Every Brawlhalla Weapon's Worst Signature

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hello a little while ago we looked at the strongest signatures per weapon brawlhalla so let's flip the script around and take a look at the weakest signatures per weapon brawlhalla so this will again it's just all opinions but uh i will also like i did with the best signatures and worse signatures per character i'll give some suggestions for how i'd like these moves to be changed uh in the future so let's start with scythe i think the weakest signature on the scythe is fate's downsig this little teleporting move right here it has i'll turn off those big flashy things it has a couple things going for it number one it's a teleport move so you can juicy it and get a wall touch like that maybe extend a string or catch someone uh unexpectedly it has a pretty good hitbox as you can see it's pretty lardo here this slash and then it has a behind hit as well so let's say this azoth is just chilling and i do it behind it'll still hit from behind so those are the pros the cons though are that as we turn on the damage here we can see it does 20 damage which is not much at all that's less than like a hammer and air um it it doesn't have much ko power this azoth is at 160 it doesn't really kill it doesn't really do damage it's pretty easy to punish as you can see i'm mashing my end light here and it takes a little while it's telegraphed it has an audio cue and a visual cue for where it's going to go uh so the risk reward just really isn't in the favor uh of reward in my opinion in this move and that's kind of what i'm dictating as what is weak or what is strong it's like is it worth the risk no not really if i put this sig on any other scythe user's kit does it make their kit better or does it make it worse i feel like it makes it worse so that's why i'm giving it to fate downstairs what is the thing that i would suggest to change i would suggest two things number one we can keep the damage the same uh 20 damage for a teleporting utility sig it makes sense it's fine no big deal uh i do think though a cool mechanic maybe a cool little twist is that the longer you hold it the further you teleport uh that could be kind of a cool thing no other move works like that it could be it could have something where it's just teleports further uh maybe along the lines of a koji down sig maybe a little bit shorter because of how big the hitbox is and then also variable force angles i think could be really cool so let's say i hit it right in front like this rather than hitting straight up it hits straight forward if i hit the a's off when the azoth is jumping for example okay maybe then it hits straight up or maybe it hits at an angle upward if i hit with the hitbox behind you know maybe it hits behind and is like a reverse like the yumiko hammer side sig i think those would be some cool changes to give it a little bit more utility and make it less of a less of a risky move because as it is right now as it stands top level fates you will pretty much never see this move used in a high level super high level tournament match or if you do uh it's probably only it probably only works because it's never been used you know it's kind of one of those moves so there we go that's first up i know i keep like repeating my words but look i haven't recorded a video in a few days so my voice is it's gone um for canon i think the weakest canon signature is isaiah's sidesig it has again let's look at the pros let's look at the cons so pro it's pretty quick at least uh you can't see a lot of the startup like you can't really react to the startup unlike fates it doesn't have an immediate sound queue although it does take a little while for the move to come out so that's what i mean by fast it has this mechanic the longer you hold it the further you go and the further it's active although you don't really go that fast you compare it to a move like zoll side sig on the cannon and it's kind of abysmal in terms of distance and speed uh and yeah it's kind of a similar thing to fate where it's like risk and reward it's a fine signature it's not bad it's just it's not really in the favor of the reward compared to the risk you're vulnerable from the top you're vulnerable from behind if we take a look at hitbox it's decent it's a moving hitbox so the size doesn't really matter too much with a moving hitbox um but yeah it's just you compare it to lin phase side sig and lin phase has this bursting jump right it covers a lot of ground you compare it to sidra's side sig on the canon and sidra's like jumps her in the air and has a lot of force right like it it just doesn't pack the same punch or have the same utility as the other canon characters and so i just feel like it's a little weaker and what is the change that i would propose i think this one's pretty simple i think if isaiah just moved faster with the side tig it would get a lot more utility or if it just had a little bit more ko power then it would get more utility i feel like either of those two could uh really increase the use of this move because as it stands right now it's not really that useful uh when compared to other things like you can just do a down light okay apparently you can't a down light into nair right why would you go for the side sig a lot of the time and if someone's being knocked off stage you're not going to really do this because you can do that right it doesn't have the same kind of utility as other cigs so i think that would be a nice change for spear now this this is one of my favorite characters in the game uh and unfortunately i've got to put him in the weakest spear signature in the game and that's dusk dusk on his spear down sig i think is the weakest piercy in the game for a few reasons number one well okay again let's look at her look at his strengths it's strength is that it's a grounded spear kill option which spear doesn't really have it does a decent chunk of damage it has an all right hitbox although