Evander Holyfield vs George Foreman

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instinct and it shows that he can overcome adversity you gotta like it's a learning experience well coming up we'll have our main event Holyfield vs. Foreman but right now let's go back to our host gambrel Marshall for another TV ko ringside report [Music] the doubleheader now by the wayside piya's and Suarez the technical draw Tommy Morrison a winner so far but the big one is yet to come the Atlantic City Convention Center gets ready to rock and roll we are just minutes away now from the main event the Battle of the ages the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world Evander Holyfield taking on the Challenger George Foreman all 257 pounds and 42 years old and you've had the plenty of time to think about it in terms of who you think is going to win this fight and we've said that if you want to give your opinion you feel certainly just go ahead and do it event the Battle of the ages undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield and you know it's certainly a great deal of attention tonight has been focused on this heavyweight championship and we do mean heavyweight and part of that it's all toward George Foreman because Evander Holyfield is a former cruiserweight fighter who bulked up to take on the heavyweight ranks the heavyweights there are no limits in this case while the fight does not set a record for the heaviest fighter in this case with George Foreman it does come close the weigh-in gained so much pre-flight attention that it was broadcast live via satellite banter Holyfield the first to step up on the scales not expected to set any records after all former cruiserweight champion of the world and to go on an intense bulking up campaign to wage war as a heavyweight for this fight he is the exact weight he was when he won the title for Buster Douglas 208 pounds [Applause] [Applause] every little bit counts with Foreman certainly is one over many of the media in this country four years ago when he began has come back he was around 300 pounds said he didn't like it was self-conscious about it for quite some time but you got used to it and for this fight though he said he was planning to be quite lean and mean in this case it's still I don't know [Applause] this kind of fight heavyweight championship of the world attracting a great deal of attention certainly from the media around the world and plane loads of media stars and celebrities came from all over this United States to be on hand for this fight as much to be here as it is to be seen want to take a look at some of the stars who showed up to see the heavyweight fight tonight Jean Ahmed on and Kevin Kosta dancing with Wolves dancing up to the Louisville Reverend Jesse Jackson on the Don Donald Trump backstage Randall Cunningham as well on hand Leroy Nieman always on hand to sketch where there's a big fight around Merv Griffin here on hand as well Will Smith I saw him at the crap tables earlier on Billy Crystal right behind Muhammad Ali by the way Joe Piscopo as well stars is dangerous rated mater is of course former heavyweight champion of the world well how about hourly and they got a big standing ovation when he came in as well that always nice to see when the former champion gets that kind of ovation from the crowd on him you know many times that weight of a fighter will make a difference one way or the other would you think back seventeen years ago when Muhammad Ali stepped into the ring against George Foreman Foreman was a bigger fighter in that case it was brains over brawn and Ali came out on top with the heavyweight championship of the world on tonight's fight certainly seems to be one where there is no lack of opinion certainly Evander Holyfield is the finer tuned athlete but there are many who give George Foreman a big chance to win it but we took our own a TV ko unscientific canvas seven predictions and here is the result well I think the attraction is that obviously George Foreman is a tremendously charismatic figure and because we know he has tremendous power and because we know that Evander Holyfield as a heavyweight has been rocked a couple of times it makes you feel very much the George Foreman has a chance I think Holyfield is gonna win it by knockout in about seven or eight I think that what he just has to do was to where George down I think if he fights a foolish fight and decides that he's gonna try and out slug the old man he could very well get knocked out because nobody has ever out punched George Foreman [Music] and I think you vendors ready for this one I think there's no way I think the sentimental favorites got to be George Foreman the hamburger eaten 45 year old preacher everybody across the country I'd love to see the underdog win a Bali field can stay away from getting one serious blow from George that he very well should be able to win the fight but I wouldn't count out the possibility of George coming out victorious I wouldn't buy his George to get his money as quick as he can because he's gonna get knocked out in this fight George can't fight anymore you can get you out of there he's a heavy-handed puncher I don't care he's 60 years old he can still Lackey if you're there to be whacked I think George needs to come out and and get a van turned into a street fight immediately not that he couldn't go 12 rounds but I don't think that's gotta be his his thought I think he's got to go in and show Evander that he deserves respect that he can punch that he can hurt Evander at any time being old myself I'd like to see George wim and I think a lot of Fogle's out there would but I think so your heart probably says George but your head has to say the younger better conditioned man you have to be vicious to be great and Holyfield is as vicious as any fighter ever seen inside the ring I think it's going to be an easy fight for Evander Holyfield if he comes in and works George's body and then goes up to the head I predict the fight won't last two rounds if George lands a big punch who knows but I don't see it happening Benja Holyfield's gonna win and this is why in about the fourth round AVENGERS gonna take a biscuit out of his shorts he's gonna throw the biscuit to the right and Foreman's gonna look at it to try to eat it of course it's gonna get my uppercut perform is gonna go down Evander Holyfield's gonna win the fight in let's say four or five rounds whenever you can get the biscuit out George go do it for the old guy most guys are much bigger than I am they can take me any time so I'm like I predict I predict a great fight [Music] the old biscuit in the ring prediction technique certainly it's interesting when you get down to the heavyweight championship of the world especially with a fight like this everyone has their opinion editor-in-chief Ring Magazine Steve far hood thank you for joining me how do you see this fight shaping up tonight well I see this as the end of George Foreman's comeback I think Kola field will win I think he's a lot better fighter than anything George has faced so far and the difference will be that Evander is primed he's a warrior and he's at his very best he you think that we've been taken by the aura of the older age guy getting back into boxing well in a way taking yes but you know gladly taken by and I mean happily taken by it because George is very popular and he deserves the popularity that he's gotten because he's a natural there's nothing phony about him so I think you know it's very easy to understand why the public has fallen in love with him and in this particular case a lot of people made it a big deal about this is being a forest before head you think that George even though you say Holyfield is going to win anything hold a Foreman has a chance to win this fight of course he has a chance for the simple reason that he's a puncher and he's very strong anyone George Foreman hits as hard as he hits it as strong as he is he has a chance to hurt he's a very good finisher so yes he has a chance to win of course anyone he hits he can knock out okay conventional wisdom says that Holyfield being the younger in the better conditioned athlete will win also there is some speculation that the shorter the fight goes the better opportunity the George Foreman has to win you agree no doubt about it I can't see Foreman winning a long fight or a distance fight he's not trained really to go 10 rounds I think he's very relaxed now in the ring and that's a positive that will give him more stamina than he used to have when he was 25 years old however he's not trained to go turn around he has to win inside five rounds to have a chance you think this is a make fight for Evander Holyfield he was saying earlier that he really couldn't win and this kind of fight because it'd be lost he fought to an overage fighter and if he wins well he's supposed to go ahead and beat a fighter like George Foreman it's a little bit of a no-win situation if he wins impressively he'll get the credit he deserves if he wins and struggles then everyone's gonna look at Mike Tyson as the best heavyweight in the world again even though Holyfield will still have the title so in that sense it's a no-win situation well we thank you for joining us go down by ringside enjoy the fight and we'll hold you to your prediction as well all right thank you thank you Steve for hurt editing editor-in-chief of Green magazine we thank you for joining us certainly the battle of the ages right around the corner we'll be back right after this message throughout history boxing's megabytes have withstood the punishing test of time Dempsey versus purple Lewis versus schmayman Foreman versus Frazier now there's a new heavyweight spectacle in the making the awesome brute force of big George Foreman versus the youthful skill and conditioning of undisputed champ Evander Holyfield in the Battle of the ages you can own a piece of boxing history by ordering your Holyfield Foreman battle of the ages gear from TV ko today call 1-800 for 5-7 TV ko to order everything from adjustable hands and all copy t-shirts to rugged sweatshirts official souvenir programs at sleek satin jacket plus a video cassette of boxing's best the heavyweights the big punchers featuring big George Foreman just call 1-800 for 570 vko and we'll tell you all you need to know about how to get your fists on your battle of the ages merchandise the phone call is free so order now 1-800 for 5-7 TV the crowd here in the Atlantic Convention Center rather smart crowd they knew pretty much when the heavyweight championship of the world was going to be contestant they are showing up now in droves as some of the celebrities ringside are being introduced our celebrity ringside Lynn Bergman ready to call the fight and Men this electricity certainly is the kind of thing that it's very very special to be a part of just part of