Evelyn Lozada On Miscarriages, Colorism Claims, Basketball Wives Beefs, Carl Crawford & Chad Johnson

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covers your story your story will be C [ __ ] [Music] Jason all right welcome back to all new episode of the Jason Lee show now my next guest isn't um you know she isn't a stranger to us although we haven't seen her in a long time we glue up glow up glowed up we came up at the Jason Lee show and I came down in my weight since she was here last uh please welcome my friend basketball star and she's a person who owns Queen's Court down Evelyn Lazada thank you thank you how are you I'm good can I just say I am so proud of you the last time we uh had an interview and we sat down it was like in this like little like kind of like Studio but I mean I was walking in here I'm in the green room I'm like Jason is doing some big yeah yeah I'm so proud of you and you look amazing thank you yes we have a green room no I mean and liquor back there like lights if you want to take so I'm like this was this was thought out so you're doing so amazing okay now she told me that I look good I've been telling Evelyn this ever since I was 300 lb you know I'm not 300 lb no more you look great oh thank you now dude now um you're 47 I just turned 48 like three days ago 48 three days ago this is 48 I'm 46 did you when you were younger did you think that we that you would look like this at 47 or that cuz I know I didn't 46 was old to me as a kid I mean 40 was old as a kid think about your parents and you're like oh my God my mom is 40 and you're like she's old as [ __ ] right but now reflecting I'm like dang I I don't feel like I didn't know what I was going to look like but I make it a point to I mean I have my son he's nine like I'm my daughter keeps me young so I try my best to you know stay eat right do the things that you're supposed to do but yeah I thought at 48 I'm thinking you are like almost dead you know but now wait are you single now um yes you're single [ __ ] it was the pause for me you know look me and Evelyn because a lot of you out there have have accused us of being friends who hang out on the weekends in the Dark Shadows of Hollywood and plot on people we never hang out we never really see each other but I always feel like every time we chat whether it's Instagram or in person it's almost like we just talked last week so I want to just level set like I don't the questions I'm asking I really don't know the answers to them right right and I think that um that's the good thing about our friendship like I have friends that listen I may not be able to go to your event or and we may not talk all the time but when you speak to each other it's like we've never skipped the beat and nobody's sensitive about it you know you just saw a shot recently so yes well her daughter came to my birthday party her daughter is snatched just like this her daughter looks like she could be her sister which is crazy so you're single but most people would look at you and say if you're if you look like this you're as articulate smart successful independent strong woman of color why why single is it you're choosing to be single now what really yeah I'm choosing to be single um I tried I was engaged you know I met my ex- fiance on Queens Court we get into that yeah and you know what I mean we're still friends to this day but I just started feeling like I don't know if this is what I want right and um I like being independent I go home I call my own shots I don't have to make an extra meal I already have my son so I don't know I'm content you know I'm definitely single by choice it's not like oh my God you know some people like oh she can keep a man but I I am I'm happy in the space that I'm in but you moved to LA cuz you used to live in a weird City Arizona or Texas or it was Arizon which was weird because when we think basketball wise La Evelyn lozado riding down sunset Boulevard with the drop top you know I always thought you were here but you were away is it because you just were not the LA type girl like you wanted to be pop in do your work then pop back out or what so I lived in Arizona because at the time I was uh engaged to my son's father and during the offseason he played here for the Dodgers during the offseason we would live in uh Arizona which is that's where training camp was right so that's why I lived there 6 months I lived here for another 6 months and then when that relationship was over I permanently moved to California in 2018 but people were and people were telling me Arizona is like the Fun Spot To Go part like people were telling me that's a hidden gym that I don't know about well Scottdale is yeah Scottdale is like but you know that wasn't my life when I lived there either it's like you know I would do little appearances here and there and if we had people comeing town we would go to Scottdale for dinner but you know my life has been pretty uh aside from you know doing the show and other things it's like I go right back into myON it is low key and I love it you know okay but you but you work so hard to put so much out in front of the camera forward and people fall in love love or hate Evelyn I love evely I don't care what she's done who she's read that mouth can be vicious but you could also you know we're not a monolith we're not one one thing right um okay so you you then move back to LA now you're here I never see you out at the clubs I don't see you at the fancy restaurants do you not pop in and out of those scenes or do you just stay at home tucked away on the other side of the hill I I literally stay tucked away I I really do I do the show it's so chaotic doing the show as you know it's like three four months of just crazy you're on like this emotional roller coaster it's stressful and aside from me doing the show I have a son that I take care of and he's like a sports kid so it's like I'm trying to juggle you know promoting my businesses the show motherhood and it's a lot so when I'm done with that I go right back to what I call regular life and I'm at the baseball games with the baseball moms doing baseball baseball moms that could be the next show that's like a whole other culture of it's a whole other thing and it takes a lot of En like when you have kids that play sports especially baseball it's timec consuming if they're doing tournaments so um yeah once I'm done doing the Hollywood stuff I go there and I go back to normal life and I don't look like this you know I'm not going to say where she lives cuz all of us have stalkers to some degree but your neighbors are like Jamie Fox and all so like you have do you run into celebrity Neighbors at stores or all the time do you all the time who do you run into um so where um we stay so I it's like an array of people so like I've ran into Ray J several times rayj does live over there yeah we were talking recently cuz we did uh celebrity squares and I'm like dude you literally live like 30 seconds from my house but we never you know we we only run into each other if we happen to to see each other there kids coming out of cars and stuff like that but you know you just act like nothing like oh hey bye and you keep it going you know there's like a lot of rappers and stuff that love celebrity squares I did that too how proud are you of DC Young Fly oh my so proud of him so proud of him he's just he's he's so humble and you know despite everything obviously that he's going through um just a a great energy and I'm happy for him and I I feel like he deserves everything in the ierse and I don't know I feel like he could be you know sad you know depressed living on Rock but you can tell that you know he is you know doing his best to just continue on with life be a great dad so I'm proud of him and such a good person did you know Jacko have you ever met her I did it yeah she was sweet um yeah so when you you know she jackieo you know DC Young flies uh the mother of his children who died um undergoing a surgery uh procedure um have you ever had plastic surgery I have I had my titties done twice I did I had to like and now I think we're at a done twice meaning up twice or down up cuz sometimes y'all be getting them and then y'all don't like them and then you exchange them like a Happy Meal then they got to go down no so the first set they look good by the way thank you so the first set were uh was saline so then I had them for 10 years and then I'm like I want something that feels a little more natural and then I just ended up switching the the implant to silicone so but I never did a lift or but I never breastfed my kids like I was more worried about my titties more than anything I'm like you know if you have allergies it's fine you're going to have Similac like you're going to be cool better give them simac than saline okay so the saline that's the fluid that's just fluid yes okay so does the the texture feel different you know I don't know a th% so like saline is is a salt water in the implant and then silicone is more of kind of like a jelly feel so it feels a little more do you want to fil mine listen if you talk about going viral Jason Lee grabbed I haven't grabbed a titty in so long I'm almost tempted to but I'm running for no I want you to so you can oh is it going to no so you can feel like how great they okay I'm only going to do this for the culture I know I mean they feel great right they feel real they actually feel really nice I might grab some titties now once in a yeah love Evelyn by the way thank you for coming of course course I'm so excited okay so now I can say on my list of resume I've met the president I've talked to the vice president I've helped kids and I've grabbed Evelyn lazard's titties all right so you're single now you're a different type of chick though for La like you're beautiful you're successful you're very clear-minded on who you are as a woman you're cool you're fun you have the beautiful daughter you could party with you're in in my mind every man's dream you're not going to find them out here you know that right um yeah I I I I don't think I am yeah and that's fine I feel like I'm not super pressed about it I'm kind of like hey if I meet him at a baseball field cool if he hops into my DMs cool cuz I feel like that's how people meet each other now fact or if maybe somebody introduces me to whoever this person is I'm fine with that too but it's not like I feel like I have friends that are so fixated on wanting to like meet a person so they're out all the time and for me I'm like listen if it's meant to be no pressure no pressure at all because I'm very content where my life is right now you know I'm like I'm a creature habit I do the same thing all the time Chenise is always like I had the fun mom Leo has the boring mom you know cuz my life is so structured with him well was does she have the fun mom because at the time you all are how further apart in age 17 I had her at 17 okay so she you you were a young mom yeah okay so I was a young mom she was growing up with me she was traveling with me and my girlfriends you know Jennifer that's she met chenice when she was 7 years old so you know I'm hanging out Miami whatever New York and you know not that chenice was hanging out with us at night but she was around my girlfriend so um she did a lot with us and she's always like I had the fun mom so I just got a condo in Miami Miami and La very different oh I love Miami I love Miami [ __ ] LA weather is great but Miami night life the restaurants the beach the just everything is so different so different and I feel like the the culture the culture I feel like the food is amazing too but um there's something about driving and seeing that water the ocean is just I miss it I lived there for five years so yeah you know we started the show there in Miami so we we're Walling we're drinking we're having a good time that's why you have those epic scenes cuz we were kind of like sure let's do this reality show and so basketball wise everybody know Evelyn is one of the the the one of the iconic people from the show I got a text ironically today from Tammy Roman too oh and Tammy like all the you know we know all the icons but you and Jennifer you all are friends now or no yes we're friends now cuz y'all have had an up and down we did a lot you know some of the up and down stem from different things you know when I was with Chad she was very opinionated about Chad which at the time when you're in a relationship with somebody you don't really see what they see right cuz you're t toen with this person you're in love with him blah blah blah so you know in hindsight she was being honest but I also felt like why are you intruding in my relation ship and then show stuff you know [ __ ] happens on the show and then you know I don't know it was tough but I feel like as we're getting older I wanted to make peace with that situation cuz I've known her for a long time 20 years you know I'm like I don't want to beef with Jennifer you know I don't want to do it on the show like I feel my mom loves Jennifer so it it was just one of those things where you know let's figure this out and and move on and we were able to do that this past season like genuinely not just for show because you know sometimes you're forced to kind of like patch it up for TV world but for uh you know in in real life we're genuinely back connected and back well and everybody knows you're a survivor of domestic violence when you in the relation with Chad at the time when you were in the relationship was she telling you he wasn't good for you yeah and it wasn't about um it wasn't anything as far as like him uh being abusive it was more so like she just knew that he just wasn't good you know like you know oh he's a media [ __ ] or you know I don't know you know like she just had a reservation about him yeah and which which I get now but then I didn't really I didn't see it and if I did I didn't want to see it because you know we had a whirlwind of like this love affair that we had which was crazy and both of you just I don't know him but knowing you and seeing him online I can tell like that's just a I can tell like the Sexual Energy was probably really strong but the energy in general because it's big personality that's a lot yeah yeah no I you know I said recently we had so much fun together um jokes the kids family that type of stuff but you know when it was great it was super great and then obviously when it was bad it was just the next level when when you look back over what