Everest Base Camp Trek Without a Guide! | October 2023

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we made it to Everest Base Camp after very very hard 10 days in this video I'm going to show you everything we've been through how hard it was and all the tips and tricks for this track we made it to the [Music] [Music] top [Music] h you like to get a entry permit for every space camp track please give your passport and 3,000 rupees for each people do you need photos or no no no no all right we got our permits that was easy they gave us m m as well so we are not going to get [Music] lost [Music] we are on our way to saler for 6 hours our Jeep picked us up at 4:00 a.m. and we circled around in Katmandu for 3 hours to pick up the other passengers now the road is blocked for some reason it's like Coachella here we are waiting to enter the festival area [Music] we made it to saleri after 14 hours of Jeep drive it was incredibly bumpy noisy it was the hardest thing that we've ever done so far we are exhausted it's not that kind of Transportation where you can sleep or rest or whatever it's constantly bubbling trying to hold your place this is our room in saler we have hot shower tea food everything here this is our Shera Shati it's contain salt milk ghe butter butter okay all the energy and everything it looks like a medieval scary movie we are inside the cloud this is our second day and it is raining it was raining all night not really good weather for hiking that's why we are going to take another Jeep ride to boa [Applause] today are on a break now I'm glad that we took the right because the road was incredibly muddy if we walk that road all of our cloths were going to get covered with mud I think we're still going to have that days of Muddy rainy weather yeah but I don't want to get muddy on the first day and I don't want to try to wash them because for sure they are not going to get dry the next day [Music] I think in that chip I got beaten by a Lech I have high temperature right now and I feel dizzy few moments ago I wasn't even a able to walk straight [Applause] [Music] really okay we made it tosa after sitting in a very small Jeep with 10 other people crammed up like a can of sardines and being shaken like a bottle of D perion and also I got beaten by a leech but I think my fever is gone right now still I'm not in my greatest condition so now we are hiking up to find the hotel looks nice thank you so what I'm eating is dbat which is the basic traditional Nepali food it's just pure carbohydrates lentil and rice without any meat or fat at all good for hiking good morning good morning this is our third day and we are leaving BSA behind and I can to wherever we can I feel a bit better compared to morning I don't have a fever anymore but I don't feel perfectly healthy as well M workers you going to school huh snake snake we are having a break now and I think we are very near to 3,000 M altitude in Nepal it does doesn't count as a mountain if it's not above 4,000 M so technically all of these are including this one are just Hills it's wild raspberries we could eat them but our dam don't want he's afraid I'm afraid too we made it to a village named puya I guess the names are a bit hard here and weather is changing so rapidly it was very sunny in the morning and I changed three t-shirts because I was sweating a lot now it became a bit chilly yeah the clouds are very low here the humidity is very high was pushing me from the back did I should move faster the road is just incredibly muddy here and these poor donkeys are doing a very hard [Applause] work hello can we pet you oh okay okay vegetable uh vegetable vegetable Paradise yeah yeah yeah thank you T T T CH t t yeah black te black tea yes thank you okay we are on our midday break I'm exhausted I think I'm going to die here it is much harder than I imagined my neck can you hold it huh can you hold it yeah it is you it's just really hard to understand whether it's raining or not it's raining but at the same time it's not raining enough to wear rain jackets I don't know but we will continue hiking for 3 hours or so this is a perfect place to slip and break your leg you know but an open won break locals are going up and down these tracks every day and some of them are wearing only slippers and also carrying crazy amount of weight by holding the weight with their heads and they're also walking much faster than us only by wearing slippers you shouldn't trust your gear it's like having a better guitar doesn't make you a better musician I think we are going to that Village but I think also you cannot see it until this time I was being careful not to step on a donkey poop but after the rain all the mud and Donkey poop got mixed so I don't care anymore when the dys are passing you shouldn't stay by the cliff because they can push you there and you can fall another thing is to bring an umbrella instead of a rain jacket because I got really sweaty a lot inside the rain jacket and it can make you very very sick you should follow the locals and all the locals are carrying an umbrella we have a blockade here I don't know how to communicate with them looks like it is a strike can you move that way please uh maybe this way a bit do you know how to talk to them no on on apparently I don't yeah it's not moving at all don't okay thank you you need to be a local to talk to a donkey after 9 hours of hiking from BSA we made it to yeah this vage is we going to stay here let me so proud of you we made it we booked this room for 200 rupes which is I know $1 is 131 rupes so but as I understand rooms are cheap around here but uh food is expensive taking shower I'm taking shower and you recording me what the hell this accommodation really gave me the feeling of EBC track we have no electricity no internet nothing and we are not given any blankets so we are going to sleep in our sleeping box this is our fourth day and we are leaving Su behind headed to P thing or maybe if we can do it we will try to