Every Brawlhalla Character's Worst Signature

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a few weeks ago I looked at what I considered were the best signatures for every character in the game and this time I'm gonna be looking at what I think the weakest signature is Beach character are in the game but I'm gonna be doing things a little bit differently so last time I just gave my opinion you know good times fun times you know I'm gonna do agree disagree we'll talk about it this time though with the worst signatures or the weakest signatures I also want to take a look at how I would improve them what I would do to buck them to make them better if they even need to be buffed at all because I think some of the choices are only being picked because every other signature in their kit is really good and it's honestly a fine signature it's just I had to pick one so for ADA I think her weakest signature is for blasters down cig I just think that less utility than the side saying I don't honestly for the most part think it's a worst version of the side sig as for reversals go it takes a while for her to actually jump back into position it's a lot of active frames it's not the easiest move to punish because of how far back she ends up moving but the reward just is a super super big for it this side sake is just so so good and it like if I'm standing here I'd much rather do a slide so you can do it down so I think how I would buck this move I think I would give it a little bit of a buff and honestly I don't think it needs that much it's a utility sing it's not a killing sig I'm more than anything so it doesn't need the force of this but I do think it could just use a little bit more force and that's all its hit boxes are also kind of crazy but yeah this is to say you definitely see the l-'ihsani of this kid so that's alright next up is Artemis now Artemis is a little bit difficult to pick because I do think most of our seniors are actually really strong so I'm just gonna pick this Lex I'm sig because I was thinking of Lance down sink but also like yeah up that it's spike hitbox is very high and it kills really early so one it's useful it's super good so I'm just gonna pick this Lance NZ has her weakest I don't think it needs an improvement I think all of her signatures are really good if this was maybe a month ago I would pick this landslide sig but this moved off bucks so that's active all throughout the junk like the Lord brac sig it's pretty similar so yeah Lance I'm saying maybe her weakest maybe a slight down say I don't know but I don't think her signatures necessarily need a buck all right a sory now oh sorry is a little bit a little bit strange because her signatures are also super super good if I had to pick one I think it would be this guitar side sig and if anything it's just because I think the down sig signs it and I think her sword signatures also about China this n sig obviously very strong its down sig has a lot of traps stacked killing option with guitars this just has a bit more start up a little bit easier to punish but also does have that brutal slight angle so by no means a bad signature a story another one of those characters where like all of our signatures are good this movie very difficult to punish I don't think it necessarily needs a buff or anything like that if it weren't for this force and this hit box on the side sig I might pick this but this move is actually kind of insane so yeah alright hazel now forays off another one of those characters again like you already know all of these signatures are very strong is off also one of the characters that's just gotten buffs to his SIG's repeatedly like this one especially has gotten recovery frames nerve and again her recovery things buffed I guess by being decreased over and over again so if anything I'm gonna pick this boat and say because just all this other SIG's are a lot stronger I think it has a good amount of force this second hitbox is really good it's hard to punish from above which is exactly what you want it to be yeah just overall good signature I think it's actually pretty balanced and I don't think it's bad at all it's just as a his worst slash weakest of his kid because everything else is good all right on to Peraza now Barraza he is another character with very strong signatures but he does have one outlier which i think is this blasters side safe I do think this move is outshined by blasters down cig simply because they cover a similar area I mean this one does have a huge vertical hitbox like that what this down cig is just insane and so the utility out of this slide cig you don't really see it as much as this down signature if I could also pick this n cig doesn't have the most amount of force and if you G see it we just die which is a fun time let's see if I can show that off a little bit I don't it doesn't really matter that much but you just keep following the reason why I don't pick n cig is because it covers something that the rod that doesn't have which is this like angling right here and it is pretty active for a while you can see it doesn't have the most force the reason why I don't pick this again is because this is something that for us it doesn't have on the guns already whereas this area is covered by downstage so I think sides together because I don't think it necessarily needs a buff I think if the way that I would change it is change the hit boxing so that it doesn't fit like super far above like this and then in compensation maybe give it more force but a all right on to brim now Brin good signatures all around yeah you already know I think if I were to pick her weakest it probably would be this side saying even though I think this is a very strong move I think it's outshined by this which is quick stacked and everything like that and then this down sig which hits in a similar area has insane force and also has the utility of dogging news whereas this has the utility of dodging moves that they will its active for a while it's very strong the reason why I don't why I like I pick it over all the spear SIG's for example is because this does like 40 damage this thing is super good and this thing is super good so with another one of those where we're encountering a lot of them in the early alphabet of legends but their signatures are just good and the reason why it's the weakest is not because it's a bad move it's because the other moves are just really really strong on the bode bar I think his weakest signature is his sort n sing uh I think it's a fairly like okay when I say weakest by the way or like worse it's not that you should just never use them it's the idea of like okay maybe the risk of throwing this move out is higher than the reward may warrant but if it works it works you know it's not saying that like okay you should never use this move it's just terrible it's just the idea of like risk award so I think this sword down stick is insane I think this side sig has a crazy hitbox and it's just like super solid