Let's Look at Every 1-Star N64 Game

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let's look at all the one star games on the Nintendo 64. now there's no official list or anything like that I just kind of scoured you know Reddit news groups and stuff like that finding out yeah news groups I haven't used the Usenet News Group since the late 90s which was right around the same time that Nintendo 64 was relevant never mind my resources we already did the one star Nintendo and Super Nintendo games and now we're looking at one star Nintendo 64 games agree or disagree with anything on the list make sure you let me know in the comments and subscribe always because we're looking at other one star games and five-star games coming up very soon starting off the list with Batman Beyond Return of the Joker how many times the Joker got a return good Lord see if Batman just used a well never mind about all that Batman Beyond what a great idea what a cool story instead of just having the Batman thing let's have the old Batman all old and stuff and training the new Batman well unfortunately uh they should have trained the new Batman on a different console because the Nintendo 64 version not great it's not terrible terrible like I don't know if I would give it a one star uh but man this game it just doesn't feel polished enough and I'm not just saying that because it's on a Nintendo 64 system the controls are a little weird the fighting is a little weird you could do so much more with a Batman game than this then this so it hurts my feelings to see a game like based on Batman Beyond again which was a very wonderful series and this is the game you get man I mean if only there are other DC games on the Nintendo 64 that were just as terrible or maybe even more terrible I don't know but I guess we'll find out Batman Beyond avoid it if you can thank you because all the other good names were taken this game is called Big Mountain 2000. well the game came out in 2000 you're on a big Mountain skiing game okay well it starts off like it looks like it might be pretty cool right a little anime looking things here well not like proper anime it's more like Fox kids after school anime but still it looks like something and you're like oh these these characters look pretty cool they look pretty awesome and you choose your character and then you all just kind of look like polygonal the same and not like your character that you chose at all not really because like hey here's how trendy you look and now you're in your winter coat oh it's like the 80s and Halloween all over again maybe your mom makes you wear your coat over your Halloween costume well anyway and again it's not that this game is super super terrible it just it kind of is because there's only so much you can do with this game as you're skiing downhill it's the same sounds just about everything makes you fall over and you make the same sound every time you fall over that'll get annoying well you could easy way to avoid that don't get knocked over don't run into things well yeah easier said than done right you would think there's like hidden Pathways but they're not very hidden are they well you know ski as you will you even have like a behind the scenes view which is kind of weird and sometimes confusing when you accidentally hit it and gets kind of weird Big Mountain 2000 could have been a lot better but I think also at the time we already had so many other great skiing and snowboarding games that this game wasn't really needed oh well at least we tried [Music] clay Fighters 63 and a third now I love me a good pun and shout out to the police squad reference there this is not the sculptor's cut this is this like the regular version it's Clay fighter 63 and a third now clay Fighter for the Super Nintendo was ahead of its time clay Fighter for the Super Nintendo it looked cool it used that kind of new claymation style that they're experimenting with give it a little bit different feel for a fighting game I mean it wasn't a great fighting game but it was something kind of fun and something that maybe you rented and they probably could have left it as a Super Nintendo game because now that you're on the Nintendo 64 with more things you can do uh they tried and again with the name like clay fighter 63 and a third that's exactly what this game feels like it just doesn't feel like a complete game in different fighting games for the time were working on different things you have games like Street Fighter 2 which was all about the moves you can pull off got games like Mortal Kombat which rely on strategy and really learning each individual character especially for things like Fatality and they had games like killer instinct which really relied on the Combos and this game trying to rely on the combos I think a little bit too much to have you even care about anything and then again it's not needed this game wasn't needed this game does get props because you can play as earthworm gym but as much as you can give it props for earthworm gym you have to take away all of the props and then some for having a well racist character in this game oh my God there's no way they could get away with a game with this character anymore and there's a lot of Nintendo 64. this didn't come out that long ago All Things Considered anyway no [Music] dark raft was another fighting game that you could have played on the Nintendo 64. again this is