River Bank Build to Catch + Clean & Cook for 200k Subs!

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this is gonna be fun this isn't just a one day this is one day catch clean cook make a lure on the bank catch a fish clean it cook it eat it I got all this stuff to clean it cook it and eat it bring in a cast iron skillet salt pepper butter super sharp knife and an oven mitt oh look at that okay I need to show you what I'm bringing got my tackle bag saw Kira dashi carving knife Kira D she cured I think it's cured actually a file superglue and accelerator normal pliers wire bending pliers wire this thing it's a bent file as I can I just like I don't I just use this a lot so a bag of birdshot with some lure eyes inside of it and I'm also going to put some two small treble hooks inside of it seal it up it's going in the bag as well paints I got a chartreuse this is wicked fast bat green but crimson a black and a pearl white this time I'm bringing a paintbrush as well we're gonna take a minute and make sure I'm not forgetting anything yeah this is for two hundred thousand subscribers by the way make catch clean cook two hundred thousand hope you enjoy a lighter in a lot of newspaper as well I have to start a fire and I ain't starting to fire some sort of weird primitive way we're gonna paper and bacon okay okay I'm kind of nervous let me let me get real with you guys I've never caught a fish and processed it for myself and ate it I've never done this I might come as a shock to a lot of you like what kind of sheltered weirdo have I been watching all this time I know I'm sorry I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but you guys are going to see an experience for the first time something I've never done before I might end up being a giant embarrassment to myself today but whatever this is for two hundred thousand subscribers I mean I've seen like friends and family clean and cook fish before I've never personally done it myself my videos get spooky once in a while so we're gonna make this lure at the same spot that we made the last lure on the riverbanks like my little work area when I make lures and the great outdoors it's where I go got a wet outside today hope I can find some dry wood I hear somebody pulling up exactly where I parked my car this might get weird I've recently found out that cotton wood has a really thick bark and it's really light it's like balsa wood am I trying to find some cotton wood or a cottonwood tree and take its bark and make a lure from that that might be cool oh my goodness guys somebody's been here and took wood from the last riverbank build that I did there like somebody cut the rest of it off and took it you guys like really freaked out right now anyway I don't know if this is Cottonwood I got a check on my phone for a little bit and see if it's really thick bark it might be Cottonwood never mind I don't have service it's orange it's a carve easy it carves really easy I might be using this I'm gonna get one more piece just in case I just took quite the piece I'm sorry tree okay you know what I think this will do just don't don't mind that right there I'm sorry so it seems like this stuff's got some weird lair egde to it you know kind of peels off in layers I think the first thing to do is cut out the blanks I'm sort of square piece I think I might know what I'm making today I don't want to say yet because I might not but I don't even know why I started talking there because I didn't really say anything at all not cool grating this blade against a piece of Smit not cool a lipless crankbait okay I'm gonna make a lipless crankbait I think that was the big secret there's the blank this stuff is extremely easy to work with it's not quite as soft as balsa wood but this is pretty good stuff yeah very easy to work with I need to think for a second that went nowhere oh shoot you guys know what I forgot I forgot the baking soda what am I gonna do without the baking soda maybe I could just use sand that's gonna be weird can't believe I forgot the baking soda I feel incomplete without the baking soda I made that piece a little thinner after thinking a little bit that's what I came up with I should make the piece a little thinner now I need to make it shaped like a lipless crankbait and I'm just going to use a knife and start shaping so this is gonna be the head of the bait the front and I need the head to kind of angle down and be flat you know lipless crankbaits they need a lot of weight in the belly so sand and superglue might actually be really good for this maybe I hope this is Cottonwood bark that'd be pretty lucky that tree was right next to the source of wood that we got in the last riverbank making bait River baked bait making session we did and this is turning out perfectly whoo that you get it there's the line tie will be up here at the bottom hook hanger in the back one bunch of weight in the belly Wow oh I told you guys this was a one day 12:54 one day okay we are about to do something crazy the thought just popped in my head and I'm just gonna run with it we're gonna cut this bait in half lengthwise take the two parts carve a little spot to put some birdshot in and all that other good stuff and the wiring you know and then glue it back together this just got intense this is some intense bait making on the riverbanks it's not something I'm used to doing but we're gonna do it watch this time to cut nice and straight that's off just a little bit and it's no big deal that's pretty good I'm gonna cut a slot all the way around the circumference of the bait so I can keep my line straight and just have it all meet up in the middle oh my goodness this is intense that is so off but it's okay I mean it's not really okay but I'm just gonna work with it and make it work go off that is I'm way I'm way too much over on this side let's get this thing cut in half and I'll work with it okay there's the two halves starting to wonder if this was actually a good choice but you know you got to make it a good choice can't just sit there and wander so I'm being very careful now because I'm doing some hollowing out with my thumb just right there my thumb is just right there ready to get cut but in this area towards the head I'm gonna be putting the bird shot right here and then there's gonna be a wire throughout the rest of them oh I caught you guys I'm sure you guys almost just rolled down that Bank into the river that definitely would have failed my one day this challenge would have been failed but I caught you guys it might not look like it on camera but