all-around signature this n stick though it's just risky it has a lot of force which compensates for the wrist so I don't think it needs to be changed at all it's pretty good in 2v2 team combos picks up stuff pretty well it's just risky for what the reward is it's fairly easy to punish if you're in the right position I just think his camera stinks shine it so yeah don't think it needs a changed person now Caspian I think the cassadines weakest signature is his dauntless dancing because this move has like no force at all this n Singh so Caspian generals have the most force on his SIG's it makes sense he's like a thief quick care if they're not designed to be super strong this downswing though has like no force you compare this to a Zonk bow down sig and it feels like this movie never kills like this more Lexus in the red and he's still in red you know like the slide stick doesn't have the most range but it's a reversal I can kill earlier this damn sig just doesn't have that much force the way I would change it it wouldn't even need it increase the force it would just be to make that angle like maybe more horizontal because you see if it has closed its vertical but maybe a more consistent horizontal angle like that one which would make them maybe use an extra jump and put them in the position to punish harder it's a reversal so it's more of utility than the killing sig so I don't think it should just kill significantly earlier I just think that maybe yeah maybe you can use a little bit of an angle adjustment to be more consistent you see if it hits up like the very edge it does hit more horizontally I can I can space this move yeah it has a lot of active frames it's not the worst move in the world by any means it's just a little underwhelming I guess I guess yeah all right Cassidy I mean you know I have to pick it right I was talking about risk award like I have to pick this movie like have you seen Cassidy sings literally all of them are insane like even this one that's like okay you're unless you have a super hard read or the opponent messes up or is not really paying attention to something in the background you know you're gonna get punished for throwing this out but it doesn't ton of damage and like have a huge hitbox it's just like okay are you am I gonna say the last day was the worst I'm gonna say this is the worst I'm gonna say any of your blast another word snail obviously it's the one that's gonna get you punished if you with it well that's not to say the six bad like I wouldn't change it in any way I think if this move was bucked there'd be like crazy if we're really talking things I might say okay we give it a rework where you're just like spitting in place I don't even know like a like rag knee racks down say what you're just spitting in place like this I don't know I don't think this will change it's just very a very nice is how I would use describe it all right cross mr. cross man I'm a little tempted to do the hand of God but I do think this actually does have some utility like over here and you won't get punished so I'm gonna give it to this blasters and see and the reason why is just I think it's outshined by having a jump recovery anyway that covers the same spot and is much less risky like I don't know it's just a bit too easy to punish for what it is I think like this has a ton of force that justifies it this is like stack or not stacked but it's like double sign which justifies this you can just walk up to him and punish him and the holding the attack button to keep the attack out kind of like the old room Lance dancing and the ragging reacts I was talking about earlier just doesn't have as much utility as those do like you can hold it on the edge like that but this you're just open up to getting stared so I think it's his weakest signature maybe I'd give it a little bit more force to justify like jump recovery being covered by the same spot but in all honesty I think it's a fine mood it's just a little bit overshadowed all the time it's good for you like catching dodges together read because it's active for so long Diana yeah it's it's this move and even though this move is like super strong like the amount of force it has can be like insane like that morning's is just dead it's just completely overshadowed by a move that's very similar which is this one which is just so much better this bug bouncing is so much better than the blaster damn sigelei in every way part of the punish easier to hit the vertical hitbox that's bigger it's not like it hits stack whereas this one you actually have to have a lot more space like part of what's strong about the bow down sigil and diana is that you can stand right at the very corner and then hit it stacked but this move you need a lot more space to hit it which just gives you a lot less flexibility and makes it more likely to the bass on the stage but again when it hits it's really strong I would not vote this move I think it's already good it's just overshadowed now dusk dusk I think his weakest signature is the spear band cig and I just think it's again I've been saying this a lot but it's over shadowed this move super super fast super good this move you can't really react to it you can't really punish it but this is like it feels almost good it feels almost really good like if this spear was a lot like a little bit further out it would be so much more threatening if it hit maybe a little higher up would be so much more threatening but like yeah yeah yeah yeah like you throwing this out it's just like why not just download it or why not just end say because it's not far enough to justify the risk and the reward isn't like big enough because it kind of locks you in for a while I feel like the way I would change this move is just make this spear come out further and it's like a great sake I think that's all all that needs to change about it it feels good like it hits pretty hard it's just a spear it's not far enough but that's how I would change it yeah because dusk are ready controls a lot of space like this move is so quick this move is so quick just like a little bit more space that's all I need all right amber bow irani and on amber her bow sticks are great I think it's just Qatar n sig this move just feels like it doesn't work like half the time I don't know it almost feels like you're you're worse off for going for it than not going for it I mean obviously that's not true if you wind it you're better off than you were before but it almost never kills the hitbox is really strange it leaves you wide open if you look at a comparable sig like more to excite unsaved like you can just see the difference I don't know I just think the stick isn't the strongest again it's not like it every stick is bad that I'm talking about it's just like okay this move a super risky to throw out for what the reward is and I probably will won't be using this more than like once in a few games unless I have like a read or something if anything I just increased the force I make it