Eureka TCOP One man combat tent - best bug out tent shelter

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hey guys it's Gabriel Roberts with Roberts bushcraft out here it's beautiful runner River with my dad career Roberts we're gonna be doing a teacup review today the 10th combat one person tip and we've been really excited about this one let's jump right into it [Music] [Music] [Music] one thing I absolutely love about this backpack is the bottom access rather than having to take everything out of the pack from the top you can't go through the bottom this is the therm-a-rest military sleeping mat picked up you surplus really good price five dollars I believe this is the tenth combat one person tent by Yuriko this is one of the coolest tents I've ever had Gabriel and I think we have one of the better modern military tent collections out there we have the North Face extreme cold weather tent we have the diamond brand two-man combat tent and we also have the Eureka ICS 2000 which is the improved combat shelter and this is the t cough tent combat one person this tent is the improvement over the previous Eureka one-man tent ICS mm so I'm going to get this unpacked we're gonna erect the tent show you some of the things I love about it some of the additions and modifications that we that we make or add to make the tent more comfortable while we're in it and also show you that two people can in fact get inside this tent comfortably stay tuned main components of the tent system rain fly tent body poles and inside the stuff slack we have the repair kit and stakes this particular tent did not come with a stake bag came with the repair kit and it didn't come with any sticks and in a way I'm glad it didn't the stakes that these were originally issued with or the old eastern aluminum stake and had these silver caps and those silver caps tend to pop off when you're pulling mistakes out so we're using now are the DAC tent stakes that came with the diamond brand two main combat tent and that came with eighteen stakes if I'm not mistaken so we just use eight with this tent so we'll go ahead start putting this together and that way you see why I love this time okay here are the poles these are Eastern aluminum poles see here comes with three poles they're all the same length these are 3:44 7:07 five eastern aluminum tent poles you'll see in a moment there's a reason why I turned the tent body around there is a way to orient the fly to the tent we'll show you that in just a moment okay when you're putting the poles together cross to attach the center section you use the toggle whatever both poles put the toggle through the loop likes now when all the clips are on your chant should look something like this okay this is the T cop tent body erected one thing that did do I had some old iron on Eagle Globe and Anchor emblems iron out on the door there okay I think we have this heated up and though once uh still reveal [Music] all right look at that that is a thing of beauty right there people all right okay so we iron that on the door good let it cool just a little while but that actually turned out pretty good I think that's going to look good on the front door so we're going to do it to the other side let it cool check out some more of these seams we'll be back so your tent body should look something like this when you set it up this is the tent fly now I do need to mention that the 10th lie is woodland camo on top it's reversible to a desert sand color and we've also found that this works well in a snowy type environment it blends in well with the white it's made out of 70d nylon with a polyurethane coat what I found through use is it's easier to get the rainfly pole inserted and set up in the rainfly when you unzip the doors it releases a lot of tension on the rainfly itself and just make easier for putting on tents insert the tip into the grommet and then continue pushing a pole through the sleeve on the bottom side of the fly you have velcro fasteners and they simply wrap around the pole now when I purchased this tent I had to do a lot of seam work on the tape and a lot of leaks in the tape actually it's right here not sure where I see there's a hole there working on the seams on my tee cop these are the corners you can see where the tape has come up it's done this on all four corners my intention it originally was to seem just seam grip these back down but before I do that I'm going to take my iron it's a heat sealing iron that I have for putting ultra coat covering on my remote control airplanes and as you can see is a wide range of settings and some of these obviously are too hot but I'm trying it on the 280 degree or roughly the - 80 degree setting and so far it seems to be putting this back down now one important tip when you're using something like this you never put the iron directly against the material that you're working with you always have some kind of bandanna or old t-shirt or old cotton t-shirt between the iron and the material that way you don't get any hard melting and because sometimes the the melting surface will leave remnants on the iron and it causes the iron to stick to the surface that you're working with so I'm trying to iron this back down and at this temperature setting it doesn't take long to heat that seam tape back up and push it back down I'm applying some downward pressure and it seems to be doing the trick now I may end up going back along this with some same gripper on these outside edges but so far I think this is going to be another win in the tea cop restoration project I'm going to beat the water I'm going to beat the water so gonna do that all the way around anywhere I see that the tape is coming up okay got all my corners done not factory perfect but I'm just going to get me through I think this will do haven't had to apply any seam grip to it yet I haven't tested it out yet this has got this adhered back to the tent body so before I put any seam grip on it let me test it out let's see what uh see what kind of results I get I had to do a lot of seam work on the tape and a lot of leaks in the tape and I think it was a self-inflicted wound and I'll tell you why in just a moment but