Every 5 Minutes I Add Another Hollow Knight Mod

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hello welcome everyone so this holiday challenge is going to be very silly um you might say I have a lot of mods installed but the plan is that every time every five minutes we have the timer running and every five minutes we're gonna spin the wheel so there is 28 mods and or just mod like parts of a mod that will cause certain effects to happen every time we spin the wheel and the game's gonna get increasingly more chaotic and impossible to play and Michael's just to beat the game to try and beat the game while it gets progressively more difficult and more insane of course using scary night for the skiversary but there is there's some mods that help me so there's there's easy mode there's like quick slashes quick dashes there's some things that are helpful but by far most of them are gonna make it harder of course I do have a couple mods on just from the start like this one doesn't even look like that's supposed to be the dab button it doesn't even look like a dab oh shoot I wanted to get this stag but now I don't have money for it we'll just do 80 percent route we'll get it later actually I feel like I kind of want it in case mod chaos happens so let's just get Harold I want to be able to get here easily we need to prepare for the inevitable chaos of the mods that happens in a minute oh I'm not even gonna get to false night oh no okay here it comes I'm just gonna stop here I guess five minutes it's time for the wheel the wheel of torture what are we getting broken legs okay so status effect means every time I fall it's a hard fall that's actually not that bad I can deal with that but in combination with some other ones later it's gonna be annoying I mean it's it's already going to be annoying but ah no okay it's already messing with me a lot oh my God and then I get hit by the enemies in my heartfall no are you kidding me I'm getting like chained because the enemies hit me in the air and then I get hard to follow okay this one actually is really bad I can inventory drop every time any better I'll be honest okay just stay grounded don't end up getting bullied in the middle of these guys I canceled the hard phones without it these strats don't work when you have a broken leg [Applause] this is a speedrunner's nightmare by the way oh no we got a minute 10 left I'm not realizing how much little Ledges and stuff there are like there's not a whole lot of just flat ground I can walk along without hard falling all right 10 minutes here we go of torture or potentially something good [Music] like poorly translated okay poorly translated it's always a good time the game begins hundreds of stones I think I think these have actually changed I think this got like re-translated for 1.5 we can continue now with our badly translated broken legs uh speedrun punishment I mean that is what I'm doing right now I'm sorry I was wrong if you missed it why not come to our Dortmund card shop available for shout Shale at a cheaper price hey oh my God please I hate platforming now platforming sucks pilgrimage route passes through Wang Chen's Lush forests and temples makes every dream come true wait why am I reading I'm gonna waste time we're gonna get another mod on let's go three seconds I'm gonna grab the blue Maybe new mod I'm I got lucky last time it's probably gonna be something bad now [Music] let's go oh back dash that's a new mechanic actually or it's it was in the you know it was in the demo reason watch according to the statistical table it was working when I tested it so I don't know what's going on maybe it's something else oh I don't have Dash in the demo you got it before Dash so that's not that stupid okay oh good yep vertical rooms are the best what does that say I restart oh that's a true speedrunner mentality right there okay I can beat Hornet before the time goes to 20. sub 20 Hornet you're it's supposed to be like a six minute split um logos are probably the safest way to fight with this moment chain pogos let's go I understand dead cells uh are for me RT wait wear a hat and throw it on the ground or in the sky cool come with me I saw the reason our development is sustainable I obey see this is why I left this on as a as an option life it was a forgotten meeting or Greenway all right we almost got a new mod going on I'm just gonna actually go here because otherwise I'll be in a dangerous area there's no way I got lucky three times in a row it's gonna be something bad no this is probably the worst one of the entire thing but basically what this is is uh every certain amount of time it's gonna randomize my key bindings I I very much considered not putting this one on I don't know why I put it on Ken is the max okay we'll do 10. and then I have 10 minutes of safety okay we need to get we need to get a lot done before this happens at least they're on screen I don't have to like try and figure out what they are also I don't think it does movement so I think if I think movement's the same that'll be fine dude I feel like there's gonna be an enemy that's gonna literally just chain me to death like hitting me and then hitting me too fast in the second hit that I can't even like recover in time and then I got chain headed into Hardball oh my God oh my God it's happening right now this is not good okay hurry up [Applause] yes just grab it elephant prayer I understand put it on the back wall let one wall reach the other [Music] small night okay we did get small night so anyways I am small okay where am I going now I may be small but yeah I'm still very heavy I still crashed to Earth every time I fall I have to fight gross another while I'm small of course my nail hitbox is also very small which makes it hard to hit things there we go all right next Mod's gonna be harsh because uh the timer's gonna run out on the keybind reset and we got a new mod can I even do like shade skip right now with all this stuff going on Viv senko Koro that is in sport Cemetery wait what does that say are you a witch or a villain hey where the player is if you've learned magic buy it I heard so loud wait what does that say hear what he has to say what how does that what are you talking how does that translate to that oh you're big still okay dude get up the thing you can't even follow me because I'm too small here we go walking Church oh I don't have hard fall this is so nice this is the best oh God