i would probably put that more into weakness it's pretty fast i guess that is the that is a pro but let's look at the cons high recovery time you're kind of stuck here for a while kind of measly range like this isn't even going to hit and i'm not even that far away like i at this why would i ever downsize here when i can do that you know uh measly vertical range as well as we look at the hitbox here it doesn't really hit that high up i mean yeah it's decently high it's like one and a half jump heights but i can just do that or i can just do that and it covers the same area and like in a better way right it doesn't have the most knockout power although it has some um and i think the change to this is fairly simple uh what i would suggest one of two things i think if it acted like cross's gauntlet dancing the hand of god like as you're charging it the further that little spike little nub goes and you can extend it pretty far out i think that would be an amazing change because like let's say i use it right here okay cool i can maybe cover someone trying to jump to the platform but i hold it and then suddenly it's going over to the azoff and hits him right there i think that would be really cool if that's the case then maybe startup could be changed a little bit although i think it's probably fine another change that could happen with this signature is rather than having it operate like crosses just have it default start later or start further out so maybe hit the hit the azal from this range by default and never change the distance i think that could also be a decent change but yeah one of those two as it stands right now this sig is not so good uh i think it is one of the weakest cigs in the entire game not just on the spear kit um so i definitely like to see it change especially since i think dusk is pretty cool i think this ncig is super neat uh he's definitely underplayed compared to his strength but this downsig is not a is not showing it unfortunately but yeah up next we got another newer character uh in the airplane guy vector now this signature is interesting right because it's one of the coolest in the game but i think it's the weakest landscape and it's the downsig and the reason why it's the downsig as you can see it has some pros number one a very cool animation turns into an airplane number two it has a good amount of force it's ko'ing that uh that is off with its grounded version uh you can slide charge it you can gc it to get distance get back to the wall reverse it you can use it to spike people you can use some fancy schmancy movement like this and get back onto the stage wall spiking people uh you can see it like right here and then cover the that entire space on the ledge so it's not it doesn't have like uh it's not a total stinker i guess is what i'm saying it's just a little bit smelly and the reason why it's a little bit smelly as for one primary thing and it's unfortunately what also makes it cool and it's the startup the amount of time that it takes for this azoth to get hit i'm going to press the button and just count in your head that's like a full second that's like a full second now count in your head how long it takes me to press the this button and how long the azo takes to get hit yeah that's the kind of speed that we like okay obviously that's a neutral light it's a little bit different but how about i just go over to a different lance character wait who has lance in this game did i just skip people i guess i did okay yeah that's a lot faster that is significantly faster uh it's just a problem of startup really and the amount of time it takes for the hitbox to come out i get hit by this move probably more than i should but the reason i do is because people use it so little that i actually don't even know how far the little firebombs reach down and uh yeah it just has a lot of startup for whoops has a lot of startup for uh you know how powerful it is so i think one of two things could happen to this vector dancing number one just reduce the startup a little bit make it more akin to i don't know rayman gauntlet sig or or something like or zarya bowdown sig one of those two uh there's probably some nice middle ground unfortunately that means you get to see less of the airplane mode which is kind of sad but uh number two could be that the bombs fire further down and that makes it a safer move right because you're throwing out this the other person sees that it's coming out they have enough time to avoid it and then hit you most of the time uh but if the bombs go further down you can keep the long start up sure but you'll also probably be safe uh from getting punished so i think one of those two changes could work fine uh but right now it's it's not terrible it's just not super good you know it has some utility especially again like i mentioned g singing off stage is pretty good slide charging it but yeah those are those are the two things all right next up is hammer and this is pretty difficult so i i i was thinking choosing between a few of these but the one i landed on was sentinel down sig now i'll tell you why i chose this you may be thinking why didn't he pick cassidy's tornado that thing takes a million years to come out yes that's true why didn't he pick core's little meatball move where he turns into a ball or a car if you're jake or you know a cannonball if you're if your forearms because that also takes a million years to come out and the reason why is pretty simple even though those moves have a billion start up like the vector down sig they also do like 40 damage which is absolutely insane this move does 22. it does have knockout power it's a backup cig has a pretty good hitbox but it's hard to rate those as just super weak right because even if they have a lot of startup even if you don't see them in every single game when they hit they are monsters but this sentinel downsig it just feels like a little underwhelming i guess compared to other hammer kits i was also thinking maybe core n or thor