go a little bit earlier embers like glass cannon type of character so to have a cig like this that doesn't really kill it's a little bit strange so I think I just give it extra force yeah not too much all right we don't want we don't we don't want to see this all day we have enough Qatar 360 spinning in there we don't need another one with anything okay maybe just a little all right fate fate every single one of our signatures except for this one is in the same I think this sake just I don't know it's just a little underwhelming it does a good bit of damage like it is like 25 I believe me mission double-check that okay how do i there we go it's been a while all right oh those 22 nevermind okay I think it should be more damage that's definitely a change but it's one of those teleporting SIG's and has a pretty sizable hitbox the problem is it's just reactive all if you're ready for it I mean okay that's how I reacted reacting works they feel more ready for it you can react faster but you know what I'm saying it has enough of a queue and it doesn't go far like super super far like the koji dancing so I would either buff this in like one of two ways or maybe both ways but like a lesser if that makes sense like rather than giving one big buck or one sizable buff like two smaller buffs the first thing I would do is change it like Dusk's austere and just make it go longer like go a little bit further the other thing I would do is change the angle so that it hits horizontal it seems really strange with this hit straight up like if it just hit like 45 degrees wait no that's not it hit zero degree I've been hit 180 degrees I'm just saying numbers if it hits free I think I'd be a lot more satisfying to hit rather than hitting straight up and I also think if it went a little further they might get a little more more utility and all that yeah hey amazing singing sure is just one little bit of a stinker this is a literal shotgun thanks mr. business eh all right well I'll talk about we're moving on to Nash Nash is weird because even though his signatures are like strange like I can't say the Stig is it bad because it has so much utility like even though you can like react to it I don't think it's like bad this Stig is insane the Stig is insane so I'm just gonna give it to the speed downswing because even though I know look at this that is disgusting that is that is insane I just don't think it's as good as his other moves the way I would change this because this move can like also spike and send out really interesting angles so it definitely is more unique compared to some reversals and you can like move forward with it with a dash and ament's them the way I would change it is not to nerf it I would just like rework it so that it doesn't have this giant huge hitbox where you just can't contest it at all and just have the slap on the ground kind of like whoo Sean like woosh owns a spear side sig that kind of hitbox and then speed it up a little bit I think that's how I change it because right now it's just like it's when it's out it's just super super oppressive like I don't even know it's just weird it just feels a little outdated I guess is what I'm going for like it has a few mungus hitbox and then it's just weird to hit and it feels like the way that it balances out having this ridiculous absurd hitbox is by not being like super super I guess like universally useful I guess it's a weird way of describing it but um yeah that's that's how I would change it personally you may completely disagree and that's totally okay I'm not a smart guy I don't know I don't know if that isn't clear I think this spear down sig is the Tories weakest it's just a matter of risk award like it does 28 damage which is good it has a huge hitbox which is good like it's definitely got strengths about it but it's also got weaknesses which is that you're just vulnerable for a really long time how I would change it hmm I don't know if I would and the reason why I don't know if I would is because when it's useful it's really good like when someone has no options you can do this and guarantee a kill if someone's like lurking around you can do this and guarantee it like I hit if you've got a dog food on then that covers like a ton at once and 2v2 it locks them in forever so following up is really easy I just think it's her weakest because sometimes like if you can't just throw this out you know whereas your you can just kind of throw this out and like this one you can just kind of throw these out you know what I'm saying so I don't think I would nerf it I don't think I would buff it necessarily maybe a tiny bit more force I don't know maybe a tiny bit more damage I think it's fine Isaiah now Isaiah has had a series of buffs especially the best move which I would say is like terrible just a little while ago and his blaster side stick as well but they got buffed a lot like this move has new recovery frames now so I think I'll just give it to the Canon side stick because I just don't think it's as good as a blaster side stick which is very similar move I don't think it matches up the bees especially not this one I think this down stick is super strong maybe I could also pick this move because it doesn't have the most reach but like you see that force like that's kind of that's kind of insane so I just think that like even though this may be like I don't know less obviously useful or just wasn't generally useful I think this is one is just one underwhelming maybe I just give it a little bit more force I think it's probably fine but yeah I just think it's a it's not a bad move at all like it has very low recovery frames for what it is I just I don't I just don't think that phone is ever safe let's watch that's that's for Jala she's another one of those characters like what do you even pick what do you even pick for Jolla all of her SIG's are crazy like this one's less crazy now that that's not true but it still has a ton of force like let's get you off stage so I can charge this I never mind I still have a crazy amount of force this move talking about crazy amount of force this move I think is one of the best things in the entire game so I'm not gonna pick the sword ones uh this move hits stacked and has a huge hit box and has - impulse this move kills insanely early so I guess I have to pick this side sake like I guess I just have to do I think this room is bad no no I think this movie needs a buff I don't think so I just think that it's not I don't even know ask me on a different day I might pick something else but yeah I guess xx this movies still crazy though alright Jiro I think Jarosz weakest signature again this is a little bit different if you ask me two months ago I would say this move but they actually bumped it to add force to it to make the risk more rewarding because this move is super risky it's like it's very slow it's punishable so I'm gonna give it to the NSA because it's just like you see it doesn't pick up like I'm right here it doesn't pick up the