EVERY Akko Switch Compared & Reviewed

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today we're gonna be reviewing and comparing every single echo switch and at any point during the video you wanna check out any of the akko switches you can click right over there in the left corner but let's jump into it okay so first we're breaking it into two categories one is linear and the secondary tactile there are eight linears we're going to review and compare each one to each other and then we're gonna do a stock and lube sound test and then after the linear section we're gonna do a full sound test back to back stock and back to back lubed let's jump into it and starting with the jelly black this thing is 50 grams so on the heavier side of all of the echo switches 1.9 millimeters of pre-travel and that is what they look like now these come in at 12 for a 45 pack and these are a fantastic switch for thock like all the other jelly versions these have a dust proof stem creating even less stem wobble than the non-jelly echo switches however i will not be talking about stem marble anymore because the non-jellies have very little and the jellies have even less as you can see right here so it's not gonna be a deal breaker for any of the switches in my opinion so let's move on now the springs on the jelly blacks are quite long at 22 millimeters now longer springs compared to shorter springs will start off lighter and will gradually become heavier while shorter springs will quickly become heavy the difference here is that the longer spring will make it easier to actuate the switch but will still allow for a fairly heavy bottom out i absolutely love this now like all the other jelly switches this uses a top and bottom housing made of polycarbonate and a stem made of palm now as far as smoothness these are damn smooth stock you can absolutely use these without lubing however after lubing they really shine and if you're going for thockiness this is definitely the thockiest echo switch for sure and i will say these are thockier than gadaron black ink v2s i have tested them with it kind of blew me away that being said i did notice almost all of the switches come with a pre-lubed leaf like literally only the leaf is lubed so that's kind of interesting but take a listen to the stock and the lube sound test moving on to the echo silver switches these things are a little bit lighter at only 43 grams with a three millimeter total travel distance and only one millimeter of pre-travel so great for gamers now these are also great for a thaw keyboard if you haven't noticed we're going from thonkiest to clackiest and yes i know the board is mainly what is going to change the thought or the clack or the pop so do keep in mind if you have a poppy board and put a thotty switch on there it's still probably gonna be poppy however we are going from thaukiest to clackiest to poppiest just dependent on the switch this is the most expensive switch on the list at 14 for a 45 pack now this also like the jelly black has a longer 22 millimeter spring pair this with considerably shorter travel distance of only three millimeters and this makes for a very nice feeling switch especially for gamers however even just for typing it is quite nice this is also the second deepest and thonkiest switch on the list which is saying something because it does have that shorter travel distance which is interesting so if you're a gamer and you want a nice thaki switch for gaming this is a very good one the jelly blacks however will be better for typists who like a linear switch the top housing is polycarbonate the bottom housing is nylon and the stem is palm smoothness unlubed is quite good but not quite as good as the jelly blocks take a listen to the stock then lube sound test moving on to the radiant reds these things are 53 grams so heavier however they have a total travel distance of 3.5 millimeters so more than the silver switches but less than the jelly blacks now this gives it an interesting bottom out and i really do like it and this has 1.9 millimeters of pre-travel pretty typical these are also a thaki switch but slightly lesser than the previous two however if you're going for a deeper thalky build these are still quite good and they are the cheapest compared to the previous two and only 10 bucks for a 45 pack insanely affordable now this is not part of the jelly family so it does not have the dust proof stem which adds a slight amount more stub wobble and i mean very slight this should not affect your buying decision at all now the spring gets shorter on this one at 18 millimeters but this is still considered a longer spring that being said compared to the jelly blacks and silvers immediately there is more resistance due to the shorter spring that longer spring builds slower while this one is slightly faster to go heavy that being said for being insanely budget friendly if you're on a tight budget this is a great way for some super budget thought the top housing is a polycarbonate the bottom housing is nylon and the stem is palm as far as smoothness unlubed these are smooth but noticeably less smooth than the jelly blacks and silvers however after lubing they feel very similar in terms of smoothness like most aco switches they really come to life when lubed take a listen to sound test before and after lubing and moving on to the matcha greens these things are 50 grams with four millimeters of total travel distance and a pre-travel distance of 1.9 millimeters these are an og switch now these are still very thocky and share a very very similar feel to the radiant reds but slightly lighter and have a larger travel distance now which one you should buy gets harder here as this is the same price as the radiant reds at 10 for a 45 pack the switch is a more typical length here at 15 millimeters so the weight does come on faster however this is a progressive spring so the bottom mount is noticeably softer now which one i prefer i like the feelings of the matcha greens more however the sound of the radiant wrens is incredibly similar but just a little bit deeper the mantra greens share the same overall materials for build and they also feel the same as far as smoothness both lubed and unlubed compared to the radiant reds take a listen to the sound test before and after now moving on to the jelly whites these actually took me by surprise however these are 35 grams so very light with a four millimeter total travel distance and 1.9 millimeters of pre-travel i thought these were gonna be