EVEN MORE Movement FPS - FUNKe Study

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a movement fps there's a video game with movement and first person all caught up cool this is my fourth video on the genre but it's also technically my third and given no good movement game ever reaches the number three i'm gonna pull a superstitious card here and avoid all rule of thirds for the remainder of this video i said all this is gonna be like a bunch of small videos and a trench coat they're gonna pull out a bat labeled pacing whiplash and i'm not gonna tell them to stop swinging but i'll stand by with a niko forces card to patch you up and with her boxes like these that might be pretty often a few big changes a bit the scene of this genre here's the quickfire updates hyperscape servers officially shut down i can see a lot of you thinking what's hyperscape so if you're wondering why it died well there's your answer paladins is still going strong and it adds new champions about as often as a guitarist loses their picks with a pretty similar rate of old ones showing up again right when they already bought replacements we'll talk more about that later though titanfall 2 has been going through some deja vu deja vu hey is this book a reprint why'd it happen though who knows maybe it's because deja vu deja boo yeah i've definitely read this before if you haven't already you should still play the game's campaign mode whatever conceptions you have about militaristic sci-fi games don't mean nothing here titanfall 2 is such a distinct take on the genre i feel like you're not listening to me i feel like i think i i don't think you really get it let me write it on a beach if light's easy when jack c lapse backpacks intersect with that my effect is all the causes actually for me i call it protocol 3 i know i'm contradicting everything i said initially but i'm always counting on the gauntlet so i need three of the axes to account the scale of my gvc crush streams like titans could destroy walls why would they cut that and some titans are exclusive to the campaign like brood is i do not like rapping through this so i won't the actual settings go hard as hell too like this giant active factory line or the traversible past and present of a research building still not sold yet consider the following this ain't just a campaign tacked onto a multiplayer game it's the onion ring you find in a bag of fries that elevates your meal into are you still listening to this metaphor go play the campaign silly for what it's worth i haven't had too much trouble queuing for multiplayer as of this recording but it's also mid-sale and after that's over good luck finding a healthy match a lot of the veteran scenes migrated to the community game client called northstar it's pretty great seeing people pick up the pieces of an unmaintained franchise gives me hope that community content will exist long after the afterlife of i swear this book was new in the store oh god there's five more now i don't have the shelf space for this [Music] [Music] this guy's going the wrong way there's an arrow on the ground yeah a bit over a month ago i got into the gundam evolution beta test i put in a solid dozen hours but i didn't record any of that so you and me we're just going to pretend this footage i joined is totally me playing it's an amalgamation of every competitive shooter on the market it's hero based with cs style game modes mecha suits and kind of janky movement why are you looking at me gundams feel like a grab bag of five mechanics you vaguely heard of before slapped together under one evangelion here's tracer pistols torbjorn turret and a mercy heel beam you can use all three at once we'll throw in flight for good measure because unlike nuance movement abilities are now obligatory honestly i'm kind of tired of the design philosophy of everyone as a power weapon ultimate because when everyone's super nobody is but that didn't stop me from getting a kick out of it dash movement has this bob and weave flow to it that meshes well with the braley gundam abilities the combat's fun the actual maps you play on are objective funnels with you guessed it uphill offenses and long respawn rollouts daring today aren't we there's not many ways to think outside the box you can't even think above the box because prop collision doesn't let you stand on top of them i know the draw of gundams isn't the fact they're huge entities but they really do feel like normal sized dudes running around a map with tiny props on it even though you're technically giant there's no sense of scale because nothing tiny ever interacts with the gameplay it's a shame no game exists that illustrates how scale could be utilized as a gameplay mechanic with multiple size classes of entities very directly interacting with each other oh yeah it does exist and you still haven't played it for some reason it's called godzilla destroy all monsters anyways if you like games that feel like every other game minus any distinct iteration then truthfully gundam's pretty fun beta is as beta does so that could change i just think it's done when games pay while playable characters especially when they all have such forgettable names you can't remember who is who to begin with so two of them are sequels to gundams that aren't actually in the game four of them have gundam in their name one is just named gundam another is turn a gundam that's just the sentence there's gun tank i actually like gun tank it's probably going to be another victim of the mecca curse and if it's not i'll probably play it a few more times hey cool split gates back oh halo