the heavyweight championship of the world well I think that's what we all enjoy in sports those of us who become sportscaster she looked at those big events and I've been fortunate to be involved with a Super Bowl in world series of very big college basketball games and now a heavyweight championship of the world and crowd is just standing trying to get a glimpse of each and every celebrity who's introduced and some big Wars have gone up Larry Holmes was introduced moments ago several of the football giants including Phil Simms and Jeff Hostetler introduced as well and the crowd craning their collective next to try to get a look at some of these people you saw on tape people such as Kevin Costner it was even word that Madonna was expected as well so it is very exciting that's great to be a part of and we're ready to get it on in just a few minutes you know certainly the earlier fights were scheduled to go ten rounds neither one of them went basically the distance a halfway point basically to get the sense that the heavyweight championship fight is also going to be a rather short one you know we have heard every single theory referred from all kinds of people from those who say this thick is going to be all over and one round to those who say we'll go the full distance I mean everyone has an opinion the first fight we certainly didn't learn as much about loopy Suarez and Jorge pious as lightweights that we wanted to because of the technical draw because of the headbutt Tommy Marston we learned a little bit about he can't take a punch he was rocked by Uribe willing and Tommy Marcin still undefeated did not go to distance but I think we learned something about Morrison what we'll learn in this bout that's coming up in a few minutes I don't know we've all heard every single opinion I know viewers are calling it as well and I just can't wait for round one them again all righty thank you very much Lynne Berman we'll be back to you in just a few moments the time is now get set we're minutes away from the battle of the ages the heavyweight championship of the world in place eagerly awaiting along with me the start of it the battle of the ages coming up [Music] this is gonna attract people from all over the world [Music] [Applause] I'm the real deal he then no wheel world will see for a fact that you can't tell a man out not because of his age [Music] my job is go I can convince him that he can hardly [Music] if I win is not a victory for Jewish woman is a victory for mankind [Music] something big is going down his name is George Foreman I'm just one song away from being a heavyweight champion of the world let's fly [Music] the anticipation of a long-awaited matchup between two heavyweight fighters for the championship of the world is a feeling that is unmatched in any other sport we are live from the Atlantic City Convention Center where the electricity and the sold-out arena has they reached a crescendo of excitement curiosity and fascination tonight TV ko proudly presents only field versus Foreman the battle of the ages brought to you by Budweiser [Music] the excitement beginning to bill now to a fever pitch the crowd senses that the heavyweight championship of the world will be contested in just a few moments the reigning heavyweight champion of the world Evander Holyfield was only five years old when George Foreman won his Olympic gold medal a gold medal that eluded Holyfield because of a referees controversial decision in the 84 Olympic Games well the real deal Evander Holyfield shook off that disappointed he was fighting as a cruiserweight won that championship bunked up and was able to win the heavyweight championship of the world by beating James Buster Douglas now he's defending his title for the first time against George Foreman a man who was undergone a tremendous transformation 14 years ago Foreman retired from boxing to preach the Word of God four years ago he came back 24 undefeated fights later he stepped into the ring and as lynn berman reports firmly believes that it's his destiny to become heavyweight champion of the world tonight's fight has been dubbed the Battle of the ages a more appropriate title may have been a study in contrast Evander Holyfield is 28 years old and the heavyweight champion of the world he's a young lion who considers his age to be a sign of stamina in the other corner stands 42 year-old George Foreman and his mentor the legendary Archie Moore to them age means wisdom the thing about being a fighter in my age better qualifies me to to handle victory of course and to avoid being defeated because I know all the pitfalls in boxing during Foreman's incredible comeback he's made ages rallying cry it seemed to always be the topic of conversation how old are you 39 no at least 42 for Archie Moore who won the heavyweight title of 39 and continued to fight well into his forties there is nothing unusual about Georgia's comeback when I told him I was getting ready to get back into boxing I said what do you think about the age he said listen George is still a growing boy Holyfield possibly the best condition fighter in boxing has not taken Foreman lightly but he still finds it hard to imagine the Georges even with all his wisdom and experience can be father time I just thank you I am at 42 we're all too confident and out of power and still gotta be to motivate your body to do the things that your mind is asking me to do in a way that's exactly what Archie is counting on he really feels that through his guidance and sharing his knowledge George will be able to win mind over body he won't fail to win this title Bay all the people who want to bet on this young man they can bet on him I want to stick with the older man Jones you want to win this fan as far as the training goes Holyfield's a second to none possibly the most extensive program in boxing history his camp seems like something out of the 21st century his trainers calling the most dedicated fighters they've ever had loved the game of boxing if I'm in love in a game of bonks it's not a pain to get up in morning to do what it takes to knit from aerobic training to extensive weights to cardiovascular endurance Holyfield is monitored every step of the way his training and routines are specifically designed for him for Lou Duva and George Benton who came up through the old school this has required some adjustment you're not gonna stop i tec and I think it's here to stay and I think it's a good thing that it applies and the works for my fighters that's all I'm interested in what works for my fighters in the forming camp George works with Archie on the strength and tactical aspects of his game it's been an even blend physical and psychological this is training refining encouraging to make good field that championship urge Georgia's tremendous punching power has struck fear into everyone he's faced the Holyfield camp is no different they know that stamina alone will not topple for me you got a George Foreman in front of us now we got a big guy that could punch strong so we have to learn how to handle it when it comes to weight the experts have accused Holyfield of being too small and Foreman too large first move into a heavily page and everybody will emphasize and I was to like and stop bothering me so I was putting on trying to put on weight just to satisfy everybody else now I've realized that weights don't the weight they don't make a difference you know Holyfield has put on 30 pounds since turning pro but brazuca it's not the fighters weight that counts it's the power he can generate the rap on that van there has always been that he's a small heavyweight he's not a small everyone he's a heavyweight period I mean Rocky Marciano Joe Louis Joe Louis was tool 221 the championship Rocky was 186 when he won the championship Foreman has entered the ring during his comeback anywhere between 240 and 260 pounds for George his motto seems to be the more the Berrier he feels weight translates into punching power and with 23 knockouts in 24 fights he may have a point when it comes to personality this may be where they differ the most this is gonna feed bump put on bomb Donald Trump George relishes the spotlight he seeks it out this heart-pounding creature has made age and potential his sermon and the press his congregation while though Holyfield is the champ he's kept more on the quiet side he's content to sit back and let Foreman take the lead he's good and when he do and promoting himself I feel that in the game of boxing is coming down to performance I'm a great form when you come down to perform them and when you come down into popularity people love a winner for Holyfield the championship has met the limelight he feels that spine as long as it doesn't interfere with his commitment to do what he does best on the pond design yeah I've got a lot of tension I feel good because I have a comfortable something life that I really wanted and i guess- just I'm a lot busier than I want to be and I feel that a lot of time they take away from from my game which is boxing so the fighters have spoken what about the viewers who decided to call in and give their opinions on tonight's fight you'll find the results rather interesting 4% think it's going to end in the first round with Holyfield on top six percent think Holyfield will win it in the second round nine percent the third and fourth you'll see that George Foreman though has really won a lot of converts eleven percent think it will win end in the third round ten percent the fourth if you look through the later rounds you'll find out that there is a trend developing and that is that most of the folks who called in seem to think that George Foreman will win this fight between the third and the sixth rounds eleven percent of the fifth ten percent to one percent in the sixth move on down through the seventh and eighth rounds and conventional wisdom seems to apply to the viewers as well no one thinks this fight is going to go past the ninth round but interesting that George Foreman has won over the fans leading into this heavyweight championship fight tonight it is just about time to get underway and for the action at ringside let's go once again to lynn Berman and Joe Goosen thank you cam Burrell in the viewers poll just adds up to what everybody else has been saying here George Foreman is the People's Choice you know he has made a total joke out of the entire press tour his age his appetite but make no mistake about it Foreman is dead serious about his training and this fight here tonight Joe I'd say so I know when my first saw George Foreman I came into town I saw him I got in the elevator I'm telling you I've never seen a transformation like I had with this man he took a lot of that 257 pounds he took it from the middle and moved it to the top when he was on the scale at the weigh-in he flexed his arms and they were humongous and