to complete this illustration what you do is you take the velcro simply wrap it around that pole you have one for each pole so you'll do this on this one and two others on the other end okay so just a moment ago I mentioned a self-inflicted wound with the seam tape and this is where it started when I first got the tent I set it up staked it out in the middle of the day and one of the things that I wanted to do just out of habit went to around the rainfly I just started sensing down the rainfly attachment point and what happens in the Sun with these things is the material will begin to draw tight because of the heat from the Sun and I happen to have it on the reverse tan side I could see the groove heating up and beginning to melt and the tape began to separate from the seams so one lesson I learned a valuable lesson I learned is when I had this tent up not to cinch down so tight on these attachment points so get it to where it's somewhat snug but by no means where it's going to draw tight enough to where it's going to rip away the tape from your seams here's the tee caught with the fly fully assembled and attached earlier I mentioned about how to orientate your fly to the tent and here's why if you have the fly reversed the opening of your door on this side starts here and goes back the other side is the reverse so when you unzip the fly here in this opening you can open your door if you had to fly reversed the and when I when I say reversed I mean simply rotated the opening on the fly is on the opposite side of this pole so you'd have to get in the opening and go to the other side of your tent to unzip it so if you have it oriented the way that I have it now right here it's opening you can open your tent okay and here we are inside of the Eureka T cop one-man combat tent I absolutely love this ten the vapor permeable nylon for the tent body this material here bathtub floor construction 70d ripstop nylon with this polyurethane coating thick stuff heavy stuff heavy-duty one of the items that I like to carry picked up a Harbor Freight and it's a shipping blanket I use this on the floor of the tea cop to add a little extra insulation there doesn't quite cover the entire length of the floor but where I have the main part of my body that's pretty good job next thing I'd like to add in is the therm-a-rest sleeping pad self-inflating has an r-value of 4.8 picked it up military surplus $5 for my sleeping bag I opted to bring the USMC three-season sleeping bag we have the I actually have the three season bag as well as the extreme cold weather bag that goes on the outside of this particular system now I've also got inside this pack an aqua quest 9 by 7 or actually 10 by 7 heavy-duty tarp a poncho liner or will be blanket and various other items that I might would need to keep my evening comfortable the axe is a Husqvarna 26 inch multi-purpose axe and this is a ground sheet from the ICS 2000 the one-man combat tent previous to the tee cop and I'm going to show you just a minute why I brought this along the three-season bag compresses down a lot tighter than what I have it here but it's a handy little stuff sack here and this particular bag gets a lot of catches a lot of flack online for not being a very good bag I happen to like it it is pretty much the equivalent of the green patrol bag on the earlier model mm SS the military modular sleep system and this comes this bag comes with the seal line stuff sack very handy keeps the bag dry compresses down to almost nothing smaller than a soccer ball I like this bag this bag compared to the green patrol back from the mm SS has a zipper that runs down the center of your chest rather than the side of you I like that better it makes it easier especially when hammock camping for me to get an in and out of my bag and I have a visitor it is February 3rd 2019 a couple of days ago we had a high of about 25 degrees today it is 63 and I'm going to show you well it just came to visit me hopefully I'll be able to get this on camera look at that guy there give it one good warm day and here they are let me get rid of this guy and we'll be right back okay so far I have the black shipping mat from Harbor Freight the therm-a-rest self inflating sleeping mat and the USMC three season outer bat or inner bag another addition that I consider essential along with this tent is the Yuko candle lantern this is a neat candle lantern this is a neoprene sleeve that protects the candle lantern while it's in the backpack two reasons I love this obviously one is for lighting the biggest reason I like this candle Lana is because of the heat inside this tent I've had a positive 10 degree temperature variation above outside ambient I've had this outside in 28 degree weather and inside this tent with this candle liner it's 38 degrees I use the beeswax candle to go inside of it it smells better and burns longer than the white candle that comes with it and I'll hang it up show you in just a moment how this works now inside the t copier you have connections you have these little tabs where you can put a like a gear net a gear loft it's one here here and here and another here and a lot of times I do that we've got some homemade gear lofts then we put up here but in the center we have another tab that I use for the you coke and Atlanta and this is how I keep the tent nice and warm during those cold nights now the tent is not an extremely tall tents and when you sit up you will hit your head on the center I'm 6 feet tall and I can't sit up without my head touching the top of the tent obviously I'm gonna hit this so when this is in tent obviously you have to be careful yet be mindful we can't just you know throw a sh about like a bear chasing a rabbit you do have to be careful it takes a moment for the wick to burn down but this is a I can already feel the heat inside here once the wick burns down the wax begins to melt and burn the light and heat will stabilize if you don't have one of these you really do need do you want these are just awesome pieces of kit and here's the lantern hanging in the tent so it gives you an idea of how much light it puts off it doesn't put off a tremendous amount of light inside the