infinite finally came out and there's a lot to say about it [Music] a lot of cool indie demos have dropped in like usual i want to bring up all the ones i really got a kick out of two words turbo over kill let me try that again chain saw leg whatever occasionally you find a game so cool all you have to do is describe it objectively to sell someone on it i'm sliding around a skatepark with a smart pistol and i should probably reiterate a chainsaw strap to my leg it's a surprisingly thorough movement system there's sliding dashing and then there's slide dashing there's wall running there's running on the wall there's blast jumping a mostly impractical mechanic that occasionally makes a clever shortcut for anyone replaying the game and the texture art in this game phenomenal there's these fun sliding spots but you got to be cautious where you're sliding because if you go into an explosive barrel with um your chainsaw leg the maps are open but they're not room locked so you really do feel like you're exploring like you're getting rewarded for finding secret spots high above the room you're so egregiously overpowered and over mobile if you catch on to that quick there's some fascinating area skips to accidentally pull off because you were just going too [ __ ] fast i guess weapon mechanics are a mix of familiar with the lower threshold of only the fun stuff there's no fluff it goes right to the good part each little pause in the action is like a tree like a roller coaster inching up to the top of another drop just on the off chance someone involved with the game sees this my only feedback is that the demo has a few bugs on replay where required events occasionally don't trigger unless you manually set them up by pulling out the weapon you were supposed to unlock before it's a demo so fun my first critique only materialized after a second playthrough like usual i'm not putting a rating on a shorter demo but yeah you should probably play it severed steel when played straight out of the box is like a mashup of beer's grunt assassination with the hyper mobility of whatever take your pick see i bring up fear because similar to it early on you end up in these liminal situations of not knowing where to go in an excess of indistinguishable hallways and locked doors if that were the whole game this would be a pretty different review but then you find the arm cannon then it becomes a whole new game nearly everything and every one is destructible at the hands of your wealth hands there's a limited supply of terrain breaking shots but you refill them by siphoning energy off mechanically packing enemies which produces these intense siches of chasing a yidded ragdoll across hellfire now and then i would see a jump and think oh i can't make that and then i break new ground the mantra here is if you can't take a door make a door severed steel doesn't want you to play it the right way i don't even think a right way exists some levels that could take you i don't know a dozen tries to beat could also be completed before i finish this sentence because ultimately every goal is a whole maybe the most valid simplification of this game is that it does a lot with a little the story is coherent but not captivating the audio design's serviceable but not commendable the level design well let's just say this is supposed to be a laptop this is tree tree tree tree tree there's levels that are teleporter-centric destruction-centric ones there's one where you collect a crowbar a golden gun and very funny but nobody would ever wear that severed steel excuse my language here carves out a niche for itself pretty well if that wasn't enough it's also got a mostly intuitive stage builder running through beta already as is customary in my culture i use this to build a comically over scale two fort it's a mashup of inspirations that really do end up as more than the sum of their parts super hot john wick i'm even getting an aroma of metroid prime in there somewhere i've gotta keep you people on your toes here i'm rating in spotify sessions during the last steam nexfest a demo dropped called neon white the easiest explanation for it is a platform shooter where cards function as both your weapon and your movement ability ergo if you eat through your ammo you eat through your movement ability too i especially dig the rocket launcher doubling as a grapple and since killing every enemy on stage is mandatory you have to make quick work of them while under pressure of not missing your next jump there's also a you're my sass game man the darkness to my light non gameplay half to this demo as well i know you don't remember but you were once a great teacher mr white i guess it's pulling inspiration from visual novels i could overanalyze its reliance on anime archetypes and write the game off or i could just write you a sticky note being a speedrun platformer the stages are all fast with differing central mechanics the better levels are tricky puzzles involving kill order and ammo conservation while the weaker ones are pretty straightforward gameplay padding between hair color personality the show can't believe god himself decided to bless me with the thing i love most obtuse symbolism it's interesting to hold multiple weapon types and have to decide on the fly which to burn in which to use later it's less about emergent solutions and more about memorizing what works but finding that order is the name of the game there's a pretty scalable gameplay loop and cast the characters here to flesh out i'm not totally sold on the latter and the former hinges on how much the latter either improves or how often