain point in the story where um like Sanji was kind of getting like it was hard to make good Arguments for Sanji because it was kind of like you would have to kind of just do it on Blind Faith that Sanji was tougher than um we expected I could easily have seen it being possible I think if you go back and look at that stream I even kind of wanted to put Sanji higher I personally was like I think you could argue Sanji above ker law but I got the sense that like people at that point in time didn't view Sanji in that same light like you had a lot of people saying that like king would destroy Sanji stuff like that like or s katakuri would still beat Sanji it felt a little too bold to put Sanji there even though I'm always going to think that sanji's not going to be too far off from where Zoro is kerb says katakuri literally said there's levels to even Armament hockey yeah but katakuri doesn't have him he was referring to his fist being a [ __ ] square not uh not Advanced Armament uh if you look at like um what do you call if you look at the the fights it's it's just him turning his fists into a square and he's got better ad he's got better Armament hockey than Luffy but like even cracker had better Armament hockey than Luffy that's not katakuri hinting at Rio um it's not like Luffy ever used uh what do you call um it's not like Luffy ever flashback and was like oh that's what kakuru is using against me or something like that John Pier says so are we saying Luchi is strong or even stronger than King no not until we see um not until we see what Zoro needs to use to beat Luchi because if Zoro just breaks out like if next chapter Zoro is using Advanced conqueror's hockey and it's like clear that he was not using Advanced conqueror's hockey prior to this if it's clear and then he just on- shots Luchi then it's like okay Luchi is not as strong as king if it turns out Zoro was to some degree using Advanced conqueror hockey and the fight's been going this long then yeah Luchi is stronger than King K says so morge bowed to peer pressure law yeah I did in that sense but that's cuz uh I like for anything else I would always have a strong argument for why like look at evidence look at Feats Etc um with Sanji I didn't have an argument like it would that was like a a feelings sort of thing that was just like I feel like it's likely that Sanji is still going to be close to Zoro but I couldn't actually sit down and point to a bunch of Feats or things that sanji's done that would be like yeah Sanji would um be above katakuri you know um now I could but at the time I couldn't like I mean think back like what was going on back then Sanji uh I think he like so you guys remember there was a scene where s shark attacked all the straw hats not the scene where Sanji tanked the punch from s shark the scene earlier like as they're starting to explore the lab s shark gets into a fight with all the straw hats and Sanji like kicks him once um that was the type of [ __ ] that Sanji was doing back then basically like not very impressive like those were the type type of Feats he had post eggh head does that make sense um um anyway let's move it along um Sean e thanks for the five so van auger was sending Luffy Food Plus Devon got Luffy's face in body that's very very possible he went missing basically confirmed agenda was hilarious I don't think it's hilarious like I I would have loved for Kazar to have been the one to be giving Luffy food um uh I would have loved for that have been the case you think Devon got Luffy's face and body if Devon moved him do we think van auger was the one send like do we think this is the work of the Blackbeard Parts the thing is that like if Devon I think that they would have uh I don't know cuz I feel like if they had that opportunity then wouldn't they do something to Luffy like wouldn't they off Luffy like they're devil Fruit Hunters if van auger had the opportunity to just kill Luffy or Devon had the opportunity to do something to Luffy to get the NAA fruit of all fruits I don't think that it was them I mean here's the thing it could easily have been them but if it was then it's kind of nonsensical it makes no it's kind of dumb you get what I'm saying cuz it's just like why wouldn't the black R Pirates just kill Luffy and take his fruit then you know um I mean if you remember the black like burgus even literally was tried to kill Luffy at dress Rosa so it's not as though that's not something that they want to do um bir like during Luffy's it's in fact an identical scenario where Luffy was drained for that 10 minutes that he was being carried around INR Rosa he was drained um he couldn't do anything he was Tapped Out bergus jumps in ready to kill Luffy take his fruit and then he gets interrupted by Sabo so why wouldn't they do that right here especially now that it's confirmed that Luffy's fruit is actually the [ __ ] NAA fruit uh if the Blackbeard Pates had Luffy vulnerable I don't think that they would um ju like it just doesn't doesn't make any sense I I see what where you're coming from I think it's possible but if o writes it it's just it's also at the same time stupid because it just doesn't make any sense like Blackbeard taking out a yonko as well as the yonko that's essentially his biggest modern day rival and who has the most valuable like Zan fruit that he that you could possibly want in the world like the prophecied [ __ ] fruit I don't know K Maya thanks for the five do you think Edison mentioning uh headlines and big news could foreshadow Morgan showing up here at Egghead do you think Edison mentioning headlines and big news um I do think that Morgan's could show up for sure I don't know if like yeah like this could be yeah that could be uh essentially order like foreshadowing that because I do think that Morgan shows up more so because I think it's important VI shows up but yeah for the Egghead incident to be broadcasted to the world I think Morgan showing up doesn't make a lot of sense I'm on board josephes says Karo gave Luffy food you can't change my mind I like to think we'll get clarity on it soon it's it's it's more interesting writing if it was Karo for sure all right guys let's get the likes up to 400 real quick I should say that more energetically let's get the likes up to 400 real quick we're almost there um Keanu Reeves uh thanks for the five I can see the difference between NAA and the smile I think it's like that because smile fruits brought false happiness NAA brings true happiness that is actually a great great great great little Point um like that's a great Point um that that that's actually symbolically very important for the um for the wano finale so that's actually a great point a very analytically astute Point yeah Eric tato uh thanks for the two man Blackbeard is taking emu's Throne obvious at this point Point hey I I don't know if it's obvious but I'm beginning to swing back in towards that direction I used to be 100% on the Blackbeard becomes the final villain train then I switched over to the emu's most likely the final villain now I'm back to where it's like okay we we we got a we got a horse race here we got a horse race like oda's being I think at the very least oda's being unpredictable with the direction for his final villain in the story I like Blackbeard way better as a concept than emu um I think emu has potential to be obviously like a very um um uh like one of those like broke super strong all powerful villains like a more traditional evil empire Tyrant type villain but Blackbeard's just a much more interesting unique villain to one piece you know um he's like Blackbeard kind of the and the type of character and type of villain he is and his rise it feels very symbolic of just one piece's writing and one piece's like a one piece unique type of villain right um like one piece has its fair share of good villain but I feel like a lot of them you know I I don't feel like most of them are as iconic as other manga villains like you know like a m IA or an eizen or something like that a lot of that is simply because most one piece villains are short-lived they're they're isolated to their individual arcs so they just don't get the the story time to build a legacy as as Grand as like you know they're [ __ ] talking about MOA from chapter like 10 or whatever um and like eisen's obviously a huge huge part for the entire Narrative of like 50% of bleach but um you know Blackbeard's the first film that really has the potential and and he's just so different I feel like he represents a lot of what makes one piece different from other Series so I would love for Blackbeard to be the final villain I'm not going to bet the house on it just yet but I think the doors definitely open back up to that being the possibility Marthia sin thanks for the two why people mad Luchi strong they all want they all want Croc strong I think people are mad mad that how do I say this um so it's two things one is that um uh I missed another how did I miss okay let me okay let me let me reload the supers I'm sorry I missed one um yeah um yeah it looks like I miss okay I'll catch that let me just reload hold on um why are people mad Luchi strong they all want Croc strong so I think the first thing is just this which is um with crocodile with crocodile we had um the the the Imp I think the impel down Marine Ford Arc got a lot of people back on board the crocodile train whereas we never really had anything like that for Luchi I I'm not going to get into the scaling of crocodile and impal down and Marine Ford cuz I think there's two very different Avenues you can look at it at I think like you can actually look at it in one Avenue where you actually break down everything that crocodile did in the manga cuz the anime actually exaggerates a bit but you can break down everything crocodile did in the manga and actually say that wait this actually isn't that strange compared to what he did in like he actually does seem to still be around alabasta level he's just getting a little better durability Feats you can look at it that angle or you can look at it like well portrayal wise it does seem like he's being portrayed as much more significant than he was in alabasta um I don't know why I'm getting the nitty-gritty of it but like at the very least we all came away from it um feeling like crocodile is a lot more badass than we gave him credit for back in alabasta and I think a lot of people now have kind of made it their head cannon that crocodile actually used to be really really strong and he just didn't have hockey at the time of alabasta he like lost it or something I think a lot of people have that head Cannon now so crocodile feels like this sort of like actually highlevel figure that was sort of Fell From Grace and um really underperformed