Provision and Purpose | Even In The Impossible Week 2 | Pastor Nixon Ng (July 2, 2023)

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talking of the word can we just take time to meditate upon the goodness of the Lord in our lives [Music] and if you're able to say thank you to him praise goodness [Music] [Music] father today we are truly grateful that though we are undeserving Your Grace indeed abounds in our lives in that in everything that we go through and that in everything you allow in our lives we make this declaration you are good always [Music] Luke chapter 5 verses 1 to 11. on one occasion while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God he was standing by the lake of guinnessaret and he saw two boats by the lake but a fisherman had gone out of them and were washing their Nets getting into one of the boats which was Simon's he asked him to put out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people from the boat and when he had finished speaking he said to Simon put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch and Simon answered master we toiled all night and took nothing but at your word I will let down the Nets and when they had done this they enclosed a large number of fish and their Nets were breaking they signaled to their Partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and failed both the ball both the boats so that they began to sink but when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees saying depart from me for I am a sinful Man O Lord for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken and so also were James and John's sons of Zebedee who were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon do not be afraid from now on you will be catching men and when they had brought their boats to land they left everything and followed him this is the word of the lord lord may we as we look into this account of your goodness and your faithfulness in your miracle may we know what it means for us follow you in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right good morning everyone you may now take your seat and as you are doing so again give the person next to you a very warm smile yeah warm smile yeah we are on a series titled even in the impossible again the series is based on the Book of Luke where we will follow accounts of how Jesus performed miracles to meet felt needs felt needs is it's a need that you feel again is something that there is an urgency somehow or it's something that is pressing on us and so Jesus it is seen on each of this account would come and meet those felt needs however the felt needs is not an end in itself needs that God is actually meeting a real need behind the felt need felt need is but whenever Jesus comes and uses his power on our behalf it's not just a wasted power now again it's not just that I hope that when we look at how Jesus does miracles he is doing so much more than what is seen by our naked eye subbing us as Transformers more than meets the eye okay yeah continuing foreign again I would like to bring back our attention to our prayer and fasting prayer and fasting nothing and normally when we do prayer and fasting we do prayer you know if you're part of this spiritual family we do prayer and fasting at the start of the year five days and then another three days at the middle of the year and at the start of the year we started this year saying we're going to believe God for miracles and we've been talking about miracles all throughout and we've been looking at the word of God and seeing how God is a powerful God and he is a miracle working God and that he does you know last series we talked about how he does a miracle not just for us but through us and now we're talking about how he meets our felt needs but really he's going beyond our felt needs and hopefully as he meets our felt needs something happens to us that we recognize our real need which is what is actually meeting so it's a prayer and fasting nothing I'm sure no marami is memory and I'm sure and I'm hoping with you that those felt need Miracles may be met but what if the next three days from Wednesday next from Wednesday to Friday when we do our felt when we do our prayer and fasting is this it's not just for the miracle to happen that God would Open the Eyes of our hearts to see what he is really doing behind that felt need that may he lead us to a place where we recognize our real need not just celebrate that our felt needs were met foreign foreign I just want to apologize for those of you who are of age major youthful tired my youthful vibes all right and so our prayer hopefully as we come and fast before the Lord I Hope I hope even he will meet it above and beyond actually the account we're gonna we're going to look at today Jesus meets the need above and beyond pero we will see that for every felt needs that he will meet in the coming weeks there's always a real need behind it and I'll just say this I hope as we find our Quran we'll need nothing But realize as we move along life foreign the miracle only awakens us to our real need but hopefully that is what we truly pursue for the rest of our days and that's why musical scoring so again hopefully you'll join us I don't I have control over this so hopefully for the next few days you can download okay you can get it from when you step outside but we also have the electronic version so hopefully you could join us every Wednesday we will have we will have prayer meetings here in the afternoon from 12 to 1. if you can join us if you're around the area join us we'll pray with you we'll pray together as a spiritual family also we have a prayer meeting every night from Wednesday to Friday starting at 6 30. to 10 p.m [Music] 6 30 normally to eight so hopefully you could join us for the next three days and again this is hopefully I always say this prayer and fasting is not us getting our way or twisting the arm of God but it is God Opening Our Eyes to what we really need in this life and thus we go back to even in the impossible that God sometimes places impossible things in front of us possible we only depend on our on our strength foreign but when the impossible comes and when you're confronted