tent most of life's concentrated at the top but there is a absolute noticeable difference between the heat here in the bottom of course I've just now lit it up but the heat here in the bottom and the heat here around the top of the tent and it really takes no time to heat up the small to great piece of gear it keeps me from having to sleep with my water it won't freeze at night electronics tend to fare inside the tent better than outside you know because the electronics do not like the cold the batteries don't like the coal so this is just a neat option for me inside this tent and now we're going to show you how two people can comfortably fit in this the floor area on this thing is 28 square feet it is a double wall tent the rainfly makes it a double wall at its height in the center it's 32 and a half inches okay now I'm gonna get in and show you this how two people can fit into this thing to give you an idea of our side I'm 6 feet tall 205 pounds and I'm 45 Gabriel is 13 he's close to 6 1 to 20 so we're not small individuals by any means but we have found out you can do this and here we are - we're home for oversized individuals inside of this one-man tent now the trick to this tent is not actually you don't have to spoon you can lay foot to head and that makes it a lot easier and a lot more comfortable for two people to get inside this time ECW - you can easily add people by sitting like this like this feed it the head of one person and their feet that's your head now I feel like Gabriel could probably slide his head or body down towards my feet a little more but we still got plenty of room and we've got a little bit of space here and what's that for four and a half inches now I am almost next to the door but I'm not I'm not forcing this out any now another positive to having the Yuko in the tent with one person you're putting out a lot of moisture back in the air this candle keeps the humidity down so you're not having a build up of kind sation inside the tent now this vapor permeable material actually allows the moisture out when you're breathing not back in but this candle keeps enough of the humidity level down so it doesn't build up so much on the outside or the inside of the fly you have a nice dry spot on the top of the fly inside obviously and around the outsides is where the condensation will build up and roll down out of the way and another good trick if you don't have that Yuko is to open up these that just mesh open up the material door and open up the mesh just a little ways however much you think you need to let some condensation out on both sides let fresh air in and let fresh air in which brings me to a point about this tent this is a four season tent you have the 40 D nylon no sim mesh on the outside and this is on both doors which is an improvement over the ICS mm access mm has a large door with a rain fly type material blackout coating and mesh at the top here and there's no way to cover that mesh up unless you you know add more material yourself as an add-on and that's letting heat out and that's also letting heat out but with this tent body you can completely close yourself off from the elements now there you go you gotta became the candle you have to be careful with that now I've not had a problem with any wax dripping out of this until I hit it yep you leave it and let it burn like you're supposed to and not hit it you're not going to have any wax interfere with the movement of the candle okay here's the tent with the flower verse to desert tan as you can see out here in the area that we're in public stick out like a sore thumb kind of like the Army's ACU digital okay to reverse the fly you don't have to take the pole out you can if you'd like but you can't just simply roll it over that's kind of work the pole a little bit and sleeves but it's easy to do you have to roll the material back over the sleeves hey we're good this is the groundsheet from Gabriel's ICS mm this served two purposes main purpose to protect the floor of the tent body from anything they might be true and poke a hole in your floor my purpose for this is that with the ICS mm you could take the tent body out and create a hooch with just a ground fly or ground sheep and the rain fly I'm we're going to try that with this standby the ICS mm brown sheet can be used with the tea cop set up to create a hooch very similar to what you do with ICS mm this is a really neat option in case you want to go a little more lightweight no tent body but have a rain protection I don't have an extra one of these ground cloths probably going to make one and most likely going to make one that will extend all the way out to the outer Pole there but this is a pretty neat low option here lots of head space lots of room and you can definitely get two people in here easy you can publicly three or more this is the next Rock all right so we've been talking about the ICS 2000 and we've been talking about it so much during the videos that we've decided to go home and actually grab it one main difference that you can already see and this is the door that faces the right inside of the rainfly it doesn't have a mesh mesh door sewn on so all you have is this temp material as a door no mesh now the forward facing door is water has a waterproof material as black out and has in my store so that's one big improvement instead of TCO PN as over the ICS mm because there's two large mesh doors on each side of the tee cop tent body as you can see the body footprint is virtually identical they're both the same width both same length both same height both your same tent poles but you can notice on top of the ICS mm the mesh screens here where the tee cop does not have it and that's one thing that makes the CFDA for season 10 you can't completely close yourself off from the elements obviously when it's under the rain fly by closing both material doors there's no way to close these mesh doors off windows if you will no windows off that actually comes with the tent so you'd have to make some kind of attachable flaps or something to cover these bits up but as you see on the front you do have a mesh door on the front it's not on the backside again that's this is a