against Luffy and now we're getting to see him like not only get back to what he once was but probably become an even stronger version than what he once was right so there's a sort of element of excitement to crocodile like we're getting to see who he like like a a character that had a lot of potential now at his full potential Luchi is different in that Luchi was really a very like almost a onetoone match for Luffy right and he's like a product of lots of physical fighting and trading and such and um you know he's when we meet Luchi he's already in the prime of his career kind of but like he's you know he he's he feels like he's in the same place as Lui right um in terms of his rise whatever so when Lui is beaten pre- time skip the next time we're seeing him is so much later Post Time skip um it feels like we're kind we could we should kind of just be past this guy kind like with crocodile it's like okay I'm excited to see what he's got with Luchi it's like yeah he's probably still a big threat but like we've gone through so much since then like we've gone through wo we've gone through um all these like all these big battles and stuff like we should be past that and then I think the bigger thing is I think people were still hyped for Luchi before Luffy fought him I think people were still hyped for Luchi not quite in the same way as crocodile but people were still excited to see what he could do until he fought Luffy and because he fought Luffy and it's just like there was no possible way for Luchi to end up looking good in that fight because gear fifth is just this this form that is built to just clown on the opponent it is literally a form that is that is designed to make a joke out of the opponent right it is you it is created to make the opponent look like a joke right you the entire fight is Luffy clowning on Luchi because that's just what the form does so it's a combination of factors which is just like we already felt like we should just be past Luchi then we get to see Luffy like just make a a joke out of him for two chapters and on the one hand if you're looking at it objectively it's like Luchi hung in with Luffy like a yonko that's like granted taking it easy but he still hung with the yonko and like clashed and traded blows and took blows and stuff like that for two chapters um that's damn impressive like there's there's like maybe 30 people in the world that could do that maybe less right honestly probably less at this point in time um but just the vibe of the fight felt so humiliating for Luchi that it just is hard to take him seriously now um so yeah it's just like luch L Luchi his one showing Post Time skip was just him getting clowned so so hard it's hard to take him seriously now and it feels more like damn so Zoro like basically what we're the fact that Zoro and Luchi are going even right now you know if you're kind of thinking about it it means that Zoro would be getting clowned by Luffy like this if they were fighting right granted Zoro has more in the tank we know zoro's Advanced conquer haki is ashra he's he's he's shown what he can do against a Yono in wano but it's just not a good look for like zor to be fighting so seriously against a guy that got so embarrassed by by his captain a little bit ago that's kind of the the sum up of it um by the way like I wouldn't be surprised if crocodile is not as strong as Luchi right now that's entirely possible as well we really don't know where these I wouldn't be surprised if they're in the same ballpark you know um like pre- time skip Luchi was definitely portrayed as stronger than crocodile until impel down Marine Ford came around and then it kind of swapped our perceptions it's like okay what was going on with crocodile and alabasta was he like like uh maybe he didn't have hockey maybe he's just gotten stronger and imp down who knows but I wouldn't be surprised if Luchi and crocodile are supposed to be in the same ballpark um it's just that crocodile we have more of that that ambiguity that hype of like what could he actually have been at full strength or whatever um whereas with Luchi it's just like okay been there done that anyway The Final Storm thanks for the 10 what if caribo being a Blackbeard Blackbeard fan is an act he finally tells the mystery man about the ancient weapons Blackbeard Pirates over here kill him then Devon copies him and they Ambush the man okay that is a very convoluted not convolute but it's like a multi-step Theory I don't know man I I think like it's hard to narrow down okay so you said the possibilities are crocodile or burn scar I just don't think it's crocodile um like I don't think crocodile is that significant that like caribo this entire time was was planning on going like like this entire time was building up this caribo thread specifically for crocodile I guess it leads to cross Guild um so that that could be possible but I just feel like it fits a little bit better like Blackbeard significance is so high and like why wouldn't it just be Blackbeard I I don't know what the reasoning would be that oda's kind of like there there's nothing about this that makes me think that this might be fake because from the beginning like all the signs kind of suggested like I mean like a character that was so someone that's so influential that a pirate from the from from the paradise like first half of the grand line caribo is in service