they made he made Holyfield look small and he is a big man himself well Holyfield 14 years younger 49 pounds lighter but he does have a rock solid build we showed you some of those 21st century boxing techniques during that feature we had a moment ago but he may be the only boxer in history to have a ballet instructor in his camp well and it may serve him well tonight because tonight Evander is gonna have to be very flexible he's gonna have to be very limber because George those those devastating bombs left and right hands right uppercuts and he's gonna have to be dodging the bullet tonight and if it works for him I may go out and get a tutu for myself I may be as that is wonderful and bring it to my gym because he is he is gonna be in trouble at night if he doesn't move that hip they want that flexibility that's what the ballet instructor is all about alright our Goossens corner here on our TV ko fights and let's start off with the Challenger George Foreman well George has got to do several things again to win this fight and the first one being he's got to start quickly everyone knows he's 42 years old and he's got to get up to a quick start he can't over swing and he's got to be accurate with his punches mainly because of Holyfield speed he will counter quickly if he isn't accurate and then of course he's got a corner Holyfield and make him fight trading as George Foreman's game and he's got to make Holyfield slug with them of course on the other hand now Holyfield he's got tremendous speed and he must use SB while he fox's intelligently and he's got it box intelligently whether he's on the inside or outside using that quick hand speed he messed must never really get caught inside flat-footed and then of course he's got a game respect with his own punching power over with form and he's knocked out seven out of seven heavyweights he's got to do it tonight with George also if he wants to win this fight well it is a remarkable story you you've read and heard about it how he gained the heavyweight title in 1973 from Joe Frazier lost it in 1974 to Muhammad Ali and should George Foreman win tonight look at that he would hold the record and of course also be the oldest heavyweight champion ever but it would have been 18 years and three months surpassing Roberto Duran this record and it is just a remarkable comeback story and in many ways just the fact that he enters the ring win or lose Joe Goosen oh it's a successful comeback well you know of course you said it just by making it this far at the beginning his first fight nobody gave him a chance to make it past a few fights and here he is at the top of the game fighting the undisputed heavyweight champ of the world of Andrew Holyfield and the roar goes up from the crowd as Muhammad Ali the man who took his title in 74 has entered the ring it's now time for our national Athens to be sung by the popular female quartet on both let's go to Michael buffer please the gentleman at this time I would like to introduce our color guard they're provided as a courtesy of the United States Naval Reserve Center here in Atlantic City New Jersey let's give them a round of applause ladies and gentlemen and at this time would you all please rise for the singing of our national anthem a very special treat here this evening it will be sung by four very lovely ladies ladies and gentlemen the sensational recording group [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quite a rendition enjoyed by Kevin Costner and who is right Marla maples and the dozens of celebrities are on hand at the Atlantic City Convention Center and it's fitting that standing in the ring along with our national anthem singers Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier two men who pay played such a pivotal role in the career of the man making the comeback fight for the championship tonight George Foreman won losing to him and the other beat them handed him his first loss Muhammad all later that was the birth of the rope-a-dope he Kinshasa Zaire in 1974 that's right and you know that George Foreman went into that fight against Frazier as the underdog and people forget he knocked down Joe six times in those first two rounds to win that title in Kingston Jamaica in January of 1973 and there will be no three knockdown rule tonight so theoretically one fighter could be knocked down four times or more and around and it's doubtful in today's market they would have let that fight go on between Foreman and Frazier as long as they did then and George Foreman will be the first to make his way into the ring who would have thought four years ago you were ever going to see George Foreman walking down the aisle of fight be undisputed champ this crowd will erupted George said I may be old I may be fat but he said here I is well he doesn't look gold and he doesn't act it and he sure doesn't look real fat to me when I saw him on those scales he looks big and scary [Music] fire crowd it's on its feet trying to get a glimpse of George he has come down the hallway he is about to enter this arena and you will hear it erupt the moment he does second oldest second heaviest to challenge and he has now entered the Atlantic City Convention Center [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his record overall the only two losses to Muhammad Ali and Jimmy young and said he had a religious experience after the loss to young others called it heat frustration in Puerto Rico in 1977 Jimmy young not much bigger then Evander Holyfield is right now so it has been proven that a smaller bank can't beat somebody like George Foreman all along Joey had predicted that he would knock out Evander Holyfield in two and now he's hedged a bit saying well maybe Holyfield will be running for me a bit well that's quite possible I don't know if I I call it running from George I think he's gonna try to outfox George sidestep slip move he might end up running from him but his game plan isn't too good people have asked all along is this a fight or farce and right now your clear-cut answer is well I can guarantee that when Evander Holyfield walking down this aisle gets in this ring he knows he's in for a fight let's talk about the ring for a quick moment twenty by twenty and you described it to me earlier off cameras being a fast ring what do you mean by that it's certainly as you know a lot of rings in from state to state very some rings are a little bit softer your feet syncing up a little bit more slows you down a little bit more this with favor Evander Holyfield and here comes the champion with all of his belts the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world who has really taken a back seat and a quiet side seat the George Foreman [Applause] holy Phil I'm defeated as a heavyweight undefeated as a professional boxer and I think he's handled the fact that he's despite the fact is the champion he's been in the shadow of Foreman he's handled it quite well well George Foreman is such a great personality at any given time during the day or evening he'd walk into the press room and say Here I am anybody want an interview he's so outgoing so funny and so personable he has taken a back seat to George Foreman Evander has but he's a quiet type and he doesn't make any bones about it he likes to be in that way see his knockout percentage expression very somber and very typical almost there Holyfield almost smirking is he coming in as if to say this is not gonna be too much trouble for me tonight [Music] well he should look confident he's the undisputed champ of the world right now [Music] and show at the moment that WBC has yet to sanction this fight at its action WBA and IBF it's tied up in an arbitration but as far as the people feel he's the undisputed champ no doubt about it they they've tried to take the WBC title from and failed as a matter of fact judge Amos Sanders put a restraining order to stop them from technical so in the meantime he still hasn't and here's Evander Holyfield [Applause] 21 by knockout [Applause] [Applause] Joe nobody has ever been able to dictate a pace to George Foreman Holyfield says he has to and will well on his comeback they haven't been able to actually the past 24 fights bavander says he's going to do what he wants to do in there and that's maneuver George around the ring and outbox him and once George to punch as often as he can get him to do it and get himself tired doing it along the way George Foreman just ran over and playfully tapped Evander Holyfield's so George is still having a good time let's take a look at the tale to tape the 14 year age difference height fairly similar the 49 pounds of weight forming a pro for 21 years Evander Holyfield for just six and here we have the copy box punched death this is averages over the last three fights punches per round Holyfield throws 47 - Foreman's 45 lands 28 - Foreman's 24 and the connect percentage is 49% for Holyfield 53 performing not bad for either of quite equal as a matter of fact and the copy box total jabs over a three fight average also very close 25 around for Holyfield 20 for Foreman 12 landed - 10 for Foreman 48% - Foreman's 50% and very close all the way around if stats have anything to do with it this could be a very close and equal fight well let's call in our resident judge from the state of Nevada Cindy Barton with the rules for this fight which differ a bit from the undercard fight Cindy this IBF in New Jersey rules there's a 10-point must system there is no standing eight-count this time this time there's also no three knockdown rule the belt can not save the fighter in any round including the 12th and the doctor can stop the fight and Joe how about the third man in the ring Rudy battle the referee Richard Steele became such a source of controversy with Tyson Rutter well Rudy battle was of course as referee many many championship fights 41 to be exact he's very competent referee in the state of New Jersey but I'm looking at here the third man in the ring for George Foreman's corner Angelo Dundee the new addition all right let's go to the ring and Michael buffer ladies and gentlemen the main events monitor productions and Top Rank incorporated in association with the undisputed king appears Budweiser present the featured bout of the evening this battle is sanctioned by the New Jersey State athletic Control Board boxing commissioner Larry Hazzard senior chairman Jerry Gormley board members Gary Shaw and Richard Harrison chief medical officer dr. Frank P Doggett this bout is also sanctioned and approved by the World Boxing Association and the International Boxing Federation the three judges at ringside scoring each round on a 10-point must system are Jerry Roth from Nevada Eugene grant from New Jersey and Tommy cosmic from New Jersey and the referee for this bout working in a world title event for the 45th time from the state of New Jersey is Rudy battle ladies