keybind reset keep behind your reset oh God that scared me what the hell that's so loud oh what's jump wait it's a mod reset too [Music] we got a good one Essence always right trigger is jump a is Dash a little tint on the outside accessories for rockers go summer 2011 let me sleep peacefully the worst part about bad translation is I'm wasting a bunch of time reading things like I need to stop it's actually gonna screw with me in the long run oh this is a this is a brilliant section yeah I love this I love many small platforms and heart falling on every single line I can't even get to that one as I jump with the right trigger I understand Dream Nails oh it works exiled liver and nails cut the tent that separates your dreams from reality oh it's wheel time it is time for the wheel [Music] no this is another terrible one so this is uh when you get hit or you can have it on random time you will teleport to a random place what I'm gonna do we're gonna do damage 10 chance on hit that I'll randomly teleport that way there is a chance it'll happen but it's not guaranteed so there's a one in ten chance every time I get hit I'll randomly teleport somewhere yep there's the essence there's Essence always glad that's working just go no the heartfall uh okay where's my shave here no wait yes yes yo watch your night skip let's go well I think the only way to get out of here is to fight Watcher Knights and either get teleported or die oh they didn't even trigger from that side okay bye everyone no no I'm too short to hit the buttons oh God please that's so scary dude okay we're getting a keybind reset and we're getting a mod [Music] yo let's go a good one I need some good ones bees jump RV is Dash and I have angular dashes now I can't remember the buttons these buttons are really screwing with me hello discounted products Halloween characters are fun who knows the five Great Heroes of the empire time for mod it's time for a wheel no I just got money are you kidding me this one is when you get hit you lose money oh no okay I'm gonna put it on a low setting that won't be too terrible so 20 drop Geo percentage but that's 20 of my entire Geo on hit that's still insane you can like pick it back up but geez that's like the lowest I can set it to you if I can just make it to uh resting grounds without getting hit a bunch and losing all my money I might be able to uh get Lantern no my buddy no pick it up pick it up pick it up good luck you go follow me now without saying think I found passion when you waste time your brain is sometimes angry what that's very relatable what the heck that's a very accurate message actually other neighbors are gone we serve and go to the cave below the foundation of our city has long been a great Kingdom rejection also attracts people the richness and elegance of dark reading seems to tell the whole story I want your dream hello the decision is very simple what is important can candles help you or your new friend farmer why two love this great man and light your way okay we got Lantern nice ah scary every time I really don't like keybind Randa it's awful no stop hitting me dude I can't I can't deal with them I can't deal with him what's that what is dash I don't know what dashes I need to get 50 again how much these things drop no my bunny no oh my God what's heal what's heal I don't know anything is and we're adding a new mod this is a disaster we have got any plus one enemies yet those will just stay on the wheel if I get them [Music] yeah let's go sit button I'm so happy we got sit button okay this is what happens when I sit foreign I think small night is ruining the sit oh you can see it you can see it when I'm on the ledge there we go I just stretch what's Dash again I don't know what Dash is I don't know what Dash is why am I out of bounds okay I'm gonna die again I can't get through this room I'm actually stuck I'm actually like stuck here I don't know what to do all right hit it no how are you even here I haven't summoned you yet okay all I want to do is hit the lever and then we can take the easier route and get some money that way that's literally all I'm trying to do right now is hit 11. got it I can kill barrels but we also have a new mod [Music] no we're gonna have to really try and like catch walls and stuff to avoid this but there is now fall damage like you don't get fall damage for just you do you get fall damage for jumping are you serious well I I'm stuck now what do I do how do I get to how do I get to the freaking how do I get here with 50 I can't it's impossible no no no no no no no no no is there any other settings for this to make it less bad there's a worse setting Chad I'm gonna turn this off after a little bit because this is too this is too much where am I why am I here how about this chat if I can manage to make it to Crystal peaks with this mod on I can turn it off look at the strap what do you mean okay that's not fair that's literally not fair it's actually possible I have to turn this one off it's literally impossible or you know what we could do chat you know what we could do that I would actually maybe prefer is we can override the mod it's in it's clashing with so now we have fall damage but not the hard fault it's overriding it okay that's what we'll do here we'll test if it works it works okay we got some money so we're gonna do is we're gonna head this way get the other Geo Rocks here oh we got them I did it mod time oh it's been an hour world record pace [Music] let's go yes we finally got easy mode there's a reason why I put this on here because I knew it was gonna get insane and this was gonna be required so this basically means more Health less you know more health I do more damage and stuff like that everyone ready for podcasts insane okay let's just get a clean run through critiques here if I could remember the buttons and then be on with the rest of our run hopefully I don't know the buttons the buttons are so weird like B jump right trigger slash this isn't Dark Souls advice for clients I have some advice don't do this challenge this is a dumb challenge no the fall damage yeah you know what I'll take a fall damage every now and then over the freaking hard fall every few seconds this is I would rather have this mod on what I don't know what that means point to the floor or wall for accent click on the scroll button and jump in the air okay we're gonna take the any percent route to umu now but of course we're