you went through with that and coming out of it on the other side and like when women cuz I feel like sometimes women are the most non-comp passionate people when other women are going through [ __ ] does that make sense that makes sense I feel like we do live in a world where things are said that don't happen but when you know things are happening there's not enough compassion given to people I felt like you were one of those people that didn't get the amount of compassion you deserve what you were going through yeah um why is that I think it had a lot to do with the show I think it had a lot to do with everything that happened those Seasons you know like I'm hopping over a table I'm you know throwing a bottle at somebody so I think people were probably like I get that this happened to her but what did she do that led to that so I think you know and and it was a tough time for me because I felt you know it was like a victim being revictimized you know so I'm like I didn't do anything you know but you know him and I had got into an argument and it led to that you know Infamous headbutt but you know I think that's why I got a bad rap and I still have still to this day comments of people who are fans of his and love him that are like oh my God you ruined his life and I'm just like but listen I started my Foundation after that you know I have helped you know many women behind closed doors you know whether it was helping them flee from New York City to La you know that's what I'm passionate about now and um yeah so but I think that's why you know people gave me a hard time CU they're like oh she has a bad [ __ ] attitude but it's the same thing that people tune in week after week after week demanding more camera time like we entertain them they love it cuz they still bring up the infamous drink throwing thing with me 8 years ago yeah you know it's like I remember that well I'm try to forget it too for Google but you know but you know we we we we grow like there are moments we all go through when we sign up for reality TV where we're doing it to entertain the audience but then the audience is unable to make a distinction between the moment you see on TV and the whole life we're living in real life right you know they don't realize that you are a whole other person outside of the show I have had people meet me not like years ago would be like oh my God you're so nice and I'm like I'm the most kind person on the show I never start [ __ ] like I'm not a [ __ ] starter people I'm not known as the liar you know I'm not known as the messy one that like you know talks about everybody I'm I'm usually very reactive um and obviously you see what you see uh but yeah you know it's just it's just a part of what you know all job so Evelyn is a Sagittarius I'm learning there's a difference between sag sag men and sag women I was talking to a sag man never again um problematic um very all about them I can't what type of man what sign do you avoid do you have any Leos are you a Leo are you and you just let me grab your breast so technically now you really Leo men really yeah I you know well see sag men there's maybe it's just a compatibility thing where it's just not no it's not and I didn't realize this to later so my ex Antoine of 10 years he's a Leo and then my son's father he's a Leo and then I had someone do my birth chart and they were like you should mind you they don't know like my dating history but you know she's like this older Cuban lady she was like you should never date Leos and I'm like [ __ ] a it makes sense now you know so I try to kind of stay away from that what is it though what is the energy between a sag and a Leo that doesn't click is it that the cuz you know they say like it's all about us or what I mean I don't know maybe it is what is it that what is the energy for you that I think the energy for me was we we we both had the very strong personalities and I also felt like these relationships kind of limit was it was limiting me somehow like I felt like I couldn't be like my full self but um yeah so I mean although I had a lot of fun y'all a lot of fun like spontaneous kind of like but it was just something there where I felt kind of like I couldn't fully be event right yeah okay so we're going to go back to Jen real quick so Jen now is engaged to get married yes and she's found the love of her life now Jen when she was on Basketball Wives at first I used to be annoyed with her because I really didn't feel like she was showing up enough as her authentic self but now I feel like she's starting to show more of her is that accurate or yeah it's definitely accurate I feel I I think you you have it pegged um me seeing Jennifer now and being around her now even just with shooting the show like she has found her voice yeah and she will cut you the [ __ ] up with just her mouth you know obviously she's never the type to get up throw a drink you know swing on you she's not that person she'll get up and walk away before anything but um yeah she's definitely found her confidence and her voice to to defend herself so you know um I'm sure you know people will see that on the show this season now you know she went through real traumatic relationship where she was in an abusive I'll say Alle abusive situation with the guy from Sweetie Pies right we call him Timmy thick thighs okay Timmy thick thighs was the guy from Sweetie Pies who hired somebody to kill his nephew yes and they murdered him they did can I tell you something I've never really talked about publicly why he hired somebody to kill me you're lying real story but what hired somebody to kill me you know how I found out the day the person he hired to kill me came to do it they were filming me and I was with somebody that the that he knew and when they sent him the video he called the person and said why are you with this guy we all ended up on the phone together and he was mad that I talked about his his thighs on my show I well my co my co-host at the time Giovani said that he had hips like female hips right well everybody said that but he wanted to kill me for that and he had he was paying this person to do it and so it was kind of scary to know that like that happened we had been dealing with it privately but he actually hired somebody to kill his own nephew right and she was going through this Rel did you know she was in in an abusive relationship at the time I so we were filming the show at the time and I went with her to court because there were a lot of weird things going on I think people thought this was for the show but it was really something that she was dealing with with you know this man you know uh doing driveby around her house like stalking her stalking her so there were weird things going on and obviously after you know I I know that energy so she ended up going to court um they had like this whole Court battle I don't remember exactly what what happened with their litigation but once I heard about the nephew you know being killed I was like oh my God like Jennifer I mean if somebody's capable of doing that to their own flesh and blood like I mean he he could have did it to Jennifer so it was definitely scary happy he's where he's at clearly um I had no idea that like that's it's scary and so it made me more aware of my own personal safety and you know the power words and all this and that have you been in a situation like that ever where somebody's been stalking you or you had a situation where you thought this could go really bad no I've had weird things happen like getting mail and and stuff to my home and I'm always like okay how how do these people even know where I live uh but I never had anyone you know um stalk me or anything like that thank God Yeah Carl Crawford yeah that's my baby daddy people I've never like can I just tell you yes you are the first person to ask me anything about call I know that's why I'm asking yeah I don't know this guy I know he played in Bas uh baseball baseball yeah yeah and um you guys separated and you don't ever talk about him I don't this season I was was actually very upset because one of the new cast members came in talking about Carl and basically saying that when him and I met I was like his side chick and it was all [ __ ] right so and she didn't know you when you met him she didn't know me when I met him she knew him because so how does she even know that well because she's friends with his the the first mother of his kids but you know whatever we met life went on things happened or whatever but I was never the side cheick anyway she came on the show and she started this [ __ ] so now I have to defend it which means I now have to talk about Carl I have never in the [ __ ] history of doing this show Jason have I ever talked about Carl I don't want to I don't need to I don't need to talk about Carl for storyline he's my son's father we still have the co-parents so you know I try to like leave him out of anything the show but unfortunately he was you know a topic of conversation this because Vanessa the op yes okay yeah I ain't want to say her name but go ahead I'm gonna speak her name for you okay so Vanessa brought crawl into her storyline cuz she's a friend of his ex yes and that gives her a storyline to have against you who's been in the show for x amount of years yes and one of the ogs of the show yes yeah okay so Carl Crawford how is co-parenting great we have a great relationship oh we we have no we have zero drama we have never had court issues we nothing like we literally we co-parent and we do the best we can you know obviously he flies in town to see Leo and stuff but we don't have any drama like when we broke up we broke up you know who why did y'all break up well he's infidelity see charlam man you keep saying black men don't cheat so what you basically are saying is that Carl was a black boy cuz black men don't cheat but he cheated why did he cheat on you I have no idea you maybe you could get Carl on here um I found out through some acquaintances and stuff that he had was was doing some things honestly I was in denial like I know he played baseball he was another athlete but at this point we were together four years we were in the process of planning a wedding so we broke up in February of 2017 you were engaged yeah we were getting married that summer in Arizona we had paid for the place and everything and that's what I'm saying so things happened and I was just like I can't do this I was just doing in vitro um I was doing IVF cuz um after Leo I had three miscarriages so I was Carl yeah so why you already had one kid yes then you had had three miscarriages which is traumatic emotionally and then everything else then you're an IVF which is to help you get pregnant yes by a person you're planning to marry yep you already had paid for the place to get married to did you have the list already lit who you the list the the we were working on the list and then you found out there's all these other people then I found out that he was um doing his thing was he in another relationship okay he was just being he was just you know having a good time like Tristan Thompson level having a good time with multiple women or you don't know um I don't know I don't know the ins and outs I know when I had started getting wind of you know him doing something in in Houston I had a conversation with him cuz we happened to be in Arizona and he didn't deny it you know he was just like you know I'm sorry you know you don't you're a great mom you're a great woman you don't deserve this I also think that you know at this point in Carl's life Carl had retired baseball you know you have to think he started playing at 17 years old so now he's like he's retired and now he's able to really live his life how he wants to because baseball will take over your life like he was unable to celebrate birthdays and really live his life so now he's free and this was right before he started uh 1501 so you know I kind of feel like he was becoming someone new I mean he could have been doing it the whole time I don't [ __ ] know but you know he was definitely you know thinking about doing the record label and doing these things and I also feel like God knew what he was doing because I don't think I would be able to deal with um CEO Carl cuz he was a different person when he played with the Dodgers who was he when he played with the Dodgers you know he still had that strong personality that we that you guys sometimes see but you know he life was more structured you know he would go to the to the games with suits on and you know baseball call was different he didn't have social media it was just a different time he didn't have you know a tattoo on his face like it was just different how did he morph in a sh Knight how I'm I'm confused I guess being in the music industry which I remember hear when he was initially going to start the label this was like the beginning of the end for us and I remember thinking what the [ __ ] are you doing right like every athlete wants to do music you know people in the music industry want to be athletes it's just what it is but you know I'm actually on the flip side of that I'm actually proud of him for what he's been able to accomplish right because not a lot of guys are able to you know I mean he just got a Hall of Fame award you know like Carl is like a real legit like athletic guy like he you know he's accomplished a lot in that realm but um yeah then he you know started 1501 and I was thinking oh my God like what is he doing but you know obviously he knew something cuz I guess I mean I know there's drama or whatever is going on but you know but when you're when you're with somebody like Carl you had he seemed more disciplined like you're saying as an athlete and I'm sure there's like a culture that requires him to be you know especially MLB is different than basketball and football they Ain playing that okay so now you're in this world you have this man you have the kid you're trying to get another baby you're scheduled to get married you find out your man cheats do you walk away from that right then or that's it that's it see cuz for me as a Leo lying cheating stealing those are tiebreakers like I I'm not messing around with you if you lie cheat still the first time I'm out yeah is that one of your things where like you will not forgive somebody cheating no and I also think I'm older and wiser like we're we're in our 40s like I'm not going to so with Antoine 10 years he cheated a thousand times and I kept forgiving him