n sig where he charges it up but that also has a true combo downline into n6 i was like and not going to pick that let's go with sentinel hammer downtick now here's here are the pros number one it has it's a step back sig which are pretty good you're in the corner bada bing bada boom you get some extra movement you get a nice uh a nice counter attack number two it has a pretty good hitbox i mean this thing looks like it's in 2015 beta if we're being real uh it has pretty good knockout power decent damage but the it does have a downside and the downside is kind of twofold right having a backup sig is fantastic but this backup sig also pushes you forward at the end of it which most of the time when you use backup sigs uh you don't want to be pushed forward like an azoth bow down sig for example i mean i can even just do it right now part of what makes this move so strong is that you back up and then you stay backed up kaya does the same thing and that's super good because it means that even if the opponent doesn't buy it like let's say you're trying to stuff an approach and you do this and they don't approach well that's cool because you're just backed up now you're not going to get punished but with sentinel let's say you're trying to predict the approach they don't approach well now you're even closer to getting punished so that's a bit of a that's a bit of an issue number two is that it's kind of like i feel like this side sig is just better i mean look at the damage difference that's 27 even though it starts up faster and that's 20. that's uh that's 27 right there okay also this move uh we're not going to talk about that move but it feels like this side sig is just a better version of this down sig uh also hammer already has super good grounded killing options with down light and the amount of risk that it takes for you to throw that versus throwing out that uh is different it is reactable at times also it does have this mechanic if you pivot it then you keep moving forward that's a i guess that's a pro or or if you do it with momentum but yeah it just feels a little underwhelming i suppose uh compared to how good other hammer signatures are right like you compare this move to a cassidy side sig on hammer and it's pretty clear and sentinel already has two really good ones that you just don't really see that downsig very much especially when compared to the damage output of these so yeah that's uh that's the weakest in my opinion how would i change it well first off i think a way to tweak it to make it more powerful or more usable is that this hitbox gets changed to be more updated to be modern which will be a slight nerf but then it gets a change similar to the nash uh spear downsig that just happened which is that he moves back much quicker and then doesn't go as far forward and that would also help with increasing the range to make it uh more unique compared to this one so he backs up further backs up quicker and then uh strikes and i think that is just enough to make it more of a uh that level sig you know i think that's all it needs because really it's not a bad tick at all it's hard to pick when a hammer sigs are as good as they are next up this is actually it's kind of a similar situation which is that gauntlet signatures are pretty strong across the board it's it's hard to say a bad gauntlet signature you know a weak gone signature but we're going over the gauntlet king himself i know crazy and we're picking it because i think this ensign likely probably if i take a look at a list i may change my mind but i think this may be the weakest column signature and why is that well like i said with fate if you put this signature i don't know why i just like couldn't say signature there if you put this signature on another legend with gauntlets does their kit get better or does it get worse right if you put this on cross instead of crosses and sig you have this i think it gets worse if you put it on petra i think it gets worse if you if you put it on core i think it gets worse and you know you can keep listening caspian i think his bomb is better than this and so on and so forth and so just by process of elimination i think this is the signature that if you put it on any other gauntlet legend their signature kit will get worse and so for that reason i just missed downlightner twice that was embarrassing i need to redeem myself okay i am not redeeming myself for that reason i i'm gonna put it here and what are its strengths well number one it has a good amount of force like if if we take a look at this azo you saw how some of those signatures weren't really uh packing a punch well this one packs quite the punch i mean it's chaoing from both sides of the map it's doing 25 damage which is uh quite a mean amount of damage it has this utility where if you hold it you can actually go along the ground which is quite interesting i don't think other moves really work the way this one does in terms of momentum uh what are some downsides well it does have a little bit of startup uh it's not the easiest thing to uh to not get punished when you use you know you notice that you do have a quite a bit of recovery time uh at least you compare it to like crosses uh what's another pro it has a good amount of active frames as you slash as you noticed i wasn't even that accurate when i hit that a's off there but i still hit them because of how long this thing was active hitbox is pretty good it remains consistent in force all throughout so this is one of those moves where even though i'm saying it's the weakest signature uh per weapon you know per gauntlet i actually don't think this move needs changes i think it has a unique property it has a unique place in mordex's kit you don't see it the most but when you do see it it's good and i i think it's okay i think it's fine but you know sometimes you just gotta pick and so now i'm gonna downline there because okay i don't know what's happening i don't know what's happened i'm under pressure while recording