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[Music] the name of the father of the son of the Holy Spirit one God amen our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen please be seated well a very good evening to everyone how are we how is life treating you is it treating as gorgeous as Bishop Murray we thank the Lord we thank the Lord in all cases in all times and in every situation whatever it is you may be going through some trouble sometimes some rough seas as they say or maybe going through some dark tunnels in your life you have some challenges and obstacles along the way you are in a roller coaster ride you've got somebody that you love the most and now they're not talking to you anymore or you've got a business that it's sort of struggling at this stage and you have assignments and you're pulling your hair out and that's why you're wearing a wig now no more air and no more hair is left whatever the situation is say Jesus I love you come on come on let's say one two three Jesus I love come on one more time you see when you say it I can see all the faces are illuminating now I see all this a real brilliant light is coming out of him before was well the moment you say Jesus it's a natural smile on the face saying Jesus puts a smile just by invoking his name well this evening I'm gonna be talking a little bit about how to elevate yourself and your pray elevating yourself in your prayer or elevate in your prayer we've chosen from the Gospel of st. John and chapter 14 precisely chapter 14 how we can elevate in our prayer how can I become a better person in my prayer how can I change and make my prayer more effective in relation to God so when you look at the Gospel of John chapter 14 it's amazing this particular chapter that talks about a lot of promises from the Lord Jesus it's a chapter of promise making promise after promise after promise after promise let look at this verse 13 John chapter 14 and verse 13 this is the Lord Jesus talking and whatever you ask in my name that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son a promise whatever you ask in my name that I will do whatever you ask in my name I will do it so that the father may be glorified in the son that's one promise verse 14 if you ask anything in my name I will do it if you ask anything in my name I will do it another promise I will do it verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments if you love me keep my Commandments and then verse 16 and which is a continuation of verse 15 and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever another promise if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever promises after promises after promises verse 13 is it's an open invitation I don't think there is anyone in this world that will come to you and say whatever you ask I'll do for you yeah girls you get those kind of promises from the boys that come along in your life Don do you have so this voice is you and you fall in love and then you'll come and say anything for you baby we say it in a Syrian literal translation ash on your head what Mario they make promises after promises after promises with no deliveries bro I'll bring you the stars of the heaven you haven't even gone up the roof of nita city brother how you gonna get to the stars in the heaven and what are they gonna plug him out of air are you are you taking some grapes out of the vine tree or something we make all these promises but you know what we cannot deliver but the Lord Jesus is totally different when he makes a promise he makes sure that it is delivered without any fail now what he says and whatever you ask in my name now the word whatever it is anything and everything you can think of and you cannot think of I will do it so it's a very very open open invitation with no boundaries but it's a promise it's a promise that Jesus must deliver now I'm gonna stop a little bit at the word ask three-letter word a s K in English it's one word but when we look at the Greek language it can go into so many different meanings yeah it is the same word but has so many different meanings in translations we lose that sense of it because there is no one language that is identical to the next 100% terminologies the structure of the language the alphabets of the language it you have no choice but you will lose a little bit of the true sensical meaning of the original text now a lot most of the scholars all agree most of them agree that well all of them almost agree that the Old Testament was written in Greek and in Hebrew the original text of the Old Testament is Hebrew but with some Aramaic as well and then but the New Testament most scholars and theologians agree that it is written in the Greek language some say it was originally written in Aramaic and then translated into Greek however the majority of them claim that it is written in the Greek text when you go to the Creek text the New Testament in the Greek language you will see though the word asked has so many different meanings so let's stop a little bit at the word ask and what so whatever you ask in my name so the word ask actually before I go there verse 2 st. chapter 14 verse 2 the Lord Jesus is making again a lot of promises look at this verse - and my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you the place is already prepared and there is plenty of mansions and my father's house meaning my father's house lacks no vacancy for you guys every single one of you has a place in my daddy's house every human being Christians non-christians God the Father has a place for everyone however some people decided not to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and even with the Christians that receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and later on veered of the road and they are not gonna be in God's kingdom their mansion will be left empty no one will take no one else's place every one of you has a house has a mansion written in your name if you're gonna make it the house at that mansion is there but if you're not gonna make it your mansion will be left empty because no one else is gonna take your place you are created by the Almighty God as a unique individual you have your own identity your number is unique everyone has a unique fingerprint there is around 7 billion people living in this globe as we speak no-one's fingerprint is identical to the next everyone's DNA system is made out of 3.1 billion bits of information everyone's DNA system is made out of 3.1 billion bits of information if we were to convert these sister this DNA system into words and putting it in an a4 paper with 500 words per page it would take 600 thousand pages to write your DNA system and you're telling me there is no God come on a Big Bang over 14 billion years ago are you serious there is too much evidence that proves God exists how can you give a blind eye to it now in my father's house are many mansions you've got a place guaranteed