Evasive Action (Full Movie) Action, Crime

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[Music] [Music] [Music] defendant please rise I am truly ashamed at what I have to do here today nevertheless due to the recent developments the accidental contamination of DNA and blood evidence I am left with no alternative the case is dismissed the fend that is free to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it looks like you've had an uneventful six months do you feel like you're fit enough to be released in society yes sir I did do you understand the seriousness of the crime that you committed I know I killed a man do you feel that you've been rehabilitated well sir I never felt I needed rehabilitation he didn't deserve to live look mr. Sinclair I'm getting tired of going over this every six months now why don't you just sign this affidavit admitting that you were wrong that you're a changed man and then your chances of parole will be increased dramatically sir with all due respect my integrity is the only thing I have left in this world and I resent your trying to take that from me also very well [Music] hey Kelly come and get your tray well I guess I'll take you [Music] yo no go no go I'm sorry to hear that man I really thought you had it this time if they're gonna let you out I'm gonna be here till I'm 200 oh you know how to play the game just tell them what they want to hear you'd be out of here in no time I hope you don't take this the wrong way but every time you come back I can't help but to smile are you falling in love them no a few boys in the yard be very disappointed man shut the hell up please black man's had to show his emotions and what does he get lip and nothing mo makes you feel any better I'm glad you my neighborhood stead of somebody like Hector oh yeah that makes me feel a whole lot better Hector Jesus Christ sit down Hector sign this and you get to a brand new home isn't that nice frankly my dear I don't give a damn sign it Hector there's no place like home there is no place like home I can't say I'm sorry to see you go give me some smokes Charlie in there lines back here there no cuts excuse me you heard what I said I don't give a damn who you were on the outside and here you're nothing but a crook and the ring on your pinkie gets you a sit in the line I'll tell you what this is a democracy let's let's put it to a vote and you gentlemen objected my cutting in front of the line and what democracy is that you it did teach you that at Harvard thank you look out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you doing kid 14:15 something like that how many of you done well 12 what's the matter with you make sure the but I don't hear three years ago you're not using your brains because I'm not that smart sure you're you're just pissed with too much character I like that you have to do is learn how to combine character and brains Terry gave me a book of matches where and tell the warden I want to talk to him Thanks see life is all about compliments but only smart guys like you and me know how to take advantage of it listen to what I'm telling you kid you compromise your safety to protect me and I'm in debt to you for that and in here Renzo my Chilean you're dead there's no small thing defendant please rise I am truly ashamed in what I have to do today I am left with no alternative nevertheless due to the recent developments the accidental contamination of DNA and I understand the rage in your heart but the man accused of killing your wife and daughter the law is there for a reason and justice cannot prevail if we ignore it for your act of bold and remorseless vengeance I set into the 15 years in state prison here's a lot of trouble in what can I do for you it's about that transfer what about it I don't want it seems I've served most of my sins here what makes you think your opinion counts huh after 12 years you get used to a place you know the routine how to keep your nose clean like yesterday the word is red wood is some sort of high-tech facility exclusively for murderers and well the last time I checked you still were a murderer warden there's a difference between me look Sinclair you're being transferred to Redwood it's already been decided by well let's just say a higher power besides I got a good feeling everything will work out okay just don't rock the boat and everything will be just fine [Music] [Music] [Music] help you with that so listen mom's gonna make sure the train station and I want you to call me as soon as you get there so let me give you some money in case you want some lunch or something okay there you go five bucks I don't see any golden arches it's five more thanks you're welcome hey would you like me to help you with that sweetie hey watch the Italians I have an IQ 123 in a green bow on tax Londo I think I'm perfectly capable of lugging this suitcase don't you hey you got yourself a little wisenheimer over here she belonged to you lucky you hello hi well I'm feeling a brandy oh yeah yeah I'm usually on a 1,700 line germinating nice to meet you Clark collection of toy trains got everything in there at a passenger card dining card little red caboose you know choo-choo thanks I didn't know what you meant until you did that little choo-choo thing let me do it again no that's okay I warned Jack bring Ralph Kiner Boyer Road that's Tommy Zimmer first-degree-murder killed his wife and the girl she was going around with he's been life dog Sinclair his wife and daughter were killed so what does he do he pops the guy who did it right on the courthouse steps what a nice thing he's a pretty straight shooter right that don't give me any trouble that's Hector the director of a Miller murder 11 people about six years ago always reenact the scene from a horror show mostly talks and movie quotes yeah I heard some story about when this guy was in candy way to get transferred yeah president to have a heart attack when a nurse gave an old Hector hey that's he and Kelly convicted arsonist an explosives expert he fashioned the bomb out of a roll at tin foil and drain