normally i can do it fine no we're gonna move on please god can we move on for blasters i think the weakest signature is ada's downsig and by the way this gala heat blast looks actually insane um i think it's this downsig it did receive i believe a bit of a buff um not too long ago but it's still not the greatest and i think the reason is that it's kind of similar to the reasoning i've been using a lot which is that if you put it on another blaster legends kit it doesn't really get better also it's fairly punishable it's hitbox is also a 2015 beta hitbox if you take a look yeah that kind that is kind of insane hitbox size but you back up a lot and uh it doesn't have that much of a forward range like it only pretty much reaches forward from where you were standing originally um it's a little bit slow you can get punished above fairly easily and it doesn't have the most force it doesn't do the most damage which as you can expect from a utility signature um but like ada is the type of character where it's glass cannon you want your sticks to do a billion damage or have a a billion amount of force like this side sig for example which i think is like a much better version of that down sig and so yeah for that reason i think you put this sig on another blaster legends kit diana definitely diana's guns get worse uh you put on lord vrax definitely lord rax definitely cassidy and so i just think it's the weakest how would i change it well again kind of like sentinel i think adjusting the hitbox could be useful because as it is right now i feel like i keep saying as it stands this signature it's difficult to balance signatures with absurd hitboxes because you kind of have to make it mediocre and other part and other qualities and other characteristics because otherwise it's just too oppressive if it has a giant hitbox and a lot of force and a lot of utility it's just like oh what do i even do against this so i think reducing the hitbox size uh is is where this move can start and then giving it either more of this final jump back i feel like it'd be really cool if this final jump instead of being like a little mini leap was a huge leap backwards i think that would be really cool this somersault backwards because then you could do something like this where you propel yourself backwards to recovery and it kind of looks like canon when you're shooting yourself backwards i think that'd be super cool adds utility doesn't need to change too much of the move uh you know maybe it can still have like its measly amount of force because it is a utility sig it's a backup stick you don't want these to be like the super killers um but yeah if that last somersault backwards just sent you flying i think that would make this sig much more unique and fit ada's design and be super cool so yeah that's my suggestion uh for bow we're nearing the last few here for bo this one was also really difficult because both signatures generally speaking are super good so i think by process of elimination same reasoning you put this sig on another bow kit and it gets worse is this yumiko side sake and i was debating should i pick n sig should i pick side sig and i think the reason why i'm picking side sig is because nsig it has more utility i feel like you can use it to gc and get some priority hitboxing out here i know even though the hitbox is small don't be deceived because this hitbox is small and this has a ton of priority um yeah it just feels like a little underwhelming uh i feel like this ensign has more utility and that's why i picked uh that's why i didn't pick that one this side sick it doesn't have the most amount of force which i guess you can expect because it's yumiko who is a low force design character it just it doesn't have the most amount of movement it has a good amount but it's not like a diana side sig level with that kind of hitbox it's just yeah i don't know it kind of leaves you in place a little while it's a bit punishable and so that's uh that's why i picked this one but honestly like mordex i don't think i would change this thing at all i think it's fine i think it's good and you know it has a good amount of damage for what it is and for yumiko's archetype it has a good amount of force for what it is you know this move if you hit it in the beginning it packs a punch if you hit at the very end you get less of it because it's like less built up but you know if you're playing against yumiko they catch or dodge in and they're like okay totally missed they're like you just you feel it you feel the impact because it has multiple hits the sound is satisfying it has a lot going for it and i think it's total oh yeah it also expived so you can do movement like this which is very cool like super super trip people up with your movement um yeah i think it's a fine sig i don't think it really needs a change but it's one of those things where you just had to pick so i picked it uh yeah next up is greatsword now this is i mean do i even just say it i just had to pick one so i picked this uh i thought about it mako ncig i think has more utility mako side sig certainly has more utility niko down sig uh i think it's stronger than this one and then obviously i don't think i even need to say it but yeah this move and this move are absolutely ridiculous like two of the best things in the entire game so by default it's this move i think this move is crazy look at this hitbox on the ground i mean it's huge and then look at this hitbox in the air it is huge okay well you can't see it yet but yeah it is actually ginormous if anything i would probably nerf this move if we're being real i would probably nerf or tweak the weakest greatsword sig in the game so let's move on please uh orb orb orb orb orb where is my boy my boy thor now thor i think this is the weakest orb sig and it's gonna be subtle it's gonna be nuanced i feel like this one is very easily arguable for a few others but i thought about it right i'm like dusk n6 side sig down sig all three fantastic great i