but you need to trust in me I the Lord Jesus and then verse 3 and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again promise I'll that's a promise say I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also say this is God talking and when God talks you better open your ears your eyes your heart your whole being because God cannot contradict himself God cannot change his way of thinking God cannot say one thing and then come back later on and say something else God is faithful loyal to every word he says and every promise he makes he delivers so when he says that I will come again and I'll make sure wherever I am you're gonna be there with me well you better listen very carefully and have trust in what Jesus is saying so when you go through trouble sometimes remember I am with you till the end of all ages and forevermore Jesus is the only person that will never let go of you the closest person to you may deny you very easily then the one that you have all your hopes on may walk away and let you down there is only one that will never let you down we'll never break you and that is Jesus you better listen he's making a lot of promises and he's delivering every single one of them verse 9 jesus said to him have I been with you so long and yet you have not known me Philip he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father he who sees me sees the father that's another promise all this time I've been with you Philip and all of you disciples and you're telling me now show us the father and it's enough for us he who sees me Philip sees the father that's a promise how are you going to gain eternal life John the Lord Jesus said it in John chapter chapter 17 verse 3 and this is the eternal life that they may know you that you are the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent for me to gain eternal life I need to get to know the father Jesus says you see me you've already seen the father you know me you know the father and when you get to know me you will know the father and when you know me and the father you will live in us forever forever promises after promises verse 12 same chapter 14 most assuredly I say to you most assuredly in other words truly I say to you he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to my father now John 14:12 honestly when you read this verse you have to stop and you have to question this verse look at the Lord what he's saying here it's a promise most assuredly I say to you he who believes in me the works that I do he will also do and he will do greater works than me Jesus is God is there anyone that can do more than what God has ever done but Jesus made a promise you will do more than me Lord can you take it easy on me please this is too much for me to comprehend and fathom you God Jesus never wrote a book yet he is the only person that people have written about him more than any person that K ever came to existence Jesus never went to school yet he made great professors to go haywire with what he has said Jesus never built a house yet they have built churches endlessly in his name is amazing is he but what does he mean you will do greater than I the works that I do you will do great him the Lord Jesus ministry was for about three years and four months three years and four months at the end of his ministry from the age of 30 to the age of 33 that's where he began his ministry and ended it up from the age of 30 he he started it until the age of 33 croute me and crucified it took three years and four months at the end of all this ministry raising the dead healing endless you know healings and miracles he ended up with a hundred and twenty followers only only hundred twenty people believed in him Paul guy st. Peter Simon Peter the one who denied the Lord Jesus in the Last Supper after the Lord's resurrection and calling Simon son of Jonah come here do you love me and he said you know that I love you when he reinstated Simon Peter mr. Peter stands in the book of Acts chapter 2 and talks for only couple of hours not three years and four months only for a couple of hours he brings 3,000 people to Jesus Christ didn't he do greater than Jesus it did see jesus promised he will deliver you'll do the work I do and you'll do more hi Pete the other day you just denied the Lord now you're talking your words are so powerful you just one over 3,000 souls in one hour your master he killed himself for three years and four months he only won 120 people the Lord Jesus in his in his entire ministry he would have walked maximum 120 miles around 200 kilometers he would have traveled around the 200 let's say more 3 400 kilometers the disciple traveled the whole world to bring the good news they did more he went and Israel they went everywhere globally they did greater work than the Lord it's a promise my beloved's in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7 and verse 7 the Lord Jesus says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock it will be open to you it's a promise ask seek knock it sink I don't know I don't know if it's a coincidence or not I don't think it's a coincidence because this is the Bible if you take the first letter of these three words ask take the letter A see take the letter S knock take the letter K and you put it together you end up with ask and whatever you ask in my name I will do ask seek knock a s K you end up with ask so what's going on with this word ask let's stand and stop at this word for the next nine point nine nine hours of your precious time clubbing it's being cancelled you'll have to forgive me if my pronunciation in the Greek language is not 100% because I'm not Greek so if the pronunciation is not accurate then please do forgive me now ask and the Greek language the first one is Lego Lego means break the silence see in English it's only asked and it's one word but in Greek it's about six seven different words it's the same asked but different meaning the first one is Lego Lego means break the silence when you come to pray we said elevate in your prayer make your prayer better more stronger more effective how can I do that start with Lego break the silence when am I going to break the silence how many times do we come and pray in total silence have you sat down between you and the Lord in total silence without opening your mouth and you were praying inwardly and no one else is hearing you except yourself and God in heaven true but the Lord Jesus says even though praying in silence is beautiful but I want you to break that silence if you want your trail to be more effective sometimes we break our silence by screaming and yelling and being persistent you better do this you better do this you better do this Lord Lord Lord please please please please I'm breaking the silence and I'm going wild I'm going crazy I'm really giving him a hard time the Lord is not talking about this kind of a break in a silence think about it this is the Lord's way when you