cleaner killed 14 people at a rental car agency said he wasn't satisfied service and this one I know friend zone when Shelly had a the biggest West Coast 27 300 years he's only got 292 left I'll tell you jack he'll have a lot better for flying well ever since that plane load of prisoners went down in Vegas the FAA doesn't have anything to do with us he's not that's the state-of-the-art prison car I doubt if the fasteners will ever even though you're there [Music] we're gonna need a bigger boat get out of my seat me some kind of [ __ ] you're not a troublemaker I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one it's for the rest of you I don't want to hear a peep unless you're dying okay excuse me do you think I can have something to drink well I'm not really supposed to be serving yet but I think I'll make an exception in your case I'd be able to be fine domestic or imported domestic please yeah root beer my favorite kind um Zoe what's your name Alex Kittner now I'm traveling all by myself Wow well where's your seat I'll come by later we can play some cards I only play for money well me too I paid for my entire college education playing go fish hey sweetie it's got your water I'm sorry sir I can't start serving till the train starts moving kids you got a drink she asked nicely gee I'm sorry pretty please can I have a scotch rocks mr. train bartender lady we're leaving soon sir I guess no wait they see your ticket dear sir it must be back at my seat gonna get with you later sure how about yours little lady you check it please [Music] [Music] what a gun Wow how do you think it was many a laser bun or spear gun glue gun maybe Zoe I'm serious well maybe he's a policeman I can check it out why don't you go back to your seat and I'll see you in a little while okay [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me excuse me I have to go to the bathroom already join quite a while saving hey I get a cup of coffee yeah extra hot yeah sure Joe you remember that little girl that was here earlier she thinks she saw one of the passengers with a gun now was that guy who didn't have his ticket he said come I was talking to him just a second ago okay yeah get my bag yeah that's great oh I just get worried you know choo-choo nice try you suggest I use the toilet paper gotcha I hear that greasy hood with the gun well you must watch stupid gangster movies he's really a policeman he didn't look like a policeman to me Go Fish Bucky but Shelley what are you doing there giving birth [Music] sir restricted area somebody told me to bring you cup of coffee well set your buyer [Music] let's go [Music] fans for some coming in one day bother morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't believe it it works goddamn train trouble did you on the street it's burning my Frenchy boy no it's too good but you're either with us or against us see this guy he was against it know what a kid we won't hold it against you about this go ahead make my day we leave him locked up time to get dressed [Music] [Music] is there a phone or some sort already weirdest I'm sorry sir you're not allowable our answer the question right there's a radio in the locomotive okay let's see you started to scare me this is a little bit or six convicts from standing on that pressing back there they just killed more my deputies another after me I need you kidding me just do it where are you going you wanna take control of this train lay down a little helicopter by the time the train that's to San Diego and they start looking for us absolutely important they don't suspect all right let's get rid of the bodies yes hi please please listen to me there there are dangerous prisoners loose do you get that problem a thong please don't pull a hell of a thing killed a man take away all he's got no he's ever gonna have shirt off excuse me hold on no you can't put me on hold again last we got an emergency phone call from somewhere outside of brownfield County something about a hostage situation there online to share plating thank you please just listen to what I'm saying my name is Zoey Clark I'm a bartender on the west rail San Diego train line hold on so just slow down okay see now you're not listening to what I'm saying my name is Zoey not so and I can't really slow down right now excuse me lady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow jerk [Music] Gordon cream right warden mr. deputy sheriff Matt Baker of the independence County Sheriff's Department sir we have an emergency here your prisoners have overtaken the Train and our holding hostages oh [ __ ] are you doing just great Zoe I know it's gonna be tough but you have to try and act naturally hold on a minute what if you got I got warden Kramer Lancaster State Penitentiary he's on line three Zoe I just want you to act normal and then call me back in 15 minutes okay this is blade ik transport prisoners escaped from their Arman just right those men have been in my custody for years I know them better than anybody else all right I'm gonna send someone to bring you down here but before you go fax us whatever you have photos profiles anything that might help notify the State Police and I want to move this to the mobile unit so we can follow that train will give me a direct line to Zoe and a direct line to the rail company all right where's the window all I got is this one away for real weight control center they got a guy on watch 24 hours hello this is officer Ralph Tanner we have an emergency hello is anybody there I just used it on our goal you just gotta keep on trying it always works eventually this is officer Ralph cannon from the Redwood penitential we have an emergency I repeat prisoners have escaped and they're armed we have an emergency back the cars got himself locked in the engine room but I can't get it you have a problem I don't know wrapped up all the passengers get him out of the way take care of that [ __ ] guard come on man just in one hour would be free me I knew his little town in Mexico off the Pacific senorita for me to know wouldn't you agree mother cares we got somebody