i'll have to mash through the ladder to get to the former preferably the former of the ladder rather than the ladder of the former basically worst case scenario it's still pretty cool no raiding and there we go i'm glad we're through the indie game section there's actually a few more of these i want to talk about [Music] i can't find the hoop are you the hoop grapple hoops is one of the coolest pitches with not the coolest final result and i would say more but there's not enough content here to reach a second sentence so instead of stopping i'm gonna make this a run on because that's what playing this game feels like and also repeating the same level 20 times with different buildings doesn't strike me as compelling progression comma especially since the game introduces no new hazards objectives or interactables after the first level semicolon in fact the game jumped from demo to final results so fast it's clear a lot of qol never reached the product comma i get the vibe this came from a younger game dev and i want to be constructive because it's a cool concept they just need to know bosses or sandbags levels feels like someone randomly placed hoops around a unity prefab and called it a day so all in all if you felt like this sentence needed any of the following colon tempo shifts structural formatting so-called quotation marks or any other breath of air then congrats you also understand the value of changing level design so each one doesn't blend into each other in other words i rated the not rad ratitude tracks in a bingo rack with racks candy stacks maybe the devil turn it around and i'm only rating it at all because the game released with the price tag when it shouldn't happen plenty of games want you to beat them as fast as possible but you actually let you move as fast as physically possible cyber hook is an exception your entire goal is to go fast me say word you've got a grapple a peashooter and lots of blocks with different properties yellow ones can't be grappled purple ones can't be touched red ones can't be grappled or touched glassy blocks can be passed through green blocks can be destroyed pink blocks can be recruited as party members totems can change block properties every level's got multiple paths right slow and steady or any percent gamer mode this speaks a personal question within you are you the type of person to mash the restart button the second you miss a grapple or are you the kind of course correct at the last possible moment to keep going there's a time stop mechanic but using it doesn't slow down the timer so there's a trade-off and truthfully the best of the best will never have to use this at all i use it you'd figure with so few mechanics the game would have a limited scope but there's a lot of memorable platforming types bunny hopping swinging monkey bars some are just dodging there's a story here but the game forgot to tell it so i forgot to remember it it's hard to preach to you the appeal of mindless speedrunning if you're not already familiar with those parkoury games like it doesn't matter what it's like really it's fun [Music] what a great example of a grapple game with lots of tricks up its sleeve not exactly a substantive use of your time but then again you're on youtube right now aren't you some levels are absolutely heinous they'll leave you with a grudge the rest of them are fast me like fast speed word go rate pacific daydream better than remember still bad end [Music] play ultrakill at least that's what a lot of indie devs are doing these days the influence of ultrakill seems to be more and more prevalent across my recommendations page i've already talked about this masterpiece before and i have an led picture frame displaying its live twitter feed next to my bed so the first thing i can do every morning is caress it longingly but i haven't talked about the ripple effect it's been having across smaller game devs ultrakill obviously hasn't pioneered so many concepts as much as it has just standardized a certain vibe and for all i know a lot of this is parallel thinking but let's be honest a paladin's character ricocheting a bullet off a coin who's to say where it came from maybe someone on the team recently watched winchester 73 or maybe paladins took something from another game as for indies there's plenty of demos that sample ultrakill's art style combat style music style basically everything except the literal style meter funnily enough which ultrakill itself didn't even invent alright i get it i think for smaller upcoming devs there is utility to reverse engineering your favorite games there's still a line between homage and forgery but speaking as a player at least i like to look at it constructively reverb despite its surface appearance of being a pretty on-the-nose ultrakill clone i mean yeah you got a ground pound and a dash and two weapon types and unapologetically counterfeit particles and break beat metal music for your ultimate you punch your bullet come on you're not making this an easy introduction even though it's really really blatant game dev fan fiction i also see a lot of promising iteration here for example weapon recoil is in itself a movement mechanic either repelling you upwards or sucking you inwards depending on a specific weapons mode mobility is totally uncapped so you can bounce off walls indefinitely or b hop across wide open sections also there are npcs who can say funk that's almost mechanical at this point ironically the coolest parts of this game are the parts that aren't trying so hard to replicate a formula but since so much of it is i think it's fair to lovingly draw