getting a mod in like five seconds so what does it happen attack is normal the bindings are normal and I don't know what to press this is what has happened to me at this point [Music] does this even work with badly translated we need to turn on a hawo knight uh well the title works I don't think anything else worked because I definitely see hello and not hello so I think it didn't work okay we're gonna have to replace badly translated we had a good time with badly translating Stout game teaches oakwives can't stand your furry voice ow what the heck my money I just lost money because I landed on the ground do not despair the second stand places I can't normally stand White no downwards come from why did I die what do you mean why did I die what what happened why am I taking what is happening something broke something broke something broke what is happening if you have no Geo you take like more damage there's a setting for that in fragile purse okay whatever it's fine wait it's a wheel I didn't get anything done I didn't get anything done and it's the wheel already please don't be like an ass fed because I have to fight um enclosed area [Music] okay cool all right so now I can do this wait what holy [ __ ] okay this is op P I didn't know it was this op you know what I'm keeping this no see I told like no matter how much op stuff I have this can still happen to me I just get teleported out of the box games like oh you want to cheat with infinite dashes well we're just gonna screw over in every other conceivable way it's annoying screwed with me it screwed with me I feel like this mod is making it harder for me which is insane because it's infinite air dashes why is it making it harder doesn't help that I'm so tiny you [ __ ] you [ __ ] why am I teleporting so much outside I swear I wasn't teleporting like at all until the swipe no are you kidding me I'm so greedy okay I'll save you grub I'm so freaking greedy I didn't even need to do that I got a wheel God damn it no it's finally happened [Music] prize this hasn't happened yet we have an unkillable aspen following us now no this is bad what's happening okay X what's attack RT and Fireball is RB it's still okay let's go oh I fell in the water what's Crystal Dash I don't know any buttons B this is an awful control scheme did she call you too then I we wise it's no coincidence we arrived to get you Duke mush of my memory is how I'm not reading I'm not really a whole that's there's so much dialogue ah we need to get out of here I asked it how you doing okay one more Dreamer we can do this we can finish the game ah but we also got another mod [Music] oh boy this one will be fun so basically I'm like constantly going to be moving when I'm on the floor why is there goop raining on me go away like I can't stop I'll just keep sliding oh it's you it's you how'd you get here get away from me this is very bad I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this what no you can't teleport me into acid what is that that shouldn't be a thing oh cool 10 chance ah I don't know the Aspen's in the arena damn it can you at least warp me to like Hera there's a chance I just worked to Hera the wheel is so small now plus one big b ixby hi Bigby what's heal again I don't know what heel is I literally don't know what heel is I'm trying to look and I can't this is so bad I can't get past this Arena this is the hardest part in the entire game stop teleporting me here I don't care teleport me to freaking Hera I'm just gonna try and get a lucky uh teleport at this point dude I want to teleport and now I never do what do you are you serious okay we're going deepness throughout this is the last time I spin the wheel I'm not spinning the wheel anymore this is the last wheel I have to reset the game too okay whatever we're done with mods we're good I'll put on gravity mod because gravity Mod's silly and I don't have it yet I just want to finish please please please you know what what else is on what else is on the on the Wheel that I don't have yet let's put on some more silly things Hue shifter on Mash slash on you know what though all charms give me all charms and then put on Rando turn okay we're putting some fun stuff on why is it dark I have Lantern what is that my Lantern is broken chat do you see this my Lantern is breaking but mods are breaking chat I think I have too many mods installed I think we've reached the point where there's too much mobs and everything's breaking now reality is collapsing okay we made it somehow I just squeeze over here you come out here wow would you look at that we had benchwarp unlock all on the whole time wow that's crazy I can't believe we spun that on the Wheel I can't believe we spawned or I can't believe we spun it I can't jump dude I can't talk I can't jump I can't play the video game I just get out of my way dude please why is there no easy way to do this thank you cool dream Shield ah I I would get a nail upgrade game but I don't have money have you bought me any do nail to be honed ah one last keybind to reset for the final fight let's go that's the go away vessel go bounce you shall know the state of the world how Wellness will be hot stop interrupting me oh of course we got you just fall out of bounds does that mean we win where am I so I don't know if we're gonna be able to defeat this fight yeah I think uh gravity mod kind of breaks his fight a little bit I don't know if I'll be able to do this are you coming back you're back I see her oh you find your way back to me yes I have do you know this this challenge freaking sucks and I'm never gonna finish it and this is as far as I get that's all I want to tell you all right Chad I think it's over I don't think we're doing this [Music] I think the fact we made it this far it's uh impressive enough so uh instead of beating this how about we uh we do something fun foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone welcome to my slideshow as you can see I'd like to demonstrate how hollow Knight mods have gotten too absurd lately and we really need to tone it down uh I think these slides are a good representation of that and yeah that's really all I came here to show you today and now I will proceed to uh I guess die in negative five frames per second
Channel: Skurry
Views: 414,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Gh0rrVj1VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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