and working at the relationship I'm not I don't have that time no more like I'm not wasting time years up yeah your 's up like you know I know I'm I'm I'm a great mom to your kids I know I've been a great stepmom to your other kids I know I've been a great fiance you know in this household you know like I I just wasn't dealing with it and that was it that was the beginning of the end we never got back um I will say this I also think it allowed for him to live his life how he wanted to which is what he tapped into and um he seemed very very happy you know sometimes you have to allow people to live their lives how they want to even if like obviously I was heard I had a son we had a kid together the whole wedding I'm like where's life going to go but I was like [ __ ] this like I know my worth and I'm not I'm not dealing with that you know like I know what I bring to the table as a woman and not that I'm perfect but I know I was good to him and you got your own money which I think isn't isn't that a part important part of being in a relationship where you I think Beyonce told Oprah a long time ago like make sure you have your own stuff first so that way you can have the courage to leave because a lot of women stay in relationships that are unhealthy whether they're abusive or not just because they don't have the means to move on exactly and I feel like having your own life your own career it just gives you so much power um I even with Chenise we talk about this all the time you know I with Antoine I stopped working and whenever [ __ ] went left he would be like I'm taking the car I'm cutting the credit card off like there's you know that control yeah it was a control thing and it stress me the [ __ ] out and I'm just like I would never be in this position ever again so although life was great you know with him he played baseball I always tried to do my own thing I had Liv in Lazada on Oprah's network on you know I promoted like my earrings I always tried to do something outside of that relationship in case it goes left I have something to fall back on and I'm glad that I did and and so you leave the relationship and you never talk about it publicly until today um why did you why did you give him so much grace if he cheated on you he ruined the wedding he didn't take into account all the stress you went through with the three miscarriages and all that why did you give him Grace because why not like why am I going to be bitter you know why am I going to be angry we still need to cold parent my son all the time is like so why did you guys break up I'm like we just separated you know cuz I feel like it's not not I can't have these conversations with you until you get older I don't ever want his his mind to be tainted when it comes to his dad so I never say anything negative about Carl um never never you never my dad my mom used to always say your dad's a piece of [ __ ] you never have done that never have done that man and my mom would do it with my dad she would be like he ain't [ __ ] we going to the corner in Brooklyn to get $40 for school clothes that he would give you know and it was hard for him to give it but I never talk negative about him and it it it it's more for my son you know like I love my son and I don't I I just you know it's his dad at the end of the day and I know he looks up to him so you know I keep all this [ __ ] to myself and then you know if he gets older and wants to discuss things but yeah he went through a time where like why you can't marry my dad why we can't go to Houston I'm thinking bro only if you knew I'm like I don't want to marry a dad and I don't want to go to Houston but you know it's just yeah it's just a respect thing and um yeah I just I feel like it it comes with healing and all that stuff like I don't want to be bitter talking [ __ ] about him on the show and like for what but then you see the Carl Crawford that we know now because we did not know the Carl Crawford that you describe with the suit on going to we we know the Carl Crawford with the tattoo on the face and the Megan the stallion controversy that has just followed him when you see his relationship with Megan thean what do you make of that I feel I don't know the ins and outs right I just know what you know cuz by the time he started all of that uh the relationship was over I do know that he put a lot of money and energy into the label um so you know it's unfortunate cuz I feel like they've been able to both accomplish amazing things you know like he I guess helped put her out or whatever happens but you know I I'm hoping that it's over soon I mean how many years has it been it's been like what four years of this um I know she wants to I guess be free and I'm sure he wants his money so hopefully they figure it out so everybody could move on yeah yeah um would you ever sign his music label I would I ever signed to his music label you're not doing no if Evelyn Lada comes out with a rap album I'm telling you oh would you do music hell no I don't want nothing to do with that industry or anything like that no okay so you're back back on basketball wise you took a break for a long time I did why I felt like I needed a reset uhhuh you know a lot was going on prior to me leaving and I just felt like this is just this is not like feeding me no more um it was just becoming too controversial and just too crazy and I felt like I needed a breather so I ended up leaving even shaie took a break from it because it was it was a lot going on at the time and people are always asked me why do you go back to the show you know I go back to the show cuz I really feel I was the first person that filmed on the show like I also feel like this is like my baby right you know and um I want it to do well even if I'm not on it like I want the show I mean to look back on it now we're 200 plus uh episodes in like you know a lot has been accomplished been 11 years 10 11 years it's been a long [ __ ] time so it's like I wanted the show to do great if I'm not on it if I'm on it it's just I needed a minute to just reset and focus on other things when you were there last was that the that was the season with the whole OG moments that was a lot it was and it wasn't just a lot for what you went through it's a lot for anybody in around in the show or around the show that went through because I everybody that's been watching you know I went through that whole thing too because anybody that had an opinion about the scenes that you all were in drew a line based on things that I think are people are affected by outside the show right correct um what was your biggest takeaway from that whole controversy with OG you know this is at this point I mean a couple of years ago I had been on the show what uh nine years how many episodes did I shoot I felt like no matter what I say people's are going to have their own opinion based off of their own experience or whatever they see on the show you know people like Jennifer if I was this person I feel like for example Jennifer my best friend from many years could have been like you know what she she said you know funny things around me when you know maybe when we weren't friends but you know no one has ever said anything like this about me I have filmed so many scenes drunk Jason in Miami and I've done crazy things and I've said crazy things out of my mouth I've never said anything you know racist or I've never you know I don't even I honestly don't I always say I don't think like that you know it's not it's not I grew up in New York right you know it's like yeah we say crazy [ __ ] which is The Melting Pot for like every race every ethnicity every culture music food I mean it literally that the culture is the intersection of New York City regardless to what burrow you're from ex yeah like I I mean I moved to the Bronx and people I know I'm going to like show really show my age but people were like break dancing outside like it was you know the Latinos hung out with the blacks and the Dominicans and the Indian like we all like rock together so you know it was really really hurtful cuz anybody can can say anything about anybody and try to destroy your entire life off of a viral moment and here you are like [ __ ] that's not who I am so you know we ended up having the conversation that we did cuz um and I'm grateful for that moment and and you are giving me the platform to just I never talked about it with anyone else really and um so yeah and I still think still think to this day people have their opinions about it but I can't you know I I think just look at my life and and how I've been on TV for the last decade and and and the person that I am and and you know you know that that's not who I am to the core so it was difficult though well the reason why I had connected you with with you through that whole experience was I mean people really online thought me and you were best friends who plotted this whole cool out and it was just people having a conversation but also from there I had my own opinions which I always say I reserve the right to think how I want to think but I think what I learned and I was reading Mariah Care's Memoir where she was talking about colorism and her experience with colorism as a mixed girl and I had never heard my experience like that until I read the book CU I'm like yo I've had that experience we like I'm Pro black as [ __ ] in my head but I'm not black enough for black people but then I'm definitely too black for white people so I find myself in this weird middle place and then I started looking at colorism oh so white supremacy created this oh so this is something created by racist people who hate blacks in general just to divide us even more so it's bigger than us it was bigger than that clip that and it was a clip that created a whole conversation where I'm like yo we have a lot of unhal trauma as a culture that we have to start looking at because it's not fair to take an experience that we do have that's a real issue in the world and just label everybody as being a part of that right I agree that was a lot it was a lot it was a lot I'm happy we're over it and past it you know again I can't change everybody's opinions I can just you know be myself continue to film the show and um and that's that you know you can't change people's opinions of you or what they think of you or I mean it's just what it is and um you know you talk about New York City when you look at like all of us as people Puerto Rican Dominican black we all come from the same place right you know they just dropped us off on the boat right different location yeah you know what I do love about New York which is very different than La the culture out there like um do you miss that I do miss it I I I was there over the summer I was there for 10 days and I still go to the same hair salon I'll go to the Bronx I'll hang out in the Bronx I went to Brooklyn I was in Queens there's just something about the energy there uh that's just so different that you know I love LA and um but it's not New York so I go I get my fix I eat my pizza I go to the Spanish restaurant I'll go to like my mom's Spanish club that she liked a little salsa club with her and you know I feel really grounded there there and um yeah I do miss it so I go I get my New York fix and you know um come back to LA so should British go to prison should British go to prison she thought to buy herself some more time go ahead yeah um I actually like British I Never filmed the show with British uh I don't know the ins and outs of the case I know was what is it like I mean Social Security PPP it's some fraudulent activities yeah she's a part of the whole basketball I know you didn't know her like that but I just wondered like you know part of the franchise you're you're the one of the franchise I you should I think she I think they should Let Her Go Let Her Off The Hook Let Her Off The Hook p PE please p PE please okay um so I interviewed Britney Rena recently um she was on the Jason Lee show live by the way this came up on the reunion did it really well you came up my name that that I want to check shie that interview it ended and I I know I can't give too much of the reunion away cuz we just filmed it two weeks ago but that interview it did come up oh in a good way yeah it was in a in well yeah it wasn't in a bad way yeah yeah it was in a bad way so she was talking about the cast and she had a lot of opinions but she didn't really drop a lot of names what was your relationship with her on the show so my relationship with her uh so when I saw so I did see clips of that interview and I was very surprised um why because I feel like she was she wasn't being really truthful and um my relationship with her when she started the show I was excited when Britney did the show I was like you know what I've been following her on Instagram I think she's funny as [ __ ] I think she's beautiful I think she's very opinionated cool let's do this let's bring her to the show I know part of the reason why they uh ended up casting her was I mean obviously she has a huge following you know the connection to you know uh the baby daddy but also they wanted to you know tell her story like who is who is Britney brener right like we only know about like these viral moments and a book but who is she and I was like okay cool so met her and you know I felt like we hit it off even when we weren't shooting the show I would leave her a voice note like hey you know I know you're away from your son if you want to like go hiking cuz I really I wanted the experience to be amazing for her you know I know I mean you know it's hard filming a reality show this is your your first time doing this [ __ ] you're like okay y'all [ __ ] are crazy cuz one day you're arguing and then the next day you guys are having a a a lunch and everybody is like friends again right so I think for her it was kind of difficult kind of navigating through that a little bit like y'all what the [ __ ] is going on right but it's like you're speeding through your emotions because you're filming a show right so you need to have closure and you need to like I mean granted you know you're not forced to do certain things right but I I think it was it was hard for her but she kind of talked [ __ ] about everybody without naming everyone and it was when we first started let me just say it when we first started shooting the show cuz she I think she referred to the show as them [ __ ] or something like it was a it was a wide cast net of what she was talking about cuz