ideas that picks up like both grounded and aerial but a lot of the time it just doesn't pick up it just seems like a weaker version of vows or tensing how I would change it is it might be a little weird maybe a little weird but maybe increase this initial hitbox a little bit and I hit bumps it's turned on that's so that it picks up more grounded but honestly I would just change it so that he doesn't do this slash like I would just make it if it doesn't hit he just jumps and that's it I think that would be a neat way of like reworking it a little bit so that is more useful it's like a to hit like down light if you just do this it doesn't do the slash similar with this you just jump up and then you just hear and then you fall and then you can jump out of it and that way it's less risky to throw out it's not insanely oppressive like increasing the startup of this or increasing the hitbox to be huge we just make this move really really difficult to fight against and very very frustrating but if he just jumps up then it's just less punishing and while also being less oppressive so I think that's how I would change it just make him jump up and we're chilling alright for kya where we get signature I think is her spear side cig I just think it's overshadowed the reward isn't super big isn't that much force it doesn't go very far the problem is that you like reacting to this move is insane like this jump the sound is like yeah it's very difficult to react to it's just it feels a little underwhelming which might have to do with the visuals who knows it just doesn't feel feel super rewarding to hit and doesn't feel super good to miss like it does have quite a few recovery frames how I would change it I think I just gave it more force I think the recovery frames are fine as long as it's bounced out like just killing maybe a little bit earlier kya is a low strength character so you don't want it to kill like super super early but maybe a little bit it is a spirit like a grounded spirit move grunts key signature which is very useful if you watched the other video having a grounded spirit is really good just because it gives spirit kill option that it doesn't normally have disappear can't kill him like on the ground unless you're already in the air so I just give it more force yeah Kouji you already know koji like he's one of those characters I'm gonna give it to this because it's just not as universally good as this NZ which a nice space in front of you and say me well this side cig which kills super early and it's very quick you already know all of his birthdays especially this one so I'm gonna give it to the sword down sake do I think this move is bad I don't I don't think it also I don't even think it needs a buff I think it's completely fine as it is it's active for a good amount of time it goes like the perfect distance that you want it to I just think this thing is really good it's just more niche than his other ones but that doesn't mean it's bad you can also do stuff like this or you like trick people and make them think that you're gonna teleport and then they may back up and that gives you some space cool signature I think it's very well balanced all in all it's like enough time to react but also enough time to hit if a triple mug you know I think it's great see very well that was for Jake here it's gotta be the car I mean I love core I love Jake I love this signature it looks really funny but let's go - lets go - hitboxes for a sec let's let's take a look at a at this little boy here not a very great hitbox let me actually switch over to decor himself because uh because maybe that might make it easier to see see it in context with the actual original animation of the signature rather than you know being a bean ball so as you go into the ball it's like your body inside the ball but then also like you're as vulnerable as the ball itself the thing is though like alright let me go back to Jake because Jake is just better what it hits it's not like it's bad it's just like it takes a lot like you're active here for a while the hitbox isn't huge what I'm saying is it's not easy hit this movie and the reward for hitting it isn't huge it's not bad reward you can definitely kill early it's just Jynx gonna keep looking kind of alright we're gonna yeah it's just knocking you forward gonna stick so I just give it a like I don't want to change it fundamentally I just give it less recovery looks like typically what we've seen bahala do dmg do is that moves that have a ton of active frames that can be hit in the middle of it I think something like terraces acts I'd say for example the way that they've been changing it is instead of just making it like just kill super early and then keep everything exactly the same they've been making it so it has not a lot of recovery frames because it's active for so long and I think that's how it changes I just reduced the recovery because it's active for so long and that's a way of like reducing the risk while keeping the reward and that balance is out that a ratio a little bit so yeah that's how it change that one Lin Fang uh yeah I think I'd give it to this guitar side cig Wow I've told this one 55 times i1 have I been here I'm sorry I'll keep things a little bit of triangle things alright I'm just wasting time by talking you know I'm trying to say oh it's rank even worse the same it just doesn't kill super early and it's active for a while but it does have the thing that I was talking about we're like it's hard to punish this mood like it doesn't have a lot of recovery frames it's kind of like this where this move is active for a while but punishing it is difficult so I just think it's the weakest because it doesn't have a super big reward like I think this cannon side stick is very similar but it has a bigger reward for hitting kills earlier would I change it I don't think so I don't think I would change it because it's it's still good it's like it has the change that I already would have suggested for it I guess so I don't think it's it needs change I think it's a balanced signature I mean it's not like super overpowered super oppressive broken or anything it's like when you hit it you feel like you get little word that you want out of like this kind of character archetype and when you whip and you feel like alright well I'm playing like a super fast character I don't have in your cupboard rings and that's what it feels like I think it's like for Lucien I would give it to this guitar n cig I think that his blaster cigs are already good like maybe the only other one I would consider is this blaster slide stick but I think it being a reversal gives it enough utility to justify like me picking this guitar and say the reason why I pick it is I just think this having insane force even if it's reactive one and maybe predictable and also this huge pit box justifies it I think this one is just crazy so I'm taking the guitar and seeing this move is actually really good I wouldn't change it at all it picks