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hello everyone welcome back to my channel i'm steph if you're new and today we are doing another monthly reading wrap up for the month of may so if you're curious to see everything i read this month in may then keep on watching so actually this month is one of my like all-time lows for however many books i read because it was finals week the first week of may the second week of may i went to hawaii and the third week of may i flew to new jersey and now i'm in new york i've not been home for like a single week this month or i was home and it was finals week but i did manage to read i think 10 or 11 books so i'm gonna go through and explain all of them to you right now so the first books i read this month were the selection series i read the first three books did it in a reading blog so i'm not going to go in depth about those at all because i literally did an entire reading vlog of me documenting the entire process of reading that series but i'll do a brief little synopsis i know this book is so so popular and widely loved like everyone loved as a kid it's young adult fantasy so basically it's about girl america in their like world they kind of have like a division system kind of like divergent or the hunger games where they're all divided into like districts but they call them casts she's a five and it goes up to eight i think she's seeing a boy in a lower cast than her but her parents set her up to go to like the palace to basically be like a bachelorette with 35 other girls to try to become the princess and basically the prince goes through these 35 girls from all the different cats picks one and she becomes the princess and eventually the queen kind of love triangle trope she's dating this boy who's in a cast lower than her and then she gets moved up and prince ends up falling for her she's also in love with her past boyfriend falling for the prince love triangle between the two of them the past boyfriend ends up working at the castle and they're all in the same dynamic she's also competing for the prince with these 35 other girls they're getting narrowed down there's a bunch of drama it was interesting um i did get really frustrated reading it though so yeah those were the first three books i read so right after i finished the selection the elite and the one i got on a plane to hawaii and i read heart bones on the plane heart bones by colleen hoover so good i gave it four and a half out of five stars only because i'm really picky with my five stars you guys know it was so good colleen hoover is like my favorite stand-alone author ever it was incredible basically this girl named baya she lives their mom and her mom is kind of like she does drugs she does not take care of her daughter bam worked at mcdonald's she had to buy everything for herself she would literally go to bed hungry and then her mom ends up passing away and she calls up her dad and doesn't tell him that the mom passed away and she hasn't seen her dad she was like a kid but she calls up her dad and is like i need you to pick me up i want to spend the summer with you whatever and he's like okay cool the dad brings her to his beach house and he's like pretty wealthy now and she's like what you've been living like this and i've been living starving paycheck to paycheck and she gets there and she meets her new like step family and like step sister her name's sarah she meets marcos who's sarah's boyfriend and marco's best friend samson who is the love interest and he is super wealthy bounces around from all his parents different summer homes on this little like island they live on baya and samson could not be more different like the way they grew up sarah and marcos are trying to set them up and they're like no we have nothing in common but then like they slowly realize they do actually have a lot of common they start bonding and hanging out and the development of the relationship is really cute because they start realizing how much they actually do have in common and then of course there's a colleen hoover plot twist i mean this book was more of colleen's like cutesy books more than like a sad rip your heart out book there was like a small plot twist um i kind of saw coming it was so good i loved this book and i love the characters so much they're just so cute if you like that kind of like summer romance high school going to college age first love read heart books by colleen hoover then as soon as i finished heart bones i read the people we meet on vacation by emily henry and everyone at tech talk i've been talking about people we meet on vacation and i loved beach read by emily henry so i knew i was gonna like this one and i did i loved it it was friends to lovers but the way it was written was so unique because it shows i think from 12 years ago when they met 12 to 15 years ago each vacation that they've taken together you get a chapter about but then it also bounces back to the present to them not speaking anymore and they keep mentioning oh this one trip where everything went wrong like we stopped talking and we're not friends anymore and so you get to see the summers of them developing their relationship friendship during these vacations because they would go on vacation together every year and then you see their friendship develop to more it's kind of like a second chance romance it was so good the angst the like longing and like the desire for each other i literally had butterflies it was so good i love this book so so much if you like the kind of outspoken loud confident girl quiet orderly serious boy you would love this book cause that's exactly what it is and it was so good usually friends delivers is not my favorite but this one was absolutely chef's kiss i loved it no flaws okay after people we met on vacation i read tools of engagement by tessa bailey i think melina's library was talking about it on tig talk and she thought it was so good and so like steamy and i was like i haven't read a stevie book in a while i'll read this one i think it's part of a companion novel series and i think it's the third book but i actually read it first it was about this girl named bethany and she struggles with really bad anxiety but no one knows because she puts on like this perfect front everyone thinks she's perfect has her life together but then you see her like struggling on the inside so bad she works uh flipping houses or like construction flipping houses with her whole family in this small town bethany and her brother like going head to head and like this whole like reality tv who can flip the house better and then they're like competing one day this boy he is younger than her by like seven years comes into town to take care of his niece he's working for her brother and he ends up switching sides and working for bethany and they're obviously so attracted to each other but she because she's trying to be like perfect is so mean to him and like he sees her like having anxiety and he's he's like the only person that sees her flaws pretty much so she's like oh my god he sees that i'm not perfect like i can't be near him like this is dangerous but then he's wanting to get to know her it's definitely like a boy chasing the girl trope so hard like he wants her and she's like no no no like whatever and wes is taking care of his niece in this small town because his sister is kind of not doing her best so he's taking care of his knees so it's kind of like a single parent trope too and like bethany finally giving in to the angst and the tension between them but yeah i like this book i enjoyed it it's not my favorite but it was really good and then when i finished tools of