she didn't SP say specific names yeah she the first drink that was thrown she threw it it didn't air because she was having an issue with Jackie's friends um uh for for whatever reason that didn't air they ended up having to pick her up no shoes getting her out of there Britney yes this was this this was in the beginning of shooting at my party so I remember thinking okay [ __ ] is this what we're going to do this season because you know every season is like Hey we're trying to elevate it I'm like cool let's do it I want to do this and then you bring people in that are like still on the old program and want to have like these moments I don't want to have moments you know I want to be the Auntie sitting in the corner Maybe commentating about the [ __ ] you [ __ ] got going on I don't want to argue with anybody but you know Vanessa came in with her [ __ ] I'm like okay here we go that same day she got taken out with like no shoes on cuz she had thrown this drink at Jackie's friend so I'm like oh [ __ ] what the was this the first scene this was like the first week we're shooting but did she have beef with the girl before did she come in feeling like the expectation is I got to just pop off I think she came in maybe with the expectations like she's she needed to pop off and Jackie was a little like okay what is like what is going on or whatever so then that happened then moving forward the second drink that was thrown was thrown at Brooke from from Britney yes that aired on the show yeah so it's like it's interesting for me to see her side of it cuz we initially we're like let's tell her story like we're excited for her to be here and then you know bombs are going off and we're like okay hold on so you have Vanessa with the [ __ ] with me she had thrown two drinks and then you have uh uh iguodala's baby mama um cayana came in she had beef with Jennifer she pushed Jennifer in a scene so the OG's are like what the [ __ ] is happening and so so Britney on my show referred to you all as the Mean Girls yeah who was being mean to her no one so was she doing it to get reality show clout cuz she already has social Cloud but was it like to get clout within the show was it to get camera time what was the I don't know I and I listen throughout the whole season like I was still even with the situation with her and uh Brooke after that drink throwing it was hard for me to kind of have a neutral stance because I'm really cool with her I'm really cool with her brother is my neighbor our kids are best friends so there's like a real life Rel you know relationship there so I was like [ __ ] how do I continue filming the show she threw this drink at at at Brooke Brooke really wanted to beat her ass like for outside of the show she was like I'm going to beat her ass so you know it became bigger than just that scene and I'm like okay let me take my feelings out of it because it really has nothing to do with me and continue to kind of just be cool because I genuinely liked Britney at the time um she once she ended up leaving the show uh it was she unfollowed us um and I just I don't know it's it's it's I don't know what to think of it it's interesting wait she left the show early yeah she stopped filming early um she basically had checked out she didn't you know she said it was just like too much and um she just I have never had in the history of doing this show there's still a a level of professionalism that you still need to have so if you have confessional interviews you know they schedule those and sometimes she just wouldn't show up we've had scenes it could be me her and shaie the scene ATT turned from her coming to maybe a FaceTime because she just wouldn't show up so it was becoming a little difficult because you know she just was slowly checking out as time went on and I mean according to her the experience wasn't that great and I get it doing the show could be crazy but you know I always have my eye on the prize but to say that you know people you know everyone no one got into it with her other than her and Brooke so was she at the reunion she was so she come back for that yes okay now when she calls you all the Mean Girls I know back in the day when Brandy was in the show her and shaie had the moment where she was like you know if you're going to be the epnb in the show you know she tried to say basically she was being bullied as a new cast m is that something where the O where the new G's or the people feel like the Vets are bullying them or they don't have the same Level Playing Field as the Vets you know is that a feeling that the new people have I don't know you know I feel like we were welcoming I feel like we tried to get into your stories to tell like who you are get you know people get to know you a little bit more other than the viral moments or who your baby daddy is and you know it just it just she just felt like she didn't have a a good experience and um I don't know but to say that we treated her mean it's like where I was kind to you Jil who was who's a with the N WNBA player they had a good Rel great relationship she unfollowed her on social media when the show was done her and Jackie never really got into it the the brook and her they ended up hashing it out and then things were like cool and then Jennifer and her barely filmed so I couldn't understand when you guys had did the interview I was kind of like that's that's so interesting um I know there was a lot of drama going on but no one treated you poorly so I just I didn't she wasn't being honest do you ever give Vanessa skin regimen recommendations let me let me sit no because people keep walking up to me saying my skin is beautiful your skin is beautiful I have a thing about healthy skin same but they keep talking about Vanessa's skin online is it because does she really have like craters yeah her skin is really really bad um she told me in a scene that I can't she told me in a so her and I had filmed a scene cuz I had said something about that in an argument cuz at this point what you say um I told her to call her esthetician you know but and then it got worse through the through the episodes it's like like it just got worse and worse and worse I don't know how you fix that but um she definitely looks like she needs a chemical peel did she get one by the reunion um cuz you gave her time and you gave the Bible says warning comes before destruction so if you gave her a warning she had time she I don't know if I could say this cuz this just I'm go ahead say it or don't say it but either way the reunion will come up and we can see maybe not okay but like I haven't seen I'll be honest with you um I haven't seen what she looks like yeah I did see a picture it was kind of from the distance and I was getting my makeup done today is it like bad like when you drive over potholes and it's like really really bad Road or is it like just maybe a little bump here in there no it's like New York City when the snow eventually melts off and there's like a pothole every 10 seconds damn yeah I you know what I'm also a True Believer okay so let's flip this I feel like she has a lot going on in her real life I think sometimes when you have a lot going on in your real life you know what I'm done it show it it rises to the surface it rises to the surface like you look like what you're going through it's just what it is like when life is great and we're like flourishing kind of like how we are you feel like okay but when you're going through [ __ ] I've had moments I'm going through some [ __ ] I look like death life be lifing life be lifing and I feel like life is lifing for her in like outside of the show so that's probably the issue so who is this girl like I don't know her and I'm not being shady I just really don't know who she is I I don't know who she is either so how did she make it in the show oh her husband well we we probably you probably know her husband or maybe not um Isaiah Ryder is her husband basketball player okay and she's married to him now okay and so she comes into the show she uses her relationship with your ex who you have a good relationship with now did she make claims that you don't co-parent well no she's um she didn't say anything about the co-parenting I don't think so I mean honestly so much happen online who knows but uh we we co- parent great we have a great relationship but didn't her husband call him right now didn't her husband cheat on her a thousand times but during the pandemic when we were supposed to be uh uh in our houses tucked away from strangers he was getting familiar with other women yeah so she talked about this on the show she talked about how she ended up pregnant she found out that he was uh cheating with some woman and because of the stress of that you know what was going on the infidelity she ended up miscarrying uh the baby and I guess this woman was trying to extort them like oh I'm going to put this on blast on TMZ I don't know she talked about this on the show so that's why you said if your life is a mess in real life and it comes out through your pores okay yeah so now in the show did you all get into it more than once yes well initially I knew that she was going to be on the show and I said to myself okay cool I know she's friends with the mother of his kid kid like I don't have a issue with anybody like her and I could be cool I didn't know that she was coming in with this energy trying to rewrite my history with Carl I'm like no no no girl you're not going to you know basically come on the show and say you know she's a home recer and all of this if if she wanted to have a conversation with me she could have had it no problem I I mean I don't have anything to hide when it comes to you know how we met you know how Leo was conceived and and all of those things but she she yeah she was like stuck on it and everybody was telling her like girl this happened 10 years ago like the kids are now like in fifth grade like why do you care this has nothing to do with you so it's it's it's safe to say you were her main storyline in the whole show yes and so did you put hands on anybody this season um I snatched the wig really yeah but to my defense to my defense so do people be getting their wigs snatched off they don't latch them on tightly or what I mean I don't know I'm not a wig oh my God I was so like I didn't even know she had a wig on I was like I couldn't even believe it was in my hands wait you went to pull her hair and the thing came off yeah because this so what happened what happened Jason what happened was is that Jennifer filmed the scene with clana like a couple of weeks prior right you know Jen Jennifer don't fight nobody Jennifer gets up in that scene and walks away the girl ends up pushing her right okay fine moving forward to the strip club scene you know they're still having like bad energy because of that day so we're having drinks we're having a good time and the next thing I know is I'm looking Jennifer is sitting there eating a [ __ ] tater tot and I look to my right and I see this girl running up she took off her shoes her earrings like she was coming to like beat Jennifer's ass because Jennifer had sang a song there's some ho in this H like she that's a good song yeah and was being petty it was like if she was being petty like you know in Jennifer's mind she's like I'm still mad at this [ __ ] [ __ ] you pushed me like so the girl runs up to Jennifer and I was like I reacted because I said to myself she's going to end up hitting her and then I went to snatch like I what I thought was her hair and it was it was um her wig I couldn't believe I ended up with the wig in my hand do you know what I did with it next I danced with it like literally cuz we were in a strip club it was bachelorettees I was like what do I do with the WG what the [ __ ] so yeah mind you me and her never had beef it was more so for me trying to like stop her from hitting yeah but now that you snatched her wig off no pun intended on TV now y'all got beef now she hates me because of that did she at least have a stocking on over the braids under her wig or was it just straight up I don't know what she had on it you know what honestly it happened so fast and then security came and and took her out and then they came over here so I don't know what I don't know what her hair looked like under the wig so now shaie is a first lady is shaie is the first lady of First Corinthian Episcopal Baptist Church showing up on basket wise she ain't showing up to that she ain't showing up to that you know what she'll show we we did um we did film like a couple of like lunches and stuff that she came in she did one dinner but she I could probably count the times that she filmed the show was probably like three times no I mean she one thing I will say about shaie you know know the fact that first of all she created a show for a lot of women of color to be able to thrive and build Brands and stuff on so as a businesswoman she's done her thing she'll message me here and there on Instagram with words of encouragement you know she's watching me from the pull pit CU you know I cut up sometimes but I I love the fact that she still stays connected to the culture and you know she's doing her she seems happy she's one of the like most humble most real first ladies you'll ever meet and I think that that's why even even Pastor Keon you go to his church I think that's why so many people gravitate towards him is because there's a realness about him um and yeah like you said you know she started this show it has allowed I mean I come back not not just for the check I come back because I'm able to promote my jewelry line be EXO I'm be able to do a popup shop for my you know bodysuit line I'm it's not just about shooting the show and wanting to be famous or relevant I honestly could give a [ __ ] about that it's really about how do I make the most out of this time on this network this platform to be able to make money and build my Brands so but when you're friends with shaie and then she's the executive producer and then she brings a Vanessa in the show where now vanessa wants to bring Amy in the show and Amy has never been a public conversation Evelyn's real life do you ever get mad at that do you feel some type of way or do you are you just roll with the punches as part of the job I just roll with the punches it's really just part of the job and you know shaie shaunie's listening to story as it's it's going to right so but I'm I should be positive the whole way through I'm not in control of