Every 5-STAR game on Sega Master System

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man the Sega Master System is just so cool now here in the United States it was all about Nintendo but I first play the Sega Master System before I even touched an neses controller I know has has a little desk cover on it but here you go has a cartridge slot even has a spot for their card games the pause is featured on theirself which is kind of weird but whatever but if you're not that familiar with the Sega Master System it's all good the games I'm featuring in this video are my five star Sega Master System games how are you feeling you got John rigs here I'm an old school retro gamer you want to see something cool check out the thumbs up button right below this video right like right here is and watch what happens when I say like this video hopefully you liked it and I hope you're subscribed too and though the videos are free you can support the channel by checking out some of the cool stuff I sell including this air freshener that smells like Styrofoam and static this air freshener smells like your grandma's house with freshly baked cookies butterscotch candies and a freshly mopped floor and a lot of people are loving this one it's like red wine bubble bath and a vanilla scented candle I also saw my Homebrew on there make sure you check that out rigged games.com Link in the description below I even sell these hats there too got a couple of them left and we're kicking off this list with what they were trying to make their mascot character I believe Alex kid and Miracle World a little hard to compare Alex kid to Super Mario now but Alex kid in Miracle World versus Super Mario Brothers well as iconic as Super Mario Brothers is Alex kid in Miracle World I think just does game Busters over Mario first of all you got a punch button can't do that in Mario I just like the graphics I like the cartoon I like the colors that they use great color palette great color palette for the Sega Master System and you immediately jump in the water in the first stage of this game too it's crazy now a lot of enemies to check out I again I just love just about everything about this game there's a nice difficult factor to this game as well the idea for each stage you got to find the onigiri now as a kid I didn't even know what an onigiri was I thought it was literally like a mug of like root beer like that's the mug with the foamy stuff spilling over the edges yeah well there's also shops and you can actually purchase upgrades purchase items that will help you out in your quest including a motorcycle that's right you just blast through everything could you imagine if you had a motorcycle and Super Mario Brothers come on now Alex kid and Miracle World I'd give it five stars and we're talking Alex kid we can also talk about Alex kid in Shinobi world what a great crossover this is Alex kid in Shinobi world this would be like if they would have made Mario in Hyrule or maybe Kid Icarus in planet zebes or something like that you know it's it's that crossover that just makes sense and it's just fun it's Shinobi it's a cartoony it's a more quirky version of Shinobi because you play as Alex kid who's now apparently a ninja or samurai or something you know he's a Shinobi I guess the music uh you know holds up the music is like the same as Shinobi and stuff like that too A lot of the enemies are the same from Shinobi but still in that Alex kid style what a fun idea yeah Alex kid in Shinobi World definitely one you want to look up and there's a couple of other Alex kid games we're not going to leave those on the list those are those are definitely not festar games fun to check out H not five star games Castle Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse anything anything Disney is usually going to be pretty good sometimes not so much this this one makes all the sense in the world if you loved DuckTales for the NES this one is so much like DuckTales it almost hurts now you would think like Mario you just have to jump on top of enemies but you can't just jump and let that be it you actually have to hit the kind of pounce button like one button is jump and then the other button lets you attack the enemy like you know doing the butt bomb on them and again you can use that bounce to higher places or you know break through rocks and stuff like that too you might find some Secrets along the way and when you find these secrets oh there's there's extra stuff there's coins there's cake yeah like I said a lot like Ducktails a lot like Ducktails but super fun another all-time classic in fantasy Zone I think I would give fantasy zone five stars when you rank these games among themselves on the Sega Master System now would I get fantasy zone five stars on the NES no not so much not so much not even like the import version which is like better than the tengen version but for the sake of Master System it just makes sense if you're not familiar with fantasy Zone come on you fly this a cute little ship which I wish that would make a Resurgence uh in modern day the enemies drop coins you can scroll back and forth smooth scrolling for an 8 bit game on this game too and when you destroy all the enemy pods that's when you can uh fight the boss and each boss has a or each stage has a different boss fun to see again love the colors love the animation cute music too move on to the next stage and of course the shops as well there's shops on here so the money that you do collect you can use to get um upgrades and items they don't last forever unfortunately and you you even die spectacularly how about that in fantasy Zone um i' I'll go ahead and throw fantasy Zone 2 in there too why not fantasy Zone 2 more the same uh colorful bright um this one features you know sometimes not just uh money but they also drop like a warp it turns into a warp so you can go to the other part of the stage uh to complete these stages too a lot more of the same I'm more fond for the first one that's where all my Nostalgia is the second one very very good though so if we're talking about the first one we could always lump in the second one as well why not Golden Axe Warrior if you love The Legend of Zelda you're going to love Golden axxe Warrior why because it is so much like Legend is zeld that it hurts it hurts my feelings how good this game is and hurts my soul even more that so many people didn't get to experience this game I've never played it all the way through it's it's on it's on my back lot forever backlog we all have one um of games that I I've played it a bit but I've never actually completed the game never played it all the way through would love to do that sometime never mind the treasure chest mimic this game features tree shrub mimic Bush mimic could you imagine if that was an enemy in The Legend of Zelda you go up to like you know try to burn the bush or whatever like that just pops out of you and starts attacking you HH be insane Golden Axe Warrior yeah nothing like it says Golden Axe Warrior it's nothing like the other Golden Axe games it is its own thing and blessing for it gollas is that how you pronounce this game gollas this is an interesting sort too um this is well it starts out like sidescroller so you're like okay this is a little interesting like a fax sadoo or something like that maybe like a like a monster boy or something like I don't know you you can see what it looks like clearly it plays a bit like that you can slash your sword and there's other enemies too those very Sega Master systemy eyes on creatures is is unmistakable with the enhanced colors and enhanced palette and all that even the kind of bosses in this game are cartoony cool a lot like how like Mega Man Mega Man had those kind