engagement i read the perfect first by maya hughes which is the first book in the full and you series i've been dying to read this series forever because i love sports romance companion novel series like off campus the kings of renton house that vibe so i knew i was gonna love this one so i read the perfect first which is about this girl in persephone she was by seth comes with a really strict like her parents are super strict she's been super sheltered all she knows is school school school her whole life and she gets into this ivy league school and she kind of never had like a social life she's graduating at 19 she's so young she comes up with a bucket list of all these things she wants to get done in her last year of college because she feels like she's done absolutely nothing and she's so young she's already graduating like whole adult and all she's cared about is school so she comes up this bucket list of all these things she's gonna do this year she meets this boy named reese he's a football player he's so popular kind of gets around likes to party lives in a house with all his friends he meets her he's intrigued by her he thinks she's kind of weird but also is like i can't stop thinking about this one girl he agrees to help her complete like all the tasks on her bucket list except one of them which is she wants to sleep with someone and he's like i'll help you do everything besides that sure anyway so you can see where that leads to they do all this stuff together he ends up falling for her so hard and it's cute because it's like kind of nerdy quiet girl meets popular boy i really enjoyed it definitely cliche but so good and then as soon as i finished that one i read the second we met which is the second book which is enemies to lovers about another boy that's on the football team that lives in the same house with reese his name is phoenix the next door neighbor has been calling the cops on them every time they have a party she hates him pretty much and he's like why is this the only girl that ever hates me and like why she try to ruin all her fun she's like big into like doing charity work and all this stuff and he ends up volunteering one of the events and they work together and they like sort of talk it out kind of and she realizes she misjudged him because of the trauma of her past and he's like oh i kind of see why you thought that way whatever they start forming this relationship so cute i love this book i love this one even more than the first one and then after i've read the second we met i read the third best thing which is birkenjules which is another boy in the house again companion novels kind of like off-campus they all live together um and they're all in the same football team this one i'm reading it right now is so good like it's so good okay so basically burke has been getting these like anonymous love letters and like steamy notes from like some secret admirer for like a year and he's been writing back to them and they've been writing back and forth and back and forth like so many letters turned into like them getting to know each other but he has no idea who she is and then jules his next-door neighbor agrees to help him find out who's writing these notes and obviously it's her you're in her perspective and she's like the one writing them oh my god it's so good that was the last book i read this month but today is only can you see this may 28th still four more days of this month to read so i know i'm going to read more so i'm going to tell you the rest of the books i'm reading i have to film this video today because i know i'm not going to get time to film this another day this week so i'm filming it today even though the month isn't over but the next book i'm gonna read after i finish third best thing is the fourth time charm which is the fourth book and the last book in fulton you and i am so excited i don't think i've ever anticipated a book like i've anticipated this one because it was teased in the kings of written house series if you've read the kings of rittenhouse series the hockey romance series by maya hughes it's in the same universe so they have the same like friendship characters people know each other from those series in this series it was teased in that series and it has been teased since the first book in this series basically marissa and lj have been friends since they were like five years old and they've been best friends everyone gives them a hard time like you guys are in love with each other you guys are in love with each other since kings of red house everyone has been giving lj a hard time everyone has been giving marissa her time being like it's so obvious that you guys love each other like what are you doing why are you just saying you're just friends like we all know you're not and they're like yes we are we're best friends whatever i guess they have tried dating in the past and it didn't work out she ended up ending things with him and he decided it would be better to have her as a friend than lose her all together so they decided to just be best friends in the fulton news series before we can get to their book we see that she's moving in with lj because there's a fire at her apartment she moves with lj she has no clothes she's wearing all his clothes and he's so protective of her the boys always joke like oh like what if i tried to get with marissa and like lj always goes ape he gets so mad and so i'm so excited to get to their books childhood best friends to lovers i'm probably going to start it like tonight or tomorrow i am so so so excited i'm going to read it in one sitting i'll definitely let you guys know how it is like a future recommendation video obviously but yeah that's another book i'm going to read in may and then the last book i'm going to read in may i'm very scared about it's probably my least anticipated read which is a full 180 about what i just said and it's fearless like us by kristen beck richie from the like us series which is the spin-off of the addicted callaway sister series which is my favorite series of all time there's a spin-off series called like us about the kids from that series i loved the first seven books of the series so much i was like oh my god i almost love it as much as the addicted series not quite but i love it so much then the eighth book came and i absolutely hated it it was about one of the girls having a polyamorous relationship with two of the boys and this is the second book of her story and i know i'm just gonna hate it just as much but i have to read it because i'm so dedicated to like this entire addicted universe and like getting the easter eggs and the future books to come in this series about the other characters that i love so much so i know i have to read this book and i am excited to read it even though i know i'm not gonna like the romance i love the characters and that's the last book i'm gonna read in may it actually released today but i'm gonna wait a few days to read it because i'm in the middle of reading full in you but yeah those are all the books i read this month i'm reading the last few days of this month thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and if you did give this video a thumbs up comment down below other book videos or videos you want to see from me follow me on my other social medias they're all linked down below as always and i'll see you in my next video very very soon bye you
Channel: Steph Bohrer
Views: 45,059
Rating: 4.9914694 out of 5
Keywords: book, novel, rec, recommendation, vlog, read, reading, romance, fantasy
Id: wSbgqLbac60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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