a few observations in ultrakill levels either have physical hazards that influence player movement or they have non-combat objectives that influence player pacing there's room lock but sometimes you can just [ __ ] skip past it entirely and other times the room ends so fast you don't even think of it as a roadblock basically you're always asked to do something or be mindful of something that can't be overcome just by shooting it reaver demo at least as of this video is only about the combat and when the rooms have nearly no active hazards on top of locking every single door behind a combat sequence all that movement starts to feel superfluous here's one more observation ultrakill doesn't just spawn every enemy back to back every room every wave mostly sometimes there's intentional simplicity to it the times it does throw everything which is sparse there's usually a catch like double guns in an elongated hallway meanwhile i feel like reaver just constantly throws sinks at me and then stares at its wrist watch until i kill them all i still can't tell which stick it's trying to curve into is it a platformer is it story driven until i have more context it's hard to visualize the bigger picture here that separates it from you know who there's a personality here buried underneath all its copied mannerisms maybe the same can be said of us all deep down and there it is our indie roundup for the dip actually one more word rogue likes it's not often you see a mix of this genre with arena shooter just robo quest ziggurat two missed hunter tower of guns immortal redneck bpm boyd bastard's mother gunship strafe how many is that nine shoot uh nightmare reaper and carlson there i said it if i stopped to write a page for every one of these games i found i'd spend every day of my life playing them and every other day writing about them no thank you i'll settle for six days a week thank you very much just know that whatever amount of movement shooters you think there are the barrel always goes deeper for now i'm setting a cutoff point for myself and moving to the next section just know that me mentioning a game and passing doesn't mean i won't eventually talk about it in depth it's more like a public reference for me to point to and say yeah i know that game thanks for commenting about it [Music] maps ham a game is only as good as its maps last paladin's map three years ago siege three years ago citation valiant two years ago overwatch three years ago citation whether or not it's a result of remote working lots of games are making less maps and more characters cosmetics etc one by-product of this is you get lots of things to play as but less places to play them nine new agents three new maps ten new champions zero new maps four new heroes two new maps and no cool they removed one this isn't just economics though yeah maps are a huge workload to make but there's another creeping factor to their production competitive viability if developers bleed all their time into a map only for it to be totally rejected in high-level play well then what's the point of making it at all right at least that feels like the common philosophy of clash fbs these days the maps we do get are usually slight iterations with formulaic choke points and objectives and only during rare specific events do we get anything remotely experimental i'm not even talking about a specific game by the way this pretty globally applies to most team shames now there's this one game i liked i was cb standings on the cb stand and it was seedier than speedy meaty feeding sprees please cannon fodder standings understand this and wonder what changed these devils turned your levels into video cats all the same i don't mean to win duress but this comp could decompress i guess they revel in the levels made for high level guess sometimes it's nice to break away in particular i'm a fan of doomsday and watergate and payload race i'll play past time when q times accelerate dig through the rock the weeds and degroot underneath it's a truth made to please not to appease views i'll try to state it in a simpler way the maps these games made were mostly made for ranked play maybe we could get more casual experimental no innuendo and hopefully it ends well i lost consciousness i didn't rap did i this keeps happening overwatch 2 more like oh 042 to me this is the most fun state the game's been in since uh honestly it's the most fun state the game's been in stun mechanics are mostly cut main tank was actually given a speaking role in the play and maybe most notably of all is a fundamental reassessment of its map design 2cp is at best completely absent and at where slightly absent but majorly reworked by contrast a new game mode called push was introduced it's a tug of war where one objective can be moved to the end of either team's route if you think about it hard enough this could even be considered a form of 5 cp interesting very interesting everyone's got an opinion but personally i really like it the removal of a second tank and the general acceleration of pacing has basically made the flank more practical to use than before where every fight would usually culminate in a dog pile on the objective the game is still nothing but a dog pile on the objective but at least now that objective isn't one static position with the same vantage points every push since it moves across the stage every push is generally a little different than the one before it since push goes two ways that almost means you aren't stuck on hard offense or defense for the entire round if you can help it it's probably overwatch's most dynamic game mode to