reach more bjo but maybe it's a beautiful day no clouds I feel okay we will start the hike with going up to 3,000 M again because yesterday at the end of the hike we just walked down a lot and we are again at 2,300 M altitude so we will go back up to 3,000 the first half of the day is going to be hard again and for accommodations we are not pre-booking any accommodation because these lodges don't use any online services for bookings so you just have to crash in and hope for the [Music] [Music] best so it looks like frescos are not only in [Music] Italy today we are passing through so many beautiful Villages they are all very calm and peaceful all surrounded by very high mountains we already saw a couple of high peaks with snow on them we have handrails here the municipality of kumbu is working good for taxpayers we are having a break to eat Mountain Man trackers fuel this is the way actually but for some reason spiritually have to Circle this every day we are just going up to go down for the first half of the day we only went up it was a very steep ascent and know it took half of our day and now we are going down [Applause] we made it to Ping and I don't think that I have energy to continue so we are going to stay here this is our fifth day and now we are having a breakfast I'm eating uh omelette on top of Tibetan bread Tibetan bread is is uh a bit crunchy there's a lot of air inside and not salty at all we are leaving paring behind with the hope of reaching namcha Bazar today let's see if we can do it I feel like I recovered from my illness I feel good today one of the hardest days I think it's before reaching namcha Bazar it's going to be a very steep Ascent it will be very hard the track became totally something else now we have a lot of traffic they are a bit freaked out and it's a chaos here now in previous days we were hiking incredibly slowly actually but now we are running to skip the crowds because it's a bit annoying to wait for everyone so until Bank car we literally ran I think in every village there is a lodge named Everest Lodge and hotel sharpa yeah I think the copy office is not working here so we are getting our track cards and I don't know other documents there is a model here let's check it out this is n and we are going to follow this stke and this is the people all right we stopped for a break right before the Ascend of namcha [Music] Bazar I'm so hungry we pass on Ancient fairgate we are moving towards the namcha Bazar The Climb started with stairs the worst the worst of the worst they're going to follow the porters and take a shortcut let's see if it's a good idea or not cuz it looks very steep it was a bad idea D have no power to talk I feel you one last climb and we will be there but it will be a killer blow [Music] finally we made it to namcha Bazar it is so beautiful here and even in a busy place like this we found a room very easily but I can say that the prices are doubled up here it's I think worth it the building quality and everything is much better so we will have a very good sleep here they have an espresso machine here and it's brought here by helicopter can you believe that you don't need to spin these anymore because they are powered by water now we are walking around namcha Bazar and it feels so good to walk without any extra weight the exchange rates in namcha Bazar are exactly the same with kando they don't charge you extra for this remote area well ATM is not working I wasn't expecting to see an ATM here anyway it is also interesting to know that how they run this ATM machine at all because there are no roads so how they are bringing the cash and I know checking the machine if it's working properly or not I think it's a lot of trouble what I don't know we just throw your hoodi what are they you got C look how fluffy and good they are keep I think you can buy more than you need here there is everything kitchen sink so this together yes we don't need that let's go out I think it will be place is really much bigger than I expected they're walking around and I think we are going to get lost very soon yeah coffee is good but I feel that I'm paying for the helicopter as well let's see what is waiting for us I think I can feel the smell of that snow which is not visible anymore we are doing our last shoppings before leaving Nam Bazar we bought another rain coat and an umbrella finally and it's raining a bit very little we are not staying here for another day for acclimatization acclimatization a climatization day a climatization day because I think we've been in the mountains for 5 days and we've been about 3,000 M two times after BSA so I think we are good I start to feel altitude we went so good yesterday and it's so hard today some we are stopping every second to take photos of videos because it's incredibly beautiful back there and we are not making a progress at all look at the colors of these grasses and Stones it looks like we are in the movie Set of Lord of drinks Misty and dark [Applause] hello hello is there anyone okay we found them they are [Music] here look at the elevation profile ahead of us it looks like a taxi driver's equalizer he'll go down and for rest of the day he'll just hike kber right yes wow okay look at the size of the Cucumber don't touch my cucumber that's a lot of right there and that's even more right here this Village is just covered with completely all buildings all walls even Windows if you don't know why they are doing this they are burning it to to get warm in [Music] winter clouds are constantly being formed down there and they are going up we can really see it from here look at these ones is this going to pass over us I guess hello okay [Music] hello Namaste how are you good yeah so beautiful yeah we came all the way down here for just across this bridge can you believe that we were about almost 4,000 M today now all this effort is gone it's like we are starting from [Music] zero after an extremely hard hike we made it to the Silent Hill Tang there's a very