and gentlemen at this time two very special introductions to former heavyweight champions who faced each other 20 years ago in the Battle of undefeated champions they fought a total of three times culminating with one of the greatest heavyweight matches the Thrilla in Manilla first of all let me introduce to you from Philadelphia Pennsylvania he's the former heavyweight champion who always brought the most devastating left hooks in boxing history into the rain ladies and gentlemen [Applause] and the next three times in those three great ballots in 1960 he was a gold medal champion in the Olympics 1964 he won the heavyweight title in 1974 he wanted for a second time and then he became the only man in heavyweight history to win the heavyweight championship three times ladies and gentlemen three-time heavyweight champion of the world Oh [Music] [Applause] and now ladies is up above Donald Trump Trump Plaza Hotel Casino here on the boardwalk in Atlantic City New Jersey it's the Battle of the ages 12 rounds of boxing for the heavyweight championship of the world introducing first fighting out of the red corner wearing the white trunks and weighing in at an official weight of 257 pounds this 1968 Olympic gold medal champion won the heavyweight title in 1973 after a 10-year hiatus he returned to the rink in 1987 and since then his record has been a perfect 24 and old with 23 lejos his career record as a professional sixteen nine victories 65 payos only two defeats 56 of these Taylor's have come in four rounds or less and he's considered by most experts to be the most devastating puncher in a heavy rain history from Houston Texas Luise gentlemen the Challenger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] multicolored trim waited I didn't even do an 8-pound he's a member of America's greatest Olympic boxing team the class of 84 he won a bronze medal that year and he was the first of that great squad to win a world title doesn't run off in only his 12th professional pal he became the cruiserweight champion and he is now in boxing history the only Titleist from that division to step up to the heavyweights and capture that crown also his overall record as a professional is 25 and Oh with 1t1 payos more than half of his ko victories have been in four rounds or less and not one heavyweight opponent has made it to the final bell and for the last five years he's knocked out every opponent here space from Atlanta Georgia ladies and gentlemen presenting the undisputed undefeated [Applause] every way [Applause] Thunder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay dumb instruction a clean break at all times good luck to both of us touch gloves George Foreman has said it is my destiny I'm a miracle and the fact that he is here bears out most of that to be true the final chapter is about to be written jorts is laying in his corner Evander calm and cool both these men seem confident that they're both gonna win [Applause] here we go round one scheduled for 12:00 [Applause] exploring with some jabs and working the body and forming his yet to throw a punch [Applause] [Applause] Holyfield as expected pressing the action trying to get a left to the body Gorman will throw far fewer punches and will cover up with both hands cross across his face he's got a deceptive defense land crosses those arms walks a lot of things he sees a lot of punches coming he got under that first big left Hickock volley fields and it missed that one his Holyfield a bit farther away than you expected him to be his where he's gotta be he's got to use that speed from the outside here and do exactly that pop and go what happens all the talk about him sticking right to George's chest to let George punch himself out I don't think that's such a great strategy to tell you the truth he's got the speed why getting close with george hasn't sitting right in front of him those were quotes from his trainer Lou Duva yeah I talked to me I talked to Lou afterwards and they kind of changed her story and they felt it best that whole e50 on the outside George connect with the left the crowd reacts to anything positive the Foreman does halfway through the first round Holyfield with a combination left took right hands [Applause] George the long-distance left look how he covers up with both hands courts when he's got his arms crossed like that Georgie Benton knows he can't punch with his arms crossed it's purely a defensive position woman obviously a much slower of the two and ring speed and punching speed bullet field Chinese has an advantage Loren's with a looping right way off the mark went right behind and passed it behind Holyfield's head jamming out of there with the left for him it is and here comes Holyfield good left hand by Holyfield good left right left he threw three quick punches and got out in circle around Jorge and this is what he's got to do Kenny do it for 12 rounds I don't know [Applause] [Music] Holyfield pressing the action which gives send the advantage when it comes to the scorecard if all else is evens [Music] it's not a farce yet one round complete [Applause] when it gets close dinners but this jeopardizes the last do that [Music] so that guy's building my rice ass [Music] Holyfield sits Foreman stands for mit never sits between around says he doesn't practice that in sparring so makes things go faster so he stands and they told him to try the left hook job they told Holyfield also to use that jab when you do get inside dip it's hip to the body quick punches let him go he said they didn't have to be hard but let him loose and then get back out right from only feeling them again a left remember in all of the earlier stories George Foreman said he would knock an outlaw shut around that's the round he took care of Joe Frazier back in 73 Holyfield is just really tattooing George Foreman right now the speed is really telling the tale unless George can land something to the body to slow him down a little bit start him with the jabs this could be a trend all I know Georgie Benton told Holyfield this is what he gonna see all night long just him plot me a nap you look at the load up a big swing and a Miss from forming that what to the body got through the let me tell you rooting paddle jumped right in and told him keep him up pretty battle immediately stopping and telling them to get the punches up the rules meeting there was a lot of discussion from the Holyfield camp about low blows some elbows thrown by formula hard to tell what exactly is a low blow though before me develop drugs hey Paul halfway up to his chest that's for sure right Holyfield is just dominating his first two rounds Oh a nice counter right hand out of a crowd in exchange [Applause] and Holyfield effectively ducking the tragic flexibility paying off there left hook Oh Korman on the attack you're not kidding Holyfield looks a little stunned a little worried he came back was all that talk [Applause] to cook body shots by Foreman the crack or nuts servants nor [Music] beating up the kid the second round [Applause] the doorman and a combination this is where Holyfield shouldn't be no wild left by Holyfield Holyfield comes in there that's his instinct so to fight back when he gets hit he's proving that in all of his past fights doped Alex Stewart and everyone else a little fighting after the bell separated by Rudy battle water round four Foreman crowd standing on its feet Merlin [Applause] you look finally turned it on to the second round set him up with a jab missed with the right but came up on the side of the chin with that left uppercut oh that landed flush Holyfield might have been in trouble you know this man can hit take another slower look here the left missed with the right and welllet's osha he knocked his head so far back with that jab that he was out of range when he threw the right hand and say how Holyfield responds after the strong forming round and Holyfield comes out throwing punches the coffeeboxx stats have Foreman landing 50% of his jabs through the first two rounds and Holyfield 34% Poorman ripped a nice little shot to the midsection [Applause] whereas where Foreman pushed off at that for our poem on the right hand well referee Rudy battle warned him about it if he starts pushing up too much of their arms and elbows Gorman's game plan it's the way he fights to the body from forming Gorman probably winning around so far and going his body a lot of people in this audience thought it and a lot of the boxing experts the sports read his favorite Holy Hill out of the box eaten themselves favorite Foreman in this fight gave him a big shot he's got Holyfield reeling from the couple shots Holyfield comes back strong with his own left hook kind of a weekender with that left hand to the body of Foreman by Holyfield he looks to be tired himself right now it's supposed to be form in that stuff he's got to pick it up his leg for that body shot then Borman continues to attack effectively now Holyfield with the left the connects you know Holyfield's game plan was to stay away in boxing but this guy is almost form is almost impossible to get away from for every step you take he takes to women's right back on top yet but he's got to stick to a boxing plan if he wants to win this fight and Holyfield does land the Foreman continues to just shrug off all the blows I saw him do it time and time again with the sparring partners and they said thank God George Foreman took it easy on us and he was working with some top-notch sparring he said it's the hardest guy they've ever been hit by in their lives well the Holyfield camp wanted Foreman to take some punches and miss him and they've certainly gotten that as well but they didn't wanted to land the feel that he has landed they felt that they could get away from mostly all of his punches there goes Holyfield ripping a great shot to the bottom he's got to do more than more of that you see how easily Foreman pushes a long ago looping overhand right again and a little bit of a mention from Rudy battle that that landed on the back of the neck and that's a rapid punch and those are illegal punches in connecting and Holyfield Behrman trying to hold them off its Holyfield now on the attack 10 seconds left 10 seconds up to this bout or in this round George is on the word and hit him to the bill by a crisp bright a big finish from Evander Holyfield in the third [Applause] [Music] No left took four holyfield form and had that right hand down Holyfield's snuck that left took over and then just let loose with a barrage of combination punches left rights left and rights he hit him with everything in the book and unbelievably Foreman stayed up his those were clean shots right on the button it's a testament to Foreman's great conditioning but he was very he was wavering in that corner looked a little wobbly when he Bank went back just about anybody else would go down from this