rail station line - his name's Anthony Tate okay we have a situation here situation I have a train doing to San Diego it's just been overtaken by a group of convicts very funny let you McKendree you know you shouldn't mix pot and quaaludes like that dude this is no joke son what you're serious like a heart attack now can you track the train probably technically look um I'm just interning here for the summer I've read all the manuals though twice this is a really boring job today I need you to track that train oh yeah okay I got it location speed anything you want all right now you're gonna have to be your eyes and ears I want you to radio the conductor alert him to the situation tell him helps on the way I should have taken that job at the record store bad I want you to call the federal Marshal's Office alert them to the situation I'm just gonna take him awhile to get here so we better get this show on the road all right are there any weapons on work look all I do is run this thing I don't know about any weapons how about an emergency kit I mean you get on a flare gun right like yeah yeah there's a flare gun and in a supply cabinet first-pass can I have your attention please this is United States Marshal Jacobs Jacobs the Train there are other marshals moving among you don't be alarmed it's just a precaution these men will escort you to the back of the train where you will be given further information please move quickly this is for your own sake all right ladies and gentlemen you heard the announcement would you please get up and move to the rear of this car all right thank you very much inconvenience this way please come on everybody we got to make room all right keep trying the rail station okay nobody right what a mess this is okay folks I'm sorry for the interruption I'd like everybody to step their back of the Train please right now thanks very much that man thank you sir okay let's move along let's step lively thanks very much sir cuz Anthony reeks the conductor yet no sir he's been trying but nobody's answering well we just have to assume that they have control of the whole damn train only thing we got going for us right now you're silly very nice this bathroom thank you very much why'd you stop going out there okay [Music] thank you please look for the rear sorry to inconvenience you move to the rear please thank you excuse me marshal I don't know about the rest of these youngsters but I'd like to know move out with the rest of these people are have someone serve you or complimentary do it we drink oh hey now you're talking English alright folks I got a lot of healing gifts yeah I really cool yeah it's clear you check the bathrooms yes good I'm going on front you go to the dining car check for any stragglers you got it [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] guard but not this guy Marshall J Jacobs pick up the intercom that door came right off unfortunately so did part of the engineers head no we gotta try and stop this thing somewhere we can get to it Zoe all the prisoners they dress like cops and then move the passengers to the back of the Train Zoe are you gonna say place Oh God okay he's calling so you have to try and stay out of sight now it's important we stay in contact Zoey are you alright Zoe hey Mookie hanging out behind the bar chatting away with the police I thought you told me you checked the bar I did maybe she was hiding behind the goddamn olives maybe so so how about Lauren ah yeah leave her alone what died left you boss what the hell are you doing tennis you act like a couple of street punks what's going on I caught the game hiding behind a bar she was talking to cops on a cell phone that true okay miss I'll give you an opportunity to redeem yourself solely with it so we're worried after that line went dead yeah somebody was coming before I didn't wanted to find me listen I heard one of the men say they're gonna be picked up by helicopter at the Donner Pass look I gotta go I'll try to call you later all right you be careful though well then I think you just saved your life hey we're cooking now give me Radiohead and have a SWAT team waiting for him at Donner Pass no not yet take a look at that map say we have our boy set up an ambush at the Donner Pass right if you were those convicts and you knew the cops are waiting for you at the Donner Pass would be the best place to get off the train there right after Turner Junction the only way to Donner Pass when there's my helicopter so if we're at the Donner Pass and they get off at Turner Junction we'd be pretty much screwed right yeah all right so will you go ahead and radio our boys you tell them to have a SWAT team set up an ambush at Donner Pass where are we going we're going to Turner Junction I'm gonna hedge all my bets you call the warden haven't meet us there over one a dispatch [Music] yeah yeah it's piensa let's get a map got one okay listen carefully one-mile fraternity Junction I want you to start slowing down understand we can do that I see it good [Applause] hey West I thought the state they're sending help but right now it's just us a little short on body so we're glad to have you here now that train may stop somewhere near here so grab yourself a rifle thanks for joining in right we're going the rest of the way on foot all right hey Anthony the sheriff lady could turn her Junction for a while now that train starts to slow down Anthony I want you to tell me immediately have a piece of paper two pencil standing by what for because if the train starts to slow down I want you to be able to estimate the location of where it's gonna stop okay but I've got to tell you something I got a D in algebra hello [Music] okay everybody attention please I have some disappointing news we're not the United States Marshals escaped convicts we have complete control of this truth so everybody just do as you're told and now everybody up and to back great its revelry just gonna hear about this [Music] Marshall they're slowing down at the rate of ten miles every 20 seconds which means all right if we let X be the mileage we