it's really steep right here anyway I think you get the gist of what I'm doing carving out a hole and stuff maybe it'll rattle that'd be cool I've never made a rattler on my youtube channel I did that on the riverbank I'd be crazy that's a little that's a little too much too crazy right there I really should be able to fit quite a bit of birdshot in this space because I'm gonna hollow out the other side in this same spot and this should work just like that we got a space to put some birdshot now before I go any further I need to make the wire the wire harness for this bait time to bend some wire some crazy wire bending action is about to commence line tie I'm just eyeballing everything lining stuff up bending it super simple I don't think it needs explanations my explanations wouldn't be that good anyway rear hook hanger the fish are taunting me make it over there man I made that too big dang it okay never mind it's not too big I can just squeeze it you guys get what I'm saying no you don't oh so this is what the wiring in this bait is gonna look like line tie bottom hook hang over your hook hanger I don't have the lead in it yet I think I'm gonna glue all that lead in it and then put the put the wire end it's getting tricky so I ended up getting this side glued in all the pellets just like filled it with glue and sprayed accelerator over it and there we go I got this side ready to do the same thing each side has weight in it and now I'll just stick the wire harness in there squeeze all this together as tight as I can and glue it and we got wire and weight and this bait already okay I got the back where I want it I applied superglue and now I'm squeezing okay so I knew this was coming and I don't know why I didn't do anything to address it but there's gonna be a giant gap in the middle of the head right here that I have to fill on somehow and I might resort to the sand and superglue with this let me think about it for a second ohh so as you can see I'm going to the sand route this is barely even sand I'm pretty much just putting dirt in my bait in putting superglue over that but hey that kind of worked made it heavier to paddle in the belly right right where I needed it let's finish I'm gonna put some more dirt in my bait one sec boy I really make some high-quality baits don't I gotta do what you got to do can't believe I just put dirt in my bait and it's like this is legitimate this is what I'm doing need a little bit more dirt one sec it's a very earthy bait we've done it there's a wire in this bait there's light in the belly I cut it in half and did all that and I put it back together and it's it's fine it's gonna work I think but now I'm gonna smooth this off with a file for a while that rhymed and then I'm gonna cover it and super glue to seal the bark okie dokie you can't get this stuff really smooth this bark it kind of crumbles and stuff that that's where we got it time to seal Wow it's really not even a bad shape this is beginning to look like a fish catcher I could test this out right now I should I just sealed the wood and I have water right in front of me and my polls right there and I got hooks to put on this so let's test this out right now and see if it even works you guys just watch it'll be the best working lipless crankbait I've ever made I'm gonna catch like a 15 inch crappie cook it perfectly I brought the perfect size hooks for it that's nice here we go see you guys see it there it is this is the first time testing it oh my goodness it works great Wow I bet I could catch a fish with this in here right now just the way it is all right one second I want to see if I can it's official bass like unfinished riverbanks made baits these poor bass in here get destroyed by the pike they're just all beat up poor guys okay let's finish this bait that took me like 15 minutes to catch wasting precious time right now need a little bit of paint starting with white pearl white I need a feather I need to look for a feather one second usually you can just find one out here the birds like to bring the fish up on the bank and eat their fish so Oh duh what am i doing I brought a paintbrush looking through a feather kind of savage and I we're civilized now okay this is not an opaque white this is a pearl white I don't know what I was thinking though it looks kind of cool that this isn't appropriate at all I'm gonna have to mix this with something let's make this like a grey you know just having it be kind of pearly black isn't a bad color and I really screwed this painting up to begin with so we might just let this dry and put eyes on this because black is a good color for fishing I think that's what's gonna happen this is what we're going with sorry guys yeah I'm trying to heat set this with a lighter it's kind of working so I ended up just burning that paint onto this bait but it gave it this amazing rustic II look that is just super appealing and it looks great now now I think I'm gonna paint it a little bit more this is kind of lame and this is the two hundred thousand subscriber special so try not to be lame I think I'm gonna paint this a little bit more as you know I got like these colors and stuff I brought so I'm gonna get to painting I'll show you guys what I come up with obviously it's not going to be anything special but I'll show you that went pretty well I used that fast back green and the wicked crimson and those are the Crimson's pretty opaque so it shows up well I'm gonna glue I to this this is gonna look pretty good actually wow that's pretty good oh I forgot to tell you guys something I brought some 5 minute epoxy we're gonna clearcoat this bait with 5 minute epoxy it's gonna have a real clear coat not a good 1 5 minute epoxy does not make for a good clear coat but it's gonna have a clear coat I got a spot on this rock as clean as I could and we're gonna mix some epoxy right here and apply it to the bait and yes I know I'm destroying this brush but I don't care they're cheap it's gonna be so cool here we go I don't see any sand we're gonna give it a thick clear coat gotta be quick you have like a minute and a half with this stuff after it's mixed pretty good I missed a spot okay it's on there pretty good pretty evenly I should say and yes I'm using a lighter to try to pop bubbles but we got some bubbles you can't avoid that with five minutes not too shabby huh for just being made on the riverbank let's go get dinner I'm starving I grew up being told not to eat fish out of this river so I'm not about to eat a fish out of that river we're gonna go to a pond we're