flurry well just about everybody else has gone down to this world exciting round three and here we go to floor now [Applause] Foreman sneaks in 11 Holyfield counters his way out and Holyfield landing West [Applause] smoke out the distance behind the ring a smoke bomb went off here in the Atlantic City Convention Center affecting the fighters or those of us here at ringside not yet but it's creeping its way over I mean close sit in the background on the monitor like their way going down just a little bit after the excitement of rounds two and three Foreman and two and Holyfield very big and round three [Music] Georgie's not being very accurate that right hand he's landing his jabs and a few left hooks tiring a little bit Joe well the way Holyfield just grabbed on and looked like he needed a little bit of arrest himself but you know he recuperates quickly and comes back hard just like that left hook the body yeah George is looking a little worse for the wear but when you take punches like that that takes a few rounds out of your stamina right off the get-go George looks to me a little bit tired here and most experts have said the longer it goes the more it does favor Holyfield well if he continues to take this type of barrage of punches in the next couple rounds it's doubtful that form it's going to be able to keep up this pace it was hard for him to do it when he was a young man he's 42 43 years old right now it's going to be a tall order performing if he doesn't land something so they're strong right from Evander Holyfield [Music] minutes ago in round four Jorge missing Holyfield connecting that's the story here in the fourth another combination from Holyfield solid left right inside the last time Jorge's ever went over ten rounds was in 1977 with Jimmy young in the latter stages of round three George has been a large punching bag I should say the last end and only time but he didn't go ten rounds in one of his comeback fight so I went to a decision with Everett big foot mark early in his comeback another strong combination Foreman's shining moment was round two Holyfield's history round three on it's been all about their Holyfield [Applause] George a bit of a low punch in there as well with his flurry trying to cover up final seconds of the fourth round another strong one for the champion that's it for round 4 notice they did bring a stool out for George and he puts a leg up to stand on the stool it will sit on up but now at least one leg of let's go to our judge Cindy Barton's see how she sported thus far Cindy Lynn I have it right now 38 to 37 for Hollyfield must say that's been a superior performance for for Foreman here he has the one thing that Hollyfield has found out is that he cannot stand in front of Foreman he's definitely going to get her if he doesn't I think they had your third round reversed there Cindy will check it out as we take a look at the replay there's well that would cut the tail end of that but I was listening this on the Foreman's corner charlie shape said keeping a defensive posture until you get in close and then open up Angelo Dundee told him not to reach with his punches and that's what he's getting pocket his hands down reaching informant looks quite weary right now here we go in round five last two strong ones for Evander Holyfield he continues to press the attack and hit George pretty much at will and George has not really landed anything in the last two rounds Joe and another one from Holyfield [Music] another right left from the champion left uppercut right hand it was grazing but it still landed though he was talk in terms of the puncher's chance I mean this Foreman well that chance diminish the longer has because his punches looked slower and slower just after these few rounds another low blow warning from Rudy battle no point has been deducted but his second warning [Music] while he's fighting while I'll tell you what that left hook to the body of Holyfield mm up made him pick his leg up and you're hurting right so he still got a lot of snap in his punch they just aren't coming real quickly a couple of effective body blows from Foreman here in the 5th round that's what he's got to do George he's got to hit that body too slow when he feel down he's got a lot of speed going for it right now another one of those loans I've noticed every so often the fifth round was critical for Holyfield when he got rocked by Alex Stewart sometimes Holyfield rolls and this is the time of the fight he does that well he's such a busy guy he's on his toes he's moving for a big man that's hard to do that's how he takes his rest he backs up for a minute right catches a composure then comes back he took the 42nd time out of Holyfield it and he's come back as we near a minutes ago in round five [Applause] this is where form has got to go to work here when Holyfield's taking that rest you're right Hill gets another left in there George missing with the laugh [Music] [Music] without looping right but man another low level here with the left Boorman connected got a gift farming credit for coming back like he is right now he looked like a boy your man last room everyone talks about his right hand he's gotten some good Lex to the chin and forming with another combination a lot of those glancing off from Holyfield but a few of them getting by and really stunning Holyfield and Foreman coming on strong into fits round when he looked like perhaps he was lulling Holyfield with the thinking that he was in trouble exactly exactly and this so you stayed there for the next watch those possible causes take their toll they receive foreman reach in with that left uppercut backing up with the jab short right hand right off the temple bingo again right up the temple and those are the punches that can slow a guy like Holyfield down he needs land more of those here it is from a different angle right hand right on the chin they don't look like they're coming fast or hard but they hurt for him it's a big man another one right off the air there's that quick chopping right hand and you see the face of Holyfield squinting from pain busy well like I said he hits hard Zubaz camp kept saying well George Telegraph's that right well if he does Holyfield didn't see it coming George's response to that is yes I Telegraph but the message gets through it did there he was very short with his right hand the first few rounds but going to the sixth round here he started as of the last round round six when those fights turned out like a lot of people thought it would it turned out to be a fight and not a one-sided affair Oh strong right from holy few countered Holyfield's jab our counter to performance tamper none left from holy they went back down to the body and Foreman comes back back-and-forth action here and a left from Holyfield that right hand down again from Foreman there it is again he's got to get that right hand up next to his face he's got a block does it up with the elbow he tries to deflect it off right but it's not working for him Holyfield slipping that left hook it right over Lok love of George Foreman and only field covering up here those got to be dejected holy Phil he's hittin Foreman with everything in the book and he's still coming and you know Holyfield strategy has worked or has thrown a lot of punches here but it hasn't worked to the effect that he wanted it to but you notice in the at the copy box statistics Forman and Holyfield throw about the same amount of punches firm out and Jeff per round [Applause] strong left to the body from holy view the judge comes back again it's like one of those punching bags those plastic ones to keep him back up again but the thing is is that those are filled with air Foreman's filled with salt with 257 pounds of peace warming certainly answered most of the critics of his stamina inside of a minute to go in round six halfway through the fight right now George just keeps on coming left hand jab boom Foreman looks like Holyfield's getting a little bit of a second when he's got that good bounce his punches look quick again punching sharp jumping over the short little left hook right dude any justice barely even rounds here in the [Music] George misses with the round walk right but enough of them have gotten through just when you think George's Dayton he comes right back both of them in the same to Holyfield but a tug of war and [Music] the body shots from Holyfield as round six comes to a close [Applause] you can't reach reality speak up about statistics jump well here you've got Foreman just a little bit behind Holyfield as far as punches thrown ever landed quite a few lines only 100 to 158 but the percentages are pretty darn close fifty four to forty percent for informants mourner he's receiving those instructions by the way from Charlie shapes even though people like Angelo Dundee and Archie Moore worked with those shapes as the man he listens to while he stands in this corner Shrike says the man's had the same round seventh as we start the second half of this 12 round place and again Charlie scheitz reiterating the George Foreman he says keeping that defensive Shelton you get inside then go to work you saw Foreman just reaching there and almost paid the price I think he just knocked them up but his legs look unsteady right now [Applause] reacting to everything the department does positively Oh more punches from Foreman and Holyfield absorbs it in the middle of the Ring and Foreman on the attack in the seventh round but watch him come back Holyfield taking that little bit of a rest we talked about let's hurry Joe is himself and comes back you can see he was poison himself to come back with a few hard shots Katz and George with his hands down [Applause] Holyfield is done at time against Michael Doakes and Alex Stewart he'll take it take it take it and all of a sudden he comes on right and he's making George waste a lot of punches instead of clinching he's blocking punches he's letting George throw punches and missing Lara bouncing off the gloves of Holyfield as he may feel coming on Shawn left from Holyfield against 410 aright and Holyfield landing inside yeah push after another he's got Foreman wobbly but George still standing Schubert's blocking allow those himself a lot landing but an amazing man this guy is what an amazing person Wow and what around oh it comes back right down Holyfield's head there's maybe the round they talk about it years they're both mesh back with and far majority back at Holy whew [Applause] people were discounted George Foreman as as merely a fake and a fraud in this fight he's proven I hope nobody ever says that again about him he's really beyond a shadow of a doubt he is for real and Holyfield a bit low there but Borman taking everything the Holyfield's throwing and coming back at him another trick that took my Holyfield this round is going to go down as one of the greatest all-time