call yourself a Christian you are no longer walking in your path your walk in this path therefore it is not your way of thinking anymore it's not how you perceive things how you see things you are walking in a way that is not yours you need to learn how God operates in order for your prayer to be effective with him breaking the silence how would God allow me and you to break our silence you know how who can who can give it okay one who wants to go at this and try what do you think makes us break our silence anyway come on when you pray yes but before we pray what breaks the silence when when God puts a heavy load on you you see you are not paying attention before what I mean by that you were before but your prayer was not the way God wanted it to be you see you were praying your way and God is not happy with it because your way is not going to be effective your way is not going to reach a meter high God wants your prayer to reach the heaven of all heavens the only way for your prayer to become effective to reach the heaven or and or of all heavens he will put a heavy load on your shoulders and when you are happy burdened what are you gonna do you're gonna say God please come to my rescue whatever you want I'll do just get me out of this trouble anything for you God ah now you're talking my child how come you were not talking this kind of a language before because before I had it easy before it was happening my way so my prayer to God it was according to the way I wanted it God says it's a no-go therefore I'm gonna break this silence where I'm gonna put you through some sort of an obstacle I'll put an obstacle in your life where you gonna feel the pressure and the pain and now you're gonna be coming not running but creepy crawling on your knees brother bowing before your Lord worshiping the Lord now your prayer became alive now when I pray I feel every word every letter I live it not just saying it before was just a lip service now it's coming from the depth of my heart when you're heavy burdened so sometimes the Lord Jesus will put a heavy load on you it's not always from Satan because he wants to pray he wants you to pray better he wants you to improve in your prayer life he wants you to be effective in your pray not say a million words he wants you to pray using your heart not your head not your lips he wants the heartbeat to be the prey that's breaking the silence you know when I was healthy I didn't care much I could have easily spoken about anyone and everyone I could have judged them I could've abused them told them off and I wouldn't even give two pennies about it but when I got sake Lord every one is a saint I'm the only sinner Lord they're all beautiful I forgive everyone and I'm asking for everyone to forgive me just heal me Lord please I wanted to get me out of this bed anything for you Lord this is gonna be shut from now on I'm not gonna talk about anyone I'm not gonna gossip about no one I'm not gonna go and tttttt to text message and did you know did you know did you know more of that I'm dropping it Lord actually I'm cancelling the Facebook just heal me please heavy load breaks the silence another ask in Greek dear Emma the Emma means to beg God to beg him now when we look at begging God we say I need to keep on going and calling him all the time and knocking at his door all the time and being consistent and persistent with my request please god I wanna marry Rachel please Lord Jesus I wanna marry Rachel if you're not gonna give me Rachel I'm not gonna take Elizabeth that's it that's the end of me I'm gonna hang myself I'm gonna cut I'm gonna commit suicide well go ahead love it just do it you want the rope I'll give you the rope or I want this job or I want that and if you don't give me this that's it this is the end of me I don't want to live anymore you gotta give me this I want it now I'm not gonna wait I'm not gonna give you no more right now I want it this is not the way you beg God God answers our prayers not in the place where we are at now but God answers our prayers in the place where we are gonna end up being I'll say again when you pray and things don't move when you pray and beg God from the core of your heart and things did not happen right there and then you know why it's not that God did not answer you but God will not answer your prayer where you are now he will answer that prayer when you are gonna be in the place that he wants you to be I'll give you an example an eagle when he says when he sees a fish swimming hundreds and hundreds of yards away he watches that fish swimming when he takes off to go and catch the fish he does not go where the feet where he saw the fish at he goes where he calculated for the fish to be so it's a few hundred yards away it's gonna take me a few seconds to get there in these few seconds this fish would have had would have swum a hundred yards therefore I'm gonna go that way to get to the fish if I go where the fish is now I'm gonna miss the fish when you praying now God will not give you your prayer right now because he will miss you because you're gonna move you're gonna continue going so God will give you your request at the destiny where he has placed you and so your present pray will be given in the future so when you beg God beg him to give it to you where you can end up being not where you are now are you with me so next time you say Lord can you do this for me now and nothing happens but it's gonna happen a year later from the time you pray because God was gonna give you your prayer at the place where he wanted you to be because he loves you he wants to elevate you he wants you to move forward not be stagnant and stay where you are another ask one father may whoa my hobbits ride Pond Farm a means to question God you see one ask is what to break the silence with a heavy load the other one is to beg God but to trust and wait on his reply in the future he will not answer you right now but your prayer will be answered in the future where it is most effective my beloved where its most effective number three Pond Fatima is to question God how do we question God in our prayers we question God in our prayers sometimes when we pray we say Lord I've been working in your church for the past 10 years you know who I am so please can you do me a favor Lord I've been reading the Bible all my life so you better do something about this I've been working hard Lord you know mister so-and-so hello amia Lord I'm I'm the president of the youth group committee III run the church choir I am the bishop in this in this in this beautiful church so Lord Jesus I'm coming to you and it's Bishop Marie talking here Lord so can you do me a favor you know my bead is gone white like Santa Claus so I love you so much and I've worked very hard for you so I'm sure when I pray to you you're gonna just go like that and it's done deal you don't do God any favor no matter who you are or what you are and what you've done