a around it it sets up a perfect wall it's like that cozy sort and sake it's just you like lift yourself up into the air because of the her fox movement it's hard to punish has a good amount of force for what it is I just think this [ __ ] like balance I think this dig is really good it's punishable while it's active it doesn't have this huge it's like it's not huge in front of you you kind of have to have a read to hit it but when you hit it you feel like you get the reward out of it when you with it you don't have that much recovery time it's not like I'm surd and while it's active you put your hip down I think it's a good sick great sake I don't think it needs to be changed necessarily um for Mirage yeah we're on is hard because all of her signatures are also really good I would give it to the site and cetera sphere and sig I think because I think this move is may overshadow it a little bit and I think this move definitely overshadows it so I'm just gonna give it to this move the unique like her Fox movement that you get can be really tricky like you flatten yourself out if you notice your character model where you're vulnerable is like that circle and I flattened myself out so you can duck under things has a good pit box I think this move is good I don't think it needs to be nerfed or change or anything like that I'm just picking it because there other things are also just pretty strong so yeah there's that there's Mirage all right we're getting to the end we're getting some more Dex I think his weakest signature has got to be this gauntlet n cig definitely overshadowed by countless things like if we're talking about being overshadowed is some of them two of the strongest dauntless cigs in the beam not the two strongest cuz I think the Tetra definitely hasn't beat there but this godless dancing is crazy side cig and same force but this n cig it just hits out a weird spot for when it is it hold like holding it isn't the most useful like they definitely made it so because of its unique mechanic of holding it allows you to go grounded it's not the strongest but it's also not the weakest like its hitbox has a lot of priority you can see that it definitely has some forest like it's definitely surprising if we let's see let's turn this core up to like 140 damage and just make them jump like that's that's a surprising amount of force right there so I think the way that I would change this has already been done which is okay because it has a little bit of startup and because it hits that kind of an awkward spot let's like make it have a little bit of force to compensate for the risk so I think this stick is balanced I think it's fun maybe the force is honestly a little too much but it's alright it's alright it's alright just think it's his his weakest out of all of his all of the six and queen eyes a similar story where I think her weakest signature is one that doesn't need to be changed because yeah it's high risk but it's also high reward and it's this guitar in sake let's let's make me stop jumping it's gonna be this move you already know like about the wrists I start up my active frames you can be punished but when you hit it like this move kills like this one who kills really really early especially if you G see it because the further yards of the top one will just kill it hit an angle like that huge hit box when you release the snake but I just don't think as strong as these like Queen I signatures in general have the theme of slow but powerful and this is kind of like the epitome of slow but powerful so I don't think it needs to be both if I think it should be reworked then I would make it kind of fast like Giro's but then not kill early at all is like how I would change it but I don't like I wouldn't change it like that that's if I had to I guess I think it fits our archetype pretty well so yeah there we go for Knicks it's honestly like difficult mixes signatures aren't the same like this one is insane this movie is insane just does a million damage and it has a huge hit box this one who kills surprisingly early this knife kills incredibly early this movie is super girl on the ground so like what do I even pick I don't know what to pick so I'm gonna pick this one because I think this one is just a little bit better but don't get me wrong this site bouncing is insane I would not change it I would not buff it I might even nerf it like make a do less damage that's when you know when I pick a weakest signature and I say I might even reduce the damage that's when you know this character has good six onyx newest character so picking a weakest saying sure you may think might be difficult but now I think it's just dancing and the reason why is just like her signatures are actually ridiculous like this thing is that killed that killed on that killed Oh this move is this move is more next we patch this is this move is more like dancing pre-pack this thing is just like solid the signature solid actually just good I wouldn't even say suggests someone I would say it's great this thing is just mediocre it's not bad it's just not amazing it's a bit risky but it has a big hitbox it doesn't kill the earliest but I think the reason why they do that is because it has the big hitbox I don't think I would change it maybe I would give it a little more a little more force but I don't think it's bad it can also spike which is interesting yeah I don't know if it needs a buff necessarily okay maybe a little bit what was Oh Ryan oh I can already see the comments you already know Orion's another one of those characters like what do I pick I'm not gonna pick this one because it just kills insanely early I'm not gonna pick this one because this hitbox is actually ridiculous ridiculously crazy I'm not gonna take this one because this is just super super solid all-around really good city I'm not gonna pick this one like I'm not gonna pick this one so I guess I'll pick this one I guess I the reason why I don't want to take down Sega's I just think it's utility makes up for the fact that it doesn't kill I think this thing has insane utility it's super fast this is like the perfect reversal move deny so much space jumps back a good amount it's it just feels perfect it keeps them in the corner this thing you already know so I guess I'm picking the side city I guess I guess I am the reason why I think this Lance or screw slide sync is better than the last one number one is because it hits like that um but number two is because Lance like it had sidelight recovery so the incentive to go for a side sig is less like the reward is less because it's not something that you already can do for less risk that makes sense whereas the speed you just can't kill on the ground from that position unless you have a Down sager you have that side too so that's why I'm taking the landside stage I don't think I would fit Petra this is my character this is my main my favorite character in the game that rhyme I'm like alright we're gonna move it on all of our goblins things