date that's not the same as being flawless but with a historical president like this good start if i were to cherry-pick deeper into overwatch's map design i would say that having such a widely dps centered balance results in what i'd call the stage play effect tank stand in the tank spot healers move to the healer spots in the dps chase wherever the spotlight is pointed this problem is why i stopped playing overwatch one and while it's thankfully downplayed in the redux beta there's still this constant sense of where you should and shouldn't be on the map if you should be somewhere you might hear a fellow actor say great job wait let me finish great job remembering that line tree mane there's generally a reward for creative use of movement abilities but it doesn't make any effort to reward creative navigation given a lack of movement abilities basically if you're orisa you're not going to find a clever shortcut up a wall no matter how hard you look at it generally tanks aren't as shield centric anymore a critically massive development but it's still pretty clear the better picks are high mobility high damage absorption tanks while the actual braley area control ones are left in the dust i'm not saying more flexible map design would change that but if you really wanted to buff these characters without outright buffing these characters occasional shortcuts up to high ground or standable props seems fair to me overwatch redux whatever you want to call it is not four years of work it's not a finished product and maybe worst of all it's still a casual game restructured into an esport by devs who are either too micromanaged to address that or just outright too disconnected to ever address it either way i'm not much better since i'm still giving the game and company free attention whatever buffering give arisa more skins please that's about the extent of my opinion i'm gonna go play paladins now [Music] every time i boot this up it seems like they've added a new champion in fact while i was writing this they added a new champion i can't say the same for maps which is wild given how active development is otherwise there's even nine unfinished maps catching dust in the files if there's a reason behind this well your guess is as good as mine it's not like modern siege is that perfect of a map type it's like 5 cp but whoever wins mid becomes a permanent attacker for the round to top it off there's egregious sight lines flanks that rarely split from the main area an arguable amount of over mobility and on top of all that there's nothing particularly dynamic about the objective it feels like paladins has mechanically outgrown its game modes but the map design hasn't adjusted for it i couldn't pin down why this was the case until i learned about old paladins way back in the alpha days siege mode looked something like this three lanes each with a middle control point whichever team captured a point would push a payload to the end of said lane while destroying three gates along the way meanwhile whichever team lost the lane would attempt to destroy that payload before it got to the end of it also while not widely present you would find multiple levels of elevation to position on this era of paladins didn't reach the final cut siege mode got simplified down to a single midpoint a non-destructible payload and the total removal of gates when you consider new siege as one remnant of an earlier game mode that kind of makes sense i got curious whether jairez would ever attempt a reintroduction of its old game mode after all it sounds pretty dynamic and cool compared to new siege well it turns out the answer is sort of yes they call it siege beyond beyond what your expiration date no i'm just palin the siege is now destructible by defenders and moves forward no matter what until it's broken when it does break a cap point spawns on the flank which lets the attackers rebuild their siege and keep pushing in a way it sort of addressed both my complaints that the objective isn't dynamic enough and that the flanks are devoid of a meaningful resource the remaining concern is that maps are still unnaturally small relative to the movement abilities these flank objectives aren't that far away from the main hallway where everyone's standing already this makes me wonder whether the lack of new maps is because they want to build future ones around a new game mode or if ires would actually just prefer to rework old maps for the rest of time i really hope not because there's only four game modes and one of them isn't even fun i'd rather get something new at this point and a half measure to revert siege doesn't get me excited i do appreciate their effort though still a fun game gets kind of predictable after a while also they nerfed rom and i'm i'm not mad about it [Music] shadow warrior is a series i would love to say has strong timeless roots in the early era of fps games you're no mess with low wang [Music] oh i think my dingy hanging now it doesn't the game itself was a pretty interesting absurdification of duke nukem with over-the-top guns and improvisable demon body part weapons but this ill-nuanced cultural mishmashing and characteristically racist voice acting is something i'm not equipped to unpack especially since this isn't the era of shadow warrior i started the series with if you know nothing about the 1997 shadow warrior there's so many conflicting eastern ideologies it'd be hard to see this as anything deeper than a futile effort to stand out i'm not here to explain cultural sensitivity to you though i'm here to explain video games if miracles weren't real i couldn't