of them right that feels like it's got to be Yono you know it feels like it's got to be Blackbeard or something all right let me catch which supers did I miss kerb says hung with Yono I mean the fight wasn't over instantly in a chapter like it would be for Luffy against like most characters you know what I mean um like if you go back and read that fight it's I I think people get the wrong idea I'm not saying that like Luchi was going toe to- Toe with Luffy but he did way like you have to go back and look like most people are saying that Luffy would on-shot him he did not on-shot him like he ultimately didn't in fact like luch Luchi took some like multiple blows from Luffy and gear Fifth and like kept going um Luchi clashed with Luffy in gear fifth you know was Luffy using Advanced conqueror hockey no but at the same time like he did way better than what people were saying before the fight like way better than what like nobody thought the fight was going two chapters if you go back and look at the discussions back then everyone was like yeah Luchi is going to get one-shotted um it's going to last one chapter at most Luchi went two chapters that's impressive you're like well Luffy didn't go like all out it's like yeah but like who the like like Luffy is not going to [ __ ] use badun gun in the first chapter like yeah if Luchi if Luffy actually went all out then he Stomps like almost every character you know except for like a handful of characters right um fact is Luffy went into the strongest form he was using as far as we could tell like um some highle hockey you know not Advanced conqueror hockey but um you know he pulled out tricks and stuff like that he hit Luchi a few times Luchi kept going that is way like you have to understand that is more impressive than pretty much you would expect from pretty much everyone except for like Yono first mate level characters and even then I don't see katakuri lasting as long as Luchi did based on the way that fight went katakuri would not last that many hits he just wouldn't he wouldn't last one hit against what L like look at the whole kick fight kataku wouldn't last one hit it just wouldn't happen he wouldn't go two chapters um it's still a low diff it's still a low diff but it like it's like um like Luchi did better against Luffy than Luffy did against kaido Act One think about it that way and kaido was trying even less than Luffy was in his fight against Luchi like kaido act one like kaido act did he did one move he did Thunder bwa and it was over like not he wasn't in he he didn't even use his he wasn't in hybrid form uh he wasn't like doing any like Luffy went gear fifth his awaken Zone form and Luchi lasted two chapters you know that's something Hunter message redacted I don't know what that is old green knes thanks for the two power scale Luchi when if he does beat Zoro I don't know like I've still got um um I I I have Luchi exactly where I had him before which is like around first mate tier like around first mate level um is he going to be stronger than king or not I don't know like let's see what zor needs to do to beat him okay can someone fill me in if I've missed any supers cuz I refreshed I can't see exactly what super let me let me do a quick skim um I don't think I'm missing anything I if I miss something it's got to be back back can anyone fill me in if I miss miss something tahz says katakuri should not be grouped up with the other Yono commanders King is one-shotting what king is one-shotting Luchi King is one-shotting katakuri I don't think so I don't think I think kataku could Dodge king for a good deal I think like the Y okay katakuri does okay so with the Yono first commanders right I don't count sheru cuz the Blackbeard P like in general the Blackbeard Pirates right now even though down the line they will likely be stronger than the previous Yono Cru we've dealt with um it's clear that they're still growing like van auger even this chapter explained we're still growing right like but you look at like Blackbeard and his like they're not at the same level as previous Yono Cruz yet as far as we can tell like Blackbeard himself isn't as strong as kaido was was right he's not even as strong as big mom was you know like look at his difficulty versus law versus like big mom versus Kid and law and both of them going all out and like cheating the [ __ ] against her and it still took 10,000 tons of TNT to actually do anything there right um versus Blackbeard it does look like he had an extended fight with law just 1 V one law could not One V one big mom for any period of time whatsoever without kid distracting her um the reality is that the Blackbeard Pirates are not quite normal Yono level yet all right especially like just look at what happened to them at the haosu like they were basically all just random assorted fodder even shiru was just random fodder um that only could really do anything while black while GARP was fully focused on an actual top tier character like aiji right so I don't count the Y like them so if we're looking at the actual yon CER mates as I see them Ben Beckman Marco uh King katakuri Zoro right it's just really [ __ ] hard to SK like it's just really hard to to SK like I I think most people would say that kataku is towards the bottom of that but then like it's like well what about like katakuri was so hyped up I think a lot of people just