are crazy let's move on or her three orbs SIG's are her three weakest six I think this NSYNC is fine risk/reward I think I think this stick is pretty balanced high-risk high-reward or I would say cleitus maybe like medium high-risk medium high reward this sig is like kind of bad I don't think it's very good I don't think it's terrible it just doesn't I don't know it just feels a little underwhelming but I'm gonna pick the down stick anyway because I don't know it just doesn't feel that good it doesn't quite have the startup that you want out of something like super super spiky like this think of pink ring an axe down citizen comparison I don't think this move should be as good as bringing an axe down see just for reference but uh like that's the kind of power that this kind of move would like I would like to incite the fear with it obviously as a pet remove bias like I don't I don't want to play against the rain an axe down stick on Petrus just to be clear I just do think that it's a little bit awkward the way I would change it though is not by force not by startup it's like okay if they want to keep it a little bit slower I understand that that's fine and it actually does go a lot further down the longer people expect so I catch people off-guard with that the only thing I would change is that when you're charging it it goes down as far as it does uncharged because the reason why it doesn't go down as far you'll notice okay the explosion is like let's say 60% up the wall but then oh I just put it away here the explosion is like almost at the bottom of the wall and the reason is because Petra like flies higher and higher with it so the only thing I would change is that like it always explodes in the same spot that's just how I change it makes it more intentional with your use and also makes charging it more valuable because right now the charger version in my opinion is worse than the untrue the unchurched go slow down that's how we change it yeah not a huge buff I don't think it needs a huge buff I think petrol is like extremely strong yeah that's how change it for Ragnar I think it's the axe down cig it's just it's a utility cig doesn't have the strength of his n sake it doesn't have the strength of a side cig this move feels so early it hits I like kind of weird angle like upward but not really killing upward kind of just like a knock your way upward coz if you hit get hit to the corners you'll die the latest just face off with distance and Pythagorean theorem you know what I change it maybe I'd make it kill a little bit earlier but I also have like want to take into consideration like yeah how fun is it to play against this and if you get hit by this and just keep dying over and over again like I recognize that especially people that are like signatures I don't think that a the game should only be balanced for top level that might be a bit controversial around the other like higher level players but I don't think it should be only about a balanced or on top players I think it should be primarily balanced against top players just like based off balanced steering I might make a whole video on this but also taking into consideration like yeah how effective is this at lower levels when people are less comfortable getting off the map it's a lot stronger so I don't necessarily think it needs above but if it were to get a buff I'd like to see a little bit more force it's confident yeah for Rayman oh man where did we go with marina if I had to pick of the Miss gauntlet NSYNC I think it's fine now it doesn't punch damage this move I were like it was recently buff so I'm not gonna pick it I say recently but it was a few months ago but you know I'd have a computer for a while so it's a lot harder to punish now you can hold it for a lot longer so you can time it more effectively so I'm just gonna give to n cig if I take grounded I think this move would be actually insane but it doesn't I think it's over shadowed by all the SEPA SIG's am I gonna but do I think it needs a buff no I don't if I were to give it up up what would I do I think I would make it hit ground it but have less damage and force do I want to do that absolutely not I think that would not be very fun to play against and be like hammer and airhead and grounded and doing a million damage but on all nights like that should happen I think it's fine I think it's a bounce sig maybe even a bit strong I think the reward is higher than the risk for sure I just don't think it's a his strongest one but don't get me wrong this one is crazy good sir Roland its lance and sig I just think this move is a underwhelming it doesn't kill early at all it has an audio cue unless you're playing King night which I think King that you get an audio cue because I don't think you should be able to buy a skin and not have an audio cue that's another topic like you can react to it even if you hit it it doesn't feel that rewarding yeah I don't know it has a huge hitbox I think that's why they compensate for it and it has four o'clock movement here it also like how I would change this move I would reduce the hitbox make it less oppressive and then make it better in other aspects like make it that more force its compensate for the amount they should come out or make it do more damage or something like that I don't think it should have this huge hitbox and I think the reason why it's a little bit underwhelming is because it has it so uh I think a more healthy version of the move would be instead of having that huge hitbox that's like super impressive but then everything else about the move is underwhelming make the other stuff good and reduce the that's how would you get scarlet what do I pick I guess I pick this just because it's not as I guess it's the same reason as the Orion I guess you have this so this is less useful but this move just kills so early like how am I gonna pick it I don't know I don't know you already know I'm moving on centinall I think it's his hammer dancing it's just overshadowed again it's another case of being overshadowed I think Sentinel is like sleeper insane and this downswing is just like it's a reversal it's strong I think it's balanced I think it's fine I don't think it needs a button necessarily it's just not as universally useful as yes sir this procedure I'd give it to Kenan downswing it's kind of another one of those uh what was the other one that I picked I don't even remember but where it feels like it just hits out of Ella's cast being the pesky Hannah dancing dancing where I feel like if it hit at a more consistent angle or a different angle it would be a little bit different like you want this move to spike but then it hits up that like 70 degree angle I don't know if that's second-degree geometry that's a lie I did take geometry I was just bad at it but like right there I feel like it would be cool if it spiked it also has a huge hitbox so maybe that would not be fun to play against but it just feels weird like if it still was gonna hit up the angle