"Every Bait Needs a Friend" | One Day Build to Catch

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that is one heck of a bait to make in one day excuse me one day the first one of this year would you call that a twofer there's gonna be one little body back here and a chatter blade above the little body connected to the big body let me replicate an extremely accurate representation of the action of this bait in the water okay now that you all understand let's get to work tupelo because if and when you have it you use it i want to go over the reality of my situation i think it was about this time last year i made an a rig and it just did not produce any fish because i could only have two hooks on it because i live in iowa i'm gonna put three treble hooks on this thing i haven't even looked up if that's against my regulations around here but you know what if we're counting treble hooks on one lure and the stores around here sell three trouble hook lures all the time and i get in trouble for making my little chatter tail bait thing with a little fellow off the back and he's gonna have a trouble hook off the back so be it i'll pay whatever fine i don't care let me look it up okay how many hooks can you have on a lure in iowa when fishing buy hook and line you cannot use more than two lines or more than two hooks on each line when still fishing or trolling when you are trolling and bait casting you cannot use more than two trolling spoons or artificial baits on one line what about treble hooks so there's three hooks on a treble hook whoever made this law didn't know how many hooks can you use in iowa two or three hooks on the same line so it's just nobody knows if you think about an encounter with a dnr officer most the time i don't get asked to see my license and then they talk about what they've caught that year usually it's mostly just them talking about what they've caught it can be hard to get a word in and then they say well good talking you see you so i'm not worried about it you might have noticed all of the up sweptness i want this on the fall and that chatter bait's not going to let it do anything but chatter on the retrieve but still with these two baits connected and then the swept bellies and the kind of turbulence forming on top tops because it's swept like that it's gonna the intention is flutter on the fall chatter on the retrieve super thick head on this dude i intend to try to fit a 3 8 inch hole in the bottom of this guy probably like two or three and this guy apparently these are guys no ladies allowed here women don't watch my stuff this is all for the fellas and if you feel like commenting that girls watch my stuff too i know what percentage of girls watch my stuff and let's just say scientifically it's negligible if you're a girl and you're watching this you're two percent i hear that a lot of guys watch with their girlfriends though and wives maybe you're not two percent maybe you're like five five percent [Music] this piece requires a huge honking 5 8 inch eyeball gotten to the point where i can really eyeball the placement of eyeballs unfortunately the only 5 8 inch forstner bit i have is extremely dull so this eye socket might not look the prettiest i retract that statement it looks fine this one might accidentally poke its way to china whoopsie 10 15. look at you can see the face camera in there trying to do its thing we started probably 15 minutes ago proof redundant yet necessary requirement sometimes this see what my fingers doing this is the only way to hold stuff finger strength man gotta clamp it in there and to stop myself from turning this finger into ground beef i don't let the blade come off of this thumb you push the blade to this thumb and you push with this thumb into the wood and then you have full control you can have some skin hanging over on this side where you're carving and you're not going to pop into it because you're not you're not letting it come off your thumb unless you're cool like me and you don't care and you just you kind of just use that as a benchmark and you still let it come off your thumb but you don't cut yourself anyway i i do that you understand the theory i feel a gaping finger wound coming after explaining how to safely carve there's just blood everywhere my first thought is to paint this red something with a lot of red dude did i think i just came up with a good name for this the chatter buddy it's the chatter buddy dude there's so many times i wish i had this giant company that i could just throw these designs at and be like there make a million of the chatter buddies get them sold a million is too much isn't it it's probably like ten thousand make ten thousand of the chatter buddies you know it's got the bait ball umbrella rig multiple things happening at once five going on but it's just two it's three hooks like a jerkbait two baits the chatter buddy at least nobody can take the name now i i have the name because i said it first keep my bait's name ouch yo fish and mouth wow why did that bounce why does that bounce look how far that bounces it's like a bouncy ball maybe i'm overreacting i guarantee you i'm overreacting it happens every day ooh bouncy ball that was stupid when i was a kid i would always accidentally bounce a bouncy ball into the outlet blower of the wood burner like there's a little square on the side of the wood burner in our basement you bounce around the bouncy ball and it always gets in there and then my dad would light up the wood stove and the whole house would smell like rubber for an entire day i think we had to get a hotel once because that that's a pretty interesting shape it's almost it almost reminds me of a frog that's mama tadpole this is baby tadpole little extra protein snack hey [Music] [Music] that was hot cross buns good old hot cross buns that's going to give me all of the necessary wireage we're doing twist wires twist wires and twist wires that's what we're doing [Music] line tie [Music] front hook hanger middle look hanger rear hook hanger am i doing a direct connection oh that's a i can okay i'm sure that made perfect sense to you guys that is all i need to make for the two pieces to connect let's get some lead in this wood and for the first one day of 2022 i remembered to plug in the lead pot we're gonna go with all 3 8 inch holes and three of them in this bait two in the big piece they're gonna go pretty deep probably to like halfway into the body one in the last as much as possible in the last that should do it this isn't a thick piece of tupelo and those are two large holes i could feel it getting kind of hot where my finger was on the top of this bait that's how i knew i was getting close bouncing everywhere that is so much lead for such a tiny thing it's going to sink hard but because it's going to be at the back of the bait i think that'll stabilize it nicely when i cast cast far 0.18 before adding lead those holes were kind of connected if you're confused point six eight exactly half ounce of lead in the first piece hot diddly i'm good man that exactly a half ounce was this going to be