rounds of boxing no doubt about it just for the sheer fact that Foreman's still here but the way he's trading back and forth with Lawler feel is unbelievable and I can't tell you how incredibly entertaining this is in the latter stages of a seventh round that have gone back and forth where they've rocked each other well hundred dollar seats is $1,000 seats people are getting their money's worth tonight final 10 seconds of perhaps a historic round in the annals of heavyweight boxing Holyfield coming on strong again what around [Applause] it isn't that just step around it with you David don't get it with no crazy punches you don't have to [Music] here we go we got a replay of that last round holy still taking that right hand getting Rock left right uppercut right hand there's formal end of that here's another shot second time or this different angle right hand right on the beam right here and here's Holyfield coming back right uppercut left hook right hand to the chin back to the belly over the top right uppercut blazing punches and Foreman writing it out here it is Holyfield again it on the attack body head boy what around what you heard in the background between rounds the crowd and unison chanting George George George the viewers have an eight the viewers at home have to be chanting that amazing fight bolli feel really has fought a brilliant fight tonight considering how well conditioned Foreman is if informal wasn't in such great shape you could dismiss it as just another rod when it was a guy like Holyfield say to himself when he knows what he delivered on the last round and George didn't go down well he's got not get discouraged with himself he's just got a stick to his game plan they said they would do it for 12 rounds of maybe and he is of course sure to go to a decision people feel well the edge will tilt towards the champion in these matters Holyfield rally is the busier fighter right now George has had his moments but I think overall Evander's been in control tonight but also from the standpoint of being the champion hat and having to have it taken away from you well I don't necessarily buy that i-i-i feel if a man wins the fight he wins it if he loses he loses at whether his champ or not but you know what happens in the annals of boxers and here comes Holyfield coming forward obviously the eighth round can't live up to what happened just one round before [Applause] not from Holyfield you know it's funny because nobody really gave George credit or body be able to take it this far but the judges might be impressed with this I'm wondering myself if they might be even leaning towards George and some of these rounds because he's been hanging so tough and doing his own sport it's possible we'll check with our resident judge Cyndi Bartlett win rounds and ask for opinion if she is swayed in that regard final minute of round 8 we certainly have an expert to refer to right from Holyfield boy holy kill our Foreman hesitated with his right hand and caught a counter right hand by hold another right from Evander and a left only field has to be asked himself what do I have to do well George is abandon that jab when Holyfield backs off he should be putting that jab out and trying to score something George reacting to the faints of Holyfield and then catching a couple of punches the Rudy battle mentioning to fawn about the elbow which we alluded to earlier Oh God offender with a left hook moving over to George's left side [Applause] a solid round for evander holyfield around number eight many of those viewers who called in I don't think anyone thought it would go past this distance and we have a bunch of zeros up on the board for the ninth through twelfth rounds but we've finished eight complete [Music] and let's check out Cindy's scorecard Cindy what do you have I have it dead even this most incredible fire I think I've seen in years especially for a heavyweight fight the fight lasting so long I can't see it's swaying the judges one way or another because just like what you said doesn't matter if Vander's the champion or not I've worked with these guys many times in their top-notch judges so they won't be swayed by the fact that Foreman has done so much better than expected its last adherents the ninth round now I really don't think so the rarefied air Holyfield fight Pernell Whitaker and marks trailing behind his yelling though Evander Holyfield it's a four round fight it's a full round fight meaning he's only got four left and Holyfield is come out landing at the beginning of the night that seventh was really something about this count what Foreman did in round two there's no question that Evander Holyfield has got one of the best chins in boxing quick left crowd reacted as Holyfield went back and here comes Foreman in on the ropes and Holyfield hangs on taking a brief respite George going back to that jab which it needs to do if he wants to get back into this fight big time or if he wants to win it who's got to get busy [Applause] only field taking another one of those little time outs of this they're almost all of Holyfield's knockouts have come early only to past the eighth round and now Holyfield on the attack and round nine those trying to corner them can't do Holyfield moves away [Applause] [Music] the Holyfield supporters behind us crying out for lateral movement on the part of Evander not much movement of any kind here George has really slowed down this round he's if he wants to get into this fight and take it take the crown from Evander Holyfield he's going to have to step it up right now Evander Holyfield has his number three more strong blows landed by Evander Holyfield woman takes it and comes back for more resiliency of George Foreman is a major story here tonight own field lands another road you went on punches landed maybe no contest it's amazing really that both fighters aren't more marked up around the eyes and it's only because they've both taken some tremendous heavyweight shots third time the Rudy battle says something to format about the low blows well their porter line there are they aren't real flagrant low blow so he's warning them instead of taking a point another quick combination from Holyfield to closes all right hand Rock Foreman he's at for me right now it's trouble Thurman you cannot be Saved by the Bell and Holyfield is all over Foreman there's the Bell and Foreman stands and walks back to his corner I think it's time for George Foreman to sit on that stool take a load off his feet [Applause] we separate the men from the boys beautiful flurry at the end here counters over the right over the jab with the right hand left hook back to the right hand how foreman's holding himself up I'll never know bang right hand two right hands over the ear he does hit him with everything in the ball right hand right over his jab Foreman automatically drops his hands and he's a sitting duck here for Holyfield's combinations now there it is square on the chip those type that you don't see other ones I'm really rockin Joe while you're watching the replays referee Rudy battle walked over in George Foreman asked are you okay Boston said yes during that timeout Foreman went over and intentionally talked to Angelo Dundee and here comes George one more time to start the 10th round well he's guilty after nearly being knocked out at the end of rail melon he looks like he's on weak legs right now but he's determined to stay in the spice and not get knocked out it's evident you start to think in terms of moral victories at this point Joe well at this point yes definitely for George Foreman nobody ever gave him this much credit that he did but everybody come to be able to come this far with the punishment he's taken time out called I think they want to wrap the Evander there's tape on the left lung that's loose of Evander Holyfield is Foreman was sent to a neutral corner to tape it up that certainly favors Foreman being able to take a little extra rest here but the thing is is that they're taking this time out for about an inch and a half of tape hanging off the glove and they're concerned with that and here Holyfield's taking all sorts of Foreman singing all sorts of punches the clock is supposed to stop when that happens Boorman continues to fight and Holyfield continues to land Holyfield's hands feet is really good the difference in this fight and another left from Holy Fanta and two more and you seen Holyfield on fresh legs still dancing and George with that plotting style and weakened a bit at the end of the ninth you talked about the speed telling a difference age will you now grant that to Holyfield at this point in round two well you know George Foreman had a lot more balance and a lot more speed ten years ago the age has obviously caught up with them but still he's got enough to hang tough the undisputed champ of the world the neck straight punches punch for punch and only field landing a strong right at the end of that flurry [Applause] landed a strict one - but it looks like it's going to take more than a couple shots to hurt Holyfield throughout this fight Georgians landed one or two out of time it's going to take more than that and the crowd comes alive as George landed a few is the two of them wrestle in center ring holyfield land some more [Applause] oh the jab looked like a right hand from Foreman and Holyfield comes right back well right now it looks like Holyfield Allah is the one who's tiring out in this 10th round of course he's throwing a lot more punches than George but then again George is taking quite a bit of punishment it's amazing he's got this much stamina crowd booing when the two of them take those breathers up against each other oh I've been missing with the left remember what happened in the final 10 seconds of the ninth round well we're in the same territory here in round 10 and that's it George really starting to swell up around the eyes now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and let's check out Sidney Barton scorecards Cindy how's it going down okay Lynn I have Highfield winning right now 96 94 but I had to say I think her any of us officials would probably be one of the most difficult fights that we'd ever have to score every round has been power packed but I believe that the speed is is is more right now with Hollyfield than informant and as we approach the 11th round scheduled for 12:00 keep in mind Holyfield hasn't gone a distance in five years deep well there there goes Holyfield again countering that slow jab of Foreman right over the top that's been the most telling punch for Holyfield this evening that's counter right hand over the jacket [Applause] George has continued to stand in this corner between every round and we've reached 11 the Holyfield landed 21 of 25 jabs in that round for 84% I love Connect vicinity [Applause] and now he is deducting one point for the low blow