Eucharistic Miracles That Prove It's Jesus Real Presence

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to be a Catholic priest there is no greater privilege and no greater dignity on Earth than to be a priest of God no greater privilege no greater dignity than to offer the holy sacrifice of the mass and to call down the Son of God upon the altar literally in his body blood soul and divinity no secular leader no King no president no chief justice no legislator no prime minister no General no office on Earth can even begin to compare with that of a priest of God you know in the Old Testament in one part of it it is said that the leader of the Jewish people that time Joshua pray to almighty God that the sun the sky would stand still that is Joshua prayed that the daylight would continue beyond its normal course so that God's people could completely defeat their enemies in battle knowing that his army was highly favored by God and that his soldiers were getting the best of the enemy and needed just a few more hours of daylight Joshua prayed the following quote move not o son nor move thou o Moon and the son the Bible says the sun Stood Still to the people Revenge themselves on their enemies the Holy Bible then States the following to conclude it said quote there was not before nor ever after so long a day the Lord obeyed the voice of a man unquote extraordinary when we pause to ponder it note what the inerrant scriptures state the Lord obeyed The Voice of a man as a priest of God the good Lord literally listens to my voice he listens to my voice and even heeds my words unworthy servant that I am the god of gods and Lord of lords obeys my voice God binds himself to obey my voice when I utter those words of consecration this is my body and as soon as that mystery that mystery of what we call transubstantiation occurs when the substance of bread and wine literally become the substance the essence the nature of Christ's flesh and blood I immediately genuflect in recognition of the mystery and in submission to my Eucharistic King yet this great mystery of transubstantiation is a difficult teaching for many to accept when our dearest Lord taught about it when he taught about it in Saint John's gospel when he taught that his flesh was real food that you had to consume me to find life and when he said that his blood was real drink many walked away from him almost everybody walked away from him our senses our eyes our noses our taste buds our senses fail to fathom this tremendous mystery but faith faith in what our lord said what he stated what did he say this is my body and this is a chalice of my blood Faith what our lord said what we have heard with our own ears must serve to compensate what our senses can't grasp but our Lord is so good to us at times he is so kind he will assist our faith with Eucharistic Miracles that have happened before the great Church Father great doctor of Grace Saint Augustine Augustine once stated quote I would not be a Christian if it were not for the Miracles only Christians have miracles I would not be a Christian if it were not for the Miracles sacramental evidence assists our faith in the most holy Eucharist in this evidence of Eucharistic Miracles remains with us to this day let me provide you with just a few examples while in a pilgrimage to Rome in centuries past a priest named Father Peter a Prague offered Mass on an altar right above the tomb of Saint Peter Father Peter was a good and Pious priest who offered his prayers and served his flock well but he had one major problem namely he doubted the mystery of transubstantiation and despite the reverent way in which he may have offered the Holy Mass father Peter's doubts regarding the Bread and Wine becoming the body and blood of Christ remained he doubted that is until one particular Mass offered in the summer of 1263. Father Peter leaned over and placed his forearms upon the Altar and pronounced those awesome words with just a whisper Hulk EST Anum Corpus mayum he then lifted up that sacred host Aloft only to find that blood began trickling from The Host onto the linen cloth and Corporal upon the altar Father Peter hesitated he had just witnessed a Eucharistic miracle but he was unsure of what to do next there were no rubrics no rules in the missile regarding this matter Father Peter then interrupted Holy Mass and asked to be taken to the Holy Father himself Pope Urban IV and after receiving the sacrament of confession where he expressed Contrition for all of his doubts and after explaining the situations of the Pope Father Peter was told to return to the altar and to bring the sacred host and blood-stained linen cloth back to the Holy See back to the Vatican and those most sacred items were taken in procession to the Vatican and received by the Holy Father and because of that miracle Pope Urban instituted the Great and solemn Feast of Corpus Christi which we will celebrate not only this Thursday but also externally next Sunday but this was not the last of yugosik Miracles and certainly it was not the first considered to the wondrous happening at lanciano Italy one day in the 8th Century A.D a monk was offering Holy Mass the monk started doubting the real and substantial presence of the Flesh and Blood of our Lord and the consecrated host and after