bring that over here divided no multiply x these little interruptions are not helping me yes I got it I got it I got it are you gonna tell me oh yeah if the Train continues at this rate of deceleration it should come to a complete halt approximately 100 yards past the intersection with Lincroft Road probably probably definitely probably definitely bencroft ropes [Music] in crossroad it's about a half a mile south all right let's go [Music] [Music] justified [ __ ] what about you ask so many stupid questions come on shut up lady information we put a bomb front door this car [Music] [Music] everybody surprised you chop the lands I'll let you all go let's go so be my play [Laughter] okay sausages you're going to Mexico but you said shut up thanks grabber come here mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let me go up questions [Music] it gives you a waters I had a clean shut-ins right in my sights I hadn't clean a clean shot just cost two cops their lives not to mention an innocent hostage how's that for your clean shot [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] then one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but I promise you you're gonna see your mom real soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] treinen either to come for you we're gonna kick pleasant Oh blow it up here [Music] Baker to convicts are done already a third to jump the Train I want you to notify the local police have them send out a search party for the jumper I meant for the engine [Music] Zoe yeah all right Matt the hostages are being held in the prison car I don't think the convicts know I'm on this train so if I try to do is I'm going to try separate that prison car from the rest of the frame copy copy all right but we don't want to happen is for them to retake this engine all right so I'm going to give you this now it's ready to fire now if that guy comes back you just pointed at him you pull that trigger and you keep pulling it till he stops all right be right back down honey oh and I'll be back in five minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looking for scheduled stops [Music] [Music] so up [Music] look again they'll sweat [Music] Deary me West this is bakerberry this now what [Music] [Music] hey Anthony I need you to reroute the train what reroute the Train what are you talking about what happened let me get back to you sweetheart come here yes dan theny Baker this train is headed for San Diego right right okay then I need to switch it twice the first switch we put on the line in the los angeles los angeles los angeles what are you crazy once it's on that line i can reroute it to bars field station find the experts okay the Train is now set to switch onto the tracks that head into Los Angeles you got to switch it to the bars for a line as soon as you can [Music] big happy family you want to stay that way do as you're told patient [Music] [Music] oh crap thank her here Oh bad news something just happened the switching mechanism was disabled what does that mean on the whole good/bad spectrum this is unusually bad that was the last place to switch the train over how much longer till it reaches the LA line the train only at Los Angeles is approximately nine minutes nine minutes [Music] five minutes sorry now we've put most of the hostages in the front view course then we throttle this thing right into San Diego about mile before we hit the station but we come on let's go we need to separate this car from the engine yes [Music] just hurry that train is gonna make Swiss cheese out of that station in about five minutes yeah right phone lines are out of Union Station LAPD's on the way I don't think they're gonna make it you better step on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you put us all on death row shoot me I'm unarmed you got a clear shot if you want it or you can let me help you stop this thing it's our only chance they can't do all the trembling I'm gonna let you stay behind I don't want to do nobody's here on both of us shut up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check the train I'll check the station we must have the trainer [Music] [Music] [Music] this is gone too far when did you spread around you said everything was gonna be fine you said no one was gonna get hurt no one was gonna get killed you said nothing would go wrong if you're that we're gonna be on that train and you're gonna look the other way no it's too late let the girl go you're gonna look the other way not this time let the girl go you haven't got the guts maybe and maybe not you want you can have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Sinclair do you feel remorse for the crime that you committed they don't even worse I have is not being able to be there to protect my family you know for the past eight years every six months you've given me that same answer knowing full well that when you said it your parole would be denied why it's the truth well in light of what has happened recently and with recommendation of the governor I'm going to give you that parole anyway and I hope you have some peace mr. Sinclair [Music] [Music] thought I was gonna have to take a bus it seemed like the least I could do besides I need to ask you a question leave you were off the train why'd you come back for us [Music] [Music] I'm not taking the training [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey McHenry how's the hand kinda hurts any problems piece of cake
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 370,414
Rating: 4.4612856 out of 5
Keywords: evasive action, evasive action movie, evasive action full movie, popcornflix crime movies, free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, popcornflix action movies, free action movies, free action movies on youtube, free action movies full length, free crime movies, free crime movie on youtube, roy scheider, steel train, free movie on youtube full movie, action movies, #popcornflix
Id: coO_r0FeMh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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