say this game got rebooted in 2013 [Music] this is all about dashing and slash into your heart's content or put a better way dashing and slashing to your enemy's heart contents like the original game stronger enemy corpses can be repurposed into weapons demon hearts for example being a squeezable one-hit kill and demon heads producing what i can only describe as stream of mouth piss there's three forms of character progression skills weapons and power oh and i don't know moral development skills mainly refer to input based sword combos and passive effects like a jab move or a spin attack weapons all have notable attachments on them that can be bought using money you find across the game your powers are a lot like your skills but mainly raise the effectiveness of abilities and defensiveness it's a lot of exponential progression to take in but the gameplay is still pretty standard fair room clearing this came out before the soft reboot of doom but the franchise's influence will definitely get more and more apparent over time there's nothing too hard to comprehend kill the stronger demons and summoner demons first then clear the room afterwards in lieu of key cards you're usually busting down lamps to access progression points here's what i was able to remember of the story loan you is an assassin working for zilla you're supposed to go retrieve a sword for your boss but out of mutual interest and necessity wang makes a deal with this mischievous demon hoji hey don't you go fading on me now say you accept come on hey like [ __ ] c like champion i accept that's the spirit so is that the point of the mask wang and hoji are gonna go collect three swords and then merge them into one fancy immortal slang blade i guess hoji figuratively speaking procreated with his sister and then literally speaking procreated his sister producing clay golem husks of her to protect the swords and store some discarded familial memories of her pogi's got this brother enra who wasn't too happy about him railing his sister and then building life-sized dolls of her afterwards wang decides it would be best to help ho chi kill his brother bring back his sister and undo all the earth-shaking domino effects produced from hoji giving his sister the sword not to sound like a racist but all you demons really do look alike why this plot synopsis couldn't be summarized down onto any less than 40 fortune cookies which unfunnily enough is about how many terrible fortune cookie puns you'll find throughout the game you will be attacked by demons live wang and prosper cardboard belt is a waste of paper no one ever died of a broken heart but a heart slice from their chest while they look on screaming not gonna lie that's killed a couple people i take back what i said without much room to write maybe the plot could fit across 20 cookies with hoji bonded to your brain you'll spend a lot of time listening to him drop commentary on your like play-by-play you're going to need to work on the hard part [ __ ] five thousand hit men in this country and i have to get the nerd where do you keep your porn this is my porn the story's juggling a lot of balls at once yakuza ties shadow realms incest god hood but at its core it's all swinging a stick and unloading on your enemies faces stop giggling when shadow warrior does everything right it's a pretty memorable junction of setting mechanics and plot at its weaker points it's subject to some really passive choices like the idea that a big boss fight automatically means a fun one i can't say whether it was trying anything new for the time having only played it last year but at least in retrospect shadow warrior one holds up is still worth playing i rate it red album conceptually but not literally see this album has cool dad energy in that he sounds really lame and embarrassing but it's so genuine and authentic that it's actually [Music] [ __ ] off shadow warrior 2 ended up changing the structure in a few ways instead of the whole game moving across one straight line there's a hub world with story missions to beeline or alternatively there's bounty missions that earn you cash and items levels are open-ended in a way you can run anywhere on them and multiple missions exist across them but you can only complete one at a time this might have worked in its favor if the mission system didn't feel lifted straight out of a defunct mmo nearly every bounty is a find and kill enemies job if you decide to stay in a level after the bounty's done you'll find absolutely funk all to do and that's if the level will even let you backtrack out of the arena you dropped into if it does you'll find enemies that drop inconsequential upgrades and chests that drop less money than is worth the time opening the skills and powers of the pass game have been merged into a card system of upgrades some cards you start with while others you have to buy in game before upgrading the weapon system's been heavily fleshed out there's way more iterations of existing weapon types on top of the weird and unique editions where in the first game every weapon had three specialized attachments here there's a constant income of upgrades you can attach to any weapon most of them are total filler just single digit passives and generic elemental damage a select few attachments can be interesting like turning a machine gun into a turret but undeniably the dragon's heart of useful stuff is my new conveniences like reload speed and crit damage these upgrades extend to player armor and other passive effects but across my 8 hours of story mode and 5 hours of air quotes post game that never amounted to much