big and beautiful monaster here how is it uh same it's okay we have elect to included yeah we are staying I don't want to go anywhere anyway on De this is our spacious room it's actually bigger than the rooms that we ever been before yeah it even has a table put our stuff as we go up the prices are indeed going up as well but actually the quality of service is getting better and better here in this restaurant they have an oven you can even order lasagna they have all kinds of pizzas and they have a bakery here they have espresso machine and they served us hot towels was a very nice touch I think the service is really getting better here this is our seventh day we are in Tango and look at that all the CLS are gone and can you believe that the CLS were able to cover this gigantic mountains I cannot believe that you couldn't see any of these yesterday it would be so unlucky if you couldn't see anything today as well charging your things here can be a bit tricky because all the electric plugs in hotels or whatever you call this accommodations are very very loose they are not able to hold your adapter is this working yeah it's like Jenga game okay I see can see mine is not working this is mine yes our 7eventh Day hike officially began we are going down a bit to deuch and then we will gradually Ascend but I think it's not going to be hard so it's a beautiful day but very cold very cold day I think it's very early now it was very cold at night and very beautiful at Sunrise until this time even though I think every day was cloudy yesterday I realized that I got T A Lot looks like our Japanese friends were right to cover themselves even the weather is cloudy few more paks visible there but so far away I don't know if it's visible on the camera but it looks very beautiful I feel very good today I feel like I can't Summit ever maybe I should [Music] try we are at somare and this is our first lunch above 4,000 m it is really hard to adjust your clothes here because the weather is changing very rapidly it can become extremely Sunny that can literally burn your skin in a second and after 5 Seconds it can be super cold and cloudy you are constantly trying to adjust your clothes wearing jacket taking off jacket and of course to be able to do this you have to take off your back as well until you take off your jacket it becomes cloudy and cold again or I don't know vice versa it's a bit annoying we made it to ding until the last Ascent again similar story it was actually enjoyable hike but the last one again killed me always the same story you have to cross a bridge and to be able to cross that bridge of course you need to hike down as down as the river level and go up from there ah it was a killer but we nailed it when you're are trying to choose an accommodation from the outside they all look like this you know Stone buildings but when you go in in the end you end up in a ndf crappy something so they all look a bit fake to me at some point okay let's try this one this is our Eighth Day we are in DB we are having our acclimatization day weather is bad we were supposed to hike actually today like a short hike go up and down and come back the visibility incred is incredibly low before we come here we saw on the internet that it was banned to hike Everest Bas Camp without a guide but that's not the case it is October 4th 2023 and we are doing it without the guide I think there is a major Hotel over Supply around here because I think this Everest Base Camp track this business is booming so every hotel is constantly under constru rtion building new units new rooms new floors they are a bit like Labyrinth you shouldn't worry about that you know you won't be able to find the room and you will stay on the street and this is certainly not going to happen and I think hotels are getting better and better toilet conditions are much better than what I saw on the internet I haven't even seen a squad toilet since L airport and every Hotel provided us blankets so I don't know why we are carrying our sleeping bags because they are very big and heavy before arriving to lla in villages like BSA or Sur they are not that touristic so you won't get any blankets we started our acclimatization hike we will go up to that Ridge behind me it is raining a lot it's not going to be a pleasant one but we need to do it I think we'll just go up a few hundred met go back to our hotel and have a hot cup of tea huh did I get stop oh no it's not all right I think this is as far as I'm planning to go I know I don't have any symptoms of altitude sickness so far actually I feel like I could just straight go up to the base camp it's good to be precautious I would really appreciate it if we get some views you know I'm not doing this for the sport yeah I say it's set this is our 9th day we are leaving dingbo heading for luch we feel good both of us we are healthy the weather is a bit better but still far from perfect I don't think that it's going to be a hard hike today but I think in the next few days we will struggle with altitude a bit and cold yeah it's very cold today we are having a VI for sure we are completely surrounded by many many mountains but I'm trying to imagine how beautiful it can be without clouds I mean they're beautiful with cloths if they are not completely covered with cloths I think it's fine yeah yeah in Italy they build their Cathedrals incredibly massive so you're going to feel yourself very insignificant against the divine power of God so I think same applies here and look at that [Music] how are you tired uh I think I'll get tired in five minutes when we'll start to climb here We Are Climbing a very steep slope for the last two hours it's really hard to breathe I'm taking my steps as small as [Music] possible at some point everything is useless I think we are very close to the stop of today's track I can see the top but it's really hard to reach there you just need to make it up there it's very close we made it to the top we will still continue hiking of