during a time I mean fighting games were red hot I mean not just beyond Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat but now you have games like Tekken now you have games like Soul Calibur or Soul Edge or whatever they called it back then um and this game played a little bit like a combination of both of those a little bit like Tekken a little bit like a Soul Caliber or Soul Edge or something like that so this game had a lot going on for itself unfortunately it just needed to be its own game and not trying to copy another game it didn't look terrible I don't think by Nintendo 64 standards it just didn't play that great and it wasn't at the end of the day not very fun not very exciting I mean there was some kind of cool looking characters I guess in this game but then sometimes you don't even know what's going on the polygons are all over the place dark rift is one you could probably pass up on I know it's funny as much as I love Earthworm Jim featured in two one star games on the Nintendo 64. well at least they try the problem was with Earthworm Jim wacky crazy kooky fun and a great action platformer at the end of the day earthworm gem two more the Same by this time with Earthworm Jim you're just like okay I get that there's gonna be some wacky crazy zany jokes and the jokes are just kind of stale you're just like oh a golden udder uh okay cows yeah cows are silly cows are it's but you have to have a good game to go with it the game is not great so no amount of jokes or puns or anything like that is gonna help with this game because like yeah it's like when you watch a magician for the ninth trick in a row you're like well of course you're gonna pull out a rabbit or first of course you're gonna choose my card because that's what you do it's all gimmicked in this game as much as it could be decent and I and admittedly I had a little bit of fun with this game for a little while it just get it just got kind of bored got kind of stale so many other great 3D action Platformers even on the Nintendo 64 even before this and man I mean thank you for having another earthworm Jam game appreciate it [Music] after a claim stopped making WWE games because they got that THQ Aki engine and all that with the ux everything which was the right thing to do um a claim still had access to WWE stuff and maybe WWE said hey you know what you can have uh the ECW games instead you know back then ECW is working with WWE kind of behind the scenes it wasn't really public knowledge I don't need to go into a whole lot of details about that but unfortunately I was such a big fan of ECW and I knew what I was going to get into with these Acclaim WWE style wrestling games and it was more the same which is not good not fun it's just I mean it it looks a little clunky it looks a little awkward of course I had to check it out because I love ECW but it still played like those old games and again with the controller techniques and how this wrestling game plays and it just wasn't great and it wasn't a fun experience and it was ECW it should have been way over the top and it wasn't cool that they had wrestlers in here that may have never been on a wrestling game before and probably never will it's unfortunate that it was this this one ah Ford Power Ball Mike piazza's strike zone I'm guessing it's Piazza you know like pizza or Forza anyway now it did with me in sports games the baseball video games are generally pretty good are generally pretty worth playing so long as the uh as long as the camera angles are good enough so I know like where to throw the ball to first base how to swing the bat you know things like that unfortunately with this angle I can never time it just right where I know I can connect with the ball if the ball would connect it's always too late it's like like as soon as I swing it and it's like it's too late already which is a terrible time too because by the time this game came out I mean Mariners were still doing pretty well all generally speaking and everything and it's just hard to exactly know when to swing and nowhere to go okay so I lucked out with a home run but still but I couldn't not get a home run it was Ken Griffey Jr of course I got a home run uh again the game and when it comes to pitching that's where the strike zone comes into play where it's had to be like perfectly in the strike zone for stuff like that you play a baseball game to swing at bat you're not playing a baseball game because you can't wait to throw pitches you know what I mean it could have been a lot better there are better baseball games out there it's okay to skip this one out I embraced the idea of a Mortal Kombat mythologies series and we have Mortal Kombat mythologies Sub-Zero was the original idea eventually everyone was going to get their game I don't know it's working in Reverse like Super Smash Brothers takes all these iconic characters puts them in the one one game Mortal Kombat mythologies has the idea of Let's Make spin-offs featuring the different characters but unfortunately this game plays still like Mortal Kombat like you have to move from screen to screen or room to room or whatever and then fight off these enemies in a very Mortal Kombat Style Mortal Kombat fashion and the fatalities might happen to you just by walking into a room I I died more times in this game from stuff than from than from the enemies very very awkward your C buttons are your attack buttons