that I'm not in control of what you bring to the table as a cast member what you say about me and you really have to roll with the punches you need to have thick skin you don't I mean I guess it makes the show you know nobody nobody would watch if you guys were this yeah if you didn't talk [ __ ] in your confessionals and everything was like oh my God I just love Evelyn she's so great it would be boring you know so it's just a part of what we do and I've done it for so long and I'm like there's nothing you could say about me that is going to really affect me and it's just part of the job what's your relationship with Amy Carl X wife it's a little strange now because of that situation which really pisses me off because up to that point great I even now today I was saying usually for the holidays I'm like hey you know uh what is she into because Leo wants to buy his sister a gift we communicate or if she's coming in town she'll say hey I'm coming in town you know we'll we'll you know I'll have Leo meet with her or we'll figure something out and it's different now unfortunately because of some stupid [ __ ] her friend wanted to to bring to the show I think it was hard for her um and I don't want to put words in her mouth but you are a private person your friend is on the show exposing your life story because it's not her friend's life story and then I'm forced to respond which gives it more eyes and then it became this like big thing and I'm sure people are like oh hey I heard you know this happened on the show she also has a older son that is now playing baseball you know he got drafted out of high school I'm sure she's like I don't want to deal with this [ __ ] and I get it but you know but you didn't create it I didn't create any of this and I would have never you know wanted to talk about Amy or Carl on Basketball Wives on VH1 like for what you know I I respect her privacy and I also respect my son's father like I just wouldn't do that but you know I'm forced to respond and it got real ugly and and now the relationship is in a weird space you know I'm hoping that as the dust settles that it's like okay I see you know you didn't have anything to do with this I don't know what how I'm being blamed for this to be honest but that's the part that I'm trying to understand because if you've never really talked about your relationship with Carl his ex in the news or media never said we never talked about it before and we never talked about it privately either and you've been protecting that privacy for so long and then your friend uses that is a gateway to getting famous right you should be looking at your friend right you I would be like my friends do anything that even gives me a glimpse that they're doing that it's we we're going to have a moment right so how do you become the bad guy in that I don't know and I I I remember telling her via text like this is your friend I didn't want this I didn't want to talk about you I didn't want to talk about this situation even when Carl and I broke up uh that I was just reflecting on my relationship with him her and I had a great conversation you know great conversation mature and been were cool ever since then never had any issues I was actually proud at the way we were able to always bring the kids together or try our best to make sure that they have a good relationship but well because the things that I read in the notes were specifically like verbatim Vanessa bringing Amy's name up in the show yes so again I would say Amy I don't know you but take it from somebody who has lots of friends who respects my privacy take stock of who's around you and if your friends are using you and your child or your relationship with your ex and your relationship with her and your children as a way to get on you better be careful what else you tell them because the minut you cut them off that's going to come out too right you know and I think you know for somebody like you you've been dealing with Fame for so long that you understand the game and you get what it is so hopefully you talk to somebody who knows you know who who knows the game uh better than the person who's trying to play it now yeah and and Vanessa get some uh the Derm King is a really good dermatologist he I like supporting supporting black businesses you should go uh talk to him he'll probably give you a discount if you refer use my name that's amazing and your interview did that for her so now when she get her skin fixed you did that yes crazy it's all about helping each other not New York potholes though Jesus we want everybody to be better okay so Jackie Christy is she still being sneaky and underhandedly messy cuz I love Jackie but Jackie can stir some [ __ ] baby I listen Jackie and I we were cool to the end of the season you know what this season she was a little bit there was so much going on with the newbies and there was so much drama that she really was kind of like step back she took a step back a little bit uh which was fine but you know I don't know if you ended up seeing but I guess the promo pictures came out and it became this thing that I had no idea about so I guess the the promo picture had me um shaie and Jennifer on it I didn't know that this was going to be one of the promo pictures it was going to be banner I I didn't know left Jackie off she wasn't on it and I guess she was feeling some type of way about it right I don't have sh I don't mind you Jason I have no control of what the network want what they want to do I would have wore a better dress if that was the [ __ ] case I'm like I had no idea that this was going to be on [ __ ] Billboards the cast doesn't get sign off on the networks's promo no I had no idea anyway the point is is that she then started talking [ __ ] behind the scenes she was calling British it ends up you know she was calling British I guess venting to her calling her collect in prison or calling no no no calling her this was before the the the indictment the indictment yeah this was before like but she's not in prison now right I I'm just being okay I'm like wait is she no she actually the the judge I saw recently on Hollywood unlock that the judge is going to let her spend time with her kids before she goes to jail oh okay good good um so anyway it became this whole thing um she was calling and I guess she just feels some type of way about it um she started you know talking [ __ ] about me I guess she was talking [ __ ] about shaie so you'll see that come to aead at the reunion because I'm like I never had anything with you I'm I just want to come on the show film a good show at the end of the day we're all on the same team whether I film for 5 minutes or not like my check doesn't change I'm in the episode but you know I think she really feels like this is her show and there's this whole insecurity about it and I'm just like okay like you know so a lot has happened outside of the cameras unfortunately were her just you know being a hater so she's mad what is she she's talking [ __ ] about you online she's talking she hasn't talked [ __ ] about me online she does this behind the scenes with calling Brooke and then recent not calling Brook calling British yeah and then recently Brook posted it online cuz I guess they were going at it like that's why you were calling british talking [ __ ] about Evelyn so it was like this whole thing but it all boils down to her I guess maybe feeling some type of way about Billboards me being here and blah blah blah I mean you are Basketball Wives when you think about it but but Jackie is also held it down of course of course I mean Jackie yeah and she's been on the LA show from the beginning she's never not filmed a season you know I leave I go do my own show I come back I go do another show I come back you know I try to explore other things but she really feels like this is like her show she'll be like well you're on my show and then I'll have to say stupid [ __ ] like well the LA show wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Miami show it sounds very high school true no it is and it's like why do we even need to have this battle cuz it's like we've been able to accomplish so much together but she still feels like this is her show and the Miami girls are on her show Jackie this is almost like colorism it's a problem that y'all didn't create so why are y'all fighting over it but the network y'all were Shady because you knew damn well not putting but it's almost like you know not to put Jackie up is going to cost this like it's it's smart yeah I guess I guess it is smart but I'm like I don't have no it's not your fault no I don't have any control of that I would have definitely looked way better in that promo broo Bailey yeah her daughter died does she cover all that in the show she covers all of that in the show I have no idea how she even filmed the show I can't even imagine going through you know the hurt and pain that she's going through but she she discussed that she also just did a fundraiser she has a nonprofit uh for her daughter cuz her daughter was in um in beauty school so um she has a nonprofit for that that uh and um yeah she talks about it there was a lot of tears and crying like real emotion I would always tell her even off camera like I don't know how you're filming the show cuz I was stressed filming it and I can't even imagine filming the show and having to go through the grief that she's um going through but I think she's you know taking it day by day and you know some days are good and some days are not but um you know I told her I'm always here for her no matter what I'm glad that Brooke is back in the show I'm glad that she's able ble to honor her daughter's life and story and on television cuz I was able to do that for my brother Rodney on Love & Hip Hop that's the only reason why I went back to Love and& Hip Hop because I got tired of doing that show a bunch of conflict all the time then we show up everybody's at lunch having a good time it was crazy but because they let me tell a story so it was good to see her I can't remember where I ran to Brook I was somewhere in passing I just happened to bump into her on a red carpet it may have been the essence black women in Hollywood and I just kind of grabbed her and said you know sorry to hear what's going what you're going through and all that um as a parent your daughter's grown she's out here in these trees hi she came to my birthday party beautiful very very beautiful I always think like when a woman or a man has a child and then they get older and grown and now they're out in the world that would just drive me nuts like I would always wonder if they're okay is that something that you even think about with Chenise um I'm going to feel like that till the day I die honestly she even as an adult she goes out I will literally wait until she messages me me that she's home oh I'll go to sleep wake back up are you home it's just it's something that will never go away I'm always worried about her when she goes she doesn't go out a lot anymore she she's calmed down a lot she was never she'll go to like events and stuff like that but um yeah you you I always worry you know okay you're getting in an Uber be careful let me know give me your location sometimes she's probably like all right girl like I'm 30 but you know those are my babies and and you just never know you know especially going after out at night in La what could happen especially even with Uber drivers so I'm always concerned and I think that being a parent that is something that will forever stay with you you know now you have a nine-year-old when you're raising him and you look at the world that we're in with school shootings with just we live in the craziest world right now yeah what do you think about I I mean I worry because he's he's going to grow up to be a black man in America and um you know he asks me a lot of questions you know he he sees things on TV and he's very aware that he is a black boy um and you know all I can do is obviously instill in I I just I feel like the greatest compliment I could receive as a mom is that you have great kids and that they're good people and um you know hopefully he's not out here getting in trouble and I keep him in sports and and busy so we're like at baseball football just to keep him off of the iPad and and keep him cuz he wants to do that longterm like he wants to be you know a professional baseball player like his dad and his brother so you know just I try my best to just keep him on the right track I don't I he's a big personality and um yeah I don't know what it's going to be like when he like tap like is able to like go out out but hopefully the things that I instill at him at home will you know stay with him when he's you know making his own decisions so okay now let's switch gears back to love so you go on this new show Queen's Court let's be mature and now let's tap into something else it's always a roller coaster over here so you get on how first of all how do you get sucked into Queen's Court I got sucked into Queen's Court well it wasn't the first dating show that kind of like people knew I wasn't doing Basketball Wives so there was another dating show that came across and I was like I don't know but then this one will Packer was putting it together and um I started one day it was like overdrive it was like the old showrunner a basketball wife Sean Rankin shout out to him he was like Hey will Packers people are trying to contact you I'm like for what like what's going on mind you I had already taken time off of Basketball Wives and then that's how it ended up happening I had my manager Lisa talk to them and they were like Hey we're putting together the show next question was who else is doing it so it's Tamar Braxton and Nivea and I'm like okay I actually like like these people so this could be great then they were like oh well then you got to go to Atlanta and you got to be there for six seven weeks I'm like [ __ ] that's hard cuz I have to be away from my son right I'm like how the [ __ ] am I going to do that but then I'm like okay cool I'm going to work it out so yeah the next thing you know I was packing my [ __ ] and I was going to Atlanta to to film this you know this dating show which was eventful okay so now the Queen's Court how did did you meet this okay cuz I didn't watch it so I'm going to just say that I didn't watch it I know that I've talked to Tamar we all know Tamar is Da in Jr and we know how that's playing out which I'll ask you your opinion Lord