observable difference even the deeper systems of adding more attachments and recycling trash ones later makes no sense what do you think happens when i combine three clip reload upgrades i get chi after enemy killed this game removed the improvised demon corpse weapons probably due to how diverse the existing arsenal is but admittedly left a hole in my chest i mean heart this isn't a game where you collect cool items by exploring and looting a strong enemy corpse in fact every intentional effort i made to explore the map and beat a thread of note amounted to a diary page and a reminder to go finish that bounty i started no this is a game of errands that rewards you with a new weapon to use during your next errand rinse and repeat until you run out of rewards to reap it's a shame because this game has a better movement and combat system than the first one melee combos are simplified down there's a rudimentary jump tech where long falls produces annoying superhero landing but that can be circumvented by switching around the order of your dash in second jump in an open world full of meaningful platforming and discoverable enemies this would be great but since it's shadow warrior 2 it exists in a graveyard of nothing to discover and nothing to do if you could knock out multiple missions at a time and there were some non-combat activities to discover across levels people probably would have latched to this formula more i could only find one bounty that wasn't in some way a kill enemies and collect thing job the problem is since dead enemies drop items and all bounties have a nearly identical reward you walk away from this non-combat one with less than a fifth of your normal loot it's pretty clear they designed a modular weapon and ability system and then structured the whole game around it bounties have no impact on the hub world or the level they take place on they exist as a device for weapon progression and that's it it's a fun combat system but enemy types are totally samey boss types have two defining qualities a lot of health and they enter a summoner phase when the health drops everything else in this game is bullet fodder if you play this like shadow warrior 1 and b-line the story nothing makes any sense you miss out on cool weapons the upgrade system never totally clicks but if you play the game how it intends you to you find out those two things are all it has going it made an open world and then only designed disconnected linear events to populate them the first game took the time to make parts of the level play differently from each other to keep it fresh but that doesn't happen here as for the story it's something like this loan is doing work for the yakuza he's got to go rescue the boss's daughter kamiko apparently your boss zilla from the last game did some wacky stuff and now kamiko's body is running rampant while her soul is are you ready ready ready for what hello ah who is that it's me um kamiko the game's events are you trying to get her body back to normal and transfer this yakuza waifu out of your prefrontal cortex at first wang and kamiko are constantly struggling to see the same side of things and arguing over methodology so weird having you in my head yeah i can imagine i guess it's more like deja vu you did something like this before it was slightly different but uh i had a helper in my head for a while it was aggravating at first too but eventually we became friends wonderful i'm living with a schizophrenic [ __ ] yeah well i can tell you from experience that zil is not such a fan of having ex-employees running around most evil geniuses are that way an evil genius is still a genius even when he was firing me he was doing science great now we know what to put on your headstone but by the end of the story they're on parallel wavelengths you have my back here right oh yeah [ __ ] that fascist prick i'll stop the body but i'm not giving it to [ __ ] basically is it me or are you growing a conscience hey just don't tell anyone it's bad for business rather than feeling the gates with my sacrifice utter nonsense it's a pretty endearing dynamic actually also hoji's sister comes back in this game and it turns out she's kind of peeved about her brother and lover in no order dying there's about as many new plot threads in play as there are new fortune cookies there's too much tendency to attribute to god the evils that that man does of his own free will i don't get this joke okay no no you can't make him gmod ragdoll in the middle of a serious scene like a [ __ ] sky i would say it's a strong narrative bottlenecked by lots of unharmonious gameplay loops the story events exist independent of the bounty missions but there's a few points you basically have to grind bounties just to keep up with the difficulty environments are so intricately stylized and well polished but so lacking in anything memorable just bridges that lead to dead ends in houses with nothing but pocket change in them the back end of this feels like it's compensating for a lack of something and with a protagonist named lo wang well you can figure it out this could have been a compelling loop of cool stuff and cool open levels but they hinged the entire game on empty questing and diminishing upgrade returns on the bright side bunnies are back and they're cuter than ever it ends on a cliffhanger with kamiko sealing the outer gates of the shadow realm which is a sentence i just said but oopsie-doopsies i guess she failed and a giant dragon got through or maybe she became the dragon or the dragon was supposed to get through also did it eat luang it looked like it ain't lo