The Worst Character in Brawlhalla

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who is the worst Legend in brawlhalla now I'm sorry for anybody who means this Legend but it's Magyar and it's not even close now the reason why magar is so bad is because his stats and his signatures now everything else is just straight up broken like gray sword and Hammer together is like the best weapon combination but don't get it twisted because this is brawlhalla where every character in this game is viable like Sandstorm he won a whole tournament with Magyar that just tells you something it's the player not the game just saying so what are some good things about Magyar well his hammer side stick his hammer DC and his great source side saves are all pretty good seeks the rest are just questionable like seriously how am I supposed to use this sig but since you have great sword and Hammer six are not your number one priority because both of these weapons just can take you out of orange like Hammer stomp Sarah is really still good to this day and great sword every move can just take you out because it's just great sword this weapon just does it
Channel: Thats JCool
Views: 344,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, brawlhallamagyar, brawlhallagreatsword, brawlhallahammer
Id: SQi5yM7487g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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