waterproof door where the TCO P the material on the door is that the actual lifetime tech body material is not waterproof this is the material in our door with the mesh outer door up okay so on this one you can see there's a big door both both tents have big doors easy access and now and see on the backside of the ICS mm the mesh at the top and the roof and again the IC of the t-top does not have that but it does have mesh doors on both sides here's the rain fly with both vestibule door is open and underneath this one I have the Philby backpack set beneath it and you can see inside the tent here with the inner doors down and both mesh doors up on a good breezy day stay nice and cool in there another major difference between these two tents the ICS 2000 has a rain fly with a vestibule in the back with an awning in the front well T cop has a vestibule in the back and the front with no army these tents are below waist level so they're easily concealable out here on the back of the rain fly houses a in this vestibule jiva houses an ALICE pack extremely easily this is also where you do your cooking with a small ultralight camping stove something of that nature right here under this area inside of this vestibule here's the rain fly staked out in the normal condition configuration we have one guy here one guy here and then on the other side each of the tile loops we have one here and then one outside the guy loops are here and these are the pole attachments this configuration is more for higher winds Long's kind of a star sake once you have it all guide out hopefully you can see the paracord here the big issue with this particular configuration is when you're trying to get in and out of your tent as you can see getting in here you're gonna be hitting the skyline and I have a solution for that the solution that I normally use for this particular problem as I have a toggle here with actually two pieces of paracord and with a bowline knot on one end and a bowline on the other and just run the toggle between the two kind of lock it out that way I can unhitch get in hit you back was up and be done all right I've got my ICS mm packed up all ready to go and as you can see it's the exact same dimensions as they take off all right one of the final components to this tent is the repair kit it didn't come to this tent when I purchased it did not come with a stake bag nor did it come mistakes what I use are the DAC tip sticks from the diamond brand two-man combat tent these stakes that came with Gabriel's tent the ICS mm are the old eastern aluminum stakes and these have these caps and the problem with these is when you drive them into the ground sometimes they'll get stuck pull the stake out they'll tend to pop off so one of the things that we did to remedy that is we put the cap back together on the steak itself and drilled a hole through it seated it back together with epoxy and we use the stem from an aluminum rivet to go back inside that hole ground it off and now that cap is held together to the stake with a pin contents inside this kit are pretty basic they're specific to this some of these are specific to this tent we've got swatches here of material we've got the bag material tent material rain fly material and the no sim mesh comes with things like the bungee cord that goes or shot cord that goes inside the poles I had to replace the seam grip that came with this kit because the seam grip there was a hole in that container and it ended up curing inside the container so replace that then we have different odds and ends like seam grip applicators pole repair and inside the pole repair I have the needle goes along with the thread and thimble and this way I'll keep that inside of that aluminum sleeve so I don't lose it no way it doesn't poke a hole in the bag and work its way out and get lost there are also several other things in here small things you have replacement buckles and ribbons things like that so that covers it for the repair kit a lot to keep all these things all in one spot I put the stakes inside this bag just easy to keep all in one spot that way I know where everything is so this goes back inside the teacup bag carry bag I would like to mention that the bag itself when not in use if your stuff clothes in it or your jacket or you know some items that you're not using sometimes even things like pine straw this makes for great pillow I don't always pack this and take it home the same way bring it out weather-dependent sometimes I'll take the rain fly and wrap it around my sleeping bag and put it back in the feel B backpack sometimes I'll roll it back up just like this sometimes I can take the rain fly and put it over the Philby backpack to protect that from rain that backpack itself isn't water-resistant but sometimes the rain will get through but a lot of times just roll it back up the way you took it out and make the width of it linked to the poles roll it up nice and easy and back in the stuff sack it goes we go that's holes tent rainfly fair kick all back in alright so that was the United States Marine Corps ttop by Eureka thank you for watching this video hope you enjoyed it we had a lot of fun making it this is by far one of my favorite tents again I had two ICS 2000 with all the improvements that come with the TC FB I really enjoy and looking into getting one but again I thank you for watching this video thank you for liking and subscribing go check out our website Roberts bushcraft calm and have a great day and God bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Roberts Bushcraft
Views: 48,729
Rating: 4.8628082 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, eureka tent, eureka tcop, eureka tcop tent, eureka tent combat one person, one man combat tent, eureka one man combat tent, tcop one man combat tent, one person tent, one man military tent, eureka military tent, uco candle lantern, how to heat a tent in the winter, will candle lanter heat a small tent, heat small tent with candle lantern, how to heat a small tent, two people in one person tent, two people in one man tent
Id: 8HIjdapuj6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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