assume Ben beckman's at the top I kind of do too just cuz again just stupid Aura reasons but like it has some weight like just the aura the mystery around a character and uh you know uh the Marines even hyped up that Shanks has his greatest strength is his or like the most notable trait of the redhair Pirates is that they've got um very strong individual Fighters it's like a lot of people with B backman up there Marco has by far in a like it's not even [ __ ] remotely close Marco has the best Feats by a like by country mile compared to the remaining Yono commanders Yono first mates except arguably Zoro because Zoro cut K like Zoro scarred kaido sorry sorry zoro's rooftop Feats might put him above Marco and just the fact that zor's advanced conqueror hockey which it seems none of the other Yono first mates do so Zoro could go above Marco but then after that like comparing Marco to King and uh like katakuri Marco's Feats are just like it's just it's a [ __ ] comical to even compare like Marco literally made big mom [ __ ] run away not to say that Marco can beat big mom but at the end of the day like it's just he's got so such a ridiculously impressive rap sheet it's like like if you've literally got a yonko at least saying that you're too much trouble for me to deal with right now that's that's that's huge right so then it's like okay I I don't think K cre is on Marco's level I don't think he's on Ben beckman's level I don't think he's necessarily on zoro's level so was like okay is he on King's I I don't know like I think there's a first mate solid spectrum and I wouldn't say Kaku is like a tier below everybody he's just it feels like he just doesn't have the fire power or the durability that the rest do and he also doesn't have like like he needs to win just through physical fighting pretty much but he doesn't yeah again he doesn't have the Firepower to do it he can dodge better than anybody right he can dodge better um because a future site but it's like that alone just doesn't seem like it holds up that well to to the crazy abilities that these other guys have I don't know I don't know that's just me uh like spitball like I like katakuri a lot um it just doesn't feel quite like I I just don't know he also doesn't have the Feats doesn't have Feats that the other characters do tomahawk pwpt thanks for the five well really just Marco the others don't really have Feats either pwp Tom Hawk pwpt thanks for the five why do we continue to downplay a guy who has future sight and the speed to act on what he sees um oh I mean just catching up on what I said before it's like just what I said um he doesn't have he can't tank a lot of hits again he probably can avoid most other characters attacks but like there's some limit to that you know um and he just doesn't have a lot of damage output like King's attacks are really [ __ ] strong you know like uh um you know like uh zoro's attacks have [ __ ] Advanced conqueror hockey you know um like Ben Beckman we can assume a lot Marco's never been shown to be crazy strong attack power but like people showed me panels that Marco's even able to make King bleed so if Marco can can make King bleed then um you know katakuri's [ __ ] out of luck there it's just like how much can katakuri even do damage wise to these other characters cuz Marco's the most the best uh damage tank in the entire story then King's like probably right like King as lunarian like up there um obviously um and uh yeah like Zoro can obviously take a tremendous amount of damage I don't know uh it's just hard to say that katakuri can beat a lot of these guys for sure like I think he's still in the same tier in the same same tis then um Rock Nation brunch thanks for the five I wonder how Naval intelligence didn't know Blackbeard crew was headed towards Egghead since they seem to easily track yonko movements um I wonder I feel like maybe they track movements in a more L well they were thrown off when Blackbeard Parts showed up at Amazon lily as well you know um like they were like [ __ ] Blackbeard's here so I think it just I think that might be an inconsistency thing because you're right they have been shown to be good at tracking in the past but then at the same time I don't know laen Adu says it's called recency buys yeah maybe maybe o says kakore has the disadvantage of being shown first um I mean at the same time you could just say that that's intended which is that you know it's like a nice ramp like fighting the weakest first and then you're getting to stronger and stronger I forgot about obviously for counting really it's just like that's a wash it's [ __ ] really I mean yeah really [ __ ] made Blackbeard run away you know tal says Mor you're forgetting in earlier discussions you agreed King's explosion is one-shotting cat I think I was convinced around to believing that um I also don't base things just on matchups though so like even if King is a like I would say king is a poor match up for katakuri um but then you all like I BRAC it as like look across the board I'm like King is like a tricky match up for katakuri CU I just don't know how katakuri would put him down and King has like yeah like you said like big explosive attacks that would be difficult we can assume for katakuri to dodge even if he uses future sight um but then you look across the board and it's like everybody else in that tier also like Marco Zoro like