very similar to the vintage whites however they turned out to be quite different even though they have a very similar weight and actuation and total travel distance they're quite different and also like all the other jellies these are 12 dollars for a 45 pack now the spring is again like the other jellies a 22 millimeter spring this long spring and lightweight makes for a very nice switch the bottom out is nice and soft and they create almost a muted bottom out sound it's nice and it's kind of clacky when lubed it's kind of muted i like it it's interesting the material is the same as other jelly switches and they are incredibly smooth unlubed take a listen to the sound test lubed and unlubed but moving right onto the jelly pinks these things are 45 grams a total travel distance of four millimeters and 1.9 millimeters of pre-travel these things are awesome not because of all those stats but because they are so freaking smooth that's the big thing with this switch now this is where we leave thocklan and really enter clack territory i wouldn't consider the last switch a thaki switch but it kind of borders between muted clacky and clacky so this is where we really enter clackyland these have a nice deeper clack sound to them which does sound pretty good in my opinion as these are jelly switches like the blacks they are slightly more expensive at 12 for a 45 pack now the spring on these is again a super long 22 millimeter spring which i think is matched quite well for this switch now like i said this is a deeper clack definitely not thaky but not super crazy clacky either i think as far as sound this is a great middle ground that sounds nice but isn't crazy for people that don't know their preferred sound yet the materials are shared amongst all jelly switches so this is the same as the jelly blacks however this is the smoothest switch on the list like damn is this thing smooth unlube these feel absolutely insane after lubing they feel fantastic however if you don't really want to lube your switch i highly recommend it but if you really don't want to this is 100 the best switch on the list for smoothness seriously good take a listen to the sound test before and after lubing moving on to the rose reds this is a very unique switch now this comes in at 43 grams 3.5 millimeters of total travel distance with the pre-travel of 1.9 millimeters and yes these have a special place in my heart because of that very beautiful poppy sound i'm more of a thaky guy but i appreciate some nice poppiness and absolutely some clacks and oh my god is this a beautiful pop hands down if you want a poppy keyboard this is the switch for a beautiful poppy sound not over bearing poppy but just beautiful for the price of 10 for a 45 pack you get a whole lot of sexy clack the spring on this is a progressive 15 millimeter spring and for this weight it feels really good definitely a switch i could use every day now on lube they sound poppy but after lubing it makes them beautifully clacky if you get these you absolutely 100 should lube them the materials here are shared with the matcha greens and as far as smoothness they feel the same as the mantra greens which is to be expected take a look at the sound test before and after lubed and moving on to probably the most unique switch the vintage white coming in at 35 grams with a four millimeter total travel distance and a pre-travel of 1.9 millimeters that's not really what's different with the switch what's different is the sound profile this thing is poppy as hell now by far this is the poppiest switch on the list it doesn't matter if you have a thoughty-ass board a clacky board if you lube these and put them in there this will be poppy as hell these are 10 for a 45 pack they use a 22 millimeter spring similar to the jelly switches but it's not quite as smooth as the jellies on lubed which would be expected after looping though it is still very smooth especially for the price now the materials are the same here as the matcha greens the rose reds and such like that but yeah if you want a poppy on switch this is just nuts take a listen to the sound test all right now before we move into the tactiles here is the back-to-back sound test stock of all of them and then lubed take a listen and that is how they sound let's move right into tactiles the akko ocean blues this is an og switch the first tactile that they made now this is 36 grams with 46 grams of tactile force 1.9 millimeters of pre-travel with the tactility starting at 0.5 millimeters and that is important because of what we're gonna compare this to but yeah a great tactile switch let's go into it now of all the tactile switches these have the highest pitch sound it's not super high pitched to begin with but definitely compared to the other tactiles it is the highest of them but it's still not very high now these are 10 for a pack of 45 which is very reasonable this uses a 15 millimeter progressive spring which is good but not perfect for this switch now unlubed they are pretty smooth but after lubing this is where they really come to life if you get these absolutely lube them however there is spring ping but only if you don't lube them i also do not recommend bag lubing for these switches or really any of the akko switches do it by hand the material of the switch is the same as the matcha greens polycarbonate top housing nylon bottom housing and a palm stem after lubing these they sound and feel really good especially for the price you can lube the legs and leaf and still have quite a bit of tactility although i choose not to take a look in the ocean blues lubed and unlubed moving to the lavender purples these are very similar to the akko ocean blues with a couple key differences number one same weight 36 grams however the tactile force a little bit heavier at 50 grams you still have 1.9 millimeters of total travel distance and the tactility still starts at 0.5 millimeters now compared to the echo ocean blues i like these just a little bit more now the differences are minimal but make a difference for sure firstly these are the same price at 10 for a 45 pack they have that heavier tactile bump which i like because it's extremely satisfying they sound very similar to the ako ocean blues but just a little bit deeper now the spring changes however from a 15 millimeter progressive to an 18 millimeter spring which is a longer spring i think this is a much better choice than the one on the ocean blue smoothness is the same story here but being a little scratchy before lubing