that it does I think maybe you should just have more force cuz it just feels a little underwhelming I guess it's not a bad move like its hitbox is good it's a Lupin is good you see it picked up there on the corner there for now this is a super high dress I just think maybe get you coal over there that's all or if it does get like annual adjustments it should have less force but then also deal with life that's how we change one of those two ways for Tarot's I think his weakest signature is really hard to pick it's a really weird thing to pick on but I think it's this and the reason why is because like this move is risky but if you hit it you are killing them like they are dead and you already know about NC super cheesy sound sitting is just act accent pretty good this move is good this move was another one of those if you hit them they die and its hitbox is ridiculous but this one is just good because it does a billion damage which is I feel like a little bit unhealthy like the move is strong not because it's like something that hammer doesn't have or like a cool option that's like unique to play against it's just like a big brute move and then you can do this and then like this and then there in yellow and then there in orange and then there in red so I don't honestly I think the way I would change it might be to just make it in one slash one thing kind of like the giro move and then if if it lands you do the second one and that way it just feels less like oppressive the hitbox that sucks you in but then also more useful like you don't always have to just okay I loot I do this move and I'm just stuck here and then I get punished from above or maybe I just suck them in and then they take like 40 damage and like the other players I'm having a good time some more so just having a front slash or a front like I don't even know what the call is that's like still fits terraces archetype and is punishable and can lead some big damage but maybe not as much damage and maybe not as the president of the hip lugs for thatch I think his weakest signature is his blasters MC I think it's overshadowed by this because this has a ton of force and a big pit box I think it's maybe overshadowed by downlight I think it's overshadowed by the utility of cannonballs and I think his legs are really good so I'm thinking editing honestly it feels a little bad to play a character like I don't know someone was really really cool guns like Diana and then play patch where two of his signatures kind of feel the same which is n sagen opinion dancing or M taking side sig how I would change it I'm honestly not quite sure cuz it feels good like when it hits and kills early it's a reversal I really don't know I don't even know if it need to change I just feel I don't know I don't know how I feel hey Jack I just don't think it's as strong as other SIG's I guess I don't know if I would change it there we go you can tell I'm like reaching a low energy point it's been 50 minutes we're almost done birth or you already know how good Thor is another case of like silencing engine into the crossover I'm not a fan I think it's the orb dancing because it says other things are just better I think it's cool its unique it can spike it actually has a pretty good hitbox with this initial lightning strike and I don't think I would change it I think the slight sink is fine I just don't think it's that strong as this others may be hammer and sickle another one to pick but I think this one is good yeah their store old room I kind of have to pick this even though I think it's good okay this is also like the chainsaw I think this table I can talk about cross it was a lot about I think how they should be more obvious about certain things but uh that's also like being a gamer and not being an artist this move kills early this move even though it doesn't kill super early it has utility picks up at a good spot like even though it's slow on like when you press the button the actual time you have to react to be tuned like when you actually see him move and when the hitbox comes out is a like not that much time also this so I don't think it's the NC and his axe things are all good so I'm gonna give it to the down sig it's a utility sig it's one of the holdings I don't think I'd change it at all I think it's fine I think it can be frustrating I play against if it's hard to play around I think you can also like get in people's heads a good mind game move I think it's fine just not as strong not as foul it's sword down see this move is actually fun fact if you're not aware this is like back before I even used to play every character only had one signature and they also had every weapon and I think that's maybe why they're called signature moves and four sword the downswing for everyone was this break dance and then they added it into those kids when they ended up designing crack so this thing I think it's a weakest do I think it's bad I don't think it's bad cuz it was 33 damage but this move also never kills so you rarely ever see it really at least at higher level gameplay because the reward it's pretty high reward you're stuck here for a while it almost never kills so you'd want to be using it at like maybe lower damage levels so that you're at less risk of dying and then you can do 33 damage but it just isn't as useful as other states I think I would increase the force a little bit but not too much she's kind of a like a low strength character so I don't want to killing super early with like a slow move and then you're just so afraid to get hit by it and it's super oppressive like that just kill it over there four-vector I think his mucus cig is this Lance dancing for no other reason than it just takes a really long time like is it terrible it's not terrible the movement utility it's good when it hits it just kills but it just takes a really long time it has so much startup so I would just change it to I say just like any of this is easy like oh okay I'm gonna do a bit of an intermission here I probably should have said this at the beginning when like not ninety percent of people left but like please don't use this as ammo to like attack BMG like oh why haven't you already done this or like wow this is the this move is so stupid like what why don't my um them there why haven't they buff it I need a buffer my character now that is not the point of this video whatsoever it's more so just looking at different characters looking at how maybe the game can be more fun for everyone including like both the means of the characters and the people that are playing against it because we don't want to buck this move to just like you can you can take the theory of okay that's slow startup so we're gonna calm the Saint and give it a billion force but then it's just not fun to play against like even if you can react to it you always have to wait for just the cheese of getting hit by it how I'd rather change it is faster startup but then lower force that's how I would change but again also keeping in