wang i'm sure they'll answer all this in a sequel what a bizarre game i rate it what you expect an explanation [Music] since you're more of a visual learner i'm going to use educational props this time so pay attention this is me lou wang yeah it doesn't look exactly like me but you get the idea hey hey shut up shut the [ __ ] up wasn't flattening my favorite ramen shop enough for you now you want to take him away from me again what else do you up for me huh what do you want turns out that dragon destroyed damn near everything after getting out including luang's self-esteem and general social life there's zero mention of what happened to kamiko which is a little weird but i'm more so interested in how low wang now uses hoji's mask as a safety blanket sorry i meant coping mechanism zilla shows up and basically says we aren't friends but my friends are dead so let's go kill the dragon and get us all a little payback ah what do you think hoji should i trust this old son of a [ __ ] something loiang was unable to do on his own before it's great how much this game spotlights loiang himself in the past he's mostly been a vehicle both metaphorically and literally for other characters to bounce off of but this story is about luang's personality as a man who willingly roped himself into the center of other people's problems luang isn't a self-important anti-hero or a blank canvas protagonist he's a headstrong-class clown who reads comic books willingly cooperates acknowledges his faults following him in the aftermath of all those things got me pretty attached about as attached as wang is to that hoji mask what the [ __ ] did she just summon a trash panda apparently it's still got some dormant energy fizzling in it that zilla wants to siphon out to kill the dragon with this gameplay is way more one than it is too we're back to room lock progression weapons are back to three distinct upgrades and passives all fall under a general character menu no goofy filler items or questing just good old prefabs there's now a grappling hook rooms usually have interactive stage hazards another welcome addition they really identified what made the initial reboot cool and what it needed to improve on the only thing missing is a certain demon the bromance is back in full force pookie like the old days wang and hoji are constantly riffing with each other everybody has one now man it's almost like mandatory after you [ __ ] face you are a dick i love them so much they really streamlined everything here into its purest form plot threads are kept down to the necessities improvised demon guts are back the writing's at its best gameplay is about getting new firearms and wearing them out before the next one if you haven't played the earlier games you would still enjoy it but seeing these character dynamics return has this epilogy sense of closure i didn't know i needed yeah no i don't appreciate what you did but no naked hugging [Music] i'm glad you're here buddy [Music] it's raining hallelujah it's raining demons i tend to play games a second time around when i review it i usually play it wrong the first time and need to fact check myself this is already way shorter than its elders on top of a delayed release so it wasn't too hard to replay this wasn't an issue early in the game but the further you get the more rooms start to drag out a little too long until eventually they feel doubled the necessary length this game's way of fleshing out run time isn't timed objectives or exploration it's just summoning more things into the room usually enemies that are undamageable until they show their weak spot a timelessly fun enemy behavior in video games even though sword combos were given elemental effects and weapons are all pretty diverse there isn't an intuitive system of certain things being weak to certain attacks everything kills everything after all so just throw kitchen sinks until the front door unlocks i could be totally wrong but the game never articulated otherwise so i'm led to assume outside of freezy barrels there's not much to strategize besides certain weapons working better at certain ranges also compared to the second this game feels like it's moving at 3 4 normal speed it's especially evident during platforming parts i wish they weren't so terrified of repeating design choices of the second game it had a pretty good foundation to improve on but i get why they mostly pretend it didn't exist three is a great game that meaningfully wraps up the reboot trilogy who knew a protagonist named lo wang could be this complex and lovable a character the highest honor i could possibly bestow him is a dlc slot on my non-existent all-star fps i rate it really good like okay human but every second song is pork and beans maybe i was wrong about good fps never reaching a trilogy a triangle is the strongest shape after all not the most efficient but the strongest the next time i play an fps i think what are you looking at that's a photo it doesn't move i think i'll put my arithmophobia aside and just enjoy it justin and wondering how he dropping my options i reduced to one justin's coming to keep dropping knowledge on me it's funk's study [Music] you
Channel: FUNKe
Views: 2,355,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FUNKe, fps, halo, cod, titanfall, titanfall 2, team fortress 2, tf2, turbo overkill, ultrakill, severed steel, neon white, cyber hook, reaver, overwatch, ow2, paladins, shadow warrior, animation, animated, review, valorant, song, gamedev, game
Id: 0B41Nmr16fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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