and what do you what do you have not done God will not be moved by who you are don't go there with favoritism the only way to question God is when you go to him totally empty that's the only time you can question him when you go to him totally empty meaning I'm going to you and I'm nothing God Lord Jesus have mercy on me either sinner I am blind I am an idiot I'm empty I am good for nothing Lord I'm asking you to help me all glories to your holy name whatever I've done whatever I'm going to do in the future it is absolutely nothing compared to what you have done for me on the cross on Calvary all I've done Lord is I gave you that crown of thorns I am the cause for your crucifixion I nailed you on the cross I am Judah and I'm I've sold you and I've denied you we are all Simon and we are all Judah there is no difference my beloved when you go to him say Lord I am nothing I came to you empty because I trust that you will fill me up now when you questioned God in this instance wow he is all ears he is always so confident a is to question God to say there you go to him with being absolutely empty-handed and sometimes God will answer us by not answering us this is a way of answering us by not answering us if you got a problem with that you see if you go to him being someone or something big and if he doesn't answer you you get upset you get offended you say all these years are given my life view and is the way you treat me back thank you very much no more Church no more Jesus I trade and I asked you to heal me you didn't I prayed and I asked you to open the door and you did it you know what I'm not gonna work for you why should I bother then you'll start getting upset and angry with God but if you go to him being nothing even if you get nothing from him hey no hard feelings I went nothing I came back nothing what's different nothing I'm not gonna get offended because sometimes God will answer it by not answering us do I have a problem or am I gonna force him to answer me he doesn't work for me I work for him here with me how many times do we do that God you better do this otherwise you know you know I've told you this story this little boy this little cheeky little boy goes inside into it into his room to pray mama noticed him so she follow it without him realizing to eat to drop an ear to see what her son is gonna say to the Lord so he knelt beautifully so cute so gorgeous said Lord Jesus and happy so much pleased tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. I went a bicycle and in front of the house thank you I mean he gets up in the morning there is no bicycle he gets upset he goes again and mom is listening said Lord Jesus you know I love you very much I asked you yesterday I want a bicycle you didn't give it to me now you better you better do this for me tomorrow morning six o'clock I went a beautiful blue color bicycle in the house when I go gap I want to see it and inside of the house thank you I mean he gets up in the morning there is no bicycle the little boy now says this is not working I'm not gonna be mr. nice guy anymore he had a statue of the Holy Mother Mary in his room so he goes into the room mom is watching he grabs the statue he puts it under his clothes and he run and he runs out of the house about an hour later he comes back there is no statue he goes into his room and he kneeled then he says Jesus if you want to see your mother again you better give me the bicycle now this is not going empty to the Lord Jesus you are threatening him with his own mother so you gonna steal his mom and you say I'm not gonna give you your mum back until you give me the bicycle now that is not a way you pray to the Lord Jesus but anyway something to make you laugh you see God won't give you what you want but what you need what you want is not what you need and what you need is not what you want how's that again God will not give you what you want but he will give you what you need but I see what you want is not what you need and what you need is not what you really want so which way do you want it happening your way or his way God will only give you what you need not what you want because not everything that you want is what you really need that's why you better go empty let him fill you the way he knows best for you you need to trust the Lord Jesus that no matter what happens he is not here to hurt you he hurt himself for you he died for you do you think this person after going through this hell is gonna come back and hurt you it's impossible logically doesn't make sense why don't you want to trust this guy whatever he gives you it's good for you even if it's painful even if what if it's painful but it's good you know when you look at the surgeon's knife you get really scared or I'm going under the knife Kyrie Eleison lord have mercy but this very knife that cuts and hurts is the very knife that heals without cutting there is no healing do you want to be healed my child but the Lord will ask you if you say yes then you'll say I am the doctor that came for the sick if you claim you are sick then I'm your doctor will you allow me to heal you don't question how am I gonna heal you I am the doctor that is known to heal are you gonna let this doctor heal you or not now healing you can mean I have to cut you can you trust me not everything you want is what you need but God will give you what you need and if you if what you need is cutting you then he will do it pray and ask the Lord Lord operate on me the way you wish the way you see the way you desire Lord you are the surgeon you are my doctor you are my healer you are my Savior and Redeemer you are my king you are my everything you deal with me the way you know it break me and make me in the way you see it fit that's a very powerful prayer my goodness very powerful prayer the other ask epi at AE epi arte means putting demands on God putting demands on God meaning like that kid you want to see your mom again you better give me the bike sometimes we pray and say Lord listen I'm asking you for this and I've been asking you for this for quite some time now now I'm giving you only one week if you don't give me this thing within one week forget about me you've lost me forever what do we do that sometimes hmm where are you lord what's going on how come you not answering me so that's it I've run out of patience I'm giving you a deadline Jesus you don't do this for me on such and such date you know you can kiss me goodbye you've lost me you don't have this child anymore you don't put demands on the Lord Jesus you don't put demands on God because you cannot impress God when you threaten him do you think he's gonna move do you think is gonna lose it you know what one thing about God he is always cool his coolness can drive you nuts sometimes if you don't want to do it his way if you want to do it your way you he that his coolness will drive you nuts you're gonna get frustrated but by being frustrated and