mind I'm I'm I'm a boy and just a mere boy and there are definitely reasons and stats that I am completely oblivious to would go into balance of things things aren't as obvious as suddenly seem to us common folk alright volkov another one of those characters man there's a lot of them when I first set out making this video I thought I was gonna suggest a lot of changes for weak signatures and how to buff them but more I think about it more a lot of signatures are are good and this is a this is an example of one of them where even though it's not as fast as this and like doesn't have the double utility of that and not as fast as this it kills like its base fix-it force is crazy and then you add in damage and this move feels so early so like what I buff it I don't think so honestly I might even nerf it like I might just make it not have the strength it has the force it has maybe maybe it'd be more damage and compensation for that but yeah I think this movie's crazy and I don't necessarily think it needs a buck even though I consider it Volkoff Vegas and I guess that kind of goes into the point what I was talking about earlier all right for racks I guess I'm gonna pick this because I think this move is insane and it gives Rach something that other gun characters don't have and I think this is really strong if it hits stack and vertical and at that 45 degree angle by the way fun fact rax is just like laser Barraza throughout the end sig will decide sing and then bur on the down cig - the roll fun fact anyway so I'm gonna give it to this because I just think his other SIG's are insanely strong and this one's also like super strong and kills really early how I would change this move is I would probably reduce the hitbox like you see that yeah I would reduce this and then make it like maybe do more damage or have less recovery things maybe it doesn't need less recovery things it's look Rex I've probably definitely I would reduce that hitbox down ah just any box that's a beta hitbox with I've seen one Wu Shan spear down sig I think is the biggest move again that's not a bad move it just has less utility than the others it's a little bit slow you can react to it hasn't start up it doesn't hit like down super low like if I use this move right here and it hit like where I am right now I think it would be really really strong but it doesn't I don't think it should either when you get when you hit it it feels rewarding especially when you get that spike hitbox like that on stage it's reward is a lot lower which i think is fine there's news that our special specialize in different areas like bursts or dancing I think this one was good I just don't think it's as insane as this or as this so there's Bashan I wouldn't change it I would just acknowledge that it's not as universally useful but it can also do that so yeah all right when you're in the end result I think it's this oh I forgot that that does that with the crossover I was gonna say it looks very not intimidating but them yeah so we're gonna we're gonna once again take control of this bot because he's just charging with a little arm and it looks funny this movie is like fine though it kills early it does like 27 damage I have to save myself there because I was gonna fall it's just the hitbox is kind of small you move kind of slow like especially when you compare it like you see this hitbox did you see the Lord racks hitbox and you see this not that those two should be compared they're very different mirrors I don't even know why I said that that was a dumb comment but you compare this to a move like this and it's just really clear like this move is just like how the axe slide sig would feel if it was like insane cuz I think this size think was actually super good so I think this is his weakest sig or her weakest again playing amethyst because the speed of it doesn't make up for the tiny hitbox and the recovery frames but it feels like how a tension character potentially 10 strange character should feel with their signature kit it hits hard you just grout and toss them I think it's fine it's a reversal - so you don't want reversals to have a ton of force because you're using them like it has the potential to be used from a bad position and turn it into a good position so you don't want to make it have a billion force that's how you get Diana go down to a pre patch when it killed him like a light yellow if you hit it all stage and it still kind of does for you Miko I think her weakest signature is her bow down soon if you want to look at how like oppressive orbs have the potential to be you look at her dancing it's just this move doesn't feel as useful because of the amount of time it takes to come out and also it's only on the ground like we can use a GC like this it's actually pretty useful like that but it just feels less oppressive and it's also easier to punish like way easy to punish this move is fine to satisfy all the other moves are good what I plucked it I think if anything it would be interesting to see a different board layout or a different flame layout but I don't know if I want I would want that I think it's a fine move and it has its hazards utility it's just not universal use 24/7 unusual like alright well on Z is this the last one this is the last one in sorry oh I think I might make a video playing sorry Oh in the future I actually look cut but yep but my game crash oh my game crashed I guess I've had training moto from too long we're back yes and my game crash and I'm like yeah we're not gonna talk about it I guess it's a good timing that only happened at the end what I was saying is aa real super fun I think they are super underrated and I might make a video playing them in the ranked or something like that maybe talking a little bit about why I think it was wrong anyway point is I think their weakest sig is the bow dancing I just don't think it's as good as any of their other SIG's and it's like as simple as that I think this is a good suit this is like it's kind of like the Petra Petra or down cig like yeah maybe it's not always you use this on the ledge all the time but when you hit it it's good and you can also GC it to cover a big area because the ground pound is kind of skinny and yeah also all of za riyals buh SIG's spike which is fun fact for the only all so you want to make it so they don't bounce off stage and everything like that anyway this is probably the longest individual session video I've ever recorded so I'm gonna I'm gonna close it off here those are my thoughts on the weakest SIG's per character as you noticed a lot of them I prefaced with the fact that they're still good and everything like that and also how I would change them if I were at all alright that's it from [Applause] [Music]
Channel: eggsoup
Views: 367,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggsoup, brawlhalla, brawlhalla gameplay, brawlhalla guide
Id: jqITtL6zjk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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