don't ask me [ __ ] Tamar do not call me after this episode because you know I love you but you know have a job to do all right so you get in the show now the show was I know it was a re a dating show is it was it real like a real real no it was a real dating show we would go on these like group dates so I would go out on a date with like four or five guys that I would choose and then we would have an elimination depending on what happened on those dates conversations and then um it was like three rounds of guys so it was like one round guys come in you you know you get rid of who you don't like then you bring more in so it was some interesting men on there well the reason why I say ask is it scripted I mean I know it was an unscripted reality show but this thing Tamar and Jr is playing out like Jr from Dallas like this is becoming like it's becoming a thing I don't know if it's real what's not real because you know I come from Love & Hip Hop where I don't know what's real or not real there yeah okay so you're let's let's talk about this guy leavon Lewis so he became the cuz I can't your face go ahead go ahead okay leavon Lewis is somebody that you met throughout your journey of all these group and individual days and that's the one that you said you liked that's the one that I said I liked so when I first met him I was like the thing about Lavonne is I felt like Lavonne some of the guys were doing the most right and he seemed the most humble the most normal uh he he has a marketing business like he he basically signed on to do the show because yeah he was looking for love but he also has this business the some of the other guys I felt like wanted to promote a book or it or did other dating shows so to me I'm kind of like he just seemed very very um I don't know very normal and and and sweet and he he just wasn't doing too much so I kind of gravitated towards that but was the goal did you think I'm really going to date this guy or were you like I just need to find one that I find halfway acceptable I didn't know what was going to H and as we kept going on on dates he had the I will say this some of his dates was so creative um but he has he that's how he thinks you know he's very creative so like one date he gave me butterflies in a box like real life butterflies I have a bunch of butterfly tattoos so um so he would do sweet things like that and I was like and it was something about his energy too where I felt like maybe I need like this like a calm gentle man like this right like who's so different from anything that I've ever dated I mean look at Carl look at leavon right but right totally different gu but also you've dated like athletes uhhuh so like is athlete like your thing or it's been your thing well it was my thing and it well I it's just what who I met you know it wasn't like you know I met Chad on Twitter you know what I'm saying and it's like Carl I met through a life coach anine I met out in New York so it was just how my life ended up working out I guess I didn't know that I was going to hit the trifecta and go from basketball to football you know uh baseball even me I was like oh my God you need to go to soccer you playing around that's where the the the most finest men in the World of Sports and money yes really see I never really like tell me you seriously don't know that no I don't look at I don't watch soccer do you know who Memphis depay you know any of these I'm I'm a text I only know Cristiano Ronaldo okay he's cool he he got the money but there's like for real that you're you're in the wrong Sports okay yeah if you went over to Dubai or to England or like you went and visit I we could go to a soccer game cuz I know some I'm telling right now the richest and the best looking really okay well we'll see okay so this guy Leon so now um you knew that was G to work though not initially I thought we were together what are you going to do with a guy who marketing you ain't going Courtside nowhere you ain't G to sit up at this house marketing well that's true but I have my own money too yeah so I felt like I did like the fact that he was um lowkey I I don't want a guy that's like you know a big celebrity I just I I did that I just I want to live a normal quiet life at home you know so I mean I get what you're saying that's nice too cool you know it's nice to have but sometimes you know having that lifestyle comes with a lot of [ __ ] too and it's like I just don't have the energy to have to I've been there did that I'm like that's why I'm like I'll be by myself I'll make my own money I'll call my own shots and if I want to go to Courtside game I'll go wait so are you on Ria or you're not on Rya I don't know had Rya and I deleted it but I have a friend that met her fiance on Rya so she had a different experience is it a good app though I mean there's it yeah I guess but I didn't I may be the wrong person to ask to be honest because it's like I made the profile my friend was like you need to do it my esthetician Roberta she was like you need to do it blah blah blah and I did got approved and then and then I ended up deleting it so I didn't really experience it no I wasn't paying attention to it and then I just ended up deleting it so you didn't see any celebrities on there no do do celebrity men slide in your DMs uh yes who I would never tell you do any of the young rappers try to slide your I know I have young rappers I have like super young athletes that are like 23 I'm like what am I going to do with you um have great sex go to Katsuya and [ __ ] go on trips and you know yeah that's fun what's the youngest you would date uh the youngest I would date is probably 30 okay I would date a 30 year old they say they say the rule is half your age plus seven so that's it wow I didn't know this that's what they said yeah yeah what's the youngest you would date seriously date or [ __ ] um cuz it's two different things you know 25 year old may get get hit on the way but 30 settle down okay good okay good good good yeah because you got to at least know who Tina Turner is you got at least know who the Fuji are l When You See Color Purple coming out you can't think that's the first time it's ever been in this in the movie theater right I got you I got you yeah you still need you you could be young and and mature yeah but I I feel like yeah I'm like I met a guy he's like a old soul he's like early 30 so I like that so you still be open a day in athletes I don't know it depends on who it is Stephen A Smith would you dat him um um I don't know who the that is show me show me who that is okay is he like a veteran player no Stephen a show me who it is okay Stephen A oh he's from the Bronx he's from the Bronx y' yeah yeah um y'all have a lot in comment when it comes to the Bronx oh no oh no I would never dat see and you know why I'm going to tell you and I'm going to keep it a buck right here and Jason when the [ __ ] happened between Chad and I he was talking so much [ __ ] really and he was one of the main people that I made me feel this small and because of what I was going through I just felt like it was hard for me you know how we talked about feeling rev vitim like he was he was one of the main people that that talk [ __ ] uh about my situation with with Chad he was very negative um and it was difficult so yeah I would never date him even outside of that I would never date him period I didn't even know that but you know interesting because he was the same one that tried to pit Rihanna and Beyonce against each other and it was like really nasty in the way he did it so I find it very interesting I didn't know that that happened to you with him yeah and I felt I I every time I see him or whenever he has an opinion about some [ __ ] I always think about that because it was it was really really hurtful for me you know here I am I'm going through this very public you know divorce breakup it was you know Chad was doing interviews he was still trying to get back with me at the time like there was so much controversy around it I'm getting blamed for everything that happens and he was one of the people that uh pretty much made me feel like just horrible about speaking up and and and living in my truth and I just feel like I don't know I think that's the reason why a lot of women in these relationships don't speak up because of people like him that feel like okay you know I'm going to get blamed for this situation and maybe I shouldn't say anything cuz it's going to ruin his career I'm like [ __ ] that you know like so it it was hard for me yeah and on my podcast I recently just said like you know picking to choose when you support and defend women who are going through experiences like that shouldn't be based on your favorite celebrity you know I like this celebrity or I like this athletes uh accomplishment so they must they must be lying right and it's like I didn't headbutt myself right you know the and we saw the picture exactly so it's like the situation happens and um and I I do I I understand that my actions on the show weren't the most positive and here I am getting into you know arguments and fights with women and it's just a part of you know the the show at the time but I know when it came to my relationship with him I never you know put my hands on him and even that day I never did anything to deserve what happened to me you know and my hope for his new woman is that he treats her with the love and respect that she deserves cuz I always think about whoever he's dating next there it is there Stephen A you should be ashamed of yourself by the way um okay so you're not on Rya would you do hinge or any other dating nap my friend's on hinge she's my hair stylist she says that it's been great for her I don't want to I I just don't want to be on a dating app I don't know maybe but not right now so you won't tell me who's fing your DMs um has there been any celebrity that's slid in your DMs that you would give a chance to um no when you see them slide do you slide back or do you just ignore it like do you respond say thank you but I say thank you or yeah yeah some or sometimes I don't even want you to see that I saw it um you know how you can kind of like yeah so it it just depends but yeah I ignore a lot of them why cuz I'm not interested okay but even though you're 47 I always say to people like when you come out of a relationship it's okay to give yourself permission to like be a ho for a little bit like I I believe I'm having fun okay okay that's what I was going to say at least you're having fun I'm having fun okay but discreetly privately how do you protect yourself from the cloud Chasers because you know we don't talk about the men until they're dating you guys right you know that right yeah because I feel like a lot of celebrity women I tell Amber Rose and everybody we don't we the the the website we don't talk about the men until they're dating the women right so how do you protect yourself from the cloud Chasers I just I just know like how I meet meet the person um I just everybody anybody that meets me knows that you know I'm very lowkey under the radar I don't want to be in Hollywood you know going to dinner I rather be somewhere in freaking Semi Valley eating you know so um I I'm from New York I can read people very well yeah you know it's like I know if you're Cloud chasing or if you genuinely just want to like Vibe and and and you know chill and stuff like that do you want to get married again I do you do I do my I [ __ ] was married for 43 days that [ __ ] was shortlived like does that count wait 43 days that was less than Kim Kardashian I know listen when my when my marriage ended I remember thinking oh my God I didn't beat Kim K cuz remember it was like a big deal what was the guy's name I don't know but I saw him on Southwest Airlines one day I I'm not going Southwest Airlines [ __ ] because I like that Airline um what was his name I don't mind getting on a South oh Chris humph Chris humph right so I remember when that went down hers was like 70 70 days yep I remember this you beat that I beat that I I may yes wa 43 days yeah well I got married 4th of July the incident between him and I happened the end of July okay and then I was divorced uh soon after so yeah it was only like 40 something day I tried to get that [ __ ] an old you have no idea cuz I didn't want to be a divorce on paper I'm like this is [ __ ] like but I couldn't so on record it's yes so you've been divorced now how many times once that one just him I never ruin your clean record ruin my clean record [ __ ] but you want to get married again I do I love marriage I love love I I'm always I'm never tainted from the relationship before I'm like [ __ ] it it didn't work out I'm always open to it but ultimately yes I would love to get married and and be with whoever that person is see cuz I kind of think about marriage here and there but then I'm like like 46 am I really going to get married I mean 46 is not old right but where they at they ain't out here let me know if you got a homeboy or something [ __ ] if I the one I got got a homeboy he probably want me to you know because now dating is different too these days cuz you know you don't got to just worry about the women right that's true about us too that's true but I do I do want to get married I want to have like a ranch and I mean I I want a simple simple life do you want more kids no hell no no my son is enough cuz you have nine more years I have nine more years and God knew listen go having those miscarriages were it was obviously like you said traumatic it was very very difficult but baby Lord do her son is enough you know his life is just keeps me so busy and um yes discipline yes exactly very disciplined so no I definitely don't want no more kids I'm going to raise him get him out the house and and enjoy my time and so um okay no more kids do you want a husband that doesn't have kids or can he have his own kids you don't care I prefer for him to have his own kids you know I don't ever want you to feel like oh you know I want to have kids have your own kids you know let them be somewhat grown or not whatever um I would prefer for that per for the kid not to be an infant but you never know yeah cuz we ain't breastfeeding over here yeah breastfeed my own kids you think I'm well I heard you had another kid so we actually got you a gift for your other kid what's my there's a there's a box down there we give gifts at the Jason Lee show I'm scared no look at the top look at the top you know wait you