katakuri would have difficult like matchup problem I think Zoro I think katakuri is the best shot fighting Zoro I think I think if you look at the first mates that we know of katakuri is the best shot fighting Zoro I also think katakuri would beat sheru just because of observation hcky um yeah like I think I still put Zoro above katakuri overall but if you're talking just matchups I think kaku's got a good shot against Soro Akash Panda says Navy doesn't have Manpower right now that's true Navy is stretched thin yeah kerb says does anyone think king would do any better against hul K and Luffy than katakuri did that's so stupid Oh I think king would do like Luffy could not beat king um at that point in time because like to beat king you need the damage output and like not just uh Advanced Armament hockey like you need Advanced conqueror hockey to damage King that was established in the zor fight because Zoro is already using like Advanced Armament um he was already using Rio attacks basically like you needed Advanced conquerors to beat king is what was kind of shown like that level of I mean we've seen other characters like Marco be able to damage King but um like Luffy was nowhere near that point like Zoro was hitting King with every like Zoro was literally hitting Kings with attacks that were cutting kaido like the the Twister attack and things like that and it was doing nothing until he got Advanced conquer hockey so Luffy needed like Luffy was weeks away from being able to get to the point where he could actually damage King like he needed the hyogo explanation he needed to learn how Rio worked um he needed stuff like that right um and I don't think it would be a case like Luffy could just learn it on the Fly again because you like at least with future sight it was like he's kind of learning from what katakuri is doing over time um and katakuri is not like really doing that high level of damage so Luffy's got the luxury of learning over the course of like 12 hours how to do it King's attacks are a lot more brutal and like we already saw Luffy needed the two weeks of training to really get down um Advanced Armament Rio Etc and then like hockey blooms during the kaido fight like it take it took him a lot longer to get that that damage level stuff down kerb says not asking Luffy's performance I'm asking King's performance yeah king would do better against uh like King wouldn't lose to to Luffy at that point in time like it's just that's a really bad match up for Luffy Talis says morge one Dragon twister from zor is one shotting katakuri and he's not dodging a giant tornado Tado I I mean like are we I think kak like speed wise could could he not Dodge a tornado I don't know like I don't I'm not saying Zoro like when I say katakuri is a a bad matchup for Zoro I'm not saying kadak kurri beats Zoro I'm just saying that like I think Zoro is I think Zoro is stronger than katakuri but I think katakuri would give him like a better like a more difficult challenge like I think kaku's got more of a shot there than against Kaku then like kakuri versus Kane lces more Marco has never shown attacks with the Striking strength of dice Mochi and mochi Anoni um again we saw Marco damage King like he was able to make King bleed uh people showed me that panel people linked me that panel I was like okay conceded maros got the attack power um also just like Marcos oh [ __ ] [Music] Derek mes says big mom has better better durability than King and iron beans will eventually wear down I don't think big mom has better durability than king um I mean there's two things like one is like how tough your exter like I think we use these terms interchangeably like durability and urance or whatever big mom has better endurance like she can take more like what it takes to physically damage big mom is less than what it takes to physically damage King we already saw that attacks that were damaging like kaido on the roof could not damage King downstairs like the same exact attacks like Dragon twister and stuff um if we scale big mom's durability to kaidos that means that King lunarian durability like their actual physical exterior is tougher um than even kaido and big mom however like kaido and big mom can actually like take more Dam like they can like even though their skin is not as hard they can take more damage right like if like King all took his one good attack and then he was done right kaido can take like a million good attacks and still keep going big mom can take a lot of damage and keep going those are two different things right like one is how much does it take to actually hurt you and then two is like once you're getting hurt how much can you take before you go down big mom and kaido have beat in that category but not the first category all right all right guys we're g to wrap it up here um yeah thanks for tuning in everybody really really good chapter and I think we're getting to the juicy juicy part of Egghead so it's all uphill from here all right yeah and I will talk to you all later peace
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 23,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece Chapter 1107, One Piece 1107, One Piece, Sanji, Egghead Island, One Piece manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 48sec (7668 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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