by being threatening to God you're not gonna impress him you're not gonna make him you're not gonna break him you're not gonna move him God no one can shake he's always cool you know you look around and you see the whole world is in turmoil and you say oh man it's the end everything is gone everything is lost you got to guy to say everything is okay I think is lost it's all cold it's going according to my plan you're too little for me to understand my dear child do you know what God means you will never fully comprehend that but God is always in control and will always be he will never lose his temper and he will never lose his grip never we don't want this prime minister to to be running the country and the Lord Jesus appoints that one tough life the Lord knows what's best a PHA is putting demands on God you cannot impress God by threatening by threatening him if he doesn't answer then you will make matters then he will put matters into your hands and if you put the matters into your hands you have ruined the whole situation don't take matters into your hands because God is not answering you the way you are expecting him to answer you leave it in his capable hands don't take it into your own hands the other ask is otaku at a human means an inferior talking to a superior at a all means an inferior talking to a superior every time you go and pray to the Lord Jesus to God always place yourself by being the inferior and you are talking to Jesus Christ the superior don't ever make yourself superior always I am the inferior and my lord is the superior I am here I am nothing Lord I am a little tiny creation of yours I'm coming knocking in your door have mercy on this little thing please have mercy on me see if you don't come to my rescue I'm nothing I'm an inferior you are my superior because God will always be superior don't swap the roles when you talk to God don't ever swap the roles now an inferior talking to a superior I'll go back to verse 13 of John chapter 14 verse 13 and whatever you ask in my name and whatever you ask in my name just a couple of school of thoughts about the word name the name of the Lord and whatever you ask in my name let's look at this name and what this name entails number one the first school of thought when the Lord God came to Moses in the Old Testament when the Lord God came to Moses and then Moses spoke to him and he said well I'm gonna go down to your people of the foot of the mountain they're gonna ask me what is the name of this god what am I going to say he said tell him I am he said do you have a surname and he any attachment you know because like Middle Eastern normally have like a first name middle name and the surname do you have any other names he said tell them I am that I am whatever you ask in my name what is your name I am that I am now with this name Moses was sent by the Lord God to Pharaoh Pharaoh was the most powerful man in the world now Moses he had a stutter when he talked he couldn't talk properly so this guy is in his eighties eight years old he's an old man cannot say two words together properly and he's going to face the most powerful man in the world and to tell this man listen if you don't let go of the people of my lord he's gonna strike you down and Moses said are you serious God he said yes I am serious I wanted to go and you better take my name with you and what was that name he said Moses you see that stuff that is in your hand see the magician's came and they brought sticks with them and they threw the sticks on the ground the floor and they turned into snakes and then the Lord God said to Moses throw this stuff on the ground and then when he threw that stuff turned into a snake as well and that snake ate all the other snakes of the magician's swallowed them and then Moses God said to him the Lord God said to him Moses grab that snake and when he grabbed that snake attend back into a rod a stick again that rod was the authority of God and whatever you ask in my name the name of Jesus Christ is authority in your life do you believe in that when you invoke the name Jesus you better stay stand still there and focus on this name there is too much power in this name this name can change the whole universe in this name all authority stands in chapter 13 of John says after every authority was giving in the hands of Jesus Christ he bowed and watch the feet of the disciples every authority in heaven on earth and below the earth is in the name of Jesus Christ you are carrying that name with you are you or not if you are carrying the name of Jesus why are you afraid why are you lost why are you confused why are you saying I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow I don't know what's gonna happen to me tomorrow you're the name of Jesus is with you the name of Jesus has been given to you you are called the Christian and the word Christian comes from the word Christ Christ is God the I am man he said Moses when you take my name with you you can wipe Pharaoh because in my name all authority is present and you will rule over any challenge that comes your way just by believing in my name how many times we call Jesus Jesus please come to my rescue Jesus but we say it and we are lost we are suspicious whether he's going to answer so knows you need to have confidence when you invoke the name Jesus you need to have confidence my beloved name of Jesus represents the authority of God just like that fraud was the authority of God to Moses the name of Jesus to the Christians is the authority of God God gave you that authority in the name of Jesus you better use it because you can change a lot of things in your life a second school of thought when couples get married now please pay attention when couples get married in Australia I believe it is the let's say put a couple of names here let's say the guy's name is John Smith very popular name let's say the guy's name is John Smith and he's about to marry Rachel Jones that's a nice name Rachel Jones now Rachel Jones is broke she's got no money she's got no house she's got no car she's got absolutely nothing she's getting Centrelink payment and that's all she's getting she's absolutely broke now she is marrying mr. John Smith John Smith is a multimillionaire he's got everything when John marries Rachel John surname is Smith Rachel's surname is John's when he marries her they are now called mr. and mrs. Smith her name her original name got wiped out she's got now a new name she is hidden behind that new name that was given to her but when she got that new name she got all the wealth if she decides to go back to her original name Jones she'll be broke again when we receive Jesus Christ our names changed you want to stick to your old name you're broke you want to take up on on the new name the new name carries all the wealth from being broke to being the wealthiest from being a nothing you're becoming everything under the new name if you have the name of