did your research shut the [ __ ] up you got my bearded dragon a gift look in there I am so dead we love sniper I used to date somebody named Sniper by the way what what oh my God wait there's so many things here yes okay so first there's the harness to put around your pet lizard there's a crown and a chain oh my God he's like straight out of New York my little baby yeah that's that's a that's what we got the crown cuz of Queen's Court clever clever try you guys do this is this is hilarious ious I love this I'm going to put this on him and you're going to see I'm going to send you a picture okay we'll post on Instagram that is so funny thank you okay so now so now you're done with Queen's Court would you do dating on reality TV again uh no I don't want to be that girl just doing dating shows and stuff like that I no I I think that'll be like my my one and done would you co-host a reunion show on the Zeus Network oh my God no no no I mean I'll watch the like little CR it's crazy it's beyond basketball wise love and hipop oh it is beyond I had saw I don't know who these girls are but there was one girl she ran out and she like karate chopped or kicked I was like oh my God is the girl okay so no no I think you'd be a great host I've been a host I've hosted I would host limo if Evelyn will host I will come back and host another I think we'd be great cuz we know reality TV but not our world that's that's their world right right right well listen if you want to hire me and Jason we'll be there money is good too is it they don't play over there oh damn no what that's why they getting them karate chops I see oh okay shout out to limo okay um what else I want to ask oh so Tamar Braxton your co-star from Queens Court is in the news because hi Tay Tay hey she's dating Jr she is can I say something about Jr yes I cosigned this whole thing from the when they were dating going on their dates on the show yeah I was like oh my God he's seems like he's so into her he's so amazing like I was totally I was co-signing this whole thing so you're the reason why my team has to work overtime to cover this relationship that's online now um I probably say I'm I'm part to blame because I definitely uh encouraged her I listen I only you have to think we would have together six seven weeks we would go to dinner have drinks and stuff after um obviously a lot has happened since then but um yeah you know I didn't I still don't know know him obviously how she knows him but I Tamar the thing that was interesting Tamar said after the um the the Braxton family value is when I did an interview with her that she was never doing reality TV again because it destroyed her family but then now she's back on this reality dating show so I was kind of confused by that but she found Jr there was the whole thing that went down with her candy burst Jr the husband Todd and then you know they broke up and then she was robbed in Atlanta or burglarized her car was burglarized and then she talked about how he wasn't there for but now they're back together again and the rumors have it that they're going to get married you're here for that I am here for whatever Tamar wants for her life you know I feel I know that they do have a connection um um I'm hoping that yeah I'm hoping maybe they could go to therapy together but after he broke up with her then went out with Tommy yeah then went got back with her and then she went to the game with him to get back at Tommy is just giv less Braxton value it's given Dollar Store value yeah but that's why y'all got to be careful when y'all date these men because we wouldn't be talking about Jr one timeing about Tamar Braxton that's very true that is very true um I don't really have a comment I mean I just want my girl honestly I feel like I love Tamar made my us shooting together the show so much fun like she support like if I'm trending she'll like post it like she she generally has supported me and made that whole experience fun obviously you don't want your friend in a toxic you know relationship and um yeah I mean I'm hoping that they figure it out and obviously there's kids involved maybe do therapy together I don't know the whole thing with Tommy I I I didn't know what was going on I was like so confused Tommy yeah it was it was a lot but I I want her happy at the end of the day I think she's she's uh a good person the Queen's Court you're not doing dating again on TV no I'm not going to do dating again no I think I'm good on it I just yeah I think that I experienced it I did it I'm good on it obviously it it worked and didn't work out but you know well since uh Evelyn decided to drop a lot of gems today we're going to give her one more gift there's a box oh this feels very heavy what is in here that was that was genius this is a jewelry box because we know you got the big hoop earrings in the big in the big jewelry Jason this is so cute butterfly I mean listen shout out to Marina do she shout out girl this is so cute I can put my Hoops in here so what's the name of your you have a jewelry line yes it's called BX glow and um so I started BX glow what now in 2018 so it's been doing great um and like I said that's another reason why I do the show I like I wear my earrings on every episode I'm like if you ain't catching in episode one you're going to catch it in episode three but I have the jewelry line BX gold.com and EDG by Evelyn lzada which is like the one piece of bodysuits this is so pretty do you ever promote your jewelry on only fans um I do head over there I started a new page when did you start only fans well during pandemic I had an only fans only for the feet which became this thing cuz I had like ankle bracelets and I'm like oh cool I'm going to start an only fans just for my feet baby it tapped me into a whole other world like people are really into feet and then I was like okay I don't know how many like how long I can do this for so I ended up getting rid of the page of whatever which I'm mad about because I had a good following but I you just deleted it I just deleted it I'm like you never delete I'm a [ __ ] idiot sometimes I'm like it like it was doing great but then I was like oh my God you know having like super morals I'm like I'm going to delete it like [ __ ] it right and then now I don't like to post like anything overly sexy on Instagram and granted I have a only fans page but I'm not posting like my [ __ ] and tits and stuff like that like it's nothing crazy like it's literally stuff you'll see me wear in Miami yeah but um yeah that's been doing pretty good too what you could do Tastefully nude shoots like body like you know how you see the athletes that do like the body addition for ESPN they're not fully nude and busting it open but they're it's like yeah I like that I like that like nice lighting stuff like that but I also have to always be aware anything that I post on only fans if it ends up online I have to be mindful of that especially you know my daughter doesn't care she's grown but you know I have a son so I don't want him to be like oh my God so um this Amber Rose told me she did one photo one time sent it to all her people made 400,000 with one photo really because it's the DMS where they click to unlock it they there's no two-step authentication once they click the picture you autoally get the money wow you need to connect with Amber on the only fans cuz I know in the feet thing that's a big thing like it is a feet it is it's a huge thing so they'll be like it's a I don't get it because I don't have it um but you know they'll say things like wear white polish I want to see your souls do you have wrinkly uh solds I'm like what yeah and and they'll pay to see they'll pay to just see it like my fee are always like a thing for whatever reason but it's it's like there's a whole like culture like there's a whole thing with it there's a whole Fe world out there yeah some of the photos so I have um a girl that runs the only fans page for me because it's hard for me so like I need help so um she lets me know like what type of photos she was like girl they they're requesting more feet I'm like like pictures with my feet in it I'm like sure well she got the white toe polish on today so you might get lucky later on I know head over there to only fans I've never promoted only fans in my life you know what go check it out I appreciate that okay well no you're not getting out of here yet because that was all the fun stuff but now we got to get to the real heart and soul of the show we got to play the games oh [ __ ] all right well here at the Jason Lee show we have some very fun games our pillar game here is called smash your p and that's where we put a photo of a celebrity up somebody that you may know and it's simple you just either gu to say you smash your past on the side of your your chair there you have a paddle it says smash or pass oh are you going to do it with me too yes of course yes fun all right give us some good ones well they've been pre-selected this person's name I want to say go ahead and put the picture up is it Killian M what is maape oh he's a soccer player with 110 million followers on Instagram and you're one of those followers so you clearly already know he's beautiful and all of that I follow follow him yes oh do I how do how do I end up following him yep I'll definitely smash that money I'm telling you he's how old is he how old is that guy he's hot he's probably half of our age plus seven younger than that he's half of our age we should be ashamed of ourselves smash smash no he's gorgeous he actually very successful soccer player I'm telling you you if you haven't looked at soccer you need to just take a moment just hour on the weekend and start googling like that's yeah he's a cutie okay okay and you follow him too all right this next person I think he's Puerto Rican too bad bunny no I'll pass him pass on Bad Bunny yeah I mean he is Puerto Rican but I don't know I'm teetering a little bit why I don't I don't know my daughter likes him I'll give him to sha okay well I mean he he is dating Kylie Kindle Jenner right I mean I don't know I mean everybody says online his brand value kind of went down after he went over there but I mean Bad Bunny he's I love his story I love I he's a great guy yeah yeah yeah yeah but it's a know for you um cuz right now it says smash I'll smash Bad Bunny oh okay great peer pressure all right this next person he love the girls with the brown skin even though he got the white girl Travis Kelce he's the one that's dating um Taylor Swift yeah also I know who he is wait so you would date you date white men I dated a white guy before yeah you did I did it was it was a he ended up not it was it was good the sex was good yeah really yeah Travis looks like he has good sex I just wonder he just looks like a lot of man for Taylor but they seem to be happy together I I like how he look I'm sorry I don't need the Taylor fans com but him and his ex-girlfriend Were A vibe together Vibe I did a shoot recently with Chenise Khloe and fabics and Kayla was there but I feel like they make such a beautiful couple for sure like they're just the vibe together he's hot he's hot and I feel like he gives me where did he grow up cuz he gives me he has flavor he gives like he was around the culture growing up sure I love that so like the white guy that I dated he was white but he was like white white no he wasn't white white like he was kind of like a little like LA Mexican kind of vibe like I was like okay yeah okay this next guy little short Mark Anthony I'll smash Mark Anthony you'll smash Mark Anthony I would who would it me really I think Mark is hot but I'm such a like you know we're like cool friends you and Mark yeah well because all of you are Puerto he's Puerto Rican too he's Puerto Rican and um I think did we meet through Chad we may have met through Chad I think we met through Chad back in the day so like when things were like going left between uh Chad and I he had Mark uh reach out that's a fun fact really back in the day yeah and um yeah he knows I'm like a super I mean I have every album even my mom I took my mom to his concert uh backstage he gave my mom the Puerto Rican flag like humble cool guy so I'll definitely smash Mark wait back in the day when there was that photo that popped up of you at his house remember that back yeah he wasn't there no I know but didn't everybody try to say like you guys had something going on oh yeah everybody was like oh my God she's at Mark's house this that or whatever but no he wasn't there but that was during yeah we're clearly friends and um I think he has a concert come every time he comes here I'm going everybody does that that I know that know him him says that he's the nicest guy and if so have you been around him I've only met him one time like if you're like hang hang out with him you'll understand why JLo vibed him or why all the women cuz he just has like this thing about him you know what I'm say saying so I know he's from like Harlem New York Puerto Rican but he definitely has this like swag he has a swag about him for sure for sure do you know JLo yes are you guys friends you know what we hung out back in the day so JLo when JLo was with ziddy his attorney I was uh working for uh Kenny melis who was him and I are really we still good friends long story short JLo and I we had hung out uh back in the day during that era in that time yeah you guys seem like you would vibe though cuz she's very much like you like she's very much like this just cool chill yeah I'm we're from literally the same Hood the Bronx the Bronx I mean just a couple of blocks away so you know everything she does her music her vibe how she dresses like I total like I love it because it's you know it's very New York you know she's a Leo she is a Leo she is a Leo she has a new album coming out by the way I've heard it seen everything it's amazing amazing yeah good we love you Jia okay um this next person recently single partisan Fontaine he's the one that was dating uh Megan but he's a great guy he is a great guy but I don't want to smash he's hot and successful no no well party I'm not going to put the sign up because it would be disrespectful but I think you're hot yeah I think he I think he's hot I just I mean do I want to hit it no you're like okay speaking of hit it this man just hit a car the other night Michael B Jordan why pass um oh don't no he's I I like a little more Edge he just hit a car the other smashed a Lamborghini into a parked car yeah I don't