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today i get to meet my new furry travel companion yes i got a puppy i'm in heaven but before we start traveling together i still have to see whether we get along i gotta learn how to train this little hurricane and see how he takes to odyssey [Music] he's like what is this i love dogs this is north you love me yes you love me okay you're gonna be in the video you're gonna be so famous i have loved dogs and all animals since i can remember and i've been wanting craving a dog so deeply over the last couple of years that part of the reason why i got odyssey and started traveling over land was to make that possible at some point and then a few months ago as i planned expedition wild i realized that this could be the moment so i considered my options so i found a lady in the state of montana who has a whole bunch of beautiful working-length german shepherds and i messaged her and i asked if she has any puppies that might be available at some point in the summer she said yes so that's where this next part of the story begins [Music] i'm so nervous i'm so nervous my heart is racing i've got butterflies in my stomach i haven't felt this way in a really long time because in about five minutes from now my life will change forever i'm about to meet my puppy i'm about to meet my puppy okay let's go [Music] hi hi what's your name [Music] oh my god you oh you're huge oh my god you're so big hey sweetie aren't you the most beautiful puppy oh yes [Laughter] hey beauty friends we're gonna be friends are we gonna be friends are we going to be quick hey are we going we're so fluffy hey you guys hey get all the snacks you want all the trees you want always oh my god okay let me jump back in real quick i was so overwhelmed at meeting all these puppies and at meeting my puppy that i just wasn't really filming anything very constructively that's why it's all jumbled i'm sure you can imagine it was total chaos [Music] [Laughter] are you actually my little baby you are the most perfect thing i've ever seen in my life oh my god hey say hi say hi to everyone i am so lucky i just got to meet my new best friend who's going to travel the world with me and i get to stay with his human mom and in her home so genie invited me to stay over in her guest bedroom for a couple of days as she teaches me the ropes and you know whatever whatever anxiety whatever stress i felt coming here just immediately vanished the moment i met him and i just knew it was the right decision so tomorrow is a big day tomorrow we're going to see if enjoys odyssey if he likes her if he accepts her if she accepts him so that's going to be a key component in making all this happen i'm so happy [Music] who's this [Music] what's that so you're probably wondering what i ended up calling this little hell raiser his name is velk that's polish for wolf well it means wolf in all the slavic languages in ukraine you'd savok in croatia and serbia in czechia and slovakia vilk but right now he's so small and so cute that i have to resist the urge to call him vilcik or a little wolf he's such a beautiful boy yes you are yes you are yes you are definitely not camera shy which is why i feel is going to have his own instagram page in fact he already does i couldn't stop watching jenny's adult dogs and wondering how much velk is going to grow and what he's going to be like in just a few months from now he may look like the cutest little floof right now but when he's big he's going to be big and well i hope he can help me stay safe wherever i go just like these guys do for ginny you know whether she's doing farm chores or traveling somewhere they just don't stop moving what did i sign up for i got to spend a couple of days at ginny's house and it was so awesome to just be able to live in her space get to know the puppies get to know my beautiful little puppy you know to warm up to being a dog mom such a huge responsibility and i guess i knew that but it just always feels so much more intense when you're in it rather than just picturing it in your head wow anyway that was a beautiful day how was such a beautiful day and then the evening came so as a way to say thank you to ginny for her hospitality for letting me stay at her place for a couple of days i've decided to cook something for her and her husband steve something vegan ginny did warn me that steve vowed never to eat tofu in his entire life well i just decided not to mention that it's in there i added some potatoes and some other veggies and all the really really good stuff so you know why spoil a surprise [Music] okay here it is vegan curry a la eva let's see how it tastes here we go well steve is a real montana man so he's having some steak with his curry well i'm very curious they both liked it and they finished their balls and then the rain came yes it's the same rain that wreaked havoc upon yellowstone national park you may have seen some of the videos of bridges washing away and the rivers flooding chaos now i was experiencing a bit of chaos of my own so i've had to make a couple of small adjustments to odyssey to make her a bit more dog-friendly and there's a lot more coming next month you'll see the whole car is going to get re-fitted re-kitted big changes coming up but for now this is what we've got so i've got a little blanket here and a seat belt which is clipped in here and this end clips on to the harness so vilka is going to be sitting here and hopefully watching the world go by and we've got some treats and some toys just to encourage him when he gets in here for the first time so challenge number one is get the pup key used to the harness because that's not a natural fit necessarily so managed to put it on somehow convince him that it's okay to wear with treats he's still like not really sure what to make of it but that's step one hey you're looking so handsome yes you are what you doing out there huh what you doing about that huh hey hey hey sweetie hey sweetie hey sweetie you're looking so great good puppy good puppy [Laughter] on that same morning vilk and i were just about to leave ginny's cozy home and head off on our own adventure okay well this is gonna be our first time getting in the car it's raining not the nicest day out so let's see how this goes i've got all this uh paper just in case the little guy throws up i mean you never know okay well let's take a look what is this is this of any interest to you at all look there's a couple of toys in there yes good puppy now let's clip you in oh hi hi little guy hi little guy good boy okay the next step is gonna be starting up the car [Music] what's that hey good boy hey good little boy uh huh [Music] this is weird isn't it it's so weird this is weird for you hey you've never done this what's all before new stuff huh what's all this new stuff [Music] before i left ginny showed me how to work on some basic commands with a nine week old puppy throw a treat out uh-huh go quick here good so easy to teach i want to make sure that i start the training as early as possible working line german shepherds have loads of energy and loads of drive to learn so i want to nourish that with okay hey good job okay we're gonna start the car again we're good we're good now let's see how this goes now i'm going to try moving the car all good [Music] so far so good [Music] okay well we're gonna have to put this on your seat [Music] [Music] oh yay what's this strange stuff all this strange stuff and weird noises well it's just the two of us now buddy how do you feel about it what [Music] thanks thanks i guess so our new life begins
Channel: Eva zu Beck
Views: 641,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7ibjm3P2ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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