gonna try to get a crappie I think a bluegill would be fine you know I'm shooting for crappie I don't want to eat a bass I want a crappie I went to the pond that I was going to go to but there were people there already so it's kind of like I'll just leave him alone I'll go somewhere else and I didn't know where else to go so now I'm very very far away from my house I went home I got a little cooler bag put some ice in it I'm ready to catch a fish and bring it back home and cook it now I know it's not as cool as a cooking the fish where you caught it that this will have to do but to make up for that we're catching trout now I'm gonna get a trout with what I just made you watch I will we're gonna get some trout and this 200,000 subscribers special steep hill I'm climbing down right now it's for the trout how is this so steep this isn't a normal here we are I don't know if I'm gonna be able to climb back up that but here we are oh man here we go oh oh oh wow there's one right here that was a decent sized one too wow they're bumping it oh dang it they run into it and bump it and stuff but they don't bite they need to bite [Music] there we go hooked up let's keep them down what we get looks like a brook trout we got a brook trout it's about to be official and you know what he's pretty small yeah it's sad cuz I caught this guy but I need something bigger than this I mean I'm allowed to keep that but and I guess I don't need something bigger than that but I kind of want something bigger than that you know let's get a bigger one there's rainbows and everything else in here to brown trout I hope I catch another one that would suck if I didn't I'm starting to think I should have kept that fish it's just a thought I'm not I'm not worried we'll keep going [Music] there's one this one yeah this one might be better kind of looks better looks like the same hey there whoa oh yeah he wasn't he was about the same he wasn't any bigger I said wow because he was hooked in a really weird way it's okay that he got off it's fine it's fine there we go go down there we go we got something what do we got well he's not hooked very well you know what that's the biggest one so far should I could I hooked him in the gills to once I unhooked that he's probably gonna bleed pretty bad he already is actually we're taking this one home it's official brook trout like bank made baits I got a little oak block right here to process them on so I'm not driving my knife into the rocks squeamish people look away actually I'm probably not even gonna show this on YouTube their dinner we are still going for a big one but no matter what now at least we got one we can do the cooking part of this video still what a relief I'm not gonna keep another one unless it's like big you can keep five here no size restrictions oh this is steep and it falls right into the creek you guys might be in for a treat and there's stuff that trips you the vines there's something to break your leg in and be stuck out here till the next crazy fisherman arrives and even he might not help you or she let's not be sexist here she might be a horrible person to fish off of this for a while last spot we'll give it a good effort hey there's one yeah I'm up here that's a better one nice oh that's a really pregnant one I'm gonna put her back there we go made it quick didn't want to kill her dang it it felt like a better one right away because she laid more but I'm not gonna take a super pregnant trout out of here okay that's it going home I got one trout it's kind of small it'll do okay here's my 25 foot tall cliff I need to climb get back to the car it's a lot easier going up it now we will find out how good I am at cooking fish let's go back home and cook this fish okay I think baby Finn's trying to sleep upstairs so I have to be kind of quiet but we're gonna cook this thing don't know what I'm doing really but when you fry something in butter it usually works you guys think that was enough butter [Music] [Music] I'm mostly just scared it's not cooked all the way I think I made overly sure that it's cooked all the way I mean it's really clean meat like I taste no fishiness at all but I didn't know how to clean it to not have like you know all these things in it little bones and stuff but you gonna steep those anyway my first time catching and cooking a fish I guess that went okay that's just butter to just fry it and butter there's no fishiness chowder pretty good even if you don't cook them well I mean I don't mean hundred cook time I mean like I've I don't know what I'm doing and I just cooked it in butter and it's it's good like it's cleaner than frozen store-bought fish like cod you know I don't know what else to say about that what just happened I think it's three days later I was having a pretty fun weekend just doing some stuff with some friends you know and we built on the riverbank that lure it worked really good caught a fish on the riverbank before it was even finished went out caught some trout caught one well caught three trout four if you count the one that I didn't hold in my hand and kept one of them process today tit I don't think I did a very good job with it all like is it really messy fillets and my execution for cooking it probably wasn't ideal but whatever man I ate it I didn't get sick afterwards either so I cooked it fully you could probably eat that stuff raw anyway but I thought the whole cleaning and cooking and eating processor there'd be more to make a video with with that but it's you know it's pretty straightforward it's just food you know so whatever 200,000 subscriber special so I suppose some appreciation is an order thank you for 200,000 subscribers I said that weird thank you for subscribing and watching these videos very cool of you I shouldn't copy PewDiePie thank you for bringing Marling baits to this amazing milestone 200 thousand we're moving to 300 real quick it's going good specifically these kinds of videos when you get to the end of them you have no idea what to say but you say thank you too much and you just there's nothing else to bring out but appreciat ori sayings you know oh this is tough this is tough right here you want to be a youtuber and you want to say thank you and stuff whew it's tough well videos over on to the next milestone and on to the next bait
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 1,188,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Build, Oneday, 200k, River
Id: LZ-jUg69Dmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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