exactly a quarter well i didn't even weigh it you know what it would have been point zero three i guarantee you it would have been point zero three if i waited usually before i super glue in baking soda i dump some super glue on that it kind of seals before the super gluing baking soda seals it over i don't know i feel like it helps secure the lead a little better too if you're just putting glue between it and the wood work it into the cracks and crevices i need to go get more baking soda i think this is a first where is the baking soda [Music] we keep an ample supply of baking soda in my household that should last me two more years it tastes like pretzels in the air yeah the fresh stuff it takes super glue way better it must be lower moisture i need to remember to keep my baking soda fresh i bet you never thought of baking soda in that way stale baking soda maybe some old grandma who cooks a lot understands it that way grandma can relate the rear hook hanger and the front line tie are installed fully now these shall receive their super glue bath if you're ever receiving a bath you might want to proceed with caution if you get weirded out about me getting super glue all over my finger don't worry i live for it it's one of my main purposes in life to constantly have super gluey fingers that piece is ready for battle let's get all this installed that connection is absolutely full of super glue that connection right there needed to be horizontal instead of vertical we're ready to paint so the first color we're putting down is not a color okay we have some hard chinese uv resin squirt this in a cup that was aqua green and gold color shift that's going to be our base whoa bro look at that i'll be sure not to mix up 25 times more than i need next time but that's right this is gonna have two uv clear coats on both pieces what a start though it's going in i had it on the rotisserie for a bit i'm just going to twist it around for like 30 seconds and then it will be set and i can hang it and then shift it kind of and like 90 degree angles is what works best for me beautiful start let's get some more color on these i think keeping with frog theme i'm going to use this stencil and straight up red that looks pretty interesting in real life i hope the camera's doing the same thing with the color shift behind the opaque red oh boy lovely that really stayed pretty clean i'm already looking for eyes i have smaller eye of saurons by the way possible option it's like little zombie small pupil those are kind of cool a little bit of bleeding in there at the red but just a normal eye silver it's a possibility because the rear one is only getting solid black quarter inch that's all i have for quarter inch that's going to match so we might need to go with something like that for them to match okay pearly white belly amphibian like spot red stuff on the sides with color shift green behind it and then just a little bit of black on the top you can still see some color shift through shellerslift same thing on this little dude i'm good with that i just keep saying chatter buddies in my mind and it's it's just freaking hilarious i haven't opened this can in a while looking okay in there though nice this one's ready for the tank i think there might have been a drip on the belly of the big one i can't see it right now but once i stop turning this little piece we'll see this one's perfect this one's good yeah there's a little drip you guys see that little bump oh man everything went perfect on this build right up until then there's a barely noticeable little bump on the belly i need a uv box in my truck then they could cure on the way that's genius oh but then i'd have to assemble it i might need my drill never mind maybe i do need the one day van it all it all just comes back to the one day van i don't want to do the one day band okay i just don't want to finger print it up for the thumbnail one second we have that on now we need the little dude off of it he's still in the uv tank forgot about him the green on the top of this guy turned out really good but that's the chatter buddy let's get the hooks on what a fishing lure i suppose the tied off treble hook would be nice you know feathers and stuff there's no time it's a one day let's go [Music] the ditch i decided to go to the ditch first the water is really high pretty pretty clear some piled up shad and what not littered it around oh thumbnail what am i doing this is not allowed off the pole until i get that thumbnail the chatter buddy first cast i do feel some chitter chatter [Music] oh my goodness okay let's get closer man that front one's wanting to roll dang it it's not a very stable action [Music] but you can get it to really do stuff i can't believe with a half ounce of lead in that front piece it's wanting to roll still but with a lot of line out and a nice slow retrieve it really does it's it's not that hard to get it to run straight but yeah not the best action but there's a lot of flash and struggling yeah it's pretty good if you go really slow and that really is what i should be doing it's a couple days later one day failed not surprising though you know it was about after the first two hours of fishing there that's when i knew it's not gonna be easy we're not giving up i'm prepared to fish much more let's go [Music] this fishing spot is always an adventure to get to [Music] they're not getting a lot of maple out of this one i wonder why [Music] don't worry nobody saw except however many people watch this video okay i'm not even gonna go near the water because there could be fish in there and i'm gonna be quiet smells like sewage [Music] lure's working good today that's weird i don't know what i'm being stealthy for there's a train above my head wow i would have been cool if i caught a fish with the train going by dang let's get a better look at the chatter buddy it works all right it's got to go that slow to stay upright it's okay chatter buddy we'll get you on a fish [Music] foreign dang dude i lost my buddy this is like one of the saddest things that have ever happened on the channel i lost my buddy man i really should have changed out that clip for a stronger one dang it dude that solar panel moves like once every minute it scares you someone's coming up on you [Music] that was a rough one day and just like that we miserably failed the first one day of the year the action was not ideal the lure broke we didn't catch a fish i slipped and fell whatever man i just had to wet my whistle we'll get him next time and at least i'm closer to the concept of the chatter buddy just because that name exists that bait will exist and it will work perfectly i'll figure it out ideally when chatterbait season is in session thanks for watching video is over on to the next bait no ladies allowed here good talking you see it clamp it in there bouncing everywhere [Music]
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 177,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p3PJHlEvZLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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