of like mid bosses and stuff like that yeah a little bit like that um so it starts out like this style of game and then when you leave the cave then it turns into hey another Legend of Zelda type game so again kind of like Legend of Zelda but then when it does the dungeons the dungeons is more sidescrolling platformy SL your sword and stuff like that too very cool to see very interesting to see this one's always uh very high on a lot of people's lists for best games ever got to give it five stars on this one for Sega Master System gam something to look out for for sure oh you going give me the squiggly text are you well Canen Canen Canen this is a fun one a little bit slower of a scrolling game here but any game that features the creepy mythical ghost zombie monster things you know you're almost wait it seems like the type of game that eventually there's going to be some cycloptic jumping umbrella which I'm sure comes from some kind of lore um not not in this first stage anyway uh but it's that type of game where you're going to see like the creepy kind of like ghostly um things from uh from this culture here I love it I absolutely love it um and this game also falls it's just it's just unique enough that like is it like anything on the NES maybe a little bit I mean there's a couple games I could probably compare it to but it's still just kind of its own thing and a game that you have to just kind of experience for yourself and uh you can see like you know how how big these uh areas are where you need to get to and everything uh when you move on to the next stage and move on from there and go inside these rooms and I mean just just figure it out man very cool game interesting to see Miracle Warriors and again this came out during a time when RPGs like turn-based RPGs weren't as popular as they were in Japan at least here in the United States of America so when we see something like this it's like well it looks interesting enough but it looks a little confusing because you're too busy looking at the graphics and not like the grid to to the upper uh right hand side of where you're going really but then when you get there or you when you run into someone you can run into you know a person and talk to them or whatever and eventually you will run into enemies and you can attack the enemies just the oldfashioned way you hit then they hit you know it's that turn based style which I don't honestly care for that much but when it came to RPGs this one was very cool and very unique for its time and I'm going to give a five stars um based on its uh creativity for its time and its uniqueness because at the time we we weren't really seeing anything like this for a Home console video game and very cool to see this even on the Sega Master System it's wonderful cortet we got to talk about it um this should have been called Duet uh for the home version because you're only two players the arcade version is four players simultaneous love it love it love it think well at least let me talk about how your life bar works because you have the uh you have like your the points ticking down a little bit like Gauntlet you know how a gauntlet you don't really have like hit points you just have like uh like it just keeps ticking down and down and down you know and then and even more so when you run into an enemy or something like that that's a lot like that with this game um not the longest stages or uh rounds in this one not the not the longest rounds in this one but the idea is to get to the end to find the boss and when you find the boss he who holds the key uh defeat them grab the key go through the door move on to the next stage there's a lot of those um again the stages aren't very big and sometimes you'll even walk right by the exit door but you got to find the guy with the key first so that's why you had to explore a little bit a lot of items you can pick up along the way um just an absolute wonderful game quartet in the arcade probably might I mean whatever I think about it it might be my favorite arcade game of all time fun to see it on the Master System though and it plays extremely well on the Master System enough for me to give it five stars anyway Sonic the Hedgehog came out for the Master System as well now when I first played this I already had son the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis and it was during a time when I would say oh well I have it on the Super Nintendo let me rent the NES version just to compare just to see what they could have done and to my surprise the Sonic the Hedgehog on the S of Master System played extremely well extremely well and it wasn't like a one toone port of the Genesis version it was still kind of its own thing it was Sonic the Hedgehog but it was still very much so its own style of game I got got to give it five stars it's just wonderful to see on a Sega Master System especially Wonder Boy 3 the dragon trap we got to talk about Wonder Boy 3 now I'm more familiar and more comfortable I guess with myself with the Adventure Island games but then on the flip side you have the uh the Monster World Games The Wonder Boy games um it kind of like you know almost like split off like a complete Fork one went One Direction one went the other direction and for the sake of Master System this is the one to get um you start off with all the hearts I love that you can get other um you can get other you know upgrades and stuff like that later on too but I just love again that just that cartoony aesthetic that this game brings and so many games bring to the Sega Master System where you can you know you run and you can slash your sword and you pick up the upgrades this is my kind of game this is exactly my kind of game um maze like levels you know might get lost a little bit going to find your way through bosses will pop up as well I the first boss you see is like this you know meca Godzilla looking something or other anyway a little bit of a challenge too on this first boss but then uh from there uh-oh then all of a sudden after you hook some coins you turn into a dragon now all of a sudden you um you're in Dragon mode that's how cool is that best thing ever Wonder Boy 3 if you're looking for Sega Master System games to play check out this opening oh my God zillion based on the anime manga there's probably a manga in there somewhere as well once you figure out how to play this game it's wonderful and it's not H how do I how do I put this it's not like there's a huge learning curve to play this game cuz this looks like I hate to say Mission Impossible too but it looks like just kind of a sides scrolling maze is uh destroy the computers and stuff like that too but then you have these passcodes that you got to type in but once you kind of you know defeat these things you can pick up these items and upgrades and everything it does kind of make sense if that makes sense such a fun game and it's one I keep coming back to as well there is a zillion 2o it's terrible especially compared to this one at least in my opinion anyway zillian is the one you want to check out for the Sega Master System just covering Us games in this one because there are a billion games that came out in Brazil uh there's also a lot of great games that came out in the UK too but at least for this video five star Us games on your Sega Master System if I left any off the list make sure you let me know in the comments I did a lot of other five I I did festar NES festar Super Nintendo fivar 64 five star Genesis check out all those videos
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 46,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fDOOW_dlgag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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