with things beyond your ability you look beyond your situation to God Lord no and even in the impossible is that series like when we look at last week that's exactly what happened to Simon Simon he kneel your mother illanya mother-in-law s Jesus three times behind recording three times foreign so even in the impossible last week we talked about how the felt need was the healing of the Mother-in-law there was a high fever and I made a case that it's not just it is no ordinary fever how I make that case and that in the process of that Miracle happening we see certain important real needs that it showed to us and as we can see the different people in that account one for those who were surrounding the Mother-in-law what did he say about that the miracle happened because there was a day that was surrounded the mother-in-law and that I know we have a lot of Miracles we want but hopefully there's a day that alongside with you especially and the impossible is overwhelming you I hope there are others who are praying with you and that's why we invite you to the prayer meeting with you Sana you that just don't come to this church in and out I hope you develop people who you could walk with no and for some of you know it's a church it's a church you are able to still obey God and see in his word that it's important for you to have a day d-h-e-y that surrounds you and that's it opened the door for the miracle for the mother-in-law and then we see that when the Mother-in-law was healed what did she did huh what did she did English what did she do after the healing she got up and served in Lord miracle it is the Lord oh um [Laughter] uh yes moving along um foreign and so we see that even within that Miracle of meeting a felt need you will see that there are real needs being pointed out Fellowship the Community to surround you service and then last but not least when Jesus performed the Miracles he was about to go out and preach to more towns but the people stopped him Jesus why because and so hopefully last week was an eye-opener for us and that we're not just focusing on how the miracle of the of the of healing happen but there were so many things that was being pointed out in that account now we go to the next chapter chapter four young last week and so we now go to another account of a miracle of course Jesus did so many miracles in between but now we come to chapter five and if you were listening to me as I was reading it it says on one occasion so meaning chronologically we don't know when this happened but actually I'll tell you later where I think this is found as we compare it to other accounts of the other synoptic gospels where it is however on one occasion while the crowds was pressing in on him now this is so interesting to note that the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word in a day and age now this is just an excursis no this is just me commenting on this so when I was reading this and I was talking to Dr Noel one of our my friends he's the senior pastor of Ortigas you know one of the things that we have seen in our society today is that people no longer has that desire for the word of God it's looked down upon and it's interesting though this one starts out with people's desire pressing in on Jesus to hear the word of God I don't know what happened maybe on one location maybe because of the many miracles Jesus has done and because he was always going from synagogue to synagogue word about him spread and so when he's coming people are what excited pressing in on him foreign you know when I was looking at this one of the prayers I have for all of us in this day and age is this that we would press in and to want to hear the word of God tick tock um all right Facebook everything people were pressing in on Jesus and prayer is that we would have so much encounter with him not just on a Sunday I hope not with the lord it's not just okay word hopefully I make it to the next Sunday again for the word hopefully I didn't hope not every week as you open God's word you will have an encounter with him you will witness his goodness and his miracles all over so that every time you will press in to hear the word of God every day okay Facebook okay social media let's press in pressing in on him to hear the word of God he was standing by the lake of geneseret and he saw two boats by the lake but the mission the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their Nets getting into one of the boats because people were pressing in Bridge pressing in so what did he did what did he did he went on the boat so people cannot go to him and he said to the foreign put out into the deep Ness about people were pressing in on him in fact many would say that some people were just doing it for the wrong reasons they wanted something from the Lord and they were pressing in on the wrong with the wrong reason and Jesus had to put distance on him and the people in on him tapos in the Lord you keep and when the distance happens you suddenly saying motives has that ever happened to you um the way this the account was told and to let you know details if you look at the other synoptic gospel just skipped on so many details and at the end you will notice that in many events Luke has more detail because Luke was a gentile Greek and he was trying and if you read the beginning part of Luke and the beginning part of he was a ax he was a researcher so research and later on I will show you how detailed he was actually last week I already showed you with certain words that he spoke and you could imagine how he was questioning the eyewitness details so let's take a look at that now and so as Luke was showing and when he had finished speaking he said to Simon put out the deep water and Simon answered get in the water next put out a little from the land advance okay and he sat down and taught the people but after that after he spoke the word now comes the testing of the word um every Sunday at all he was teaching now okay one of the listeners is Simon and he said to Simon put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch foreign master Master Jesus Master teach me your kung fuh well my Master's good in your master my kung fu is better