Jesus in your life then whatever the name of Jesus Christ has you have now here with me if you hide behind his name wherever Jesus has is yours but if you hide behind your name you've got nothing to offer which one do you wanna choose Jesus name or your name you want to do it his way we want to do it your way but one thing if you choose his name you have to deny your name and denying your name meaning you have to deny yourself you have to self a face for Jesus to appear because now you are named after him not after you you don't exist your existence is in him you want to be wealthy you want to be healthy you want to be on top of everything you want to be in control you wanna guarantee eternal life you better be hidden behind his name because his name gives you everything and you walk away from his name you've got nothing where were we before and the Picts field and the Picts field we ended up with the pigs in the midst and in the depth of filth Jesus Christ came cleansed us gave us a new identity and new dress and authority a ring new shoes new life everything he changed and he says my name I've given you now you are married to me isn't he though isn't he the groom to the bride the church is the Bride of Christ and he is the bridegroom so when the bride got married to the groom he she no longer carries her old name she carries the new name but the old name gave her nothing then your name gave her everything when you ask whatever you ask in my name my name has all the wealth do you focus on that when you pray do you believe in that do you trust in them another school of thought about the name imagine you got a court case and you cannot attend court and you have appointed a a legal representative to be their present on your behalf what you need to do for that legal representative to be they're present speaking in your name on your behalf you need to give them a power of attorney you need to give them a legal document for them to be able to stand and that court room and speak in your name on your behalf you give them authority to do so no their authority their authority you given him power to act on your behalf its power and the name of Jesus is power for you the power actually is hidden in the name of Jesus and the Lord said it and whatever you ask in my name that I will do there is power in my name you see when I'm going to court and I cannot stand there because I cannot make it on my own I need someone to represent me then if an earthly courtroom I can't make it how much more a heavenly courtroom imagine when I'm facing the Almighty God to be judged by him I need a legal representative to represent me there is no one that will come to my rescue except the ultimate QC the ultimate barrister the ultimate attorney of the ultimate lawyer and that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth when Jesus Christ of Nazareth I take that authority and I go to God the judge and I say in Jesus mighty name I am asking you for forgiveness I'm speaking now with power of God the power of attorney because when I received the name of Jesus I am speaking in his name on his behalf when I stand and talk in his name man I'll be heard and my other will come to my rescue but if I stand in my name and talk I'll be eaten alive before I even open my Jesus name there is power in that name and that power God gave it to you God gave you his only son John 3:16 and so God loved the whole world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life God gave you the power of attorney speak on behalf of my son in my son's name there is power there but I got to go I thought I got to God and I pray and I say Lord please I need your help I need this in Jesus mighty name please give me grant me my wish and my prayer is not answered yet I invoke the name Jesus and Jesus name I ask you for this and your beloved son's name please give me what I'm asking for but the prayer is not answered you know why it's not answered because verse 13 if you read it to the end you'll know why it's not answered and whatever you ask in my name that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son so when you pray to God the Father in Jesus name in his in his son's name and your prayer is not answered because looks like wherever you asked for was not going to glorify the father in the son let's say you're applying for a job and that job is paying you top bucks 150 grand a year and you went to to God and you pray to say God my heavily dad I'm asking you please I'm gonna apply for this job please please please please I beg you please give me the job I'm desperate it's 150 grand God please I need it in Jesus mighty name in your beloved son the only son you have my Lord my Savior Angie his name please give me the job I apply and I don't get it huh God you let me down I even asked you in your son's name and you let me down no God will come and say when I looked at your intention when I look deep down in your heart I could see that when you get 150 grand you're not gonna remember me I'm not gonna give it you see the Lord says there's a promise that I will do whatever you ask in my name I will do that's a promise but there is a condition to the promise so that the father may be glorified in the son so when you're asking are you asking and saying Lord give me the hundred and fifty I'm gonna help so many kids in Africa in your name you will get the job brother Lord when you give me more I'll give more I'll help more people I'm gonna remember every orphan I'm gonna remember every homeless I'm gonna remember every soul that is persecuted I'm gonna go and help the sick I'm gonna go on and clothe the naked I'm gonna feed the hungry and then watch if God is gonna help you or not see everything has to be for the glory of the heavenly dad and his son if there is no glory for this why would God give it he's actually not gonna be fair to give you something that is not gonna glorify him where is the fairness there's no fairness Marmara I made you a bishop what are you gonna do for me say I made you a doctor what are you gonna do for me I made you a lawyer what are you gonna do for me I made you a teacher what are you gonna do for me I made you an engineer what are you gonna do for me a professor a scientist what are you gonna do for me I made your scientists to go and deny my existence then you are an ignorant person I'll get you no way that's why when we are praying we need to focus on how we are praying and what our intentions are in the prayer believe me I've tried it you ask him for something that you are willing to do to glorify Him you got it brother actually he's not only gonna give you what you asked for he's gonna give you better I'll leave you with a true story I've said this you know a while back ago just a refresher Arnold Palmer maybe some of you were not around for his time Arnold Palmer is a was I believe he's moved on now he's passed away Arnold Palmer was an Australian born born in Australia but