Rudy Vallee had warned him three times and deducted the point there in the 11th the judges have it scored as closer than Cindy thinks they do that point could be a big big fact to lift this is a close fight that low blow point deducted could be the deciding there's that counter right hand off the Foreman's right hand the Holyfield follows right up with that left hook where Holyfield's got to win the round to make that turn count the ten eight would look huge not so a 99 we've had no knock downs one point deducted from George Foreman for a low blow here in the 11th round well cuts and no visible scars in either man no but we have seen George Coleman wat to do or three different rounds where we didn't think he's going to get now Holyfield hanging on both of them narrowly missed with right hands obviously the fatigue factor you would think would affect the older man a lot more but it's affected both of them joke [Applause] they don't like the fact that the younger man Holyfield's holding on here in this situation is grabbing George around the waist those boos are directed at Holyfield [Applause] George is really unable to pull the trigger he gets close enough he sees what he wants to do he just can't pull the trigger on his punches right now and Holyfield scores on a combination of three Foreman tries to come back but I don't think those punches have much Joe well the jabs look decent but the the right hand was real sloppy and real wide little left push Tony field back or holding on I'm not sure Holyfield is taking full advantage of that point he's getting this round but he still has landed more punches than forming necessarily 11 he really has been out hustling George in this round that was a strong left [Applause] George trying to cover up in Holyfield Landon and a left from Holyfield and one to the body from Holyfield another strong right from the champion what's what's the line about weebles wobble but they don't fall down well let me tell you something right now George Foreman is coming back with his home body shots after taking those plan of might right hands to the head unbelievable and that's us up for the 11th round that brings the crowd to its feet one more time [Applause] will it cut around for Holi good [Music] again the chant of George from the crowd in Atlantic City Angelo Dundee [ __ ] Rudy battle out for taking that point [Applause] the game with what it has it earns of the nebulas guys do a brain all right Cindy Barton's starting the 12th and final round what is your score City performance sent something to it as you mentioned Angelo Dundee was all over Rudy battle bull rounds we're taking that point away and in the other corner Georgie Penton and Luger says don't get stupid don't get careless box and keep your hands up Portland's got a knock about the win this time so they sent Foreman had a puncher's chance well he needs that punch here in the 12th round from our estimation to win this fight but he certainly had his moments along the way right hand trying to land that big punch to [Applause] Holyfield basically has to stay away from one big bomb a'right [Applause] well wholly fit Hollyfield is doing what his corner asked him to do basically and that's the move but he shouldn't be punching as much as Lou Duva one move people up does the one I'm punching this much but he sees Foreman as a target and he's going for it anyway and Archie Moore just stood up in George's corner and said go Adam punch gave him the fist sign Archie of course was the oldest to fight as a challenger for the heavyweight title and George has the 95 seconds left to try to punch him out and regain that championship which he lost 17 years ago [Applause] Holyfield stuck to his game plan that Georgie Benton and Lou Duva laid out for him and he's done it quite well Bach's new circle kept George off balances stayed away from his big if it goes to a decision and of Holy's field wins it to retain the title i still marvel at what george foreman was able to accomplish here tonight [Applause] inside of a minute doesn't look like George could muster that last punch and Holyfield comes on strong with a combination and George still takes it [Applause] got a minute left then had left to prove that he can still pack that punch in and win this heavyweight title but it looks like a pretty futile effort [Applause] and Holyfield again hanging on he has been through a battle and Holyfield doesn't want to let go and Rudy battle battle could take a point away pushes him away and after that rest holyfield tries to come on a timeout in the middle of the 12th round stage there by Holyfield with 15 seconds to go in the fight [Applause] [Applause] the old man has gone the distance and the crowd at the Atlantic City Convention Center comes to its feet to applaud [Applause] very dreadfully opportunity one absolutely hi baby great fight before the great fried egg they got bugs we gotta box out that baby's big congratulations that's got everybody good breathe wait a minute wait and now we'll go to the judges scorecards Cindi Barton's card had Holyfield comfortably ahead but we'll see with the three judges who counted having here at ringside Cindy your final card my final card is 116 for Hollifield and 111 for Foreman an incredible fight and you gave forming that dramatic seventh round which I think people will be talking about for quite a long time forever best round I've ever seen in boxing well everyone had a prediction and few painted this scenario of a 12-round decision for Evander Holyfield with such dramatics in between Holyfield with a big third round the seventh round went back and forth just dramatically the 11th round the point deducted for low blows by referee Rudy battle after three earlier warnings in the fight and we'll take a look at the final copy box we expected Holyfield to throw more punches but that total of 444 from Foreman was quite good you see Holyfield's percentage and that's why by all rights he should win the decision 61 percent and it was quite a show you know we're all kind of had our fingers crossed when we said fight or farce and it certainly all those people who said that the it was too dangerous performing and the fight would turn out to be a farce well they were all wrong and they certainly have a lot to be proud about in George Foreman and the fight he carried on here tonight what a show particularly that 7th row typical crowd in the ring neither man was cut as you see they are working on welts to try to get them to go down possible for the post-fight interview let's go to Mike for the citrine let's have a round of applause for these two heavyweights 12 rounds of exciting action nobody thought they'd do it and now from the Trump Plaza Hotel Casino here in Atlantic City we go to the scorecards Eugene grant scores about 116 to 1 11 Tommy has merit has it 115 to 112 and Jerry Roth scores it 117 to 104 the winner by unanimous decision and step [Applause] but how about that little wink and smile from George Foreman when he realized Holyfield was the winner it's trite to say but Foreman was a winner in many respects here tonight as well [Music] the last cheer performance his career is certainly not over we will continue to hear from George I'm pretty sure anyway Evander Holyfield stretches his undefeated record to 26 and oh now and George drops to 69 and three and his first loss in the comeback now 24 at one but Holyfield was quite a fight he took a lot from Foreman and he also dealt a lot as well to formula so now one point low blow is not as big a factor one of the judges have the exact total that our unofficial judge Cindy Barton come on [Music] look I told you loot over the trainer and Evander Holyfield his champion the fans who came to Atlantic City I I can't speak for all of them but I trust they were not disappointed by the performance of both fighters here tonight we'll be going to Joe goose and shortly in the ring for the post fight interviews there's a big crowd in the ring and it's a little bit tough to get our interview set up but we'll get it for you momentarily and we will hear from the champion all right I think we're set now on the ring let's go to my colleague Joe Goosen just take it away Thank You Lana I'm here with Evander Holyfield and Lou Duva Evander was at a tougher fight than you thought tonight it was gonna be first of all I just thank God for the victory and and thank everybody that's praying and you know fighting against him well blessed man George Foreman you proved that you know he's very tough I'm glad I didn't take him for granted I knew that the man was full of the spirit just like I was and as a matter you know who wanted the most feel that you know young a by me being young as I would you say to a lot what was the biggest reason you felt that you won this fight tonight Evander well I feel that I scored more punches than George [Music] and I box him you know he was you know he was strong throughout the whole fight and I feel that I heard him a lot of time and he was he was clever enough to give us up out of trouble were you were you sort of amazed at the way he recovered from some of those shots you hit him with the you hit him with four or five six shots at a time and he'd never went down well you know not upon amazing Georgia Georgia tournament fighter I feel that you know I have to earn earn a knock out man show that you know he wasn't wasn't gonna take anything lightly and I'll push I put it out and he was able to take it and I proved that you know he wasn't old man he had that desire to win now you stuck to your game plan beautifully that Lou Duva and Georgie Benton laid out for you Lou were you happy with the way he executed his game plan tonight oh absolutely I mean we weren't looking for a knockout I said that right at the outset we're looking to win to fight any way we can win it we got to go 12 rounds we're gonna go 12 rounds is capable of boxing that's all we're concerned about we told him if he sees a shot take it but outside of that keep boxing snap that jab and keep turning him and let the guy wasted something that's exactly what he did it seemed like George couldn't get off and look like he when he had his arms crossed he couldn't counter punch and when he did decide to punch you were too far away for him to do anything well I tried to confuse him there at times he had me confused George have liked a lot quicker than people might think he had a good jab and he throw punches from from unusable boxing stance so yeah I throw that uppercut in that kind of round off right and it kind of kept me you kept me paused awhile well I knew that if I could knock about at the stick team game played by using the jab getting in there make him spend a lot of energy was he as powerful as people make him out to be rate his power for us deafening jour can hit he'd never cleaned it hit me with a good shot on the chin but it