than you know comfortable and Simon answered Master we toiled all night and took nothing yeah but at your word is a word like we preach Jesus he says now let's put the word to the test Simon put out into the deep Simon obey master okay Filipino Master Naman we toiled all night and took nothing because fishing must happen when during the why so that the fish will not gulatizing because see Jesus um okay Masters in carpentry I call Masters in fishing but somehow Peter in the midst of his reluctance in the midst of his seeming objection obeyed anyway and this is how he said it but at your word question for all of us today is that I know sometimes some of you images but I know for many older people you know and I would say that you are an experienced experienced bunch of and so when we read the word of God what do we say then the Lord but Peter first of Allah we toiled all night Master we toiled wink Winkle hey I'm tired we toil oil all night but nothing but at your word wow it's not enough just to press in for the word of God many people press in but when it is required to obey when you think you know better work I want to know that the word of God is true the word of God will work and when he speaks to us the right response is not Lord wait Lang response Lord experience but at your word because it is this reply that opened the door for the miracle what would happen it's what exactly you expect there's no room for a miracle for things we expect but when you say Lord but at your word you know what you're saying Lord it has to be a miracle if it's your word and that's the way the miracle came to pass means why don't I experience Miracle that's the answer it's because it's about your experience it's about your knowledge it's about what you think is right and the Lord is saying at my word because only when we look at this word and our situation and see the gap habilities in but at your word many of us want our miracles to happen we're praying to God we're pressing in on his word every Sunday night my Skype please maybe the miracle is not there because we are not taking God at his word experience and Peter his business was fishing Jesus in the flesh o people say that Carpenters back then is not much of a woodworker Israel they're more of a mason than a woodworker okay they were fishing though and when they had done this yeah so are you ready ready to live in such a way that you will say but Lord at your word foreign they would have missed it and many of us I believe have missed so many things only because we said Lord and so and when they had done this the enclosed grabbing they dropped a large number of fish a large number of fish and their Nets were breaking but it is more than what you're asking foreign [Music] are you ready for that kind of miracle container foreign they signal to their Partners in the other boat they came and filled both boats are you ready for that excited at his expectations at his word but at your word Lord and they came and filled both boats so that they began to sink because I've been blessing the Lord it will sink you but when Peter Simon Peter saw it now look at this reaction he fell down at Jesus knees and say depart from me for I am a sinful Man O Lord yes thank you thank you foreign foreign [Music] all right so is that is that is always greener Union in somebody else's lake you think you're going up there but that is a big mistake all of you lyrics and all right there's something about and this is not clearly seen unless you have seen a bit more than just what I've read in fact it's best seen when you still remember chapter four last week there's something about the reply that is not normal Lord I'm sinful forgive me apart from me O Lord doesn't make have you ever read that and said it doesn't make sense there must be something that is beneath what is being seen or felt excited depart from me for I am a sinful Man O Lord now it's important that we continue on the conversation because as we continue on the conversation suddenly you'll oh it is and you said I am sinful sorry Lord let's continue the conversation for he and all who were with him were astonished at The Catch of the fish they had taken and so also where James and John the sons of Zebedee who were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon that gives us an understanding of the reply I'm sorry Jesus don't afraid yeah don't be do not be afraid from now have you ever read the scripture and said depart from me I'm a sinner Don't Be Afraid from now on you will say sorry sorry don't afraid foreign what do they know we don't from going to his knees depart from me to from now on don't be afraid you will catch men what was the real issue now many if you read this with different commentaries and Scholars they would say Peter had a moment just like when Isaiah had a moment when he had a vision of the Divine and he said woe is me I am ruined Isaiah chapter 6. now I'm not saying that that can't be true maybe during that because by Jesus something changed in between the conversation and the Miracle something changed from a master who is more knowledgeable higher in rank now you are divine foreign and Jesus is a good teacher that's what you say when he is your master but when something Beyond you happens you will shift hopefully and this is Peter experience was different Simon said Simon Says not master but Lord to confess your sin to someone it's not just because you see him as a master you see him as Lord and that's why many scholars believes that the reason he said that is because he had a glimpse of the Divine just like Isaiah and he said this I am undone sorry for my sins Lord and I think there is truth to that but let me give you my take on this combining this with this what could possibly be happening why was Peter afraid is it just like because Isaiah he was afraid of the Holiness of God by that check but let me submit to you another way of looking at it if you read the whole context Peter or Simon James and John have seen Jesus long before this they have seen how good he is in his teaching Bible they have experienced Miracles here and there we Miracle Worker ninja Healing The Sick exercising those were done by other Jewish rabbis