having pronounced the words of consecration the monk saw the host change in his very hands into a visible living piece of Flesh and yes the wine after the words of consecration changed into real visible sensible blood that literally coagulated and split into five different balls of blood over the last 12 centuries different Bishops of the Diocese of lanciano have authenticated these most holy remains namely a host of Flesh and coagulated blood that is fully visible to the human eye all the Bishops of that diocese have testified under oath but the story is factual and that there truly was a Eucharistic miracle the 1970s and 80s an analysis was conducted with absolute and unquestionable scientific precision and the analysis was documented with a series of microscopic photographs the analysis provided the following conclusions first the flesh is real human flesh and the blood is real human blood number two the flesh consists of muscular tissue of the human heart number three the Flesh and the blood have the same blood type namely a b that is always the blood type and every Eucharistic Miracle always a being let's try to turn the barrel cloth of our blessed Lord the blood type was a b a b is the universal receiver they can receive any bad blood as our Lord receives anyone who comes to him with repentance and love number four finally the preservation of the Flesh and the blood hundreds of years old now which were left in their natural state for 12 centuries and exposed to the action of the atmosphere and biological agents remains an extraordinary phenomenon that cannot be explained naturally and finally a last example of a Eucharistic miracle that is more modern at 7 pm on the evening of August 18 1996. an Argentinian priest was saying Holy Mass at a Catholic Church in Buenos Aires as he was finishing Distributing Holy Communion a woman came up to tell him that she had found a discarded host at the back of the church on going to the spot indicated the priests saw the defiled and profaned sacred host and since he was unable to consume the sacred house he placed in a container of water and put it away into the Tabernacle eight days later upon opening the Tabernacle the priest saw to his amazement that the host had turned into a bloody substance he informed the Cardinal of the diocese who gave instructions at the host be professionally photographed the photos were then taken and they clearly show that The Host which had become a fragment of bloody flesh had grown significantly in size for several years the host remained in the Tabernacle the whole Affair being kept quite Secret since the host suffered no visible decomposition the Cardinal the diocese decided to have a scientifically analyzed in October of 1999 a sample a sample of that Bloody fragment was brought to New York for analysis forensic scientific experts who did not know the origin of the specimen analyzed the substance and determined that it was real Flesh and Blood containing human DNA officially the report read the following quote they analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle close to the valves the heart muscle is an inflammatory condition unless it's in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells this indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken alive the report continues what is more white blood cells had penetrated the tissue which further indicates that the heart had been under severe stress as if the owner had been beaten severely about the chest [Music] forensic team of scientists were then told of the source of the sample had been first kept in ordinary water for a month and then for another three years in a container of distilled water only then had the sample been taken for analysis and furthermore they were told that the specimen they examined was a sacred host consecrated at a Catholic Mass [Music] Amazed by this information one doctor stated quote how and why a consecrated host would change its character and become living human flesh and blood will remain an inexplicable mystery to science a mystery totally Beyond her competence unquote at this Holy Mass here today there are ten children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion they have prepared well for this day especially by receiving the sacrament of penance beforehand like little birds they will come forward and they'll open their mouths to receive Heavenly nourishment for the food of angels has become the food of men and like nursing infants They will receive the milk of comfort which is the bread of eternal life how can this man the Jews asked how can this man this God man give us his flesh to eat well if a mother can give of herself of her body in nursing and feeding her little ones so our Lord can feed us his children with his very flesh as well May the example of these first communicants provide us an increase of faith in the real substantial presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen
Channel: Catholic 365
Views: 174,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eucharist, eucharist and jesus, eucharistic miracles, eucharist miracles, eucharist & jesus, catholic, jesus, miracle, the real presence
Id: pB7x5NC3t10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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