think if you put side sig you know if you replace this move with dusk side sig or down sig i think thor improves so i'm like okay okay fate you give thor any of fate sigs i guess maybe maybe except for replacing the n6 because this one has a ton of utility and he and he's better he's a better character so i'm like okay okay okay petra this one was more of a more of a hmm i had to think about it you know if you put your side sig on thor does he get better well he has this move which is super good but if you had like if he didn't have this move and instead he had petra side sig i still think his side sig would be better than this down sig so i was like okay you know uh that makes a lot of sense it's looking like it's gotta be this one and this sig what does it have going for it it has a good hitbox fantastic hitbox in fact this is a super good hitbox it has this grounded splash or aerial splash if you use an air in the air which also great hitbox it kind of suctions people in it has this charge mechanic so you can actually kill earlier than uh than otherwise intended it has a spike hitbox let's see if i can actually hit it i've never tried oh yeah that's spiked yeah so you can spike people with it and it's only downside really is long active frames because when you use it you're committed to the entire thing and that is pretty much the only downside to this move because otherwise it's it's a great move it has it has good force it has a good hit box it's got a lot going for it except it has this charge mechanic except for the long active frames so how would i change this move well i have an idea and i don't know if this is a good idea because maybe it makes it too strong but what if when you use this thor down sig there could be a way to cancel it right where you could choose to do the full thing right if you like pressed it twice but let's say you pressed it once you just do this slash into the ground this initial splash and then you're standing here and then you just get up and you can choose whether or not to do the final explosion i feel like that would be super cool it would add some uniqueness to this move because then you could do something like oh you choose to charge it or you just choose to stay there you know you can use it like a slide charge like i was just doing or you could just just stand there and then down or the other way i think that would be pretty cool maybe it'll make it too broken i don't know but i feel like that would be cool and i'm a fan of things that are cool so that's my suggestion next up ember where are you amber your name starts with e i think the weakest guitar sig is this ember ncig because of a few reasons it freezes you in okay i need a back i get too ahead of myself why is it good it's good because it has good aerial or good vertical reach uh it has some priority ish and i'll get into that a little later uh it's pretty quick you jump up pretty high you can use it to gc like this interrupt someone ground pounding and stuff like that why is it not so good well it freezes you in place you're locked there you don't have much uh it completely stop like momentum does not affect this move so like let's say with side sig i can do this right and i end up a little further right cool but if i have momentum i just slide with it if i have momentum i slide with this down stick very cool but if i have momentum with this nsig nope freeze in place it reminds you a little bit of mako's ncig which also freezes you in place except makos has active input it spikes it's got a lot more than just an upward slash and this move it just feels underwhelming the hitbox a lot of the time feels like it should hit but it doesn't it's just uh it's it's pretty easily punishable if the other person is in the right spot because again it just totally freezes you in place you don't have much movement or momentum with it like compare this with uh with a similar move which is j on sword ncig and the amount of like movement that you have the amount of freedom you have with this move it's so much more apparent you get aerial drift after you use it but this ember n sig you don't really get much aerial drift it's harder to it's just like i don't know more clunky harder to control easier to punish and also has a a lower reward i would say uh maybe that's just me thinking or like maybe that's not based in numbers but with sword you can just you know recovery again follow them hit them upward with nair uh uh oh swordnail but with guitars it's it's it's harder to do that so yeah i think the sig is the uh is the weakest guitar stick how would i change it oh yeah it also has the good uh uh attribute of being able to cover multiple dodges uh because of its active frames but yeah as you can see it's active for a long time which makes it easier to punish in the hitboxes towards the end aren't the largest you can hit from both sides but only towards the middle of the move so it's a bit strange um i think there's a way to change this to make this move really annoying to fight and so i'll say that one first because it's actually something that i wouldn't like and i don't think they'll do but if they made this move hit grounded as you pick people up i think that would make it a lot stronger and you see a lot more utility but i also think that it would make it not very fun to play against so instead i think something interesting uh could be to speed up the move so the slashes happen a lot faster think something like jiro sword ncig where it goes like oh if that happened it was like boom boom and it's over it's done i think that could be a cool way to do it or another thing could just be reducing recovery frames one of those two one of them takes a lot more work one of them is probably changing a number on a spreadsheet or something i don't actually know how it works it it's probably more than that um probably i'm probably devaluing the actual work that uh that goes into balance but yeah i don't know what i'm talking about i'm just a kid okay i have an