showed that he had enough power when he hit me to knock me off knowledge do you think that George should continue in this game or do you think this should be his last fight Evander well I think that's that's up to Joy job got enough power and I a lot a lot more finesse a lot of people would take the jury for granted he got a lot of boxing skills he is strong and I think he's very competitive it's all up to George I think George for his heart I he showed me more not then I expect but I wasn't looking for joy to be so determined and in such good shape he was he was like in a fight throughout the whole he was in a fight let's talk about business here Lou what's next for Evander what would you like to see him do well you know we have two guys at Heather's we had forming and we had Don King we'd love to fight Mike Tyson but we can't fight Mike Tyson as long as King is there we're ready to fight Mike Tyson starting Monday we're ready to sit down on the go Jay if you don't want it we'll go to number two we'll go number three we'll go right down on line but we're gonna fight somebody if it's Mike Tyson fine it's now we're gonna next guy all right Lou it was a great fight a great victory for your camp and Evander you proved tonight that you are and deserve to be the undisputed heavyweight champ in the world thank you all right show goostin Len Berman again at ringside and I think the quote that the Evander Holyfield had out of that interview is I'm glad I didn't take him for granted and an answer to the question why you won the fight well landed more punches and that was really the story from our comp about statistics and what we were articulating as we went on through the fight and it really was quite a give-and-take that seventh round will live on and annals for a long time to come as both of them rocked each other and let me bring in our host gambrel marshal and what was your view for gambrel from high above the auditorium well then I was very impressed because of all the media people and fans alike who didn't give George Foreman a chance he came out and proved otherwise you know before the fight we talked about the fact that Foreman said that he wanted to leave this fight as the people's heavyweight champion of the world well he leads the fight this evening without the heavyweight championship but I dare say that he leaves in the minds of many people here still the champion he came in and shown in that seventh round we talked about certainly is going to live as one of the more exciting rounds and I I was impressed by the way that Foreman still can take a punch it has something to say about the skills of Evander Holyfield to be able to fight a gameplan just the way they planned it to take a few punches make George get tired and go ahead and deliver some blows back but I was very impressed with the way that George Foreman was able to take Holyfield punch as well and it's been a long time since I've been able to see heavyweights give and take throughout a 12-round fight like these heavyweights did and you think about the size of the George Foreman I think Al and that makes it all that more impressive well it was there will be some nitpicks about Evander Holyfield those rest seats hooked during rounds holding on the crowd reacted negatively to that there will be those who will say he didn't put the old guy away but I think that'll just be the story that will follow Evander Holyfield along and if that Don King situation gets resolved as Lou Duva puts it and the Holyfield can't fight Mike Tyson that will be the story right into that round people say well didn't put him away well Foreman took a lot tonight as you mentioned and we're vamping a bit here rub gambrel because we are still hopeful of getting a word with George Foreman he left the ring immediately to the cheers of the crowd went back to his locker room so we hopeful in a couple of seconds we will be able to hear from Foreman and in the game job that he put on tonight you know what Lin we talked about the politics perhaps coming into play with the dupe of camp saying they want Tyson but they don't want King to be a part of it I may not be the best in hearing but I could swear that I heard George Foreman at the very end of the fight right as the end of the fight the end of the final bell rang I almost I'm sure that I heard George Foreman say something about a rematch and this is of course the day and time of rematches of course Tyson getting ready to have a rematch from the previous fight that he had so certainly from the looks of this 12-round fight it looks like that a rematch might not be something that fans would come out and say it looks like it's something they'd be ready to do yeah I think so I think as we mentioned George Foreman no we're waiting to hear what he has to say we can't put words in his mouth but we think his career goes on Holyfield fight does have some interest particularly when the fight is replayed and shown more on the on cable and conventional television and people get to see that seventh round and and and don't forget the second round too when the George Foreman rock totally feels pretty good there was some very strong flurries thrown by Foreman which will pique the public's interest even more about this big guy so if he was the People's Choice before even in defeat he may come out a winner as well I know you know that's corny when you talk in terms of moral victories because there aren't I mean there are winds and there are losses but there are all degrees and in Foreman's case I really have to say from my heart it was a moral victory of sorts you know he also comes off as they master strategist in this all 24o coming into this championship fight tonight a lot of people really were critical of the choice of fighters he fought on his comeback trail saying that he hadn't formed any legitimate heavyweights well he stored up all the energy he would need coming into this championship tonight and certainly that has to give him more credibility as well as a guy who not has been washed up but just picked his fights and picked his time and coming away with some $12,000,000 shows that he's smart in more ways than one well for those of you at home and elsewhere around we'd like to tell you that George Foreman will be speaking with us shortly he did put out a request for a pair of sunglasses so a gambrel if you can run them down a pair of your shades will help us get that interview a cop because Joe Goosen has headed back to the locker room area and we will be hearing about George plans and we hope that comes up very shortly gambrel is so much was made in some quarters of personal problems at Evander Holyfield supposedly had and as he proved here tonight that was all just talk as most of it was I mean very few people predicted a full 12-round decision nobody thought that they'd have a give and take back and forth everyone talked about the one big punch from George Foreman that didn't happen van der Holyfield still up in the ring and a lot around ringside are waiting for him to make his way back through the crowd as he is still the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and what a show it was you know you get a wonder in terms of Evander Holyfield the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world he still comes off as a guy from plated the smart fight did everything he was asked to do and still even with the flush punches he banded against George Foreman was not able to put him away now at this point in time I'm still I don't want to jump out and question him right away but you wonder about the power of his punches being able to go ahead and put away someone he fought two big fighters he won the championship beating James Buster Douglas put him away now against George Foreman he's been able to do that as well and now we get an opportunity to find out from George Foreman himself what is his future we understand out that Joe Goosen is caught up to the Challenger Joe take it away a difficult time for you so I won't keep you long I'll just ask you a couple questions I'll tell you we've kept our dignity and there was no retreat every young man out there 35 40 and 50 can be proud of themselves I had him out in the last round but he was really hurt and I didn't want to hurt him I took pity on him cuz I thought all the hit and point but realistically we've proven that the age 14 or 15 or 60 it's not a death sentence after all well you had the whole house pulling for you tonight George that's for sure George George still out home and we fight on let me ask you something did you surprise yourself at all with all the critics you had did you feel that you were gonna put on this brilliant of a performance yourself well it was a good champion I was in the ring with it was a good fight for that for that kid he felt real good he's proved that his family I'm sure his family was behind him my family was behind me we had a good prayer all the young men we never played a win we pray to go out and do our best and when a man get a chance to opportunity for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and he do it does his best wouldn't whoa can you ask for you couldn't ask for more good escobar one last question one last question George George let me ask yourself life time again George are you take 50 years before another generation see something like this well man closer to 50 60 then years to 20 and 19 show the whole world by going toe-to-toe and the young man is holding on for his breath and we keep going well I'll tell you what is happening to the world Oh senior citizens around the world can be proud of themselves hip-hip-hooray and George continues preaching to the end I'm not sure when he said he thought he was ahead on points and took pity on Holyfield at the end but at least he changed the focus here he thought it would be a miracle tonight and now that's changed to at least it being no retreat and he says he will fight on and he'll certainly continue to talk back to you Ken Braille and we've been able to see a little bit of history in the making gear tonight the former champion after 17 years hoping to regain the heavyweight championship not able to do it but he gave the fight fans here every bit of their money's worth for the record it was Morrison over by Olin in the earlier fight pie ads and Suarez fighting to a technical draw it was certainly an
Channel: coachstrout’s classic fights
Views: 9,144
Rating: 4.5833335 out of 5
Keywords: coachstrout, boxing, boxers, boxeo, boxen, boksning, fights, Boxning, “ボクシング”, “, มวย”, quyền anh, “бокс”, “波形, 권투, “πυγμαχία”, “fighters”, “mma”, “ufc”, “hbo”, “mayweather”, “mcgregor”, “boxe”, george foreman, evander holyfield, heavyweights
Id: 2OtaAQxUoM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 56sec (6416 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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