and everything and then like your A or B button one of those um makes you either look to the left or look to the right you don't just automatically look the direction you want to look the controls were off the game itself is off they had this one and maybe they ended it and you know what that's probably for the better we have the Olympic hockey Nagano 98 here is your Olympic hockey game and the hockey games can be pretty good I'm not great at hockey games it's so easy to be penalized it's like dude just let me play the game and so much of this game it seems like the referees is blowing their whistle for no reason it's like dude I don't even have a chance to do anything and then when you actually do something it's a little chaotic it's a little hard to tell where you are I mean it shouldn't be because of the big old arrow pointing right to where you should be but unfortunately still not great so on this game as far as the hockey games go there's better ones out there and yeah a lot of people are talking about this game being not great if you love love love hockey you probably have this in your collection but man I bet you you're playing Wayne Gretzky more than this I hope so Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue now this is a fox kids game so when you think Power Rangers you're like all right Power Rangers yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna show up and we're gonna you know beat some bad guys and we're gonna you know turn into things and do the you know you're gonna have a fighting game or something like that uh no you're cleaning up the city okay so round one stage one you're cleaning up the city there we go that's what you've been reduced to Public Work you beat the level finally you're gonna get into a fight no you're gonna drive this fire truck and put out the cars that are on fire yeah then that's you're shooting at them it's a trinity to a shooting stage where you can't even turn around you can only just move up and down and you know hopefully your angle of the fire well or a healthier angle of the water will actually be able to uh hit the cars that are on fire and finally okay we're transforming we got our Megazord going on and then this is your Megazord um not a terrible idea to have a first person view of your Megazord uh but it still it controls very awkwardly and plays very weirdly and not the optimal experience especially for a Power Rangers game now when you move on from there you do get a little bit more you can actually like get into a fights kind of but then you're still like cleaning this streets or in this case clearing logs out of a way of the path I don't know no no come on no now the Powerpuff Girls was a wonderful cartoon girls liked it because it was Powerpuff girls and guys liked it too just because it was quirky and zany and fun and kind of cool right well when you have a Powerpuffs Girls Game in this case for the Nintendo 64. PowerPuff Girls Chemical extraction well Power Stone it is not and boy oh boy is it not it is a 3D room fighting game where this is what it looks like this is it you're kicking and punching the guys you're super close if you're close to an item or object you can pick that up and throw it at him and that's really about all this game is and that's all you need to know about this game if this counts as a fighting game in my opinion probably it could be somewhere in my top 5 least favorite fighting games which hurts my feelings because I love Powerpuff Girls and Powerpuff Girls in my opinion deserve a fantastic game one of the ones on the PlayStation one wasn't so bad but we never got like a super great Powerpuff Girls game it's unfortunate hey how about the game from EA Sports they're in the game and this game is uh Supercross 2000 Jeremy McGrath super uh supercroft yeah there we go Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 pretty articulate it here and I'll tell you my biggest gripe about this game here in just a little moment but right now you're just going through the track you have seen games like this before they can play okay they're not great I mean even at the time too we're getting a little like okay you know where's the fun show me the good things show me the dangerous stuff or whatever what I like about this game is the fact that you can do tricks what I don't like about this game is you don't have enough time to do any tricks like a lot like you know this game would have benefited it's fortunately it's EA Sports and EA Sports really tries for that authentic experience good for you give me Moon Jumps I don't want the authentic experience I want the crazy experience unfortunately I try to do any trick in this game and you almost always especially if you're me um end up not landing and not connecting and falling off your bike anyway so you can't even do them and that for that reason is why uh this game is terrible next Superman for the Nintendo 64. Superman for the Nintendo 64. what I leave off the list you let me know in the comments you can check out this other video as well looking at more one star games and more one star game videos are coming up soon and some five star games too we gotta take the good with the bad right
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 93,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sL-rcDrMMdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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