excuse so yeah those are the two suggestions i'd make for this move this is my pick for guitars now i i just mentioned it so i might as well say it but i think the weakest sword signature is this this jira sword ncig unlike embers it does pick up grounded and uh i think i mentioned this in my weakest six in the game video if i'm not mistaking it i'm not mistaken or maybe it's per legend that i think this sig could really benefit from a couple changes number one could be like that thor or downsight change where you just do one slash instead of the full thing but you know sometimes you can catch people with these active frames with the full thing so that could work or or maybe some jira players wouldn't like that it could be like if you press it once you leap up if you press it again you do the slash it doesn't have to be active the whole time um it could be some i don't even do that it could be something like that um but this sig i don't know something about it just feels a bit underwhelming like the other arguments i think if you put this thing on other legends kits i don't think it gets better i think their kits tend to get worse like koji's i feel like is a better version of this i showed jun's earlier although it doesn't get grounded it's much more difficult to punish and it just feels like the risk reward is not in favor of reward you're active you're out here for a long time you can get punished from above you can get punished from below you can get punished from in front if they just wait it out it feels like you're kind of locked in frames for a long period of time which doesn't really fit jira's archetype i feel like i feel like jira's archetype is super speed you know you know hard to punish hard to hit but very easily dies but this thing doesn't really feel like it fits that archetype it's kind of you're locked in for a while and that doesn't really uh that doesn't seem right to me so i think that is a a possible change you press it once you leap up and then you press it again and you slash i think that could be kind of cool maybe it could produce some some toxic gameplay where people just leap up waiting for people to approach and if they don't approach uh they just don't press it again if they do approach they they do press it again but i actually think that could lead to some interesting approaching mix-ups and mind games less so than super uh what's the word reactive defensive play which people tend to not like um but then again it all depends on the numbers how much recovery time there is how many uh frames you're locked in for and everything like that so the other change suggestion or the other suggestion that i'll give is similar to that ember one where you actually just attack faster you go boom and it's done but boom and it's done instead of like slashing for a little while um that could be that could also be a tweet to make it a more useful in everyday gameplay so yeah those are the two last one last one up here is going to be the axe and it's going to be ragnir our good boy ragnar and his little flame breath so what does this sig have going for it you press it once and it just you know little shoot of fire you hold it and it's active for a while so you can keep people in the corner with this move as you can see it has a bit of a disjoint um what does it not have going for it well you compare it to the most similar move which is olgrim's lance downsig and that move is just straight up better because it has an aerial hitbox so you actually have to like jump way over it instead of you can kind of just leap over this one number two as you can see this move like never kills like it's gonna kill now because i hit it twice but yeah they're in the deep red and it's not gonna kill and part of it is that angle it hits at that angle where it just never will ever kill um number three is the angle itself so if you're keeping someone in the corner where do you want to hit them you want to hit them forward and you want to hit them down where does this move hit it hits up so let's say you're keeping someone in the corner with this down zig well guess what you just made their recovery easier rather than harder because you gave them more space to recover and that's really not what you want so the suggestion i would give is to to give this a more horizontal angle than just straight up vertical and honestly the force can be kept where it is because it is a utility sig you don't want this thing to be killing all the time also for newer players these types of things are harder to avoid and you don't want to make sigs that are just super super generally speaking from a balance standpoint super super useless at top level play but then oppressive and extremely strong at lower level play and i feel like if this sig just had a billion force it would still be one of those moves where top level players probably wouldn't get hit by it very much but lower level players would just suffer and it would be not fun so i think that would be a healthier change just change the angle a bit and uh and give our dragon breath boy a little more dragon breath to to work with he needs some mentos he needs a mint um but a good mint not like a mint that'll make it worse i should i should stop talking those are all the weapons right i covered all my bases i covered it all i think i did that should be it those are the weakest weapons or weep weakest i said weapest i i need sleep weakest signatures per weapon in my opinion how i would adjust them or tweak them if i were to do it at all and yeah i hope you enjoyed and go eat some dr dragon fruit okay bye [Music] you
Channel: eggsoup
Views: 211,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggsoup, egg soup, brawlhalla, brawlhalla guide, brawlhalla combos, brawlhalla gameplay, brawlhalla best, brawlhalla worst, brawlhalla signatures, weapon brawlhalla, scythe brawlhalla, lance brawlhalla
Id: 40BgHK9PN8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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