obviously but after lubing feeling really smooth especially considering the price the materials are the same as the ocean blues and just like the ocean blues he's come to freaking life one loop so tactile gang lube your lavenders take a listen to the lavender purples now moving to the jelly bluesies get a little bit heavier at 40 grams and the tactile force gets quite a bit heavier at 60 grams with two millimeters of pre-travel and where these get really different is that instead of starting the tactility at 0.5 like the others these actually start at point three which is noticeable basically as soon as you press the switch down the tactility is starting although that's not the most unique thing about this switch now the jelly blues firstly these cost 12 for a 45 pack so slightly more expensive but these have a heavier tactile bump but because of the longer spring and tactility starting sooner these actually feel lighter out of the jump like right as you press the switch down they're going to feel lighter than the other two tactiles now tactility is also interesting here because you not only have that initial tactile bump but also a tactile bump on the way up now this creates a really interesting feel but also an interesting sound when operating it the overall switch is kind of more muted than you would expect from a heavy tactile and is fairly deep but i kind of like it now the spring like i said is a longer spring moving all the way to a 22 millimeter dual stage spring now in my experience the dual stage mitigates kinking in the longer spring and mitigates ping a little bit which is true compared to the echo ocean blues and the lavenders which basically these have almost no ping on lubed but again you should still lube them now the material is polycarbonate top housing and bottom housing with a palm stem and talking smoothness these are insanely smooth stock like really really really smooth however they are a little weird and i definitely want to do a build with them but they aren't my favorite tactile take a listen to the akko jelly blues here is the back-to-back sound test stock of all of them and then lubed take a listen all right before we go over my overall favorite switches of all of the echo switches you have to know about these interesting facts you really need to know firstly all of the echo switches have a longer stem so interference is not an issue on any of these switches with cherry profile keycaps don't even comment below that it will still be an issue it is not i have tested every single one of these switches it is not an issue interference is not a thing with these but secondly these are only three pin switches not five pin and some would say hey that's not as much stability however i think it's a really good thing that they did this and in fact it is a fantastic thing that they only made these three pin and the reason is that echo switches are one of the few switches that fit into our temu hot swap sockets which are basically a lot of budget boards you can find boards for 25 bucks on amazon that are hot swappable without temu slots these fit in there a little bit tighter than our tamu's but they fit in there basically better than every other switch that's not in our temu all right but moving on to my overall favorite switches these are the top five switches for me the best overall linear the best overall tactile the smoothest linear the best sounding tactile and the best switch for gaming again if you want to check out any of these switches you can click right over there in that left corner you can help support me at no further cost to you okay so the best overall linear in my opinion the echo jelly black these things are amazing they're incredibly smooth they're incredibly stocky if you want that sound they're fantastic for it it's hard to go wrong for 12 for a 45 pack best overall tactile the lavender purples the oceans are smooth but they're a little bit weird because of the double bump these i like the heavier tactility than the ocean blues and they do sound a little bit deeper so overall i love these things they're fantastic and for only 10 bucks they are so worth it smoothestly here you already know what it's going to be the jelly pinks these things are insanely smooth you literally don't even need to lube them the lubing really just helps the sound a little bit of the smoothness but they're so smooth out of the box it's kind of nuts if you want a stock switch that's super smooth and then lube it and make it even smoother this is where it's at now the best sounding tactile i gotta give it to the jelly blues they're super smooth they got an interesting sound to them they really don't sound like any other tactile that i've used they also don't feel like a whole lot of other tactiles because they're a little bit weird right but yeah definitely sounds unique and awesome but the best overall gaming switch if you're a gamer the akko silver switches these things are awesome they have that smaller travel distance which will be great for gaming they are not too heavy for gaming as well which is really nice and they have that quicker actuation and only one millimeter that's gonna be like a normal silver switch with how fast uh it actuates which is really nice and for gaming kind of a must for me yeah overall a fantastic gaming switch every single one of these switches is awesome and they're all very unique in their own way which is what i love they all fill a gap between them but if you want to see some lubed ocean blues on a legit keyboard click this video right here i actually put them on the ducky one three sf that i modded and they actually sound really good on that board with a lot of dampening the aqua ocean blue sound really good the lavenders will probably sound even better so click the video right here if you want to check it out
Channel: Consumer Tech Review
Views: 972,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EVERY Akko Switch Compared & Reviewed, akko switches, akko switches review, akko switches comparison, akko switch comparison, akko switch review, akko switches sound test, akko switches matcha green, akko switches radiant red, akko lavender, akko switch sound test, akko switch test, akko switch unboxing, all akko switches sound test, all akko switch, akko switch difference, every akko switch, akko switch guide, which akko switch is the best, which akko cs switch is the best
Id: kHqt6_yZWVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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