know I think he's handsome I definitely was a fan after the the movie wakanda yeah but um but you going to leave it in an imaginary location like wakanda okay I'm going to leave it in wakanda land okay this guy's hot I ran into him at mastros the Rock now you know you ain't smashing The Rock he too big he too big he's just yeah he's not a badl looking guy it's just yeah he's just he's I'm not attracted to him he's also very safe like I like a little Edge too yeah yeah and I I like he's yeah okay all all the positive stuff I still want to now this one has a little Edge to him and he's also uh from another country burner boy um um she ain't turning that pedal around for [ __ ] no he looks good there yeah wow I've never seen him with no shirt yeah he's you know last I love bur a boy yeah you love his music but he I love his music but no smashing I never look at Burna Boy and think like oh okay I want to hit that okay well this next person can get you closer to God how about that oh Lord Devon Franklin I'mma say past because you're a pastor okay that's it that's it that's the end of that game okay well let's move on to the next game this next game is uh called name [Music] drop now this is a really simple game I'm going to put somebody's face up there you may know may not know hopefully you know them and whatever comes to mind the first thing you just got to say it ready save Jen Tamar um just one word or just oh whatever whatever comes to mind um ying and yang well it's what keeps us together right okay the next person Jennifer Lopez damn she's hot boss [ __ ] she looks good it must be some in the water in the Bronx cuz y'all both look good thank you she she's she's she looks amazing there she's definitely inspo I'll tell you do people in the Bronx love and honor her the way that they should oh for sure they do for sure and Mark too like anything for sure she's I'm sure she can't walk around in the Bronx do you remember when she did the Super Bowl and she um she I mean she used her platform to talk about like the challenge at the time when Trump had uh young Spanish kids and cages at the border she actually put the cages on the floor I mean it was a whole thing have you ever seen her documentary I did see her documentary I I support anything she does um again cuz I feel like we're from the same place and I get her uh and she's been able to accomplish so especially from like where we come from you know it's like to to be able to you know accomplish everything that she's been able to do is is a big deal so okay what about this next person you guys have history Tammy Roman uh great actress was she acting when she said y'all betrayed her uh she said that yeah she said that she was betrayed by the Basketball Wives um at after being on the a Seasons I don't know what she's referring to but I mean listen we've had our issues throughout the years but I'm actually um yeah I know acting is her passion and I know that that's what she's really working on so she's been killing it yeah she's been killing it and it's it's it's good she's a hard worker that's one thing that you know you can't uh take away from her so yeah all right we love you Tammy all right next Joe bu a [ __ ] nobody ever has anything nice to say about Joe no I don't like him I don't like him and and it really is he made these uh he made some comments about my domestic violence incident with Chad it was something referring that I can't recall exactly what it was I did uh pull something uh back to him so yeah I think he's an [ __ ] next person sh Sterling Shephard y' like [ __ ] why a cool guy son-in-law not son-in-law you know what um when I did meet him I was like wow he's a he's cool guy nice guy we had drinks we had dinner um but not sonin A- law do you feel like shaie uh your your daughter do you think she dodged a bullet I don't know I think I don't ever hear anything bad about him oh I don't know he was married to Chanel Yan that didn't go well no I know I know but I don't think I I've never heard anything I can't really say that CU I don't I don't know anything um negative about him nice smile he's nice smile he was he had a great personality um so yeah I mean unfortunately it didn't work out but hopefully he's happy all right cool well look this is the last game and this is uh a game that I love it's called erase the shade now you know you are the master I am not of shade when you want to give it when it needs to be thrown if it gets thrown at you you it's a boomerang you throw it right back I'm the same way well you've said some things and now we're going to give you a chance to erase it if you want to or or you could just stand 10 toes down what you seem to do I love this this is a this is did you this is a clever game yes I've said a lot of things that I want to erase okay well here's one I doubt this is going to be it okay so Vanessa Ryder oh Lord um she posted something that says hey Vanessa we're do oh this is when they asked her about being on the show um you said DMS on Instagram and Twitter were not available until 2013 uh not only did you lie to get on the show with your fake storyline of producers you are now stooping to the bottom of the barrel from which you came came to make fake DMS from 2010 that still do not solidify your fake storyline 2023 regardless if you were asked to be on the show or not in the past or presently you still look like a damn fool you weirdo Liar Liar bangs on fire please watch this real that Liar Liar bangs on fire okay so I'm gonna stick 10 toes down on that one I feel how I feel I did do a little more research for clarity I did do a little more research on whether shaie DM her so back in the day we didn't have Instagram so the network would use um her Twitter at the time to DM potential cast members fun fact they ended up not casting her then because her husband was in rehab shees so that so the DM did happen so yeah so that's why she ended up not getting it initially but L liar bangs on fire that was clever so we going to let this oh no I'm 10 toes down on that one well um this person tweeted you a while ago the next one Rob Kardashian asked well you said that he had a big sausage has a big sausage and he asked he said and you are a squirter y'all had sex we never had sex that was a that was like a fun uh thing that was a jokey joke I've never seen uh Rob kardashan uh sausage okay um would I mind seeing it I probably wouldn't mind seeing it really yeah see it in a picture but not in person no I would look at it in person okay so so you want me to give this smash Rob Kardashian you would not let Rob Kardashian smash I I think I would maybe I think I would then if you have a baby by Rob Kardashian you would have the second Kardashian child cuz none of them are Kardashians you know he's the only one true yeah that's very true and then be well we wouldn't have a baby cuz I don't want anymore but it doesn't mean I wouldn't look at his sausage do you think you can roll with Kim Kylie Courtney kall and that whole crew Khloe is like my girl like I love Chloe and the crew our kids all go to school together so your friends with you're friends with Chloe right now yeah okay can you tell her I said Hey cuz you know we used to be cool after the Tristan thing but then you know I don't know what happened oh really did you something did you guys say something negative no I just well I always I mean I'm always in trouble but Chloe's a gangster she can roll with it chlo's not s by any me is a [ __ ] gangster and she is exactly who she is on the show in person like love her she supported my my you know bodysuit line like she's just she's a girls girl and um I love that about her Chloe would be the only Kardashian that I could see next to Kim that would actually come here at some point cuz she's gangster like I do okay yeah I think so too we'll talk offline about that yeah okay well this next tweet this one's ouch oh Lord losing a child because your man cheated is one thing but continuing to blame me for what your husband did is out of line I'm not the woman he cheated with and then you said apologize for calling me a home recer but went back to social media to continue the same narrative [ __ ] out of here oh I'm 10 tolles down on that who was that about that was uh to Vanessa that was to Vanessa so I still feel the same way so no I'm not taking that back you don't like Vanessa I I now don't like her because of what she did as far as like what she brought on the show I just she's not my vibe yeah at all you know I feel like I'm at a point where I want to like you know like even seeing you and everything you accomplished like I want to be around people that are like really doing some [ __ ] you know her coming on the show and and creating all this drama she was in Jennifer's business with with with her dude it's like girl find something else to do and obviously she created a real problem because now there's an issue between me and Amy right you know like the energy is weird now and it's like oh for what but I feel like Amy's gonna Amy you got to see this show and come around CU Amy cannot be gaslit into a problem that spills over into her real life yeah I mean that I'm I'm with you so I feel like it's not my res I've done all that I can do with the situation and you know if we fix it great I would love that for kids but at the same time if anybody feels some type of way about it I honestly don't give a [ __ ] because I didn't bring it to this platform period here's the next one having a one-sided beef with someone you don't even know and still don't know is wild LOL and then and that was in response to was that Jennifer that is to bang that's to to that's to Vanessa that's not Bang Yeah it's like you you have a beef with me I don't I I Hon I don't know you I love how I have to ask who you're talking about because I don't know who you're talking about because you haven't said her name I try not to it's like why and even if you see even with the tweets I don't I don't put her name cuz it's like that's what I'm saying like I know that you want this and it's like I don't want to give it to you because this is what you want I love it yeah so that's the shade on top of the shade okay this next one um you tweeted Jennifer a long time this is a oldie yeah you said no matter how long you walk around with those purple contacts you will never be a white girl insecure ass I said that about Jennifer I mean there it is oh my God that was 20 I'll take it back damn how do we find a 2012 tweet my team here they I knew it was old with that with the photo I'll take that back okay well that's good yeah all right that's one out of 10 well we got a couple more wait oh my God I just saw one in here what y'all find what did I say okay wait what about this one right here this is Tammy Roman you avoided me all season because you didn't want me to expose all of your lies but you have the nerve to be on my son's father's page thirsty family over everything you tried a chicken I'll take it back that was so long ago okay yeah I'll take that one back see progress it is progress it is progress okay good um well what about this next one you had surgery on your [ __ ] to fix your droopy lips and to tighten up your vaginal walls and your husband is still cheating on you last go get a facial Crater Face only a face a mom can love now you know who that's too based on the reference yes I'm 10 toes down on that one too wait did she get surg she had surgery to get her [ __ ] fixed yeah so she she talked about it on the show about how she spent 20K on her [ __ ] I'm like girl you should have spent 20K on a [ __ ] therapist and Mar marriage counseling or an investigator to see who your man is cheating with yeah no she's says she's the investigator but my thing is you you you you keep searching and you find and you still stay so what is the [ __ ] point okay this next one it took me out I couldn't even read the words it's just the photo Vanessa needs to go to Party City and get a new wig that's actually her hair fun fact wait but the evolution of frame choices did you did you choose those side by side no somebody must somebody tweeted me this oh honey the the the the hair was a topic of conversation aside from the skin so is that a wig that just like sat right on top no that's her hair oh that's her actual hair no that's her hair I think she realizes now that it's it's not it you know cuz you know social media could be ruthless right it's like not only with the skin but the hair it's like you're coming on this show you're being messy as [ __ ] and you look crazy two wrongs will never make a right no so but no I believe that that's her hair but no somebody people were clever on Twitter they came up with some funny things okay last one you know Wendy Williams I never bother anyone I even bought you a beautiful bouquet of flowers congratulating you on your Broadway debut since you want me to open dose in La maybe your man can come to the store and purchase Shoes for another woman like he did at my Miami store BL oh that's a hard one that's a hard one to take back because she did reference my son she made a comment about him but I'm going to take it back because we did patch it up and we became cool and um so yeah I'll I'll take it back but I was Mur this book you know I had just given birth to a son and she like made a comment about him I'm like no so but and kids should be off limits and I mean you saw what happened with him that was all true I wasn't just capping yeah so but I love Wendy and we're we're we're fine now I know and we're sending love to you Wendy we're praying for you yeah well this has been great it's been a long time since we caught up and um did we miss anything no Jason you [ __ ] you don't miss a beat what the hell no I think it's been it's been good well look this is a great catch up make sure you get caught up on all things Basketball Wives and Evelyn Lazada go buy the jewelry wait for the picture with the lizard in the crown and keep coming back cuz like hey hey if you keep coming back it works all right we're out peace peace hey thanks so much for watching the Jason show to watch more episodes like that click right here and if you want to see more subscribe below and click that notification Bell
Views: 333,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason lee, hollywood unlocked
Id: nzlf6tOJUk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 31sec (7231 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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