and Priests oh he's one of the teachers but what was different with this miracle this miracle was controlling nature which no other Rabbi nor Master nor teacher ever did in front of anybody and it can only be done by God and so Peter okay they've seen the divine but Peter and many have surmises Jesus I must decrease he must increase remember that between that time and this time disciples foreign rieto Nana man so and Dominion that means an idea it's it's going around now they see something and look at this answer do not be afraid what is one thing listen to me what is one thing that most of the time keeps you from following God fully what you will leave behind before this event Church online Church if you look at the story last verse verse 11 which I believe if you remember foreign I will start deciding a different way I would start living a different way how can I live like this and Jesus did a miracle not just to provide fish it's to tell him if you feed her if you were afraid that the people you leave behind will not be provided for remember I am a God who provides if you're afraid of so many things in your life I could do things beyond what you can think and imagine you're here today and you're saying Jesus what the word of the Lord from this miracle is saying whatever you're afraid of in terms of leaving behind God has you covered don't be afraid Peter it is right to infer that he was saying Lord I keep delaying I keep delaying I keep delaying what a sinful man I am because you're not the chief just a teacher you're not just a master you are Lord so Jesus looks at him and said do not be afraid now your purpose has changed as you follow me your lives is no longer just about getting your next meal it's not just about the profit it's not about the bank account that you have now that you're following me your life will make a difference for eternity you will now catch men again you see Lord and you're following him when you enter your office you're not just looking at work you're looking at the workers you're saying next time have you been afraid of that but you know what this is saying to you today to all of us even to me is saying do not be afraid because from now on your life is not just about hand to mouth provision it's not just about getting food on your table it's not just earning money it will become more than that it will become more meaningful than all your temporal Pursuit will fail in comparison to the eternity how you'll affect eternity yes we will hopefully get our Miracles today hopefully we'll get it this week hopefully we'll get it this year but I hope and when God breaks your net I hope you see beyond that miracle and say God meaningful foreign your pursuit in life will change in that one Miracle Jesus redefined the life of Simon my question is will it redefine ours and so what happened was this when they had brought their boats to land they left everything and followed him they left everything meaning what was important to them that they is no longer as important as their everything who is Jesus and that's why on Matthew 4 18 to 209 this is the same account Jesus walked in the Sea of Galilee called the disciples in verse 20 immediately they left their Nets ignia when I was a younger Christian I could not understand this come follow me and I will make you fish as a man verse 20 immediately Luke showed the feeling was immediately immediately because because to Matthew from the eyes of someone who may be asked overwhelmed overwhelmed immediately immediately God you've overwhelmed me I'm a sinner I'm gonna follow you just immediate but it was not immediate in terms of how Luke see Luke say eyewitnesses like interviews Luke is a Greek The Book of Luke the Gospel of Luke was written for Theophilus a benefactor that funded him to give an account of Jesus life and see Luke is an intellectual intellectual women I'm preaching more it doesn't matter and pero look was an intellectual intellectuals Peter foreign I'll tell you what really happened immediately see Mark is known that Mark May his eyewitnesses Peter Peter immediately even Marx says immediately but Luke look here Sabina God is foreign [Applause] but folks when you read the Bible it takes careful attention to what's happening around and then you'll see that this miracle was not just a show of power it was accomplishing so much more than the fish it was turning a life around from not following Jesus the following Jesus the biggest miracle that happened was a man who was stubborn and sinful to give their full life and leave everything to follow Jesus and that is the miracle we're hoping to happen today to all of us amen that ladies and gentlemen is the real Miracle of the great catch the great catch is not about the catch of fish the great catch is when your life is caught in the purposes of God and our lives are never the same again why don't we all stand you know as we come to a close today okay one thing that we have to understand from this account of the great catch of fish is this James John um and if you're really honest while the word is being preached I don't know if you're sensitive you have certain reasons you're always saying Master right been doing this but my prayer for all of us is that and again I'm still believing for the impossible in every one of your lives every one of our lives but I'm just hoping that today the biggest miracle that will happen is that each one of you would say Sega Lord I don't know what will happen I have so many questions still in my life but I will leave everything and follow you can we just do this for just a few moments I would like to ask the music team to come up I would just like to ask a few moments of worship because [Music] and in this moment of worship whatever it is whatever if you have a Simon moment then if the day you hear his voice do not Harden your heart so we're going to Worship the Lord and we'll believe that the holy spirit will do the necessary work in our hearts amen father we worship you Holy Spirit Come work in our hearts Jesus name princess Worship the Lord
Channel: Victory Pasay
Views: 953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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