lived many many years till he departed in America he was one of the most famous golf player in the world he was a golfer Arnold Palmer it was very rich man very well-known very famous in golf one day the king of Saudi Arabia this is a true story they they opened a brand-new Golf Course in the middle of the desert now as you know this the Gulf region is all desert there's nothing it's just dry did you got to to Dubai you got to Qatar you go to Saudi Arabia it's just a desert so they made an oasis in the middle of this desert I don't know how many millions and millions of dollars well and the Saudis they're rich enough to build a golf course and turn a desert into an oasis so anyway the golf course was ready and there was gonna be a big opening ceremony for this brand-new golf course in the middle of the desert the king of Saudi Arabia invited all the celebrities to the opening of this new golf course and one of the celebrities was happens to be Arnold Palmer so they went for a game of golf wow this is amazing there is just dry land everywhere and look at this gorgeous lush green fairways and greens and bunkers and rivers and ponds and wow it's amazing anyway they were having dinner after the ceremony is finished and the they played a game of golf and they now evening came and they were having a dinner and the king of Saudi Arabia was with them so he is mingling in the midst of all these celebrities and all these great golf players and he comes to Arnold Palmer and he chats to him hi how are you hey Gold Habibi you know and then he says are not ask of me something I want to give you something this is Arnold himself talking he was saying in himself he said when the king of Saudi Arabia asked me for something from him and he is willing to do it for me he said he put me on the spot without any prior notice he said I was so embarrassed I started shaking from his side I said what am I going to ask the King for I'm too embarrassed to ask him two things he said when he insisted he said please ask me forever he want I'll do it he said what am I going to ask a king for he said okay that moment came to mind he said okay okay can you give me a club he said done now Arnold Palmer goes back to America and he's waiting for the king of Saudi Arabia to give him a club so one week went by he checked his mailbox there is nothing two weeks checks his mailbox there is nothing three weeks four weeks he said you know what come on I'll look what he is what do you what are you thinking brother look these are King do you think he's gonna remember you now he said it at the time and he's forgotten about it King is gonna think I'm gonna send him a club no way forget it anyway one day he came totally had forgotten about the king of Saudi Arabia he checks his mailbox to his shocking surprise sees this big envelope takes it out big red writing for a confidential on it and the address the king of Saudi Arabia oh so he inside the house you know he can't wait to open it up he rips it up he pulls out that paper that was inside that envelope to his shocking surprise the king of Saudi Arabia gave him a 500-acre Club not a stick as a club you see if you're not familiar with golf golf for that stick that they play with is also called the club and the club house all those acres where they make a golf course Arab is also called a club when Arnold asked the King for a club he was meaning the stick but the King thought of it his way and Arnold thought of it his way so for Arnold level he wanted a stick as a club but the King thinks as a king and gives as a king he said I interpret the word club as 500-acre club house not a stick if an earthly king thinks much greater than us how much more our heavenly King asked whatever and my name and I will do but as long as my dad is glorified in me I'll do it you can ask me for a stick but I'll give you as a king can give you are limited I am infinite so when I give I give infinitely so you ask for things to glorify me I'll give you much more than what you're really asking for one last thing we all forget God never forgets never you probably have asked him something a long time ago and you forgot about it he never does he will give it to you at the appointed time he never forgets the Lord Jesus goes to the extreme where he says the strands of your hair are numbered please allow me to finish this there strands of your hair unnumbered you know what the Lord means here the strands of your hair are numbered meaning can you count how many hair strands you have in your hair can you yet you can reach your head and you can reach your hair but you cannot count how many you have the Lord says what you can see and what you can reach you have no authority over how much more what you cannot see how can you why are you worried about tomorrow have you lived tomorrow know what the things that you can see right now and you can reach and they are within your own grasp you don't have control over you don't have the capacity to to count the number of strands of your hair then why are you worried what's going to happen for you tomorrow I am the father of tomorrow and the day after and forever and ever more but you see the Lord says my beautiful girl when you brush your hair the strands of your hair are numbered meaning this is number one this is number two this is number ten million this is number nine hundred nine nine thousand this is number 200 this is number 300 this is number one you know 1 million they're all numbered each one has a number he says when you brush your hair my daughter I'm sure a few of them fall do you know which one fail do you know how many fail I do you see the things that you don't even pay attention to I do how much more are you more precious to me than the strands of the hair you're my children what's here nothing you're my children if I care about which number of your strand fell today do you think I don't care about you why are you worried put your hope and trust in me it's all cool brother it's all been taken care of and I'll always save this till the day the Lord calls me to him when you talk about Jesus always speak in past tense never futuristic never present past don't ever say Lord please come say Lord you already came thank you don't ever say Lord can you please give me Lord you've already given me thank you always speak past tense this is faith built on the rock and this is the kind of a prey that will make your heavenly dad listen trust in the Lord everything is done it's not going to be done it's all done the Epistle of st. Paul to the Ephesians chapter 2 it's all past tense he who has chosen us he who has appointed us he who has blessed us with all the blessings in heaven what do you mean st. Paul with all he says here with all now good luck for you to find out what does it mean all the blessings in heaven good luck it's gonna take you forever to figure out what does it mean all the blessings in heaven eternity is not going to be