course but this was the highest point that we are going to get so [Music] beautiful all right we are having our rest at the memorium of Mountaineers who lost their lives during various Everest Expeditions you don't know the whereabouts the bodies of these people but for sure some of them are still on Mount Everest [Music] you might be seeing the first views of Everest from here I know our compass and GPS says so but I'm not sure okay we are not seeing it but it's supposed to be that [Music] way we made it to [Music] luch so there ah yeah the first part was nice and easy and we were surrounded by very beautiful view we still are but it was hard part yeah I really start to feel the LA of oxygen this day today my back became something very heavy I canot SC it anymore it really feels different we want tomorrow and heat different there is a very big Bo behind this clouds but that goddamn cloud is not moving at all for the last 1 hour and we are officially above 5,000 m the elevation of this Village is 5,030 m M ah and you can't really feel it I'm drinking ginger tea I'm busy with dying here wow it was a hell of a track but we have still we have the view from our room so that mountain behind the clouds was lot we have spectacular view but we don't have energy to watch the we we are taking a stroll in luche it is very cold and dry here and in luch I really feel the lack of oxygen the lack of oxygen makes you really slow I know if I take a couple of fastpac steps I think I'll will be out of breath very shortly and I want to talk about our crazy plan for tomorrow tomorrow we are going to leave very early around 6:00 a.m. we are going to eat very light and we are not taking our BS we will leave the BS here and we will go to Everest Base Camp from luche I know we will take our photos videos whatever we will see the base camp hopefully and we will come back to luche the same day I wanted to do this because also I'm backs are very heavy and at this altitude they take half of our energy it's really hard to carry them we'll be much more better without them let's see if the plan [Music] works it is a different world here really it looks like it is Mars or I don't know and another planet and also it is very very very cold my iPad is not working properly because of the cold I hope the camera will work tomorrow I rely on you [Music] sonny we just came from our dinner and the restaurant was full of people like I've never seen before and people were sleeping on the chairs there were Mountain BS all around I think everywhere is fully booked and some of the people has to stay in the restaurant tonight and I know having a good sleep is very crucial for this thing I don't know how they're going to continue like this but looks like we done good by not having a lunch break today we just ran to luch from dingbo straight we came to luche at 2:00 p.m. and we are lucky with the room even though the room is horrible actually but at least we have it this is our 10th day the big day we are leaving luch behind and going for base camp it is a perfect day there are no clouds at all the sky is perfectly clear and we can see all the snow Peaks all around look at that the sun is rising over there it is very cold even the grass is Frozen the time is 6:05 so you'll try to come back before 5 5 yeah because the weather gets horrible after 5 I could not ask for a better weather I think we will see Everest today [Music] all right sun came up it's not really warming but it is blinding it's the strongest Sun I have ever seen I can feel my pulse all over my body it's hard I'm glad that we not take that back I have no idea how this port are carrying these 50 kg loots so [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] gak ship is there the last station before Everest space camp we made it I have a headache I can't live with it so the time is 8:40 right now uh we made it here in 2 hours 40 minutes I'm going to show you ever right now actually it looks very small from here because of the perspective Everest is still so far away but it is I I cannot see the screen but I think it's this one between two mountain tops there's a rich and two mountain Toops the Everest is the one at behind it doesn't look like it's the highest point in the world but it is so far away [Music] [Music] e [Music] we made it almost but I think from here is better view it's just down there oh God I want to cry it is so beautiful yeah not at the peak of the world but very clost it I hope on video it's still that massive it's in real life oh my [Music] God so good to be here mission accomplished I think my headache is gone after making it here I'm happy as a child all right I'm going to finish the video here with the view of kumbu Glacier or what's left of it it's coming from up there and going down all the way into this Valley but yeah it's melting thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it it was a very big challenge for us I'm very happy that we made it h if you have questions write down in the comment section see you on the next [Music] video finally made it I think I'll have best sleep in my life tonight I hope so I can't believe this but we made it back to luch what is time I think it's been 10 [Music] hours yeah it's been 10 hours the Eagles of gondal did not come to take [Music] us looks like it is every day like this
Channel: Erdem Ulubaş
Views: 11,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everest base camp without guide, everest base camp without flight, everest base camp trek 2023, everest base camp trek, everest base camp, ebc trek, everest base camp trek cost, everest base camp hike, everest base camp vlog, everest base camp trek kara and nate, everest base camp trekking, everest base camp trek solo, ebc trek 2023, ebc trekking 2023, mount everest base camp trek 2023, hiking to everest base camp without a guide, everest base camp trek without flight to lukla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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