enough to explain how much God has blessed you but it's all past tense he who has blessed us he who has chosen us who has appointed us it's all past he's not going to come and do it he's already done it trust in the Lord guys when things don't go your way it's all good companion if this particular situation is not being fixed cool thank the Lord trust it pray about it and leave it in his capable hands don't force it don't force you marrying so-and-so and getting this and getting that no no I'm trying to marry this person so hard it's not working out maybe it's not meant to be maybe the law doesn't want me to go through it maybe the Lord's got someone else lined up yeah he's not the only Romeo there is plenty of Romeo's are they and she is not the last Juliet it's plenty of Juliet's brother don't push it do your best and leave the rest of the Lord I can see there is a lot of people that are hurt here I can see that and there's a lot of people wondering what am I going to do with my life I don't know where I'm at I'm not happy I want to do something about it but I don't know what it is but I need to do too many questions come in our heads and then we get tired before we even take one step forward don't think too much think smart something hard yeah don't work very hard work smartly think about things yes but don't worry about things leave the worrying for the Lord yes I'm gonna plan this yes but I'm praying for the Lord to bless this it works works doesn't cool it's all good but as long as we are close to the Lord Jesus I don't go and steal and say it Lord can you please deliver me and help me you know please can you help me so I can next time I can steal a Ferrari instead of very you know a Holden Commodore you know I want to be more elevated now in my prayers so I want to get more better cars now no I need to stick with the Lord and I need to ask for his guidance always and then leave it whatever comes after that it's all good and won't go with it don't dwell on it don't amen just very quickly to sum it up the first ask break the silence God will put heavy burdens on you to break your silence and then you're gonna start begging him from the heart you're gonna start praying from the heart number two to beg God always is not to go and being persistent and saying please answer me but you need to understand that God will answer you not at your present moment but in your futuristic moment because he wants you to go further higher up and more and more and more so what you're asking for it now is gonna give it tomorrow he's not gonna even now he wants you to go forward number three to question God and to question God the only way I am allowed to do that when I go to him empty and I say Lord I'm nothing I am empty I come as an empty vessel I'm begging you to fill me up your way and the only way for me to go empty I have to deny myself I'm coming to glorify your Lord I'm not coming in my name whatever I've done I've lived all my life in the church I'll have a rank above I've had this right for the last 34 years and all matters nothing I am and nothing Jesus even if I'm a bishop I am a nothing I'm coming to you as nothing because that's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth Jesus Bishop Marie is nothing fill him as you please that's the way it's gonna be that's the way it's gonna be number four putting demands on God you're not gonna bake him you're not gonna break him and you're not gonna impress him you threaten him he's not gonna move he will do what is good for you so you better not putting demands on God and stop stealing his mother and always when you pray you are the inferior and he is the superior always I'm coming with my head before your knee before your sandals I bow my head before your sandals Jesus Christ of Nazareth I'm not even worthy to put it there because the ground you stand on is holy I'm filthy but it's your grace and your mercy that allowed this filth to come into this holy place but I'm not worthy to look at in your face I'm gonna look at your feet have mercy on me lord have mercy Wow and his name is Authority his name is power his name is wealth I came broke I married the rich guy the only rich guy not the richest but the only rich guy his wealth never ends I had nothing he's got everything when I took his name on me and I became mrs. Smith mrs. Smith became rich overnight she was broke as mrs. Jones and Miss Jones she had nothing she used to walk to work now she drives a Lamborghini brother well isn't it wonderful like overnight you are wealthy you've got a mansion overlooking the harbor Darling Harbour I was living in fed up with me the city before what a difference what an elevation his name's got wealth his name has got richness his name's got authority his name's got power I can with the name of Jesus I can move mountains don't take that name for granted and that's why the Lord God gave one of the commandments the model he said do not use my name in vain meaning don't use my name lightly because my name has everything in it don't take it so lightly and you say oh Jesus please Jesus what's this do you think Jesus is a another another mate to you or someone working for you know when you say Jesus you say Lord when you say before you say the name Jesus you better bow there's power in this name there is holiness there is wealth in this name there is Authority in this name kneel before this name and then invoke it and Jesus alone is not good Lord Jesus my king my Savior I love you I adore you I worship you Jesus your holy name is more than enough but the rest of my life I'm gonna live in this name and I'm taking this name wherever I go Lord Jesus let's go I've got a birthday party I'm taking you with me Lord Jesus because I want you to bless every person that I'm gonna meet there I want you to change the hearts that are they Lord Jesus let's go I'm having the interview you will talk through this week instrument Lord Jesus are governed through an operation you are the doctor your hands will be before the hands of the earthly doctors you operate on me Lord that's the way it's gonna be live him don't just talk about him you better live this name he is oxygen bro and what a pure oxygen he is all organic brother nothing chemicals god bless you guys I love you so much let's dance for the finale pray in the name of the Father of the son of the Holy Spirit one God I mean Lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me sow love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is imparting that we are pardoned it is in dying that we born again to eternal life on me may the Lord Jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life and forevermore you you you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 1,764
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity, English, John 14:13-16
Id: fDMnKzDXF0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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